Why Architecture Matters GOLDBERGER
Why Architecture Matters GOLDBERGER
Why Architecture Matters GOLDBERGER
golt jrger
Copyright 2009 Published with assistance from the Louis Stem Memorial Fund.
by Paul Goldberger. Designed by Nancy Ovedovitz and set in Adobe Garamond
All rights reserved. type by Keystone Typesetting, Inc., Orwigsburg,
This book may not be Pennsylvania. Printed in the United States of America.
reproduced, in whole Photo editor: Natalie Matutschovsky
or in part, including
illustrations, in any Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
form (beyond that Goldberger, Paul.
copying permitted by Why architecture matters / Paul Goldberger.
Sections 107 and 108 p. cm.
of the U.S. Copyright Includes bibliographical references and index.
Law and except by is b n 978-0-300-14430-7 (cloth: alk. paper)
reviewers for the 1. ArchitecturePsychological aspects. 2. Architecture and
public press), without society. I. Title.
written permission NA2540.G63 2009
from the publishers. 720.1'03dc22 2009011071
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