CpE646 8v3 PDF
CpE646 8v3 PDF
CpE646 8v3 PDF
Nearest Neighbor Estimation
kn nearest-neighbor
g illustration
For kn = n when n=1, k1=1, and the estimate is
pn ( x) =
2 | x x1 |
where x1 is the first training sample, and || is a distance
measure. 2|x
| - x1| is the volume. This is not a ggood
estimate (Figure 4.12)
As n increases, the estimate gets better.
This method will not generate zero p(x) for any x. (If a
fixed window, e.g. Parzen window, is used and no
sample falls inside this window,
window the density estimate for
this window will be zero. This will not happen here.)
kn-Nearest Neighbor Estimation
kn-Nearest Neighbor Estimation
kn-Nearest Neighbor Estimation
ki/k is the fraction of the samples within the cell that are
l b l d j, i.e.
labeled i k samplesl ini the
th cell
ll andd ki outt off k are
labeled j
For minimum error rate,, the most frequently
q y
represented category within the cell is selected for this
cell, and any test sample lies in this cell is labeled as
this category.
The Nearest Neighbor Rule
To solve Pn((e||x, x)
We have n pairs of random variables {(x1,1),
(x2,2), , (xn,n)}, where j is class label for xj and
j {
{ 1, 2, , c}
Because the state of nature when xn (the nearest
e g bo of
neighbor o xw when
e tota
total sample
sa p e iss n) iss ddrawn
aw iss
independent of the state of nature when x is drawn,
we have
P( , n' | x, xn' ) = P ( | x) P( n' | xn' )
The Nearest Neighbor Rule
lim Pn (e | x) = 1 P(i | x) P (i | xn' ) ( xn' x)dxn'
i =1
= 1 P 2 (i | x)
i 1
The Nearest Neighbor Rule
li Pn (e | x) p ( x)dx
= lim d
= 1 P (i | x) p ( x)dx
i =1
The error rate is bounded (proof in Sec 4.5.3)
c *
P P P 2
* *
c 1
The Nearest Neighbor Rule
The k-Nearest Neighbor Rule
k = 3 (odd value) and
Prototypes Labels
x = (0.10, 0.25)t
(0 15 0.35)
0 35) 1
(0.10, 0.28) 2
(0 09 0.30)
(0.09, 0 30) 1
(0.12, 0.20) 2
3 closest vectors to x with their labels are:
{(0.10, 0.28; 2); (0.12, 0.20; 2); (0.15, 0.35; 1)}
The majority
j y votingg scheme will assignsg the label 2 to x.
Metrics and Nearest Neighbor Classification
n1 + n2 2n12
DTanimoto ( S1 , S 2 ) =
n1 + n2 n12
g distance classifier is to use a novel distance
measure and a linear approximation to the arbitrary
A a classifier
l ifi needs d to
t handle
h dl r transforms,
t f suchh
as horizontal translation, vertical translation, shear,
rotation, scale and line thinning
We take each prototype xand perform each of the
transforms Fi(x; i) where i is the parameter
associated with this transform,
transform such as the angle in
Metrics and Nearest Neighbor Classification
A tangent
g vector TVi is constructed for each transform
TVi = Fi(x; i) - x
For each d-dimensional prototype x, an rd matrix T
is generated, consisting of the tangent vectors at x.
These vectors are linearly independent.
The prototype plus a linear combination of all tangent
vectors forms an approximation of an arbitrary
Metrics and Nearest Neighbor Classification
Metrics and Nearest Neighbor Classification
The tangent
g distance from a test point
p x to a pparticular
stored prototype x is defined as
Dtan(x, x) = mina [||(x + Ta) - x||]
where T is a matrix consisting of the r tangent vectors
at x, a is a vector of parameters for linear
co a d |||| can
b at o , and ca be Euclidean
uc dea distance.
d sta ce.
In classification of x, we will first find its tangent
distance to x by finding the optimizing value of a.
Thi minimization
This i i i i is i quadratic,
d i andd can be b done
d using
iterative gradient descent.
Metrics and Nearest Neighbor Classification