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Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety and Depression Among Female Medical Students in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 42, No.7, July 2013, pp.

726-736 Original Article

Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Female

Medical Students in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
*Nahla IBRAHIM 1, 2, Dania AL- KHARBOUSH 3, Lamis EL-KHATIB 3, Ahd AL -HABIB 3,
Dana ASALI 3
1. Family & Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2. Epidemiology Department, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria, University, Egypt
3. Faculty of Medicine, King Abdul-Aziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding Author: Email: nahlakhamis@yahoo.com

(Received 25 Mar 2013; accepted 16 June 2013)

Background: Medical education & medical profession are among the most challenging and most stressful ones. Anx-
iety and depression represents an escalating public health problem among medical students. The objective of the study
was to determine the prevalence & predictors of anxiety and depression among female medical students in King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A cross- sectional study was carried out during 2010-2011. A stratified random sample method was used to
select 450 medical students. A confidential, anonymous & self administered questionnaire included Standardized Hos-
pital Anxiety & Depression Scale was used.
Results: The mean scores for anxiety and depression were 9.32 3.77 & 6.59 3.62, respectively. There is a positive
correlation between anxiety & depression scores (r= 0.52, P< 0.001). Prevalence of morbid anxiety and depression
were 34.9% and 14.7%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the first predictor of morbid anxiety was
depression (adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) = 3.28; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.85-5.82, P < 0.001). Students com-
plained from condensed academic course, had academic and emotional failures during the 6 months preceded the
study were about 2 times more prone to anxiety. Predictors of depression were having anxiety, nationality (being non-
Saudi) & having emotional failure.
Conclusion: Medical students encountered high rates of anxiety & depression compared to others. Academic prob-
lems and major life events were the main predictors. Enhancing faculty preventive & curative mental health services is
recommended. Initiation of stress management courses & enhancing academic advising services are required since the
start of medical education.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Anxiety, Depression, Medical students

The greater the psychosocial health, the better is enormous influence on the community lifestyles
the well-being and the capacity to overcome and behaviors. They will play a vital role in preve-
troubles and lifelong problems (1). Mental health nting diseases & providing community health serv-
among university students accounts as vital and ices (3).
escalating public health problem for which epide- Medical students face several emotions & stresses
miological data is required and should be address- during their revolution from insecure students to
ed as a priority problem (2). Medical education is young knowledgeable physicians (1, 4, 5). This
among the most challenging and stressful ones. can lead to mental distress with negative impact
Medical students, as future physicians, will have an on cognitive functioning and learning (6, 7). A

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Ibrahim et al.: Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety

cross-sectional study conducted in Malaysia re- rately and upon acceptance consent was taken
ported that 41.9% of the medical students have from each student.
psychological stress (8). The corresponding rates A cross- sectional study was done during 2010-
among medical students in Thailand & Riyadh 2011. A stratified random method was used to
were 61.4% (9) & 57% (5), respectively. select students who completed the freshman year
Previous studies in many countries have shown that (2nd - 6th grades). The sample size was calculated
medical students have high rates of anxiety & according to the established formula for determi-
depression during their training (10, 11). In additi- nation of sample size (14).
on, anxiety & depression may not been properly Z2 X p X q
diagnosed & treated leading to higher rates & L2
unwanted effects during their education & future Since the actual prevalence of depression & an-
lives (10). A study done in Sweden, 2011, reported xiety among medical students in Jeddah is un-
a 12.9% prevalence of depression among medical known, so the probability of its occurrence was
students (6). Another comparative study done among estimated to be equal to non occurrence (P = q =
male medical students in both Mansoura University, 0.5). The minimum calculated sample size to
Egypt & King Faisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia achieve a precision of 5% with a 95% confi-
concluded that anxiety & depression represented a dence interval (C.I.) was 384. During the field
prevalent problem in both countries (12). work, the sample increased to reach 450 students.
It is crucial to conduct mental screening of A validated, pre-constructed, anonymous, confi-
medical students, as they will be tomorrows dential & self-administered questionnaire was
physicians (3). Anxiety and depression represent used. The questionnaire inquired about personal
escalating mental health problems among medical and socioeconomic data, physical or psycho-
students, especially among females (6) & logical disorders among student or her family &
Literature up to date is scanty (13). In addition, valuable life events during the 6 months preceded
extremely limited studies have been conducted the study (failure in examinations, death or loss
among medical students in Jeddah. For these of close friends or family members & emotional
reasons, a comprehensive epidemiological study failure, etc). It asked also about exam anxiety,
is urgently needed, to assess this fundamental condensed course, non- encouragement from
problem among female medical schools. parents or faculty members and no-cooperation.
The objective of the study was to determine It included the English version of the Hospital
prevalence & main predictors of anxiety & de- Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (15).
pression among female medical students at King HADS is a self-screening tool for anxiety & de-
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. pression which has demonstrated good validity &
reliability when it used in different languages. It
Materials and Methods has been used for both patients & general popu-
lation (16). It includes 14 questions; 7 for each
Ethical statement anxiety & depression. Each item is answered on 4
The work of the paper was on compliance with points (0-3 response) using a Likert scale (15,16).
the ethical principles of Helsinki Declaration
(1964). The protocol of the study was reviewed Statistical analysis
and approved by the Institutional Review Boards Data was analyzed using Statistical Package of
of the Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz Uni- Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 16. (17) & Epi-
versity Hospital & ethical approval was obtained. Info Statistical Package (18). The total HADS
Administrative approvals were taken by the Vice- score is the sum of the 14 items, and for each
dean. During field work, the objective of the re- subscale (anxiety & depression) the score is the
search was discussed with each participant sepa- summation of the particular seven items (ranging
from 021) (15).

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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 42, No.7, July 2013, pp.726-736

HADS scoring is grouped for each of anxiety and Regarding anxiety, it was found that 31.8% of
depression as following: students were normal according to HADS-An-
1. Normal: 0- 7 xiety, while 33.3% & 34.9% of students had a
2. Borderline abnormal: 8-10 borderline & morbid anxiety, respectively. Re-
3. Abnormal (morbid): 11-21 garding depression, 63.6% of students were nor-
Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics mal according to HADS-Depression, while 21.8%
were done. For inferential statistics, both anxiety & 14.7% had a border-line & morbid depression,
and depression were then categorized into 2 cate- respectively.
gories; either having morbid condition of anxiety Table 1 shows that 33.8% of Saudi students had
or depression (abnormal) or not having morbid morbid anxiety. This rate is lower than anxiety
condition (normal and borderline). Pearsons rate among non-Saudis (54.2%). A statistical sig-
Chi-square test (X2) was conducted to observe nificant difference (X2=4.14, P < 0.05) was pre-
and quantify an association between the categori- sent. The highest rate of anxiety was found
cal outcome (anxiety and depression) and the dif- among students enrolled in the sixth (39.2%) and
ferent variables. Bivariate correlation was done to fourth year (39.0%). However, there is no statis-
show strength of association between 2 continu- tical significant difference (X2 = 2.5%, P > 0.05).
ous variables. Odds ratio (OR) with a 95% Con- The rate of anxiety was significantly higher
fidence Intervals (CI) were calculated using Epi- among students whose mothers had professional
Info. Stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis, jobs compared to others (X2 = 5.75%, P= 0.01).
with combination of all significant variables from Regarding educational environment, Table 2
each table, was applied to delineate significant shows that students who had academic failure
predictors of students depression & anxiety after were about twice more prone to anxiety than oth-
controlling of possible confounders. P < 0.05 ers (OR=2.05; 95% CI: 1.28-3.26, P = 0.001).
was considered statistically significant. Those suffering from exam anxiety had signifi-
cantly higher rate of anxiety (41.2%) compared to
Results others (X2 = 15.26%, P < 0.001). Similarly those
complained from condensed course, who felt no
The total number of the sample was 450 students cooperation and non encouragement had higher
& their ages ranged from 18 - 25 years with a rates of anxiety compared to others, with highly
mean of 21.1 1.4 years. The majority of stu- statistical significant differences. Table 3 illu-
dents were Saudi (94.7%) & single (93.8%). Con- strates that females who complained from emo-
cerning fathers education, more than two- thirds tional failure during the six months preceded the
(68.9%) of the students father had a university study, had also a higher anxiety rate (44.2%) com-
degree or above. Meanwhile, 57.8% of mothers pared to others (27.5%). A highly statistical sig-
obtained a similar degree. Regarding the father's nificant difference (X2= 15.16, P =0.001) was
occupation more than half (55.6%) of fathers had present. About half (49.0%) of students who lost
a professional job while about half the students a close friend during this period diagnosed as
mothers were housewives (49.1%). Regarding the having anxiety, compared to only 30.6% among
students health, 88% had a good health while 12% others. (OR= 2.18; 95% CI: 1.63-3.49, P = 0.001).
had some health problems. The prevalence of anxiety was higher among stu-
Analysis with HADS revealed the mean anxiety dents who had death of a close relative or friend,
score was 9.32 +/- 3.77 while the mean depres- marriage of a close friend, had family physiologi-
sion score was 6.59+/- 3.62. Bivariate correlation cal problem. However, there is no statistical sig-
showed that there was a positive association be- nificant difference (P > 0.05).
tween anxiety and depression scores (r = 0.52, P

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Ibrahim et al.: Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety

Table 1: Relationship between personal, socioeconomic condition & anxiety among female medical students in King Abdulaziz

Anxiety No Anxiety Total X2 OR

Variables n % n % (P) (95%CI)
Saudi 144 33.8 282 66.2 426 4.14 0.43 (0.19-0.98)
Non Saudi 13 54.2 11 45.8 24 (0.04) Reference
1.19 (0.67-
< 20 years 23 38.3 37 61.7 60 0.36 2.08)
20 years 134 34.4 256 65.6 390 (0.5) Reference
Marital status
Single 149 35.3 273 64.7 422 0.52 1.36(0.58-3.17)
Non-single 8 28.6 20 71.4 28 (0.46) Reference
Educational year
Second 37 33.3 74 66.7 111 0.78 (0.4-1.5)
Third 27 29.7 64 70.3 91 2.5 0.56 (0.3-1.3)
Fourth 39 39.0 61 61.0 100 (0.62) 0.99 (0.5-1.9)
Fifth 25 33.8 49 66.2 74 0.79 (0.4-1.6)
Six (RC) 29 39.2 45 60.8 74 Reference
Residual status
With family (RC) 141 35.2 259 64.8 400 0.2 Reference
A private resident 8 32.0 17 68.0 25 (0.9) 0.86 (0.3-2.2)
College dormitory 8 32.0 17 68.0 25 0.86 (0.3-2.2)
Father's education
Less than university 44 31.4 96 68.6 140 1.07 0.79 (0.52-1.22)
University and above 113 36.5 197 63.5 310 (0.3) Reference
Mother's education
Less than university 59 31.1 131 68.9 190 2.1 0.79 (0.52-1.22)
University and above 98 37.7 162 62.3 260 (0.08) Reference
Father occupation:
Professional 85 34.0 165 66.0 250 0.196 0.92 (0.61-1.38)
Non-professional 72 36.0 128 64.0 200 0.6 Reference
Mother occupation:
Professional 77 41.2 110 58.8 187 5.57 1.60(1.06-2.42)
Non-professional 80 30.4 183 69.6 263 (0.01) Reference
Crowding index:
< 2 person / room 141 36.2 249 63.8 249 2.1 1.5 (60.84-2.86)
2 person / room 16 26.7 44 73.3 44 (0.15) Reference
Sufficient 156 35.0 290 65.0 446 0.174 1.61 (0.16-15.64)
Non-sufficient 1 25.0 3 75.0 4 0.677 Reference
Total 157 34.9 293 65.1 450
RC: Referent category
Regarding depression, Table 4 shows that Saudis depression (28.6%) compared to single students
had a lower prevalence of depression (13.6%) than (13.7%).
non- Saudis (33.3%), with highly statistical signifi- Students with insufficient income had also a high-
cant difference (X2=7.06, P=0.006). Married fe- er rate of depression than others (P < 0.05).
males had significantly (P < 0.05) higher rate of

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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 42, No.7, July 2013, pp.726-736

Table 2: Relationship between faculty environment conditions & anxiety among female medical students in
King Abdulaziz University
Anxiety No Anxiety Total X2 OR
Variables n % n % (P) (95%CI)
Academic failure
Yes 45 48.4 48 51.6 93 2.05 (1.28-3.26)
9.4 Reference
No 112 31.4 245 68.6 357 0.002
Exam anxiety
Yes 128 41.2 187 59.4 315 2.75 (1.68-4.53)
15.26 Reference
No 29 21.5 106 78.5 135 0.000
Condensed course
Yes 119 41.2 170 58.8 289 14.06 2.27
No 38 23.6 123 76.4 161 0.000
No cooperation
Yes 57 47.1 64 52.9 121 10.87 2.04
No 100 30.4 229 69.6 329 0.001
No encouragement
Yes 52 46.0 61 54.0 113 8.23 1.88
No 105 31.2 232 86.8 337 0.004
Total 157 34.9 293 65.1 450

Table 3: Relationship between events in 6 months preceded the study & anxiety among female medical students in
King Abdulaziz University
Anxiety No Anxiety Total X2 OR
Variables n % n % (P) (95%CI)
Emotional failure
Yes 88 44.2 111 55.8 199 13.68 2.09 (1.41- 3.10)
No 69 27.5 182 72.5 251 0.000 Reference
Death of relative
Yes 43 41.0 62 59.0 105 2.2 1.41 (0.87-2.26)
No 114 33.0 231 67.0 345 0.13 Reference
Death of a close friend
Yes 9 50.0 9 50 18 1.88 1.92 (0.68-5.40)
No 148 34.3 284 65.7 432 0.17 Reference
Loss of a close friend
Yes 51 49 53 51 104 11.92 2.18 (1.36-3.49)
No 106 30.6 240 69.4 346 0.001 Reference
Marriage of a close friend
Yes 94 37.0 160 63.0 254 1.15 1.24 (0.82-1.87)
No 63 32.1 133 67.9 196 0.28 Reference
Family psychological problem
Yes 52 38.0 58 62.0 137 0.81 1.78 (1.11-2.83)
No 105 33.5 208 66.5 313 0.63 Reference
Total 157 34.9 293 65.1 450

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Ibrahim et al.: Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety

Table 4: Relationship between personal, socioeconomic condition & depression among female medical students in
King Abdulaziz University
Depression No Depression Total X2 OR
Variables n % n % (P) (95%CI)
Saudi 58 13.6 368 86.4 426 7.06 0.32 (0.12-0.85)
Non Saudi 8 33.3 16 66.6 24 0.006 Reference
< 20 years 8 13.3 52 68.7 60 0.09 0.88 (0.37-2.05)
20 years 58 14.9 332 85.1 390 0.74 Reference
Marital status
Single 58 13.7 364 86.3 422 4.61 0.40 (0.16-1.04)
Non-single 8 28.6 20 71.4 28 0.03 Reference
Educational year
Second 16 14.4 95 85.6 111 Reference
Third 10 11.0 81 89.0 91 4.07 (0.29-1.38)
Fourth 13 13.0 87 87.0 100 0.39 (0.38-2.08)
Fifth 11 14.9 63 85.1 74 (0.42-2.56)
Six 16 21.6 58 78.4 74 (0.71-3.77)
Residential status
With family (RC) 58 14.5 342 85.5 400 Reference
Private resident 1.12
7 28.0 18 72.0 25 5.8 (0.46-2.65)
College dormitory 0.25
1 4.0 24 96.0 55 0.05 (0.01-1.76)
Father's education
Less than university 25 17.9 115 82.1 115 1.65 1.43 (0.80-2.45)
University and above 41 13.2 269 86.8 310 0.19 Reference
Mother's education
Less than university 30 15.8 160 84.2 190 0.33 1.17 (0.67-2.05)
University and above 36 13.8 224 86.2 260 0.56 Reference
Father occupation:
Professional 29 11.6 221 88.4 250 4.23 0.58 (0.33-1.01)
Non-professional 37 18.5 163 81.5 200 0.64 Reference
|Mother occupation:
Professional 27 14.4 160 85.6 187 0.01 0.97 (0.80-2.45)
Non-professional 39 14.8 224 85.2 263 0.9 Reference
Crowding index:
< 2 persons / room 58 14.9 332 85.1 390 0.09 0.97(0.55-1.07)
2 persons / room 8 13.3 52 86.7 60 0.75 Reference
Sufficient 64 14.3 382 85.7 446 4.02* 0.17 (0.02-1.70)
Non-sufficient 2 50.0 2 50.0 4 0.04 Reference
Total 66 14.7 384 85.3 450
RC: Referent category

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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 42, No.7, July 2013, pp.726-736

Table 5 shows the effect of educational environ- failure had significantly (P < 0.05) higher rate of
ment on depression, students who had academic depression (24.6%) compared to others (13.1%).

Table 5: Relationship between faculty environment conditions & depression among female medical students in King
Abdulaziz University

Depression No Depression Total X2 OR

Variables n % n % (P) (95%CI)
Academic failure
Yes 18 19.4 75 80.6 93 2.05 1.55 (0.85-2.81)
No 48 13.4 309 86.6 375 0.15 Reference
Exam anxiety
Yes 49 15.6 266 84.4 315 0.66 1.27 (0.70-2.31)
No 17 12.6 118 87.4 135 0.4 Reference
Condensed course
Yes 50 17.3 239 82.7 289 4.48 1.90 (1.04-3.45)
No 16 9.9 145 90.1 161 0.03 Reference
No cooperation
Yes 27 22.3 94 77.7 121 7.73 2.14 (1.24-3.67)
No 39 11.9 290 88.1 329 0.005 Reference
No encouragement
Yes 18 15.9 95 84.1 113 0.19 1.14 (0.63-1.84)
No 48 14.2 289 85.8 337 0.66 Reference
Total 66 14.7 384 85.3 450

Table 6: Relationship between last events & depression among female medical students in King Abdulaziz University

Depression No Depression Total X2 OR

Variables n % n % (P) (95%CI)
Emotional failure
Yes 40 20.1 159 79.9 199 8.42 2.18 (1.24-3.84)
No 26 10.4 225 89.6 251 0.004 Reference
Death of a close relative
Yes 18 17.1 87 82.9 105 0.67 1.28 (0.68-2.40)
No 48 13.9 297 86.1 245 0.41 Reference
Death of a close friend
Yes 2 11.1 16 88.9 18 4.02 0.72 (0.11-3.37)
No 64 14.8 368 85.2 432 0.6 Reference
Loss of a close friend
Yes 23 22.1 81 77.9 104 6.0 2 (1.11-3.64)
No 43 12.4 303 87.6 346 0.01 Reference
Marriage of a closed friend
Yes 33 13.0 221 87.0 254 1.30 0.74 (0.42-1.28)
No 33 16.8 163 83.2 196 0.25 Reference
Family psychological problem
Yes 20 14.6 117 85.4 137 0.001 0.99 (0.54-1.81)
No 46 14.7 267 85.3 313 0.9 Reference
Total 66 14.7 384 85.3 450

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Ibrahim et al.: Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety

Students who felt that there no cooperation in the tween family histories of psychological problems
faculty were about two-times more prone to de- and depression among students.
pression compared to others (OR= 2.14; 95% CI: Table 7 shows that the first predictor of anxiety was
1.24-3.67, P = 0.005). Similarly, those complained depression diagnosis (OR= 3.28; 95.0% C.I.: 1.85
from condensed academic course had higher rates 5.82). The following predictors were the presence of
of depression compared to others. condensed course, academic failure & emotional fail-
Table 6 illustrates that students complained from ure. Regarding depression, the first predictor was
emotional failure during the six months preceded anxiety, the second was nationality; non Saudi female
the study, had also higher prevalence of depres- medical students were 2.66 times more depressed
sion (20.1%) compared to others (10.4%). There than Saudis (OR= 2.66; 95.0% C.I. 1.04 6.85). The
was a highly statistical significant difference (X2= following depression predictor was emotional failure
8.42, P = 0.004). There was no relationship be- (OR= 1.78; 95.0% C.I. 1.04 3.15).

Table 7: Logistic regression analyses of predictors of anxiety and depression among medical students in King Abdulaziz University

Exp (B)
Depression 1.187 0.000 3.28 1.85-5.82
Condensed course 0.744 0.001 2.10 1.33-3.32
Academic failure 0.678 0.007 1.97 1.20- 3.22
Emotional failure 0.574 0.007 1.78 1.17- 2.69
Constant - 6.140 0.000
Anxiety 1.276 0.000 3.58 1.04- 6.85
Nationality (Non Saudi) 0.979 0.04 2.66 1.04 6.85
Emotional failure 0.591 0.03 1.78 1.04- 3.15
Constant -1.985 0.005

It is well known that medical students often face may attributed to presence of more stresses in
many obstacles during their medical training. If Pakistan than in Saudi Arabia. A study carried out
these difficulties are ignored, they are likely to in Dubai (1) reported that 28.6% of medical stu-
produce further stresses (19). The present study dents had depression & a similar rate (28.7%)
illustrated presence of high prevalence rates of showed anxiety. Another research from Nigeria
anxiety & depression among female medical stu- reported that the prevalence of depression was
dents. The rates were 33.3% & 34.9% for border- 23.3% (22). A Brazilian study showed that 38.2%
line & morbid anxiety, respectively. While the of medical students had depression (19).
corresponding rates for depression were 21.8% & On the other hand, much higher rates, than the
14.7%, respectively. This agrees with results of a current study, reported among medical students
systematic review from the USA & Canada which from Beirut, Lebanon; 69.0% for anxiety & 27.6%
reported high anxiety & depression rates (20). for depression (23). These differences may be
Rab et al. (21) conducted a similar study among attributed to presence of more instability in Leba-
female medical students in Pakistan and reported non, or due to difference in the diagnostic scales
slightly higher rates of anxiety and depression used in both studies. Similarly, another research
than those of the current study (43.7% and 19.5% conducted among Dutch medical students
for anxiety and depression, respectively). This showed that the prevalence of common mental

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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 42, No.7, July 2013, pp.726-736

disorders was 54% and 48%, among the clinically to Non- Saudis. This agrees with the results of
non -active and clinically active students, respec- the comparative study between Saudi Arabia and
tively (24) .This difference may be because Fin- Egypt (12). It showed that anxiety and depression
land study screened many mental health prob- were significantly lower among Saudi than Egyp-
lems, but the current one screened anxiety and tian male students.
depression only. In the present study, most of the personal and
The present study showed that the mean anxiety socioeconomic characteristics, except nationality,
score was 9.32 +/- 3.77 & the mean depression played a minimal role as predictors of both an-
score was 6.59+/- 3.62.These means are higher xiety and depression. The predictors mainly re-
than mean scores reported among Indian medical lated to faculty environmental factors (as con-
students in first two years of their medical educa- densed course), or attributed to occurrence of
tion (7.66 3.21 & 5.77 3.45, respectively) major life events in the 6 months preceded the
(25). The cause of this discrepancy may be due to study. Similarly a study from Antalya, Turkey,
differences between the 2 study populations or reported that long and tiring medical education
between the students year of education. may have the strongest effect on the psychologi-
There was a positive correlation between depres- cal changes (29). Age, marital status, locality and
sion and anxiety among medical students in the total family income did not significantly affect the
current work. The first predictor of anxiety was prevalence of anxiety and depression among
depression and vice versa. Our results also agree medical students (30).
with results from the study of Dubai (1) where In the current study, students complained from
there was positive correlation between both. condensed course, academic failure, and emo-
They explained that this significant correlation tional failure were about 2 times more prone to
may indicate a cause-effect relationship. WHO anxiety than the others. Similarly, the study of
has declared that is high co-morbidity present Thailand (9) found that academic problems were
between different mental health problems. This the leading cause of stress among medical stu-
address the needs integrated public health efforts dents.
& policies for early screening of these problems, Depression was more among students who en-
and targeting preventive measures for high risk countered major life events in the 6 months pre-
populations, (26) as medical students. ceded their study than others (21). This result
The current study found that final year students goes on line with results of the current study; stu-
had the highest prevalence of both anxiety and dents who had an emotional failure were about 2
depression. These may be due to increased stress times more prone to depression compared to
and study load during the last year of medical ed- others.
ucation. Niemi & Vainiomki found in a Finland Limitations of the study: Because of the study
study that there was a consistent increase in stress was a cross-sectional study, cause-and-effect rela-
reports throughout the medical program (27). A tionships could not be determined &The study
cross sectional study done among medical stu- only comprised female medical students from the
dents in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, revealed that psy- King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
chological stress significantly decreased as the and this sample may not necessarily be repre-
year of study increased, except for the final year sentative of all medical students in Saudi Arabia.
(5). On the other hand, Inam et al. (28) reported
that the prevalence of anxiety and depression was Conclusions
higher among first 2 years among private college
medical students. Female medical students encountered high preva-
Regarding the students nationality, current study lence of both anxiety and depression. There was
revealed that Saudis had significantly lower preva- a positive correlation between both anxiety &
lence of both anxiety and depression compared

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Ibrahim et al.: Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety

depression. Academic problems (condensed anxiety in medical students and staff. J Crit Care,
course and academic failure) and major life 24:e1-7.
events were among main predictors of anxiety & 2. Eisenberg D, Hunt J,Speer N (2013). Mental
depression. Nationality also plays a role as non- health in american colleges and universities:
Saudis had significantly higher prevalence of both variation across student. J Nerv Ment Dis,
anxiety and depression. These findings highlight
3. Mancevska S, Bozinovska L, Tecce J, Pluncevik-
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