The financial sector has been one of the key drivers in India's efforts to
achieve success in rapidly developing its economy. While the banking
industry in India is progressively complying with the international
prudential norms and accounting practices, there are certain areas in
which the banking and financial sector do not have a level playing field
as compared to other participants in the financial markets in the world.
There is no legal provision for facilitating securitisation of financial
assets of banks and financial institutions. Further, unlike international
banks, the banks and financial institutions in India do not have power to
take possession of securities and sell them. Our existing legal framework
relating to commercial transactions has not kept pace with the changing
commercial practices and financial sector reforms. This has resulted in
slow pace of recovery of defaulting loans and mounting levels of non-
performing assets of banks and financial institutions. Narasimham
Committee I and II and Andhyarujina Committee constituted by the
Central Government for the purpose of examining banking sector reforms
have considered the need for changes in the legal system in respect of
these areas. These Committees, inter alia, have suggested enactment of a
new legislation for securitisation and empowering banks and financial
institutions to take possession of the securities and to sell them without
the intervention of the court. Acting on these suggestions, the
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement
of Security Interest Ordinance, 2002 was promulgated on the 21st June,
2002 to regulate securitisition and reconstruction of financial assets and
enforcement of security interest and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto. The provisions of the Ordinance would enable banks
and financial institutions to realise long-term assets, manage problem of
liquidity, asset liability mismatches and improve recovery by exercising
powers to take possession of securities, sell them and reduce non-
performing assets by adopting measures for recovery or reconstruction.
AN ACT to regulate securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets
and enforcement of security interest and for matters connected therewith
or incidental thereto,
(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 21st day of June,
2. Definitions.--
(f) "borrower" means any person who has been granted financial
assistance by any bank or financial institution or who has given
any guarantee or created any mortgage or pledge as security for
the financial assistance granted by any bank or financial
institution and includes a person who becomes borrower of a
securitisation company or reconstruction company consequent
upon acquisition by it of any rights or interest of any bank or
financial institution in relation to such financial assistance;
(zi) "security interest" means right, title and interest of any kind
whatsoever upon property, created in favour of any secured
creditor and includes any mortgage, charge, hypothecation,
assignment other than those specified in section 31;
(zh) "sponsor" means any person holding not less than ten per
cent. of the paid-up equity capital of a securitisation company or
reconstruction company;
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in this Act but
defined in the India Contract Act, 1872 or the Transfer of
Property Act, 1882 or the Companies Act, 1956 or the Securities
and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 shall have the same
meanings respectively assigned to them in those Acts.
(b) having the owned fund of not less than two crore rupees or
such other amount not exceeding fifteen per cent. of total
financial assets acquired or to be acquired by the securitisation
company or reconstruction company, as the Reserve Bank may,
by notification, specify:
(3) The Reserve Bank may, for the purpose of considering the application
for registration of a securitisation company or reconstruction company to
commence or carry on the business of securitisation or asset
reconstruction, as the case may be, require to be satisfied, by an
inspection of records or books of such securitisation company or
reconstruction company, or otherwise, that the following conditions are
fulfilled, namely:--
(e) that any of its directors has not been convicted of any offence
involving moral turpitude;
(5) The Reserve Bank may reject the application made under sub-section
(2) if it is satisfied that the conditions specified in sub-section (3) are not
Provided that before rejecting the application, the applicant shall be given
a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
Provided that the decision of the Reserve Bank, whether the change in
management of a securitisation company or a reconstruction company is
a substantial change in its management or not, shall be final.
(c) has failed to comply with any conditions subject to which the
certificate of registration has been granted to it; or
(3) Unless otherwise expressly provided by this Act, all contracts, deeds,
bonds, agreements, powers-of-attorney, grants of legal representation,
permissions, approvals, consents or no-objections under any law or
otherwise and other instruments of whatever nature which relate to the
said financial asset and which are subsisting or having effect immediately
before the acquisition of financial asset under sub-section (1) and to
which the concerned bank or financial institution is a party or which are
in favour of such bank or financial institution shall, after the acquisition
of the financial assets, be of as full force and effect against or in favour
of the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the case may
be, and may be enforced or acted upon as fully and effectually as if, in
the place of the said bank or financial institution, securitisation company
or reconstruction company, as the case may be, had been a party thereto
or as if they had been issued in favour of securitisation company or
reconstruction company, as the case may be.
(4) If, on the date of acquisition of financial asset under sub-section (1),
any suit, appeal or other proceeding of whatever nature relating to the
said financial asset is pending by or against the bank or financial
institution, save as provided in the third proviso to subsection (1) of
section 15 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Pro visions) Act,
1985 the same shall not abate, or be discontinued or be, in any way,
prejudicially affected by reason of the acquisition of financial asset by
the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the case may
be, but the suit, appeal or other proceeding may be continued, prosecuted
and enforced by or against the securitisation company or reconstruction
company, as the case may be.
[5A. Transfer of pending applications to any one of Debts Recovery
Tribunals in certain cases.
(b) The provisions of the Indian Trust Act 1882 shall, except in so
far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, apply with
respect to the trust referred to in clause (a) above.".]
(4) The qualified institutional buyers shall, at a meeting called under sub-
section (3), follow the same procedure, as nearly as possible as is
followed at meetings of the board of directors of the securitisation
company or reconstruction company, as the case maybe.
Without prejudice to the provisions contained in any other law for the
time being in force, a securitisation company or reconstruction company
may, for the purposes of asset reconstruction, having regard to the
guidelines framed by the Reserve Bank in this behalf, provide for any
one or more of the following measures, namely:--
(a) act as an agent for any bank or financial institution for the
purpose of recovering their dues from the borrower on payment
of such fees or charges as may be mutually agreed upon between
the parties;
11.Resolution of disputes.--
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the power vested under sub-
section (1), the Reserve Bank may give directions to any securitisation
company or reconstruction company generally or to a class of
securitisation companies or reconstruction companies or to any
securitisation company or reconstruction company in particular as to--
(3) The notice referred to in sub-section (2) shall give details of the
amount payable by the borrower and the secured assets intended to the
enforced by the secured creditor in the event of non-payment of secured
debts by the borrower.
[(3A) If, on receipt of the notice under sub-section (2), the borrower
makes any representation or raises any objection, the secured creditor
shall consider such representation or objection and if the secured creditor
comes to the conclusion that such representation or objection is not
acceptable or tenable, he shall communicate within one week of receipt
of such representation or objection the reasons for non-acceptance of the
representation or objection to the borrower:
(4) In case the borrower fails to discharge his liability in full within the
period specified in sub-section (2), the secured creditor may take
recourse to one or more of the following measures to recover his secured
debt, namely:--
(d) require at any time by notice in writing, any person who has
acquired any of the secured assets from the borrower and from
whom any money is due or may become due to the borrower, to
pay the secured creditor, so much of the money as is sufficient to
pay the secured debt.
(5) Any payment made by any person referred to in clause (d) of sub-
section (4) to the secured creditor shall give such person a valid
discharge as if he has made payment to the borrower.
(6) Any transfer of secured asset after taking possession thereof or take
over of management under sub-section (4), by the secured creditor or by
the manager on behalf of the secured creditor shall vest in the transferee
all rights in, or in relation to, the secured asset transferred as if the
transfer had been made by the owner of such secured asset
(7) Where any action has been taken against a borrower under the
provisions of subsection (4), all costs, charges and expenses which, in the
opinion of the secured creditor, have been properly incurred by him or
any expenses incidental thereto, shall be recoverable from the borrower
and the money which is received by the secured creditor shall, in the
absence of any contract to the contrary, be held by him in trust, to be
applied, firstly, in payment of such costs, charges and expenses and
secondly, in discharge of the dues of the secured creditor and the residue
of the money so received shall be paid to the person entitled thereto in
accordance with his rights and interests.
(8) If the dues of the secured creditor together with all costs, charges and
expenses incurred by him are tendered to the secured creditor at anytime
before the date fixed for sale or transfer, the secured asset shall not be
sold or transferred by the secured creditor, and no further step shall be
taken by him for transfer or sale of that secured asset.
(9) In the case of financing of a financial asset by more than one secured
creditors or joint financing of a financial asset by secured creditors, no
secured creditor shall be entitled to exercise any or all of the rights
conferred on him under or pursuant to sub-section (4) unless exercise of
such right is agreed upon by the secured creditors representing not less
than three-fourth in value of the amount outstanding as on a record date
and such action shall be binding on all the secured creditors:
Provided also that the liquidator referred to in the second proviso shall
intimate the secured creditor the workmen's dues in accordance with the
provisions of section 529A of the Companies Act, 1956 and in case such
workmen's dues cannot be ascertained, the liquidator shall intimate the
estimated amount of workmen's dues under that section to the secured
creditor and in such case the secured creditor may retain the sale
proceeds of the secured assets after depositing the amount of such
estimated dues with the liquidator:
Provided also that in case the secured creditor deposits the estimated
amount of workmen's dues, such creditor shall be liable to pay the
balance of the workmen's dues or entitled to receive the excess amount, if
any, deposited by the secured creditor with the liquidator:
Provided also that the secured creditor shall furnish an undertaking to the
liquidator to pay the balance of the workmen's dues, if any.
(a) "record date" means the date agreed upon by the secured
creditors representing not less than three-fourth in value of the
amount outstanding on such date;
(12) The rights of a secured creditor under this Act may be exercised by
one or more of his officers authorised in this behalf in such manner as
may be prescribed.
(2) For the purpose of securing compliance with the provisions of sub-
section (1), the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate
may take or cause to be taken such steps and use, or cause to be used,
such force, as may, in his opinion, be necessary.
(d) the directors appointed under this section shall, for all
purposes, be the directors of the company of the borrower and
such directors or as the case may be, the administrators appointed
under this section, shall alone be entitled to exercise all the
powers of the directors or as the case may be, of the persons
exercising powers of superintendence, direction and control, of
the business of the borrower whether such powers are derived
from the memorandum or articles of association of the company
of the borrower or from any other source whatsoever.
(4) Where the management of the business of a borrower had been taken
over by the secured creditor, the secured creditor shall, on realisation of
his debt in full, restore the management of the business of the borrower
to him.
(2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall affect the right of any such
managing director or any other director or manager of any such person in
charge of management to recover from the business of the borrower,
moneys recoverable otherwise than by way of such compensation.
17.Right to appeal.--
(3) If, the Debts Recovery Tribunal, after examining the facts and
circumstances of the case and evidence produced by the parties, comes
to the conclusion that any of the measures referred to in sub-section (4)
of section 13, taken by the secured creditor are not in accordance with the
provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder, and require
restoration of the management of the business of the borrower or
restoration of possession of the secured assets to the borrower, it may by
order, declare the recourse to any one or more measures referred to in
sub-section (4) of section 13 taken by the secured creditors as invalid and
restore the possession of the secured assets to the borrower or restore the
management of the business to the borrower, as the case may be, and
pass such order as it may consider appropriate and necessary in relation
to any of the recourse taken by the secured creditor under sub-section (4)
of section 13.
(4) If, the Debts Recovery Tribunal declares the recourse taken by a
secured creditor under sub-section (4) of section 13, is in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder, then,
notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in
force, the secured creditor shall be entitled to take recourse to one or
more of the measures specified under sub-section (4) of section 13 to
recover his secured debt.
(5) Any application made under sub-section (1) shall be dealt with by
the Debts Recovery Tribunal as expeditiously as possible and disposed of
within sixty days from the date of such application:
(7) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the Debts Recovery Tribunal
shall, as far as may be, dispose of the application in accordance with the
provisions of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial
Institutions Act, 1993 and the rules made thereunder.".]
[17A. Making of application to Court of District Judge in certain cases.--
In the case of a borrower residing in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the
application under section 17 shall be made to the Court of District Judge
in that State having jurisdiction over the borrower which shall pass an
order on such application.
(1) Any person aggrieved, by any order made by the Debts Recovery
Tribunal 20[under section 17, may prefer an appeal along with such fee,
as may be prescribed] to the Appellate Tribunal within thirty days from
the date of receipt of the order of Debts Recovery Tribunal.
[Provided that different fees may be prescribed for filing an appeal
by the borrower or by the person other than the borrower.
Provided also that the Appellate Tribunal may, for the reasons
to be recorded in writing, reduce the amount to not less than twenty-five
per cent of debt referred to in the second proviso.]
(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the Appellate Tribunal shall,
as tar as may be, dispose of the appeal in accordance with the provisions
of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act,
1993 and rules made thereunder.
[18A. Validation of fees levied.--
Any fee levied and collected for preferring, before the commencement of
the Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debt Laws
(Amendment) Act, 2004, an appeal to the Debts Recovery Tribunal or the
Appellate Tribunal under this Act, shall be deemed always to have been
levied and collected in accordance with laws as if the amendments made
to sections 17 and 18 of this Act by Sections 11 and 12 of the said Act
were in force at all material times.]
[18B. Appeal to High Court in certain cases.-
Any borrower residing in the State of Jammu and Kashmir and aggrieved
by any order made by the Court of District Judge under Section 17A may
prefer an appeal, to the High Court having jurisdiction over such Court,
within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order of the Court of
District Judge:
Provided further that the High Court may, for the reasons to be
recorded in writing, reduce the amount to not less than twenty-five per
cent of the debt referred to in the first proviso.".]
20.Central Registry.--
(2) The head office of the Central Registry shall be at such place as the
Central Government may specify and for the purpose of facilitating
registration of transactions referred to in sub-section (1), there may be
established at such other places as the Central Government may think fit,
branch offices of the Central Registry.
(4) The provisions of this Act pertaining to the Central Registry shall be
in addition to and not in derogation of any of the provisions contained in
the Registration Act, 1908, the Companies Act, 1956, the Merchant
Shipping Act, 1958, the Patents Act, 1970, the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
and the Designs Act, 2000 or any other law requiring registration of
charges and shall not affect the priority of charges or validity thereof
under those Acts 25 or laws.
21.Central Registrar.--
(2) The Central Government may appoint such other officers with such
designations as it thinks fit for the purpose of discharging under the
superintendence and direction of the Central Registrar, such functions of
the Central Registrar under this Act as he may, from time to time,
authorise them to discharge.
(1) For the purposes of this Act, a record called the Central Register shall
be kept at the head office of the Central Registry for entering the
particulars of the transactions relating to--
(4) The register shall be kept under the control and management of the
Central Registrar.
(4) If cause is shown, the Central Registrar shall record a note to that
effect in the Central Register, and shall inform the borrower that he has
done so.
If a default is made--
every company and every officer of the company or the secured creditor
and every officer of the secured creditor who is in default shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees for every
day during which the default continues.
30.Cognizance of offence.--
(j) any case in which the amount due is less than twenty per cent.
of the principal amount and interest thereon.
33.Offences by companies.--
(1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company,
every person who at the time the offence was committed was in charge
of, and was responsible to, the company, for the conduct of the business
of the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of
the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such
person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the
offence was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised
all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.
(c) the safeguards subject to which the records may be kept under
sub-section (2) of section 22;
(e) the fee for inspecting the particulars of transactions kept under
section 22 and entered in the Central Register under sub-section
(1) of section 26;
(3) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after
it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a
total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in
two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session
immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid,
both Houses agree to making any modification in the rule or both Houses
agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have
effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be
so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.
The provisions of sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) of section 20 and sections
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 shall apply after the Central Registry is set
up or cause to be set up under sub-section (1) of section 20.
(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act,
the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette,
make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as
may appear to be necessary for removing the difficulty:
Provided that no order shall be made under this section after the expiry of
a period of two years from the commencement of this Act.
(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be
after it is made, before each House of Parliament.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under
the said Ordinance shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
corresponding provisions of this Act.
(See section 41)
(Regulation) Act,
11. Substituted for the words "security receipts issued by such company"
vide The Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws
(Amendment) Act, 2004
14. Substituted for "(b) lake over the management of the secured assets
of the borrower including the right to transfer by way of lease,
assignment or sale and realise the secured asset; by The Enforcement of
Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004
16. Substituted with effect from 21st day of June, 2002 for "may prefer
an appeal" by The Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of
Debts Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004
17. Inserted with effect from 21st day of June, 2002 by The Enforcement
of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Act,
20.Substituted with effect from 21st day of June, 2002 for ""under
section 17, may prefer an appeal" by The Enforcement of Security
Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004
21. Inserted with effect from 21st day of June, 2002 by The Enforcement
of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Act,
22. Inserted by The Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of
Debts Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004
23. Substituted for " If the Debts Recovery Tribunal or the Appellate
Tribunal, as the case may be on an appeal filed Under section 17 or
section 18 holds the possession of secured assets by the secured creditor
as wrongful and directs the secured creditor to return such secured assets
to the concerned borrower, such borrower shall be entitled to payment of
such compensation and costs as may be determined by such Tribunal or
Appellate Tribunal." by The Enforcement of Security Interest and
Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004