Series Po
Series Po
Series Po
NATIONALISED BANKS Directions (11-15): In each of the following
& IBPS SO/MT/SO Directions (1-5): In the questions a number series is given. After the series a
following number number is given followed by (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).
series, a wrong number is given. Find out that You have to complete the series starting with
wrong number.
(Canara Bank PO Exam. 09.02.2003)
1. 2 11 38 197 1172 8227 65806
(1) 11 (2) 38
(3) 197 (4) 1172
(5) 8227
2. 16 19 21 30 46 71 107
(1) 19 (2) 21
(3) 30 (4) 46
(5) 71
3. 7 9 16 25 41 68 107 173
(1) 107 (2) 16
(3) 41 (4) 68
(5) 25
4. 4 2 3.5 7.5 26.25 118.125
(1) 118.125 (2) 26.25
(3) 3.5 (4) 2
(5) 7.5
5. 16 4 2 1.5 1.75 1.875
(1) 1.875 (2) 1.75
(3) 1.5 (4) 2
(5) 4
Directions (6-10): What will come in place
of the question mark (?) in the following number
series ?
(Syndicate Bank PO Exam. 10.10.2004)
6. 3 10 32 100 ?
(1) 345 (2) 460
(3) 308 (4) 440
(5) None of these
7. 5 3 4 ? 38
(1) 8.5 (2) 6
(3) 7.5 (4) 8
(5) None of these
8. 5 6 ? 57 244
(1) 21 (2) 16
(3) 17 (4) 15
(5) None of these
9. 3 10 21 ? 51
(1) 34 (2) 32
(3) 33 (4) 37
(5) None of these
10. 5 11 ? 55 117
(1) 21 (2) 27
(3) 23 (4) 25
(5) None of these
the number given, following the sequence of the (3) 174 (4) 331
original series and answer the questions that (5) None of these
follow the series. 15. 85 43 44 67.5 137 345
(Union Bank of India 125 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
PO Exam. 27.11.2005) What will come in place of (c) ?
11. 12 30 120 460 1368 2730 (1) 86 (2) 107.5
16 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What will (3) 112.5 (4) 97.5
come in place of (d) ? (5) None of these
(1) 1384 (2) 2642 Directions (16-22) : What will come in
(3) 2808 (4) 1988 place of the question mark (?) in the following
(5) None of these number series ?
12. 154 462 231 693 346.5 1039.5 (Corporation Bank Po
276 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Exam. 29.07.2006)
What will come in place of (e) ?
16. 1 ? 27 64 125
(1) 1746 (2) 621 (1) 8 (2) 4
(3) 1242 (4) 983 (3) 6 (4) 9
(5) None of these (5) None of these
13. 7 91 1001 7007 35035 105 17. 25 16 ? 4 1
14.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (1) 3 (2) 6
What will come in place of (c) ? (3) 12 (4) 18
(1) 21132.5 (2) 14514.5 (5) None of these
(3) 20020.5 (4) 13864.5 18. 1 6 36 240 1960 ?
(5) None of these (1) 19660 (2) 3680
14. 582 574 601 537 662 446 (3) 36800 (4) 19600
204 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (5) None of these
What will come in place of (d) ? 19. 12 14 17 13 8 14 21 13 4 ?
(1) 284 (2) 68
LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822)
24. 949 189.8 ? 22.776 11.388 6.8328
(1) 14 (2) 13 (1) 48.24 (2) 53.86
(3) 15 (4) 2 (3) 74.26 (4) 56.94
(5) None of these (5) None of these
20. 2 5 7 12 19 31 50 ? 25. 121 144 190 259 ? 466
(1) 53 (2) 81 (1) 351 (2) 349
(3) 69 (4) 74 (3) 374 (4) 328
(5) None of these (5) None of these
21. 15 12 17 10 ? 8 21 6 26. 14 43.5 264 ? 76188
(1) 3 (2) 7 (1) 3168 (2) 3176
(3) 21 (4) 19 (3) 1587 (4) 1590
(5) None of these (5) None of these
22. 4 6 12 30 90 315 ? 27. 41 164 2624 ? 6045696
(1) 945 (2) 1102 (1) 104244 (2) 94644
(3) 1260 (4) 1417.5 (3) 94464 (4) 102444
(5) None of these (5) None of these
Directions (16-22) : What should come in Directions (28-32): What should come In
place of the question mark (?) in the following place of question mark (?) in the following number
number series ? series ?
(Bank Of Maharashtra PO (Indian Overseas Bank
Exam. 29.07.2006) PO Exam. 15.06.2008)
23. 1548 516 129 43 ? 28. 12 12 18 45 180 1170 ?
(1) 11 (2)10.75 (1) 12285 (2) 10530
(3) 9.5 (4)12 (3) 11700 (4) 12870
(5) None of these (5) 7605
29. 444 467 513 582 674 789 ? 2
(1) 950 (2) 904 (3) 1764 (4) 3136
(3) 927 (4) 881 (5) 6561
(5) 973 31. 23 25 53 163 657 3291 ?
30. 1 16 81 256 625 1296 ? (1) 16461 (2) 13169
(1) 4096 (2) 2401 (3) 9877 (4) 23045
(5) 19753
32. 13 13 65 585 7605 129285 ?
(1) 2456415 (2) 2235675
(3) 2980565 (4) 2714985
(5) 2197845
Directions (33-37) : What should come in
place of question mark (?) in the following number
series ?
(Andhra Bank PO Exam. 14.09.2008)
33. 40280625 732375 16275 465 18.6
1.24 ?
(1) 0.248 (2) 0.336
(3) 0.424 (4) 0.512
(5) 0.639
34. 14 12 21 59 231 1149 ?
(1) 6987 (2) 6787
(3) 6887 (4) 6687
(5) 6587
35. 1728 2744 4096 5832 8000 10648
(1) 12167 (2) 13824
(3) 15625 (4) 9261
(5) 17576
36. 120 15 105 17.5 87.5 ?
(1) 18.5 (2) 19.5
(3) 21.875 (4) 17.5
(5) 90
37. 3 6 21 28 55 66 ? 120
(1) 103 (2) 104
(3) 108 (4) 106
(5) 105
Directions (38-42) : In each of the
following questions a number series is given
which has only one wrong number. You have to
find out the wrong number.
(Bank Of Baroda Specialist
Officer Exam. 05.10.2008)
38. 7.25 47.5 87.5 157.5 247.5 357.5
(1) 357.5 (2) 87.5
(3) 157.5 (4) 7.5
(5) 47.5
39. 13 16 21 27 39 52 69
(1) 21 (2) 39
(3) 27 (4) 52
(5) 16
40. 1500 1581 1664 1749 1833 1925 2016
(1) 1581 (2) 1664 41. 66 91 120 153 190 233 276
(3) 1833 (4) 1925 (5) 1749
LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822)
(1) 120 (2) 233 (1) 708 (2) 3534
(3) 153 (4) 276 (3) 14136 (4) 42405
(5) 190 (5) None of these
42. 1331 2197 3375 4914 6859 9261 Directions (53-57): What should come in
12167 place of question mark (?) in the following number
(1) 4914 (2) 6859 series ?
(3) 9261 (4) 2197 (Canara Bank PO Exam. 15.03.2009)
(5) 12167 53. 5 9 18 34 59 95 ?
Directions (43-47): What should come in (1) 272 (2) 168
place of the question mark (?) in the following (3) 116 (4) 148
number series ? (5) 144
(Oriental Bank of Commerce 54. 1200 480 192 76.8 30.72 12.288 ?
PO Exam. 21.12.2008) (1) 4.9152 (2) 5.8192
43. 20 24 33 49 74 110 ? (3) 6.7112 (4) 7.6132
(1) 133 (2) 147 (5) 8.5172
(3) 159 (4) 163 55. 963 927 855 747 603 423 ?
(5) 171 (1) 209 (2) 208
44. 529 841 961 1369 1681 1849 ? (3) 207 (4) 206
(1) 2809 (2) 2601 (5) 205
(3) 3249 (4) 3481 56. 841 961 1089 1225 1369 1521 ?
(5) 2209 (1) 1581 (2) 1681
45. 16 24 48 120 360 1260 ? (3) 1781 (4) 1881
(1) 3780 (2) 4725 (5) 1981
(3) 5355 (4) 5040 57. 18 20 44 138 560 2810 ?
(5) 4410 (1) 16818 (2) 16836
46. 8 31 122 485 1936 7739 ? (3) 16854 (4) 16872
(1) 30950 (2) 46430 (5) 16890
(3) 34650 (4) 42850 Directions (58-62) : In the following
(5) 38540 number series only one number is wrong. Find
47. 499 622 868 1237 1729 2344 ? out the wrong number.
(1) 3205 (2) 3082 (UCO Bank PO Exam. 22.03.2009)
(3) 2959 (4) 3462 58. 4 6 18 49 201 1011
(5) 2876 (1) 1011 (2) 201
Directions (48-52) : In the following (3) 18 (4) 49
number series only one number is wrong. Find (5) None of these
out the wrong number. 59. 48 72 108 162 243 366
(PNB Agriculture Officer (1) 72 (2) 108
Exam. 04.01.2009) (3) 162 (4) 243
48. 1 4 27 256 3125 46658 (5) None of these
(1) 46658 (2) 4 60. 2 54 300 1220 3674 7350
(3) 27 (4) 3125 (1) 3674 (2) 1220
(5) None of these (3) 300 (4) 54
49. 18000 3600 720 142.2 28.8 5.76 (5) None of these
(1) 28.8 (2) 3600 61. 8 27 64 125 218 343
(3) 5.76 (4) 142.2 (1) 27 (2) 218
(5) None of these (3) 125 (4) 343
50. 12 237 406 527 604 657 (5) None of these
(1) 237 (2) 406 62. 19 68 102 129 145 154
(3) 527 (4) 657 (1) 154 (2) 129
(5) None of these (3) 145 (4) 102
51. 3 35 226 1160 4660 13998 (5) None of these
(1) 13998 (2) 4660 Directions (63-67): What should come in
(3) 226 (4) 1160 place of the question mark (?) in the following
(5) None of these number series ?
52. 18 119 708 3534 14136 42405 (Indian Overseas Bank
PO Exam. 05.04.2009)
LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822)
73. 2 8 26 ? 242
63. 0 5 18 43 84 145 ? (1) 78 (2) 72
(1) 220 (2) 240 (3) 82 (4) 84
(3) 260 (4) 280 (5) None of these
(5) None of these 74. 3 4 12 ? 196
64. 10 17 48 165 688 3475 ? (1) 45 (2) 40
(1) 27584 (2) 25670 (3) 41 (4) 49
(3) 21369 (4) 20892 (5) None of these
(5) None of these
65. 1 3 24 360 8640 302400 ?
(1) 14525100 (2) 154152000
(3) 14515200 (4) 15425100
(5) None of these
66. 12 14 32 102 416 2090 ?
(1) 15522 (2) 12552
(3) 13525 (4) 17552
(5) None of these
67. 10 15 15 12.5 9.375 6.5625 ?
(1) 4.375 (2) 3.2375
(3) 4.6275 (4) 3.575
(5) None of these
Directions (68-72) : What will come in
place of the question mark (?) in each of the
following series ?
68. 17 52 158 477 ? 4310
(1) 1433 (2) 1432
(3) 1435 (4) 1434
(5) None of these
69. 3 22 ? 673 2696 8093
(1) 133 (2) 155
(3) 156 (4) 134
(5) None of these
70. 6 13 38 ? 532 2675
(1) 129 (2) 123
(3) 172 (4) 164
(5) None of these
71. 286 142 ? 34 16 7
(1) 66 (2) 72
(3) 64 (4) 74
(5) None of these
72. 17 9 ? 16.5 35 90
(1) 5 (2) 15
(3) 10 (4) 20
(5) None of these
Directions (73-77): What will come in
place of the question mark (?) in each of the
following rtamber series ?
(Andhra Bank PO Exam 05.07.2009)
4 (1) 428 (2) 214
75. 9 17 ? 65 129 (3) 218 (4) 416
(1) 32 (2) 24 (5) None of these
(3) 35 (4) 33 81. 11 23 47 95 ?
(5) None of these (1) 189 (2) 193
76. 7 13 ? 49 97 (3) 181 (4) 195
(1) 27 (2) 25 (5) None of these
(3) 23 (4) 29 82. 9 17 33 65 ?
(5) None of these (1) 113 (2) 131
77. 5 3 6 ? 64.75 (3) 129 (4) 118
(1) 15 (2) 15.5 (5) None of these
(3) 17.5 (4) 17.25 Directions (83-84) : In the following
(5) None of these number series only one number is wrong. Find
Directions (78-82) : What will come in out the wrong number.
place of the question mark (?) in each of the (Corporation Bank PO
following number series ? Exam. 22.11.2009)
(PNB Specialist Officers 83. 8 11 17 47 128 371 1100
Exam. 16.08.2009) (1)11 (2)47
78. 16 8 12 30 ? (3) 17 (4) 371
(1) 75 (2) 105 (5) 128
(3) 95 (4) 115 84. 1 5 13 31 61 125 253
(5) None of these (1) 1 (2) 5
(United Bank of India PO (3)31 (4)61
Exam. 21.06.2009) (5) 125
79. 5 6 14 45 ? Directions (85-89) : In the following
(1) 138 (2) 154 number series a wrong number is given. Find out
(3) 118 (4) 184
the wrong number.
(5) None of these
80. 7 12 32 105 ?
LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822)
(Indian Bank Rural Marketing (1) 149 (2) 146
Officer Exam. 03.01.2010) (3) 142 (4) 152
85. 150 290 560 1120 2140 4230 (5) None of these
8400 7 4 5 9 ? 52.5 160.5
(1) 2140 (2) 560 (1) 32 (2) 16
(3) 1120 (4) 4230 (3) 14 (4) 20
(5) 290 97. (5) None of these
86. 10 8 13 35 135 671 4007 6 42 ? 1260 5040 15120 30240
(1) 8 (2) 671 (1) 546 (2) 424
(3) 135 (4) 13 (3) 252 (4) 328
(5) 35 98. (5) None of these
87. 80 42 24 13.5 8.75 6.375 5.1875 4 10 40 190 940 ? 23440
(1) 8.75 (2) 13.5 (1) 4690 (2) 2930
(3) 24 (4) 6.375 (3) 5140 (4) 3680
(5) 42 99. (5) None of these
88. 125 75 45 25 16.2 9.72 5.832 2 9 30 ? 436 2195 13182
(1) 25 (2) 45 (1) 216 (2) 105
(3) 9.72 (4) 16.2 (3) 178 (4) 324
(5) 75 (5) None of these
89. 29 37 21 43 13 53 5 Directions (100-104): In each question
(1) 37 (2) 53 below, a number series is given in which one
(3) 13 (4) 21 number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
(5) 43 (Allahabad Bank PO Exam. 21.02.2010)
Directions (90-94): In the following 100. 484 240 120 57 26.5 11.25 3.625
number series only one number is wrong. Find (1) 240 (2) 120
out the wrong number. (3) 57 (4) 26.5
(Indian Bank PO Exam. 17.10.2010) 101. (5) 11.25
90. 13 25 40 57 79 103 130 3 5 13 43 176 891 5352
(1) 25 (2) 40 (1) 5 (2) 13
(3) 57 (4) 79 (3) 43 (4) 176
(5) None of these (5) 891
91. 850 600 550 500 475 462.5 102. 6 7 16 41 90 154 292
456.25 (1) 7 (2) 16
(1) 600 (2) 550 (3) 41 (4) 90
(3) 500 (4) 462.5 (5) 154
(5) None of these 103. 5 7 16 57 244 1245 7506
92. 2 10 18 54 162 486 1458 (1) 7 (2) 16
(1) 18 (2) 54 (3) 57 (4) 244
(3) 162 (4) 10 104. (5) 1245
(5) None of these 4 2.5 3.5 6.5 15.5 41.25 126.75
93. 8 12 24 46 72 108 152 (1) 2.5 (2) 3.5
(1) 12 (2) 24 (3) 6.5 (4) 15.5
(3) 46 (4) 72 (5) 41.25
(5) None of these Directions (105-109) : What should come
94. 142 119 100 83 65 59 52 in place of the question mark (?) in the following
(1) 65 (2) 100 number series.
(3) 59 (4) 119 (Corporation Bank PO
(5) None of these Exam. 09.05.2010)
Directions (95-99) : What should come in 105. 325 314 292 259 215 ?
place of the question mark in the following number (1) 126 (2) 116
series ? (3) 130 (4) 160
(Bank Of India Banking (5) None of these
Officer Exam. 24.01.2010) 106.
45 46 70 141 ? 1061.5
(1) 353 (2) 353.5
95. 5 54 90 115 131 140 ? (3) 352.5 (4) 352
(5) None of these
LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822)
(3) 234 (4) 256
107. 620 632 608 644 596 ? (5) None of these
(1) 536 (2) 556 117. 62 87 187 412 812 (?)
(3) 656 (4) 646 (1) 1012 (2) 1437
(5) None of these (3) 1337 (4) 1457
108. 15 25 40 65 ? 195 (5) None of these
(1) 115 (2) 90 118. 7 8 24 105 361 (?)
(3) 105 (4) 120 (1) 986 (2) 617
(5) None of these
109. 120 320 ? 2070 5195 13007.5
(1) 800 (2) 920
(3) 850 (4) 900
(5) None of these
Directions (110-114): In the following
number series only one number is wrong. Find
out the wrong number.
(Punjab & Sind Bank PO
Exam. 16.05.2010)
110. 32 34 37 46 62 87 123
(1) 34 (2) 37
(3) 62 (4) 87
(5) 46
111. 7 18 40 106 183 282 403
(1) 18 (2) 282
(3) 40 (4) 106
(5) 183
112. 850 843 829 808 788 745 703
(1) 843 (2) 829
(3) 808 (4) 788
(5) 745
113. 33 321 465 537 573 590 600
(1) 321 (2) 465
(3) 573 (4) 537
(5) 590
114. 37 47 52 67 87 112 142
(1) 47 (2) 52
(3) 67 (4) 87
(5) 112
Directions (115-119) : What will come in
place of the question mark (?) in the following
number series ?
(Bank Of Baroda PO Exam. 30.05.2010)
115. 13 16 22 33 51 (?)
(1) 89 (2) 78
(3) 102 (4) 69
(5) None of these
116. 39 52 78 117 169 (?)
(1) 246 (2) 182
6 124. 4 200 369 513 634 (?)
(3) 486 (4) 1657 (1) 788 (2) 715
(5) None of these (3) 734 (4) 755
119. 656 432 320 264 236 (?) (5) None of these
(1) 222 (2) 229 Directions (125-129) : What will come in
(3) 232 (4) 223 place of the question mark (?) in the following
(5) None of these number series ?
Directions (120-124): What will come in (Syndicate Bank PO Exam. 29.08.2010)
place of the question mark (?) in the following 125. 495 485 465 425 345 ?
number series ? (1) 195 (2) 165
(Central Bank Of India (3) 185 (4) 175
PO Exam. 25.07.2010) (5) None of these
120. 7 20 46 98 202 (?) 126. 16 22 33 49 70 ?
(1) 420 (2) 410 (1) 95 (2) 96
(3) 310 (4) 320 (3) 85 (4) 91
(5) None of these (5) None of these
121. 210 209 213 186 202 (?) 127. 32 36 52 88 152 ?
(1) 138 (2) 77 (1) 266 (2) 232
(3) 177 (4) 327 (3) 242 (4) 256
(5) None of these (5) None of theses
122. 27 38 71 126 203 (?) 128. 17 289 425 493 527 ?
(1) 212 (2) 202 (1) 534 (2) 542
(3) 301 (4) 312 (3) 544 (4) 594
(5) None of these (5) None of these
123. 435 354 282 219 165 (?) 129. 13 27 55 97 153 ?
(1) 103 (2) 112 (1) 243 (2) 265
(3) 120 (4) 130 (3) 215 (4) 223
(5) None of these (5) None of these
1 1 1 1
27. If 1 2
2 .... 1 2 =
2 3 4 2011
2 2011 then the value of x is
(1) 1 (2) 2010
(3) 2011 (4) 2012
(United India Insurance AAO
Exam. 03.06.2012)
Directions (28 - 32) : Find the wrong
number in the following number series .
28. 1050 510 242 106 46 16 3 (5) None of these
(1) 3 (2) 106 34. 949 189.8 ? 22.776 11.388 6.8328
(3) 242 (4) 510 (1) 48.24 (2) 53.86
(5) None of these (3) 74.26 (4) 56.94
29. 550 546 537 521 494 460 411 (5) None of these
(1) 494 (2) 546 35. 121 144 190 259 ? 466
(3) 521 (4) 460 (1) 351 (2) 349
(5) None of these (3) 374 (4) 328
30. 8 21 47 86 140 203 281 (5) None of these
(1) 47 (2) 86 36. 14 43.5 264 ? 76188
(3) 140 (4) 203 (1) 3168 (2) 3176
(5) None of these (3) 1587 (4) 1590
31. 4 24 161 965 4795 19176 57525 (5) None of these
(1) 161 (2) 965 37. 41 164 2624 ? 6045696
(3) 57525 (4)19176 (1) 104244 (2) 94644
(5) None of these (3) 94464 (4) 102444
(5) None of these
32. 1 2 8 24 120 720 5040
(1)120 (2) 24 38. Find the missing number in the series :
(3) 8 (4) 720 2, 5, 9, ?, 20, 27
(5) None of these (1) 14 (2)16
(3)18 (4)24
Directions (33-38) : What should come in
(NICL (GIC) Administrative
place of the question mark (?) in the following
number series ? Officer Exam.
(United India Insurance AO
Exam. 26.05.2013
33. 1548 516 129 43 ?
(1) 11 (2) 10.75
(3) 9.5 (4) 12
LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822)