Radiology Homework 1 2
Radiology Homework 1 2
Radiology Homework 1 2
border Considerations
Thorax Right to left lateral Cranial point of the The first lumbar At the caudal border of Must be taken at
Lateral recumbency with the head in thoracic inlet vertebral body the scapula between maximum inspiration
natural position. Pull the 5th and 6th ribs and pull forelimbs as
forelimbs as cranially as (strongest heartbeat) far cranially as possible
possible and pull hind limbs to prevent overlap in
caudally the lung field. Make
sure sternum is parallel
to the table at the level
of the vertebrae. This is
the best lung view.
Thorax Dorsal recumbency in a V- The first lumbar The first lumbar Midline at the caudal Take immediately at
V/D trough and pull head gently vertebral body vertebral body margin of the scapula full inspiration and
forward. Extend forelimbs between the 5th and 6th keep a straight line
cranially with nose between ribs from the nose to the
them. caudal midline. Dont
use this position if the
animal is in respiratory
Thorax Ventral recumbency in a V- Cranial point of the The first lumbar Midline at the caudal Take immediately at
D/V trough. Pull head forward thoracic inlet vertebral body margin of the scapula full inspiration and
and place sandbag overtop. between the 5th and 6th make sure the rib cage
Extend forelimbs cranially ribs, directly over the appears equidistant.
heart This is the best view of
the heart in its natural
Abdomen Right lateral recumbency. Caudal aspect of T7 Greater trochanter to Canine: Over caudal Best separation of
Lateral Extend forelimbs cranially (fill diaphragm and include the aspect of the 13th rib at kidneys and view of
and hind limbs caudally. heart apex) coxofemoral joints level of L2-L3 spleen. Take
Elevate the sternum so it is immediately at the end
in the same plane at thoracic Feline: two to three phase of expiration.
vertebrae. fingerbreadths caudal Focal radiographs can
to 13th rib use gentle pressure with
a spoon or paddle to
isolate organs. Make
sure to include part of
the pelvis and
Abdomen Dorsal recumbency possibly T9 vertebrae Greater trochanter Canine: caudal aspect Expose immediately at
V/D using a trough. Gently pull (diaphragm) caudally and include of 13th rib at level of the end phase of
head forward and extend cranially coxofemoral joints umbilicus (L3) expiration. Make sure
forelimb forward. to include part of the
Feline: two to three pelvis and diaphragm.
fingerbreadths caudal
to 13th rib
Stifles Lateral recumbency with Proximal third of the Distal third of the Palpate and center Only extend the
Lateral the affected leg down. tibia femur on the indentation unaffected limb enough
Flex the unaffected limb of the stifle joint to be out of the field of
and pull laterally. Extend (intercondylar fossa view. Place sponge pad
the affected limb keeping of the femur) under affected tarsus so
the stifle in a natural tibia is parallel to the
position and secure with image receptor. There
sandbag. should be
superimposition of the
femoral condyles.
Femur Lateral recumbency with Coxofemoral joint Stifle Mid-shaft of the If its a thick muscled dog
Mediolateral affected leg down. Flex femur there may be two views
the unaffected limb and needed. Make sure
pull laterally. Extend the femoral head is pointing
affected limb on the table toward the cathode and
and secure with a abduct the affected limb
sandbag. to eliminate
View Position Cranial border Caudal border Beam Center Special
Tarsus Lateral recumbency with Proximal third of Distal third of the At the tarsus joint Label cranial to the joint
Lateral affected limb down. metatarsus tibia and fibula or bone and use gauze or
Abduct the unaffected tape to extend the foot as
limb and pull dorsally and far as possible.
secure with tape. Pull
affected limb away from
the body or keep in
natural position and
secure to the table.
Tarsus Sternal recumbency in a Proximal third of Distal third of tibia Tarsal joint If placing a foam pad
Plantarodorsal V-trough or secure with a metatarsus and fibula under the unaffected
sandbag. Let the limb, the raised limb will
unaffected limb lie flexed assist in keeping the
and extend the affected calcaneus more centered
foot and secure to the and the body is slightly
table. rotated.
Tarsus Dorsal recumbency in a Proximal third of Distal third of tibia Tarsal joint Foam wedge may be
Dorsoplantar V-trough with affected leg metatarsus and fibula needed to keep the leg
extended. from rotating and use
gauze or tape to extend
the leg fully.
Brown, M., Brown, L. C., & Lavin, L. M. (2014). Lavin's radiography for veterinary technicians. (5th ed.). St.
Louis, MO: Elsevier.