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Transition Plan - First 45 Days Responsibility Areas What Do I Need To Learn? With Whom Will I Speak? What Specific Questions Will I Ask?

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Kelli Houston

EDAD 590

Transition Plan First 45 Days

Responsibility What do I need to learn? With whom will I speak? What specific questions will I
Areas ask?
Standards and benchmarks, Teachers, area education What are the standards and benchmarks for
teacher observations, student specialists, superintendent, each grade level? What does the student
assessment data for the last 3-5 parents, students, former achievement data show about student
Curriculum Issues years, the materials being used, principal learning and progress? What are the major
professional development, time needs to feel need to be addressed in the
allotments for each content area classroom? How much time do you spend
at each grade level, technology each day on each content area? What
available for each grade level, materials and series are being used? Are
when state assessments are they consistent across grade levels? What do
conducted, new curriculum you think students are not achieving at high
materials, alignment to the levels? How might we enhance teaching and
common core learning in our school? How can I best
support your efforts to be an even stronger
What the climate and culture is Parents, students, teachers, staff, What is working for you at this school? What
currently like, what teachers former principal is not working for you at this school? How do
have the biggest impact on the your students learn? What would you do first
Culture & Climate climate/culture, how the school if you were principal? How would you like to
Issues handles visitors, schools vision, contribute to attaining our vision? What
recent climate and culture survey would we need to be doing five years from
today for us to be considered a Blue Ribbon
School? As you think about us starting a
new year with me as your new principal,
what are your worst fears? When you think
about us opening this school year with me as
the principal, what are your highest hopes?
Who is in what position, the Staff, secretary, superintendent, How have teachers been evaluated in the
responsibilities of each staff former principal, HR director past? How often have teachers been
member, expectations, evaluated? How have hirings and firings
Personnel Issues procedures for hiring and firing, been done? How would you describe the
job openings, licensure issues culture among your staff? How do you and
and recertification, mentoring your team work together? What are the
program, evaluation process expectations for each staff member? What
are each staff members strengths? What job
positions need to be filled? What is the
mentoring program that is in place and is it
effective? How are teachers evaluated? What
is the process for hiring new teachers? Are all
teachers licenses up-to-date?
Policies and procedures already Staff, superintendent, union, What is stated in your contract? What hours
in place, what works and what former principal are you to be at school? What do you feel is
doesnt, what is stated in each working and not working? What additional
Contract and contract, school hours, grading duties and responsibilities does each staff
Policy Issues and homework policies, additions member have? What is your dress code
to this years contract, Tier 3 policy? What are your policies when working
teachers, evaluation procedure with students? What is the policy on being
absent? What policies are followed and which
are not followed on a regular basis? What are
the most important policies? What policies
are already in place pertaining to grading
and homework, and are they consistently
followed by all teachers?
How the teachers feel classroom Parents, students, teachers, What would need to be happening on the
Student & Family problems should be addressed, secretary, former principal first day of school for you to say we are a
policies and procedures for good school? As you think about us
Issues students, new families, students starting a new year with me as your new
with IEPs or 504 plans, ELL and principal, what are your worst fears? When
TAG students, students in you think about us opening this school year
poverty or on free/reduced lunch with me as the principal, what are your
plans, family emergencies, highest hopes? What students have IEP and
relaying information to teachers 504 Plans? When do they need to be
about students updated, and how will the teachers be
informed? What services and resources do
we have to help and challenge students?
What families may need our assistance and
help? What do teachers need to know about
their students?
My responsibilities, other Secretary, superintendent, former What role does the principal play in the
personnel that can help, budget, principal, custodian, bus budget? How does the secretary handle
discipline, lunch and recess department phone calls and mail? How is discipline
Management schedules, master schedule, handled? What staff members are reliable
Issues teacher, custodial, and bus and can be asked to help with certain tasks?
schedules, maintenance issues How can I turn management items into
and projects, summer cleaning instructional leadership? What management
schedule, supply order forms items are top priorities? How can I use the
strengths of others? What are the main
maintenance issues that need to be taken
care of before school starts? What
maintenance repairs and preventative
maintenances are scheduled? Is the busing
staying the same?
Community involvement, service Community members, teachers, How has the community been involved in the
projects, volunteering, parents, former principal, city and school? How can we get more community
fundraising, collaboration with county officials, service clubs, members into our school? What can the
Community Issues youth organizations, business business and religious leaders school do for the community? What are your
partner involvement, cooperation traditions you would like to see continue?
with the county, city, and park What have been some of your most
board successful fundraisers? What charities and
organizations need or help? What are some
service learning projects our students have
been involved with and/or can start? What
programs have been held at the school? How
do we share information with our families
about services and organizations? What is
our policy on advertising businesses,
organizations, and services?

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