Summary of The Scientific Literature For Pain and Anxiety Control Dentistry
Summary of The Scientific Literature For Pain and Anxiety Control Dentistry
Summary of The Scientific Literature For Pain and Anxiety Control Dentistry
Summary of the Scientific Literature for Pain
and Anxiety Control in Dentistry
Leslie C. Hassett, mLs
Bibliographer, Jorgensen Memorial Collection
Reference Librarian, Del E. Webb Memorial Library
Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Califomia
This bibliography contains English language citations to Special thanks to David J. Saad, DDS, Dental Anesthesia
the journal literature* for 1993. Although a careful review Resident in the Department of Dental Anesthesiology at
of the literature was performed, some relevant material Loma Linda University for his assistance in editing this
may not be included. Comments or suggestions regard- bibliography.
ing this bibliography are welcomed by the author.
Anesth Prog 41:48-57 1994 Bibliography 49
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Swift JQ, Hargreaves KM: Pentazocine analgesia: is there a 149.
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71:164; Comment in: Br J Anaesth 1993;71:918-919. gery 1993;33:639-643; discussion 643-644.
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50 Bibliography Anesth Prog 41:48-57 1994
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