Policy Phlebotomy Blood Collection
Policy Phlebotomy Blood Collection
Policy Phlebotomy Blood Collection
ISSUE: Poor phlebotomy and blood collection practices adversely affect patient outcomes, place healthcare
workers at risk, and waste public health resources.
POSITION: BD supports regulatory and public policy frameworks that promote safe and high-
quality specimen collection practices. The following key elements should be included
in a comprehensive approach to advance proper specimen collection.
Professional councils play a critical role in healthcare systems by developing training curriculum
and certification standards through expert, collaborative and transparent processes. These
councils also provide continuing education and professional development throughout a
healthcare workers career. Currently, there are few professional councils that are either
dedicated to phlebotomy or have phlebotomy as an area of responsibility. This gap is an
impediment to ensuring high quality and safe blood collection practices.
Training criteria and proficiency standards are essential to ensure that healthcare personnel
`engaged in phlebotomy, whether as their primary function or among their duties, have an
acceptable minimal level of training and demonstrated competency. Countries should establish
national policies that require mandatory training and proficiency assessment through
certification for healthcare personnel who draw blood specimens from patients. As healthcare
systems develop, licensing of personnel engaged in phlebotomy should also be a national goal.
4. Quality systems should be developed and maintained to ensure the training of personnel and
adherence to best practices in specimen sampling, based on established guidelines.
Quality systems are critical to ensure that training and adherence to best practice, based on
established guidelines, are sustained and integrated into laboratory operations. Regulatory and
accrediting bodies should require the institutions that they regulate to develop and maintain
such systems.
5. Recording and reporting of key adverse events is important and should include both the
incidence of preanalytical errors that result in specimen rejection or compromised care and the
incidence of needle stick injuries during blood collection.
Accurate measurement of errors is essential to improving outcomes and ensuring the safety,
quality, and efficiency of specimen collection and testing. Mandatory recording and reporting is
the most reliable mechanism to ensure accurate measurement of incidents. In the absence of
mandatory reporting, well-designed pilot programs in reporting management that are
benchmarked and demonstrate enhanced outcomes should be required and funded.
Technology plays an important role in reducing errors in sample collection and preparation,
and in reducing risks to healthcare worker safety. Such technologies should be evaluated
for implementation.
Given their essential role in specimen collection, healthcare workers should be included in
the evaluation process.
Phlebotomy Plays a Critical Role in Healthcare Delivery and Patient Care
Phlebotomy, which is the science of drawing blood, is among the most common procedures in healthcare and a
core component of diagnosis and laboratory analysis. Estimates indicate that nearly 70% of medical decisions
Despite the critical role of phlebotomy, there is often a lack of adequate priority and resources to ensure that
healthcare workers who engage in phlebotomy are properly trained on best practice, are aware of and adhere
to guidelines, and understand the consequences to patients and their own safety from improper sample
collection practices. In many settings, there are few or no training opportunities for healthcare workers who
draw blood. Additionally, in many countries there is a lack of strong national guidelines; or guidelines may exist,
but there is an insufficient level of awareness, training, and enforcement. In emerging economies where
healthcare systems are growing at a rapid pace, it is particularly important to develop policies and programs to
support best practice in sample collection.
Poor Blood Collection Practices Introduce Serious Errors into Diagnosis and Laboratory Analysis
Studies indicate that more than 50% of diagnostic errors are attributed to the poor collection and preparation of
samples, steps that occur before any laboratory test is undertaken (i.e., in the pre-analytical phase).2,3,4,5 These
errors are often the result of poor phlebotomy practices and they place patients at risk of receiving inaccurate
diagnoses, which can lead to inadequate, incorrect, or unnecessary treatment. An estimated 26% of these pre-
analytical errors have a significant effect on patient outcomes.6
Hemolysis is the breakage of the red blood cells membranes, causing the release of
the hemoglobin and other internal components into the surrounding fluid. It can be
due to pathological conditions in a patient, but is often due to improper specimen
collection, processing, or transport.
Insufficient sample Improper techniques in drawing blood can result in an insufficient volume being
volume collected to support analysis.
Inaccurate labeling Errors in labeling can result in improper test and /or patient identification.
Spillage can occur during manual transfer of blood to vials or during specimen
transportation in loosely sealed containers.
The formation of fibrin clots in blood collection containers can interfere with tests and
Fibrin clots can cause analyzer malfunction over time. Causes include errors in the preparation of
additives, mixing or transfer time.
Errors Introduced by Poor Phlebotomy Practices Can Harm Patients and Waste Public Health Resources
Compromised samples must be recollected to ensure accuracy of laboratory results and optimal patient care.
Consequently, specimen recollection often leads to delayed treatment, which can be particularly harmful for
patients in intensive care or emergency rooms. If compromised specimens are not recollected, errors can be
made in testing of these samples which can lead to incorrect clinical decisions, thus putting patients at risk for
inadequate, incorrect, or unnecessary procedures. For outpatients, repeated tests require another visit to the
clinic, with added inconvenience and costs for travel and potential out-of-pocket expenses.
These are but a few of the most commonly cited poor phlebotomy practices that can introduce significant risks
to patients and healthcare workers.
Studies have shown lengths of stay increasing by several days due to these errors.
Phlebotomy involves the use of large, hollow needles that have been in a blood vessel. These needles can carry a large
volume of blood that, in the event of an accidental puncture, may expose healthcare workers to blood-borne exposures.
Improving the practice of phlebotomy is important for improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs
by reducing waste, and minimizing risks to the safety of healthcare workers. Importantly, government policies
to advance these goals are essential for sustainable progress. Public policy frameworks that mandate
proficiency training, certification, reporting, and quality systems while also establishing professional councils to
inform and guide best practice will create the foundation for progress.
Da Rin G. Pre-analytical workstations: A tool for reducing laboratory errors. Clinica Chimica Acta, Mar 2009; 404: 68-74.
Lippi G, Guidi GC, Mattiuzzi C, and Plebani M. Preanalytical variability: the dark side of the moon in laboratory testing. Clin Chem Lab
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Bonini P, Plebani M, Ceriotti F, Rubboli F. Errors in Laboratory Medicine. Clin Chem, May 2002; 48: 691 - 698.
Ross JW, Boone DJ. Assessing the effect of mistakes in the total testing process on the quality of patient care [Abstract 102]. In: Martin
L, Wagner W, Essien JDK, Institute of Critical Issues in Health Laboratory Practice. Minneapolis, MN: DuPontPress, 1991.
Plebani M, Cararo P. Mistakes and stat laboratory: types and frequency. Clin Chem 1997; 43: 1348-51.
Green S. Tracking the cost of poor quality and errors in preanalytical processes. American Association of Clinical Chemistry annual
conference, September, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia.
Segal GS, Chamberlain JM. Resource utilization and contaminated blood cultures in children at risk for occult bacteremia. Arch Pediatr
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Bates DW, Goldman L, Lee TH. Contaminant blood cultures and resource utilization: the true consequences of false-
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Eye of the needle surveillance of significant occupational exposure to blood-borne viruses in healthcare personnel.
London, Health Protection Authority, 2005.
Varma M, Mehta G. Needle stick injuries among medical students. J Indian Med Assoc. 2000 98:436-438.
Worthington M, Ross J, Bergeron E, Post-traumatic stress disorder after occupational HIV exposure: two cases and a
literature review. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2006; 27:215-217.
Jagger J, Direct cost of follow-up for percutaneous and mucotaneous exposures to at-risk body fluids. Advances in
Exposure Prevention. Vol. 3, No. 3, 1998.
World Health Organization (WHO), WHO guidelines on drawing blood: best practices in phlebotomy, Geneva, 2010.
Sacar S et al. Poor hospital infection control practice in hand hygiene, glove utilization, and usage of tourniquets. Am J
Infect Control, 2003, 55:290-294.
Little M, et al., Percutaneous blood sampling practice in a large urban hospital. Clin Med, 2007, 7:243-249.
Ashavaid T, et al. Influence of blood specimen collection method on various preanalytical sample quality indicators.
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2008, 23(2) 144-149.
WHO guidelines on drawing blood
Through BDs Global Health initiative, the Company has launched a variety of Safer Blood Collection training
programs, working with partners such as PEPFAR, the US CDC and local government Ministries of Health to train
healthcare workers in blood-drawing, specimen handling and safety measures. Some highlights include:
Labs for Life Partnership with PEPFAR in Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania. Building on a long-standing
relationship with the U.S. Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), BD launched Labs for
Life in 2012, a $20 million, five-year public-private partnership aimed at strengthening laboratories in
sub-Saharan Africa as well as India.
Over the past several years, safe blood collection has become increasingly important in sub-Saharan
nations and other developing countries with high incidences of HIV/AIDS. Given the incidence of
disease and the substantial increase of blood collection draws for HIV screening and monitoring tests
several million draws of blood per yearit is imperative that healthcare workers follow best practices in
blood collection both to avoid compromising patient outcomes and to protect themselves and their
patients from blood borne infections, such as HIV.
Since 2010, the program has reached over 2,000 health workers in over 30 health facilities throughout
sub-Saharan Africa. Results to-date show greatly improved blood-drawing knowledge and skills,
reductions in improper practices and higher levels of healthcare worker confidence.
Center of Excellence in Phlebotomy in Mumbai, India. In partnership with Grant Medical College and
Sir JJ Group of hospitals, the initiative provides a two-day certification course that includes intensive
training on fundamental principles of safe blood collection, specimen handling and reporting. The
hospital will also house a simulation laboratory that will offer the opportunity to learn and practice in a
realistic yet risk-free environment.