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Construction Methodology

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1. On-site works required include:

Earthworks, earth bunding, and site levelling, and profiling as appropriate.
New access road and footpath
New foul and surface water drainage and surface water attenuation ponds.
New building and external parking area
Digester tanks and associated infrastructure
Biofertiliser Storage Tanks
Bunding, landscaping, including tree planting
New utility service mains water, electricity and telecommunications and
connections to existing mains running near site boundary.
Underground grid connection and heat main

2. Off-Site works required include:-

No off site works are proposed with the exception of service and infrastructure

Below Ground Construction Issues

1. The design and construction of foundations, footings and related structures

will be affected by ground conditions on site. The ground conditions in turn will
vary depending on the nature of the ground itself. An assessment of the
ground conditions has been undertaken by ST Consult and is favourable to
the construction of the proposed development.

Assessment of Impacts
2. Construction activities liable to cause impacts on and in the vicinity of the
application site include:
Earthworks and excavation
Construction of structures and landform profiling
Hydrological engineering
Temporary structures
Hours of working
Site boundary fencing for security
3. Service installation, routing and management, waste management and
disposal Underground grid connection and heat main Generation and
movements of construction traffic and personnel.

Mitigation Proposals
4. A Code of Construction (The Code) will be issued by the main contractor to
sub-contractors within their terms of appointment. The contractors appointed
by the Developer will be required to ensure that the works are carried out in
accordance with the Code. Similarly, the developer will have to ensure that all
appointed contractors adhere to the Code within their terms of appointment.
5. The purpose of this Code is to ensure all construction work is carried out in such
a manner as required by the Local Authority and developer, and to maintain
a suitable environment during the construction phase.

6. Where the contractors do not adhere to the Code and the developer (or his
management company) has to carry out works to ensure compliance with
the Code, the costs incurred will be charged to the contractor, plus a 20%
management charge. This will act as a deterrent and provides a contractual
remedy in the event of a breach of the Code of Conduct.

Hours of Working
7. The core working hours will be from 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. (Mondays to
Saturdays). Some working outside the core hours may be necessary for
strategic construction operations relating principally to infrastructure provision
or in event of emergencies.

8. These strategic operations may require works to be carried out over weekends
and through night-time periods. The works will have to be agreed by the
contractor with all relevant authorities, including the police and emergency

Construction Site Boundary Fencing

9. Construction site boundaries are to be agreed by the Local Authority and the
developer. The contractor will be required to fence the site in accordance
with the relevant regulation prior to any construction work commencing.

10. The position of the temporary site entrances is proposed to be on the line of
the new access road. Lockable gates and barriers are to be provided at the
site entrance. These are to be manned during the working hours of
construction works on site.

11. Any trees, plants or areas of retained habitat within the working site are to be
protected before any construction works commence.

Accommodation and Appearance of the Site

12. All the site accommodation, materials and the works are to be within the
agreed construction boundaries. The parking of any vehicles by contractors or
deliveries will be contained within the site working area.

13. Where service connections or cross-overs come outside the construction

boundary, these are to be advised in advance to the Local Authority together
with a detailed method statement and programme of works, which must be
agreed prior to commencement of such works.

14. Contractors site boards, flags, development advertising boards or any

temporary signage are to be agreed with the Local Authority subject to any
necessary planning requirements prior to erection. Site offices and stores are
to be of uniform colour and no double storey office shall be allowed without
the prior agreement of the Local Authority.

Waste Disposal
15. Chapter 6 describes the nature of the soil contamination identified on the site.
The development is to be designed using sustainable development principles,
and it is not intended that significant volumes of soil material will be exported
from the site, however, the following procedure will be adopted for removal of
contaminated material and waste from the site;
If necessary, contaminated material shall be stockpiled on site in a secure
place prior to removal, although double-handling will be avoided
wherever possible.
The contracted haulier and disposal site for waste materials shall be
licensed for the type of contaminated material or waste.
On leaving the site, the wheels of all vehicles shall be jet washed in a
suitable wheel wash facility as required by site conditions.
All wagons shall be sheeted when loaded.
16. During the construction operation on-site, a road sweeper shall be available
to clean the roads on site and at entrances to the pubic highway. Fly tipping
shall not be permitted on the site. Loads must only be disposed of at
authorised tips in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Regulation
Authority, CoSHH Regulations, and the Environmental Protection Act. The
recording of all waste movements from the site will be in strict accordance
with current waste management legislation. The main contractor will operate
a documentation system to confirm each load is received at the designated
tipping site. Copies are to be provided to the employer and regulatory
authority upon request. The site main contractor is to operate a waste
collection regime at all times during construction.


17. All contractors and visitors are required to use agreed construction traffic
routes. These routes shall be pre-agreed with the developer/contractors and
the Local Authority. These routes shall be clearly signposted by the main
contractor. No out of hours parking for loads on public highways shall be
permitted. Provision will be made on site for such requirements. No out of hours
deliveries shall be allowed without prior agreements with the Local Authority.

18. All contractors and visitors are required to use agreed construction traffic
routes. These routes shall be pre-agreed with the developer/contractors and
the Local Authority. These routes shall be clearly signposted by the main

19. No out of hours parking for loads on public highways shall be permitted.
Provision will be made on site for such requirements. No out of hours deliveries
shall be allowed without prior agreements with the Local Authority.

20. No vehicles, materials, accommodation, access or works will be allowed on

any unused land outside plot or construction boundaries.

21. Only tyred vehicles shall be allowed onto the site infrastructure roads or public

Mud on Roads
22. The main infrastructure contractor shall take stringent measures to prevent
mud, dirt, debris, rubbish or waste arising on Public Highways. Such measures
shall include:

The provision of easily cleaned hard standings for vehicles entering/leaving

the park and for parking.
The provision of wheel washing equipment at the site exit.
The provision of a road sweeper during the construction works for use on site
and public highways.
All drains shall be jetted and cleaned on a periodic basis.

Control of site drainage

23. Construction site sewage shall either be tankered to treatment facilities off site
or disposed via the site foul drainage system where available.

24. Potential environmental pollutants (both liquids & solids), such as diesel, oils
and solvents, shall be stored in a secure bunded area, in accordance with
Environment Agency recommendations.

25. It is anticipated that the proposed sustainable drainage system may be

installed and employed at an early stage in the development. Any specific
discharges of water to the ground will be subject to discharge consents from
the Environmental Agency. Discharges will pass via settlement and oil
interceptor facilities, and shall be monitored to a programme agreed with the
Environment Agency. Effluent exceeding the Environment Agency conditions
shall be held for further on-site treatment or tankered away to a licensed
treatment plant.

26. Earthworks and construction operations have the potential to result in surface
water run-off and ground contamination. Surface water run-off will be strictly
controlled using measures such as cut-off ditches and soakaways.

27. The Construction Code of Practice will include provision for the management
of noise from the construction phase of the project, which will be issued to
tenders for works. Management will include hours of working and method
statements for key noise generating activities such as earth works and piling.
The guidance offered by BS5228 will be used in developing such methods.

Control of Dust
28. All contractors shall ensure adequate dust control measures are employed on
site in respect of earthwork operations. To avoid wind erosion and dusting of
the excavated materials the following methods shall be utilised to control dust;
Delineation of the areas of working on a regular basis, so that vehicles are
confined to an area that can be subjected to appropriate dust control
Spraying of delineated areas with water as and when conditions require.
Delineation of dedicated unpaved haul routes, particularly for long on site
haul operations. Where possible, existing paved routes are to be used.
Wheel/body washing facilities to be utilised at the site exit and in earthworks
operations areas if required.
Vehicles to be sheeted when loaded.

29. Any cables, pipes or ducts uncovered during the course of construction are to
be notified to the appropriate Utility Authority prior to any further work on the

30. The information on the known services is to be made available to all

contractors by the employer. The contractor is not relieved of his obligation to
verify the known service information by undertaking necessary surveys of the

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