OMAX Microscope Manual
OMAX Microscope Manual
OMAX Microscope Manual
Trinocular Compound
LED Microscope
Table of Contents
i. Caution ....................................................................................................1
2 Installation ...............................................................................................4
3 Operation .................................................................................................6
4 Specifications ........................................................................................10
i. Caution
1. Open the carton carefully with a knife or paper cutter. Find the UP sign and place
the Styrofoam container on the side that makes the arrow upward. If the UP sign
is missing, please open the Styrofoam container gently to prevent any accessory,
i.e. objectives or eyepieces, from dropping and being damaged.
2. Do not discard the molded Styrofoam container. The container should be retained
should the microscope ever requires reshipment.
3. Keep the instrument out of direct sunlight, high temperature or humidity, and dusty
environments. Ensure that the microscope is located on a smooth, level and firm
4. If any specimen solutions or other liquids splash onto the stage, objective or any
other component, disconnect the power cord immediately and wipe up the spillage.
Otherwise, the instrument may be damaged.
5. All electrical connectors (power cord) should be inserted into an electrical surge
suppressor to prevent damage due to voltage fluctuations.
6. Confirm that the input voltage indicated on your microscope corresponds to your
line voltage. The use of a different input voltage other than that as indicated will
cause severe damage to the microscope.
2. Keep the instrument clean; remove dirt and debris regularly. Accumulated dirt on
metal surfaces should be cleaned with a damp cloth. More persistent dirt should be
removed using a mild soap solution. Do not use organic solvents for cleansing.
3. The outer surface of the optics should be inspected and cleaned periodically using
an air stream from an air bulb. If dirt remains on the optical surface, use a soft cloth
or cotton swab dampened with a lens cleaning solution (available at camera
stores). All optical lenses should be swabbed using a circular motion. A small
amount of absorbent cotton wound on the end of a tapered stick makes a useful
tool for cleaning recessed optical surfaces. Avoid using an excessive amount of
solvents as this may cause problems with optical coatings or cemented optics or
the flowing solvent may pick up grease making cleaning more difficult. Oil
immersion objectives should be cleaned immediately after use by removing the oil
with lens tissue or a clean, soft cloth.
4. Observe the specimen with the 4X, 10X and 40X objectives in order, then observe
the specimen with the 100X objective. Apply the immersion oil on the slide cover
with the 100X objective. Do not let the immersion oil to contact with the dry
objectives lens (especially the 40X). Clean the dry objective lens using the camera
cleaning kit if the immersion oil is on the dry objectives lens. Clean the 100X
objective lens first using the camera cleaning kit after observing the specimen with
the 100X objective, then clean the specimen. More persistent dirt should be
removed using a little bit alcohol. Do not use organic solvents for cleansing.
5. Store the instrument in a cool, dry environment. Cover the microscope with the
dust cover when not in use.
1 Components Illustration
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 16
8 17
9 18
21 24
2 Installation
2.1 Installation of the trinocular viewing head
1) Loosen the head thumb lock screw on the top of the microscope body and remove
the plastic cover on the top.
2) Remove the cap on the dovetail of the trinocular viewing head.
3) Seat the dovetail completely of the viewing head into the socket on the top of the
microscope body and tighten the head thumb lock screw.
Do not release the viewing head from your hand grip until you are sure the viewing
head is installed securely.
2.2 Installation of the eyepieces
1) Remove the protective caps from the eyepiece tubes.
2) Insert the eyepieces into the eyepiece tubes.
2.3 Installation of the objectives
1) Adjust the coarse focus knob until the mechanical stage is at its lowest position.
2) Turn the caps counter-clockwise to remove them from the nosepiece.
3) Take the objectives out from the plastic cases and turn each one clock-wise into the
holes on the nosepiece. Install the 4X objective into the nosepiece first. Then in a
counter-clockwise direction, rotate the nosepiece and install each succeeding higher
magnification objective as shown in Fig. 1.
Inspect the objectives frequently for dirt or oil; clean if necessary.
Use the 10X objective to initially focus the image of your specimen.
When changing the objective magnification, rotate the objective nosepiece until you
hear a click sound or have a clear "in position" feeling. This ensures the objective
is centered in the optical light path.
2.4 Installation of the glass filter
1) Swing out the color filter holder under the condenser.
2) Place the filter into the holder as shown in Fig. 2, swing the holder in.
Color Filter
Fig.3 Fuse
Before you turn over the microscope, be sure to take the eyepieces off and be
certain that the head is securely locked by the thumb screw.
2.6 Installing the mirror (optional, may not included in your package)
1) Turn off the power switch and disconnect the power cord.
2) Screw off the light collector on the microscope base.
3) Screw the black disc onto the base and then insert the mirror into the hole at the
center of the black disc. See Fig. 4. You may try to get reflected ambient light on
either side of the mirror with different angles for best result.
Light Collector
The mirror is only used when there is a power failure or you are in the field and no
power is available.
2.7 Installation of the camera (optional, may not included
in your package)
1) Take off the plastic cover on the photo tube.
2) Insert the camera into the photo tube, and then connect
the camera to a computer via USB cable. See Fig.5.
3) The manual for the camera is on a CD (or mini CD).
Refer to the manual to install the driver and software on
to the computer.
4) The camera is optional and may have different color
and shape from the one in the figure, depending on the
model purchased.
2.8 Installation of the darkfield condensers (optional, Fig.5
may not included in your package)
Please see section 7 (Darkfield Condenser Installation and Operation Instructions)
2.9 Installation of the phase contrast kits (optional, may not included in your package)
Please see section 8 (Phase Contrast Kit Installation and Operation Instructions)
3 Operation
3.1 Adjusting illumination
1) Plug the power cord into the power socket on the microscope and connect it to the
power outlet.
2) Turn on the power switch.
3) Rotate the brightness intensity dial to increase or decrease the brightness.
A diffusion filter is attached beneath the condenser to get uniform light and protect
your eyes from strong light when a low power objective applied. The diffusion filter
can be swung out to make the view field brighter when observing with a high power
objective, such as 100X objective.
3.2 Placing specimen
1) Place the slide on the mechanical stage.
2) Use the slide holder to gently secure the slide.
3) Turn the X and Y stage moving knobs to position the specimen in the center of
viewing field.
Be sure not to allow an objective to touch a specimen slide when changing
3.3 Adjusting interpupillary distance
While observing with both eyes, hold the left and right eyepiece tubes then slide the
tubes in and out. The interpupillary distance is correct when the left and right fields
of view converge completely into one image.
3.4 Adjusting eyepiece diopter
1) Rotate the 10X objective into position.
2) Rotate the diopter rings on the eyepiece tubes
until its numerical value is the same as your
interpupillary distance, for example, 70 in the
figure (See Fig. 6).
3) Close your left eye and bring the specimen
into focus following the focusing procedures in
4) Close your right eye and bring the same
specimen into clear sharp focus by adjusting
the diopter ring on left eyepiece tube only. Do
not use focus knobs at this step.
5) Since both sides are adjustable, you may also
do the above in the opposite way, in other
words, left eye first and right eye second.
3.5 Focusing Fig.6
1) With the 10X objective in position, raise the mechanical stage using the coarse
focus knob until the specimen is close to the objective.
2) Turn the coarse focus knob until the specimen is in focus.
3) Use the fine focus knob to obtain a sharp image.
4) To get a good focused image, you may need to combine the focus knob adjustment
and interpupillary distance adjustment, along with eyepiece diopter adjustment
stated in 3.3 and 3.4.
5) You may now switch to another magnification objective.
Tips: Focus Stop Lever
To prevent your specimen slide from making contact
with an objective, raise the stage to its highest
position without contacting the 100X objective, then
tighten the focus stop lever (Fig. 7). Give the stage a
tiny extra moving space to ensure the objective can
be focused every time.
3.6 Applying the immersion oil Fig.7
1) Rotate the objective nosepiece to seat the observing position between the 40X and
100X objectives as shown in Fig. 8 (a).
2) Place a drop of immersion oil on the slide cover as shown in Fig. 8 (b).
3) Rotate the objective nosepiece to seat the 100X objective to the observing position
until you hear a click sound.
4) After observing the specimen, use the camera cleaning kit to clean the 100X
objective lens gently and the specimen in time.
5) If it is hard to clean, you need a little bit alcohol to clean the 100X objective lens and
the specimen.
3.9 Adjusting focus tension
The focus tension has been pre-set at the
factory. If the mechanical stage drops by itself,
rotate the tension adjustment ring (Fig. 10)
situated between the coarse focus knob and
microscope body on the power switch side until
the tension is in maintained.
3.10 Camera (optional, may not included in your
package) Focus Tension Ring
1) Bring the microscope into focus by following the Fig.10
procedures in 3.5.
2) Install the camera by following the procedures in 2.7.
3) Open image observing sofeware to examine (more details see cameras manual).
4) You also can capture images or record live videos through the software, depending
on the functions provided by the software.
Please refer to the manuals in the cameras CD for the details of installation and
operation of the camera.
3.11 Darkfield condensers observation (optional, may not included in your package)
Please see section 7 (Darkfield Condenser Installation and Operation Instructions)
3.12 Phase contrast kit observation (optional, may not included in your package)
Please see section 8 (Phase Contrast Kit Installation and Operation Instruction)
4 Specifications
Phase Contrast Kits (optional) Refer to the phase contrast kits specifications
5 Optional Parts
(The optional parts may be included in some models or sold separately.)
1) Cameras
Model Sensor Resolution Operating System Software
MS Windows
A1502 640 x 480 (0.3MP)
Mac OS X 10.6-10.8
A3514UPB 1360 x 1024 (1.4MP)
2) Darkfield Condensers
Darkfield Numerical Mounting
Model Objective
Condenser Aperture Size(diameter)
3) Carrying Case
Model Dimension Net Weight
4) Phase Contrast Kits
Model Phase Contrast Objective Condenser Annular Ring Plates
Plan achromatic 10X with Five positions:
built-in phase plate 10 for 10X phase contrast
Plan achromatic 20X with
20 for 20X phase contrast
built-in phase plate
A1PHB1 Plan achromatic 40X with 40 for 40X phase contrast
built-in phase plate, spring objective
100 for 100X phase contrast
Plan achromatic 100X with objective
built-in phase plate, spring, oil B for bright field observation,
with iris diaphragm
Achromatic 10X with built-in Five positions:
phase plate 10 for 10X phase contrast
Achromatic 20X with built-in
20 for 20X phase contrast
phase plate
A1PHB3 Achromatic 40X with built-in 40 for 40X phase contrast
phase plate, spring objective
100 for 100X phase contrast Focusing
Achromatic 100X with built-in NA 1.25 objective
phase plate, spring, oil B for bright field observation, adjustable
with iris diaphragm
Achromatic plan 10X with Four positions:
built-in phase plate 10/20 for 10X/20X phase
contrast objective
Achromatic plan 40X with
40 for 40X phase contrast
built-in phase plate, spring
A1PHC2 objective
DF for darkfield observation
BF for brightfield
observation, with iris
Achromatic 10X with built-in 10 for 10X phase contrast
phase plate objective
Achromatic 40X with built-in 40 for 40X phase contrast
A1PHD phase plate, spring objective
100 for 100x phase contrast
Achromatic 100X with built-in objective
phase plate, spring, oil
6 Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause Solution
No electrical power Check power cord connection
Lamp does not light
LED or power unit dead Replace LED light
when switched on
Fuse blown out Replace fuse
Specimen rises from stage surface Secure the specimen in the slide holder
(A191BOIL, A191BD only) There is no Place a drop of oil on the top lens of
oil in between the condenser top condenser and let it contact the underside
lens and slide of slide
(A191BOIL only) The built-in iris
Adjust the iris diaphragm ring on the
Its totally dark in the diaphragm of 100X objective is not
viewing field in proper position
7.2 Oil darkfield condenser of A191BD, A191BOIL Condenser Lock Condenser Holder
Thumb Screw
1) Mounting the oil darkfield condensers
Loosen the condenser lock thumb screw on the
condenser holder and remove the brightfield
Install the oil darkfield condensers and tighten the
condenser lock thumb screw on the condenser
holder (see Fig. 13). Centering Screws
2) Centering the oil darkfield condensers Fig.13
Turn the 40X objective to the light path.
Turn the condenser focus knob to slowly lower and
raise the condenser till a dark spot showed in the
viewing field as shown in Fig. 14 (a).
Turn the condenser translational centering screws
to move the dark spot to the center as shown in
Fig. 14 (b). (a) (b)
3) When using the 40X objective to observe the specimen
Place the slide on the stage.
Lower the condenser until a sharp brightfield image showing in the viewing field.
Raise the condenser until the darkfield image showing in the viewing field.
4) When using the 100X objective to observe the specimen
Raise the condenser until the top is close to the opening of stage.
Place a drop of immersion oil on the top of condenser.
Place the slide on the stage.
5) Raise the condenser and let the oil drop contact the bottom of the slide. If air
bubbles exist in the oil, clean the oil from the top of the condenser and bottom of
slide with a lens cleaning paper and repeat the procedures.
6) Follow the procedures in this manual to bring the sample on slide in focus and
7) (A191BOIL Only) When using the 100X oil darkfield objective,
you will need to drop the immersion oil and adjust the iris ring
(Fig. 15) to get proper brightness and contrast of view field.
8) After observing the specimen with 100X objective, use the lens
cleaning paper to gently clean the 100X objective lens, oil
darkfield condenser and the specimen in time.
9) If it is hard to clean, you need a little bit alcohol to clean the 100X Iris Ring
objective lens, oil darkfield condenser and the specimen.
Note Fig.15
When using the 40X objective, you wont need to apply oil drop on the oil
When using the 100X objective, the condenser wont work well if no oil drop applied
on the condenser.
When you apply the immersion oil with the 100X objective, do not let the immersion
oil to contact with the dry objective lenses (especially the 40X). If the immersion oil
is on the dry objectives lens, please use the lens cleaning paper to clean the
objectives lens in time. The oil will damage the dry objective lenses.
After observing the specimen with the 100X objective, clean the 100X objective lens
f. Remove the centering telescope and replace it with the eyepiece.
g. Put the specimen on the stage and adjust the illumination, focusing, etc following the
instructions in this manual.
The phase contrast condenser will be working as a conventional Abbe condenser if
the annular ring disk being put at B position.
6) Performing the phase contrast observation.
After centering the condenser ring plate, perform the phase contrast observation the
same way as a normal bright field microscope.
When change to another phase contrast objective and corresponding condenser
ring plate, the focusing and centering of bright ring and dark ring should be repeated
following the procedures from 5)-b to 5)-f.
Condenser Holder
Note: Fig.19
There are 2 phase contrast objectives: 10X and 40X, and there are 2 condenser
annular rings on the sliding selector: 10/20 and 40. The corresponding objective,
annular ring and iris diagram must work together, i.e., 40X phase contrast objective
must work with 40 condenser annular ring and iris diagram 40 and so on.
2) Centering the condenser ring plate
a. Connect the power cord to the microscope and
insert the plug into a power outlet.
b. Turn the desired phase contrast objective into light
path. Slide the sliding selector to the corresponding
annular ring and turn iris diagram corresponding to
the phase contrast objective in the light path. (a) (b)
c. Remove one eyepiece from the microscope
eyepiece tube and insert the centering telescope.
d. Observe from the telescope. The bright ring and
dark ring should be coincided with each other as
shown in Fig. 20 (d).
e. If the ring images are not clear, turn the top of
telescope until both ring images are in focus. (c) (d)
f. If the bright ring is still obscure as in Fig. 20 (b), Fig. 20
adjust the condenser focusing knob.
g. If the two ring images are not coincided as shown in Fig. 20 (c), adjust the two
centering screws on the phase contrast condenser.
h. Remove the centering telescope and replace the eyepiece.
3) Performing the phase contrast observation
Perform the phase contrast observation the same way as a normal brightfield
When change to another phase contrast objective and corresponding condenser
ring plate, the focusing and centering of bright ring and dark ring should be repeated
following the procedures from 2)-b to 2)-h.
4) Performing the darkfield observation
a. Slide the sliding selector to the darkfield position, the condenser will work as a
darkfield condenser.
b. Turn iris diagram to 100.
c. Perform the darkfield observation the same way as a normal brightfield microscope.
The darkfield condenser works with the 4X, 10X, 40X regular
brightfield objectives.
The darkfield condenser does not work with the regular 100X oil
immersion objective.
The darkfield condenser works with the 100X oil darkfield
objective with iris diaphragm AJ100PR (sold separately).
(optional) When using the 100X oil darkfield objective, you will
need to drop the immersion oil on the top of the condenser & on Iris Ring
the top of the specimen, and adjust the iris ring (Fig. 21) to get
proper brightness and contrast of view field. The condenser does
Fig. 21
not work well if no oil drop applied on the condenser.
(optional) If air bubbles exist in the oil, clean the oil from the top of the condenser,
the top and bottom of slide with a lens cleaning paper.
(optional) When you apply the immersion oil with the 100X objective, do not let the
immersion oil to contact with the dry objective lenses (especially the 40X). If the
immersion oil is on the dry objectives lens, please use the lens cleaning paper to
clean the objectives lens in time. The oil will damage the dry objective lenses.
(optional) After observing the specimen with the 100X objective, use the lens
cleaning paper to gently clean the 100X objective lens, oil darkfield condenser and
the specimen in time.
(optional) If it is hard to clean, you need a little bit alcohol to clean the 100X
objective lens, oil darkfield condenser and the specimen.
Condenser Holder
There are 3 phase contrast objectives: 10X, 40X and 100X, and there are 3
condenser ring plates: 10X, 40X and 100X. The corresponding objective and ring
plate must work together, i.e. 10X phase contrast objective must work with 10X
condenser ring plate, and so on.
2) Centering the condenser ring plate
a. Connect the power cord to the microscope and insert the plug into a power outlet.
b. Turn the desired phase contrast objective into light path.
c. Choose the ring plate that corresponding to the phase contrast objective in light path
and screw it on the condenser.
d. Replace the bright field condenser with the phase contrast condenser with ring plate
e. Remove one eyepiece from the microscope eyepiece
tube and insert the centering telescope.
f. Turn the light of microscope on and observe from the
g. Turn the top of the telescope (Fig.25) until the dark ring
image is in focus. If the dark ring is hard to find, put a
(a) (b)
normal white print paper on the stage and under the
objective then you will see the dark ring as shown in
Fig.24 (a).
h. If the bright ring is still obscure as in Fig.24 (b), raise or
lower the condenser by adjusting the condenser
focusing knob (or the microscope focusing knob if
necessary) till the bright ring is in focus and the dark
ring is visible. (c) (d)
i. If the two ring images are not coincided as shown in Fig.24
Fig.24 (c), adjust the two centering screws on the
condenser ring plate till the two rings are coincided with each
other as shown in Fig.24 (d).
j. Remove the centering telescope and replace it with the
3) Performing the phase contrast observation
After you center the ring plate, you can perform the phase
contrast observation the same way as a normal bright field
When change to another phase contrast objective and
corresponding condenser ring plate, the focusing and
centering of bright ring and dark ring should be repeated Fig.25
following the procedures from 2)-b to 2)-h.
Make the illumination as bright as possible.
The thinner the specimen, the better the image.