BayFerrox - Guide To Pigmenting Concrete 02
BayFerrox - Guide To Pigmenting Concrete 02
BayFerrox - Guide To Pigmenting Concrete 02
ISO Certification
Bayferrox from LANXESS has ISO
certification, which is your assurance that
all steps in the manufacturing of Bayferrox
have been detailed.
The ISO series of standards was developed pastel colors using gray cement. Gray cement
by the International Organization for works best with darker colors such as dark
Standardization (ISO) to satisfy the browns, blacks, grays, and many reds.
increasing demands of quality-conscious
customers. At LANXESS, we are extremely Whenever pastel shades are desired, a
proud that our meticulous detail in manu- manufacturer must use white cement. Light
facturing Bayferrox iron oxide pigments or bright shades of pink, tan, blue, green, and
has been recognized with ISO certification. yellow are possible with white cement. With
chrome oxide green or cobalt blue pigments,
Most Important Shades the color difference using white instead of
TRADE NAME GENERIC NAME SHADE gray cement is pronounced. When white
NUMBERS aggregates are used with white cement and
Bayferrox Black* Iron oxide black 300 pigments, even brighter shades are possible.
Bayferrox Red* Iron oxide red 100 Cement companies make many types of
Bayferrox Yellow* Iron oxide yellow 800 or 900
cement, and they vary in color from light
to dark shades of gray. And as is the case
600 or in comparing dry pigment powders, it is not
Bayferrox Brown Iron oxide brown 6000
possible to tell final color of concrete by
Chrome Oxide Green* Chrome oxide green GN or GX looking at the color of the cement powder.
*Available as powders and granules Therefore, to reduce the risk of color
inconsistency on the same project, use the
same cement supplier and cement type.
From these primary pigments, the most Whenever changing suppliers, or type of
commonly used colors in building materials cement, it is important to understand that
can be made. By changing the pigment final color will likely change.
shade, the amount of color added, or the
color of the cement and other raw materials,
an almost infinite variety of final colors is Influence of the cement color
possible, for example: on the color of the concrete
Red pigment Light pink to dark purple 4% 4% 4%
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
Yellow pigment Pale yellow to mustard White
Brown pigment From light buff to dark brown
Black pigment Pale gray to dark charcoal cement
Note: Because of variables in photography and printing, the actual color of the concrete products shown may
differ from the colors as they appear in the brochure. 2
Influence of the cement content
on the color of the concrete
When attempting to produce uniform color
shades of pigmented concrete, it is important
4% 4% 4%
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
to carefully monitor the amount of mixing
water added to the mix, and the moisture
content of the raw materials, particularly the
sand. Not only does a high water-cement
ratio have a detrimental effect on the strength
of the concrete, it also makes the product
appear a lighter color.
Brilliant, glossy shades, like those of paints
or plastics, cannot be attained in concrete
products because of the composition and Influence of the water-cement (w/c)
inherent nature of concrete. Further, the ratio on the color of the concrete
smooth surfaces of paints and plastics w/c 0.30 w/c 0.35 w/c 0.40
Aggregates Bayferrox 130
Not all pigments are alike. In their dry state,
Pigments in Detail like colors may appear to be identical, but
since pigment is never used without mixing
Available Pigment Forms it into something, like concrete, you should
For decades, pigment powder was the only never evaluate pigment by itself. Once pig-
form of pigment available. Worldwide, ment is mixed into the concrete and the prod-
powder is the most commonly used form uct is allowed to cure, significant color differ-
of pigment because it is available in a wide ences between two pigments that appeared
range of colors, and economic advantages similar in their dry state will be visible. This
make powder appealing. Powder, however, color difference demonstrates the tinting
is dusty and does not flow freely. When strength and the color of the two pigments.
trying to meter powder to the mixer auto-
matically, there are few systems available.
Pigment Loading Colorfastness
Colorfastness is the measurement of how
fade resistant a pigment is when exposed to
Influence of the pigment concentration on the elements over a period of time. Our parent
the color of the concrete
company has conducted extensive tests on
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330 pigments used in concrete applications.
Shown below is our own weathering station
at our headquarters where concrete roofing
tiles and other concrete products are evaluated
for their colorfastness. Years of experience
have proven that only outdoor weathering
6% tests provide reliable conclusions about the
weather stability of pigments in concrete.
8% Accelerated weathering tests, conducted with
laboratory equipment, do not provide
accurate durability data, especially regarding
carbon black and select organic pigments.
Bayferrox 330
Bayferrox 110
Bayferrox 820
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pigment concentration [%]
A: Unweathered B: Weathered
Organic Pigments
Organic pigments are an excellent choice
for automotive, industrial and architectural
paints, but most organic pigments do not
meet ASTM C979 for coloring concrete
products. They are incapable of withstand-
ing the highly alkaline environment of
cementitious products. In outdoor weather-
ing tests, concrete products colored with a
majority of organic pigments available fade
in only a few months.
greater color flexibility than only one shade;
The Production of not all dark browns are possible with a
Colored Concrete warm yellow-shade red, nor are light tans
or buffs always possible with a blue-shade
Products red. In the example below, Bayferrox Red
is combined with Bayferrox Black to
Metering Pigments achieve a mid-shade brown.
Once the form of pigment has been deter-
mined, the equipment to meter the pigment When using primary pigments at your
must be selected. This can be a daunting task factory, there is no need to premix them.
with the numerous choices available, but Pigment metering systems are capable of
LANXESS is here to help you. Although automatically choosing the right pigment(s),
we are not in the pigment metering measuring the exact quantity necessary, and
equipment business, we work closely with transferring the pigment to the concrete
the manufacturers of various systems. Our mixer where the blending takes place.
representatives are available to assist you in
selecting an approved system to meet your Combination of Bayferrox pigments
needs. Here are some of the more impor- 4% Bayferrox 110 4% Bayferrox 330 2% Bayferrox 110
tant issues to consider when selecting an 2% Bayferrox 330
is added and mixed until homogenous. When
making your own pigment dispersions, or
What Else
purchasing pre-manufactured pigment slur-
ries, a pre-wetting is recommended.
Affects Color?
Otherwise, problems may occur such as Slump
streaking or the creation of pigment spots. Water-cement ratio 0.56
6% 6% 6%
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
Pigment Effect on
Concrete Quality
ASTM C979 limits the amount of pigment
12 in. 14 in. 14 in.
added to concrete to 10%. Care must be used
when using weak pigments those with
lower tinting strength because color Efflorescence
saturation is not reached until much larger
Anything made from cement is susceptible
amounts of pigment are added. The amount
to efflorescence. It is important to note that
of these pigments required to produce a
our Bayferrox and Chrome Oxide Green
given shade can sometimes be so large that
pigments do not have any influence on the
the increase in the amount of fines added
creation of efflorescence, nor can they pre-
to the mix has a negative effect on the
technical properties of the concrete and
exceeds ASTM limitations. Weathering of efflorescence
for efflorescence to occur. The chemical
formula for this reaction is: Influence of the curing temperature
36F 95F
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 Unpigmented
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O
4% Bayferrox 820
Admixtures crete. This also results in fewer pores on
Admixtures are those ingredients in concrete the surface. The decrease in porosity low-
other than Portland cement, aggregates, and ers light scattering, which results in the
water, that are added to the mixture immedi- appearance of a darker color.
ately before or during mixing. Given this
definition, pigments are classified as admix- Accelerators are added to the concrete mix
tures. The most common admixtures are air in order to decrease setting time and
entraining agents, water reducing agents, increase high-early strength. The addition
accelerators, mineral admixtures (pozzolans), of accelerating admixtures usually results
and water repellants. Each type of admixture in a darker color because of the early set-
has a different effect on the color and ting of the concrete, and because of that,
appearance of the concrete product. the chance of the formation of efflores-
cence is somewhat lessened.
Air entraining admixtures are used to
improve freeze/thaw durability by creating Pozzolans are used to increase workability
microscopic air voids. These voids allow and to replace cement. In general, pozzolans
for expansion and contraction of the frozen are lighter and finer than Portland cement,
water, thereby reducing scaling. These air which may result in a lighter color of the
voids are present throughout the concrete. concrete. Certain pozzolans, however, can
On the surface of the concrete, this causes behave slightly as plasticizers. This plasti-
an increase in light scattering, which cizing effect could allow for a reduction in
results in the appearance of a lighter color. the amount of water that would result in a
darker color.
Water-reducing admixtures are used to
reduce the quantity of mixing water need-
Water repellants decrease the water perme-
ed in the concrete mix while maintaining a
ability of the concrete. In general, there is
high level of workability. The reduction of
no effect on the color of the concrete.
water increases the strength of the con-
Admixtures by Classification
Type of Admixture Material Desired Effect Effect on Color
Accelerator Calcium Chloride (ASTM D98) Accelerate setting & early Darker color
(ASTM C494, Type C) Triethanolamine strength development
Water Repellant Stearate of calcium, aluminum, Decrease permeability Possibly darkens color
ammonium, or butyl
Petroleum greases or oils
Soluble chlorides
The manner in which you use and the purpose to agree in writing, all products are sold strictly pur-
which you put and utilize our products, technical suant to the terms of our standard conditions of
assistance and information (whether verbal, writ- sale. All information and technical assistance is
ten or by way of production evaluations), including given without warranty or guarantee and is sub-
any suggested formulations and recommenda- ject to change without notice. It is expressly
tions are beyond our control. Therefore, it is understood and agreed that you assume and
imperative that you test our products, tech- hereby expressly release us from all liability, in tort,
nical assistance and information to deter- contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with
mine to your own satisfaction whether they are the use of our products, technical assistance, and LANXESS Corporation
suitable for your intended uses and applications. information. Any statement or recommendation 111 RIDC Park West Drive
This application-specific analysis must at least not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not
Pittsburgh, PA 15275
include testing to determine suitability from a bind us. Nothing herein shall be construed as a
1-800-LANXESS (526-9377)
technical as well as health, safety, and environ- recommendation to use any product in conflict
mental standpoint. Such testing has not neces- with patents covering any material or its use. No
sarily been done by us. Unless we otherwise license is implied or in fact granted under the
claims of any patent.
Printed on recycled paper Copyright 2004 LANXESS Corporation 04961 10/04 BFRX (10M)