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APHA 3125 (Logam) Air PDF

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3125 A. Introduction

1. General Discussion The method is intended to be performance-based, so the

elemental analyte list can be extended, new clean prepara-
This method is designed to determine trace metals and met- tion techniques can be implemented, and other appropriate
alloids in surface, ground, and drinking waters via inductively modifications can be made as technology evolves. Any mod-
coupled plasmamass spectrometry (ICPMS). Although best ifications to the base method must be validated via suitable
suited for ambient or pristine freshwater matrices, this method quality control standards. More sources of information on
can also be used to analyze wastewater, soils, sediments, sludge, quality assurance and other aspects of ICPMS analysis of
and biological samples after appropriate digestion followed by metals are available.10 12
dilution and/or cleanup to reduce matrix effects to a manageable Ideally, the analysts who use this method will have experience
level.1,2 Various cleanup techniques are available to reduce using ICPMS, interpreting spectral and matrix interferences,
matrix interferences and/or concentrate analytes of interest.37 and implementing corrective procedures. Before generating data,
For many analytes, the instrument detection limits (IDLs) are analysts should demonstrate their proficiency in this method by
between 1 and 100 ng/L. The quadrupole-based ICPMS may successfully analyzing a performance evaluation sample for each
include collision cell technology (CCT) and/or dynamic reaction matrix type.
cell (DRC), which remove the need for mathematical interfer-
ence correction for many elements. Additional data (Tables 2. References
3125:I and 3125:II) demonstrate the performance for elements
seriously affected by polyatomic interferences.8,9 1. MONTASER, A. & D.W. GOLIGHTLY, EDS. 1992. Inductively Coupled
Plasmas in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2nd ed. VCH Publish-
ers, Inc., New York, N.Y.
2. DATE, A.R. & A.L. GRAY. 1989. Applications of Inductively Coupled
* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2009. Editorial revisions, 2011. Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Blackie & Son, Ltd., Glasgow, U.K.
Joint Task Group: Robert Henry (chair), Christopher J. Baggett, Cindy A. Bam-
field, Alois F. Clary, William R. Kammin, Gregg Oelker.
Recovery Mean SD RSD
Mean Element Mass % ng/mL ng/mL %
Recovery Mean SD RSD
Element Mass % ng/mL ng/mL % V 51 95.49 12.40 0.62 5.01
V CCT 51 101.60 13.20 0.32 2.39
V 51 100.00 200.0 9.25 4.62 Cr 52 93.34 36.03 0.80 2.21
V CCT 51 100.44 200.9 7.30 3.63 Cr CCT 52 95.31 36.79 0.89 2.42
Cr 52 99.56 199.1 9.39 4.72 Mn 55 99.09 120.40 2.25 1.87
Cr CCT 52 100.56 201.1 7.16 3.56 Mn CCT 55 96.99 117.8 2.18 1.85
Mn 55 101.36 1014 54.09 5.34 Fe 56 110.45 37.89 4.32 11.41
Mn CCT 55 98.28 982.8 31.95 3.25 Fe CCT 56 102.20 35.06 1.78 5.09
Fe 56 101.84 10184 566.43 5.56 Co 59 98.43 19.96 0.32 1.62
Fe CCT 56 100.25 10025 336.29 3.35 Co CCT 59 99.22 20.12 0.36 1.79
Co 59 101.58 20.32 0.89 4.38 Ni 60 98.78 27.06 0.68 2.51
Co CCT 59 101.67 20.33 0.64 3.15 Ni CCT 60 100.69 27.59 0.50 1.80
Ni 60 101.08 202.2 9.06 4.48 Cu 63 115.36 98.29 3.68 3.74
Ni CCT 60 101.90 203.8 6.61 3.24 Cu CCT 63 122.91 104.7 2.81 2.68
Cu 63 101.76 1018 62.46 6.14 Cu 65 118.83 101.2 2.84 2.80
Cu CCT 63 105.63 1056 36.79 3.48 Zn 66 95.88 51.01 1.36 2.67
Cu 65 102.12 1021 56.06 5.49 Zn CCT 66 97.64 51.95 1.91 3.68
Zn 66 100.52 1005 47.63 4.74 As 75 98.61 26.30 0.48 1.81
Zn CCT 66 99.51 995.1 33.94 3.41 As CCT 75 98.38 26.24 0.59 2.26
As 75 99.54 19.91 1.02 5.14 Se 78 95.83 21.04 0.45 2.15
As CCT 75 98.24 19.65 0.78 3.99 Se CCT 78 97.58 21.43 1.86 8.66
Se 78 102.77 20.55 1.04 5.07
Se CCT 78 104.78 20.96 1.73 8.26 * Single-laboratory, single-operator data acquired 12-2005 using Thermo Electron
X Series in Standard and CCT-KED modes.
* Single-laboratory, single-operator data acquired 12-2005 using Thermo Electron NIST 1640 (N 7)
X Series in Standard and CCT-KED modes. Copper contamination
Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (N 28)


3. MCLAREN, J.W., A.P. MYKYTIUK, S.N. WILLIE & S.S. BERMAN. 1985. 8. NELMS, S., ED. 2005. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrom-
Determination of trace metals in seawater by inductively coupled etry Handbook. Blackwell Science, Cambridge, Mass.
plasma mass spectrometry with preconcentration on silica-immobil- 9. BECKER, J.S. 2008. Inorganic Mass Spectrometry: Principles and
ized 8-hydroxyquinoline. Anal. Chem. 57:2907. Applications. Wiley Interscience, Malden, Mass.
4. BURBA, P. & P.G. WILLMER. 1987. Multielement preconcentration 10. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 1994. Determination of
for atomic spectroscopy by sorption of dithiocarbamate metal com- trace elements in waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma
plexes (e.g., HMDC) on cellulose collectors. Fresenius Z. Anal. mass spectrometry, Method 200.8. U.S. Environmental Protection
Chem. 329:539. Agency, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Cincin-
5. WANG, X. & R.M. BARNES. 1989. Chelating resins for on-line flow nati, Ohio.
injection preconcentration with inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectroscopy. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 4:509.
PLANTZ & B.E. WARDEN. 1994. Determination of trace elements in
6. SIRIRAKS, A., H.M. KINGSTON & J.M. RIVIELLO. 1990. Chelation ion
water by inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry: collabor-
chromatography as a method for trace elemental analysis in com-
plex environmental and biological samples. Anal. Chem. 62:1185. ative study. J. AOAC Internat. 77:1004.
Guidelines for Measuring Metals in Puget Sound Marine Water, termination of trace elements in ambient waters by inductively
Sediment and Tissue Samples. Appendix D: Alternate Methods for coupled plasmamass spectrometry. U.S. Environmental Protection
the Analysis of Marine Water Samples. Puget Sound Water Quality Agency, Off. Water, Washington, D.C.
Authority, Olympia, Wash.

3125 B. Inductively Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometry (ICPMS) Method

1. General Discussion Also, determine the linear dynamic range (LDR) for all
method analytes, including multi-element mixtures (to account
a. Principle: In this method, analysts introduce sample ma- for possible inter-element effects). LDR is the maximum analyte
terial to an argon-based, high-temperature radio-frequency concentration above the highest calibration point at which the
plasma, usually via pneumatic nebulization. As energy transfers analyte response is within 10% of its theoretical response.
from the plasma to the sample stream, the target element des- When determining LDRs, avoid using unnecessarily high analyte
olves, atomizes, and ionizes. The resulting ions are extracted concentrations because they might damage the detector. Deter-
from the plasma through a differential vacuum interface and mine LDR when first implementing this method, and then repeat
separated based on their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio by a mass yearly.
spectrometer. Typically, either a quadrupole (with or without c. Interferences: ICPMS is subject to several types of inter-
CCT or DRC) or magnetic sector (high-resolution) mass spec- ferences, including the following:
trometer is used. An electron multiplier detector counts the 1) IsobarsIsobars are isotopes of different elements that
separated ions, and a computer-based data-management system form ions with the same nominal atomic mass units/charge
processes the resulting information. number (m/z) ratio that cannot be resolved by a quadrupole or
b. Applicable elements and analytical limits: This method has high-resolution mass spectrometer. Typically, ICPMS operat-
been demonstrated to be suitable for aluminum, antimony, arse- ing software includes all known isobaric interferences and will
perform the necessary calculations automatically (see Table
nic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper,
3125:IV). Monitor 83Kr, 99Ru, 118Sn, and 125Te to correct for
lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, stron-
isobaric interference caused by 82Kr on 82Se, by 98Ru on 98Mo,
tium, thallium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc (see Table 3125:
by 114Sn on 114Cd, by 115Sn on 115In, and by 123Te on 123Sb.
III). It is also acceptable for other elemental analytes as long as
Monitor ArCl at mass 77 to estimate chloride interferences.
the same quality assurance practices are followed, with docu- Verify that all elemental and molecular correction equations
mented acceptance limits. used in this method are correct and appropriate for the mass
Before implementing the method, determine the instrument spectrometer used and the sample matrix.
detection limit (IDL) and method detection limit (MDL) for all 2) Abundance sensitivityAbundance sensitivity is the possi-
analytes (see Section 1030C). Typical IDLs for method analytes bility that the low and high wings of any abundant mass peak
are presented in Table 3125:III.1,2 will contribute to or obscure adjacent masses. Adjust the mass
Determining the MDL for each element is critical when ana- spectrometer resolution and quadrupole pole bias to minimize
lyzing complex matrices, such as seawater, brines, and industrial these interferences.
effluents. In these cases, the MDL typically will be higher than 3) PolyatomicsPolyatomics are (molecular) ion interfer-
the IDL because of background levels of analytes introduced ences caused by ions with more than one atom that have the
during sample preparation, as well as laboratory-derived con- same nominal m/z ratio as the isotope of interest. Most of the
tamination and matrix-based interferences. Determine both IDL common molecular ion interferences have been identified (see
and MDL when first implementing this method, and then repeat Table 3125:V). Because of the severity of chloride ion interfer-
yearly or whenever the instrument configuration changes or ence on important analytes, particularly vanadium and arsenic,
major maintenance occurs, whichever happens first. hydrochloric acid is not recommended for use in ICPMS sam-


Recommended Elemental and Molecular Equations*
Analytical IDL* Internal
Element Mass g/L Standard Li 6 C 6
Be 9 C 9
Be 9 0.025 Li Al 27 C 27
Al 27 0.03 Sc Sc 45 C 45
V 51 0.02 Sc V 51 C 51 (3.127)[(C 53) (0.113 C 52)]
Cr 52 0.04 Sc Cr 52 C 52
Cr 53 0.03 Sc Cr 53 C 53
Mn 55 0.002 Sc Mn 55 C 55
Co 59 0.002 Sc Co 59 C 59
Ni 60 0.004 Sc Ni 60 C 60
Ni 62 0.025 Sc Ni 62 C 62
Cu 63 0.003 Sc Cu 63 C 63
Cu 65 0.004 Sc Cu 65 C 65
Zn 66 0.017 Ge Zn 66 C 66
Zn 68 0.020 Ge Zn 68 C 69
As 75 0.025 Ge As 75 C 75 (3.127)[(C 77) (0.815 C 82)]
Se 77 0.093 Ge Se 77 C 77
Se 82 0.064 Ge Se 82 C 82 (1.008696 C 83)
Ag 107 0.003 In Sr 88 C 88
Ag 109 0.002 In Mo 98 C 98 (0.110588 C 101)
Cd 111 0.006 In Rh 103 C 103
Cd 114 0.003 In Ag 107 C 107
Sb 121 0.07 In Ag 109 C 109
Sb 123 0.07 In Cd 111 C 111 (1.073)[(C 108) (0.712 C 106)]
Tl 203 0.03 Th Cd 114 C 114 (0.02686 C 119)
Tl 205 0.03 Th Sb 121 C 121
Pb 208 0.005 Th Sb 123 C 123 (0.127189 C 125)
U 235 0.032 Th Ba 135 C 135
U 238 0.001 Th Ho 165 C 165
Mo 98 0.003 In Tl 203 C 203
Ba 135 0.008 In Tl 205 C 205
Sr 88 0.001 In Pb 208 C 208 (1 C 206) (1 C 207)
Th 232 C 232
* IDLs were determined on a Perkin Elmer Elan 6000 ICPMS using seven
replicate analyses of a 1% nitric acid solution, at Manchester Environmental
U 238 C 238
Laboratory, July 1996. * C calibration blank-corrected counts at indicated masses.
From EPA Method 200.8 for the Analysis of Drinking WatersApplication From EPA Method 200.8 for the Analysis of Drinking WaterApplication
Note, Order No. ENVA-300A, The Perkin Elmer Corporation, 1996. Note, Order No. ENVA-300A, The Perkin Elmer Corporation, 1996.
From Perkin Elmer Technical Summary TSMS-12.

ple preparation. Because most environmental samples contain samples should not contain more than 0.5% of dissolved solids.
some chloride ion, analysts must use chloride-correction equa- Dilute water and wastewater samples with higher dissolved
tions for affected masses. Collision cell technology and dynamic solids levels before analyzing them. Use internal standards to
reaction cell effectively reduce most polyatomic species to ana- correct for physical interferences, provided that their analytical
lytically negligible levels in quadrupole-based ICPMS systems, behavior is comparable to the elements being determined.
sometimes removing the need for complex correction equations. Table 3125:IV.B includes information on each isotope and
A high-resolution ICPMS resolves many but not allinter- cautions on using correction equations. Quadrupole ICPMS
ferences caused by polyatomic ions. Polyatomic interferences with CCT or DRC is recommended for all analytes, except
are strongly influenced by instrument design and plasma operating perhaps beryllium (due to lower sensitivity), because it elimi-
conditions; they sometimes can be reduced by carefully adjusting nates many of the equations typically needed in the standard
nebulizer gas flow and other instrument operating parameters. operating mode.
4) Doubly-chargedSome elements (e.g., barium and stron- 6) Memory interferencesThese occur when analytes from a
tium) form significant levels of M2 ions under normal plasma previous sample or standard are measured in the current sample.
conditions. The M2 ions occur in the mass spectrum at M/2 and, Use a long enough rinse (flush) between samples to minimize
in the case of Ba and Sr, will interfere with some isotopes of zinc such interferences. Persistent memory interferences may indicate
and calcium, respectively. problems in the sample-introduction system. Severe memory
5) Physical interferencesThese include differences in vis- interferences may require analysts to disassemble and clean the
cosity, surface tension, and dissolved solids between samples entire sample-introduction system, including the plasma torch
and calibration standards. To minimize these effects, analytical and the sampler and skimmer cones.


Interference Calculation
Isotope Mass Abundance (if required)* Comments

Li (IS) 6 7.52 C 6 - 0.08131 Li7 Corrects for natural lithium in samples (I)
Be 9 100 C 9
C 13 1.108 C 13 For ArC52 correction
Al 27 100 C 27
Ca 43 0.13 C 43 - 0.0004 Sr88 Corrects for Sr2
Sc (IS) 45 100 C 45
V 51 99.76 C 51 - 3.1270 ClO53 Corrects for variable chloride matrix (I) [not normally required in CCT
Cr 52 83.76 C 52 - 0.0900 C13 Corrects for variable carbon content (P) [not normally required in CCT
ClO (Cr) 53 C 53 - 0.1140 Cr52 CLO interference corrected for chromium (I)
Mn 55 100 C 55
Fe 56 91.52 C 56 CCT Mode only (ArO and CaO interferences in Standard Mode)
Co 59 100 C 59
Ni 60 26.16 C 60 - 0.00150 Ca43 Corrects for CaO (P) [not normally required in CCT Mode]
Ni 62 3.66 C 62
Cu 63 69.09 C 63 Possibility of ArNa (P) in high sodium matrix (sea or brackish waters)
Cu 65 30.91 C 65
Zn 66 27.81 C 66
Zn 68 18.56 C 68 - 0.0153 Ba135 Ba2 interferes with Zn68
Ge (IS) 72 27.43 C 72 Possibility of FeO (P) interference in high iron matrix
As 75 100 C 75 - 3.1270 ArCl77 Corrects for variable chloride matrix (I) Correction not required in CCT
Mode (I)
ArCl (Se 77) 77 C 77 - 0.8484 Se82 ArCl interference corrected for Se.
Se 78 23.61 C 78 CCT Mode only due to ArAr78 in Standard Mode
Se 82 8.84 C 82 - 1.0009 Kr83 Corrects for krypton in argon (I)
Kr 83 11.55 C 83 Variable levels in argon
Sr 88 82.56 C 88 Forms Sr2 easily
Mo 95 14.78 C 95 No isobaric correction required (unlike Mo98)
Mo 98 24 C 98 - 0.1307 Ru101 Corrects for variable ruthenium content (I)
Ru 101 16.98 C 101 For Mo98 correction
Rh (IS) 103 100 C 103
Ag 107 51.35 C 107
Ag 109 48.65 C 109
Cd 111 12.86 C 111 - 0.0017 Mo95 Corrects for MoO (P) [not normally required in CCT Mode]
Cd 114 28.81 C 114 - [0.0271 Sn118] - Correction for MoO (P) and Sn (I) [MoO correction not normally
[0.0028 Mo95] required in CCT Mode]
In (IS) 115 95.84 C 115 - 0.0142 Sn118 Corrects for variable tin content (I)
Sn 118 24.01 C 118 For Cd114 and In115 correction
Sb 121 57.25 C 121
Sb 123 42.75 C 123 - 0.0449 Te125 Corrects for variable tellurium content (I)
Te 125 6.99 C 125 For Sb123 correction
Ba 135 6.59 C 135
Tb (IS) 159 100 C 159
Ho (IS) 165 100 C 165 Ho2 may interfere with Se82
Tl 203 29.5 C 203
Tl 205 70.5 C 205
Pb 206 25.15 C 206
Pb 207 21.11 C 207
Pb 208 52.38 C 208 1 Pb206 1 Correction for variable lead abundance (I)
Bi (IS) 209 100 C 209
U 235 0.715 C 235
U 238 99.28 C 238
* All corrections should be verified and corrected for mass bias.
IS denotes an internal standard element.
I denotes an isobaric correction.
Doubly charged corrections may vary with plasma tuning conditions and should be verified by the user before use.
P denotes correction that may vary with plasma tuning conditions and should be verified by the user before use.


7) Ionization interferencesThese result when moderate TABLE 3125:V. COMMON MOLECULAR ION INTERFERENCES IN ICPMS1
(0.1% to 1%) amounts of a matrix ion change the analyte signal.
Element Measurement
This effect, which usually reduces the analyte signal, also is Molecular Ion Mass Affected by Interference
known as suppression. Correct for suppression by using internal
standardization techniques. Background molecular ions:
Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be an NH 15
OH 17
integral part of each method can be found in Section 3020. OH2 18
C2 24 Mg
2. Apparatus CN 26 Mg
CO 28 Si
a. Inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometer: Available N2 28 Si
N2H 29 Si
from several manufacturers, this instrument includes a mass NO 30
spectrometer, detector, an ICP source, mass flow controllers for NOH 31 P
regulating ICP gas flows, a peristaltic pump for introducing O2 32 S
samples, and a computerized data acquisition and instrument O2H 33
ArH 37 Cl
control system. An x-y autosampler also may be used with 38
ArH 39 K
appropriate control software. 40
ArH 41
b. Laboratory ware: Use pre-cleaned plastic laboratory ware CO2 44 Ca
for standard and sample preparation. Teflon* either tetrafluo- CO2H 45 Sc
roethylene hexafluoropropylene-copolymer (FEP), polytetra- ArC, ArO 52 Cr
ArN 54 Cr
fluoroethylene (PTFE), or perfluoroalkoxy PTFE (PFA)is pre- ArNH 55 Mn
ferred for standard preparation and sample digestion, while high- ArO 56 Fe
density polyethylene (HDPE) and other dense, metal-free ArH 57 Fe
plastics may be acceptable for internal standards, known-addi-
Ar36Ar 76 Se
Ar38Ar 78 Se
tion solutions, etc. Check each new lot of autosampler tubes for 40
Ar2 80 Se
suitability, and pre-clean autosampler tubes and pipet tips if Matrix molecular ions:
certificate of analysis is unavailable (see Section 3010C.2). Bromide:
c. Air-displacement pipets, sized 10 to 100 L, 100 to 1000
BrH 82 Se
L, and 1 to 10 mL.
BrO 95 Mo
BrO 97 Mo
d. Analytical balance, accurate to 0.1 mg. 81
BrOH 98 Mo
e. Sample-preparation apparatus, such as hot plates, micro- Ar81Br 121 Sb
wave digesters, and heated sand baths. Any sample-preparation Chloride:
device could introduce trace levels of target analytes to the
ClO 51 V
ClOH 52 Cr
sample. 37
ClO 53 Cr
f. Clean hood (optional), Class 100 (certified to contain less 37
ClOH 54 Cr
than 100 particles/m3), for sample preparation and manipulation. Ar35Cl 75 As
If possible, perform all sample manipulations, digestions, dilu- Ar37Cl 77 Se
tions, etc. in a certified Class 100 environment. Alternatively, Sulfate:
SO 48 Ti
handle samples in glove boxes, plastic fume hoods, or other 32
SOH 49
environments that minimize random contamination by trace met- 34
SO 50 V, Cr
als. 34
SOH 51 V
SO2, S2 64 Zn
3. Reagents Ar32S 72 Ge
Ar34S 74 Ge
a. Acids: Use ultra-high-purity grade (or equivalent) acids to PO 47 Ti
prepare standards and process samples. Redistilled acids are POH 48 Ti
acceptable if each batch is demonstrated to be uncontaminated PO2 63 Cu
by target analytes. Use extreme care when handling acids in the ArP 71 Ga
Group I & II metals:
laboratory to avoid contaminating them with trace levels of ArNa 63 Cu
metals. ArK 79 Br
1) Nitric acid (HNO3) conc (specific gravity 1.41). ArCa 80 Se
2) Nitric acid, 1 1: Add 500 mL conc HNO3 to 500 mL Matrix Oxides*
TiO 6266 Ni, Cu, Zn
reagent water. ZrO 106112 Ag, Cd
3) Nitric acid, (v/v) 2%: Add 20 mL conc HNO3 to 100 mL MoO 108116 Cd
reagent water; dilute to 1000 mL. NbO 109 Ag
4) Nitric acid, (v/v) 1%: Add 10 mL conc HNO3 to 100 mL * Oxide interferences normally will be tiny and will affect method elements only
reagent water; dilute to 1000 mL. when oxide-producing elements are present at relatively high concentrations, or
when the instrument is improperly tuned or maintained. Preferably monitor Ti and
Zr isotopes in soil, sediment, or solid waste samples, because these samples could
contain high levels of such interfering elements.
* Or equivalent.


b. Reagent water: When preparing blanks, standards, and use another internal standard. If the response of a sample con-
samples, use metal-free water that was prepared using the meth- taining the internal standard is not within 70 to 125% of the
ods listed in Section 1080, described below, or provided else- response for a calibration blank with the internal standard, either
where (if they have been proven effective). Use only high-purity dilute the sample before analysis or use another internal stan-
water to prepare samples and standards. Reagent water contain- dard. During actual analysis, monitor internal standard masses
ing trace amounts of analyte elements will skew results. and note all internal standard recoveries that are more than 125%
Analysts can produce suitable reagent water using a multi- of the internal standard response in the calibration blank. Inter-
stage system that includes a softener/reverse osmosis unit, a pret results for these samples with caution.
dual-column, strong acid/strong base ion exchange unit; an ac- The internal standard mix may be added to blanks, standards,
tivated carbon filter; and a UV sterilization process. This will and samples via a Y connector after the peristaltic pump to
produce a polished water free of metals and organics. mix it with the sample stream during sample introduction.
c. Stock, standard, and other required solutions: See Sections 2) Instrument optimization/tuning solution, containing beryl-
3111B.3, 3111D.3, 3114B.3, and 3120B.3d on preparing stan- lium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, germanium, indium, rhodium,
dard stock solutions from elemental materials (pure metals, scandium, terbium, thallium, (for sensitivity and stability eval-
salts). Preferably, purchase high-purity, commercially prepared uation), barium (for doubly-charged evaluation), cerium (for
stock solutions and dilute to required concentrations. Single- or oxide evaluation), magnesium (mass calibration check), and lead
multi-element stock solutions (1000 mg/L) of the following (mass calibration check). Prepare this solution in 2% HNO3. This
elements are required: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, mix includes all common elements used to optimize and tune
beryllium, cadmium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, germa- various ICPMS operating parameters. It may be possible to use
nium, indium, lead, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, fewer elements in this solution, depending on the instrument
nickel, rhodium, scandium, selenium, silver, strontium, terbium, manufacturers recommendations.
thallium, thorium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc. Prepare inter- 3) Calibration standards: A five standard calibration is rec-
nal-standard and target-element stock solutions separately; they ommended, from 0 to 100 g/L. Other calibration regimes are
could be incompatible and cause precipitation or other solution acceptable if the full suite of quality assurance samples and
instability. standards is run to validate any method changes. Fewer standards
1) Internal standard stock solution: Germanium, indium, lith- may be used, and a two-point blank/mid-range calibration tech-
ium, scandium, and thorium are suggested as internal standards. nique commonly used in ICP optical methods should also pro-
The following masses are monitored: 72Ge, 115In, 6Li, 45Sc, and duce acceptable results. Calibrate all analytes using the selected
Th. Add enough internal standard to all samples, standards, concentrations. Prepare all calibration standards and blanks in a
and quality control (QC) samples to give a suitable counts/ matrix of 2% nitric acid. Add internal standard mix to all
second (cps) signal and stability (100 000 to 300 000 cps for calibration standards to provide appropriate count rates for in-
most internal standards). Minimize dilution-related errors by terference correction. NOTE: Add the same ratio of internal
using an appropriately high concentration of internal standard standard mix to all standards and blanks used in this method.
mix solution. Maintain volume ratio for all internal standard 4) Method blank (MB): A method blank (also known as
additions. reagent blank) is a portion of reagent water (3b above) treated
Prepare internal standard mix as follows: Prepare a nominal exactly as a sample, including exposure to all equipment, glass-
50-mg/L solution of 6Li by dissolving 0.15 g 6Li2CO3 (isotopi- ware, procedures, and reagents. It is used to assess whether
cally pure, i.e., 95% or greater purity) in a minimal amount of analytes or interferences are present in the analytical process or
1:1 HNO3. Pipet 5.0 mL 1000-mg/L germanium, indium, scan- system. No MB should contain a warning level of any analyte of
dium, and thorium standards into the lithium solution, dilute interest (based on the end users requirements). Undertake im-
resulting solution to 500.0 mL, and mix thoroughly. The resul- mediate corrective action for MB measurements above the min-
tant concentration of Ge, In, Sc, and Th will be 10 mg/L. imum reporting level (see Section 3020). Include at least one MB
Determine the internal standard concentrations required to with each batch of samples prepared. For dissolved samples, take
achieve acceptable levels of precision, and dilute the internal reagent water through same filtration and preservation processes
standard stock accordingly. used for samples. For samples requiring digestion, process re-
Other internal standards, such as bismuth, holmium, rhodium, agent water with the same digestion techniques as samples. Add
terbium, and yttrium, may also be used in this method. Ensure internal standard mix to method blank.
that the internal standard mix used is stable and that there are no 5) Calibration verification standard: Prepare a mid-range
undesired interactions among elements. standard using a different source than that used for the calibra-
All new sample matrices should be screened for internal tion standards, in 2% HNO3, with equivalent addition of internal
standard elements before analysis. Analyzing a few representa- standard.
tive samples for internal standards should be sufficient. Analyze 6) Calibration verification blank: Use 2% HNO3, the same
samples as received or as digested (before adding internal solution as the zero calibration standard.
standard), then add internal standard mix and re-analyze. Mon- 7) Laboratory-fortified blank (LFB): The laboratory-fortified
itor counts at the internal standard masses. If the as received or blank (also known as a blank spike) is a method blank that has
as digested samples show appreciable detector counts (10% or been fortified with a known concentration of analyte. It is used
higher of samples with added internal standard), dilute sample or to evaluate ongoing laboratory performance and analyte recov-

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories or equivalent. Performance data for the method were obtained with these concentrations.


ery in a clean matrix. Prepare fortified concentrations approxi- TABLE 3125:VI. SUGGESTED ANALYTICAL RUN SEQUENCE
mating the midpoint of the calibration curve (50 ng/mL) or lower
Sample Type Comments
with stock solutions prepared from a different source than that
used to develop working standards. Calculate percent recovery, Tuning/optimization standard Check mass calibration and
plot control charts, and determine control limits for these meas- resolution
urements. Ensure that the LFB meets the methods performance Tuning/optimization standard Optimize instrument for
criteria when such criteria are specified. Establish corrective maximum rhodium counts
actions to be taken in case the LFB does not satisfy acceptance while keeping oxides,
double-charged ions, and
criteria. Include at least one LFB with each batch of samples
background within
prepared. This standard, sometimes also called a laboratory instrument specifications
control sample (LCS), is used to validate digestion techniques Rinse
and known-addition levels. Reagent blank Check for contamination
8) Reference materials: Use externally prepared reference Reagent blank Calibration standard blank
material, preferably from National Institute of Standards and 5-g/L standard
Technology (NIST) 1643 series or equivalent. 10-g/L standard
9) Known-addition solution for samples: Add stock standard 20-g/L standard
to sample so the volume change is less than 5%. In the absence 50-g/L standard
of information on analyte levels in the sample, prepare known 100-g/L standard
Rinse Check for memory
additions at around 50 g/L or lower. If analyte concentration
Initial calibration Check for calibration
levels are known, add at 50 to 200% of the sample levels. For verification, 50 g/L accuracy
samples undergoing digestion, make additions before digestion. Initial calibration blank Check for memory
For dissolved metals determinations, make additions after filtra- 0.30-g/L standard Low-level calibration
tion, preferably immediately before analysis. verification
10) Low-level standards: Use both a 0.3- and a 1.0-g/L 1.0-g/L standard Low-level calibration
standard when expected analyte concentration is less than 5 verification
g/L. Prepare both standards in 2% nitric acid. External reference material NIST 1643c or equivalent
Prepare volumetrically a mixed standard containing the Continuing calibration Check for calibration stability
method analytes at desired concentration(s) (0.30 g/L, 1.0 verification
Continuing blank calibration Check for memory
g/L, or both). Prepare weekly in 100-mL quantities.
Project sample method blank Check for contamination
d. Argon: Use a prepurified grade of argon unless it can be Project sample laboratory- Check for spike recovery
demonstrated that other grades can be used successfully. Prepu- fortified blank
rified argon is usually necessary because technical argon often Project sample 1-4 Check for possible
contains significant levels of impurities (e.g., carbon and kryp- interferences
ton). 82Kr interferes with the determination of 82Se. Monitor 83Kr Project sample 5
at all times. Project sample 5 with known Check for spike recovery
4. Procedures Project sample 5 duplicate Check for reproducibility
with known addition
Continuing calibration Check for calibration stability
a. Sample preparation: See Sections 3010 and 3020 for general
verification (every 10
guidance and additional specific requirements on sampling and samples)
quality control. See Section 3030E for the recommended sample- Continuing calibration blank Check for memory
digestion technique for all analytes except silver and antimony. Use (every 10 samples)
the method in Section 3030F for silver and antimony, paying special
attention to chloride ion interferences and using all applicable ele-
mental corrections. Alternative digestion techniques and more guid-
ance on sample preparation are available.3,4 the instrument, checking reagent blanks, calibrating the instru-
Ideally, use a clean environment when handling, manipulat- ment, verifying the calibration, analyzing samples, and analyzing
ing, or preparing samples. Preferably perform all sample manip- quality control samples and blanks.
ulations in a Class 100 clean hood or room to minimize potential d. Instrument tuning and optimization: Follow manufacturers
contamination artifacts in digested or filtered samples. instructions for optimizing instrument performance. The most
b. Instrument operating conditions: Follow manufacturers important optimization criteria include nebulizer gas flows, de-
standard operating procedures for initialization, mass calibration, tector and lens voltages, radio-frequency forward power, and
gas flow optimization, and other instrument operating condi- mass calibration. Periodically check mass calibration and instru-
tions. Maintain complete, detailed information on the instru- ment resolution. Ideally, optimize the instrument to minimize the
ments operating status whenever it is used. formation of oxide and doubly charged species. Measure CeO:
c. Analytical run sequence: Table 3125:VI outlines a sug- Ce and Ba2:Ba ratios to monitor the formation of oxide and
gested analytical run sequence, including tuning and optimizing doubly charged species, respectively. Both ratios should meet
the manufacturers criteria before instrument calibration. Moni-
tor background counts at mass 220 after optimization, and com-
National Institute of Standards and Technology, www.nist.gov pare with manufacturers criteria. (See Table 3125:VII for a


TABLE 3125:VII. SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA limit or the laboratory method detection limit for each analyte is
acceptable. If analyte concentrations are less than 5 g/L, verify
Characteristic Criteria low-level calibration by using a standard at 40 to 50% of the
highest low-level standard.
Mass resolution Manufacturers specification f. Sample analysis: Ensure that all vessels and reagents are
Mass calibration Manufacturers specification uncontaminated. During the analytical run, include quality-
Ba2/Ba Manufacturers specification control analyses according to schedule of Table 3125:VIII or
CeO/Ce Manufacturers specification
follow project-specific QA/QC protocols.
Background counts at Manufacturers specification
mass 220 Internal standard recoveries must be between 70 and 125% of
Correlation coefficient 0.995 internal standard response in the laboratory-fortified blank; oth-
Calibration blanks Reporting limit erwise, dilute sample, add internal standard mix, and re-analyze.
Calibration verification 10% of true value Make known-addition analyses for each matrix in a digestion
standards or filtration batch.
Laboratory fortified blank 30% of true value
(control sample)
Precision 20% relative percent difference
for lab duplicates 5. Calculations and Corrections
Known-addition recovery 75125%
0.3 and 1.0 g/L Dependent on data quality Configure instrument software to report internal-standard-
standards objectives corrected results. Water sample results should be reported in
Reference materials Dependent on data quality micrograms per liter. Report appropriate number of significant
Internal standard response 70125% of response in
calibration blank with known a. Correction for dilutions and solids: Correct all dilution
addition results, and raise the related reporting limits accordingly:

R Uncorr V
R Corr
Vs /V
summary of method performance criteria related to optimization
and tuning, calibration, and analytical performance.)
e. Instrument calibration: After optimization and tuning, cal- where:
ibrate the ICPMS using an appropriate range of calibration
RCorr diluted corrected results, g/L,
standards. Use appropriate regression techniques to determine RUncorr uncorrected elemental results, g/L,
calibration responses for each analyte. For acceptable calibra- V volume of digestate (after digestion), L, and
tions, the regression curves correlation coefficients are ideally Vs volume of undiluted sample, L.
0.995 or greater.
Immediately after calibration, run initial calibration verifica-
tion standard, 3125B.3c5); acceptance criteria are 10% of Use Method 2540B to determine total solids in solid samples,
known analyte concentration. Next, run initial calibration veri- and report results as micrograms per kilogram, dry weight.
fication blank, 3125B.3c6); acceptance criteria are ideally the Correct all results for solids content of solid samples. Use the
absolute value of the instrument detection limit for each analyte, following equation to correct solid or sediment sample results for
but in practice, the absolute value of the laboratory reporting dilution during digestion and moisture content:


Analysis Frequency Acceptance Criteria

Reference material [3125B.3c9] Greater of: once per sample batch, or 5% Dependent on data quality objectives
Preparatory/method blank Greater of: once per sample batch, or 5% Absolute value of instrument
[3125B.3c4)] detection limit; absolute value of
laboratory reporting limit or MDL
is acceptable
Laboratory-fortified blank Greater of: once per sample batch, or 5% 30% of true value
Duplicate known-addition samples Greater of: once per sample batch, or 5% 20% relative percent difference
Continuing calibration verification 10% 10% of known concentration
standards [3125B.3c5)]
Continuing calibration verification 10% Absolute value of instrument
blank [3125B.3c6)] detection limit; absolute value of
laboratory reporting limit or MDL
is acceptable



Continuing Calibration Verification Standard (N 44) Initial Calibration Verification Standard (N 12)
Mean Standard Relative Standard Mean Standard Relative Standard
Recovery Mean Deviation Deviation Recovery Mean Deviation Deviation
Element Mass % g/L g/L % % g/L g/L %

Be 9 98.71 49.35 3.43 6.94 100.06 50.03 1.90 3.80

Al 27 99.62 49.81 2.99 6.01 98.42 49.21 1.69 3.44
V 51 100.97 50.48 1.36 2.68 99.91 49.96 1.23 2.47
Cr 52 101.39 50.70 1.86 3.66 99.94 49.97 1.47 2.95
Cr 53 100.68 50.34 1.91 3.79 99.13 49.56 1.44 2.90
Mn 55 101.20 50.60 1.98 3.91 99.48 49.74 1.40 2.82
Co 59 101.67 50.83 2.44 4.79 99.44 49.72 1.61 3.24
Ni 60 99.97 49.99 2.14 4.28 97.98 48.99 1.70 3.47
Ni 62 99.79 49.89 2.09 4.18 97.57 48.79 1.32 2.71
Cu 63 100.51 50.25 2.19 4.36 97.87 48.93 1.63 3.33
Cu 65 100.39 50.19 2.26 4.51 98.34 49.17 1.58 3.20
Zn 66 101.07 50.53 1.93 3.82 98.75 49.38 0.87 1.76
Zn 68 100.42 50.21 1.89 3.77 97.75 48.87 0.50 1.02
As 75 100.76 50.38 1.15 2.28 98.83 49.41 0.89 1.80
Se 77 101.71 50.85 1.43 2.81 99.54 49.77 1.01 2.03
Se 82 101.97 50.98 1.50 2.95 99.76 49.88 0.94 1.89
Ag 107 101.50 50.75 1.68 3.30 99.27 49.63 1.17 2.36
Ag 109 101.65 50.83 1.68 3.31 99.66 49.83 1.54 3.08
Cd 111 100.92 50.46 1.94 3.84 98.61 49.30 1.36 2.77
Cd 114 100.90 50.45 2.07 4.10 99.20 49.60 1.41 2.84
Sb 121 100.14 50.07 2.39 4.77 99.38 49.69 1.38 2.78
Sb 123 99.98 49.99 2.48 4.97 99.09 49.54 1.34 2.71
Tl 203 101.36 50.68 1.64 3.23 100.05 50.02 1.01 2.01
Tl 205 102.40 51.20 1.93 3.78 101.23 50.62 1.45 2.87
Pb 208 101.21 50.61 1.65 3.25 99.33 49.67 0.84 1.69
U 238 101.54 50.77 1.93 3.80 99.80 49.90 1.36 2.72
* Single-laboratory, single-operator, single-instrument data, determined using a 50-g/L standard prepared from sources independent of calibration standard source. Data
acquired JanuaryNovember 1996 during actual sample determinations. Performance of continuing calibration verification standards at different levels may vary.
Perkin-Elmer Elan 6000 ICPMS used for determination.

R uncorr V d. Documentation: Maintain documentation for the following

R corr (where applicable): instrument tuning, mass calibration, calibra-
W % TS/100
tion verification, analyses of blanks (method, field, calibration,
where: and equipment blanks), IDL and MDL studies, analyses of
samples and duplicates with known additions, laboratory and
Rcorr corrected result, g/kg, field duplicate information, serial dilutions, internal standard
Runcorr uncorrected elemental result, g/L,
recoveries, and any relevant quality control charts.
V volume of digestate (after digestion), L,
W mass of the wet sample, kg, and Also, maintain all raw data generated in support of the
% TS percent total solids determined in the sample. method, and keep them available for review.5
b. Compensation for interferences: Use instrument software to
correct for previously listed interferences. See Table 3125:V for 6. Method Performance
a list of the most common molecular ion interferences.
c. Data reporting: Establish appropriate reporting limits for Table 3125:III presents IDL data generated by this method;
method analytes based on IDLs and the laboratory blank. For this represents optimal instrument detection capabilities, not
regulatory programs, ensure that reporting limits for method recommended method detection or reporting limits. Tables
analytes are a factor of three below relevant regulatory criteria 3125:I, II, and IX through XI contain single-laboratory, single-
whenever possible. operator, single-instrument performance data generated by this
If method blank contamination is typically random, sporadic, method for calibration verification standards, low-level stan-
or otherwise not statistically controllable, do not correct results dards, and known-addition recoveries for freshwater matrices, as
for the method blank. Consider correcting blank results only if it well as data showing standard and CCT performance data for
can be demonstrated that the blanks analyte concentration is elements usually affected by polyatomic interferences (Tables
within statistical control over a period of months. Report all 3125:I and II). Section 3125 performance data for some analytes
method blank data explicitly in a manner identical to sample- are currently unavailable; however, performance data for similar
reporting procedures. ICP-MS methods are available in the literature.1,4


Total Recoverable Metals Dissolved Metals
Mean Recovery Relative Standard Deviation Mean Recovery Relative Standard Deviation
Element Mass % % % %

Be 9 89.09 5.77
V 51 87.00 8.82
Cr 52 87.33 8.42 88.38 6.43
Cr 53 86.93 7.90 88.52 5.95
Mn 55 91.81 10.12
Co 59 87.67 8.92
Ni 60 85.07 8.42 89.31 5.70
Ni 62 84.67 8.21 89.00 5.82
Cu 63 84.13 8.46 88.55 8.33
Cu 65 84.37 8.05 88.26 7.80
Zn 66 86.14 23.01 95.59 13.81
Zn 68 81.95 20.31 91.94 13.27
As 75 90.43 4.46 97.30 8.84
Se 77 83.09 4.76 105.36 10.80
Se 82 83.42 4.73 105.36 10.75
Ag 107 91.98 5.06
Ag 109 92.25 4.96
Cd 111 91.37 5.47 96.91 6.03
Cd 114 91.47 6.04 97.03 5.42
Sb 121 94.40 5.24
Sb 123 94.56 5.36
Tl 203 97.24 5.42
Tl 205 98.14 6.21
Pb 208 96.09 7.08 100.69 7.28
* Single-laboratory, single-operator, single-instrument data. Samples were Washington State surface waters from various locations. Data acquired JanuaryNovember 1996
during actual sample determinations. Performance of known additions at different levels may vary. Perkin-Elmer Elan 6000 ICPMS used for determination.
Known-addition level 20 g/L. Additions made before preparation according to Section 3030E (modified by clean-hood digestion in TFE beakers). N 20.
Known-addition level for Cd and Pb 1 g/L; for other analytes 10 g/L. Additions made after filtration through 1:1 HNO3 precleaned 0.45-m filters. N 28.


1.0-g/L Standard 0.3-g/L Standard
Mean Relative Standard Mean Relative Standard
Recovery Mean Standard Deviation Deviation Recovery Mean Standard Deviation Deviation
Element Mass % g/L g/L % % g/L g/L %

Be 9 97 0.97 0.06 6.24 95 0.284 0.03 12.11

Al 27 121 1.21 0.32 26.49 196 0.588 0.44 74.30
V 51 104 1.04 0.06 5.83 111 0.332 0.10 28.96
Cr 52 119 1.19 0.34 28.62 163 0.490 0.37 75.90
Cr 53 102 1.02 0.36 35.54 113 0.338 0.32 93.70
Mn 55 103 1.03 0.07 6.55 110 0.329 0.08 25.64
Co 59 103 1.03 0.07 6.42 102 0.307 0.04 12.53
Ni 60 101 1.01 0.05 5.24 107 0.321 0.05 14.14
Ni 62 102 1.02 0.06 5.42 109 0.326 0.05 15.94
Cu 63 107 1.07 0.09 8.78 118 0.355 0.06 18.29
Cu 65 107 1.07 0.10 9.05 117 0.352 0.06 17.69
Zn 66 117 1.17 0.51 43.52 182 0.547 0.68 124.13
Zn 68 116 1.16 0.50 42.90 179 0.537 0.66 122.12
As 75 97 0.97 0.05 5.23 101 0.302 0.06 18.29
Se 77 89 0.89 0.08 8.72 88 0.265 0.08 29.07
Se 82 92 0.92 0.14 15.50 106 0.317 0.14 43.91
Ag 107 101 1.01 0.05 4.53 94 0.282 0.04 15.74
Ag 109 103 1.03 0.07 6.57 92 0.277 0.04 13.68
Cd 111 98 0.98 0.04 3.80 96 0.288 0.03 8.74
Cd 114 100 1.00 0.03 3.39 98 0.293 0.03 8.70
Sb 121 94 0.94 0.05 5.28 93 0.280 0.06 21.89
Sb 123 94 0.94 0.05 5.36 93 0.278 0.06 22.39
Tl 203 101 1.01 0.04 3.57 98 0.294 0.03 11.89
Tl 205 104 1.04 0.05 5.15 100 0.300 0.03 10.43
Pb 208 104 1.04 0.04 3.65 104 0.312 0.03 11.13
U 238 106 1.06 0.05 4.64 102 0.307 0.03 9.92
* Single-laboratory, single-operator, single-instrument data. N 24 for both standards.


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