Ncset Vit Chennai May 2-3 2017
Ncset Vit Chennai May 2-3 2017
Ncset Vit Chennai May 2-3 2017
Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor Sensor networks for smart systems
Dr. A. Brintha Therese Prof. B. Sri Revathi Signal processing for brain computer interface
CONFERENCE CO-CHAIR Dr. T. Christo Michael Prof. M. Ramesh Kannan Optical systems and holography
Mr. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice President Dr. S. Asha Dr. J. Priyadarshini System architecture for embedded devices/systems
Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, Asst. Vice President Dr. D. Saravanakumar Dr. Rupam Singh Nanoscience and nanotechnology applications
Dr. V. Prabhakar Dr. R. Navamathavan
Reaction engineering and advanced catalysis
CONFERENCE ADDITIONAL CHAIR Dr. R. Saravanakumar Prof. B. Jaganathan
Dr. Anand A. Samuel, Vice Chancellor Dr. Nirmal Thyagu Dr. G. Chandrasekar Mathematical modelling in engineering
Dr. P. Gunasekaran, Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. G. Vinitha Prof. N. Mohana Materials for industrial applications
Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi Prof. Luke Gerard Christie Micro devices for wireless communication and
ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS biomedical engineering
Dr. Santanu Kumar Rath, REGISTRATION DETAILS Recent trends in VLSI design
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg., NIT, Rourkela Internet of Things
Dr. Venkatesan S, Industry Personnel : Rs.2000/- Earthquake engineering
Dept. of Information Tech., IIIT Allahabad Academician : Rs.1000/- Green and sustainable manufacturing
Dr. Balaji Srinivasan, Students/Research Scholars : Rs.750/- Cloud computing
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai
Big data analytics
Dr. Giridhar K,
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai PAYMENT DETAILS Network security
Dr. B. Venkatesa Perumal, Registration of atleast one author is mandatory to present Theoretical computer science
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Surathkal Software engineering
the paper. Payments are to be done in the form of DD
Dr. P. Somasundaram, Computational intelligence
favoring VIT University, payable at Chennai.
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Anna Univ., Chennai e-learning
Dr. Ajit Kulkarni, Semantic web technology
Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Eng. IIT Mumbai ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE
Power Electronics
Dr. M. Patri, Renewable Energy Sources
Dr. N. Manikandan
Deputy Director, NMRL, DRDO, Ambernath
Dr. M. Sreekumar,
Coordinator, Smart Grids & Power Systems
Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IITDM, Kancheepuram School of Advanced Sciences, Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Dr. K. Pandurangan, VIT University Chennai, Mechatronics and Automation Systems
Dept. of Civil Engg., Pondicherry Engg. Coll., Puducherry Vandalur Kelambakkam Road, Robotics and Manipulators
Dr. Malar Mohan, Chennai 600 127. Fault Diagnosis and Intelligent Systems
AU-FRG Inst. for CAD/CAM, Anna Univ., Chennai Telephone : 044- 3993 1280 Computational and experimental studies for thermo-
Mobile No. : 9445822854
mechanical analysis using CFD
Finite element studies for product development
Dr. V. Vaidehi, Dean-SCSE Website :
Dr. V. Vijayakumar, Associate Dean-SCSE Material mechanics and experimental &
Dr. S.R.S. Prabaharan, Dean-SENSE DATES TO REMEMBER (FOR EXTERNAL Manufacturing simulation
Dr. V.T. Sreedevi, Dean-SELECT PARTICIPANTS) Modern Construction Materials
Dr. K. Janardhan Reddy, Dean-SMBS Advanced Machining Technology
Dr. M. Gandhi, Dean-Law Abstract submission deadline : 22nd April 2017 Dynamic Performance of Structures
Dr. V.S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Dean-Academics Notification of acceptance : 25th April 2017 Analytical and Experimental techniques
Dr. M. Helen Santhi, Dean-Academic Research Registration with DD : 30th April 2017 in Structural Engineering
Dr. Arun Kumar Sarma, Dean-Sponsored Research Full paper submission : 1st May 2017
VIT Chennai School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT): The School
offers B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Tech by Research and Ph.D
VIT University for the past 33 years has made a
programmes in Electrical and Electronics streams with
mark in the field of higher education in India imparting
various specializations.
quality education in a multi-cultural ambience, intertwined
with extensive application-oriented research. VIT University
School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE): The School
was established with the aim of providing quality higher
offers B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Tech by Research and Ph.D
education on par with international standards. It persistently
programmes in Electronics and Communication with various
seeks and adopts innovative methods to improve the quality
of higher education on a consistent basis. Established by National Conference on Science,
well-known educationalist and former parliamentarian,
Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor, a visionary
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences (SMBS): The Engineering and Technology (NCSET)
School offers B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Tech by Research and (In conjunction with 12th SET)
who transformed VIT into a center of excellence in higher
Ph.D programmes in Civil and Mechanical streams with
technical education. VIT Chennai is ably spearheaded by
various specializations.
Mr. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice President,
SET-Technology beyond 2020
Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, Assistant Vice
VIT Business School: The School offers MBA and Ph.D in May 2-3, 2017
President, Dr. Anand A. Samuel, Vice Chancellor and
Dr. P. Gunasekaran, Pro Vice Chancellor of VIT Chennai.
They share in the mission to make VIT a global center.
VIT Law School: The School offers B.A., LLB (Hons) and
BBA, LLB (Hons) degrees as five year integrated
The focus is:
To maximize the industrial connectivity
To create centers of excellence in contemporary areas VIT Fashion Institute of Technology: The School offers
of research B.Tech progamme in Fashion Technology.
To enrich technological and managerial human capital
nurtured in a multicultural ambience
To provide a common platform for the agglomeration of ABOUT THE CONFERENCE
ideas of personnel from various walks of life for NCSET is aimed at creating a national forum primarily for
learning enrichment students, graduates, researchers, engineers and technologists
To create opportunities and exploit the available to present their research/project work through conference
resources to benefit industry/society presentation and publishing papers. As a part of the regular
To encourage participation in the national agenda of academic activities, VIT organizes Science, Engineering and
knowledge building and to foster international Technology (SET) conference for the post graduate students.
collaborations for mutual benefits in areas of research. It also provides an opportunity to showcase their work
through poster and oral presentation. Papers are invited in all
the disciplines of engineering, sciences, business and social
VIT Chennai has the following schools:
studies. Abstract for the paper should not exceed 250
words (Font Times New Roman 12 size). Full papers for
School of Advanced Sciences (SAS): The School comprises Convenor
the accepted abstracts should be submitted in IEEE format
of divisions of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Languages
(source: Dr. Atanu Dutta
(English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese)
publishing/templates.html). The abstracts and accepted
and Social Sciences offering M.Phil and Ph.D programmes. Dean, SAS
papers are to be submitted through the conference e-mail i.d, All the submitted papers will be
School of Computing Science and Engineering (SCSE): Organized by
reviewed by an interdisciplinary team of technical experts
The School offers B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Tech by Research and
from various schools. Selected papers after peer review
Ph.D programmes in Computer Science and Engineering
will be referred for publication in Scopus indexed School of Advanced Sciences (SAS)
with various specializations. VIT University, Chennai
international journals from reputed publishers.