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BayFerrox - Guide To Pigmenting Concrete 02

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Your Guide to Using Bayferrox Pigments

to Color Concrete Products

LANXESS Corporation was formed when and using Bayferrox pigments in concrete
the Bayer Group combined most of its chem- products. It summarizes the experiences, lab-
icals businesses with large segments of its oratory tests, and in-plant trials that
polymers activities. The company began LANXESS Corporation and our parent
doing business as a new legal entity in the company, LANXESS Deutschland Gmbh,
United States on July 1, 2004. LANXESS located in Germany, have accumulated
will continue manufacturing Bayferrox iron worldwide over the past several decades.
oxide pigments, which is a registered trade-
mark of Bayer AG, Germany. Raw Materials That
The use of color in concrete building Affect Color in Colored
materials is increasing in popularity.
Today, it is an important design Concrete Products
tool for architects, builders, engineers and
homeowners to express their style and Pigment
individuality. Color is commonly used in Your choice in pigment is the first, most
products such as concrete roofing tiles, important decision you make in producing
pavers, block, precast products, and quality colored concrete products. Years
segmental retaining wall units. These colored of tests on colored products exposed to
building materials are in high demand and different climate conditions all over the
are also more profitable to manufacturers world have shown that our Bayferrox syn-
than their uncolored counterparts. thetic iron oxide pigments have superior
performance properties in cementitious
As a result, manufacturers of concrete products.
building materials are faced with the
challenges of selecting and using pigments Demands Made on Pigments
correctly in their production facility. At Pigments for concrete products are required
LANXESS Corporation, we understand by ASTM C979 to withstand aggressive
these challenges and are here to assist you. influences of strong, alkaline cement paste.
That is why we have produced this detailed They must also be lightfast, weather-
brochure. It is your guide to understanding stable, and insoluble in water. During
processing, the pigment must become
firmly integrated into the concrete matrix.
Inorganic pigments, especially iron oxides,
do this particularly well. ASTM limits the
amount of pigment added to concrete to 10
percent by weight of the amount of cemen-
titious materials in the mix. All Bayferrox
pigments meet ASTM C979 requirements.

ISO Certification
Bayferrox from LANXESS has ISO
certification, which is your assurance that
all steps in the manufacturing of Bayferrox
have been detailed.

The Bayferrox manufacturing unit in

New Martinsville, West Virginia.

The ISO series of standards was developed pastel colors using gray cement. Gray cement
by the International Organization for works best with darker colors such as dark
Standardization (ISO) to satisfy the browns, blacks, grays, and many reds.
increasing demands of quality-conscious
customers. At LANXESS, we are extremely Whenever pastel shades are desired, a
proud that our meticulous detail in manu- manufacturer must use white cement. Light
facturing Bayferrox iron oxide pigments or bright shades of pink, tan, blue, green, and
has been recognized with ISO certification. yellow are possible with white cement. With
chrome oxide green or cobalt blue pigments,
Most Important Shades the color difference using white instead of
TRADE NAME GENERIC NAME SHADE gray cement is pronounced. When white
NUMBERS aggregates are used with white cement and
Bayferrox Black* Iron oxide black 300 pigments, even brighter shades are possible.
Bayferrox Red* Iron oxide red 100 Cement companies make many types of
Bayferrox Yellow* Iron oxide yellow 800 or 900
cement, and they vary in color from light
to dark shades of gray. And as is the case
600 or in comparing dry pigment powders, it is not
Bayferrox Brown Iron oxide brown 6000
possible to tell final color of concrete by
Chrome Oxide Green* Chrome oxide green GN or GX looking at the color of the cement powder.
*Available as powders and granules Therefore, to reduce the risk of color
inconsistency on the same project, use the
same cement supplier and cement type.
From these primary pigments, the most Whenever changing suppliers, or type of
commonly used colors in building materials cement, it is important to understand that
can be made. By changing the pigment final color will likely change.
shade, the amount of color added, or the
color of the cement and other raw materials,
an almost infinite variety of final colors is Influence of the cement color
possible, for example: on the color of the concrete
Red pigment Light pink to dark purple 4% 4% 4%
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
Yellow pigment Pale yellow to mustard White
Brown pigment From light buff to dark brown
Black pigment Pale gray to dark charcoal cement

Green shades can also be produced.

Cement In coloring concrete, the pigment particles

All concrete products contain cement, and are insoluble and 10 times finer than cement.
the color of the cement affects the final color Since cement is the glue that holds the
of the product tremendously. The cement concrete product together, it also holds the
acts as a binder between the sand, aggre- pigment in place. And since the amount
gates, and pigment in the concrete, holding of pigment added to a concrete mix is
everything together. It is the cement, and the determined (in percentages) by the total
paste that is created when water is added, weight of the cementitious materials, as the
that incorporates and binds the pigment amount of cement changes so does the
particles in the product and prevents them amount of pigment and the final color of a
from being washed away. concrete product. If the amount of pigment
in pounds added were constant, but the
The most common color of cement is gray. amount of cement varied, the one with
And since the color gray detracts from the higher cement content will have a less
brilliance of any color whenever it is used, saturated color.
it is impossible to obtain many bright or

Note: Because of variables in photography and printing, the actual color of the concrete products shown may
differ from the colors as they appear in the brochure. 2
Influence of the cement content
on the color of the concrete
When attempting to produce uniform color
shades of pigmented concrete, it is important
4% 4% 4%
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
to carefully monitor the amount of mixing
water added to the mix, and the moisture
content of the raw materials, particularly the
sand. Not only does a high water-cement
ratio have a detrimental effect on the strength
of the concrete, it also makes the product
appear a lighter color.
Brilliant, glossy shades, like those of paints
or plastics, cannot be attained in concrete
products because of the composition and Influence of the water-cement (w/c)
inherent nature of concrete. Further, the ratio on the color of the concrete
smooth surfaces of paints and plastics w/c 0.30 w/c 0.35 w/c 0.40

reflect light differently than concrete,

contributing to their brighter appearance. pigmented

Aggregates Bayferrox 130

In addition to cement, all concrete products 4%

Bayferrox 130
contain sand and aggregates, and their color
has an effect on the final color of a product
since they represent the biggest part of the
concrete mix. These aggregates will even- Why is this true? Think about a freshly
tually be exposed after extensive weathering. poured glass of beer. The top of that glass
is white foam, while the rest of the glass
Concrete products can be washed or is filled with beer that is a golden, amber
ground during manufacturing to remove color. Thats because the foam consists
the colored cement paste, exposing the of many tiny air bubbles that scatter light
aggregate color immediately. In either making it a very light, bright color.
instance, just as with cement color, the Similarly, in a concrete product, excess
natural color of the aggregates has a more mixing water evaporates to the surface
marked effect on concrete thats been colored and leaves behind many fine pores or
with a low dosage of pigment than on cavities like foam in beer that make
higher pigment concentrations. the concrete appear lighter in color.
Therefore, the higher the water-cement
Influence of the color of the aggregates on ratio, the lighter the concrete appears.
the color of the concrete And this lighter color is true whether or
4% 4% 4%
not the concrete has been pigmented.
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
Pale Consequently, all producers of concrete
products must carefully monitor the
amount of mixing water and the moisture
content of the aggregates to ensure a
consistent color in their products.
The extent to which color is affected by
sand and aggregate depends on the mix
design. If the cement to aggregate ratio is
1:10 or higher, more of these particles will
be exposed on the surface of the concrete
and not coated by the colored cement paste.
Consequently, in these formulas, the color
of these raw materials and any variation
to them will show up more.

Not all pigments are alike. In their dry state,
Pigments in Detail like colors may appear to be identical, but
since pigment is never used without mixing
Available Pigment Forms it into something, like concrete, you should
For decades, pigment powder was the only never evaluate pigment by itself. Once pig-
form of pigment available. Worldwide, ment is mixed into the concrete and the prod-
powder is the most commonly used form uct is allowed to cure, significant color differ-
of pigment because it is available in a wide ences between two pigments that appeared
range of colors, and economic advantages similar in their dry state will be visible. This
make powder appealing. Powder, however, color difference demonstrates the tinting
is dusty and does not flow freely. When strength and the color of the two pigments.
trying to meter powder to the mixer auto-
matically, there are few systems available.

Today, the concrete product manufacturers

have other choices. Pigment can also be
purchased as a pre-manufactured slurry.
When slurries were first introduced, they
provided the manufacturer with a free-
flowing, non-dusting product that could be For example, in the picture above, the two
metered automatically. However, freight red powders look nearly identical. On the
(shipping water is expensive), availability, left is clay brick dust and on the right is a
cost of coloration, settling, freezing and standard Bayferrox red pigment. But once
evaporation problems limit their use. these pigments are mixed in concrete
at 6% pigment loading, the resulting
The latest pigment form makes it possible color difference is significant.
to meter the pigment pneumatically and
very accurately to the mixer in its dry state. Comparison between a pigment
At first there were granules made in a spray with low tinting strength and
dryer: many particles of powder combined a pigment with high tinting strength
into pigment spheres. Then in 1997, Pigment A Pigment B
our parent company introduced a patented
second generation of these pigments, called 3%
Bayferrox C. The C is for compacted
or many particles of standard Bayferrox
powders pressed together. Bayferrox C is
a free-flowing, low-dusting, and irregularly
shaped granule, that is suitable for cemen-
titious applications.

There is not an easy answer to the question,

What type of pigment is best for me? In the next example, comparing Pigment A
There are advantages and disadvantages to to Pigment B at 3% pigment loading, three
each. Talk to your Bayferrox representative different pavers were made. Notice the two
about the form that best suits your current pavers using Pigment A, one at 3% loading
and the other at 10%. Now compare those
and future needs.
pavers to the one made with 3% Pigment B.
Tinting Strength At 3% loading of both pigments, the colors
Whenever pigment is used in concrete, it look totally different. But when 10% of
must be added by weight. That weight is Pigment A is used, it looks similar in color
determined as a percentage of the weight using only 3% of Pigment B. Therefore,
of the cementitious materials in the mix, Pigment B is significantly higher (3x) in
typically 3 or 4%. Throughout this brochure, tinting strength than A. Although A may be
you will notice various percentages of less expensive to buy per pound, it may not
pigment used. be the most economical pigment to use.

Pigment Loading Colorfastness
Colorfastness is the measurement of how
fade resistant a pigment is when exposed to
Influence of the pigment concentration on the elements over a period of time. Our parent
the color of the concrete
company has conducted extensive tests on
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330 pigments used in concrete applications.
Shown below is our own weathering station
at our headquarters where concrete roofing
tiles and other concrete products are evaluated
for their colorfastness. Years of experience
have proven that only outdoor weathering
6% tests provide reliable conclusions about the
weather stability of pigments in concrete.
8% Accelerated weathering tests, conducted with
laboratory equipment, do not provide
accurate durability data, especially regarding
carbon black and select organic pigments.

Bayferrox 330
Bayferrox 110
Bayferrox 820

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pigment concentration [%]

The chart above demonstrates that as more

color is added to concrete, the color changes.
On the graph, the color intensity was plotted
in terms of reflectance readings as a function
of pigment addition. The photos demonstrate
actual color change, and you can see that
change is significant from 2% up to 6%
when using pure synthetic iron oxide When pure synthetic or natural iron oxide
pigments. Within the 5 to 6% range, pigments are used to color concrete products,
Bayferrox pigments reach their optimum the pigments dont fade. Rather, as the
saturation level. concrete product is exposed to the elements,
the surface of the product erodes. This
As more Bayferrox is added, there is little natural erosion changes the surface of the
difference in the pavers colored from the 6 product: cement and pigment particles are
to 8% loadings. This is demonstrated in both gradually removed, more aggregate particles
the sample paver colors, and on the graph are exposed, dirt gets ground into the surface,
showing the leveling of the reflectance etc. All these actions have a deleterious
curve. Therefore, not only is it unnecessary effect on the color of the product, but the
to add this much material, it also becomes pigment has not faded.
uneconomical. It is important to know the
optimum pigment loading to achieve the
desired color so that only the exact amount
of pigment necessary is added to the mix.

5 Exposed and unexposed sample panels

The sample wall panel of concrete brick Pigment Quantity
on the previous page shows that color Affects Color Durability
change after 25 years of exposure is very
Remember that cement is the glue that
little compared to the unexposed samples
holds the concrete product together, that it
in front of them, apart from a slight soiling
holds the insoluble pigment particles in
of the surface. As discussed earlier, this is
place, and that the amount of pigment added
not color fading. Rather, the surface has
to a concrete mix is determined by weight
eroded slightly and the cement matrix (and
as a percentage of the weight of the cement.
pigment particles) have been removed.
As pigment addition increases or decreases,
the amount of pigment particles changes
Carbon Black proportionally.
In addition to our own tests, Germanys
Federal Institute for Material Research and On the surface of concrete, there is a layer
Testing (BAM) conducted tests of concrete consisting of the aggregate fines, cement
samples colored with carbon black, paste, and pigment particles being held in
Bayferrox iron oxide black pigments, and place. The thickness of this layer depends
various blends using Bayferrox red (Test on the mix design, method of compaction,
Report No. 2.1/21219/5). The results of these etc. As this layer is exposed to weather and
tests show that samples pigmented with its effects, the fine particles of the cement
carbon black fade significantly on exposure matrix are gradually worn away, taking away
to weathering, while only a very slight the pigment, while the aggregate particles
change in shade is observed in those samples in the surface become exposed, resulting in
pigmented with Bayferrox black. In prod- the aggregate color contributing more to
ucts colored with a blend of Bayferrox pig- the overall color of the product.
ments versus those that used carbon black
in the blend, those with carbon black Consequently, at low pigment loadings, there
turned red after exposure while those that are fewer pigment particles for the cement
used the blend of the Bayferrox pigments to hold into place. Therefore, a color change
retained their orginal dark brown color. Not over time is more visible at low loadings
only does this prove that carbon black than at a higher pigment loading where
fades, but that red iron oxide pigments you would have more pigment particles
used in the brown blend are colorfast. being held into place.

Weather stability of black pigments:

concrete pavers after 24 months
in a marine climate
Bayferrox 320 + Carbon Black +
Bayferrox 318 Carbon Black Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 110

A: Unweathered B: Weathered

Organic Pigments
Organic pigments are an excellent choice
for automotive, industrial and architectural
paints, but most organic pigments do not
meet ASTM C979 for coloring concrete
products. They are incapable of withstand-
ing the highly alkaline environment of
cementitious products. In outdoor weather-
ing tests, concrete products colored with a
majority of organic pigments available fade
in only a few months.

greater color flexibility than only one shade;
The Production of not all dark browns are possible with a
Colored Concrete warm yellow-shade red, nor are light tans
or buffs always possible with a blue-shade
Products red. In the example below, Bayferrox Red
is combined with Bayferrox Black to
Metering Pigments achieve a mid-shade brown.
Once the form of pigment has been deter-
mined, the equipment to meter the pigment When using primary pigments at your
must be selected. This can be a daunting task factory, there is no need to premix them.
with the numerous choices available, but Pigment metering systems are capable of
LANXESS is here to help you. Although automatically choosing the right pigment(s),
we are not in the pigment metering measuring the exact quantity necessary, and
equipment business, we work closely with transferring the pigment to the concrete
the manufacturers of various systems. Our mixer where the blending takes place.
representatives are available to assist you in
selecting an approved system to meet your Combination of Bayferrox pigments
needs. Here are some of the more impor- 4% Bayferrox 110 4% Bayferrox 330 2% Bayferrox 110
tant issues to consider when selecting an 2% Bayferrox 330

automatic pigment metering system:

Cost of equipment
Metering accuracy
Space requirements
Number of formulas
Batch cycle time
In addition to offering the basic red, yellow
Number of mixers
and black colors, LANXESS offers custom
blends, and a wide range of standard brown
Measuring Pigments shades, by premixing various primary pow-
Dry pigment powders and Bayferrox C must der pigments together.
be measured by weight. In most practical
cases, an accuracy of +/- 5% per color is Mixing Pigment in the Concrete
sufficient to avoid noticeable color fluctua- Once you have selected the pigment form
tions. Under no circumstances should dry and the appropriate metering system to
pigment be added by volume. First of all, meet your current and future needs, we
pigments have a different volume to weight recommend the sequence below for adding
ratio. Also, the bulk density of a particular color to the mixer.
grade may vary from shipment to shipment
because of different compactions on the
pallet, or storage conditions. Therefore, using
a coffee can for weighing pigment by
volume may result in batch to batch color 1. Add sand and aggregates
2. Add Bayferrox powder or C grade pigment(s)
inconsistencies. Pigment slurries can be
3. Mix for 30 seconds, minimum
measured either by weight or volume.
4. Add cement
5. Add remainder of mixing water
Bayferrox pigments are manufactured in
6. Mix until homogeneous
three basic colors: red, yellow and black.
Though various shades of these primary
colors are available, selecting one standard Since pigment powder is such a small
black and yellow shade, plus two reds one particle-sized material, care must be taken
yellowish and the other bluish will provide to ensure complete dispersion in the mix.
an extensive color range. The most frequently As a general rule, a premixing of pigment
recommended primary colors are Bayferrox powders or Bayferrox C, sand, and aggre-
Black 330, Reds 110 (yellow-shade red) and gates is most advantageous. The coarser
130 (blue-shade red), and Yellow 820 or 920. aggregates act as dispersion aids and help
Incorporating two shades of red provides to distribute the pigment particles evenly.
Then the specified amount of mixing water

is added and mixed until homogenous. When
making your own pigment dispersions, or
What Else
purchasing pre-manufactured pigment slur-
ries, a pre-wetting is recommended.
Affects Color?
Otherwise, problems may occur such as Slump
streaking or the creation of pigment spots. Water-cement ratio 0.56

If lightweight aggregates are used, it is No 3% 3% 3%

pigment Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
necessary to prewet the aggregates. This
procedure permits the water to fill the
pores of the aggregates. The mixing then
may be completed as suggested above. 15 in. 14 in. 15 in. 15 in.

6% 6% 6%
Bayferrox 820 Bayferrox 110 Bayferrox 330
Pigment Effect on
Concrete Quality
ASTM C979 limits the amount of pigment
12 in. 14 in. 14 in.
added to concrete to 10%. Care must be used
when using weak pigments those with
lower tinting strength because color Efflorescence
saturation is not reached until much larger
Anything made from cement is susceptible
amounts of pigment are added. The amount
to efflorescence. It is important to note that
of these pigments required to produce a
our Bayferrox and Chrome Oxide Green
given shade can sometimes be so large that
pigments do not have any influence on the
the increase in the amount of fines added
creation of efflorescence, nor can they pre-
to the mix has a negative effect on the
technical properties of the concrete and
exceeds ASTM limitations. Weathering of efflorescence

Blaine is a relative measure of the specific

surface area of cement, but pigments do
Weathered for
not follow this measure since their fineness 1 year
differs depending on the type of pigment.
As a general rule, however, most Bayferrox
pigment powder would be approximately
10 to 20 times finer than cement. But with Weathered
the Bayferrox pigment grades most com- for 14 days

monly used in concrete, these pigments

have a nominal effect on the processing
properties of concrete considering the par-
ticle size of the pigment, particle shape vent it from happening. To some degree,
and chemical composition. efflorescence always occurs. But when it
appears on products that are colored, it seems
Yellow pigments have a needle-shape more visible and customers complain more.
structure while red pigment is spherical and
black pigment is cubical. As such, yellow Primary efflorescence is the result of free
pigments have a higher water demand. lime in the cement being dissolved in the
This effect is noticeable only with pigment mixing water and working its way, as
loadings above 5%. If more than 5% yel- hydrated lime, to the surface of the concrete
low pigment is added, this will lead to a where it reacts with carbon dioxide in the
reduction in the effective water-cement air to form insoluble calcium carbonate.
ratio and changes in the consistency of the Secondary efflorescence is the same
concrete. If you compare the addition of phenomenon, but it occurs after the concrete
yellow pigment to unpigmented concrete, has cured when rainwater or dew brings
it may be necessary to increase the amount hydrated lime or calcium hydroxide to the
of mixing water in order to obtain the same surface. Therefore, porosity of concrete plays
consistency, or workability, at higher an important role in efflorescence. The less
pigment loadings. porous the concrete is, the lower the tendency

for efflorescence to occur. The chemical
formula for this reaction is: Influence of the curing temperature
36F 95F
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 Unpigmented
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O
4% Bayferrox 820

How does it go away? In a subsequent 4% Bayferrox 130

reaction, the hard insoluble calcium carbonate
4% Bayferrox 663
on the surface of the concrete reacts with
carbon dioxide from the air thats been 4% Bayferrox 330
dissolved in water, to form calcium bicar-
bonate, which in turn, is soluble in water.
This reaction can take from 15 to 24 months. extremely light gray concrete. When pig-
Therefore, weather plays an active role in ment is added to autoclaved products,
the creation and removal of efflorescence. especially black or dark brown shades, these
Also, since rain is necessary for removing higher temperatures may also affect the
efflorescence, this process will take much pigment itself. Thats because black iron
longer in arid climates. oxide pigment starts to oxidize to brown
pigment at 180C (356F) and eventually to
More detailed information on this phenom- red as the temperature increases. Therefore,
enon is available from LANXESS. if the concrete is autoclaved at 200C (392F),
a color change from black to reddish brown
Curing shade is likely. Also, if dark brown pigment
Since curing temperature affects the color is used (a combination of black and red
of unpigmented concrete, it will also influence pigments), a color change is likely for the
the color of concrete thats been pigmented. same reason. LANXESS Corporation
This is due to changes curing imparts on offers special temperature-stable pigments-
the size and shape of the cement crystals. Bayferrox 645T brown and Bayferrox
303T black-which are capable of with-
Hardened cement paste, or stone, which is standing these higher temperatures. The use
formed from the reaction between the mixing of any standard red or yellow iron oxide pig-
water and the cement, produces calcium ment is unaffected by normal autoclaving.
silicate crystals of various sizes depending
on the curing temperature of the concrete. It
is the size and irregular shape of these crystals
that affects the way light is scattered.
Consequently, this changes the appearance
of the colored concrete product. As the curing
temperature increases, the crystal structure
of the concrete becomes more irregular. This
results in more porous concrete, which
increases light scattering, and the lighter
appearance of the concrete. This color dif-
ference is most apparent when concrete is
cured at elevated temperatures compared
to concrete cured at ambient temperatures.

Whenever autoclaves are used, the color

difference (compared to normal room tem-
peratures) is even more pronounced. First
of all, even in unpigmented concrete, the
cement crystals are affected, resulting in

Admixtures crete. This also results in fewer pores on
Admixtures are those ingredients in concrete the surface. The decrease in porosity low-
other than Portland cement, aggregates, and ers light scattering, which results in the
water, that are added to the mixture immedi- appearance of a darker color.
ately before or during mixing. Given this
definition, pigments are classified as admix- Accelerators are added to the concrete mix
tures. The most common admixtures are air in order to decrease setting time and
entraining agents, water reducing agents, increase high-early strength. The addition
accelerators, mineral admixtures (pozzolans), of accelerating admixtures usually results
and water repellants. Each type of admixture in a darker color because of the early set-
has a different effect on the color and ting of the concrete, and because of that,
appearance of the concrete product. the chance of the formation of efflores-
cence is somewhat lessened.
Air entraining admixtures are used to
improve freeze/thaw durability by creating Pozzolans are used to increase workability
microscopic air voids. These voids allow and to replace cement. In general, pozzolans
for expansion and contraction of the frozen are lighter and finer than Portland cement,
water, thereby reducing scaling. These air which may result in a lighter color of the
voids are present throughout the concrete. concrete. Certain pozzolans, however, can
On the surface of the concrete, this causes behave slightly as plasticizers. This plasti-
an increase in light scattering, which cizing effect could allow for a reduction in
results in the appearance of a lighter color. the amount of water that would result in a
darker color.
Water-reducing admixtures are used to
reduce the quantity of mixing water need-
Water repellants decrease the water perme-
ed in the concrete mix while maintaining a
ability of the concrete. In general, there is
high level of workability. The reduction of
no effect on the color of the concrete.
water increases the strength of the con-

Admixtures by Classification
Type of Admixture Material Desired Effect Effect on Color

Air Entraining Salts of wood resins Improved durability Normally makes

(ASTM C260) Some synthetic detergents color lighter
Salts of sulfonated lignin
Salts of petroleum acids
Salts of proteinacious material
Fatty and resinous acids and their salts
Alkydbenzene sulfonates

Plasticizer Lignosulfonates Reduce water required Initially darker;

(ASTM C494, Type A) Hydroxylated carboxylic acids for given consistency reduced color effect
(also tend to retard set, so accelerator is added) in later stages

Accelerator Calcium Chloride (ASTM D98) Accelerate setting & early Darker color
(ASTM C494, Type C) Triethanolamine strength development

Pozzolan Natural Pozzolans (Class N) Reduce costs; Typically lightens but

(ASTM C618) Fly Ash (Class F and G) improved workability may darken due to
Other materials (Class S) and plasticity. plasticizing effect;
inherent color affects
final color also.

Water Repellant Stearate of calcium, aluminum, Decrease permeability Possibly darkens color
ammonium, or butyl
Petroleum greases or oils
Soluble chlorides

The manner in which you use and the purpose to agree in writing, all products are sold strictly pur-
which you put and utilize our products, technical suant to the terms of our standard conditions of
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imperative that you test our products, tech- hereby expressly release us from all liability, in tort,
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1-800-LANXESS (526-9377)
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mental standpoint. Such testing has not neces- with patents covering any material or its use. No
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Health and Safety Information

Appropriate literature has been assembled which use, and handling. This cannot be overempha-
provides information concerning the health and sized. Information is available in several forms,
safety precautions that must be observed when e.g., material safety data sheets and product
handling the LANXESS products mentioned in this labels. Consult your LANXESS Corporation repre-
publication. Before working with any of these sentative or contact LANXESS's Product Safety
products, you must read and become familiar with and Regulatory Affairs Dept., Pittsburgh, PA.
the available information on their hazards, proper

Note: The information contained in this bulletin is current as of November, 2004.

Please contact LANXESS to determine if this publication has been revised.

Printed on recycled paper Copyright 2004 LANXESS Corporation 04961 10/04 BFRX (10M)

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