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Wa Gov Privacy Summit

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Privacy and Data Security in the Age of Big Data and the Internet of Things

U.S. Federal Trade Commissioner Julie Brill

Delivered at
Washington Governor Jay Inslees Cyber Security and Privacy Summit
January 5, 2016

Thank you, Alex Alben, for your warm introduction and for inviting me to share my
thoughts with this most impressive gathering of lawmakers and leaders from companies and
community groups. Protecting consumers data from unauthorized disclosure and unexpected
and inappropriate uses are some of our top priorities at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
and the challenges of protecting consumers privacy and security are becoming more pressing as
we move further into a world of constantly connected devices and big data analytics. Todays
Summit shows that states will continue to play a key role, alongside the FTC, in protecting
consumers privacy and security as our economy and society becomes more connected and data-

We are connecting nearly everything from cars and buildings to clothing and light bulbs
to the Internet. The pace and scale of these changes is breathtaking. Network equipment
manufacturer Cisco reports that there are 25 billion networked devices in the world today and
predicts that there will be 50 billion by 2020.1 These sensors, along with our smartphones,
tablets, and computers, generate twice as much data today as they did two years ago, and this
trend is expected to continue. Sensors that are so small and efficient that they can power
themselves with ambient radio waves are becoming a reality.2 As a result, data is becoming
cheaper to collect and keep, it is coming from an incredibly diverse range of sources including
the physical world around us and our ability to analyze all of this data is constantly improving.

Let me be clear at the outset: I believe that big data and the Internet of Things have
potentially tremendous benefits. Cities can better maintain their infrastructures by developing
sophisticated early warning systems for gas and water leaks. Medical researchers can enroll
patients in large-scale research projects and collect streams of useful data that, in the past, would
have been a mere trickle coming from surveys and patients own reports.3 Connected and online
courses are making it possible for people all over the world to learn and earn degrees from the

http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/docs/innov/IoT_IBSG_0411FINAL.pdf. These estimates include all types of
connected devices, not just those aimed at the consumer market.
BBC News, Tiny Chip That Powers Itself from Radio Waves (Dec. 8, 2015), available at
See, e.g., Elizabeth Whitman, Apple ResearchKit: Is New Open-Source Software for Sales or the Greater
Good of Health Care, INTL. BUS. TIMES (Mar. 16, 2015 3:51 PM), available at http://www.ibtimes.com/apple-

worlds leading experts and most prestigious institutions.4 Data is helping governments to better
plan and deliver their services.5 And we are only at the very beginning of these developments.

Some significant risks go along with the potential benefits of connected devices and big
data. As we add devices to our homes, classrooms, and clothes, much more sensitive data will
be collected. User interfaces on devices will shrink or disappear, making it more difficult for
consumers to know when data is being collected, or to exercise any control. In fact, I expect that
the Internet itself will soon disappear because connectivity will just be part of how things
work, as electricity is today.6

These developments pose difficult challenges for privacy, security, and fairness in our
society. The data from connected devices will be deeply personal, and big data analytics will
make the data more readily actionable. Some of these devices will handle deeply sensitive
information about our health, our homes, and our families. Some will be linked to our financial
accounts, some to our email accounts. And devices themselves will be more closely connected
with our actions in the physical world, making data security and device security critically

But some fundamental aspects of our world will not change, no matter how connected
and data-driven we become. Most importantly, we as individuals will remain roughly the same.
We will not suddenly become capable of keeping track of dozens or hundreds of streams of our
data, peering into the depths of algorithmic decision-making engines, or spotting security flaws
in the countless devices and pieces of software that will surround us. Faced with a world of
uncertainty about which devices are safe and whether consumers are getting a fair shake in the
big data world, consumers could use some help.

To help consumers navigate and benefit from this complex, uncertain, and exciting
world, the Internet of Things and big data analytics need to meet consumers expectations and
earn their trust. Appropriate privacy and security protections, as well as broader assurances that
consumers are being treated fairly, are key elements of consumer trust. And these three elements
security, privacy and fairness in the world of big data and the Internet of Things are what I
would like to discuss today.

The FTCs Role in Protecting Consumers Privacy and Data Security

Before I get to that discussion, let me first describe the role that the FTC plays in privacy,
data security, and consumer protection in general. We are the nations leading consumer
protection agency, and we share competition enforcement with the Department of Justice.

See, e.g., Madeleine Parker and Sarah Rockwood, UC Berkeley Offers New Online Data Science Masters
Degree, The Daily Californian (last updated June 24, 2014), available at http://www.dailycal.org/2014/06/24/uc-
See Ben Casselman, Big Government is Getting in the Way of Big Data, FIVETHIRTYEIGHT ECONOMICS (Mar.
9, 2015), available at http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/big-government-is-getting-in-the-way-of-big-data/.
Chris Matyszczyck, The Internet Will Vanish, Says Googles Eric Schmidt, CNET (Jan. 22, 2015, 6:00 PM),
available at http://www.cnet.com/news/the-internet-will-vanish-says-googles-schmidt/.

Eighty years ago, Congress gave the FTC authority to protect consumers from a broad range of
unfair or deceptive acts or practices.7 Under this authority, the FTC has brought nearly 100
privacy and data security enforcement actions.

The flexibility and breadth of our authority to obtain remedies that protect consumers has
allowed us to keep up with rapid changes in technology. For example, we have brought actions
against companies for allegedly collecting information inappropriately from consumers mobile
devices,8 making unwarranted intrusions into private spaces,9 exposing health and other sensitive
information, exposing previously confidential information about individuals networks of friends
and acquaintances,10 and providing sensitive information to third parties who in turn victimize

In addition to these privacy and data security enforcement actions, we have also brought
hundreds of cases vindicating consumers rights under more specific laws that protect sensitive
information about children,12 financial information,13 medical data,14 and information used to
make decisions about consumers credit, insurance, employment and housing.15

The FTC also maintains a busy policy docket. At the beginning of this year, we
published a report on the Internet of Things, which emphasizes the importance of data and device
security as well as the applicability of established privacy principles to connected devices.16
Before that, we published a detailed study of the data broker industry,17 which was in the big
data business long before the words big data became part of our policy lexicon. We also held

15 U.S.C. 45(a).
See, e.g., Goldenshores Techs. LLC C-4466 (F.T.C. Mar. 31, 2014) (decision and order), available at
See FTC, Press Release, Aarons Rent-To-Own Chain Settles FTC Charges That It Enabled Computer Spying
by Franchisees (Oct. 22, 2013), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2013/10/aarons-rent-
See Facebook, Inc., C-4365 (F.T.C. July 27, 2012) (decision and order), available at
FTC v. Sitesearch Corp., d/b/a LeapLab (D. Az. Dec. 23, 2014) (complaint), available at
See Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 6501-06.
15 U.S.C. 6801-09.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Pub. L. No.104-191, 110 Stat. 1936 (1996) (codified in
scattered sections of 18, 26, 29, and 42 U.S.C.).
15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.
report), available at https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/federal-trade-commission-staff-report-
november-2013-workshop-entitled-internet-things-privacy/150127iotrpt.pdf (discussing views of workshop
participants) [IOT REPORT].
trade-commission-may-2014/140527databrokerreport.pdf [DATA BROKER REPORT].

public workshops on cutting edge topics like consumer generated health information, so-called
alternative consumer scores,18 and the potential for big data analytics to be used in ways that
discriminate against consumers.19 And, just last month, we held a public workshop on cross-
device tracking, which refers to companies efforts to correlate a consumers activities as she
moves from smartphone to tablet to desktop computer.20

Of course, the FTC does not do this work alone. Other federal regulators have a role in
privacy and data security with respect to health care providers and hospitals,21 banks and
depository institutions,22 and common carriers.23[FN] States also play a vital and active role in
advancing consumer privacy and data security protections. Last year, approximately 60 new
privacy laws were passed at the state level in the U.S. State privacy laws range from limiting
employers ability to view their employees social network accounts24 and prohibiting employers
and insurers from using information about certain medical conditions,25 to requiring companies
to notify consumers when they suffer a security breach involving personal information.26 And
the FTC and states work closely together on privacy, data security,27 and a range of other
consumer protection issues.28

See FTC, Spring Privacy Series: Alternative Scoring Products (Mar. 19, 2014), available at
See FTC, Big Data: A Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion? (Sept. 15, 2014), available at
See FTC, Cross Device Tracking: An FTC Workshop (Nov. 16, 2015), available at
See Dept. of Health & Human Svcs., HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement, available at
http://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/compliance-enforcement/index.html (last visited Jan. 4, 2016).
See FDIC, Privacy Choice, available at
https://www.fdic.gov/consumers/assistance/protection/privacy/privacychoices/ (last updated July 28, 2014)
(describing roles of different agencies with responsibilities for enforcing privacy laws against banks and other
financial institutions).
See FCC, Customer Privacy, available at https://www.fcc.gov/general/customer-privacy (describing FCCs
role in enforcing privacy protections under the Communications Act and FCC rules) (last visited Jan. 4, 2016).
See Natl Conf. of State Legislatures, Employer Access to Social Media Usernames and Passwords, available
at http://www.ncsl.org/research/telecommunications-and-information-technology/employer-access-to-social-media-
passwords-2013.aspx (last updated Nov. 18, 2014) (noting that in 2014, at least 28 states had introduced social
media and employment legislation or had such legislation pending).
See, e.g., Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, California Medical Privacy Fact Sheet C5: Employment and Your
Medical Privacy, available at https://www.privacyrights.org/content/employment-and-your-medical-privacy (last
updated July 2012).
See Natl Conf. of State Legislatures, Security Breach Notification Laws (Jan. 12, 2015), available at
laws.aspx (collecting references to more than 45 state laws).
See, e.g., FTC, Press Release, LifeLock Will Pay $12 Million to Settle Charges by the FTC and 35 States
That Identity Theft Prevention and Data Security Claims Were False (Mar. 9, 2010), available at
(stating that LifeLock agreed to pay $11 million to the FTC and $1 million to a group of 35 state attorneys general).
See, e.g., FTC, FTC and Ten State Attorneys General Take Action Against Political Survey Robocallers
Pitching Cruise Line Vacations to the Bahamas (Mar. 4, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-

Device and Data Security

Security is one of the biggest challenges we encounter with the Internet of Things and big
data. And because these connected devices are linked to the physical world, device security also
is a top concern. Unfortunately, there is some evidence that security vulnerabilities are rampant
in the Internet of Things. A 2014 study by Hewlett-Packard found that 90 percent of connected
devices are collecting personal information, and 70 percent of them are transmitting this data
without encryption.29 Part of the reason may be economic. Traditional consumer goods
manufacturers that are now entering the Internet of Things market may not have spent decades
thinking about how to secure their products and services from hackers in the way that traditional
technology firms have. For these companies, adding security expertise may be particularly
costly. But many connected devices will be inexpensive and essentially disposable. If a
vulnerability is discovered on such a device, will such manufacturers have the appropriate
economic incentive notify consumers, let alone patch the vulnerability?30

Of course, companies should disclose how they will protect consumers data, and those
disclosures must be truthful and not misleading. There is a long line of FTC enforcement actions
against companies that failed to meet this standard.31 And the rather arcane nature of data
security does not excuse the failure of companies to apply fixes for well-known vulnerabilities or
take other reasonable steps to protect consumers data or devices.32 The FTC is also encouraging
developers to go beyond the legal requirements based on Section 5, and adopt security measures
that create stronger protections for consumers.

releases/2015/03/ftc-ten-state-attorneys-general-take-action-against-political; FTC, FTC and Federal, State and

Local Law Enforcement Partners Announce Nationwide Crackdown Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Nov. 4,
2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/11/ftc-federal-state-local-law-enforcement-
partners-announce (announcing 30 new actions targeting illegal debt collection practices, including joint actions
brought by the FTC and Illinois and New York).
Hewlett-Packard, Internet of Things Research Study 2 (July 2014), available at
See IOT REPORT, supra note 16, at 13-14.
For early cases, see In re GeoCities, Inc., 127 F.T.C. 94 (1999) (consent order) (settling charges that website
had misrepresented the purposes for which it was collecting personally identifiable information from children and
adults); FTC v. Toysmart.com, LLC, No. 00-11341-RGS, 2000 WL 34016434 (D. Mass. July 21, 2000) (consent
order) (challenging websites attempts to sell childrens personal information, despite a promise in its privacy policy
that such information would never be disclosed). For a more recent case, see, e.g., Snapchat, Inc., No. C-4501
(F.T.C. Dec. 23, 2014), (decision and order), available at
See, e.g., TRENDNet, Inc., No. C-4426 (F.T.C. Feb. 7, 2014), at 8 (complaint), available at
http://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/cases/140207trendnetcmpt.pdf; GMR Transcription Servs., No. C-4482
(F.T.C. Aug.14, 2014) (consent order), available at
http://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/cases/140821gmrdo.pdf; HTC America, Inc., C-4406 (F.T.C. June 25,
2013) (decision and order), available at

Still, security vulnerabilities may be hidden deep in the code that runs an app or device.
A vulnerability may not become apparent until a device is connected to an environment for
which it wasnt designed, or perhaps until consumers use a device or service in unexpected ways.

All of these factors point to the need to take an all hands on deck approach to data
security, with security researchers playing an important role in bringing security flaws to light.
Researchers have found vulnerabilities in systems ranging from electronic voting systems33 to
connected cars34 to online learning platforms.35 This kind of research continues to raise difficult
questions about how and when to disclose vulnerabilities to the developer of the product or
service.36 It is not always the kind of news that companies or law enforcement agencies want
to hear, and some researchers have been prosecuted for their activities.37 In October, the FTC
criticized a proposal in Congress that would have made certain kinds of security research on
connected cars illegal, on the ground that this provision would cut off a useful source of
information about security vulnerabilities that could affect consumers physical safety.38
Fortunately, many companies see the value of learning about vulnerabilities in their products,
and many are willing to pay bug bounties to be the first to be told of a vulnerability in one of
their own products.

Still, security research is difficult and uncertain. Even when researchers have access to
source code, they may have a hard time identifying errors.39 Fortunately, security experts have

See, e.g., Calif. Sec. of State, Top-to-Bottom Review, available at http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-
systems/oversight/top-bottom-review/ (last visited Jan. 4, 2016) (describing security, accessibility, and
documentation reviews of electronic voting systems and linking to reports); Ariel J. Feldman, J. Alex Halderman,
and Edward W. Felten, Security Analysis of the Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Machine (Sept. 13, 2006), available
at https://citp.princeton.edu/research/voting/.
See, e.g., Andy Greenberg, Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway With Me in It, WIRED (July
21,2015 6:00 a.m.), available at http://www.wired.com/2015/07/hackers-remotely-kill-jeep-highway/.
See Jonathan Mayer, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Coursera (Sept. 4, 2014), available at
http://webpolicy.org/2014/09/04/a-funny-thing-happened-on-the-way-to-coursera/; Coursera, Response to Reported
Vulnerability in Instructor Access to Learner Data (Sept. 5, 2014 3:02 a.m.), available at
See Angela Simpson, Deputy Asst. Sec. for Communications and Information, NTIA, Enhancing the Digital
Economy Through Collaboration on Vulnerability Research Disclosure (July 9, 2015), available at
See David Kravets, Appeals Court Reverses Hacker/Troll weev Conviction and Sentence, ARSTECHNICA
(Apr. 14, 2014 11:49 a.m. EDT), available at http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/04/appeals-court-reverses-
hackertroll-weev-conviction-and-sentence/ (describing prosecution and ultimate reversal of conviction for
conspiracy to violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the course of demonstrating how an online registration
process exposed consumers personal information).
See FTC, Prepared Statement on Examining Ways to Improve Vehicle and Roadway Safety Before the
Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States
House of Representatives 5-6 (Oct. 21, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/public-statements/2015/10/prepared-
See, e.g., Ka-Ping Yee, Building Reliable Voting Machine Software 148 (2007) (PhD thesis), available at
http://zesty.ca/pubs/yee-phd.pdf. Yee introduced three errors into a 100-line section of code for a system that he
was developing. He told a group of computer security experts that this section contained errors (though not how

devised many other ways to test components and systems more quickly and on a larger scale. No
single method is capable of finding every vulnerability, but different methods, used in
combination, can provide more assurance that systems are trustworthy.

To bring all of this back to consumers and their trust in companies and their services,
giving consumers timely information about vulnerabilities, how to fix them, and making it easy
to do so are some of the best ways to maintain trust. We will be discussing all of these issues at
the FTCs upcoming Start with Security event, right here in Seattle, on February 9th. Co-
sponsored by the University of Washingtons Tech Policy Lab and its School of Law
Technology, Law and Public Policy Clinic, our one-day conference will provide companies
particularly small companies with practical advice and recommended strategies for
implementing effective data security.40


So let me now turn to privacy in the era of big data and the Internet of Things.
Consumers want to know and should be able easily to find out what information companies
are collecting, where theyre sending it, and how theyre using it. This kind of information is
important to consumers decisions about whether to use digital products and services in the first
place. The FTC came to this realization early in the history of the commercial Internet.41

But many companies, including data brokers, ad networks, and analytics firms, operate in
the background with consumer data, and their activities can significantly affect consumers.
While consumers might benefit from the activities of some of these behind the scenes
operators by receiving more relevant advertising, for example consumers should have
choices about where their data ends up and how it is used.

Consumer choice is enhanced by giving consumers just in time information, at key

moments when it is most relevant to them, such as when they are deciding to download an app or
make purchases on a connected device. But companies should also help consumers navigate the
complex ecosystem of data, devices, and big data analytics operating behind the scenes, so that
consumers understand the practices that can affect them, and exercise choices about the

many). In a total of 20 person-hours devoted to these 100 lines of code, the security experts found two of the three
bugs and not the one that Yee considered the most difficult to find.
FTC, Start with Security Seattle, available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/events-calendar/2016/02/start-
security-seattle (last visited Jan. 7, 2016).
See, e.g., In re GeoCities, Inc., 127 F.T.C. 94 (1999) (consent order), available at
https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-proceedings/982-3015/geocities (settling charges that website had
misrepresented the purposes for which it was collecting personally identifiable information from children and
adults); FTC v. Toysmart.com, LLC, No. 00-11341-RGS, 2000 WL 34016434 (D. Mass. July 21, 2000) (consent
order), available at https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-proceedings/x000075/toysmartcom-llc-toysmartcom-inc
(challenging websites attempts to sell childrens personal information, despite a promise in its privacy policy that
such information would never be disclosed).

Many companies and organizations understand this important connection between
transparency, privacy, and trust. But being transparent in this data-intensive age is challenging.
With the Internet of Things, many connected devices do not have a user interface to present
information to consumers about data collection. Devices are becoming more numerous, adding
to the mountain of information that companies present to consumers in privacy policies. As
devices become integrated into homes and other physical spaces, there are also questions around
who should receive disclosures about data collection and use practices. How will the consumers
who buy a device and the innocent bystanders around them know when a device is recording
images or audio? And there are other questions, like how can consumers choose to avoid having
their data collected? For how long will their data be kept by the companies who are collecting
it? And how will these companies keep the data secure?

Companies that provide connected devices should recognize that providing transparency
will require some creative thinking. Visual and auditory cues, and immersive apps and websites
should be employed to describe to consumers, in a meaningful and relatively simple way, the
nature of the information being collected. The same signals should be used to provide
consumers with choices about whether any of this information can be used by entities or persons
who fall outside the context in which the consumer is employing the device, and in which the
consumer expects her information to remain private.

Another promising tool for providing information to consumers, as well as allowing them
to exercise meaningful choices, is the command center that companies are now developing to
run multiple household connected devices.42 The driving force here is convenience, but these
command centers could also provide an opportunity for consumers to understand the information
their devices are generating, and to control where that information goes. After all, if you can
have a centralized interface to program your garage door, thermostat, television, refrigerator, and
who knows what else, you ought to be able to use that same interface to make meaningful
choices about the data your devices will collect and where they will send it.

Fairness and Consumer Trust

Finally, let me turn to the issue of fairness in big data analytics. Data brokers are a good
place to start this discussion. Data brokers are companies that assemble individual profiles on
consumers by collecting information from far-flung sources, but typically do not interact with
consumers themselves. Through these profiles, consumers can end up in marketing segments
drawn along lines of race, ethnicity, financial status, health conditions, and other sensitive
characteristics. With all of this data, and the inferences that data brokers can draw from it, they
put consumers into categories or segments that had labels such as Financially Challenged,
Bible Lifestyle,43 Diabetes Interest44, Metro Parents (which are lists of single parents who
are primarily high school or vocationally educated and are handling the stresses of urban life
on a small budget), and Timeless Traditions (a list of immigrants who speak[] some English,

See Don Clark, The Race to Build Command Centers for Smart Homes, WALL ST. J. (Jan. 5, 2015), available
at http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-race-to-build-command-centers-for-smart-homes-1420399511.
DATA BROKER REPORT, supra note 17, at 20 n.52, 21.
Id. at 46, 55.

but generally prefer[] Spanish).45 These practices were recently brought to light by the FTC and
others.46 Once again, while this kind information can be used for relatively benign purposes, or
even in ways that will enhance financial inclusion, this kind of information has also been used to
harm vulnerable consumers.

Even big data analytics projects within a company, using its own data, could create
questions about fairness. For example, a company might analyze its own data in an effort to
identify good versus troublesome customers. But what if this analysis ends up tracking
individuals along racial or ethnic lines? A Harvard Business Review article argues that this kind
of result isnt just possible, but inevitable.47

Many big data-driven decisions are based on some kind of score a number generated by
an algorithm that gives some indication of what a consumer is likely to be interested in or how
she is likely to behave. A familiar example is the credit score. Credit scores are basically
predictions of how likely a consumer is to repay a debt. The higher the score, the lower the
credit risk. In their early days, credit scores were used strictly for credit decisions whether you
would qualify for a mortgage, for example, and the interest rate that you would be offered. Over
time, the use of these same credit scores expanded to other major decisions about consumers,
such as whether a prospective employer would extend a job offer to an applicant, or an insurance
company would charge a higher premium on auto or homeowners insurance.

We know a great deal about what information is in our credit reports and what our
traditional credit scores are for a simple reason. Congress has required some transparency in
credit scoring. In 2003, Congress instructed the FTC and the Federal Reserve to study whether
one type of popular credit score used for auto insurance employed factors that serve as proxies
for race, gender, or other traits that could give rise to unlawful discrimination.48 In addition,
Congress required credit bureaus to make consumers credit reports available to them for free,49
and credit scores are increasingly becoming available for free to consumers.50

Id. at 20 n.52.
See, e.g., CBS News, 60 Minutes; The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Information (last updated Aug.
24, 2014), available at http://www.cbsnews.com/news/data-brokers-selling-personal-information-60-minutes/;
World Privacy Forum, The Scoring of America (2014), available at
threaten-your-privacy-and-your-future/; U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, A
Review of the Data Broker Industry: Collection, Use, and Sale of Consumer Data for Marketing Purposes (Dec.
2013) (staff report), available at http://www.commerce.senate.gov/public/?a=Files.Serve&File_id=0D2B3642-
See Michael Schrage, Big Datas Dangerous New Era of Discrimination, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW BLOG
NETWORK (Jan. 29, 2014, 8:00 a.m.), available at http://blogs.hbr.org/2014/01/big-datas-dangerous-new-era-of-
See Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 215, Pub. L. 108-159 (Nov. 5, 2003), available at
https://www.congress.gov/bill/108th-congress/house-bill/2622/text [FACTA].
See FACTA, supra note 48, at 211 (codified at 15 U.S.C. 1681j(a)).
See Annamaria Andriotis, Millions of Consumers to Gain Access to Credit Scores, WALL ST. J. TOTAL
RETURN (Oct. 17, 2014 2:38 PM), available at http://blogs.wsj.com/totalreturn/2014/10/17/millions-of-consumers-

These transparency requirements and practices have been good for consumers, credit
bureaus, and companies that rely on credit scores to make business decisions.51 With the
transparency provided by free credit reports and, increasingly, scores, consumers can more
effectively exercise their rights to dispute and correct inaccurate information. And the thorough
analysis of one critical type of credit score by the FTC and Federal Reserve made users more
confident that this score was not discriminatory.

Today, were seeing a proliferation of other types of scores being used to make eligibility
determinations covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.52 While these scores are subject to the
same obligations of access, accuracy, security, and other requirements imposed by the FCRA,
they havent yet been subject to the same kind of scrutiny that Congress and the federal agencies
brought to bear on traditional credit scores.53 The use of new sources of information, including
information that goes beyond traditional credit files, to score consumers raises fresh questions
about whether these alternative scores may have disparate impacts along racial, ethnic, or other
lines that the law protects.

Unfortunately, its not realistic to rely on the approach that the FTC took to understand
one type of score used for auto insurance to gain an understanding of the full spectrum of
scoring models used today. It took the FTC nearly four years to conduct its study. The FTC
and all other federal agencies for that matter simply do not have the capacity to study every
score out there. This approach simply will not scale.

Moreover, scoring algorithms and other forms of big data analytics rely on statistical
models and data system designs that few on the outside understand in detail. And even if we on
the outside could peer into the hundreds of scoring algorithms that could potentially affect
consumers, what would we learn? We might learn which features of a data set are used in a
given algorithm, and what weight a company attaches to them. These details might be so
abstract, and so rapidly changing, that they do not tell government, consumers or other

to-gain-access-to-credit-scores/ (reporting that some credit card issuers are reporting consumers credit scores on
their monthly statements).
http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/rptcongress/creditscore/creditscore.pdf (The large savings in cost and
time that have accompanied the use of credit scoring are generally believed to have increased access to credit,
promoted competition, and improved market efficiency.) [FRB, CREDIT SCORING REPORT].
See generally FTC, Transcript of Spring Privacy Series: Alternative Scoring Products (Mar. 19, 2014),
available at http://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/public_events/182261/alternative-scoring-products_final-
transcript.pdf; Pam Dixon and Robert Gellman, The Scoring of America: How Secret Consumer Scores Threaten
Your Privacy and Your Future (Apr. 2014), available at http://www.worldprivacyforum.org/wp-

concerned stakeholders much at all about what really matters which is how the algorithms are
actually used and whether they have discriminatory or other inappropriate effects.

This suggests that testing the effects of big data analytics may be a promising way to go.
Doing this kind of analysis from the outside is difficult. Researchers have done some proof-of-
concept studies, but they required considerable work and involved efforts to tackle some cutting-
edge research questions.54

This means that companies using scoring models should themselves do more to
determine whether their own data analytics result in unfair, unethical, or discriminatory effects
on consumers.

In addition to scrutinizing their own practices, companies should do much more to inform
consumers of what is happening with their data. Companies can get creative with user interfaces
to provide consumers with more meaningful, usable access to their data. This will serve two
purposes: meaningful usable access for consumers will help address questions about the role that
big data analytics plays in the marketplace and whether consumers are being treated fairly; and it
will provide a helpful check on potentially troublesome data practices. As Louis Brandeis
famously said, sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.55

Technologists have a key role to play, too. They have the skills to make data access tools
that are easy for consumers to use, and they have the technical insights that are necessary to
determine whether specific analytics practices pose risks of excluding, or otherwise placing at a
disadvantage, groups defined according to sensitive traits. I am hopeful that companies will give
technologists, including designers and user interface experts, the support and resources needed to
tackle these critically important challenges.


Protecting privacy and security and assuring fairness in the complex and rapidly changing
digital world around us is a critical, yet complex task. Basic consumer protection principles can
provide a compass to guide us through this complexity. Consumers want reasonable assurances
that companies are keeping the data collected about them, as well as their connected devices
themselves, secure. Consumers want to know what data companies are collecting about them,
how companies are using it, and how they can exercise some control over the collection and use
of their data. And consumers want to know that they are not being treated unfairly or in a
discriminatory manner. For now, the rapid changes in big data analytics and the Internet of
Things have made it difficult to meet some of these expectations in practice. The key point,
however, is that these are the enduring expectations of consumers, rather than relics of a simpler
world. Meeting these expectations and, more broadly, ensuring consumer trust is the key to
See, e.g., Amit Datta, Michael Carl Tschantz, and Anupam Datta, Automated Experiments on Ad Settings: A
Tale of Opacity, Choice, and Discrimination, in PROC. ON PRIVACY ENHANCING TECHS. (PETS) 2015, available at
http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/danupam/dtd-pets15.pdf; Latanya Sweeney, Discrimination in Online Ad
Delivery, 56 COMMS. OF THE ACM, No. 5, at 44-54 (2013), available at

realizing the full potential of this highly connected, data-driven world. And all of you here
government officials, representatives of industry, and civil society leaders have important roles
to play in this endeavor.

Thank you.


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