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Bentman v. Seventh Ward

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218 A.2d 261 Page 1

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

recognized a status in law in party committees and

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. committeemen. 25 P.S. §§ 2601 et seq., 2842.
Luba BENTMAN, Patricia W. Evers, Donald W.
Cox and Hedvah L. Shuchman, Appellants, [2] Elections 144 121(1)
COMMITTEE, Harry Melton and Francis R. Smith. 144VI Nominations and Primary Elections
March 22, 1966. 144k121 Party Organizations and Regula- tions
144k121(1) k. In General. Most Cited Cases
Mandamus action against political party executive Insofar as a political party performs statutorily-im-
committee and others to compel reinstatement as posed public functions and to the extent that its ac-
party committeemen. From an adverse order of the tions constitute state action, internal organization of
Court of Common Pleas No. 8 of Philadelphia such political party is a matter of such concern to
County, No. 3158 March Term, 1965, Leo Wein- public as to make it subject to constitutional limita-
rott, J., an appeal was taken. The Supreme Court, tions and judicial restraint. 25 P.S. §§ 2840, 2862,
No. 359 January Term, 1965, Jones, J., held that 2864.
court had jurisdiction over mandamus action by two
persons who had been duly elected at primary elec- [3] Elections 144 121(1)
tion as political party committeemen and who had
been duly certified and seated prior to their removal 144 Elections
from office by a party executive committee al- 144VI Nominations and Primary Elections
legedly for acts occurring prior to their election, 144k121 Party Organizations and Regula- tions
notwithstanding statutory provision that duly elec- 144k121(1) k. In General. Most Cited Cases
ted members of party district committees are sub- Judicial interference with the internal organization
ject to the control, direction and supervision of of a political party is justifiable if such internal or-
political committee of which they are members. ganization may directly affect the performance of a
public function and the public interest, but invoca-
Order vacated and matter remanded for further ac- tion of judicial interference must be restricted to
tion. controversies where issue raised bears a direct and
substantial relationship to performance of public
Cohen, J., dissented. functions by the political party. U.S.C.A.Const.
Amend. 14.
West Headnotes
[4] Statutes 361 212.4
[1] Elections 144 121(1)
361 Statutes
144 Elections 361VI Construction and Operation
144VI Nominations and Primary Elections 361VI(A) General Rules of Construction
144k121 Party Organizations and Regula- tions 361k212 Presumptions to Aid Construc-
144k121(1) k. In General. Most Cited Cases tion
By amendment to Election Code regarding mem- 361k212.4 k. Useless or Meaningless
bers of political committee for district Legislature

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Page 2 of 11

218 A.2d 261 Page 2

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

Legislation. Most Cited Cases 144VI Nominations and Primary Elections

It is presumed that Legislature does not intend a 144k121 Party Organizations and Regula- tions
result which is absurd or unreasonable. 144k121(1) k. In General. Most Cited Cases
U.S.C.A.Const. Amend. 14. The assumption of duties which bear a direct and
substantial relationship to selection of public offi-
[5] Constitutional Law 92 999 cials by the electoral process by political party or-
ganization has marked the entry by such organiza-
92 Constitutional Law tions into an area of public activity which renders
92VI Enforcement of Constitutional Provisions their activities in such area amenable to judicial su-
92VI(C) Determination of Constitutional pervision. 25 P.S. §§ 2780, 2939; 46 P.S. § 145.7;
Questions 71 P.S. § 779.8.
92VI(C)3 Presumptions and Construction
as to Constitutionality [8] Mandamus 250 74(1)
92k998 Intent of and Considerations
Influencing Legislature 250 Mandamus
92k999 k. In General. Most Cited 250II Subjects and Purposes of Relief
Cases 250II(B) Acts and Proceedings of Public Of-
(Formerly 92k48(2), 92k48) ficers and Boards and Municipalities
In construction of statute it is presumed that Legis- 250k74 Elections and Proceedings Relat-
lature did not intend to violate the constitutions of ing Thereto
the United States or the Commonwealth. 46 P.S. § 250k74(1) k. In General. Most Cited
552(1, 3). Cases
Court had jurisdiction over mandamus action by
[6] Constitutional Law 92 1022 two persons who had been duly elected at primary
election as political party committeemen and who
92 Constitutional Law had been duly certified and seated prior to their re-
92VI Enforcement of Constitutional Provisions moval from office by a party executive committee
92VI(C) Determination of Constitutional allegedly for acts occurring prior to their election,
Questions notwithstanding statutory provision that duly elec-
92VI(C)3 Presumptions and Construction ted members of party district committees are sub-
as to Constitutionality ject to the control, direction and supervision of
92k1006 Particular Issues and Applica- political committee of which they are members. 25
tions P.S. § 2842; U.S.C.A.Const. Amend. 14.
92k1022 k. Due Process. Most
Cited Cases [9] Mandamus 250 16(1)
(Formerly 92k48(4.1), 92k48(4), 92k48)
Court must construe, if possible, statutory law con- 250 Mandamus
cerning selection and removal of party committee- 250I Nature and Grounds in General
men in such manner as not to violate concept of 250k16 Mandamus Ineffectual or Not Benefi-
“due process” embodied in the United States Con- cial
stitution. 25 P.S. § 2842; U.S.C.A.Const. Amend. 14. 250k16(1) k. In General. Most Cited Cases
Examination of supplemental brief and record dis-
[7] Elections 144 121(1) closed that neither of the districts from which per-

144 Elections

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218 A.2d 261 Page 3

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

sons, bringing mandamus action to compel their re- ganization of Philadelphia. The alleged
instatement as party committeemen after their re- disloyalty took place at a time when Cox
moval by executive committee, had been elected and Shuchman were not party committee-
had been divided, so that a ward alignment did not men.
render matter moot as claimed by defendants.
*189 **262 Henry W. Sawyer, III, and Drinker Joined by two Democratic party electors who had
Biddle & Reath, Philadelphia, for appellants. voted for them at the primary election, Cox and
Shuchman instituted a mandamus action[FN2]
**263 Isadore A. Shrager, Philadelphia, for ap- against the Executive Committee, Melton, the ward
pellee. leader, and Francis R. Smith, Chairman of the
Democratic County-City Committee. In this action,
inter alia, it was averred: *191 (a) that Cox and
Before BELL, C.J., and MUSMANNO, JONES, Shuchman received no notice of the charges against
COHEN, EAGEN, O'BRIEN and ROBERTS, JJ. them, although such notice had been regularly re-
quested prior to the meeting; (b) that the charges
JONES, Justice. did not constitute grounds for their removal from
office; (c) that, after the action of the Executive
On April 28, 1964-at a primary election-Donald W. Committee had taken place, a request was made to
Cox and Hedvah Shuchman were duly elected by a Smith concerning the manner and procedure to be
majority of the Democratic voters of the 6th and the followed in appealing from the action of the Exec-
*190 10th Divisions, respectively, of the 7th Ward utive Committee but such request was ignored; (d)
of Philadelphia as Democratic party committeemen that their removal was without cause and due pro-
from such districts. Their election was certified by cess and in violation of the constitutional rights of
the official election board and they were seated, Cox and Shuchman; (e) that Cox and Shuchman
without question, as members of the 7th Ward have been denied their right and privilege of taking
Democratic Executive Committee, (Executive part in party functions as regularly elected party
Committee). committeemen.[FN3] The appellees filed prelimin-
ary objections which averred: (a) an improper join-
On August 10, 1964, Cox and Shuchman were noti- der of parties defendant; (b) lack of jurisdiction be-
fied, in writing, that a meeting of the Executive cause mandamus does not lie to interfere with ac-
Committee would be held on August 12, 1964, to tions of a political party or its internal organization;
consider and vote upon their removal as party com- (c) laches; (d) a failure to allege a want of adequate
mitteemen. At that meeting, Harry Melton, then legal remedy. The Court of Common Pleas No. 2 of
Democratic leader of the 7th Ward, charged Cox Philadelphia County sustained the preliminary ob-
and Shuchman with having failed to act in harmony jections Solely upon the jurisdictional ground that
with the Executive Committee.[FN1] The Execut- courts will not interfere with the actions and intern-
ive Committee, allegedly by a 17-5 vote, voted to al organization of a political party. From that order
remove Cox and Shuchman as party committeemen. the present appeal was taken.
They were then removed from office and Melton
appointed others to fill the vacancies on the Execut- FN2. Mandamus, not quo warranto, was
ive Committee. the appropriate action. In mandamus, the
chief issue is the propriety of the removal
FN1. Allegedly, Cox and Shuchman had from office; in quo warranto the chief issue
supported and worked for the nomination is the right or title of one person or another
of a candidate for the Democratic nomina- to the office, not the propriety of the re-
tion for the United States Senate who had
not been endorsed by the Democratic or-

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Page 4 of 11

218 A.2d 261 Page 4

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

moval. See: 11 Standard Pennsylvania A.L.R. 235, that: ‘(P)olitical parties * * * must gov-
Practice ch. 47, s 5, pp. 331, 332; Salopek ern themselves by party law. The courts cannot step
v. Alberts, 417 Pa. 592, 209 A.2d 295; in to compose party wrangles, or to settle factional
Hunter v. Jones, 417 Pa. 372, 207 A.2d strife.’ It is appellants' position that, by reason of
784; Bobick v. Fitzgerald, 416 Pa. 588, changes in the statutory law and the impact of re-
207 A.2d 878. cent federal case law, the law in this area has now
been changed.
FN3. In the posture of this litigation, we
accept as facts only such facts-not conclu- Six months subsequent to the decision in
sions-as are well pleaded in the complaint. Koontz,-on June 14, 1947,-the legislature Added a
new section to the Election Code[FN4] which
**264 On the theory that well pleaded facts in this provides: ‘Section 812. District Committees.
complaint must be accepted as true in testing the Whenever two or more members *193 of a political
validity of preliminary objections to such com- party shall be elected or appointed, as the rules of
plaint, we accept the following facts: (a) both Cox the party may provide, as members of a political
and Shuchman were regularly elected as party com- committee to represent the members of such party
mitteemen from their respective districts and, for a in the respective election districts, such members
four-month period subsequent to the election, re- shall constitute a political committee of said politic-
cognition was given by the Executive Committee to al party to function within such election district:
their election and right to sit on such Committee; Provided, that, When acting in the capacity of a
(b) the notice given them of the *192 meeting con- political committee, such duly elected or appointed
tained no statement of the charges against them nor members shall be subject to the contol, direction
were they so informed until the meeting; (c) the and supervision of the political committee of which
charges made of their disloyalty concerned actions they are members.’ It is argued, by reason of this
which took place prior to their election as party addition to the Election Code, considered in con-
committeemen and not during their tenure of office; junction with the time of its passage with reference
(d) they were removed from office and their suc- to Koontz, that it was the intent of the legislature to
cessors appointed; (e) that an appropriate request confer upon political or party committeemen such
for information concerning the appeal procedure legal status as to make them amenable to the juris-
within the organization structure was not granted; diction of the courts.[FN5]
(f) they have been refused the right to perform the
duties of party committeemen. FN4. Election Code of June 3, 1937, P.L.
1333, art. I, s 101 et seq. 25 P.S. s 2601 et
Appellants' counsel concede that, prior to 1947, un- seq. as added to by Act of June 14, 1947,
der our case law the courts in this Commonwealth P.L. 610, s 1, 25 P.S. s 2842.
would not entertain, either in law or equity, the in-
stant type of litigation. See: Commonwealth ex rel. FN5. In Koontz, reliance was placed upon
Koontz et al. v. Dunkle, 355 Pa. 493, 50 A.2d 496, Kearns, supra, wherein this Court refused
169 A.L.R. 1277. In Koontz, this Court, in a per to intervene on behalf of a county commit-
curiam opinion, affirmed an order of the court be- tee because of the absence of a property in-
low which denied the issuance of a writ of quo war- terest in the membership of a county com-
ranto to test the right to the office of a county chair- mittee and upon whom the Court noted
man of a political party; its rationale was that of- ‘(t)he right to be a member is not conferred
ficers of a political party are private, not public, of- by any statute.’ (188 Pa. at p. 121, 41 A. at
ficers and it affirmed the principle stated in Kearns p. 274).
v. Howley, 188 Pa. 116, 122, 41 A. 273, 275, 42

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218 A.2d 261 Page 5

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

[1] The Act of 1947, supra, provides for but One ficers' of their respective parties (Election Code,
addition to the Election Code. According to its title, supra, art. VIII, s 810, 25 P.S. s 2840); (c) that no-
the purpose of that addition is to provide that tice of the list of all party offices to be filled at a
‘where members of a political party are appointed primary election must be given by the County and/
or elected to represent the members of such party in or City chairman (Election Code, supra, art. IX, s
an election district, said members shall constitute a 904, as amended; Act of January 14, 1951 (1952)
political committee for such district, subject to the P.L. 1937, s 2, as amended by the Act of August
control of the respective political committee of 13, 1963, P.L. 707, s 9, 25 P.S. s 2864). It is clear
which they are members.’ By such addition, it is beyond question that certain party offices, includ-
evident the **265 legislature recognized a status in ing that of party committee, are now filled through
law in party committees and committeemen. the same electoral process and under State statutory
authority as public offices, except that voting for
Sixteen years prior to the passage of this statute, party offices is restricted to qualified electors of the
this Court was confronted with a controversy al- party.
most identical with that in the case at bar: Kenneck
v. Pennock, 305 Pa. 288, 157 A. 613. In Kenneck, *195 Two questions naturally arise: (1) what was
the appellants had been elected, at a primary elec- the legislative intent in setting up the electoral ma-
tion, to membership*194 on the 34th Ward Execut- chinery for the selection of party committee-
ive Committee of the Republican Party in Phil- men? (2) to what extent, if at all, will courts take
adelphia; several months thereafter, the appellees, jurisdiction to carry out and enforce the legislative
officials of the Ward Committee, excluded the ap- intent?
pellants from membership on the Ward Committee,
declared their seats vacant and appointed suc- The instant controversy, intra-party in nature,
cessors to them. In a per curiam opinion, this Court, presents a basic and fundamental issue in the demo-
on the opinion of the lower court, held that the ap- cratic process and government by representation:
pellants were party, not public, officers who were [FN7] whether the electors of a political party have
amenable to their party alone and lacking in any a right, cognizable in a court of law, to choose
property right in their membership on the Ward whom they will to represent them in their party's
Committee and, in reliance on Kearns, supra, re- organization and councils? Cox and Shuchman,
fused equitable intervention in the contro- availing themselves of the electoral machinery
versy.[FN6] provided by law for such purpose, received a plur-
ality of the votes cast by members of their own
FN6. If the present appellants are correct, party, in their respective districts, for the party of-
then Kearns, Kenneck and Koontz can no fices of party committeemen to represent such party
longer be considered authoritative. electors in the party organization and, specifically,
in the Executive Committee; the Executive Com-
Not only in the 1947 addition but in other of its mittee removed them and refused to accord recog-
provisions the Election Code recognized the office nition to them as the chosen representatives of the
of committeemen of a political party. Inter alia, the majority of the party electorate in their districts. In
Code provides: (a) the Manner of election of party **266 the posture in which this controversy now
committeemen at primary elections by ‘party elect- reaches us, Cox and Shuchman were removed not
ors' (Election Code, supra, art. IX, s 902, as for anything which they had done as committeemen
amended by the Act of May 23, 1949, p.L. 1956, s or in their representative capacity but by reason of
6, 25 P.S. s 2862); (b) that party committeemen that which it is alleged they *196 had done prior to
who receive a plurality of the votes of the ‘party their election and selection. The Executive Com-
electors' at a primary election shall be the ‘party of-

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218 A.2d 261 Page 6

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

mittee, by its action, has ignored the fact that these concern to the public as to make it subject to consti-
two persons by a majority of the party electorate tutional limitations and judicial restraint. When the
were chosen to represent them, has rendered the internal organization of a political party directly af-
electoral process a nullity and a farce, has denied fects its performance of such public function then
the majority of the party electors the right to be rep- not only May the judiciary intervene but it Must in-
resented by persons of their choice in the party tervene.
councils and now urge that the courts, because a
political party is a private and not a public entity, [3] In our Commonwealth, the legislature has seen
are powerless to intervene. fit to impose upon political party organizations the
performance of certain public functions which dir-
FN7. Sir Thomas Smith, describing the ectly affect the public and our government. Such
theory of Parliament as a representative fact, considered in connection with the extension in
body, in his book De. Republica Anglorum recent years of the concept of ‘state action’ under
(1583) wrote: ‘For every Englishman is in- the 14th Amendment, has brought about a change
tended to be there (in Parliament) present, of judicial thinking in this area of the law. Judicial
either in person or by procuration and at- interference, even *197 with the internal organiza-
torneys, of whatever pre-eminence, state, tion of a political party, is justifiable if such intern-
dignity or quality soever he be, from the al organization may directly affect the performance
prince, be he King or Queen, to the lowest of a public function and the public interest. The in-
person of England. And the consent of Par- vocation of judicial interference in this area must be
liament is taken to be every man's con- restricted or circumscribed; judicial intervention
sent.’ Book II, ch. 1. During the formation must be limited to controversies where the issue
of the U.S. Constitution, William Paterson raised bears a Direct and Substantial relationship to
said at Philadelphia: ‘What is the principle the performance of Public functions by the political
of representation? It is an expedient by party.
which an assembly of certain individuals
chosen by the people is substituted in place The statutory addition to the Election Code effect-
of the inconvenient meeting of the people ive in 1947 clearly gave recognition to the legal
themselves.’ Farrand, Records of the Fed- status of party committeemen and political commit-
eral Convention I. p. 561. tees the lack of which up to that time had been
questioned by our courts. However, appellees sub-
[2] The reluctance of courts in the past to interfere mit that, under the wording of the statute and even
in and to entertain litigation dealing with the intern- assuming the recognition of the legal status of party
al organization or management of any private entity committeemen, the Executive Committee is ex-
and the philosophy underlying Kearns, Kenneck pressly given the ‘control, direction and supervi-
and Koontz is understandable. Today, however, the sion’ of the party committeemen and that such
relationship between political parties, the govern- ‘control, direction and supervision’ embraces a
ment and the public has become such that, in many right of the Executive Committee to remove com-
areas, the public interest is not only Directly af- mitteemen from office and to appoint others in their
fected by political parties but such parties actually stead.
perform Public functions imposed upon them by
law. Insofar as a political party performs statutor- [4][5] In the construction of this statute, we bear in
ily-imposed public functions and to the extent that mind two rules of construction: (1) the presumption
its actions constitute state action, the internal or- that the legislature does not intend a result which is
ganization of such political party is a matter of such absurd or unreasonable (Statutory Construction Act
of 1937, May 28, P.L. 1019, art. IV, s 52(1), 46

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218 A.2d 261 Page 7

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

P.S. s 552; Commonwealth v. Bartley, 411 Pa. 286, his ballot, and thus given effect, whether it be in ac-
191 A.2d 673); (2) the presumption that the legis- cord with the wishes of the leaders of his party or
lature did not intend to violate the Constitution of not, and that thus shall be put in effective operation,
the United States or of this Commonwealth in the primaries, the underlying principle of demo-
(Statutory Construction Act, supra, art. IV, s 52(3); cracy, which makes the will of an unfettered major-
Commonwealth v. McCoy, 405 Pa. 23, 172 A.2d ity controlling. In other words, the scheme is to per-
795. mit the voters to construct the organization from the
bottom upwards, instead of permitting*199 leaders
If we construe the language of the 1947 statute- to construct it from the top downwards.’
‘control, direction and supervision’-to mean that
the Executive Committee thereby is given the au- [6] By the same token, we must construe, if pos-
thority to refuse recognition to the choice of the sible, the statutory law concerning the selection and
party electors *198 in the selection of party com- removal of party committeemen in such manner as
mitteemen **267 and to refuse to allow them to act not to violate the concept of ‘due process' embodied
as party committeemen then we reach a result pat- in the Constitution of the United States.
ently absurd and unreasonable. Moreover, mindful
that the legislature has provided that there shall be a Under the Election Code and other legislation the
certification of what party officers are to be elected party machinery of a political organization is man-
at a primary election by the chairman, that party dated to perform functions which are definitely
electors are expressly given the right to select their Public in character. By way of illustration: if a va-
representatives on the political committee at an cancy happens after a primary election in any party
election paid for out of the public treasury and con- nomination, by reason of the death or withdrawal of
ducted under official government auspices and that the candidate, the committee of the party organiza-
only such party committeemen shall be deemed tion fills such vacancy by a substituted nomination
elected who shall have received a plurality of the (Election Code, supra, art. IX, s 979, as amended,
votes cast in a district by party electors, then, if 25 P.S. s 2939); in the event of a special election to
after all this legislatively provided procedure, the fill a vacancy in either the Congress or the General
Executive Committee of the ward is to have the Assembly, a committee, caucus, or convention of
right, under the guise of ‘control, direction and su- the party is entitled to select the nominee of the
pervision’ of the party committeemen, to nullify party (Election Code, supra, art. VI, s 630, as
and ignore, without legal cause, the results of such amended, 25 P.S. s 2780); in special emergencies,
election and selection of party committeemen, we the party county chairman must be consulted before
reach a result patently absurd and unreasonable. A an appointment is made to fill existing vacancies in
review of the legislation governing the manner of the legislature (Act of October 23, 1959, P.L. 1365,
election of party committeemen clearly refutes such s 7, 46 P.S. s 145.7) and the judiciary (Act of Octo-
reading of the words ‘control, direction and super- ber 23, 1959, P.L. 1369, s 8, 71 P.S. s 779.8). Ap-
vision’ and makes evident that the aim of this legis- pellants, quite properly, point out in their briefs a
lation was identical with that which the Court of striking example of Direct action by a political
Appeals of New York in People ex rel. Coffey v. party in a public function in the case of the addi-
Democratic General Committee, 164 N.Y. 335, 58 tional judgeships created in Philadelphia County by
N.E. 124, 126, 51 L.R.A. 674, attributed as the pur- the legislature in 1964. Since these additional
pose of a New York statute: ‘The dominant idea judgeships were created too late to be included in
pervading the entire statute is the absolute assur- the voting at the primary election, under the stat-
ance to the citizen that his wish as to the conduct of utory law, [FN8] the nomination of candidates for
the affairs of his party may be expressed through such judgeships was made by the several political

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218 A.2d 261 Page 8

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

parties*200 in accordance with their party rules. otherwise entirely private in character, were given
The Democratic County Chairman and the Demo- by the legislature the right of nomination of mem-
cratic County Committee named the candidates of bers to the state agencies, To that extent such asso-
that party for these additional judgeships. As appel- ciations were agencies of the state and engaged in
lants stated: ‘(Cox and Shuchman) (had) a right to state action and the exclusion of negroes from
participate in and cast their votes for the individuals membership in these associations and their con-
comprising**268 that committee (Democratic sequent deprivation from a right to participate in
County Committee), and the plaintiff voters such state action constituted a violation of the U.S.
(Bentman and Evers) (had) a constitutional right to Constitution. In Bell, a minority group was denied
participate in that process in the same sense, i.e., by the right to vote in the selection of nominees for ap-
having the divisional committeemen (Cox and pointment to state office; in the case at bar, a ma-
Shuchman), for whom they voted, vote for the per- jority group's representatives, chosen in accordance
sons who (were) to make the selection of high pub- with law, were removed without legal cause and by
lic officials.’ Appellants might well have argued the such action the majority group was excluded from
converse, i.e., that two persons who had not been participation in the selection of nominees for public
chosen by the party electors but by the ward leader office.
were given the right to vote and participate in the
selection of high public officials. The Supreme In Rice v. Elmore, 165 F.2d 387 (CA 4), cert. den.
Court of the United States in Smith v. Allwright, 333 U.S. 875, 68 S.Ct. 905, 92 L.Ed. 1151, the
321 U.S. 649, 64 S.Ct. 757, 88 L.Ed. 987, holding Court, speaking through Judge Parker, stated: ‘The
that the selection of party nominees for a general fundamental error in defendant's position consists
election is state action subject to constitutional re- in the premise that a political party is a mere
straint, stated: ‘We think that this statutory system private aggregation of individuals, like a country
for the selection of party nominees for inclusion on club, and that the primary is a mere piece of party
the general election ballot makes the party which is machinery. The party may, indeed, have been a
required to follow these legislative directions an mere private aggregation of individuals in the early
agency of the state in so far as it determines the days of the Republic, but with the passage of the
participants in a primary election. The party takes years, political parties have become in effect state
its character as a state agency from the duties im- institutions, governmental agencies through which
posed upon it by state statutes; the duties do not be- sovereign power is exercised by the people.’ (165
come matters of private law because they are per- F.2d at p. 389) and, further: ‘When these (party) of-
formed by a political party.’ (321 U.S. at p. 663, 64 ficials participate in what is a part of the state's
S.Ct. at p. 765). (Emphasis supplied.) election machinery, they are election officers of the
state de facto if not de jure, and as such must ob-
FN8. Election Code, supra, s 993, art. IX, serve the limitations of the Constitution. Having
added 1953, Aug. 26, P.L. 1479, s 1, 25 undertaken to perform an important function relat-
P.S. s 2953. ing to the exercise of sovereignty by the people,
they may not violate the fundamental principles laid
In Georgia, the legislature had given to certain down by the Constitution for its exercise.’ (165
dental associations the right to submit names for F.2d at p. 391).
appointment by the Governor as members of three
state agencies; these dental associations excluded *202 Reliance is placed by appellees upon Lynch v.
negroes from their membership. In Bell v. Georgia Torquato, 343 F.2d 370 (CA 3). Lynch held that
Dental Association, D.C., 231 F.Supp. 299, the ‘the citizen's constitutional right to equality as an
Court held that, since *201 the dental associations, elector * * * applies to the choice of those who

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Page 9 of 11

218 A.2d 261 Page 9

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

shall be his elected representatives in the conduct of political body which, under the legislative direc-
government, not in the internal management of a tion, in certain instances, selects the party nominees
political party.’ Lynch was dealing with a com- for public office, an activity clearly constituting
plaint based upon an alleged disparity of party re- state action under the 14th Amendment. Depriva-
gistration among the several precincts in a county tion of such membership and the concomitant right
with the alleged result that the county chairman was of participation in the selection of public officers
elected by committeemen whose base of selection bears such a Direct and Substantial relationship to
violated the ‘one man one vote’ **269 rule. Our ex- the electoral process as to be a matter of judicial
amination of Lynch finds no suggestion that it de- concern; only by the intervention of the courts can
termines the issue which presently confronts us. the constitutional limitations on the exercise of
state action be safeguarded.
[7] Inasmuch as the legislature has seen fit to im-
pose on political party organization certain duties To the extent that the instant action of the Execut-
which bear a Direct and Substantial relationship to ive Committee bears a relationship to the state ac-
the selection of public officials by the electoral pro- tion inherent in the selection of party nominees for
cess[FN9] the Complete privacy in nature of party public offices, such action may be tested in the ju-
organization recognized by our courts in the past no dicial area to determine whether the action of the
longer exists. The assumption of such obligations Executive Committee denying membership on the
by party organizations has marked the entry by Committee to the chosen representatives of the
such party organizations into an area of public party electorate offends against the constitutional
activity which renders their activities in such area provision mandating due process in state action.
amenable to judicial supervision. When the activity
of a party organization in such area or when its in- The court below erred in finding a lack of jurisdic-
ternal organization and membership has a direct tion under the pleaded circumstances.
bearing on its activity in such area is challenged as
constitutionally offensive and it is claimed that, in [9] Lastly, appellees urge that, since the institution
the performance of its statutorily imposed duties of this litigation, a ward realignment-effective
amounting to state action, the party organization vi- December 1, 1965-has taken place in Philadelphia
olates the concept of due process, then the judiciary as the result of which Cox and Shuchman are no
not only May but must intervene. longer residents of the 7th Ward. Appellees, there-
fore, contend this matter is moot. In their Supple-
FN9. Such as the selection, in certain in- mental Brief and Record, appellees have directed
stances, by party committees of party nom- our attention to a map showing the ward realign-
inees for public office. ments in the areas in question.*204 A study of that
map reveals that neither of the districts in which
[8] The challenge in this action is to the right of a Cox and Shuchman were elected have been divided:
party committee to refuse recognition of member- they remain intact as election districts. Under the
ship on such committee to persons who have been circumstances, we do not consider the matter as
lawfully *203 elected to such membership by a ma- moot.
jority of the qualified party electors. Membership
on such committee, a status now legally recognized, Order vacated and the matter remanded to the court
is an important right and privilege not only to the below for further action consonant with the views
person elected but also to the voters who elected expressed in this opinion. Appellees pay costs.
such person to act as their representatives on the
committee. Membership on that committee carries COHEN, Justice (dissenting).
with it the right to participate in selection of the The majority opinion has held that our courts have

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Page 10 of 11

218 A.2d 261 Page 10

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

jurisdiction to issue a writ of mandamus compelling with one other than the duly elected and qualified
the reinstatement of an ousted committeeman of a school directors.’ 415 Pa. 305, 203 A.2d 481.
political **270 party despite the fact that no va-
cancy in that position exists. In so holding, the ma- I maintain that the rule therein enunciated controls
jority have overlooked one crucial fact-that before the instant matter. Indeed, in Carroll Township
the outsiders can get in, the insiders must be School Board Vacancy Case, 407 Pa. 156, 180 A.2d
ordered out. And this, I am afraid, no court should 16 (1962), Mr. Justice Musmanno, also speaking
ever accomplish by writ of mandamus. Indeed, for a unanimous Court, held that where an ousted
plaintiffs themselves have averred that following duly-elected school director is asserting his right to
their removal from office, two successors were ap- office as opposed to his appointed successor, quo
pointed. It is obvious then that what plaintiffs seek warranto is the exclusive procedure to determine
is to test the right of their successors to the offices. the question.
In Pennsylvania it is time-honored that where a de-
termination as to right or title to public office is I recognize that confusion in the law has been cre-
sought the exclusive remedy is quo warranto. 11 ated by the case of Commonwealth ex rel. O'Brien
Standard Pennsylvania Practice 334. Mandamus v. Gibbons, 196 Pa. 97, 46 A. 313 (1900), wherein
will not lie to try title to an office in which there is an ousted duly-elected school director sued in man-
already an incumbent. Commonwealth ex rel. Davis damus for the restoration of his position and the
v. Blume, 307 Pa. 406, 161 A. 551 (1932). In Dav- ouster of his successor. The Court determined that
is, Mr. Justice Maxey declared: because there was no contest as to plaintiff's origin-
al title to his seat under a valid election, but only as
‘Relator is attempting to secure the ouster of de- to the legality of his ouster for alleged willful ab-
fendant from the office of which, appellee says, the sence from meetings, the remedy was mandamus to
latter is now the de facto incumbent, with a view prevent his further unlawful exclusion. The Court
thereafter, if he is successful in this proceeding, of reasoned that the remedy of quo warranto against
securing his own reinstatement. The remedy direc- the successors was not applicable because *206 the
ted to this end is plainly the one employed, quo title of the successor was not in issue. I disagree
warranto, in order to determine the validity of de- with the Court in Gibbons and believe that the Car-
fendant's *205 claim to be entitled to collect the roll Township and McCracken cases have overruled
borough taxes.’ 307 Pa. 412, 161 A. 552. that decision. In my view, the issue Is title to office
and due process demands that the succeeding office
As recently as 1964 I stated for a unanimous Court holder be accorded ample notice of and opportunity
in McCracken v. Bissett, 415 Pa. 303, 203 A.2d 481 to appear in proceedings which seek to declare va-
(1964), a case in which duly elected school direct- cant the office of which he is the current occupant.
ors who had been refused the right to sit as mem- Indeed, our courts have refused to allow a manda-
bers of the school board brought a bill in equity mus action to compel the installation of one person
seeking an order to compel their seating as mem- in an office in which there is already an incumbent
bers or to oust their successor: for to do so would be to try the latter's title to office
in a proceeding to which he is not a party. Com-
‘Prior to the filling of the vacancy, mandamus monwealth ex rel. District Attorney v. Gibson, 316
would have been the proper action to compel the Pa. 429, 175 A. 389 (1934); **271 Caffrey v. Caf-
temporary chairman at the original meeting to seat frey, 28 Pa.Super. 22 (1905). See Carroll Township
the duly elected and qualified school directors. School Board Vacancy Case, supra.
Since the school board has filled the vacancy, quo
warranto would now be the proper proceeding to In my opinion, there is in this case a patent non-
test the action of the board in filling the vacancy joinder of necessary parties in interest so that even

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218 A.2d 261 Page 11

421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261
(Cite as: 421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261)

though the mandamus action be resolved in favor of

plaintiffs there would still not be a final determina-
tion, for as the majority opinion leaves this matter,
the successors still have the right to proceed in quo
warranto against the present plaintiffs. Accord-
ingly, I would affirm the order of the lower court
and would require plaintiffs, in order to avoid a cir-
cuity of actions, to proceed in quo warranto, joining
all parties in interest pursuant to the principle of
equity practice that when the court has obtained jur-
isdiction of the subject matter, it shall include all
parties to it and make a final determination of the
whole. 11 Standard Pennsylvania Practice 361.

I dissent.

Pa. 1966.
Bentman v. Seventh Ward Democratic Executive
421 Pa. 188, 218 A.2d 261


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