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does work even there is no
encouragement from others.
The Work habits, Attitudes and
productivity Scale (WHAPS) is a Productivity (P+): Avoidance of
standard tool for determining a activities that interfere work.
persons work habits and tendency Activities inactive of work activity
include punctuality and regularity
to be productive.
of attendance, submission of
assignments on or before the
NO. OF ITEMS: 62-item forced- deadline, maintenance of health to
be physically fit for work.
choice test.

SUBJECT: Any age beginning with Lack of Productivity (P-):

Inability to finish work on time; low
early adolescence.
work output; presence of
ADMINISTRATION: Individual or distracters while at work; lack of
concentration; confusion as to
ones career goal.
OF THE TEST Job Satisfaction (JS):
Satisfaction with ones work or
It has ten subscales namely: career.

Concentration (C+): Avoidance Job Dissatisfaction (JD):

of interruptions while at work; dissatisfaction with ones job, work
maximum use of ones work hours. organization/management. Person
maybe confused on what his/her
Lack of Concentration (C-): career goal should be.
Presence and/or entertainment of
distracters while at work Cool, Organized Worker (COW):
family/personal problems, lack of Organization and system in work;
interest in work, social/phone calls, consideration of travel time when
long breaks, etc. reporting for work so as not to be
late; starting work on time to finish
External Motivation (EM): assignments without working
Sources of motivation are outside overtime.
of self: person is motivated if
encouraged by others to do his/her Hyper- other-Organized Worker
best. (HOW): Lack of definite system
and organization in work;
Internal Motivation (IN): Source preference of odd working hours;
of motivation is internal; employee person gets stimulated to do best
when under pressure
General Concentration (C): The tendency present in most
persons general level of workers
concentration on the job. The habit, attitude,
[Concentration (C+) minus Lack of 7-8 productivity tendency is
Concentration (C-)]
present in the person
The habit, attitude,
Motivation (M):
The persons main source of 9 productivity tendency is
motivation very present in the person
[Internal Motivation (IM) minus
External Motivation (EM)]

Job Attitude (J): The persons

stronger attitude towards job [Job
Satisfaction (JS) minus Job
Dissatisfaction (JD)]

Productivity Level (P): the

persons level of perceived
productivity [Productivity (P+)
minus lack of Productivity (P-)]
Table 2 also provides information
Work Orientation (WO): The on the more present or stronger
persons orientation towards work habits, attitudes and productivity
[Cool, Oriented Work orientation
tendencies. Should the user of the
(COW) minus Hyper-Oriented Work
Orientation (HOW)] WHAPS like to know the general
level of concentration of the person
under evaluation, he/she should
TABLE 1: STANINE consult the lower portion of Table 2.
INTERPRETATION A higher score in C (Stanine 7-9)
means that the person has high
INTERPRETATION concentration on the job. A lower C
(Stanine 1-3) means that the
The person has not
person lacks concentration, A
1 observed is not aware of
higher motivation (M) means that
his/her habit, attitude,
the person is intrinsically while a
productivity tendency
The habit, attitude, lower one (Stanine 1-3) means that
23 productivity tendency is s/he is extrinsically motivated to
barely present in the work. A higher P means that the
person person is a productive worker while
The person has habits, a lower one, an unproductive
36 attitudes and productivity worker. A higher score in work
orientation (WO) means that the
person is a cool, organized worker.
A lower score means that s/he is a
hyper, other-organized worker.

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