Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Vargas- Ortiz
English 1302
March 2017
Annotated Bibliography
Achenbach, J. (2015, March 20). Why The Great Gatsby is the Great American Novel.
The article includes F. Scott Fitzgeralds background and how the fame of the novel
started super slow. This article can help those that read The Great Gatsby because it
provides the time period that Fitzgerald lived in and why the book was written the way it
was. It discusses how and why the novel is The Great American Novel, from the jazz age
This article gives a good summary for those who havent read the novel. It points out
every important detail from the story to make people want to read it. The novel,
beautifully spare in its prose style, is famous for capturing the mood of the 1920s,
especially the moral vacuity of a postwar society America obsessed with wealth and
status. Its letting the audience know when the novel takes place and how wealth over
Gisselle Pasillas
Vargas- Ortiz
English 1302
March 2017
powered everything. Although hardly a success upon its release, the novel is considered
Rothman, J. (2014, July 16). The Serious Superficiality of The Great Gatsby.
The article lets its readers understand that the novel is broadly understood as a classic
American novel, which suggests that it must have important things to say about the
twenties, money, love, and the American dream. The article compares it to other novels
out there and how The Great Gatsby isnt like other great American books.
Honan, D. (2013, May 24). Is The Great Gatsby the Most Overrated Literary Novel of All Time?
This article is great because it gives different points of views. It explains why they feel
the way they do about certain parts of the story but I find it great. Having different views
will make those reading it want to read the novel so they can have their own onions on
the novel.
Gisselle Pasillas
Vargas- Ortiz
English 1302
March 2017
'The Great Gatsby' still challenges myth of American Dream. (n.d.).
The article has background life of F. Scott Fitzgerald and how the novel failed at first but
soon got its fame. "The Great Gatsby" is a novel for our time, dressed in the snazzy white
flannels and straw hats of the 1920s, but with a cautionary message and an existential
hero that feel right at home in the 21st century says the article. In just a small opinion it
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald: Read TIME's Original Review. (n.d.).
It shows the original review of the novel, The Great Gatsby. Talks about how it is the
Churchwell, S. (2012, May 25). The Great Gatsby and the American dream.
Gisselle Pasillas
Vargas- Ortiz
English 1302
March 2017
In this article, it talks about how in one sense this hardly seems newsworthy, but it is
telling that even economists think that F Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece offers the most
resonant (and economical) shorthand for the problems of social mobility, economic
inequality and class antagonism that we face today. Other of Fitzgeralds novels and what
This article tells its readers how people usually misunderstand the whole theme of the
novel. It explains in detail what the novel is truly about and how things such as the
American Dream tie into one of the greatest novels there is.
Schulz, K. (2013, May 06). Schulz: Why I Despise The Great Gatsby.
This article is great because it gives different points of views. Having different views will
make those reading it want to read the novel so they can have their own onions on the
novel. The writer tells its readers how they have read it more than once and how they
Vargas- Ortiz
English 1302
March 2017
Retrieved from
The American Dream was a big part of the novel and it explains how it ties into the
novel. It explains to the readers what the American Dream is for its readers to have a
better understanding of it and examples of how they showed the American Dream in the
Gisselle Pasillas
Vargas- Ortiz
English 1302
March 2017