Essay1 Version2
Essay1 Version2
Essay1 Version2
Alexandria Whitlow
ENGW 105-21; Cyrus Hampton
Essay 1: My Literacy Experience
The author Pearl Cleage once said in reference to reading books that
she had a need to interpret what [she] saw as a story (Golden 83). This
quote best describes what reading has always been like for me. Especially
when reading fictional texts, I can draw an unambiguous meaning from the
words on the page if I can clearly picture the setting and people acting out
the scenes, similar to transforming the story into a movie in my mind. Putting
my imagination to use like this has proven helpful when interpreting more
advanced works. It has also transformed the type of writing I enjoy doing
their meanings and to make them more interesting. I also take pleasure in
forms of literacy that has inspired my writing style, which can diverge from
the books I read in elementary school. I had never been a huge fan of books
when I was younger, mainly due to the fact that I found many of the
Whitlow 2
reading level introduced the struggle of finding books that were both
Unfortunate Events that I realized that what I truly appreciated was creative
storytelling. These series piqued my interest due to the simplistic, yet vivid
described. I was able to make connections with the characters and immerse
have written enough essays over the course of my educational career that
have made the task of writing in a less creative style a bit easier. However,
has caused my basic essay writing formula to change a few times. For
of spelling and grammar. Junior high put the spotlight on basic essay
students to fall between the cracks, (Royster 38). Therefore, there was a
content for introductory and closing paragraphs. I tend to start off explaining
my main points without introducing them for the same reason I have trouble
school. This allowed them to review my grammar and diction I chose for
certain concepts I wanted to present. Having another set of eyes glance over
my work has always been helpful, because it lets me edit any mistakes I did
the aid of my parents became less necessary as the center of attraction was
how to improve a rough draft, because I could understand exactly what the
writing, specifically my stories, I like to watch movies, study art pieces, and
listen to personal anecdotes. Doing this helps me create a more vivid picture
compose in a way that can convey that same concept to other readers. I do
not preoccupy myself with the formality of the writing. Instead, I try to allow
emphasizing the importance of what Shirley Logan defines literacy skills as:
to analyze works without the need to ramble, I will feel like a more
Work Cited
1. Logan, Shirley. "Why College English." College English 69.2 (2006): 107-10.
2. "Pearl Cleage." Interview by Golden Marita. Word 2011: 80-93. Print.
3. Royster, Jacqueline. "When The First Voice You Hear Is Not Your Own." College