Comptes Rendus Mecanique: Nader Ben-Cheikh, Faycel Hammami, Antonio Campo, Brahim Ben-Beya
Comptes Rendus Mecanique: Nader Ben-Cheikh, Faycel Hammami, Antonio Campo, Brahim Ben-Beya
Comptes Rendus Mecanique: Nader Ben-Cheikh, Faycel Hammami, Antonio Campo, Brahim Ben-Beya
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work undertakes a numerical study of turbulent incompressible ows in lid-driven
Received 12 July 2012 cubical cavities using Large Eddy Simulation and two sub-grid scale models, i.e., the WALE
Accepted after revision 1 October 2012 (Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-viscosity) model and the corresponding dynamic sub-grid model
Available online 22 October 2012
(DSGS). In the process of using DSGS, an optimal value of constant C W of the WALE model
was determined for a pre-set Reynolds number Re = 104 . The computed numerical results
Turbulence showed very good agreement with those Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) results and
Lid-driven cubical cavity with the experimental measurements found in the literature. Optimal values of C W were
Incompressible uid determined afterwards with the DSGS model and they were proposed for the analysis of
Large eddy simulation higher Reynolds number turbulent ows. At the end, a power law correlation between C W
WALE model and Re was proposed for the range 104 Re 3 104 .
Dynamic sub-grid scale 2012 Acadmie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Numerical simulations of turbulent ows are of great interest in a multitude of engineering applications in industry. It is
well known that for high Reynolds number turbulent ows, the extended range of turbulent scales is of concern. The small
scales are of the order of the Kolmogorov length scale and the largest scales are of the order of the domain dimensions.
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) cannot solve high Reynolds turbulent ows due to the large amount of computational
information generated by the large range of scales. Owing to this drawback, DNS is normally restricted to low and moderate
Reynolds number ows.
Another approach capable of predicting turbulent ows is the Reynolds Averaged NavierStokes (RANS), based on the
Reynolds decomposition of the instantaneous ow variables into a mean and uctuating components. During the last three
decades, many researchers have embraced the RANS avenue as an alternative to simulate a variety of turbulent ows [14].
The disadvantage inherent to the RANS turbulence model stems from the fact that the turbulent uctuations are eliminated
by means of a time averaging process during which all the spectra effects are lost.
The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) methodology introduced by Smagorinsky [6] is another tool to simulate turbulent
ows [5]. LES, situated between highest degrees of DNS and RANS, is expressed by the partition of the large eddies struc-
tures and sub-grid scales structures using a grid lter. Large-scale ow motions are explicitly computed, while small-scale
ow motions are modeled with a sub-grid scale (SGS) model. LES is superior to DNS in terms of computational cost, and
better than RANS in terms of accuracy and data availability.
Several SGS models have been utilized by a group of researchers: Smagorinskys model [6], the dynamic SGS model
initially proposed by Germano et al. [7] and reformulated by Lilly [8], the WALE model developed by Nicoud and Ducros [9].
In addition, other relevant SGS models can be found in Refs. [5,10,32,33].
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Ben-Cheikh).
1631-0721/$ see front matter 2012 Acadmie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
722 N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730
In this work, we undertake the formulation, implementation and application of a numerical algorithm for three-
dimensional turbulent ows in a lid-driven cubical cavity at relatively high Reynolds number. The adopted methodology
is based on the nite volume method, coupled with a full-multigrid acceleration and LES. A computational code to simulate
transient, incompressible, three-dimensional ows was developed [11,12] using the projection method [13]. Herein, two
different SGS models were implemented, namely the WALE model [9] and the dynamic model [5,14].
The three-dimensional ow in a lid-driven cubical cavity has been studied experimentally [15,16] and numeri-
cally [1722]. Statistical studies on the mean velocities, turbulence intensities and Reynolds stresses are performed and
compared with those obtained numerically and experimentally by other authors. The model and methodology are rst vali-
dated for Re = 104 . Then, a correlation between the optimal constant C W that appears in the WALE SGS model is determined
and proposed for the range 104 Re 3 104 .
2. Governing equations
where V is the volume of ltering and G is the lter function. After ltering Eqs. (1)(2), the LES continuity and momentum
equations take the form:
u i
=0 (4)
u i (u i u j ) 1 p 2 u i i j
+ = + (5)
t xj xi x jx j xj
where the sub-grid scale stresses are given by:
i j = u i u j u i u j (6)
Invoking the Boussinesq approximation, the SGS stresses are related to the eddy viscosity T and the large scale strain rate
tensor S i j by means of the following expression:
1 u i u j
i j kk i j = 2T S i j = T + (7)
3 xj xi
Nicoud and Ducros [9] developed an advanced sub-grid scale model that takes into consideration both the strain and
the rotation rate of the smallest resolved turbulent uctuations. Taken information from DNS, Wray and Hunt [23] stated
that the energy is concentrated in the streams and energy dissipation is signicant in eddies and convergence zones. Incon-
testably, the common Smagorinsky model does not justify the contribution of the latter, which are zones where vorticity
predominates irrotational strain. The model developed by Nicoud and Ducros [9] has two main advantages: (1) the viscosity
tends to zero (of order O ( y 3 )) in the vicinity of a wall and (2) the viscosity does not need information for the position
and direction of the wall. This last characteristic is especially meaningful when dealing with complex geometries and/or
unstructured grid. For this particular model, named WALE (Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-viscosity), the eddy viscosity T is
expressed by:
OP 1
T = (C W )2 = (C W )2 | N i j | (8)
OP2 +
where C W is the WALE constant model, is the characteristic length scale representing the cell size, and = 106 . Besides,
the other participating quantities are:
32 5 54
OP 1 = S dij S dij , OP2 = ( S i j S i j ) 2 + S dij S dij (9)
N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730 723
in which
1 1 ui
S dij = g 2i j + g 2ji 2
i j g kk , gij = (10)
2 3 xj
In reference to isotropic or weakly anisotropic grids, the magnitude of is computed through = (x y z)1/3 as as-
sumed by Deardorff [24]. Owing that the present study revolves around anisotropic grids, Deardorffs form was corrected
incorporating the proposition suggested by Scotti et al. [25].
Germano et al. [14] presented a dynamic SGS model (DSGS), wherein the model coecient is calculated during the
simulation relying on the application of two different lters. In addition to the grid lter G, a test lter G is applied. The
test lter width is larger than the grid lter width , usually = 2. First, the grid lter and the test lter are applied
to the momentum equation (2):
u i (u i u j ) 1 p 2 u i Tij
+ = + (11)
t xj xi x jx j xj
where T i j represent the sub-test stresses given by:
T i j = i j + u i u j u i u j
The test lter is then applied to the ltered equation (5):
2 u i
u i (u i u j ) 1 p i j Li j
+ = + (13)
t xj xi x jx j xj xj
with L i j = u i u j u i u j = T i j i j
Let us model both i j and T i j by the same functional form within the framework of the WALE model. That is:
i j kk i j = 2(C W )2 | N i j | S i j = C W
i j (15)
Tij T kk i j = 2(C W )2 | N i j | S i j = C W
i j (16)
Using the trio of Eqs. (14)(16), we subsequently obtain:
1 2
Li j L kk i j = C W (i j i j )
In order to solve for C W , we minimize the square of the error E i j dened by:
1 2
E i j = Li j L kk i j + C W (i j i j )
( E i j )2
=0 (19)
The dynamic coecient C W (x, y , z, t ) is thereby obtained by the expression:
(i j i j ) L i j
CW = (20)
(i j i j )(i j i j )
At this stage, an important feature worth stressing is that the coecient calculation is based on the local information.
However, the values for C W must usually be limited in order to prevent destabilizing negative viscosity as cited in [26].
Developing a dynamic version of the WALE model was also discussed in [35]. The authors studied the case of an isothermal
turbulent channel ow. Their study illustrates how the dynamic procedure combined with the WALE fails to correctly model
the mean velocity. It leads to very high values of the WALE constant near the wall and to an over prediction of the turbulent
viscosity in the buffer-layer. The authors proposed a cure to this problem using an appropriate dynamic WALE model. For
our numerical simulations, we just chose to clip the model constant as commonly used in practice. The following criterion
was then imposed: 0 C W 0.50. It should be pointed out that several methods can be used to avoid clipping the local
dynamic constant. For relevant studies on the topic one can refer to Refs. [36,37].
724 N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730
Fig. 1. Geometry of lid-driven cubic cavity problem (left) and the 643 grid distribution (right).
3. Numerical procedure
The unsteady NavierStokes equations are discretized using staggered, non-uniform control volumes. A projection method
attributed to Achdou and Guermond [13] is used to adequately couple the momentum and continuity equations. An inter-
mediate velocity is rst computed and later updated to comply with mass continuity. In the intermediate velocity eld, the
old pressure is used. A Poisson equation, with the divergence of the intermediate velocity eld as the source term, is then
solved to obtain the pressure correction and afterward the real velocity eld. The time evolution terms are discretized with
an implicit second-order Euler scheme utilizing
ui 3uni +1 4uni + uni 1
= (21)
t 2t
The advection terms are discretized with an explicit scheme, i.e.,
(u i u j )n+1 = 2 (u i u j )n (u i u j )n1 (22)
xj xj xj
The diffusion terms are treated implicitly and the SGS stresses are discretized with a semi-explicit scheme:
u i u j n+1 n n 1
u i n+1 u j n u j n1
T + = 2 T T +2 (23)
xj xj xi xj xj xi xi
The nite-volume method devised by Patankar [27] is employed to discretize the NavierStokes equations. The advec-
tive terms in the momentum equation are discretized using a QUICK third-order scheme proposed by Leonard [28]. The
discretized momentum equations are eventually resolved using the red and black successive over relaxation method RBSOR
(Leonard [29]), while the Poisson pressure correction equation is solved using a full multi-grid method [30,31]. The numer-
ical methodology was implemented with a FORTRAN program. The convergence of the numerical results is established at
each time step according to the following criteria:
(u i ) I , J , K
m m 1
(u i ) I , J , K 107 (24)
I , J ,K I , J ,K
A benchmark test, congured in the form of a lid-driven cubical cavity is illustrated in Fig. 1. Being simple in geometry
while exhibiting complex ow behavior, this problem constitutes an ideal setting to benchmark the developed LES computer
N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730 725
Fig. 2. Comparisons of the mean U (left) and W (right) velocity proles between the present numerical and experimental results for Re = 104 and different
values of C W .
u L
code. The Reynolds number is based on the cavity top wall and the impressed lid velocity leading to Re = 0 . On the basis
of Re = 104 , numerical calculations were performed in a cubic domain ( D = H = L ), containing a total of 64 64 64 nodes,
which are shown in Fig. 1. For completeness, the grids were built using a tangent hyperbolic formulation.
The smallest space intervals chosen in the three coordinate directions are localized near the moving and stationary walls
to capture the growth of the velocity boundary layers adjacent to them. For Re = 104 , the largest dimensionless time step
to ensure convergence and stability was set at t = 2.0 103 .
The velocity boundary conditions are:
The statistical analysis of the turbulence quantities was performed taking the velocity eld data corresponding to central
horizontal and vertical lines in the plane of symmetry ( y = 0.5). The dimensionless mean velocity components on the two
lines dened previously were calculated with the following expressions: U = u and W = w , where u and w are
mean velocity components in the x- and z-directions, respectively.
Taking into account the Reynolds hypothesis, the instantaneous velocity can be separated into its mean value and a
uctuating part. Consequently, this may be written as follows: u i = u i + u i , where u i is the uctuating part.
The turbulence intensities are dened by the following dimensionless expressions:
2 2
U rms = 10 u and W rms = 10 w (25)
The dimensionless Reynolds stress components are given by:
U W = 500 u w (26)
Note that the two constants 10 and 500 in the previous expressions were used to amplify the values of the turbulence
intensity and Reynolds stress in order to get a suitable graphical representation [16].
Simulations were rst carried on with the WALE sub-grid scale model and with a value of C W = 0.50 as proposed
in [9]. Note that in [9], the physical problem corresponds to turbulent pipe ow. Data for the present statistical analysis of
turbulence were obtained storing the values of all variables corresponding to the centerlines in the horizontal and vertical
directions at the symmetry plane; this was done for each time interval.
Fig. 2 displays the dimensionless average velocity components U and W at the centerlines of the symmetry plane. As
seen here, the obtained solutions are not in very good agreement with the experimental results of Prasad and Koseff [16].
Another test was then done with a lower value of WALEs constant, say C W = 0.30. Under these circumstances, better results
are observable in Fig. 2 demonstrating that the results strongly depend on the value of the constant C W . As reported by
Bricteux et al. [34], the WALE model has an over dissipative behavior in strong vortical ows. Since lid-driven cavities are
dominated by large scales vortices, it is probably the reason for the mitigate results observed in Fig. 2.
In order to determine the most appropriate value of the coecient C W , we used the DSGS model, which was dened
and developed in Section 2. From the standpoint of CPU time, this model is relatively expensive. Hence, simulations were
726 N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730
Table 1
Time/iteration on single processor
using different models on a 643 grid.
undertaken on a smaller grid size consisting of 48 48 48 nodes. The coecient model was then calculated by means
of Eq. (21). Table 1 lists the CPU times for one iteration using different models on a single processor, 3.0 GHz Sun Ultra 40
workstation. The SGS model requires approximately 166% more time compared to the UDNS, while the DSGS model takes
almost 165% more clock-time compared to the SGS model and 600% compared to the UDNS.
Fig. 3 shows the time evolution of the space averaged value of C W over the computational domain for Reynolds number
Re = 104 . The time averaged value of C W in the interval 500 t 1000 gave a value of an optimal WALE constant
C W = 0.1297. It is important to notice that averaging C W in a shorter interval, i.e., 500 t 600 also gives a very close
opt opt
value: C W = 0.1291. Hence, in order to evaluate C W with the DSGS model, there is no need for long integration times.
Fig. 4 displays the results performed on a 64 64 64 grid using the SGS model with the evaluated optimal coecient
C W = 0.13 (obtained with the DSGS model on a 48 48 48 grid). In this gure are presented the dimensionless mean
square root values at the centerlines of the symmetry plane (U rms and W rms ), and the dimensionless Reynolds Stresses
(UW). Results are compared to experimental measurements in [16], numerical simulations with DNS [18] and LES [22]. The
excellent agreement lends credibility to the present methodology for predicting turbulent ow characterized by Re = 104 .
On the left part of Fig. 5, we plotted the instantaneous velocity vector eld at the xz midplane in the lid-driven cavity.
We recall that the top lid is moving from left to right at a given velocity u 0 . A main primary vortex near the cavity center
is clearly seen in the gure. The plotted vectors clearly reveal the presence of secondary eddies near the bottom corners
namely called upstream and downstream secondary eddies. An upper secondary eddy is also observed on the left of the lid.
The right part of Fig. 5 exhibits the instantaneous vector eld in the yz plane at a location near the downstream wall,
specically x = 0.84. Two pairs of TaylorGortlerlike (TGL) vortices and lower corner vortices are well formed, precluding
the possibility of a two-dimensional ow. Note that the mechanism causing the TGL vortices is due to the unstable concave
free shear layer that separates the primary vortex from the downstream secondary eddy. The right part of Fig. 5 also brings
forth the presence of corner eddies that originate from the no-slip condition imposed by the presence of the end-wall.
These visualizations of TGL and corner vortices are in good agreement with the observations in [16].
Some iso-surfaces of x-direction vorticity are plotted in Fig. 6. The iso-surfaces are plotted near the downstream wall at
same location as in Fig. 5, x = 0.84. Here again, the transitional behavior of TGL and the corner vortices are palpable.
By increasing the Reynolds number up to 2 104 , the numerical results explode after a dimensionless time of about 800
even by largely decreasing the time steps. This is certainly due to the boundary velocity imposed on the cavity lid. Indeed,
the unit velocity induces severe discontinuities along the two top edges. In order to remove these defects, we used the
same high degree polynomial velocity prole employed by Leriche and Gavrilakis [18]:
2 18
2x L 2y L
u (x, y , L ) = u 0 1 1 (27)
N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730 727
Fig. 4. Comparisons of rms U and W velocity proles (top) and Reynolds shear stress prole (bottom) for Re = 104 between present and DNS, LES and
experimental results found in the literature.
Fig. 5. Instantaneous velocity vectors at xz midplane (left) and yz plane at a location near the downstream wall (right).
728 N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730
Table 2
Time steps and optimal values of C W related to the Reynolds number.
Table 3
Smallest and largest space intervals in the three coordinate directions.
In this velocity distribution, the mean value over the driving surface results in um = 0.85u 0 [18]. Hence, for a Reynolds
u L
number based on the maximum velocity on the lid dened by Re = 0 , the corresponding mean velocity Reynolds number
is dened by Rem = um L . In Table 2 different values of Re and their corresponding Rem are reported.
In order to solve the optimal WALE coecient C W for each envisaged Reynolds number, simulations were all performed
on a 64 64 64 grid. The grid distribution responded to the non-dimensional variable x expressed by:
1 tanh[( 2i
1) arctan h(x )]
x(i ) = + (28)
2 2 x
where the boundary values are: x(0) = 0 and x( M ) = 1 being x a stretching parameter. Similar expressions have been gen-
erated for the grid distribution along y and z directions with stretching parameters y and z , respectively. The presented
results were obtained with x = z = 0.96 and y = 0.7. The smallest and largest space intervals in the three coordinate
directions are regrouped in Table 3.
The initial ow conditions for each simulation were the nal ow state of the right previous run. For each run, sim-
ulations were rst performed with the SGS model until establishment of the ow (a total dimensionless time of 1000).
After that, simulations were carried out with the DSGS model. As mentioned in Section 4.1, short integration times are
sucient to obtain a good approximation for the coecient C W . The mean values in space of coecients C W were then
averaged over time inside the intervals 200 t 300 or 100 t 200 depending on the Reynolds number. Note that for
Re = 3.6 104 , a total dimensionless time of 100 requires 4 105 time step iterations. This necessitates approximately 3
weeks of CPU time.
Computed values of C W for the different Reynolds numbers are reported jointly in Table 2 and in Fig. 7. It is important
to realize that for Rem = 10 200, the value of C W is very close to one obtained in a grid with the same Reynolds number.
N. Ben-Cheikh et al. / C. R. Mecanique 340 (2012) 721730 729
Thus, C W is not very sensitive to the grid size and can be evaluated on a relatively coarse grid by the DSGS model rstly
and secondly using a ner grid with the SGS model. For more details about the effect of the grid spacing and integral scale
on the constant of SGS models, one can refer to [38].
It was also corroborated that C W can be correlated with Reynolds number Re as seen in Fig. 7. Using the least square
method, the optimal value of the constant inherent to the WALE model is expressed by the following correlation:
5. Conclusions
The three-dimensional classical problem of turbulent ows in lid-driven cubical cavities was simulated with a nite
volume Large Eddy Simulation methodology in this work. Two sub-grid scale models were implemented, the WALEs (SGS)
and the corresponding eddy viscosity dynamic model (DSGS). The results with the SGS model are very coherent with
experimental and numerical data from other authors if an appropriate model constant C W is accounted for.
Optimal values of C W were obtained by averaging in time the stored data of the space averaged values of C W calculated
with the DSGS model. For Re = 104 , an optimal value C W 0.13 was determined. No signicant changes were observed
between values of C W obtained on 48 48 48 and 64 64 64 grids.
Using the DSGS model on a 64 64 64 grid, optimal values of C W for relatively high Reynolds numbers in the interval
104 < Re 3 104 , were adequately determined. A monomial correlation between C W and Re was determined by the least
square method. This correlation may be very useful for numerical simulations using the SGS model with higher Reynolds
numbers that demand ner grids.
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