Econ U 20113
Econ U 20113
Econ U 20113
1 hour 30 minutes
( 10 JUNE 2013 (a.m.))
Sample Item
Prime cost is calculated by adding direct factory expenses to the cost of
Sample Answer
(A) goods used
(B) goods bought
(C) materials used
(D) materials produced
The best answer to this item is "materials used", so answer space (C) has been shaded.
6. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely and fill in your new choice.
7. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
If you cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You may return to that item
later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers.
8. You may do any rough work in this booklet.
iiiiiiiiiii 9. You may use silent non-programmable calculators to answer questions.
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Copyright 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council
All rights reserved.
1. Which of the following BEST describes Item 4 refers to the following diagram
the underground economy? which shows the savings function.
5. The aggregate supply of a labour curve shows Item 9 refers to the diagram below showing
the the classical model for a labour market.
Country X produces two goods, Good P 9. The broken line between the ASL and the
and Good Q. The table below shows the N curves represents the
quantities produced and the prices in the
respective years. (A) total labour force
(B) equilibrium wage rate
2011 2012 (C) natural level of unemployment
Commodities Quantity Price Quantity Price (D) disequilibrium level of unemploy-
Good P 20 6 30 10 ment
GoodQ 100 2 90 6
Item 10 refers to the following graph which
6. Norminal GOP in 2012 was
shows aggregate demand curves for an
(A) $320 economy.
(B) $480
(C) $840
(D) $960 Price
(A) $ 360
(B) $ 800
(C) $ 960
(D) $1 920
National Income
8. Which of the following BEST defines 'real
national income'? 10. The movement from AD 1 to AD 2 is MOST
likely caused by an increase in
(A) The actual GOP in any given year
(B) The money value of national income (A) inflation
(C) GOP minus net property income (B) taxation
from abroad (C) interest rates
(D) National income adjusted for (D) government spending
Item 11 refers to the table below which shows data from the Balance of Payments figures of a
Caribbean territory.
(A) -$50m
(B) +$ 50m
(C) -$55m
(D) +$285m
Item 12 refers to the diagrams below showing Equilibrium National Income (Y E).
(I) y (III)
Real National Income Real National Income
(II) (IV)
Aggregate Aggregate
Expenditure Expenditure
(AE) (AE)
(B) II
(D) IV
13. The classical economists believed that Item 15 refers to the following diagram.
the existence of unemployment had to be
voluntary because
18. Which diagram below shows how monetary 19. The velocity of money circulation can be
policy is ineffective in influencing the gross defined as the
national product?
(A) average time in which households
Mt M2
spend their money income
(B) money stock in a given time period
divided by the level of prices
.....""' (C) number of times in a given time
period that a unit is used to purchase
If the price level rises by 50% then by
r how much would the money supply (M)
~ increase?
(A) 25%
(B) 50%
Ql Quantity (C) 75%
of money (D) 100%
23. One of the limitations of monetary policy 27. Changes in taxes and transfer payments that
is that it dampen economic fluctuations are known
(A) is not permissive enough
(B) is weakened by fiscal indiscipline (A) budget deficits
(C) can eliminate lags in policy (B) money multipliers
implementation (C) automatic stabilizers
(D) is too effective in controlling the (D) automatic destabilizers
money supply
(A) excess of total government (A) the fact that bond and share prices
revenues over total government have been on a downward trend
expenditures (B) the fact that money is needed for
(B) excess of total government purchasing bonds and shares and
expenditures over total money is received at intervals
government revenues (C) uncertainties about the movement
(C) amount of money spent by the of bond and share prices
government on social welfare (D) uncertainties about the timing
benefits of receipts and payments by a
(D) sum of income collected by the firm's customers
26. The term 'price index' is BEST defined as (A) I and II only
a (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(A) continuous increase in the overall (D) I, II and III
price level
(B) decrease in the overall price level of
all goods produced in a country 30. What is the effect of a surplus budget on
(C) measurement showing the cost of government's total debt?
goods at a particular point in
time (A) Total debt increases.
(D) measurement showing how the (B) Total debt decreases.
average price of a basket of (C) Total debt remains the same.
goods changes over time (D) Government spending decreases.
31. Which of the following phrases defines 35. Which of the following terms refers to the
'economic growth'? creation of a single monetary and fiscal
authority having jurisdiction over a number
(A) The increase in real per capita of countries?
output over time
(B) An increase in the standard of (A) Free trade area
living over time (B) Customs union
(C) The meeting of two production (C) Economic union
possiblity boundaries (D) Common market
(D) A representation of the maximum
recovery of exisiting resources
over time 36. Which of the following features is NOT
a structural characteristic of Caribbean
32. One advantage of a fixed exchange rate is
(A) Small size
(A) that there is a lot of speculation (B) Limited resource base
(B) that foreign goods appear cheaper (C) Economic independence
(C) reduced risks to business and (D) Limited composition of export
(D) high rate of foreign currency
37. A systematic record of accounts that moni-
tors economic transactions between one
33. The transactions in the balance of payments country and the rest of the world is referred
are regarded as to as
34. The use of exchange control to eliminate a 38. One advantage of a floating exchange rate
nation's balance of payments deficit results system is that it
in a decrease in the country's
(A) forces the government to constantly
(A) income monitor its value
(B) imports (B) reduces the uncertainties caused
(C) exports by fluctuating import and export
(D) price level prices
(C) provides an automatic solution to
balance of payments problems
(D) requires the strong support of
government to maintain its value
(A) Setting the geographic boundaries I. Reduce the volume of wheat that
for the conduct of world trade is traded.
(B) Executing the taxes and tariffs for II. Raise the price of wheat in the
,~ world trade importing country and lower the
(C) Providing protection for less price in the exporting country.
developed countries III. Lower the price of wheat in the
(D) Setting the rules and regulations for importing country and raise the
the conduct of world trade price in the exporting country.
(A) revaluation
41. When the value of a country's currency
(B) devaluation
appreciates, the country's
(C) depreciation
(D) appreciation
(A) exports become cheaper
(B) balance of trade improves
(C) imports become more expensive
45. To which of the following do "equity,
(D) exports become more expensive
sustainability, productivity and empower-
ment" apply?
42. Which of the following is NOT a feature of
(A) Growth
(B) Development
(C) Liberalization
(A) Increased international trade
(D) Economic integration
(B) Greater independence among
(C) Greater flows of labour across
I (D) Greater flows of investment across