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The HOCR Microformat

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The hOCR Microformat for OCR Workflow and Results

Thomas M. Breuel
U. Kaiserslautern and DFKI
Trippstadter Str. 122
67663 Kaiserslautern

Abstract with a wide variety of layouts. In addition, our system

will have to integrate into existing workflows and text
Large scale scanning and document conversion ef- databases. In choosing an output format for our sys-
forts have led to a renewed interest in OCR systems tem, we evaluated many of the existing formats and en-
and workflows. This paper describes a new format for countered numerous limitations. For example, existing
representing both intermediate and final OCR results, formats usually have limited multi-lingual capabilities,
developed in response to the needs of a newly developed lack support for many common typographic phenom-
OCR system and ground truth data release. The format ena, lack a well-defined underlying page and typeset-
embeds OCR information invisibly inside the HTML ting model, and often force the use of separate formats
and CSS standards and therefore can represent a wide for final output and intermediate results.
range of linguistic and typographic phenomena with al- Faced with these and other limitations of existing
ready well-defined, widely understood markup and can formats, it was important to find an alternative solu-
be processed using widely available and known tools. tion. To this end, we defined a number of requirements:
The format is based on a new, multi-level abstraction of
OCR results based on logical markup, common typeset- the ability to cope with common typographic and
ting models, and OCR engine-specific markup, making layout phenomena in the major languages and
it suitable both for the support of existing workflows and writing systems
the development of future model-based OCR engines. the ability to support all processing stages in an
OCR system with a single format

1 Introduction the ability to represent layout information in terms

of a generative typesetting model
Over the history of OCR systems, a significant num- the ability to encapsulate existing OCR engine
ber of formats have been proposed for representing the output formats
output of OCR systems. We can distinguish three
major classes of OCR output formats: logical for- the ability to represent and associate information
mats, suitable for direct use of OCR results by end from different stages of OCR processing
users (RTF, HTML, LaTeX, and Microsoft Word),
Furthermore, ideally, we wanted to reuse as much of
OCR engine-specific formats [5, 9], and benchmark-
existing formats and tools as possible, and we wanted
ing formats [11, 10] proposed for benchmarking vari-
a format that permitted future extensibility. As we will
ous aspects of OCR systems. Many OCR engines sup-
see, our format fulfills all these requirements.
port multiple output formats and represent informa-
tion (like text) redundantly within those formats, and
commercial and research engines each have their own, 2 A Microformat
mutually incompatible formats.
We are currently developing a multi-lingual OCR Our approach to addressing the various require-
system that is targeting the major writing systems ments without creating a complex new format from
and languages of the world, and is intended to deal scratch has been to adopt HTML/XHTML [2] as

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the basis format, together with CSS (cascading style
hOCR format:
sheets) [4, 8] for representing typographic markup, and
<div class="ocr_block"
to enhance this format by embedding additional infor-
title="bounds 112 17 213 53">text...</div>
mation using facilities of standard HTML. One of the
key benefits of using HTML+CSS as the foundation of XML equivalent:
is the hundreds of man-years that has been invested <ocr_block
into those formats in identifying typographic and lin- bounds="112 17 213 53">text...</ocr_block>
guistic phenomena across a wide variety of languages
and scripts, and defining markup to represent those
phenomena. For example, HTML and CSS provide Figure 1. hOCR markup is fully equivalent to
support for representing fonts, styles, hyphenation, well-formed XML and can naturally be trans-
flexible spacing, justification, kashida (flexible Arabic formed into XML automatically and without
characters), Urdu ligatures, Japanese ruby, mixed hor- loss of information. (Note that the reverse is
izontal/vertical layout, inline changes in writing direc- not true: arbitrary XML cannot easily be em-
tion, and many others. None of the existing OCR for- bedded as a format.)
mats address this wealth of linguistic and typographic
Existing standards-conforming HTML output from proximately the same). In that sense, none of the ac-
an OCR system is already minimally compliant OCR tual design of hOCR is tied to its representation as
output in our system, albeit without any OCR spe- a format, and all the considerations and design go-
cific information (e.g., geometric information). Adding ing into hOCR apply equally well to a possibly future
OCR specific information to this format then means XML-based format. Note, however, that the reverse is
incorporating a few tags to the HTML output that in- not true: an XML format cannot be automatically and
dicate geometric and OCR-specific information. These naturally converted to a format, since many XML con-
additional tags do not alter the appearance of the out- structs are difficult to encode naturally and readably
put, are fully compliant with the HTML standard, and inside a format.
are processed and preserved when the HTML is pro-
cessed using standard tools. 3 Supported Markup
This is accomplished by using the DIV and SPAN tags;
these tags have no specific meaning in HTML, but they Above, we have described the hOCR formatin terms
may be used to associate style and other information of its embedding into HTML. Just as important is what
with regions of text inside an HTML document. Both hOCR is actually representingthe content elements.
tags allow a small number of standard attributes, in- In fact, the content elements could easily form the basis
cluding the class, style and title attribute. The of a non-HTML OCR markup language as well.
class attribute is used for identifying a tag as belong-
ing to a particular class or application; we use this at- 3.1 Logical Markup
tribute to identify tags representing OCR information.
In particular, all OCR-related tags have a class of ocr Most document types have a tree structure, repre-
or ocrx . senting nested large scale to small scale divisions of
The style attribute is used for associating style in- the document. Within that tree structure, the text
formation with regions of text; we are using it directly itself is represented linearly in reading order. Not
to associated typographic and layout information with only is this structure shared, but most document types
text in the standard way defined by the CSS standard. and markup languages have common, recurring section
The title attribute may contain arbitrary text, and types, found in document types like memoranda, arti-
we use it to encode tag specific information. cles, etc. The hOCR logical markup elements define
For the hOCR format, we will refer to DIV or and represent these most commonly found divisions.
SPAN tags that contain OCR-related information as el- Like all hOCR markup, this markup is options; if it
ements, and we refer to the information encoded in its does not fit the particular needs of a document type,
title attribute as properties. In fact, the hOCR for- OCR systems are free to omit these, or use other em-
mat is equivalent to (and can be automatically trans- bedded formats to represent their specific document
lated to and from) an XML format, in which the hOCR structures.
elements and properties correspond to XML tags and Of course, HTML itself has its own set of hierar-
attributes (the size of the two representations is ap- chical document structuring elements (H1 through H4,

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ocr_document ocr_page
ocr_linear ocr_carea ("content area")
ocr_title ocr_line [SPAN]
ocr_author ocr_float
ocr_abstract (subclasses for images, formulas, etc.)
ocr_part ocr_separator
ocr_chapter [H1] ocr_noise
ocr_section [H2]
ocr_sub*section [H3,H4]
Figure 3. Typesetting-related elements repre-
sent blocks and floats that are filled with the
ocr_blockquote [BLOCKQUOTE]
ocr_par [P] document content in reading order in stan-
dard typesetting models.

Figure 2. Logical markup available in hOCR.

This is markup for the logical hierarchy of
a document, independent of where or how into blocks and floats ([1], [6], Microsoft Word, Adobe
on the page it is rendered. This particu- Framemaker). Typesetting is performed by flowing the
lar markup is usable both for individual doc- linear, logically marked up text into these boxes in
uments (memos, articles, etc.), as well as reading order. The combination of logical markup and
compound documents consisting of multi- typesetting markup permits us to use hOCR as an in-
ple, possibly interleaved, texts (newspapers, termediate format for performing OCR as model-based
magazines, collections). reverse typesetting, an approach advocated, for exam-
ple by Kopec and Chou [7].

P, etc.). Those structuring elements are recognized 3.3 Engine-Specific Markup

by many HTML processing applications and browsers.
hOCR recommends a mapping of hOCR structuring At the lowest level, the hOCR format represents
elements onto HTML elements that OCR systems can OCR engine-specific, physical layout, like text blocks,
use if there is no other reason to prefer alternative map- images, and other page content. This kind of physical
pings. Note that when a mapping is used, the hOCR markup is the most commonly found output of exist-
elements can be encoded directly in the HTML tags, ing OCR systems. Common elements include text
as in <p class="ocr_par" title="...">. blocks, figures, lines, and words.
One important element is ocr_linear, used for rep- However, unlike typesetting markup, which is gen-
resenting output for document types like newspapers. erally well-defined in terms of typesetting models, the
Newspapers generally consist of multiple stories, each kind of physical markup produced by OCR engines
with a fairly regular, linear document structure (title, is implementation dependent. For example, a text
author, sections, paragraphs, etc.) and with text in block in an engine may be defined in terms of the ex-
reading order. However, the different articles of the istence of whitespace separators of minimal size, or the
newspaper themselves do not have a unique reading alignment of individual characters. Likewise, blocks
order; at the top level, the document is a collection of are often also style-dependent; for example, a docu-
unordered articles, each of which is a self-contained lin- ment rendered in a style with vertical inter-paragraph
ear document (possibly with cross-references to other spacing may be represented with a single block for each
documents). This relationship is represented by the paragraph, while in the same document rendered in a
ocr_document and ocr_linear elements. different style, an entire column of multiple paragraphs
may be returned as a single block in the OCR system.
3.2 Typesetting Markup In contrast, in a typesetting model of page layout, these
two styles would be represented in the same way as a
In the previous section, we have discussed markup flowable content area, which would also correspond to
for representing common linear document structure, the underlying page layout in the source document in
found in many typesetting and word processing sys- any of the standard typesetting systems.
tems. In order to generate paginated, printed output, Another source of implementation dependencies is
typesetting systems and word processors use a nearly the definition of words. OCR systems sometimes define
universal typesetting model that divides each page words in terms of spacing, at other times linguisti-

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In order to indicate that engine-specific markup is import libxml2,re,os,string
not portable between OCR engines, its elements are
doc = libxml2.parseFile(doc.xhtml)
prefixed with ocrx_ instead of ocr_. Common phys- lines = doc.xpathEval("//*[@class=ocr_line]")
ical markup tags are ocrx_block, ocrx_line, and for line in lines:
ocrx_word. Authors are free to extend the set of ocrx_ textnodes = line.xpathEval(".//text()")
elements as needed. for node in textnodes:
Given that physical markup is OCR engine specific, print node.getContent()
the question arises why one would want to represent it
at all. The reason is that many existing workflows al-
Figure 4. Example of processing hOCR
ready rely on this kind of markup. For example, a spe-
markup in Python. This outputs the text con-
cific workflow may run the Abbyy or Textbridge OCR
tained in the document line-by-line. Simple
engine and then perform rule-based post-processing of
processing of hOCR documents is enabled
the physical layout information produced by those sys-
by relying on standard DOM functions, avail-
tems. By having a portable, OCR-engine independent
able for HTML processing.
representation of these features, we can carry forward
engine-specific information and yet use portable tools
to manipulate the content. Furthermore, although this
kind of markup is engine-specific, there are many com- meta information (software version numbers, scan reso-
monalities so that code that works for one engine can, lution, number of pages, processing host, etc.), but also
after some testing and modification, be used with an- includes headers that indicate the capabilities of the
other engine. OCR engine. In particular, the hOCR meta informa-
tion must indicate which kind of markup the engine is
3.4 Character Recognition capable of generating, regardless of whether the actual
document contains that markup. Without this meta
We have already mentioned above that one advan- information, it is impossible to tell whether the lack of
tage of the hOCR format over other OCR formats a specific markup in an OCR output file (e.g., para-
is that it can reuse the expertise that has gone into graphs, language identification) is due to the absence
the development of textual representations for HTML. of the corresponding markup in the source document,
Generally speaking, all common style-, font-, script-, or due to the inability of the OCR engine to recognize
language-, and typesetting-specific phenomena (hy- that form of markup. OCR system capabilities are in-
phenation, spacing, ruby, kashida, etc.) are to be rep- dicated using HTML meta tags simply by listing the
resented using their HTML, CSS, and Unicode repre- element names and attributes the OCR system is, in
sentations. principle, capable of generating. Inclusion of this meta
One area where existing HTML does not provide information is therefore an important part of an OCR
an obvious representation is in the representation of system independent OCR format.
segmentation and recognition alternatives and weights.
Generally, segmentation alternatives are represented
using the HTML INS and DEL tags, with associated 3.6 Other Content
classes and additional information encoded in the el-
ements. In terms of recognition confidences and geo- Let us note briefly that other common typeset-
metric segmentation information, hOCR provides two ting objects already have common representations for
sets of properties: engine-specific properties (com- their embedding into HTML: MathML for mathemat-
monly, confidence scores and bounding boxes), ics, ChemML for chemical formulas, the IMG tag for
and engine-independent properties (posterior probabil- bitmapped images, and SVG for vector graphics.
ities and character cutting paths). In addition, there is a wealth of additional embedded
formats already available for encoding information such
3.5 Meta Information as resume structures, addresses, identity, personal re-
lationships, and bibliographic references. Furthermore,
An important requirement for hOCR files is that the hOCR format itself may be extended, or separate,
their headers contain information about what kind of additional OCR-related embedded formats may be de-
processing was used in order to obtain the output. fined for handling special needs such as indexing, table
This information consists not only of the usual OCR of contents, etc.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern. Downloaded on September 10, 2009 at 08:04 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
4 Tool Support cessing and interchange format. A full specification of
the hOCR format and sample documents are available
The hOCR format has been developed over the last at xxxxxx.
12 months and we have gathered significant hands-on
experience with it. It has been used by different groups References
as a workflow format representing the output of com-
mercial OCR systems, as the output format of a newly
[1] Extensible stylesheet language (xsl) version 1.1.
developed OCR system (to be released in open source
http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/, 2001.
format), and as the format for the release of OCR
ground truth for research in OCR. Both integration [2] HTML/XHTML Specifications.
into existing HTML output routines of OCR engines, http://www.w3.org/MarkUp, 2006.
as well as development of new hOCR generators from
scratch has turned out to be easy. [3] The ocropus ocr system home page, 2007.
The ability to use tools intended for standard HTML
[4] Bert Bos, Hakon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley, and Ian
with hOCR has turned out to be very useful. Out-
Jacobs. Cascading Style Sheets, level 2: CSS2
put in hOCR format can be viewed and edited using
standard HTML viewers and HTML editors. It can
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/, 1998.
also be processed using standard DOM processing tools
(see Figure 4). Such processing generally preserves the [5] Daniel S. Connelley and Beth Paddock. Xdoc
hOCR information and presents all levels of OCR out- data format: Technical specification. Xerox
put (content, physical, typesetting, logical) within a Imaging Systems part no. 00-07571-00, 2000.
single, consistent document.
The specific properties of hOCR have also made [6] Donald Knuth. TeXbook. Addison-Wesley, 1984.
it possible to create general-purpose tools that work
[7] G. E. Kopec and P. A. Chou. Document image
for many different OCR engines. For example, post-
decoding using markov source models. IEEE
processing of the output of commercial OCR systems
PAMI, 16(6), 1994.
(e.g., deriving logical layout information from engine
specific output, replacing engine-specific fonts with [8] Eric A. Meyer and Bert Bos. Introduction to
standard HTML fonts) can be implemented using tools CSS3. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-roadmap/,
that transform hOCR input into hOCR output and 2001.
only require small amounts of adaptation to different
OCR engines. We have also begun creating a standard [9] Nuance, Inc. SSDOC-SCHEMA2 (XML
suite of evaluation tools that measure OCR accuracy Schema).
and the performance of different levels of layout anal- http://www.scansoft.com/omnipage/xml/SSDOC-
ysis directly on hOCR-encoded OCR output. SCHEMA2.xml,
5 Conclusions [10] RAF Technologies, Inc. (Redmond, WA).
Illuminator users manual.
The hOCR format introduces several distinct con- http://documents.cfar.umd.edu/
cepts in OCR output formats and workflows: the use resources/source/illuminator.html, 1995.
of HTML-based embedded formats for the representa-
tion of OCR outputs, the use of typesetting models in [11] B. Yanikoglu and L. Vincent. Pink panther: a
the design of OCR formats, and the use of a single for- complete environment for ground-truthing and
mat for representing results of all levels of OCR within benchmarking document page segmentation.
a single output file. The format has proven itself for Pattern Recognition, 31:11911204, 1998.
about a year in actual use now, and it will be the basis
of the OCRopus [3] open source OCR system and an
upcoming release of ground truth data from scanned
books and magazines. We hope that a universal, ex-
tensible standards-based OCR format, together with
ground truth data, OCR software, and various tools
will be persuasive enough to induce both commercial
vendors and researchers to standardize on a single pro-

Authorized licensed use limited to: Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern. Downloaded on September 10, 2009 at 08:04 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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