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Near-Optimal Parameterization of The Intersection of Quadrics: I. The Generic Algorithm ?

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Near-Optimal Parameterization of the Intersection of

Quadrics: I. The Generic Algorithm ?

Laurent Dupont a , Daniel Lazard b , Sylvain Lazard a ,

Sylvain Petitjean a
LORIA (INRIA, CNRS, Nancy Universit) and VEGAS project (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est), Nancy, France
LIP6 (Universit Paris 6, CNRS) and SALSA project (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt), Paris, France


We present an exact and efficient algorithm for computing a proper parametric representation of the intersec-
tion of two quadrics in three-dimensional real space given by implicit equations with rational coefficients.
The output functions parameterizing the intersection in projective space are polynomial, whenever it is pos-
sible, which is the case when the intersection is not a smooth quartic (for example, a singular quartic, a cubic
and a line, and two conics). Furthermore, the parameterization is near-optimal in the sense that the number
of distinct square roots appearing in the coefficients of these functions is minimal, except in a small number
of well-identified cases where there may be an extra square root. In addition, the algorithm is practical: a
complete and efficient C++ implementation is described in Lazard et al. (2006).
In Part I, we present an algorithm for computing a parameterization of the intersection of two arbitrary
quadrics which we prove to be near-optimal in the generic, smooth quartic, case. Parts II and III treat the
singular cases. We present in Part II the first classification of pencils of quadrics according to the real type
of the intersection and we show how this classification can be used to efficiently determine the type of the
real part of the intersection of two arbitrary quadrics. This classification is at the core of the design of our
algorithms for computing near-optimal parameterizations of the real part of the intersection in all singular
cases. We present these algorithms in Part III and give examples covering all the possible situations in terms
of both the real type of intersection and the number and depth of square roots appearing in the coefficients.

Key words: Intersection of surfaces, quadrics, pencils of quadrics, curve parameterization.

1991 MSC: 51-04, 68U05, 68U07, 68W30

? A preliminary version of this series of paper appeared in 2003 in the Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Sympo-
sium on Computational Geometry (Dupont et al., 2003) and a complete version appeared in 2004 in L. Duponts Ph.D.
Thesis (Dupont, 2004). A series of research report also appeared in 2005 (Dupont et al., 2005a,b,c).
Email address: Firstname.Lastname@loria.fr (Laurent Dupont, Sylvain Lazard, Sylvain Petitjean),
Firstname.Lastname@lip6.fr (Daniel Lazard).
URLs: www.loria.fr/~dupont/ (Laurent Dupont), www-calfor.lip6.fr/~dl/ (Daniel Lazard),
www.loria.fr/~lazard/ (Sylvain Lazard), www.loria.fr/~petitjea/ (Sylvain Petitjean).

Preprint submitted to Elsevier 7 November 2007

1. Introduction

Quadrics (i.e., algebraic surfaces of degree two) are the simplest curved surfaces. They are
fundamental geometric objects, arising in such diverse contexts as geometric modeling, statis-
tical classification, pattern recognition, and computational geometry. Computing the intersec-
tion of two general quadrics is a fundamental problem. For instance, it is at the basis of such
complex geometric operations as computing convex hulls of quadric patches (Hung and Ierardi,
1995), arrangements of sets of quadrics (Berberich et al., 2005; Mourrain et al., 2005; Schmer
and Wolpert, 2006; Wolpert, 2002), and boundary representations of quadric-based solid mod-
els (Keyser et al., 2004; Sarraga, 1983).
An exact parametric representation of the intersection is often desirable. Until recently, the
only known general method for computing a parametric representation of the intersection be-
tween two arbitrary quadrics was due to Levin (1976, 1979). It is based on an analysis of the
pencil generated by the two quadrics, i.e., the set of linear combinations of the two quadrics.
Though useful, Levins method has serious limitations. When the intersection is singular, a
parameterization by polynomial functions (in projective space) is known to exist, but Levins
pencil method often fails to find it and generates a parameterization that involves the square root
of some polynomial. In addition, when a floating point representation of numbers is used, Levins
method sometimes outputs results that are topologically wrong and it may even fail to produce
any parameterization at all and crash. On the other hand a correct implementation using exact
arithmetic is essentially out of reach because the method introduces algebraic numbers of fairly
high degree. A good indication of this impracticality is that even for simple generic examples (for
instance those of Dupont et al. (2005a) or Lazard et al. (2006)), an exact parametric form output
by Levins algorithm (computed by hand with Maple) fills up over 100 megabytes of space!
Over the years, Levins seminal work has been extended and refined in several different di-
rections. Wilf and Manor (1993) use a classification of quadric intersections by the Segre char-
acteristic (see Bromwich (1906)) to drive the parameterization of the intersection by the pencil
method. Recently, Wang et al. (2003) further improved the method by making it capable of
computing structural information on the intersection and its various connected components and
able to produce a parameterization by polynomial functions (in projective space) when it exists.
Whether their refined algorithm is numerically robust is open to question.
Another method of algebraic flavor was introduced by Farouki et al. (1989) when the intersec-
tion is degenerate. In such cases, using a combination of classical concepts (Segre characteristic)
and algebraic tools (factorization of multivariate polynomials), the authors show that explicit
information on the morphological type of the intersection can be reliably obtained. A notable
feature of this method is that it can output an exact parameterization of the intersection in simple
cases, when the input quadrics have rational coefficients. No implementation is however reported.
Rather than restricting the type of the intersection, others have sought to restrict the type of
the input quadrics, taking advantage of the fact that geometric insights can then help compute the
intersection curve (Goldman and Miller, 1991; Miller, 1987; Miller and Goldman, 1995; Shene
and Johnstone, 1992, 1994). Specialized routines are devised to compute the intersection curve in
each particular case. Even though such geometric approaches are numerically more stable than
the algebraic ones, they are largely limited to the class of so-called natural quadrics (i.e., the
planes, right cones, circular cylinders and spheres) and planar intersections.
Perhaps the most interesting of the previously known algorithms for computing an explicit
representation of the intersection of two arbitrary quadrics is the method of Wang et al. (2002).
This algebraic method is based on a birational mapping between the intersection curve and a

plane cubic curve. The cubic curve is obtained by projection from a point lying on the intersec-
tion. Then the classification and parameterization of the intersection are obtained by invoking
classical results on plane cubics. The authors claim that their algorithm is the first to produce
a complete topological classification of the intersection (singularities, number and types of con-
nected components, etc.). However, the computation of the center of projection uses (an enhanced
version of) Levins algorithm. Either floating point arithmetic is used and the point will in gen-
eral not exactly lie on the curve, leading to possibly incorrect classification, or exact arithmetic
is used and the parameterizations computed will involve algebraic numbers of very high degree,
thereby limiting their practical value. In the same context of a birational projection onto a plane,
the methods of Sendra and Winkler (1999) can be used to parameterize the components of the
intersection curve in all cases where it is not a smooth quartic.

1.1. Contributions

In this series of papers, we present the first practical and efficient algorithm for computing an
exact parametric representation of the intersection of two quadric surfaces in three-dimensional
real space given by implicit equations with rational coefficients. As a side product of this algo-
rithm, we also obtain the first classification of pencils of quadrics based on the type of the curve
of intersection in real projective space.
Our algorithm has the following main features:
it computes an exact parameterization of the intersection of two quadrics with rational coeffi-
cients of arbitrary size;
it places no restriction on the type of the intersection or the type of the input quadrics;
it correctly identifies, separates and parameterizes all the connected components of the inter-
section and gives all the information on the incidence between the components, that is where
and how (e.g., tangentially or not) two components intersect;
the parameterization is rational when one exists; otherwise the intersection is a smooth quartic
and the parameterization involves the square root of a polynomial;
the parameterizations are either optimal in the degree of the extension of Q on which their co-
efficients are defined or, in a small number of well-identified cases, involve one extra, possibly
unnecessary square root.
Note that our C++ implementation (Lazard et al., 2006) of this algorithm, which uses arbitrary-
precision integer arithmetic, can routinely compute parameterizations of the intersection of qua-
drics with integer input coefficients having ten digits in less than 40 milliseconds on a main-
stream PC.
The above features imply in particular that the output parameterization of the intersection is
almost as simple as possible, meaning that the parameterization is rational if one exists, and
that the coefficients of the parameterization are almost as rational as possible. This simplicity
is, in itself, a key factor for making the parameterization process both feasible and efficient. It
is also crucial for the easy and efficient processing of parameterizations in further applications.
For some background on the problem of parameterizing plane algebraic curves over optimal field
extensions, see Sendra and Winkler (1997).
Formally, we prove the following.

Theorem 1. In three-dimensional real space, given two quadrics in implicit form with rational
coefficients, our algorithm first computes the type of their intersection in real projective space.
If it is a smooth quartic, there does not exist any rational parameterization of the intersection

and our algorithm computes a proper parameterization such that, in projective space, each
coordinate belongs to K[, ] (the ring of polynomials in and with coefficients in K),
where is the (real) parameter, K[] is a polynomial in , and K is either the field of
the rationals or an extension of Q by the square root of an integer. If the intersection is not a
smooth quartic, our algorithm computes a rational parameterization of each component of the
intersection over a field K of coefficients which is Q or an extension of Q of degree 2 or 4;
this means that each projective coordinate of the component of the intersection is a polynomial
in K[].
In all cases, either K is a field of smallest possible degree 2 over which there exists such a
parameterization or K is an extension of such a smallest field by the square root of an integer. In
the latter situation, testing if this extra square root is unnecessary and, if so, finding an optimal
parameterization are equivalent to finding a rational point on a curve or a surface (which is
computationally hard and can even be undecidable when the variety is not rational 3 ).
1.2. Overview
Due to the number of contributions and results of this work, this paper has been broken down
into three parts. In Part I, we present a first and major improvement to Levins pencil method
and the accompanying theoretical tools. This simple algorithm, referred to from now on as the
generic algorithm, outputs a near-optimal parameterization when the intersection is a smooth
quartic, i.e., the generic case. However, the generic algorithm ceases to be optimal (both from
the point of view of the functions used in the parameterizations and the size of their coefficient
field) in several singular situations. Parts II and III refine the generic algorithm by considering
in turn all the possible types of intersection. In Part II, we present our classification of pencils of
quadrics based on the type of their intersection in real projective space. We also show how to use
this classification to compute efficiently the type of the real intersection. In Part III, we present
optimal or near-optimal algorithms for each possible type of singular intersection.
Part I is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present basic definitions, notation and useful
known results. Section 3 summarizes the ideas on which the pencil method of Levin for inter-
secting quadrics is based and discusses its shortcomings. In Section 4 we present our generic
algorithm. Among the results of independent interest presented in this section are the almost al-
ways existence of a ruled quadric with rational coefficients in a pencil (proved in Section 5) and
new parameterizations of ruled projective quadrics involving an optimal number of radicals in the
worst case (a fact proved in Section 6). In Section 7, we prove the near-optimality of the output
parameterization in the generic case, that is when the intersection curve is a smooth quartic, and
show that the parameterization is optimal in the worst case, meaning that there are examples in
which the possibly extra square root is indeed needed. We then conclude in Section 8. Because
of lack of space, we do not present examples of parameterizations computed by our algorithm
and refer to Dupont et al. (2005a) and Lazard et al. (2006) for such examples.

2. Notation and preliminaries

In the rest of this paper, geometric objects and parameterizations mostly live in projective
space. Denote by Pn (R) the real projective space of dimension n and by Pn (C) its complex

1 Recall that a parameterization is said to be proper if it is injective almost everywhere.

2 Recall that, if K is a field extension of Q, its degree is defined as the dimension of K as a vector space over Q.
3 See Hillgarter and Winkler (1998) and Poonen (2001) where this problem is studied.

counterpart. Recall that objects in projective 3-space (points, parameterizations) have four coor-
dinates. An object (point, line, plane, cone, quadric, etc.) given by its implicit equation(s) is said
to be rational over a field K if the coefficients of its equation(s) live in the field K; it is said to
be rational if its coefficients are in Q. A parameterization is said to be rational if its coordinate
functions are polynomials with rational coefficients.
In what follows, all the matrices considered are real square matrices. Given a real symmetric
matrix S of size n + 1, the upper left submatrix of size n, denoted Su , is called the principal
submatrix of S and the determinant of Su the principal subdeterminant of S.
We call quadric associated to S the set QS = {x Pn (R) | xT Sx = 0}. (Note that every
matrix of the form S, where R \ {0}, represents the same quadric QS .) When the ambient
space is Rn instead of Pn (R), the quadric is simply QS minus its points at infinity.
Let S and T be two real symmetric matrices of the same size and let R(, ) = S + T . The
set {R(, ) | (, ) P1 (R)} is called the pencil of matrices generated by S and T . For the sake
of simplicity, we sometimes write a member of the pencil R() = S T, R = R {}.
Associated to it is a pencil of quadrics {QR(,) | (, ) P1 (R)}. Recall that the intersection
of two distinct quadrics of a pencil is independent of the choice of the two quadrics. We call the
binary form D(, ) = det R(, ) the characteristic polynomial of the pencil.
A point p P3 (C) of a quadric QS is said to be singular if its tangent plane is not defined
at p, that is if the gradient of xT Sx is zero at p or equivalently if p is in the kernel of S; note
that the set of singular points of a quadric with real coefficients is, if not empty, either a real
point, a real line, or a real plane. The quadric QS is said to be singular if it contains at least
one singular point (which is equivalent to det S = 0); otherwise, it is called non-singular or
smooth. In the following, we refer to a singular line of a quadric as a line whose points are all
singular points of the quadric. Similarly, a point p P3 (C) of a curve C defined by the implicit
equations QS = QT = 0 is singular if the rank of the Jacobian matrix of C (the matrix of partial
derivatives of QS and QT ) is at most 1 when evaluated at p. A curve is singular if it contains
at least a singular point (in P3 (C)). Note that the intersection of two quadrics is generically a
smooth quartic in P3 (C) (which can be, in P3 (R), a smooth quartic or the empty set).
Matrix S being symmetric, all of its eigenvalues are real. Let + and be the numbers of
positive and negative eigenvalues of S, respectively. The rank of S is the sum of + and . We
define the inertia of S and QS as the pair (max ( + , ), min ( + , )). (It is more usual to
define the inertia as the pair ( + , ), but our definition, in a sense, reflects the fact that QS and
QS are one and the same quadric.) The inertia of a quadric in P3 (R) is a fundamental concept
which somehow replaces the usual type of a quadric in R3 . For the convenience of the reader
we recall in Table 1 the correspondence between inertias in P3 (R) and types in R3 . Note that, in
P3 (R), a quadric of inertia distinct from (3, 1) is either a ruled surface or not a surface; also, the
quadrics of inertia (3, 1) are the only ones with a strictly negative determinant. Note also that the
non-singular quadrics are those of inertia (2, 2), (3, 1) and (4, 0) (the last one being the empty
set over P3 (R)).
Two real symmetric matrices S and S 0 of the same size are said to be similar if and only
if there exists a non-singular matrix P such that S 0 = P 1 SP. Note that two similar matrices
have the same characteristic polynomial, and thus the same eigenvalues. Two matrices are said
to be congruent or projectively equivalent if and only if there exists a non-singular matrix P
with real coefficients such that S 0 = P T SP . The transformation sending S to S 0 is called a
congruence transformation. Moreover if matrix P has rational coefficients, the congruence is
said to be rational. Sylvesters Inertia Law asserts that the inertia is invariant under a congruence
transformation (Lam, 1973), i.e., S and S 0 have the same inertia.

Inertia of S Inertia of Su Euclidean Euclidean type of QS
canonical equation
(4, 0) (3, 0) x2 + y 2 + z 2 + 1 (imaginary ellipsoid)
(3, 1) (3, 0) x2 + y 2 + z 2 1 ellipsoid
(2, 1) x2 + y 2 z 2 + 1 hyperboloid of two sheets
(2, 0) x2 + y 2 + z elliptic paraboloid
(3, 0) (3, 0) x2 + y 2 + z 2 point
(2, 0) x2 + y 2 + 1 (imaginary elliptic cylinder)
(2, 2) (2, 1) x2 + y 2 z 2 1 hyperboloid of one sheet
(1, 1) x2 y 2 + z hyperbolic paraboloid
(2, 1) (2, 1) x2 + y 2 z 2 cone
(2, 0) x2 + y 2 1 elliptic cylinder
(1, 1) x2 y 2 + 1 hyperbolic cylinder
(1, 0) x2 + y parabolic cylinder
(2, 0) (2, 0) x2 + y 2 line
(1, 0) x2 + 1 (imaginary parallel planes)
(1, 1) (1, 1) x2 y 2 intersecting planes
(1, 0) x2 1 parallel planes
(0, 0) x simple plane
(1, 0) (1, 0) x2 double plane
(0, 0) 1 (double plane at infinity)

Table 1. Correspondence between quadric inertias and Euclidean types.

3. Levins pencil method

Since our solution to quadric surface intersection builds upon the pencil method of Levin
(1976, 1979), we start by recalling the main steps of his algorithm for computing a parameter-
ized representation of the intersection of two distinct implicit quadrics QS and QT of R3 . Start-
ing from this short description, we then identify where this algorithm introduces high-degree
algebraic numbers and why this is a problem.
The high-level idea behind Levins algorithm is this: if (say) QS is of some good type, then
QS admits a parameterization which is linear in one of its parameters and plugging this param-
eterization in the implicit equation of QT yields a degree 2 equation in one of the parameters
(instead of degree 4) which can be easily solved to get a parametric representation of QS QT .
When neither QS nor QT has a good type, then one can find a quadric QR of good type in
the pencil generated by QS and QT , and we are back to the previous case replacing QS by QR .
The definition of a good type is embodied in Levins notion of simple ruled quadric 4 and
the existence of such a quadric QR in the pencil is Levins key result:

Theorem 2 (Levin (1976)). The pencil generated by any two distinct quadrics contains at
least one simple ruled quadric, i.e., a (simple or double) plane, a pair of planes, a hyperbolic
paraboloid, a parabolic or hyperbolic cylinder, or the empty set.
In more details, Levins method is as follows.
(1) Find a simple ruled quadric in the pencil {QR()=ST | R} generated by QS and
QT , or report an empty intersection. Since simple ruled quadrics have a vanishing principal
subdeterminant, this is achieved by searching for a 0 R such that det (Ru (0 )) = 0 and
QR = QR(0 ) is simple ruled; by Theorem 2, such a quadric exists or the pencil contains

4 In (Levin, 1976, 1979), Levin refers to these quadrics as to non-elliptic paras.

the empty set. Assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the intersection is not empty and
that QR and QS are distinct. Then QS QT = QS QR .
(2) Determine the orthonormal transformation matrix Pu which sends Ru in diagonal form by
computing the eigenvalues and the normalized eigenvectors of Ru . Deduce the transforma-
tion matrix P which sends QR into canonical form. Compute a parameterization X(u, v)
of the canonical quadric.
(3) Compute the matrix S 0 = P T SP of the quadric QS in the canonical frame of QR and
consider the equation
XT S 0 X = a(u)v 2 + b(u)v + c(u) = 0, (1)
where X has been augmented by a fourth coordinate set to 1. (Levins parameterizations
are such that a(u), b(u) and c(u) are polynomials of degree at most four in u.)
Solve (1) for v in terms of u and determine the corresponding domain of validity of u on
which the solutions are defined, i.e., the set of u such that (u) = b2 (u) 4a(u)c(u) >
0. Substituting v by its expression in terms of u in X, we have a parameterization of
QS QT = QS QR in the orthonormal coordinate system in which QR is canonical.
(4) Output P X(u), the parameterized equation of QS QT in the global coordinate frame,
and the domain of u R on which it is valid.
This method is very nice and powerful since it gives an explicit representation of the in-
tersection of two general quadrics. However, it is far from being ideal from the point of view
of precision and robustness since it introduces non-rational numbers at several different places.
Thus, if a floating point representation of numbers is used, the result may be wrong (geometri-
cally and topologically) or, worse, the program may crash (especially in Step 1 when the type
of the quadrics QR(0 ) is incorrectly computed). In theory, exact arithmetic would do, except
that it would highly slow down the computations. In practice, however, a correct implementation
using exact arithmetic seems out of reach because of the high degree of the algebraic numbers
Let us examine more closely the potential sources of numerical instability in Levins approach.
Step 1: 0 is the root of a degree 3 polynomial with rational coefficients. In the worst case,
it is thus expressed with nested radicals of depth two. Since determining if QR(0 ) is simple
ruled involves computing its Euclidean type (not an easy task considering that QR(0 ) and
QR(0 +) usually are of different types), this is probably the biggest source of non-robustness.
Step 2: Since QR is simple ruled, the characteristic polynomial of Ru is a degree three poly-
nomial having zero as a root and whose coefficients are in the field extension Q(0 ). Thus,
the non-zero eigenvalues of Ru may involve nested radicals of depth three. Since the corre-
sponding eigenvectors have to be normalized, the coefficients of the transformation matrix P
are expressed with radicals of nesting depth four in the worst case.
Since the coefficients of the parameterization X of QR are expressed as square roots of
the coefficients of the canonical equation QP T RP , the coefficients of the parameterization of
QS QT can involve nested radicals of depth five in the worst case.
Step 3: Computing the domain of X amounts to solving the fourth degree equation (u) = 0
whose coefficients are nested radicals of worst-case depth five in Q.
Note that this worst-case picture is the generic case. Indeed, given two arbitrary quadrics
with rational coefficients, the polynomial det (Ru ()) will generically have no rational root (a
consequence of Hilberts Irreducibility Theorem). Note also that algebraic numbers with nested
radicals of depth five can be complicated. Indeed, recall that Levins algorithm outputs exact
parameterizations that fill up over 100 megabytes of space, even on very simple instances. The
appearance of these high-degree algebraic numbers are thus the main cause of the impracticality
of Levins algorithm for computing exact parameterizations.

inertia canonical equation
parameterization X = [x, y, z, w]
of S (a, b, c, d > 0)
2 2 2 2
(4, 0) ax + by + cz + dw = 0 QS =
(3, 0) ax2 + by 2 + cz 2 = 0 QS is the point (0, 0, 0, 1)
(2, 2) ax + by 2 cz 2 dw2 = 0 X = [ ut+avs
, b
, ac , us+bvt
usbvt utavs
], (u, v), (s, t) P1 (R)
2 2 2 2
(2, 1) ax2 + by 2 cz 2 = 0 X = [uv, u abv
, u 2+abv

, s], (u, v, s) P?2 (R)
(2, 0) ax2 + by 2 = 0
X = [0, 0, u, v], (u, v) P1 (R)
(1, 1) ax2 by 2 = 0 X1 = [u, bab u, v, s], X2 = [u, bab u, v, s], (u,v,s)P2 (R)
(1, 0) ax2 = 0 X = [0, u, v, s], (u, v, s) P2 (R)

Table 2. Parameterization of projective quadrics of inertia different from (3, 1). In the parameterization of
projective cones (inertia (2, 1)), P?2 (R) stands for the 2-dimensional real quasi-projective space defined as
the quotient of R3 \ {0, 0, 0} by the equivalence relation where (x, y, z) (y1 , y2 , y3 ) iff R \ {0}
such that (x, y, z) = (y1 , y2 , 2 y3 ).

4. Generic algorithm

We now present a first but major improvement to Levins pencil method for computing para-
metric representations of the intersection of quadrics.
This so-called generic algorithm removes most of the sources of radicals in Levins algo-
rithm. We prove in Section 7 that it is near-optimal in the generic, smooth quartic case. It is
however not optimal for all the possible types of intersection and will need later refinements (see
the comments in Section 8, and Parts II and III). But it is sufficiently simple, robust and efficient
to be of interest to many.
We start by introducing the projective framework underlying our approach and by stating the
main theorem on which the generic approach rests. We then outline our algorithm and detail
particular steps in ensuing sections.
From now on, all the input quadrics considered have their coefficients (i.e., the entries of the
corresponding matrices) in Q.

4.1. Key ideas

The first ingredient of our approach is to work not just over R3 but over the real projective
space P3 (R). Recall that, in projective space, quadrics are entirely characterized by their inertia
(i.e., two quadrics with the same inertia are projectively equivalent), while in Euclidean space
they are characterized by their inertia and the inertia of their principal submatrix.
In our algorithm, quadrics of inertia different from (3, 1) (i.e., ruled quadrics) play the role of
simple ruled quadrics in Levins method. In Table 2, we present a new set of parameterizations of
ruled projective quadrics that are linear in one of their parameters and involve, in the worst case,
a minimal number of square roots 5 , which we prove in Section 6. That these parameterizations
are such that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the points of the projective quadric
and the parameters is straightforward and omitted here (see Dupont et al. (2005a) for details).
Another key ingredient of our approach is encapsulated in the following theorem, which mir-
rors, in the projective setting, Levins theorem on the existence of ruled quadrics in a pencil.

5 Note that there is necessarily a trade-off between the minimal degree of a parameterization in one of its parameters and
the degree of its coefficient field. For instance, Wang et al. (1997) give parameterizations of quadrics that have rational
coefficients but are quadratic in all of their parameters.

Theorem 3. In a pencil generated by any two distinct quadrics, the set A of quadrics of inertia
different from (3, 1) is not empty. Furthermore, if no quadric in A has rational coefficients, then
the intersection of the two initial quadrics is reduced to two distinct points.
This theorem, which is proved in Section 5.2, generalizes Theorem 2. Indeed, it ensures that
the two quadrics we end up intersecting have rational coefficients, except in one very specific
situation. This is how we remove the main source of nested radicals in Levins algorithm.
The last basic ingredient of our approach is the use of Gauss reduction of quadratic forms for
diagonalizing a symmetric matrix and computing the canonical form of the associated projective
quadric, instead of the traditional eigenvalues/eigenvectors approach used by Levin. Since the
Gauss transformation is rational (the elements of the matrix P which sends S into canonical form
are rational), this removes some layers of nested radicals from Levins algorithm. Note, also, that
there is no difficulty parameterizing the reduced quadric S 0 = P T SP since, by Sylvesters
Inertia Law, S and S 0 have the same inertia.

4.2. Algorithm outline

We now outline our generic algorithm. Let R() = S T be the pencil generated by the
quadrics QS and QT of P3 (R) and D() = det (R()) be the characteristic polynomial of
the pencil. Recall that, although it works in all cases, our generic algorithm is best designed
when D() is not identically zero and does not have any multiple root. In the other cases, better
algorithms are described in Parts II and III.
The outline of our intersection algorithm is as follows (details follow in ensuing sections):
1. Find a quadric QR with rational coefficients in the pencil, such that det R > 0 if possible or
det R = 0 otherwise. (If no such R exists, the intersection is reduced to two points, which we
output.) If the inertia of R is (4, 0), output empty intersection. Otherwise, proceed.
Assume for the sake of simplicity that QR 6= QS and thus that QS QR = QS QT .
2. If the inertia of R is not (2, 2), apply Gauss reduction to R and compute a frame in which
P T RP is diagonal.
If the inertia of R is (2, 2), its parameterization contains in general two square roots (see
Table 2) but one can be eliminated as follows. First, find a rational point close enough to QR
such that the quadric in the pencil through this point has the same inertia as QR . Replace
QR by this quadric. Then use that rational point to compute a frame in which P T RP is the
diagonal matrix diag (1, 1, 1, ), with Q.
In the local frame, QR can be described by one of the parameterizations X of Table 2.
Compute the parameterization P X of QR in the global frame.
3. Consider the equation : (P X)T S(P X) = 0, which is of degree at most 2 in (at least) one
of the parameters. Solve it for this parameter in terms of the other(s) and compute the domain
of the solution.
4. Substitute this parameter in P X, giving a parameterization of the intersection of QS and QT .

4.3. Details of Step 1

The detailed description of Step 1 is as follows. Recall that D() = det (R()) is the charac-
teristic polynomial of the pencil.
1.a. If D() 0, set R = S and proceed to Step 2.
b. Otherwise, compute isolating intervals for the real roots of D() (using for instance a variant
of Uspenskys algorithm (Rouillier and Zimmermann, 2004)). Compute a rational number 0
in between each of the separating intervals and, for each 0 such that D(0 ) > 0, compute

the inertia of the corresponding quadrics using Gauss reduction. If one of the inertias is
(4, 0), output QS QT = . Otherwise, one of these inertias is (2, 2) and we proceed with
the corresponding quadric.
c. Otherwise (i.e., D() 6 0 and D() 6 0 for all ), compute the greatest common divisor
gcd () of D() and its derivative with respect to . If gcd () has a rational root 0 , proceed
with the corresponding quadric QR(0 ) .
d. Otherwise (i.e., D() 6 0 for all and D() has two non-rational double real roots), QS
QT is reduced to two points. The quadric corresponding to one of these two roots is of inertia
(2, 0) (an imaginary pair of planes). The singular line of this pair of planes is real and can
be parameterized easily, even though it is not rational. Intersecting that line with any of the
input quadrics gives the two points.
To assert the correctness of this algorithm, we have several things to prove. First, we make
clear why, when looking for a quadric in the pencil (S, T ) with inertia different from those of S
and T , the right polynomial to consider is D().

Lemma 4. The inertia of R() is invariant on any interval of not containing a root of D().

Proof. The eigenvalues of R() are continuous functions of and the characteristic polynomial
of R(), that is det (R() lI), is a polynomial in l whose constant coefficient is D() (where
I is the identity matrix of size 4). Thus, the eigenvalues of R() may change sign only at a zero
of det(R()). 2

We show that Step 1 of our algorithm always outputs empty intersection when QS QT =
. This, in fact, is a direct consequence of Lemma 4 and of the following theorem proved in
1936/1937 by the German mathematician Paul Finsler.

Theorem 5 (Finsler (1936/1937)). Assume n > 3 and let S, T be real symmetric matrices of
size n. Then QS QT = if and only if the pencil of matrices generated by S and T contains a
matrix of inertia (n, 0).
In Step 1.d, QS and QT intersect in two points by Theorem 3. Furthermore, the quadric
corresponding to one of two roots of D() is a real line by the proof of Theorem 3.
Finally, note that we can further refine Step 1.b by computing the inertia of the quadrics
QR(0 ) with positive determinant only when the characteristic polynomial has four real roots
counted with multiplicities. Indeed, in view of the following proposition, testing for the presence
of a matrix of inertia (4, 0) in the pencil needs to be done only in that case.

Proposition 6. Assume n > 3 and let S, T be real symmetric matrices of size n. Then QS QT =
implies that det(S + T ) does not identically vanish and that all its roots are real.

Proof. We use the equivalence provided by Theorem 5 of the emptiness of the intersection and
the existence of a definite matrix, i.e., a matrix of inertia (n, 0), in the pencil. Let U be a definite
matrix of the pencil which we choose positive (the proof is similar for negative definite).
Since U is positive definite, we can apply to it a Cholesky factorization: U = HH T , where
H is a lower triangular matrix. Consider the matrix C = (H 1 )S(H 1 )T . Since C is real
symmetric, it has n pairs of real eigenvalues and eigenvectors (i , xi ). Let yi = (H 1 )T xi .
Then we have H(Cxi ) = H(i xi ), which implies Syi = i U yi . Hence all the roots of the
characteristic polynomial of U 1 S are real, which implies that all the roots of det(S +U ) = 0
are real. It follows that all the roots of det(S + T ) = 0 are also real. 2

4.4. Details of Step 2
There are two cases, according to the inertia of R.

The inertia of R is not (2, 2). When the inertia of R is different from (2, 2), we use Gauss
reduction of quadratic forms and parameterize the resulting quadric, whose associated matrix
P T RP is diagonal. In view of Sylvesters Inertia Law, the reduced quadric QP T RP has the
same inertia as QR . Thus it can be parameterized with at most one square root by one of the
parameterizations X of Table 2. Since Gauss reduction is rational (i.e., P is a matrix with rational
coefficients), the parameterization P X of QR contains at most one square root.

The inertia of R is (2, 2). When the inertia of R is (2,

2), the coefficients of the parameterization
of QR can live, in the worst case, in an extension Q( 1 , 2 ) of degree 4 of Q (see Table 2). We
show here that there exists, in the neighborhood of QR , a quadric QR0 with rational coefficients
such that QS QR0 = QS QR = QS QT and the coefficients of the parameterization of QR0
are in Q( det R0 ).
First, apply Gauss reduction to QR . If any of ac or bd is rational in the parameterization
of QR (as in Table 2), we are done. Otherwise, compute an arbitrary point p P3 (R) on QR
by taking any value of the parameters like, say, (u, v) = (0, 1) and (s, t) = (0, 1). Approximate
p by a point p0 P3 (Q) not on QS QT . Then compute 00 Q such that p0 belongs to the
quadric QR(00 ) of the pencil. This is easy to achieve in view of the following lemma.

Lemma 7. In a pencil generated by two quadrics QS , QT with rational coefficients, there is

exactly one quadric going through a given point p0 that is not on QS QT . If p0 is rational, this
quadric is rational.
Proof. In the pencil generated by QS and QT , a quadric QR(,) contains p0 if and only if
p0 (S + T )p0 = 0, that is if and only if (p0 Sp0 ) + (p0 T p0 ) = 0. If p0 is not on
QS QT , this equation is linear in (, ) P1 (R) and thus admits a unique solution. Moreover,
if p0 is rational, the equation has rational coefficients and thus the quadric of the pencil containing
p0 is rational. 2
Note that 00 and the 0 such that R = R(0 ) get arbitrarily close to one another as p0 gets
close to p. Thus if p0 is close enough to p, R0 = R(00 ) has the same inertia (2, 2) as R, by
Lemma 4. We refine the approximation p0 of p until R0 has inertia (2, 2).
We now have a quadric QR0 of inertia (2, 2) and a rational point on QR0 . Consider any rational
line through p0 that is not in the plane tangent to QR0 at p0 . This line further intersects QR0
in another point p00 . Point p00 is rational because otherwise p0 and p00 would be conjugate in
the field extension of p00 (since QR0 and the line are both rational) and thus p0 would not be
rational. Compute the rational transformation P sending p0 , p00 onto (1, 1, 0, 0). Apply this
transformation to R0 and then apply Gauss reduction of quadratic forms. In the local frame, QR0
has equation (up to a constant factor)
x2 y 2 + z 2 + w2 = 0, (2)
with < 0. Now consider the linear transformation whose matrix is P

1+ 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 + 0
P0 = .
2 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 2

Applying P 0 to the already reduced quadric of Eq. (2) gives the equation
x2 + y 2 z 2 w2 = 0, (3)
where = > 0. The quadric of Eq. (3) can thus be parameterized by
 us + vt 
X((u, v), (s, t)) = ut + vs, us vt, ut vs, ,

with (u, v), (s, t) P1 (R) (see Table 2).
The three consecutive transformation matrices have rational coefficients, therefore Q( ) =
Q( det R0 ), and the product of these transformation
matrices with X is a polynomial parame-
terization of QR0 with coefficients in Q( ), Q.
4.5. Details of Steps 3 and 4
Recall that the content in the variable x of a multivariate polynomial is the gcd of the coeffi-
cients of the xi .
Equation may be solved by seeing it as a quadratic equation in one of the parameters.
For instance, if R has inertia (2, 2), is a homogeneous biquadratic equation in the variables
= (u, v) and = (s, t). Using only gcd computations, we can factor it in its content in
(which is a polynomial in or a constant), its content in , and a remaining factor. If the content
in (or in ) is not constant, solve it in (in ); substituting the obtained real values in X, we
have a parameterization of some components of QS QT = QS QR in the frame in which
QR is canonical. If the remaining factor is not constant, solve it in a parameter in which it is
linear, if any. Substituting the result in X, we have a parameterization of the last component of
the intersection. If the equation which is solved is not linear, the domain of the parameterization
is the set of such that the degree 4 polynomial () = b2 () 4a()c() is positive, where
a(), b() and c() are the coefficients of s2 , st, and t2 in , respectively.
Note that the parameterization of the curve of intersection obtained in Step 4 is proper (i.e.,
injective almost everywhere) since, if 1 and 2 parameterize the same point on the intersection,
then this point is parameterized on the quadric R by (i , i ), i = 1, 2, where i is one root of
(for = i ); since the parameterization of R is bijective, 1 = 2 .

5. Canonical forms and proof of Theorem 3

We now prove Theorem 3, the key result stated in the previous section. We start by recalling
some preliminary results.
5.1. Canonical forms of non-singular pairs of symmetric matrices
We state results proved by Uhlig (1973, 1976) we need for computing the canonical form of
a pair of real symmetric matrices. Though only part of this theory is required for the proof of
Theorem 3 (Section 5.2), we will need its full power in Part II of this paper for characterizing
real pencils of quadrics.
Let us start by recalling the notion of Jordan blocks.

Definition 8. Let M be a square matrix of the form

` e 0
(`) or e .

0 `

If ` R and e = 1, M is called a real Jordan block associated with `. If
a b 1 0
`= , a, b R, b 6= 0, e= ,
b a 0 1
M is called a complex Jordan block associated with a + ib.
Now we can state the real Jordan normal form theorem for real square matrices.

Theorem 9 (Real Jordan normal form). Every real square matrix A is similar over the reals to
a block diagonal matrix diag (A1 , . . . , Ak ), called real Jordan normal form of A, in which each
Aj is a (real or complex) Jordan block associated with an eigenvalue of A.
The Canonical Pair Form Theorem then goes as follows:

Theorem 10 (Canonical Pair Form). Let S and T be two real symmetric matrices of size n, with
S non-singular. Let S 1 T have real Jordan normal form diag (J1 , . . . , Jr , Jr+1 , . . . , Jm ), where
J1 , . . . , Jr are real Jordan blocks corresponding to real eigenvalues of S 1 T and Jr+1 , . . . , Jm
are complex Jordan blocks corresponding to pairs of complex conjugate eigenvalues of S 1 T .
(a) The characteristic polynomial of S 1 T and det (S T ) have the same roots j with the
same (algebraic) multiplicities mj .
(b) S and T are simultaneously congruent by a real congruence transformation to
diag (1 E1 , . . . , r Er , Er+1 , . . . , Em )
diag (1 E1 J1 , . . . , r Er Jr , Er+1 Jr+1 , . . . , Em Jm ),
respectively, where i = 1 and Ei denotes the square matrix
0 1

1 0
of the same size as Ji for i = 1, . . . , m. The signs i are unique (up to permutations) for each
set of indices i that are associated with a set of identical real Jordan blocks Ji .
(c) The sum of the sizes of the blocks corresponding to one of the j is the multiplicity mj if
j is real or twice this multiplicity if j is complex. The number of the corresponding blocks (the
geometric multiplicity of j ) is tj = n rank (j S T ), and 1 6 tj 6 mj .
Note that the canonical pair form of Theorem 10 can be considered the finest simultaneous
block diagonal structure that can be obtained by a real congruence transformation for a given
pair of real symmetric matrices, in the sense that it maximizes the number of blocks in the
diagonalization of S and T .

5.2. Proof of Theorem 3

To prove Theorem 3, we consider a pencil of real symmetric 4 4 matrices generated by two

symmetric matrices S and T of inertia (3, 1). We may suppose that they have the block diagonal
form of the above theorem.
If all the blocks had an even size, the determinant of S would be positive, contradicting
our hypothesis. Thus, there is a block of odd size in the canonical form of S. It follows that
det (S T ) has at least one real root and the matrix of the pencil corresponding to this root
has an inertia different from (3, 1). This proves the first part.

If det (S T ) has a simple real root, there is an interval of values for for which it is
positive, and we are done with any rational value of in this interval. If det (S T ) has either
a double real root and two complex roots, two rational double real roots or a quadruple real root,
the quadrics corresponding to the real root(s) are rational and have inertia different from (3, 1).
Thus we are left with the case where det (S T ) has two non-rational double real roots,
which are algebraically conjugate. In other words, det(S T ) = c( 1 )2 ( 2 )2 , with
1 , 2 R \ Q and 2 = 1 its (real algebraic) conjugate. Following the notation of Theo-
rem 10, we have m1 = m2 = 2 and 1 6 ti 6 2, for i = 1, 2. In other words, (t1 , t2 )
{(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)}.
We can quickly get rid of the case (t1 , t2 ) = (1, 1). Indeed, in this case the blocks have an
even size and S is not of inertia (3, 1). We can also eliminate the cases (t1 , t2 ) {(1, 2), (2, 1)},
because the matrices 1 S T and 2 S T are algebraically conjugate, and so must have the
same rank and the same number of blocks.
We are thus left with the case (t1 , t2 ) = (2, 2). In this situation, S and T have four blocks,
i.e., they are diagonal: 
S = diag (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ),
T = diag (1 1 , 2 1 , 3 2 , 4 2 ).
The pencil S T is generated by the two quadrics of rank 2
S = 1 S T = diag (0, 0, 3 (1 2 ), 4 (1 2 )),
T 0 = 2 S T = diag (1 (2 1 ), 2 (2 1 ), 0, 0).
We have that det (S 0 + T 0 ) = 1 2 3 4 (1 2 )4 is negative since all the quadrics of the
pencil have negative determinant except QS 0 and QT 0 . Thus 1 2 and 3 4 have opposite signs.
It follows that one of S 0 and T 0 has inertia (2, 0) (say S 0 ) and the other has inertia (1, 1). Thus
QS 0 is a straight line, which intersects the real pair of planes QT 0 . Since the equations of QS 0
and QT 0 are z 2 + w2 = 0 and x2 y 2 = 0 respectively, the intersection is made of the two
distinct real points of coordinates (1, 1, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 0, 0). 2

Remark 11. Pencils generated by two quadrics of inertia (3, 1) and having no quadric with
rational coefficients of inertia different from (3, 1) do exist. Consider for instance
QS : 2x2 2xz 2yw + z 2 + w2 = 0,
QT : 4x2 + 2y 2 2yw + z 2 6xz + 3w2 = 0.
Then, det (S T ) = (2 5)2 .

6. Optimality of the parameterizations

We now prove that, among the parameterizations of projective quadrics linear in one of the
parameters, the ones of Table 2 have, in the worst case, an optimal number of radicals. In other
words, for each type of projective quadric, there are examples of surfaces for which the number
of square roots of the parameterizations of Table 2 is required.
More precisely, we prove the following theorem, which will be crucial in asserting the near-
optimality of our algorithm for parameterizing quadric intersections. Recall that a parameteriza-
tion is rational if its coordinate functions are polynomial with rational coefficients.

Theorem 12. In the set of parameterizations linear in one parameter, the parameterizations of
Table 2 are worst-case optimal in the degree of the extension of Q on which they are defined.

For a quadric Q of equation ax2 + by 2 cz 2 dw2 = 0 (a, b, c, d > 0), the parameterization
of Table 2 is optimal if Q has no rational point, which is the case for some quadrics. Knowing a
rational point on Q (if any), we can compute a rational congruence sending Q into the quadric
of equation x2 + y 2 z 2 abcd w2 = 0, for which the parameterization of Table 2 is optimal.
For a quadric Q of equation ax2 + by 2 cz 2 = 0 (a, b, c > 0), the parameterization of
Table 2 is optimal if Q has no rational point other than its singular point (0, 0, 0, 1), which is the
case for some quadrics. Knowing such a rational point on Q (if any), we can compute a rational
congruence transformation sending Q into the quadric of equation x2 + y 2 z 2 = 0, for which
the parameterization of Table 2 is rational (and thus optimal).
For the other types of quadrics, the parameterizations of Table 2 are optimal in all cases.
We prove this theorem by splitting it into four more detailed propositions: Proposition 13 for
inertia (1, 1), Proposition 14 for inertia (2, 1) and Propositions 15 and 17 for inertia (2, 2).

Proposition 13. A projective quadric Q of equation ax2 by 2 = 0 (a, b > 0) admits a rational
parameterization in Q if and only if it has a rational point outside the singular line x = y = 0,
or equivalently iff ab is a square in Q, in which case the parameterization of Table 2 is rational.
Proof. A point (x, y, z, w) on Q not on its singular line x = y = 0 is rational if and only if y/x,
z/x, and w/x are rational. Since (y/x)2 = ab b2 and z and w are not constrained, there exists such
a rational point if and only if ab is a square.
If there exists a parameterization which is rational over Q, then there exists some rational
point outside the line x = y = 0, showing a contrario that there is no rational parameterization
if ab is not a square.
Finally, if ab is the square of a rational number, the parameterization of Table 2 is rational. 2

Proposition 14. A projective quadric Q of equation ax2 + by 2 cz 2 = 0 (a, b, c > 0) admits

a rational parameterization in Q if and only it contains a rational point other than the singular
point (0, 0, 0, 1). Knowing such a rational point, we can compute a rational congruence transfor-
mation P sending Q into the quadric of equation x2 +y 2 z 2 = 0 for which the parameterization
of Table 2 is rational; lifting this parameterization to the original space by multiplying by matrix
P , we have a rational parameterization of Q.
On the other hand, there are such quadrics without a rational point and thus without a rational
parameterization, for example the quadric of equation x2 + y 2 3z 2 = 0.
Proof. If Q has a rational point other than x = y = z = 0, any rational line passing through this
point and not included in Q cuts Q in another rational point. Compute the rational congruence
transformation sending these points onto (1, 1, 0, 0). Applying this transformation to Q gives
a quadric of equation x2 y 2 + r, where r is a polynomial of degree at most one in x and y.
Thus Gauss reduction algorithm leads to the form x2 y 2 + dz 2 = (X 2 + Y 2 Z 2 )/d where
X = (1 + d)x/2 + (1 d)y/2, Y = dz and Z = (1 d)x/2 + (1 + d)y/2. The parameterization
of Table 2 applied to equation X 2 + Y 2 Z 2 is clearly rational. Lifting this parameterization
back to the original space, we obtain a rational parameterization of Q.
Reciprocally, if Q has no rational point, then Q does not admit a rational parameterization.
Now, suppose for a contradiction that the quadric with equation x2 + y 2 3z 2 = 0 has a
rational point (x, y, z, w) different from (0, 0, 0, 1). By multiplying x, y, and z by a common
denominator and dividing them by their gcd, we obtain another rational point on the quadric
for which x, y and z are integers that are not all even. Note that x2 is equal, modulo 4, to 0 if
x is even and 1 otherwise (indeed, modulo 4, 02 = 0, 12 = 1, 22 = 0 and 32 = 1). Thus,

x2 + y 2 3z 2 x2 + y 2 + z 2 (mod 4) is equal to the number of odd numbers in x, y, z, i.e., 1, 2
or 3. Thus x2 + y 2 3z 2 6= 0, contradicting the hypothesis that (x, y, z, w) is on the quadric. 2

Proposition 15. Let Q be the quadric of equation ax2 + by 2 cz 2 dw2 = 0 (a, b, c, d > 0).
K of R in which Q admits a rational parameterization, linear in one parameter,
Any subfield
contains abcd.
Proof. Let K be a field in which Q admits a rational parameterization, linear in the parameter
(u, v) P(R). Fixing the value of the other parameter (s, t) P(K) defines a rational line L
(in K) contained in Q. L cuts any plane (in possibly infinitely many points) in projective space.
In particular, L cuts the plane of equation z = 0. Since L Q, L cuts the conic of equation
ax2 + by 2 dw2 = z = 0 in a point p = (x0 , y0 , 0, 1). Moreover, p is rational in K (i.e.,
x0 , y0 K) because it is the intersection of a rational line and the plane z = 0.
The plane tangent to Q at p has equation ax0 x + by0 y dw = 0. We now compute the
intersection of Q with this plane. Since ax20 + by02 = d and a, b, d > 0, x0 or y0 is non-zero;
assume for instance that x0 6= 0. Squaring the equation of the tangent plane yields (ax0 x)2 =
(by0 y dw)2 . By eliminating x2 between this equation and the equation of Q, we get (by0 y
dw)2 +ax20 (by 2 cz 2 dw2 ) = 0 or also dw2 (dax20 )+by 2 (ax20 +by02 )2bdy0 ywacx20 z 2 = 0.
It follows from ax20 + by02 = d that bd(y y0 w)2 acx20 z 2 = 0 or also b2 d2 (y y0 w)2
abcd x20 z 2 = 0. The intersection of Q and its tangent plane at p contains the line L which is
in K. Thus, the previous equation can be factored over K into two linear terms. Hence,
abcd belongs to K. 2

Remark 16. abcd is the discriminant of the quadric, i.e., the determinant of the associated ma-
if R and R0
trix, so it is invariant by a change of coordinates (up to a square factor). Thus,
aretwo matrices representing the same quadric in different frames, the fields Q( det R) and
Q( det R0 ) are equal.

Proposition 17. A projective quadric Q of equation ax2 + by 2 cz 2 dw2 = 0 (a, b, c, d > 0)

admits a rational parameterization in Q( abcd) if and only it contains a rational point. Knowing
such a rational point, we can compute a rational congruence transformation P sending Q into
2 2 2 2
x + y z abcd w = 0 for which the parameterization of Table 2
the quadric of equation
is rational over Q( abcd); lifting this parameterization to the
original space by multiplying by
matrix P , we have a rational parameterization of Q over Q( abcd).
On the other hand, there
are such quadrics with no rational point and thus without a rational
parameterization in Q( abcd), for example the quadric of equation x2 + y 2 3z 2 11w2 = 0.

Proof. If Q admits a rational parameterization in Q( abcd), then it has infinitely many rational
points over this field. If Q has a point (x, y, z, w) that is rational over Q( abcd), but not rational
over Q, we may suppose without loss of generality that x = 1, by permuting the variables in
0 0 0
x 6= 0 and then by dividing all coordinates by x. The conjugate point (1, y , z , w )
order that
over Q( abcd) belongs also to Q. The line passing through these points is rational (over Q), as
is the point (1, (y + y 0 )/2, (z + z 0 )/2, (w + w0 )/2). Choose a rational frame transformation such
that this line becomes the line z = w = 0 and thispoint becomes (1, 0, 0, 0). In this new frame
the coordinates of the conjugate points are (1, e abcd, 0, 0) for some rational number e, and
the equation of Q is abcd e2 x2 y 2 + r = 0 where r is a polynomial of degree at most 1 in x and
y. Gauss reduction thus provides an equation of the form abcd e2 x2 y 2 + f z 2 gw2 = 0, and

the invariance of the determinant (Remark 16) shows that f g is the square of a rational number
h. Thus (0, 0, g, h) is a rational point of Q over Q.
Now, if Q has a rational point over Q, one may get another rational point as the intersection
of the quadric and any line passing through the point and not tangent to the quadric. One can
compute a rational congruence transformation such that these points become (1, 1, 0, 0). In
this new frame the equation of Q has the form x2 y 2 r where r is a polynomial of degree
at most 1 in x and y. Gauss reduction provides thus an equation of the form x2 y 2 + ez 2
f w2 = (X 2 + Y 2 Z 2 ef w2 )/e, with X = (1 + e)x/2 + (1 e)y/2, Y = ez and
Z = (1 e)x/2 + (1 + e)y/2. By the invariance of the determinant, ef = g 2 abcd for some
2 2 2 2
rational number g. Putting W = gw, we get the equation X + Y Z abcd W = 0 for Q,
and the parameterization of Table 2 is rational over Q( abcd).
It follows from thisproof that, if a quadric of inertia (2, 2) has a rational point, it has a
parameterization in Q( abcd), which is linear in one of the parameters. Conversely, for proving
that such a parameterization does not always exist, it suffices to prove that there are quadrics of
inertia (2, 2) having no rational point over Q. Let us consider the quadric of equation x2 + y 2
3z 2 11w2 = 0. If it has a rational point (x, y, z, w), then by multiplying x, y, z and w by some
common denominator and by dividing them by their gcd, we may suppose that x, y, z and w
are integers which are not all even. As in the proof of Proposition 14, x2 + y 2 3z 2 11w2
is equal modulo 4 to the number of odd numbers in x, y, z, w. Thus all of them are odd. It is
straightforward that the square of an odd number is equal to 1 modulo 8. It follows that x2 +
y 2 3z 2 11w2 is equal to 4 modulo 8, a contradiction with x2 + y 2 3z 2 11w2 = 0. 2

7. Near-optimality in the smooth quartic case

In this section, we prove that the algorithm given in Section 4 outputs, in the generic (smooth
quartic) case, a parameterization of the intersection that is optimal in the number of radicals up to
one possibly unnecessary square root. We also show that deciding whether this extra square root
can be avoided or not is hard. Moreover, we give examples where the extra square root cannot be
eliminated, for the three possible morphologies of a real smooth quartic.
7.1. Algebraic preliminaries
First recall that, as is well known from the classification of quadric pencils by invariant factors
(see Bromwich (1906) or Part II), the intersection of two quadrics is a smooth quartic exactly
when D(, ) = det R(, ) has no multiple root.
Now, recall that a curve admits a parameterization with polynomial functions, in projective
space, if and only if it has zero genus (Perrin, 1995). A straightforward study of the genus of the
intersection curve of two algebraic surfaces of degree 2 gives the following result (whose proof
is omitted for lack of space; see Dupont et al. (2005a) for details).

Proposition 18. The intersection of two quadrics admits a parameterization with polynomial
functions, in projective space, if and only if the intersection is not a smooth quartic.
Finally, consider the quadric QR and the equation obtained in Steps 2 and 3 of our al-
gorithm. Let C be the curve zero-set of . Depending on the projective type of QR , C is a
bidegree (2, 2) curve in P1 (R)P1 (R) (inertia (2, 2) or (2, 0)), a quartic curve in P?2 (R) (inertia
(2, 1)) or a quartic curve in P2 (R) (inertia (1, 1) or (1, 0)). Let C denote the curve of intersection
of the two given quadrics QS and QT . We have the following classical result.

Fact 19. The parameterization of QR defines an isomorphism between C and C . In particular,

C and C have the same genus, irreducibility, and factorization.

7.2. Optimality
Assume the intersection is a real non-singular quartic. Then D(, ) has no multiple root,
and thus QR is necessarily
a quadric of inertia (2, 2). After Step 2 of our algorithm, QR has a
parameterization in Q( ) that is bilinear in = (u,
v) and = (s, t). After resolution
of and
substitution in QR , we get a parameterization in Q( )[, ] with Q( )[] of degree 4.
Proposition 18 implies that it cannotbe parameterized by polynomial functions, so cannot
be avoided. The questionnow is: can be avoided? The answer is twofold:
(1) deciding whether can be avoided amounts, in the general case, to finding a rational
point on a surface of degree
(2) there are cases in which cannot be avoided.
We prove these results in the following two sections.

7.2.1. Optimality test

We first prove two preliminary lemmas.

Lemma 20. If the intersection of two given quadrics has a parameterization

involving only one
square root (i.e., a parameterization in Q( )[] or in Q[, ] with Q[]), there exists a
quadric with rational coefficients in the pencil that contains a rational line.
Proof. In what follows, call degree of a point the degree of the smallest field extension of Q
containing the coordinates of this point.
If the parameterization of the intersection involves only one square root, the intersection con-
tains infinitely many points of degree at most 2, one for any rational value of the parameters.
Now we have several cases according to the type of points contained in the intersection.
If the intersection contains a point p of degree 2, it contains also its algebraic conjugate p.
The line passing through p and p is invariant by conjugation, so is rational. Let q be a rational
point on this line. The quadric of the pencil passing through q is rational (Lemma 7). Since it
also contains p and p (the intersection is contained in any quadric of the pencil), this quadric
cuts the line in at least 3 points and thus contains it.
If the intersection contains a regular rational point (i.e., a rational point which is not a singular
point of the intersection), then the line tangent to the intersection at this point is rational, and is
tangent to any quadric of the pencil. The quadric of the pencil passing through a rational point of
this tangent line contains the contact point; thus it contains the tangent line.
If the intersection contains a singular rational point p, then all the quadrics of the pencil which
are not singular at p have the same tangent plane at p. Consider the quadric of the pencil passing
through a rational point q of this tangent plane (or through any rational point, if none of the
quadrics is regular at p). As above, this quadric contains the rational line pq. 2

Lemma 21. If a quadric contains a rational line, its discriminant is a square in Q.

Proof. If the quadric has rank less than 4, its discriminant is zero. We may thus suppose that
the discriminant is not 0 and that the equation of the quadric is ax2 + by 2 cz 2 dw2 = 0.
Since this quadric contains a rational line L, and thus a rational point, there is a rational change
of frames such that the quadric has equation x2 + y 2 z 2 abcd w2 = 0, by Proposition 17.
Cut the quadric by the plane z = 0. Since the intersection of the plane z = 0 and the rational
line L is a rational point, the cone x2 + y 2 abcd w2 = 0 contains a rational point outside it
singular locus. By Proposition 14, there is a rational congruence transformation P sending this
cone into the cone of equation x2 + y 2 w2 = 0. These two cones can be seen as conics in

P2 (Q) and P can be seen as a rational transformation in P2 (Q). The discriminant abcd of the
conic x2 + y 2 abcd w2 = 0 is thus equal to (det P )2 times 1, the discriminant of the conic
x2 + y 2 w2 = 0. Hence abcd is a square in Q. 2
From these technical results and the results of Section 6, we obtain the following equivalence.

22. When the intersection is a non-singular quartic, it can be parameterized in
Q[, ] with Q[] if and only if there exists a quadric of the pencil with rational coeffi-
cients having a non-singular rational point and whose discriminant is a square in Q.

Proof. If can be avoided, there exists, by Lemma 20, a quadric of the pencil with rational
coefficients containing a rational line. By Lemma 21, the discriminant of this quadric is thus a
square in Q. Moreover, since the quadrics of the pencil have rank at least three, the rational line
is not the singular line of some quadric (see Table 1) and thus contains a non-singular point.
Conversely, if there exists a quadric of the pencil with rational coefficients having a rational
non-singular point and whose discriminant is a square, then it has a rational parameterization by
Theorem 12 and Proposition 13 and thus can be avoided. 2
Mirroring Proposition 22,
we can devise a general test for deciding, in the smooth quartic
case, whether the square root can be avoided or not. Consider the equation
2 = det ((xT T x) S (xT Sx) T ), x = (x, y, z, c)T , (4)
where c Q is some constant such that plane w = c Q contains the vertex of no cone (inertia
(2, 1)) of the pencil. Note that (4) has degree 8 in the worst case.

23. When the intersection is a non-singular quartic, it has a parameterization in
Q[, ], with Q[], if and only Equation (4) has a rational solution.
Proof. Suppose first that (4) has a rational solution (x0 , y0 , z0 , 0 ) and let x0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 , c)T
and (0 , 0 ) = (xT0 T x0 , xT0 Sx0 ). The quadric Q = 0 QS + 0 QT of the pencil has rational
coefficients, contains the rational point x0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 , c)T and its discriminant is a square,
equal to 02 . Moreover, if Q has inertia (2, 1), then x0 is not its apex because, by assumption,
the plane w = c contains the vertex of no cone of the pencil. It then follows from Theorem 12
that our algorithm produces a rational parameterization of Q, and thus a parameterization of the
curve of intersection with rational coefficients.
Conversely, if the curve of intersection can be parameterized in Q[, ] (with Q[])
there exists a quadric Q of the pencil with rational coefficients containing a rational line and
whose discriminant is a square in Q, by Lemmas 20 and 21. The quadric Q contains a line and
thus intersects any plane. Consider any plane w = c Q. Since the intersection of a rational
line with a rational plane is (or contains) a rational point, the intersection of Q with plane w = c
contains a rational point x = (x, y, z, c)T . The quadric Q of the pencil containing that point has
associated matrix (xT T x) S (xT Sx) T and its determinant is a square. Hence Equation (4)
admits a rational solution. 2
Unfortunately, the question underlying the above optimality test is not within the range of
problems that can currently been answered by algebraic number theory. Indeed, it is not known
whether the general problem of determining if an algebraic set contains rational points (known,
over Z, as Hilberts 10th problem) is decidable (Poonen, 2001). It is known that this problem
is decidable for genus zero curves and, under certain conditions, for genus one curves, but, for
varieties of dimension two or more, very little has been proved.

The above theorem thus implies that computing parameterizations of the intersections of two
arbitrary quadrics that are always optimal in the number of radicals is currently out of reach.
in some particular cases, we can use the following corollary to Theorem 23 to prove
that cannot be avoided.

Corollary 24. If the intersection C of QS and QT is a non-singular quartic and the rational
hyperelliptic curve = det
quartic (S + T ) has no rational point, then the parameterization
of C in Q( )[, ] with Q( )[] is optimal in the number of radicals.
We use this corollary in the next section.

7.2.2. Worst-case examples

First, recall that Tu et al. (2002) proved that a real smooth quartic can be of three different
morphologies according to the number of real roots of the characteristic polynomial. To state
their result, call affinely finite a set of points L of P3 (R) if there exists a projective plane P such
that P L = ; call L affinely infinite otherwise.

Theorem 25 (Tu et al. (2002)). Let QS and QT be two quadrics intersecting in C in a smooth
quartic C. C can be classified as follows:
If D(, ) has four real roots, then C has either two real affinely finite connected components
or is empty.
If D(, ) has two real roots and two complex roots, then C has one real affinely finite con-
nected component.
If D(, ) has four complex roots, then C has two real affinely infinite connected components.
We prove that there are pairs of quadrics, intersecting in each of the different types of real
smooth quartic, such that the parameterization of their intersectionrequires a square root in the
coefficients (i.e., it cannot be parameterized with functions in Q[, ] with Q[]).

Proposition 26. The following pair of quadrics intersect in a smooth quartic withtwo real
finite components and a parameterization of their intersection in Q( )[, ], with
Q( )[], is optimal in the number of radicals.
QS : 5y 2 + 6xy + 2z 2 w2 + 6zw = 0,
QT : 3x2 + y 2 z 2 w2 = 0.

Proof. The characteristic polynomial of the pencil of QS and QT has four simple real roots and
we find a quadric of inertia (2, 2) in each of the intervals on which it is positive (in fact QS and
QT are representative quadrics in these intervals). Thus, by Theorem 25, the intersection of QS
and QT is a real smooth quartic with two affinely finite components.

We now apply Corollary 24 and show that the square root is necessary to parameterize the
curve of intersection. We have 2 = det (S + T ) = 34 + 123 572 156 + 99 and thus
2 34+ 72 + 3 + 4(3 + ) (mod 8) which, as we prove below, has no rational solution
and thus cannot be avoided.
Assume for a contradiction that (, ) is a rational solution to the above equation. We can
write = X/Z and = Y /Z 2 , where X, Y, Z are integers, Z 6= 0 and X, Z are mutually
prime (and so are not both even). The above equation becomes Y 2 3X 4 + 7X 2 Z 2 + 3Z 4 +
4XZ(X 2 + Z 2 ) (mod 8). If both X and Z are odd, X 2 and Z 2 are equal to 1 (mod 8). Thus
4(X 2 + Z 2 ) 0 (mod 8) and Y 2 3 + 7 + 3 5 (mod 8), contradicting the fact that
Y 2 0, 1 or 4 (mod 8), for all integers Y .

If X and Z are not both odd, one of X 2 and Z 2 is equal to 0 (mod 4) and the other is equal to
1 (mod 4) since X and Z are not both even. The reduction of the equation modulo 4 thus gives
Y 2 3 (mod 4), contradicting the fact that Y 2 0 or 1 (mod 4), for all integers Y . 2
We now present the worst-case examples for the two other types of real smooth quartic. The
proofs are similar as above and are omitted here for lack of space (see Dupont et al. (2005a) for

Proposition 27. The following two pairs of quadrics intersect in a smooth quartic with, respec-
tively, one real affinely finite component and two real
infinite components
and, in both
cases, a parameterization of their intersection in Q( )[, ], with Q( )[], is optimal
in the number of radicals:
2x2 2xy + 2xz 2xw + y 2 + 4yz 4yw + 2z 2 4zw = 0 x2 2y 2 + 4zw = 0

x2 2xy + 4xz + 4xw y 2 + 2yz + 4yw + 4zw 2w2 = 0, xy + z 2 + 2zw w2 = 0.

8. Conclusion

The algorithm introduced in Section 4 already represents a substantial improvement over

Levins pencil method and its subsequent refinements. Indeed, we proved that, when the inter-
section is a smooth quartic (the generic case) our algorithm computes a parameterization which
is optimal in the number of radicals involved up to one possibly unnecessary square root. We
also showed that deciding whether this extra square root can be avoided is, in general, out of
reach and that the parameterization is optimal in some cases. Moreover, for the first time, our
algorithms enable to compute in practice an exact form of the parameterization of two arbitrary
quadrics with rational coefficients.
It is also interesting to notice that the parameterizations computed by our algorithm can be
fairly simple even though they are exact. In particular they are often simpler than approximated
parameterizations computed by other methods. Lazard et al. (2006) study the size of the coeffi-
cients of the exact parameterizations computed by our algorithm and compare these parameteri-
zations with approximate solutions, on some examples presented by Wang et al. (2002).
Even though this first part of our paper has focused on the generic, smooth quartic case, this
algorithm can also be used when the intersection is singular. Assume the intermediate quadric
QR has inertia (2, 2). When the intersection consists of a cubic and a line, equation in the
parameters has a cubic factor of bidegree (2, 1) and a linear factor of bidegree (0, 1), in view of
Fact 19. Similarly, when the intersection consists of a conic and two lines, factors in a quadratic
factor of bidegree (1, 1) and two linear factors of bidegree (1, 0) and (0, 1). Thus, assuming we
know how to factor , we have a way to parameterize each component of the intersection.
Unfortunately, this does not always lead to a parameterization of the intersection that involves
only polynomial functions. When the intersection C is a singular quartic, is irreducible since
C itself is, and solving for s in terms of u (or the converse) introduces the square root of a
polynomial, while we know that there exists a parameterization of C with polynomial functions
(the genus of the curve is 0).
Always computing parameterizations with polynomial functions when such parameterizations
are known to exist will necessitate rethinking the basic philosophy of our algorithm. Essentially,
while the idea of the generic algorithm is to use the rational quadric with largest rank as interme-
diate quadric for parameterizing the intersection, the refined method will instead use the rational
quadric with smallest rank as intermediate quadric.

Proceeding that way will have the double benefit of always computing the simplest possible
parameterizations and much better controlling the size of their coefficients. The price we pay is
a multiplicity of cases and the need to write dedicated software for each (real projective) type of
intersection. This is the subject of Parts II and III of this paper.

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