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Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale

Reprinted with permission from Goodman WK, Price LH, Rasmussen SA, et al.: The Yale-Brown
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, I: Development, use, and reliability. Arch Gen Psychiatry 46:1006,

For each item circle the number identifying the response which best characterizes the patient.

1. Time occupied by obsessive thoughts

How much of your time is occupied by obsessive thoughts?
How frequently do the obsessive thoughts occur?

0 None
1 Mild (less than 1 hr/day) or occasional (intrusion occurring no more than 8 times a day)
2 Moderate (1 to 3 hr/day) or frequent (intrusion occurring more than 8 times a day, but most of the
hours of the day are free of obsessions)
3 Severe (greater than 3 and up to 8 hr/day) or very frequent (intrusion occurring more than 8 times
a day and occurring during most of the hours of the day)
4 Extreme (greater than 8 hr/day) or near consistent intrusion (too numerous to count and an hour
rarely passes without several obsessions occurring)

2. Interference due to obsessive thoughts

How much do your obsessive thoughts interfere with your social or work (or role) functioning? Is
there anything that you don't do because of them?

0 None
1 Mild, slight interference with social or occupational activities, but overall performance not
2 Moderate, definite interference with social or occupational performance but still manageable
3 Severe, causes substantial impairment in social or occupational performance
4 Extreme, incapacitating

3. Distress associated with obsessive thoughts

How much distress do your obsessive thoughts cause you?

0 None
1 Mild, infrequent and not too disturbing
2 Moderate, frequent and disturbing but still manageable
3 Severe, very frequent and very disturbing
4 Extreme, near constant and disabling distress

4. Resistance against obsessions

How much of an effort do you make to resist the obsessive thoughts?
How often do you try to disregard or turn your attention away from these thoughts as they enter
your mind?

0 Makes an effort to always resist, or symptoms so minimal doesn't need to actively resist
1 Tries to resist most of the time
2 Makes some effort to resist
3 Yields to all obsessions without attempting to control them, but does so with some reluctance
4 Completely and willingly yields to all obsessions
5. Degree of control over obsessive thoughts
How much control do you have over your obsessive thoughts?
How successful are you in stopping or diverting your obsessive thinking?

0 Complete control
1 Much control, usually able to stop or divert obsessions with some effort and concentration
2 Moderate control, sometimes able to stop or divert obsessions
3 Little control, rarely successful in stopping obsessions
4 No control, experienced as completely involuntary, rarely able to even momentarily divert

6. Time spent performing compulsive behaviors

How much time do you spend performing compulsive behaviors? How frequently do you perform

0 None
1 Mild (less than 1 hr/day performing compulsions) or occasional (performance of compulsions
occurring no more than 8 times a day)
2 Moderate (1 to 3 hr/day performing compulsions) or frequent (performance of compulsions
occurring more than 8 times a day, but most of the hours of the day are free of compulsive
3 Severe (greater than 3 and up to 8 hr/day performing compulsions) or very frequent
(performance of compulsions occurring more than 8 times a day and occurring during most of the
hours of the day)
4 Extreme (greater than 8 hr/day performing compulsions) or near consistent performance of
compulsions (too numerous to count and an hour rarely passes without several compulsions being

7. Interference due to compulsive behaviors

How much do your compulsive behaviors interfere with your social or work (or role) functioning?
Is there anything that you don't do because of the compulsions?

0 None
1 Mild, slight interference with social or occupational activities, but overall performance not
2 Moderate, definite interference with social or occupational performance but still manageable
3 Severe, causes substantial impairment in social or occupational performance
4 Extreme, incapacitating

8. Distress associated with compulsive behavior

How would you feel if prevented from performing your compulsions?
How anxious would you become? How anxious do you get while performing compulsions until you
are satisfied they are completed?

0 None
1 Mild, only slightly anxious if compulsions prevented or only slightly anxious during
performance of compulsions
2 Moderate, reports that anxiety would mount but remain manageable if compulsions prevented or
that anxiety increases but remains manageable during performance of compulsions
3 Severe, prominent and very disturbing increase in anxiety if compulsions interrupted or
prominent and very disturbing increases in anxiety during performance of compulsions
4 Extreme, incapacitating anxiety from any intervention aimed at modifying activity or
incapacitating anxiety develops during performance of compulsions

9. Resistance against compulsions

How much of an effort do you make to resist the compulsions?

0 Makes an effort to always resist, or symptoms so minimal doesn't need to actively resist
1 Tries to resist most of the time
2 Makes some effort to resist
3 Yields to all compulsions without attempting to control them but does so with some reluctance
4 Completely and willingly yields to all compulsions

10. Degree of control over compulsive behavior

0 Complete control
1 Much control, experiences pressure to perform the behavior but usually able to exercise
voluntary control over it
2 Moderate control, strong pressure to perform behavior, can control it only with difficulty
3 Little control, very strong drive to perform behavior, must be carried to completion, can only
delay with difficulty
4 No control, drive to perform behavior experienced as completely involuntary

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