An Advance Way To Retrieve Information From Web by Natural Language Interface
An Advance Way To Retrieve Information From Web by Natural Language Interface
An Advance Way To Retrieve Information From Web by Natural Language Interface
An Advance Way to Retrieve Information from Web by Natural Language Interface
A natural language search engine would find targeted answers 4 Inference Engine
to questions. For example, when confronted with a question of An inference engine is a software system that is designed to
the form which Indian state has the highest income tax?', draw conclusions by analysing problems in light of a database
conventional search engines ignore the question and instead of expert knowledge it draws upon. It reaches logical
search on the keywords 'state, income and tax'. Natural outcomes based on the premises the data establishes.
language search, on the other hand, attempts to use natural Sometimes inference engines are also capable of going
language processing to understand the nature of the question beyond strict logical processing, and utilize probability
and then to search and return a subset of the web that contains calculations to reach conclusions that the knowledge database
the answer to the question. If it works, results would have a doesn't strictly support, but instead merely implies or hints at.
higher relevance than results from a keyword search engine.
In interface design natural language interfaces are sought after 5 Semantic Parser
for their speed and ease of use, but most suffer the challenges
to understanding wide varieties of ambiguous input. Semantic parser checks syntax of the text, i.e. whether the text
is grammatically correct or not. It further analyses the input
It is important to note that text interfaces are 'natural' to text for understanding its meaning. The meaning of any
varying degrees, and that many formal (un-natural) natural language sentence depends on the way of parsing the
programming languages incorporate idioms of natural human text and its context. For example, consider a sentence, When
language. Likewise, a traditional keyword search engine I sing well children feel sick. This sentence implies two
could be described as a 'shallow' Natural language user meanings based on how we parse it.
interface. If search engine is supplemented by an intelligent
interface, it may help users to get relevant information Ex.1 : When I sing well, children feel sick
effectively and efficiently which can result in optimum
utilization of e-resources by potential users. Ex. 2: When I sing, well children feel sick
2 Knowledge representation
For knowledge representation First- Order Predicate Logic
will be used. First-order logic (like natural language) assumes
the world contains:
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
Image Extracted
The proposed system is developed and implemented in JAVA.
Rigorous experimentation was carried out. The results are REFERENCES
tested for various sample queries.
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