Diario de Granos
Diario de Granos
Diario de Granos
See p. 47 S e e p . 10 0 S e e p . 18 0
September/October 2016
Volume 44, No. 5
Jerry Perkins
jerry@grainnet.com NGFA's 45th Country Elevator
Tucker Scharfenberg Conference and Trade Show is
tucker@grainnet.com set for Dec. 11-13 at the Chicago
(IL) Marriott Downtown
Kendall Trump Magnificent Mile hotel.
Jody Sexton 7 K-State Elevator Manager Course 148 Kevin McCreedy Joins Degesch
54 Nominate Your Fire Deparment America as Regional Manager
ART DIRECTOR Contest Winners 160 NORD Gear Begins Large Gearbox
Rebecca Jackson 65 Northern Star III Fiction Series Assembly in WI Plant
rebecca@grainnet.com 161 Safety Made Simple, Berkley
88 Old Time Elevator
SALES Agribusiness Form Partnership
90 Old Time Elevator Calendar
Deborah Coontz deb@grainnet.com 167 MoleMaster Bin Cleaning
100 2016 SGQC Exhibitors; Equipment Brochure
Jeff Miller jeff@grainnet.com
Video/PowerPoint Presentations
169 Perdue Purchases 10 Southern States
CIRCULATION 110 Supplier Q&A: CMC Industrial Elevators
Teresa Walden teresa@grainnet.com Electronics
169 Platinum Pest Control Joins Food
ACCOUNTING 112 Veteran Profile: Roger Dowdy Protection Alliance
Angie Cardinal angie@grainnet.com
134 Mitch Dawson Interview 171 Statement of Ownership
Periodicals postage paid at Decatur, IL
and at additional mailing offices.
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Play Our Safety Quiz - p. 47
Postmaster: Send change of address to
Grain Journal GEAPS Challenge - p. 100
3065 Pershing Ct. Decatur, IL 62526
One-year subscription: $50 (U.S.) Product/Service Directory
Foreign subscription: $60 (U.S.) WIN $$ Scavenger Hunt - p. 180
S/O GJ 3
Response No. 41
Annual Safety Issue
8 Jess McCluer Interview
In This Issue
16 Safety Training Ideas
24 Safety Facility Fearture FACILITY SPOTLIGHT C O L U M N S
28 Safety Culture: Part 1 Safety: Max Farmers, Max, ND ...........24 Safety, Joe Mlynek ................................44
32 Incident Investigation Highline Grain LLC, Cheney, WA ......68 Safety, Wayne Bauer .............................48
36 Elevator Food Safety Louis Dreyfus Company, Safety Insights, Lynn Larsen .................50
West Memphis, AR............................ 72 Security, Curtis Haugen........................52
46 Safety Quiz
Cooperative Supply, Dodge, NE..........76 Grain Quality, Bob Marlow..................92
47 Online Safety Quiz Contest Cameron Grain, Cameron, IL ..................78 Management, Bill Lyster .................... 96, 98
142 Safety Quiz Answers Arthur Companies, Pillsbury, ND .......80 Corn/Soybean Merchandising,
TruHorizons, Milford, IN ..................84 Ben Peters ......................................102
Wheat Merchandising, Kyle Smith .....104
PRODUCT REVIEWS Hedging Strategies, Phil Luce.............106
P R O D U C T S H O W C A S E BM&M Screening Solutions Ltd.....166
Aeration ..........................................140 Bulk Ag Innovations........................160
Belting ............................................123 Chief Agri .......................................171
Bucket Elevators ..............................142 J-System Recirculation LLC ............151 American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. ......123
Catwalks .........................................146 BinMaster .......................................108
JMI Covers, LLC ............................145
Cleaners ..........................................132
KC Supply Co. ................................140 Bratney Companies .........................114
Computer Software Firms .................66
Contractors/Engineers/Millwrights...162 M&M Specialty Services .................168 MEGA Dryers .................................118
Conveyors ......................................136 Tandem Products ............................156
Distributors .....................................148
Dust Collection .................................59
Dust Suppression .............................34 Play Find the in the
Product Service/
Elevator Buckets ..............................139
the on pages
Executive Search ........................32, 129 Hunt 180-225
Flat Storage .....................................106
Fumigants .......................................158 Once youve found them, go to www.grainnet.com/hunt
to enter the three page numbers and be placed in a drawing to win
Grain Dryers ...................................150
Grain Grading Equipment .............152 $100 Debit Card
Grain Handling Accessories .............156
Grain Salvage ..................................129
Grain Temperature Systems ...............65
Level Indicators .................................58
Liners ..............................................175
Loadout Systems ...............................61
Manlift Repair/Inspection ................64
Monitoring Equipment ..................153
Mycotoxin Test Kits ........................100
Pneumatic Conveyors ........................42
Probes ............................................144
Protectants ......................................100
Restoration Contractors ..................149
Safety/Maintenance Equipment ......160
Square Bins .....................................167
Steel Storage ....................................168
Temporary Storage ..........................170
Transportation Equipment ..............159
Response No. 51
S/O GJ 5
Response No. 61
Bulk Grain Rescue Tubes ..................57 FEATURES
Confined Space Entry ......................60
174 Mill Modernization
Explosion Venting ............................60
Purina Animal Nutrition
Gas Detection ..................................55 in August completed a
Inspection Doors ..............................61 $2.4 million moderniza-
Manlifts..........................................124 tion project at its 56-year-
old feed mill in Mason
Manlift Services ..............................125
City, IA.
Pneumatic Conveyors .....................122
Respirators .......................................58
Safety Services ..................................62
Square Bins ....................................130 176 NGFA, K-State Offer FSPCA Course / Generic Hazard Analysis
Steel Storage ...................................126 177 2016 AFIA Equipment Manufacturers Conference...Nov. 3-5...Tucson, AZ
Product Showcase
Batch Control/Automation ...178 Mycotoxin Test Kits/Testing ..178
S/O GJ 7
Jess McCluer Interview
Jess McCluer has been vice president watching for during the types of hazards and
of safety and regulatory affairs at the rest of 2016 and on into suggested ways to protect
National Grain and Feed Association 2017? employees through safety
(NGFA) in Washington, DC since 2007. Preparing bins for best practices.
As such, he serves as staff liaison to such harvest. Incidents poten- In this inaugural
regulatory agencies as the Occupational tially can occur when a NGFA Safety Tips sheet,
Safety and Health Administration worker stands next to or appropriate methods for
(OSHA) and Environmental Protection underneath bridged or bin entry are outlined for
Agency (EPA). hanging grain inside of grain handling facilities
Early in August, Grain Journal a grain bin. Therefore, preparing for fall harvest.
submitted questions to McCluer to get as the fall harvest draws The document covers
an update on a number of regulatory near, the NGFA is issues that facilities
and safety-related issues of concern to the pleased to introduce a Jess McCluer should address before an
grain and feed industries. new seasonal Safety employee enters a bin,
Tips sheet for safety in the workplace. and the roles of both supervisors and
What are the big safety issues These documents are designed to employees, if it is determined that
that elevator managers should be provide more information on certain entering a bin is necessary. (To view the
Safety Tip, go to www.grainnet.com/
This new safety series is authored
by Jim Seibert who has joined NGFA
TEL: 309-698-5611
W !
Response No. 91
r es
e s...
t u
u r
e ne
n ew
o r
r e
m o
easily upgrade
from previous
14 GJ S/O
Response No. 151
Best Safety Training Ideas
Safety practices are only good if people near miss on his own in the training that
are following them. Grain Journal spoke we were doing. It was really effective, When we do training, I like
with a number of grain industry safety because he heard both what I was say-
professionals to find out about their best ing and thinking, and he was actively to have smaller groups of 12 at
safety training ideas and how they get engaged in the discussion. Hes actually
employees engaged in the process. going to continue thinking about it. Itll a time. Then I will break the
be more memorable for him later on. group into three tables of four,
Pete Trotter The second mechanism that I try
Safety Manager to use is training entirely with YouTube and that way they can work to-
FS Grain videos. Some of the best training Ive
Morris, IL seen about grain dust explosions has gether, and we can have discus-
I have to say the first and probably been people talking about it on You-
most valuable training mechanism that I Tube. Using YouTube or other video sion between tables about how
use is to have the students train themselves. tools just breaks up the training, makes they answered the questions and
By that I mean, if you can get them en- it more interesting and gripping, and
gaged and involved enough in the training you can do a lot with it. any ideas they have to improve
activity that theyre actually volunteering If you give them a typical hour-
to do things, they will learn a lot more. long video, youre going to have some the way we do things.
For example, the discussion I was of them go to sleep. If you talk for 15 - Dwight Nelson, safety director,
having this morning at this elevator or 20 minutes, and you intersperse five Wheaton Dumont Coop Elevator
involved the facility manager and the YouTube videos, theyre going to be _________________________
assistant manager regarding an injury in awake the whole time.
the situation of a slip and fall. I was try- I believe one of the most successful
ing to impress on them the importance Butch Hendrix things I do during training is to conduct
of reporting near misses. Safety Director the training on their turf, out in the
The way it came across, the guy Kokomo Grain Co. Inc. shop or the employee breakroom, etc.
actually started talking to me about a Kokomo, IN I dont always bring them into the office
_________________________ When I train our employees, I try conference room where sometimes they
to use a classroom-style approach with feel uncomfortable.
Decentralize employee safety PowerPoint presentations that includes
pictures I take at our locations. The Hans McDonald
training by holding location presentation is based on our operations. EHS Manager
After that, I go out to operations area Lansing Trade Group
super visors accountable for to do any hands on activities such as Overland Park, KS
conducting employee training. lockout/tagout, confined space opera- I focus on three different areas.
tions, bin entry, etc. First, for me, training has always been
Supervisors have the working While doing the training with to convey information to keep people
our employees, I also engage them in safe and to keep our facilities operating
relationship with the employ- a two-way conversation. Ill ask ques- safely and efficiently. Most importantly,
tions about how they do certain tasks or training is about developing our Lan-
ees who report to them. That operations that help to develop written sing culture. You hear that word kicked
makes them more effective in programs and training. This approach around a lot, but to me, culture means
usually gets more of the employees talk- what people are doing when youre not
conducting the training and ing about safer ways of doing things. watching. What are they really remem-
It seems to help newer employees get bering, and what are they really doing,
creating team accountability. adjusted to recognizing the hazards they when the boss isnt watching?
- Larry Hoekstra, safety director, will be exposed to, and how to avoid Two training methods that have really
Farmers Coop Society injury as they relate to different hazards worked well for me over the years is first,
_________________________ in facility operations. group discussions. I know that can
16 GJ S/O
Standard of Safety
That level of care sets the standard for
the entire elevator, which includes plenty
of upright concrete and steel storage, as
well. Max Farmers is a single-location co-
operative, with 578 producer-members
and 14 employees, located on the four-
lane highway that connects Bismarck
and Minot, ND. Bank of digital readouts from a new 4B Watch Dog hazard monitoring system.
24 GJ S/O
Response No. 251
Contributing to that safety record are ees, most of whom have been with the
routine inspections and safety training company for 10 to 20 years longer than
offered by the NDGDA. The grain he has. He says there has been little
dealers association comes in for regularly turnover in the last four or five years.
scheduled walk-through inspections, Its a matter of hiring the right
says Wagner. Three or four months people, Talbott comments. You want
ago, they were out here for a four- or people who are conscientious about
five-hour course of employee training. what theyre doing, safety included. You
They covered areas like lockout/tagout also want people who can handle the
and rail safety. long hours, especially during harvest,
While the associations programs are when you might go 14 hours one day
important, Talbott attributes most of and eight hours the next. Can they
the safety record to the coops employ- stay alert?
Safety Initiatives
Just a few of the initiatives at Max
The coop recently upgraded its safety
monitoring equipment throughout the
elevator with a 4B Watch Dog system.
Also recently installed was fire suppres-
sion equipment in the wood section.
The automated systems are set up to
alert local emergency service providers
in the event they are needed.
In addition to routine training
Setting the Diamond Standard for employees, the local volunteer
fire department routinely trains at
the elevator. Talbott notes that several
employees are volunteer firefighters
and/or EMTs.
The Max Fire Department recently
obtained a plastic rescue tube for use
in engulfment rescues, which was
purchased jointly by Max Farmers and
another cooperative in nearby Benedict,
ND. The tube also is available for on-
800.999.8151 116 N. Augustus
farm rescues. I hope we never have to
use it, Wagner says.
www.ConcreteStorageSystems.com McPherson, KS 67460
Ed Zdrojewski, editor
Response No. 261
26 GJ S/O
FPS is the largest and most effective grain fumigation service in the USA.
Call us to find out how our innovative methods will benefit you.
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Response No. 271
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Ed Zdrojewski, editor
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Since 1956, Simpson Strong-Tie has helped customers solve problems. Let us show you how our
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32 GJ S/O
My dad always said...
If you cant do it right,
dont do it at all
B IN G ATOR the sweep
that speaks for itself.
-Commercial heavy duty
-Zero entry
-Forward, Neutral, Reverse tractor drives
-Complete ready to install control panel
U.S. Patent #8,770,388 and #9,156,622
Typically, many factors con- To view a video of this Incident In-
E tribute to an incident. However, if vestigation presentation, go to www.
S you have a root cause that is being grainnet.com/IncidentInvestigation
identified frequently, such as not
S wearing personal protective equip- want to look bad. This manifests itself
ment (PPE) or a procedure not in several ways:
I being followed, its something that A reluctance to look for problems.
O needs to be addressed. A lack of desire to report near misses.
If employees generally are un- Defensiveness.
N aware that something is a hazard, Poor incident investigations that
Response No. 341 it could be a training problem or a blame the easiest target and fail to ad-
lack of enforcing rules. Think about dress root causes.
what role you or management can We find the 21% through following
play in preventing a recurrence. Its these methods strictly from the top of
DUST easy to point fingers, but if you look the company to the newest hires:
deep enough, there is almost always Near miss and property damage
a system or managerial component reporting.
to an incident. Hazard reporting.
Employee safety suggestions.
Safety Severity Pyramid Proactive incident reporting.
Take a look at the safety severity Routine plant inspections.
pyramid on page 32. While the worst Safety auditing.
incidents fatalities and serious inju-
ries seem to demand the most atten- Hierarchy of Controls
tion, its also important to investigate The illustration above shows a hierar-
the seemingly less serious incidents: chy of controls once root causes are found
OSHA-recordable and first listed from the most effective at the top
aid injuries. to the least effective at the bottom.
Near misses and property damage. Eliminating the hazard or risk is
Hazards identified. clearly the most effective means of deal-
According to Dekra, a safety ing with the root cause of an incident.
consulting firm, 21% of these The reason the reverse-pyramid hierar-
lower-level incidents more than chy exists however is that realistically,
one in five could have resulted in it isnt always possible to eliminate the
a serious injury or fatality. These hazard. In a few cases, the only means
incidents represent uncontrolled available is the use of PPE, the least ef-
high risk, and part of the mission fective method on the hierarchy.
of root cause analysis is to find ways The idea is to start at the top and go
to bring these back under control. down the list implementing the most ef-
The biggest cultural hurdle fective method that is realistically possible.
Response No. 342
to doing this is that people dont Ed Zdrojewski, editor
34 GJ S/O
Response No. 351
Risk Management
This article is based on a presenta- simply, regulations often are to say that it insures everybody
tion by Steve Simmons, associate vice the road map that indicates from the farm to the table.
president-risk management services, the points on what a facility So, as the Food Safety
Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance, probably should have done, Modernization Act (FSMA)
Des Moines, IA (515-508-3462), given and how it should have been was signed into law in early
at the Opening Workshop,Creating a implemented. January 2011, the company
Food Safety and Quality Management Having such a road map knew already that investments
Plan for a Grain Elevator, at GEAPS or document trail also is a in internal resources would
Exchange 2016, Saturday, Feb. 27, in plaintiff attorneys dream become necessary, in order
Austin, TX. Simmons was one of five come true. to help many of its customer
panelists who gave presentations during While Nationwide Agri- clients negotiate many of the
this opening workshop. business Insurance has been twists and turns brought on by
insuring grain elevators for Steve Simmons the Act and to lessen its impact
Nothing probably generates expo- more than 100 years, it also on business operations.
sure to liability more than a myriad of has been insuring many others up and Since regulations can set the stage for
regulations. Why is that? Well, to put it down the food chain. The company likes liability exposure, which can translate
Filter Media
Explosion Protection
Baghouse Services
Project Management
By utilizing over 40 years of Mac Process air ltration technology, Schenck Process Schenck Process
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supplies a wide range of dust collection products and services to customers throughout
the world. Systems include bag and cartridge lters designed with square, circular or mktg@schenckprocess.com
rectangular housings in either carbon or stainless steel. Our project management team www.macprocessinc.com
will help deliver the ideal system for your specic application needs.
Many facilities also train by con- manner. This could involve complete
ducting mock recalls so that if a real disposal of any unusable product.
P one does occur, the key personnel can If the products in question are stored
N spring into action without faltering. off site in a warehouse, for example,
then rental or leasing costs for such
E Recall Costs Add Up storage will be incurred, until further
U If a recall does occur, a facility will testing and investigation can take place.
find out that the expenses can add up Professionals and a law firm well-
M rather quickly. versed in recall matters also may need
A A facility will have to deal with the to be hired in order to help guide a
media and will require that some type facility through what often can be a
T of communication plan already be in complicated process.
I place to handle the medias thirst for The added travel and overtime for
information effectively and efficiently. personnel are another set of costs that
C Addressing questions like what is the can add up quickly. Depending on the
facility doing to solve the problem, how insurance policy, not all of these costs
did the problem arise, who are the sources may be covered.
C of the commodities, how widespread is Karl Ohm, associate editor
O the problem, and what risks does this
problem pose to the public all are going GEAPS FSMA Webinars
N to cost a facility time and money. To view three GEAPS webinars
V A facility might even face imple- on FSMA at no charge, go to www.
menting some type of public relations grainnet.com/GEAPSFSMA.
E campaign by buying advertising space The Impact of FSMA on the
Y in the print media and air time on the Grain Industry (May 19).
television and radio. Process Improve and Economics
O A facility also could face additional Associated with FSMA Compliance
R shipping costs to collect any of the (May 24).
adulterated products, so that they New Information on FSMA
S Response No. 421
can be taken care of in an appropriate Regulatory Updates (May 28).
42 GJ S/O
Response No. 431
Oxygen Deficiency
Oxygen-deficient atmospheres may to work strenuously or lose SAFETY less than 19.5% oxygen is
exist in any hazardous space regardless coordination when oxygen hazardous.
of whether it is subject to OSHAs Grain levels are between 15% and Joe Mlynek Many safety profession-
Handling Standard 1910.272(g) or Per- 19%. When oxygen levels als agree that entry into any
mit Required Confined Space Standard are between 10% and 12%, hazardous space or other area
1910.146. This article will discuss the respiration increases, lips where oxygen deficiency may
symptoms and common causes of oxy- turn blue, and judgment is exist requires oxygen levels to
gen deficiency and the importance of impaired. Fainting and un- be as close to normal as pos-
atmospheric monitoring when entering consciousness occur when sible. For instance, an atmo-
hazardous spaces. oxygen levels are between 8% spheric level of 20.5%, while
and 10%. Death can occur still acceptable to OSHA,
Oxygen Deficiency within eight minutes, if the signals that there is issue that
The air we breathe contains approxi- oxygen level is between 6% needs to be investigated.
mately 20.9% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 8%. These values may
and smaller quantities of gases such as vary based on several factors including The Cause
argon and carbon dioxide. the persons health, the level of physical A number of factors cause oxygen
The immediate effects of low-oxygen activity, and the environment. deficiency. In general, oxygen deficiency
environments can be traced to the bodys The Occupational Safety and Health occurs when another gas displaces oxy-
oxygen transport system. Blood absorbs Administrations (OSHA) Respiratory gen in a poorly ventilated space. For
oxygen from air in the lungs to fuel the Protection Standard 1910.134 defines example, decomposition of organic
cells in the body. The body organ most oxygen deficiency as an atmosphere _________________________
sensitive to lack of oxygen is the brain. with an oxygen content below 19.5% by
A person immediately will begin to volume. OSHAs Permit Required Con- Safety professionals agree that
feel the health effects associated with fined Space Entry Standard 1910.146
lack of oxygen with decreases of 1% and Grain Handling Standard 1910.272 performing a pre-entry test
to 2%. Healthy individuals are unable also recognize that an atmosphere with alone is not adequate. The
atmosphere in an area where
oxygen deficiency may exist
should be monitored continu-
ally throughout the entry.
material or smoldering grain can con-
sume oxygen within a space. Grain that
is high in moisture or poor in quality
can result in elevated levels of carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide can displace
the oxygen within spaces such as grain
bins, silos, tanks, and even flat storage
buildings. Carbon dioxide is denser than
air. Therefore, it can accumulate in low-
lying areas adjacent to hazardous spaces.
Preventive Measures
A worker cannot see, taste, or even
smell an oxygen deficient atmosphere.
Response No. 441
44 GJ S/O
The only way to identify oxygen defi- Dec. 12, 2007.
ciency is to test the air with a calibrated A worker cannot see, taste, or Nolte, Jim, Wisconsin Agribusiness
atmospheric monitor. Association. High Moisture New Crop
According to OSHA, calibration even smell an oxygen-deficient Corn Has Potential to Generate Low
refers to an instruments measuring Oxygen and High Carbon Dioxide Lev-
accuracy relative to a known traceable
atmosphere. The only way to els in Boot Pits, Bins and Basements.
concentration of test gas. Atmospheric identify oxygen-deficiency is to
monitors must be calibrated according Joe Mlynek is president and safety and
to the manufacturer. Keep in mind that test the air with a calibrated loss control consultant for Progressive Safety
calibration gases have an expiration date. Services LLC, Gates Mills, OH, 216-403-
Calibration gases that have expired atmospheric monitor. 9669, and content creation expert for
should be replaced immediately. _________________________ Safety Made Simple, Olathe, KS.
Bump tests. In addition to calibra-
tion, a bump testshould be performed
prior to each use. According to OSHA, a
bump test is a qualitative function check,
in which a challenge gas is passed over the
sensor(s) at a concentration and exposure
time sufficient to activate all alarm settings.
The purpose of this check is to confirm
that gas can get to the sensor(s) and that
all the instruments alarms are functional.
Customer Service Is Always FIRST!
The bump test does not provide a measure
of the instruments accuracy.
Both the Permit Required Confined
Space (1910.146) and Grain Handling Air Glide-Air-Supported
(1910.272(g)) standards require at- Belt Conveyors
mospheric testing prior to entry into
hazardous spaces. Safety professionals
agree that performing a pre-entry test
alone is not adequate. The atmosphere
in an area where oxygen deficiency may
exist should be monitored continually
throughout the entry. Atmospheres Chain Breakers
within hazardous spaces can change
rapidly. Therefore, monitoring the
atmosphere continually during entry
is a critical to ensure employee safety.
Conclusions. Both OSHA and safety
professionals recognize that oxygen-
deficient atmospheres may be present
in hazardous spaces defined in OSHAs Bucket Elevators
Grain Handling and Permit Required
Confined Space Standard. It can be easy
Heavy Duty/High Capacity
to overlook the potential for oxygen
deficiency based on past experience.
Safety leaders must be consistent in
their approach and err on the side of
caution. Implementing pre-entry and
continuous atmospheric monitoring can
be the difference between life and death. Call Us For Your Spare Parts/Shut Down Needs
Speed Orders Welcome
Pearce, Nancy. Oxygen Deficient
Environments in Confined Spaces.
Web blog post, nfpa.org, NFPA Today, 316-201-3158 Wichita, KS
Nov. 13, 2012.
Naranjo, Edward. Oxygen Defi- www.bulkconveyorsinc.us
ciency: The Silent Killer. EHS Today,
Response No. 451
S/O GJ 45
Harvest Safety Quiz
D d&
1. Common hazards present during harvest 4D
include: shut down when using compressed air to clean inside of a
W ^
d. All of the above
2. The following equipment should be
a. Leg bearings
engulfment hazards.
d. All of the above
3. W 9._____ The red zone is the area within arms length of a vehicle or
the driver &
b. Allow adequate clearance
d. Both A and B Prepared by Progressive Safety Services Answers on p. 142
The interaction between TECHNICALLY Grain/Maxitronic, Loveland, a cable greatly and, thus, the bin roof.
steel bin roofs and grain tem- SPEAKING OH, adds: Type of grain and moisture level will
perature monitoring cables Temperature detection ca- have a significant impact on roof forces,
Wayne Bauer
can have a major impact on bles always should be anchored says Darwin Winkowitsch, president
roof design. Ryan Michalek, to the bin floor before bin fill- of Tri States Grain Conditioning Inc.,
risk management property ing to prevent cable drifting, Spirit Lake, IA. For example, corn at
engineer, Nationwide Insur- false readings, to reduce roof 13% moisture will exert more force
ance, Des Moines, IA, shared loading, and to improve cable against cables than 18% moisture corn,
these thoughts on tempera- life expectancy greatly. because the drier corn that contains less
ture cables: moisture can compact more tightly.
Temperature cables cre- Factors Affecting Drag Force In fact, anything that causes grain
ate a significant drag force You typically will see nine to compact will increase forces against
downward on the bin roof. to 11 temperature cables in cables and, in turn, the roof. If a bin
When performing a load a 60-foot-diameter bin and is located next to a rail line, the vibra-
tally, it is far more important to account 24 temperature cables in a standard tion from passing trains will cause more
for this drag force than the weight of the 105-foot-diameter bin. The static load compaction, Winkowitsch notes.
temperature cables. Consult manufac- force may approach 10 to 12 pounds Every bin is a little bit different in
turer literature to quantify this drag force per foot of cable length. design, he adds. We really rely on
for use in load tallies. The dynamic and static loads that a what the manufacturer recommends.
Never use weights to stabilize the cable adds to a roof is a function of the Nylon jacket cables are significantly
temperature cables, as this practice in- cable length, jacket hardness or slipperi- harder than vinyl jackets by a factor of
creases downward drag forces to unac- ness, cable location, type of grain, cleanli- about 2.5. That means nylon cables
ceptable levels, and always utilize the ness of the grain, and moisture content will shed grain more easily, and there
grain bin manufacturers cable support of the grain. High-capacity filling and is significantly less load on the silo roof.
bracket to attach temperature cables. unloading also will increase the loads on A side benefit is that nylon is more
Rodney Carpenter, PE, senior
partner, at Clear Creek & Associates Approximate temperature cable placement for
Inc., Goshen, IN, shares his thoughts
on temperature cables: steel tanks ranging from 20 to 90 feet in diameter
Always place the temperature cables
where the manufacturer of the roof has
designated to attach them. The actual
design load always has been in ques-
tion by the industry, because the cable
manufacturers have not generated load
testing of their cables. We go back to the
research that was done over 30 years ago.
In general, the loads on the cable
are greater as the bins get taller. We
would expect to see loads on farm bins
of about 800 to 1,000 pounds per ca-
ble. In tall commercial bins, we would
expect to see at least 2,000 pounds per
cable and some closer to 2,500 pounds.
In the tall commercial bins, we recom-
mend using nylon cables, because they
are less likely to have a coating failure
from exposure to high heat.
Scott Chant, president of Safe- Illustrations courtesy of Boone Cable Works & Electronics, Inc.
48 GJ S/O
durable. Nylon always is recommended It is never appropriate to use cable number of cables depending on diameter.
for rice and other abrasive commodities weights to stabilize the temperature For example, he says, a 90-foot
especially in tropical climates. Cable cable in corrugated steel tanks. Cables diameter tank typically is designed to
strength and jacket material selections should never be knotted or shortened by have 18 temperature cables. On an
should be guided by the factors described doubling them up at the bottom. Cables older bin, you may have to reduce the
earlier, as well as the frequency of bin should only be attached to the floor of number of cables, maybe to six. That
or silo filling and unloading. the bin via a fusible tether that is strong may just give you a quick snapshot of
We also are seeing more use of ex- enough to hold the cable in place during the condition of the grain, but a little
ternal roof temperature detection cable the fill process but weak enough to break data is better than none.
access/service ports and external roof when lateral loads are applied, or when
conduits to avoid confined space bin it is engaged by the sweep unloader. A Summary
entry after the bin is in service. monofilament line of only 110 to 120 Howell at Boone offers these recom-
Using some of the information sup- pounds works quite well for this purpose. mendations as summary:
plied by Scott Chant, I calculated the History has taught us that our 1. Check with the manufacturer to be
type of roof loads a person might see 2,000-pound tensile strength cable can sure that the roof of the storage structure
from the temperature cables alone. be used in most any commodity and, has been prepped properly and fitted with
The static loads easily can approach under most conditions, up to about all necessary factory stiffeners and attach-
10,000 to 11,000 pounds per bin when 51 feet of grain depth without failing. ments in order to accept temperature cables.
using 11 temperature cables in a 60-foot- Cables with a 4,200-pound tensile 2. Use only commercially-produced
diameter bin or 23,000 to 26,000 pounds strength can be used up to about 87 temperature cables that have been sized
when using 24 temperature cables in a feet, and our 7,000-pound cable can properly and designed for the storage
105-foot-diameter bin. So that is five to go to 128 feet in grain depth. structures where they will be used.
12 tons as a result of the static loads from Dustin Paloranta, vice president 3. Follow all installation instructions
temperature cables alone. of Extron, Plymouth, MN, notes that provided by the bin manufacturer and
Always install temperature cables retrofitting older steel bins that havent the cable manufacturer (quantity, place-
based on the bin manufacturers require- had temperature cables before presents ment, and attachment) when installing
ments. Dont attach cables to roofs where a special challenge to tank operators. the temperature cables.
they should not be connected. If the tank has never had cables, 4. Observe the use of good loading and
youll need to consult with the manu- unloading practices to ensure that even
Operating Practices facturer or an outside engineering firm tension loads are applied to the entire roof.
Rick Howell, project coordinator with to help determine whether the roof has 5. Use caution when unloading
Boone Cable Works & Electronics, Boone, the strength to support cables, he says. grain that is bridge, frozen, crusted, or
IA, asserts that cable installation and man- Be sure to inspect the bin roof visually otherwise in suspect condition.
agement practices have more impact on roof for rust or other signs of age-related Wayne Bauer is retired from Star of the
longevity than any given roof load number. damage over time. West Milling Co., Frankenmuth, MI, and
Freezing of the grain mass was a popular Paloranta adds that modern tanks performs emergency services rescue training
practice for a time by some managers. This are designed to accommodate a specific around the country.
practice can be disastrous to temperature
cables due to uneven and extreme forces.
Cable manufacturers rely heavily on
bin manufacturers to supply informa- Our focus begins with
tion on the quantity and placement of site selection, future expansion, geotechnical engineering, civil design and site work.
cables that are to be supported by their
roof systems. We also insist upon utiliz-
ing hanging supports designed by the
bin manufacturers themselves for their
specific load distribution requirements.
Under normal operations, all tem-
perature cables within a bin are exerting
a similar and equal load on all parts of
the roof. Problems can occur when the
loads become unequal or concentrated
only on one section or side.
Bridged grain or unequal loading
and unloading through the use of in-
dividual slide gates and sidedraws can
unbalance these loads. Also, extremely
fast unloading, even if it is evenly ap- www.MarcusConstruction.com
plied, can damage both cables and roofs.
Response No. 491
S/O GJ 49
Harvest Safety Checklist
As you work through the harvest Trafc SAFETY You also may want to stock up
season, now is the time to address Make sure that traffic on brooms and shovels. These
the small issues that can turn into big INSIGHTS are inexpensive yet essential
directions are marked clearly.
problems. Although most of the people Lynn Larsen items. Make sure that you have
Here are some ideas for a two-min- you will be working with have non-ferrous, non-sparking tools
ute safety talk to keep people focused grown up around elevators, and scoop shovels.
on getting the job done safely. there is always the new person
who doesnt know (and is hesi- Lubrication
Magnets tant to ask) where to stage the Increased harvest traffic
Check magnets and receiving pit truck and how to get through means that equipment will
grating, if you have them. Receiving the sampling station. need to be lubricated more
more loads means more tramp metal frequently. You may have to
showing up, so look at the grating and Smoking Policy increase oiling and replenish
magnets more frequently. Be sure that your smoking the oil bath drip pans for
policy is displayed promi- chain drives.
Lighting nently. Do you allow truckers to use the
With longer hours and working into break area? Is there a designated smoking Machine Guarding
the night be sure that your lighting is ad- area? Is smoking totally prohibited? Speaking of drives, make sure that
equate.This means inside the elevator and guards are in place on drive belts, chains,
around the elevator yard. Make sure that Housekeeping and nip points. Resist the temptation to
common walkways are well lit, and check Keep up on a cleaning schedule. procrastinate. Be sure to finish the job
for blind spots in pedestrian traffic. With Keeping dust down helps ensure that there by making sure that the guards are on
the newer solar-powered LED lights that isnt enough fuel for a fire or explosion. and secured.
are equipped with motion detectors, you Your housekeeping schedule will have to
can improve lighting in outlying areas. Be be adjusted to meet the increased traffic. Tools
sure that any lighting inside the elevator is Think about out-of-the-way areas where Do you have the right tools on hand
approved for Class II, G locations. equipment operates only during harvest. to address a breakdown? A wise millwright
told me to never buy just one sheer pin. Do
you have what you need in the storeroom?
Dust Collection
ENGINEERING, PLANNING & DESIGN SERVICES Check on the dust collection system.
Are the pickup points for dust collection
adjusted, and are the blast gates properly
set? Look for wear on the ductwork, and
patch or repair as needed.
Do you have enough dust masks,
work gloves, and hardhat liners? How
about flashlights and batteries? Are your
fire extinguishers charged, and are they
hung in the correct place?
Keep your eyes open, think things
Civil Electrical Mechanical Structural General Arrangement through, and finish off harvest without
Master Planning Industrial Architecture Rail Design injuries.
Lynn Larsen is president of Safety
763.559.9100 www.vaaeng.com Solutions Inc., a safety consulting firm in
Knoxville, TN; 701-261-9587.
Response No. 501
50 GJ S/O
Response No. 511
Bring It Down To Basics
Organizations of all sizes are increas- what IT professionals call a network- this means needing to SECURITY
ing their dependency on technology and enabled organization (NEO). make heads or tails of Curtis Haugen
electronic transactions moving toward For enterprise security practitioners, all the solutions in the
market and ultimately
stitching a bunch of
them into an effective
set of meaningful and
understandable security
expanded, so too has
the dense vocabulary of
CO S ill-defined terms, buzz-
words, acronyms, and jargon that even
many IT professionals have difficulty
TEMPORARY STORAGE Making an effort to use language
GSI Temporary Storage Systems offer a quick, that brings the topic down to basics is
how all team members can understand
\RXFDQKDQGOHXSWRPLOOLRQEXVKHOVRUPRUH what they are being asked to do, why
theyre being asked, and how they can
WALL PANELS accomplish the task most effectively.
VWHHOZDOOVKHHWLQJDQGVXSSRUWVDUH Here are some suggestions that might
Encourage your IT team members
to take the time to learn and experience
SLSHWRWDLURZUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHGXUDEOH the unique aspects of your operation, be-
GHVLJQLQWHQGHGIRUPXOWLSOH\HDUXVH fore they write policies and procedures.
ZDOOWXEHZLWKDVPRRWKLQQHUZDOOZKLFK corporate terms into your IT operating
SURPRWHVPD[LPXPDLURZ procedures and policies that are relevant
TARPS to your operation.
:HRIIHUDIXOOOLQHRIWDUSVWRHQVXUH\RXU Make sure that your employees know
JUDLQLVSURWHFWHG2XULQWHJUDWHGLQWHUQDO that no question is inappropriate when
VWUDSSLQJV\VWHPDQG9HOFURUDLQDSZLWK working with your IT team members.
Ensure that your IT team members
recognize that all initial and subsequent
training must be presented at the ap-
propriate skill levels for your employees.
If newly introduced processes or
STORAGE + CONDITIONING + MATERIAL HANDLING + STRUCTURES operations necessitate the use of new
terminology, ensure that all employees
are given time to learn the new terms
PROVEN & DEPENDABLE before changes are made.
Curtis M. Haugen is CEO and op-
2016 AGCO Corporation. GSI is a worldwide brand of AGCO.
erations director for SCuro Group, LLC,
Middleton, WI; 608-354-6082.
Response No. 521
52 GJ S/O
Tall orders
Nextteq, LLC Industrial Scientific Corp. www.centralse.com
www.indsci.com Single and Multi-Gas
NEW! Gastec Sulfuryl Fluoride Detection Instruments
Gas Detecting and Full service maintenance and
Measurement System Monitoring Equipment calibration.
Measures Sulfuryl Fluoride from
1 to 6 gas IP65 (Class II pending) Rapid turnaround on calibrations.
monitoring including CO2 capability/ Wide range of instruments.
Sample time is only 6 minutes.
confined space, hot work ready.
Does not get hot or smoke like other
Durable, concussion-proof over- mold
competitive Sulfuryl Fluoride detector
easy to use.
Five-way navigation button.
No hazardous shipping requirements.
Full-color graphic LCD display.
Distinct color change for more reliable
25 sensor options.
24-hour or 36-hour (optional) run-
Utilizes the Gastec Pump, Sulfuryl
time with lithium-ion batteries.
Fluoride Detector Tube, and Pyrotec
Dockable automates calibration,
recordkeeping, diagnostics and
Play the Hunt
Find the 3
in the Product Service/Directory and win a $100 Debit Card
See p. 180 for details Response No. 563 See ad on p. 11
56 GJ S/O
Gas Bulk Grain
Detection Rescue Tubes
800-821-5578 (MO)
800-821-5578 (MO)
800-835-0226 (KS)
800-835-0226 (KS)
855-254-6611 (NE)
855-254-6611 (NE) www.milleleva-
www.millelevatorsupply.com KC Supply Co. torsupply.com
Honeywell Multipro 800-527-8775 www.kcsupply.com
Liberty Rescue Tube
Honewell Microclip Engulfment Rescue Devices Innovative approach to help first re-
Easy to use models that can detect up Two styles available. sponders extract partially entrapped
to six different gases. Durable yet lightweight aluminum. victims in grain.
Fast and easy calibration services avail- No driver or tools required. Constructed of four sections that can
able. Internal steps allow 1st Responder to be maneuvered easily into place.
Docking stations available for ease of assist victim. A patented unit driver prevents dam-
use. age to the patented interlocking units,
as they are forced into the grain.
Support handle placed inside the tube
can aid the victim.
Tube training is available.
Portagas Cylinders
Long shelf life.
Full line of calibration gases. Response No. 573 See ad on p. 19
Featuring a green sustainable cylinder.
No worries about disposal using
the Strip and Ship cylinder return
Economical. Play the Scavenger
Find the
Response No. 572 See ad on p. 81
in the Product Service/Directory
and win a $100 Debit Card
See p. 180 for details
Response No. 571 See ad on p. 19
S/O GJ 57
Rotary Level Indicator
V Fail-safe
E Detection for
Bins, Silos,
L Hoppers
and Other
I Sensitivity Adjustment for Heavy or The Industrial Fumigant 800-527-8775
Light Materials
Company, LLC www.kcsupply.com
Adjustable Timer
800-477-4432 Respirators
D Vertical Extensions up to 14 Feet www.indfumco.com All-in-one phosphine/
I CSA Class II, Div. 1 Groups E, F ammonia P100 canister.
& G Approved for Hazardous Dust Respiratory Protection Respirators available:
C Environments Equipment - Airstream powered air helmet.
Draeger and MSA product lines. - Cartridge.
A BETTER BY DESIGN Industrial SCBAs. - Canister.
T Gas masks, respirators. - Disposable.
4B Components Ltd. Cartridges and canisters. - Half-mask.
O Morton, IL Dust masks. - Full-face mask.
R www.go4b.com/usa - Low maintenance.
Draeger X-plore 2100 - SCBA.
S Particulate Half Mask N95, R95, and P100 rated res-
Response No. 581 pirators.
Fit test kits.
3M, Draeger, Moldex, and MSA
View free webinars at
Response No. 582 www.geapswebinarseries.com
58 GJ S/O
Respirators D
800-821-5578 (MO) 866-723-3637 O
800-835-0226 (KS) www.centralse.com
855-254-6611 (NE) L
www.millelevatorsupply.com Respiratory Products L
Disposable dust masks.
Survivair Opti-Fit APR Full or half mask with a wide E
(NIOSH) range of cartridges.
Sizes small, medium, large. Full-face respirators with canisters
Material silicone. to protect from hazardous gases T
Lens high-resistant polycarbon- such as phosphine.
ate. Self-contained breathing apparatus. I
Cartridge connection type S- Representing Drager MSA, 3M,
Series and T-Series available. Moldex, and more.
Head harness 5-pt. strap or black Fit testing kits and fit testing N
industrial mesh headnet. services available.
The Survivair Opt-Fit Full Face
Response No. 593
APR respirator pro-
vides optimum fit,
comfort, and superior
optics. Available in
5-pt strap or industrial
mesh headnet.
Moldex 2200N95
100% PVC-Free .
Available in three sizes to fit
more workers and increase
OSHA compliance.
Dura-Mesh shell resists collapsing
in heat and humidity.
Molded nose bridge seals easily
without a metal noseband.
Facepiece is naturally contoured
without pressure points.
Straps are securely attached so
they dont break at the seal.
Softspun lining for increased
comfort and durability.
Soft foam nose cushion for
added comfort.
Meets heat and flame Response No. 592 See ad on p. 11
resistance in accor-
dance with ANSI/
ISEA 110-2003
Section 7.11.1.
Response No. 594
Response No. 591 See ad on p. 19
S/O GJ 59
Confined Space Entry Explosion Venting/
Extinguishing System
Two detectors must confirm
an event to trigger activation.
Separate explosion protection zones
for the elevator head and boot.
Harness with Integral Seat Deflagration isolation on elevator
DBI Manual Tripod inlet chutes, discharge chute, and
Ultimate comfort for suspension
Constructed from aluminum but dust extraction lines prevent flame
durable enough to withstand up to propagation to other areas of the
Adjustable Saddle Height.
5,000 lbs. of vertical pull. facility.
Removable Saddle.
Quick-mount mounting plate for
attachment of a winch or SRL.
60 GJ S/O
Inspection Doors M
800-821-5578 (MO) 800-527-8775 T
800-835-0226 (KS) www.kcsupply.com
855-254-6611 (NE) S
www.millelevatorsupply.com Inspection Doors
Allows quick inspection of bins,
Quick Access Inspection conveyors, hoppers, legs, silos,
Door spouting, tanks and more.
Ideal for legs, conveyors and No tools required to open.
spouting. Low maintenance.
Stocked in 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, Easy to install.
24, and 30 in. sizes. Lockable latch prevents unauthor-
Rubber gasket for dust containment. ized access.
Stainless steel also available. Dust and water tight gaskets.
Non-pressure and pressure-rated.
Contoured door available for
Knappcos largest stocking dis- Response No. 613
Tank Hatch
Simplicity design makes cover
dependable and easy to maintain.
Base available in bolted or weld Y
HA Series unit relieves pressure at S
1.5 oz., and vacuum at .5 oz./sq.in.
S/O GJ 61
Safety Services
Safety Equipment www.safetymadesimple.com
Full line of safety supplies and per-
sonnal protective equipment. Online Training for
On-site training and support for all Grain Industry
products sold and distributed. Short and to the point, 12-15 minute
Respirator training. programs.
Respirator fit testing quantitative. Access to over 70 courses.
Gas monitor operations training Presented in English and a Mexican
confined space and fumigations speak dialect of Spanish.
monitoring. Complete tracking and training.
Maintenance and repair of monitors. Scenario based training.
Calibration of gas detection monitors We talk in simple, industry speak.
confined space monitor, fumiga- Low bandwidth, access training from
tion monitoring equipment. virtually any location.
Old unit evaluations for repair. Simple training, simple to access,
Chemical/fumigant training and and simple to do.
handling. Content is developed by Joe Mlynek,
State recertification classes for certi- who has over 15 years of safety experi-
fied applicator license renewal. ence in the grain handling industry.
Response No. 622 See ad on p. 161 Response No. 623 See ad on p. 161
technology to create an overhead air Electrical preventive maintenance. Pre-formed to any diameter
Quick installation
barrier. Solar energy design and installation.
Comply with OSHA regulations Energy savings financing.
Pay for your investment in one LED lighting retrofitting.
year. Power back-up UPS.
Call today
for your custom quote!
Play the Scavenger
Find the
Response No. 632 See ad on p. 86
in the Product Service/Directory MALJOHN PLASTICS COMPANY LIMITED
and win a $100 Debit Card www.maljohn.com
email: maljohn@maljohn.com
See p. 180 for details Fax: 905.692.3349
64 GJ S/O
Northern Star III
S/O GJ 65
to drink much of it. me in and told me to be quick about it.
OK, just so we have an understanding. He came to the door with a shot- He was drunk, several sheets to the wind
Red moved off toward the other end more than I am now. Ben brewed his
of the bar, and Gil turned back to Gary. gun in his hands and told me to go own beer, though he never let me try it.
Gary was struggling to make himself away, or hed put one between my Stick to the subject, Gil said.
sober, without a lot of success. OK, Right. He said if I werent his brother,
he said. Some years ago, back when eyebrows. I told him he wouldnt I might end up like the last visitor. It was
your merchandiser, Kate, was still in Kate. I guess she came around selling
high school, she supposedly went over shoot his brother. magazine subscriptions or something,
to Bens farm, and he raped her. _________________________ and he was so annoyed that he dragged
Gil paused to let that sink in. Where her inside and raped her then and there.
did you hear that, and why should I sources up here, since all of the family is Then he stuffed her in his pickup and
believe you? here except Kenny, and Bob heads up a dropped her off in a cornfield a few miles
I dont have any way to make you be- potentially competitive business, Gary away. It was almost like he was bragging
lieve me. I mean, you still dont believe me related. So I heard this rumor, and it about it. So I left in disgust. Maybe he
about your stored rye, Gary said. But I was so alarming, that I actually drove up was just trying to get rid of me.
got it from the best possible source...Ben. here to confront Ben about it. So why didnt you go to the police?
Why would Ben tell you something And he even let you in the house? Gil asked.
like that? Gil asked. Believe me, I considered it, Gary
How should I know? Gary re- Not at first, Gary continued. But I replied. But you know how it is. Blood
sponded. Maybe he figured that he kept pounding on the door, and I know is thicker than water. Hes family.
was such a recluse that no one would he recognized my voice, so he came to Some family, Gil commented. So
bother him about it. the door with a shotgun in his hands you didnt tell anyone else? Not even Bob?
How did he come to tell you that? and told me to go away, or hed put one He would have done the right thing.
Gil asked. between my eyebrows. I told him he Bob and I arent speaking, Gary
At first, it was just a rumor. I live in wouldnt shoot his brother. said. Have you forgotten?
Storm Lake, but I do keep a couple of So he finally opened the door and let Ed Zdrojewski, editor
E Response No. 661 Response No. 662
66 GJ S/O
Builders of value...Builders of trust
Younglove was
selected by global
agribusiness leader
Louis Dreyfus
Company as the
design-builder for an
800,000-bushel barge
loading facility in
West Memphis,
Arkansas, along the
Mississippi River.
The facility consists
of a four-pack of
concrete silos and one
steel annex tank.
Features include:
Receiving at 60,000
bushels per hour via
4 truck pits
enclosed with a
slipform concrete
Shipping at 60,000
bushels per hour via enclosed belt conveyors and a electrical engineering, general construction, construc-
2,900-foot-long open belt conveyor to the river tion management, slipform concrete, and equipment
Drying at 12,000 bushels per hour via a 12K installation. This maintenance-friendly facility is an
Zimmerman tower dryer example of Youngloves craftsmanship and attention
to detail and how we build foundations of value, trust,
Younglove is pleased to have provided site develop- and quality into every project.
ment, process engineering, structural engineering,
Founded: 2013
Storage capacity: 2.1 million bush-
els at one location
Annual volume: 17 million bushels
Number of employees: 5
Crops handled: Hard red winter,
soft white, dark northern spring,
club wheat
Services: Grain handling and mer-
Key personnel:
Brad Wiley, superintendent
Russ Felker, plant operator
Zan Brady, plant operator
Dane Paulson, plant operator The new 2.1-million-bushel Highline Grain LLC rail terminal just off Interstate 90 near Cheney,
Josh St. John, plant operator WA was built by a consortium of four grain handling companies in eastern Washington. Photo
Supplier List by Scott Kangas, Mill Plain Electric.
Aeration fans/flooring ...AIRLANCO,
North American Equipment Co,
Batch/overhead truck scale ... C&A t one time just a few years ago, grain
Scales shippers in eastern Washington could
Bearing/belt alignment sensors ...... co-load a unit train between two or
Rolfes@Boone more locations, then combine into a single
Bin sweeps ............ Springland Mfg.
Bucket elevators ..........Schlagel Inc.
train for transport to the Pacific Northwest
Bulk weigh scale .......Meier Sales & export terminals or elsewhere. However, car-
Engineering Inc. riers such as the Burlington Northern Santa
Bulk weigh controls ........... Cultura Fe (BNSF) prefer not to do that.
Technologies LLC, C&A Scales The BNSF wanted us to build our own
Catwalks ..........Vigen Construction
Control system... Hope Electric Inc.
assets, says Brad Wiley, superintendent of
the new Highline Grain LLC terminal near Terminal Superintendent Brad Wiley (left) and
Conveyors (belt)....Hi Roller Conveyors COO Keith Bailey. Photo by Ed Zdrojewski.
Conveyors (drag) ........Schlagel Inc.
Design builder...Vigen Construction Level indicators......... Siemens, Monitor Technologies LLC Cheney, WA. You get a better freight rate
Dockage tester ..............Carter Day Moisture meters... DICKEY-John Corp., Perten Instruments for loading a shuttle train.
International Motion sensors...........................Process Control Systems Inc.
Dust collection system ...Bhler Inc. Project development consultants . Land OLakes, Strategic
Wiley joined Highline a year ago after
Dust system fans ..Twin City Fans, Pesco Asset Management holding positions in the region with Cargill
Electrical contractor........Mill Plain Rail construction .................Railworks Track Systems, Inc. Inc. and Mid Columbia Producers Inc.
Electric Rail design ....................................HDR Engineering, Inc.
Elevator buckets ............Tapco Inc. Railcar gate opener .................................... Calbrandt Inc. Support tower .............................................. Warrior Mfg.
Engineering ....................VAA LLC Sampler.........................................................InterSystems Truck probe .................................................. InterSystems
Fall protection .........Fall Protection Spouting/valves ............ LeMar Industries, S-M Enterprises Truck RFID ...............................Kahler Automation Corp.
Systems Corp. Steel storage ...................... SCAFCO Grain Systems Corp. Truck scale .............................Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Gates .....................Tom-Cin Metals Steel tank erection ................... Wieber Steel Construction Truss bridge ................................................. Warrior Mfg.
68 GJ S/O
Highline Grain hasnt been around that Permitting delays held things up for part
much longer, having been formed in 2014 of the process, so the terminal was a little
as a consortium of four grain handlers for under a month from completion, when
the purpose of building and operating a Grain Journal visited late in June 2016.
new rail terminal for eastern Washington: Nevertheless, by that point, the facility
Central Washington Grain Grow- was already receiving grain and had loaded
ers, Waterville, WA. 10 shuttle trains and unloaded two shuttles.
Davenport Union Warehouse, Grain Storage
Davenport, WA. Upright storage at Cheney in-
Ag Ventures LLC, Harrington, WA. cludes a slipform concrete eight pack
After pooling their resources, the con- of 108,000-bushel silows with a
sortium members erected a 2.1-million- 550,000-bushel slipform tank plus four in-
bushel slipform concrete and steel rail terstice and three concrete overhead bins.
terminal at a site within view of Interstate It also includes a single 557,000-bushel
90 west of Spokane. The terminal is on the Scafco corrugated steel tank.
Eastern Washington Gateway Railroad, a The big tank in the concrete house
short-line with connections to the BNSF. is 80 feet in diameter and 140 feet tall.
The terminal was built for an undisclosed The flat bottom tank is equipped with
sum by Vigen Construction Inc., East a 16-inch Springland sweep auger and
Grand Forks, MN (218-773-1159). four AIRLANCO 40-hp centrifugal
We interviewed four companies and fans delivering 1/7 cfm per bushel of
did site visits to their projects, says COO aeration through in-floor ducting.
Keith Bailey, who started with Odessa Wiley notes that these tanks, as well
Union Warehouse in 1998 and stayed as all of the others at Cheney, are outfit-
Two Schlagel receiving legs rated at 40,000 when it became part of Ag Ventures. ted with Monitor Technologies high-
and 20,000 bph, respectively. Photo cour- Vigen emerged as the choice for us. level indicators and Siemens radar level
tesy of Vigen Construction Inc. Construction began in November 2014. measurement sensors, but none have
100 TON
1994 2004
stationary car.
West Memphis
Founded: 1851
2015 net sales: $55.7 billion
2015 volume: 81 million tons
Asset network: 300+ processing and
logistics assets globally
Number of employees: 22,000
Platforms: Oilseeds, grains, rice,
freight, finance, coffee, cotton, sugar,
juice, dairy, fertilizers and inputs,
Kelly Walker, office administrator arge-loading terminals usually are built
as close to the river bank as feasible.
Supplier List
Aeration fans............. AIRLANCO, Limiting the distance from the elevator
Chief Agri to the loadout spout also can minimize costs
Bearing sensors ..... CMC Industrial and potential damage to grain.
Electronics Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) took a
Bin sweep..............GSI Group LLC
different approach when building its new
Bucket elevators ..........InterSystems
Catwalks ............Warrior Mfg. LLC 800,000-bushel river terminal on the Mis-
Contractor/millwright..... Younglove sissippi River in West Memphis, AR (870-
Construction L.L.C. 394-7454).
Control system.. CompuWeigh Corp. The slipform concrete and steel facility
Conveyors ...................InterSystems
is actually a little over half a mile from the
Distributor..................InterSystems Plant Superintendent Shane Martin
Dust collection system ...... Imperial west bank of the Mississippi, on the west side
Systems of the river levee. The elevator is connected This offers a number of advantages over
Elevator buckets .......Maxi-Lift Inc. to the barge-loading station via an overhead building right next to the river. For one thing,
Grain dryer ....... Zimmerman Grain 60,000-bph covered belt conveyor running having a levee between the elevator and the
2,900 feet out to the waters edge. river helps prevent flooding the facility, when
Grain temperature system ....Rolfes@
Boone the Mississippi periodically overflows its banks.
Leg belting ..Goodyear Conveyor Belting Motion sensors ...................... CMC Industrial Electronics But perhaps more importantly, says Plant
Level indicators ...BinMaster, Siemens Steel storage ..................................................... Chief Agri
Loadout spout ... Premier Fabrication Surge tank ........................................... Warrior Mfg. LLC
Superintendent Shane Martin, is the location
Moisture meter ....... DICKEY-john Tower support system .......................... Warrior Mfg. LLC on the west side of the levee will allow LDC
Corp. Truck scales........................... Rice Lake Weighing Systems to bring in rail service, which is not possible
72 GJ S/O
in West Memphis between the levee and
the river. (The Burlington Northern
Santa Fe Railway serves West Memphis.)
Thats something our competitors
arent able to do, says Martin, who
came to LDC in 2015 after being part
of the management team at an ADM
export terminal in Ama, LA.
Its a big change from when I worked
at Ama, Martin commented when
Grain Journal visited in mid-August.
Flexible Design
The West Memphis facility,which
was slated to begin receiving grain Sept.
1, is much smaller than Ama, of course,
but it also has a different function as a
delivery point for crops grown around
the mid-Delta region.
Martin says the new terminal is
similar in design to a river terminal
LDC constructed four years ago at InterSystems 60,000-bph shipping leg
Rosedale, MS. Were a little bigger, deposits grain onto an overhead 60,000-
bph covered belt conveyor out to the river.
New 12,000-bph Zimmerman continuous-
flow tower dryer, the largest that manu- a little faster, and have more options
facturer makes, is serviced by 15,000-bph available, he says.
InterSystems wet and dry legs. Well be able to handle anything
down red
arrow stop
Terminal Description
The four main slipform concrete
tanks stand 32 feet in diameter and
140 feet tall. They are outfitted with
45-degree steel hopper bottoms elimi-
nating the need for workers to enter the
tanks to empty them. All are equipped
with BinMaster capacitance probe level
The two dry-grain storage tanks
are outfitted with three-cable Rolfes@
Boone grain temperature monitoring
systems. Each tank has a 50-hp AIR-
LANCO centrifugal fan with silencer
that provides 1/7 cfm per bushel of
aeration with the assistance two 2-hp
roof exhausters.
The two wet tanks have no tempera-
ture monitoring or aeration, since the
grain they hold will proceed directly
to the dryer.
The Chief tanks stands 90 feet in diam-
eter, 88 feet tall at the eave, and 114 feet
tall at the peak. The flat bottom tank has
outside stiffeners, a 16-inch GSI Series II
sweep auger, 18-cable Rolfes@Boone grain
temperature monitoring system, and Bin-
Master capacitance probe level monitors.
A set of four 40-hp Caldwell centrifugal
fans provide 1/10 cfm per bushel of aera-
tion through in-floor ducting.
Response No. 741
74 GJ S/O
Routing This leg drops grain onto an overhead mounted over the water on an 18-foot-x-
LDC currently is originating most Continental Conveyor 60,000-bph 18-foot-x-80-foot Warrior stair tower. A
of the grain coming to West Memphis covered (but not enclosed) belt conveyor separate Premier Fabrication tower sup-
locally. Grain trucks are routed through running 2,900 feet, more than half a mile, ports a Premier 60,000-bph telescoping.
the facility by a CompuWeigh Smart- out to the river. The conveyor is enclosed steering, and lifting spout that delivers
Truck automated system using RFID in a 10-foot Warrior box bridge, which that grain to the barges.
scanners, digital display boards, and includes a 250-foot clear span section Everything went pretty smoothly,
an automatic scale ticket printer next over the top of the levee as required by Martin reports. The high water we had
to the outbound truck scale. the Army Corps of Engineers. on the Mississippi in December 2015
Incoming trucks are sampled with At the riverside, up to two barges actually helped us by making it easier
one of two InterSystems truck probes can dock at dolphin-style moorings. to set the bridges.
then routed onto one of two 110-foot The shipping belt deposits grain into a
Rice Lake pitless inbound scales adjacent 4,000-bushel Warrior/Micada surge bin Ed Zdrojewski, editor
to the facility office building. Inside
the building, samples are tested with a
DICKEY-john moisture meter, Carter-
Day dockage tester, and Charm Systems
mycotoxin strips.
From there, the SmartTruck system
automatically routes trucks to one of
four 1,000-bushel enclosed mechanical
receiving pits in a two-story 50-foot-x-
100-foot slipform concrete structure.
Two of the pits feed 20,000-bushel
InterSystems receiving legs. The other
two pits feed directly to the shipping leg.
The receiving legs are outfitted with
two rows of 12x8 Maxi-Lift Tiger-Tuff
orange buckets mounted on a 27-inch
Goodyear belt. The legs are enclosed in
a 10-foot-x-14-foot-x-120-foot Warrior
support tower.
Empty trucks proceed to a 11-foot-x-
75-foot Rice Lake outbound scale where
they are again automatically identified
by the SmartTruck system for their tare
weights and scale tickets.
The receiving legs deposit grain into
a six-duct InterSystems rotary dual dis-
tributor, which sends grain to concrete
storage via gravity spouts or to steel
storage via an overhead 40,000-bph
InterSystems enclosed belt conveyor.
The wet tanks deliver grain to the
dryer via a 15,000-bph InterSystems
wet leg equipped with 18x8 Maxi-Lift
Tiger-Tuff orange buckets on a 20-
inch Goodyear belt. The 12,000-bph
continuous-flow tower dryer, the largest
Zimmerman makes, in turn, sends grain
back to storage via another InterSystems
15,000-bph leg.
Storage tanks empty onto above-
ground 40,000-bph InterSystem en-
closed belts, all of which send grain to a
60,000-bph InterSystems jump leg used
for shipping. This leg is outfitted with
two rows of 28x10 Maxi-Lift Tiger-Tuff
orange buckets on a 60-inch belt.
Response No. 751
S/O GJ 75
Soybean Handling Boost
Founded: 1911
Storage capacity: 9.2 million bush-
els at five locations
Annual volume: 12 million bushels
Annual sales: $80 million
Number of members: 500
Number of employees: 38 Cooperative Supply Inc.s grain elevator at Dodge, NE, with new jumpform concrete storage
Crops handled: Corn, soybeans silo and freestanding leg adjacent to a 2-million-bushel soybean flat storage. Aerial photo
Services: Grain handling and mer- courtesy of Dakota Aerials, Yankton, SD.
chandising, feed, agronomy
76 GJ S/O
stands 66 feet in diameter and 140 feet We alternate which pit is receiving
tall. The flat-bottom silo is equipped grain, explains Forey. That keeps the
with a 9-inch Springland sweep auger truck lines shorter, and the leg operates
capable of unloading grain at 5,000 bph without interruption.
and a BinMaster level indicator. How- At the top, a spout can send grain via a
ever, since the silo is acting essentially as 20,000-bph Schlagel drag conveyor into
a huge surge bin for the adjacent flat the silo. The silo sidedraws via gravity
storage, no grain temperature monitor- onto the fill conveyor in the flat storage.
ing cables were needed, Forey says. The silo empties onto an above-
The silo does have aeration, however, ground 5,000-bph Schlagel drag con-
in the form of four Caldwell 40-hp cen- veyor, which in turn, ends at a loadout
trifugal fans that deliver approximately spout for loading trucks. Trucks also
1/10 cfm per bushel of air through in- can utilize a sidedraw out into a receiv-
floor ducting. ing lane.
In addition, the silo is outfitted with
a Warrior switchback staircase mounted Results
directly to the concrete for improved As of late September 2016, the
worker safety, since the annex is not Dodge grain facility had gone through
equipped with a manlift at this point. one complete fall harvest with the new
Incoming truckers proceed to one annex and was starting on its second.
of two receiving pits enclosed in a steel It takes us about three minutes to
structure. Each 500-bushel mechani- unload a semi-truck, says Forey. Just Ground-level view of the new annex with
cal pits feeds into a single freestanding having this new leg and silo allowed twin enclosed receiving pits, Hoffmann
20,000-bph Schlagel, which is attached us to take in 350,000 more bushels of 350,000-bushel concrete storage silo with
directly to the concrete silo. The leg is soybeans. As the word got out, that al- Warrior switchback staircase, and free-
equipped with a single row of Maxi- lowed us to increase our draw area. We standing Schlagel 20,000-bph leg.
Lift 20x8 Tiger-Tuff orange buckets have producers delivering from within
mounted on a 22-inch belt. a 35-mile radius, and weve had some
coming in from as far as 50 miles away.
After harvest is over, and the soybeans investment, he adds, noting that the
have been emptied out of the new silo, site has plenty of space for more silos
Forey says that the coop has been using and receiving legs.
it for long-term corn storage.
We regard this as just an initial Ed Zdrojewski, editor
S/O GJ 77
Rebuilding After the Storm
Founded: 1966
Storage capacity: 5 million bushels
at two locations
Annual volume: 3 million bushels
Number of employees: 12
Crops handled: Corn, soybeans
Services: Grain handling, agronomy Cameron Grains 1.5-million-bushel steel elevator in Cameron, IL was rebuilt with
storage, receiving, and dr ying upgrades after a July 2015 tor nado destroyed the original
Key personnel: facility. Photos by Tucker Schar fenberg.
Steve Armstrong, owner
Melinda Armstrong, owner
A.J. Avery, grain division manager t approximately 7:30 p.m. on July Inc.,] says Jake Armstrong.
Jake Armstrong, assistant manager 16, 2015, a tornado ripped through Triangle has been excellent to work with.
Cameron, IL, a small town 11 miles They took care of us throughout the entire pro-
Supplier List southwest of Galesburg, IL. cess and relieved some of the burden, so we were
Aeration fans........Decatur Aeration
Bearing sensors....Electro-Sensors, Inc. Amongst the destruction in the middle able to move forward with rebuilding he says.
Bin sweeps .............................. GSI of town was Cameron Grain Corp.s nearly The Armstrongs decided to rebuild on
Bucket elevators ...................... GSI 50-year-old grain elevator. We lost just about property they owned at the southeast corner
Catwalks ................. Grain Flo, Inc. everything, says Assistant Manager Jake of town. There is more room out here, and
Consulting engineer .... SKS Engineers
Control system........... KDJ Electric
Armstrong, whose family has been involved in I think the people living in town appreciate
Contractor/millwright...Grain Flo, Inc. ownership of the company since its inception. that there will be less noise and traffic, says
Conveyors ............................... GSI The tornado destroyed 15 tanks, five Armstrong, We think it makes everyone in
Distributor.................Schlagel, Inc. legs, two dryers, and two dump pits thats the community a lot happier.
Electrical contractor... KDJ Electric everything but our flat storage building and In the fall of 2015, the company took bids
Elevator buckets ...... Maxi-Lift Inc.
Grain dryer ....... Zimmerman Grain
one pit, he says. from contractors and chose Grain Flo, Inc.,
Dryers What really hurt, according to Owner Steve Heyworth, IL (800-842-4875), as general con-
Grain temp system ...Rolfes@Boone Armstrong, was the timing of the storm. We tractor and millwright. SKS Engineers, LLC,
Insurance ... Triangle Insurance Co., Inc. basically werent able to participate in harvest
Leg belting ...................... Goodyear last year, which was tough.
Level indicators..... VEGA Americas
Moisture meter ................ Perten
Instruments After the Storm
Speed reducers .....................Dodge First, we had to get everything cleaned
Steel storage ............................ GSI up, and we had to get on the phone with our
Steel tank erection ........Wieber Steel insurance company, [Triangle Insurance Co.,
Tower support system ............. GSI
Truck probe ..................Union Iron Assistant Manager Jake Armstrong (right)
Truck scale .....................Walz Scale helps a customer dump corn at the facilitys
1,000-bushel dump pit.
78 GJ S/O
Decatur, IL (217-877-2100), was the
consulting engineer on the project, and
KDJ Electric, Mackinaw, IL (309-359-
3611), performed electrical work and
installed a facility automation system.
Construction began in mid-March
2016; the elevator began receiving grain
in late August.
Facility Layout
Incoming trucks are weighed at an
inbound/outbound 80-foot Walz Scale
truck scale and sampled by a Union
Iron truck probe before proceeding to
a 1,000-bushel enclosed dump pit.
A GSI 20,000-bph receiving leg
Two GSI 10,000-bph reclaim conveyors carry grain to loadout.
equipped with Maxi-Lift 20x8 Tiger-
Tuff orange low-profile buckets carries
grain from the dump pit to a Schlagel Each tank is equipped with 4 Decatur Armstrong.
four-hole electric rotary distributor, Aeration 60-hp centrifugal fans and 13 A 150,000-bushel tank measuring
which in turn can route grain to stor- roof exhausters for 1/7 cfm per bushel of 54 feet in diameter, 75 feet at the eave
age or a new Zimmerman 7,000-bph aeration, as well as a 24-cable Rolfes@ and 89 feet at the peak was constructed
natural-gas-fired dryer. Boone grain temperature monitoring for wet storage.
Storage at the new facility includes system, VEGA Americas level indica- Overall, we are very happy with how
two GSI 700,000-bushel flat-bottom tors, and a GSI X-Series 12-inch zero- the facility turned out. Grain Flo did a
corrugated steel tanks measuring 105 entry bin sweep. I really like the bin very nice job, and I think we made the
feet in diameter, 114 feet at the peaks, sweeps, because I dont have to enter right choice going with them, he adds.
and 86 feet at the eaves. the tanks to sweep grain anymore, says Tucker Scharfenberg, associate editor
Founded: 1906
Storage capacity: 17.4 million
bushels at 11 locations
Annual volume: 45 million bushels
Number of employees: 60
Crops handled: Hard red spring
and winter wheat, corn, soybeans,
barley, peas, sunflowers, canola
Services: Grain handling and mer-
chandising, agronomy, crop scouting
80 GJ S/O
Manager Justin Knott, who has spent
his career with the company. Its our
third rail-loading location. We also
operate a terminal at Ayr on the BNSF
and at Harvey on the Canadian Pacific.
In addition to the terminal eleva-
tor, the site includes a 10,000-ton
fertilizer plant and an 11,000-foot
loop track.
To build the project, Arthur Com-
panies selected EEE Inc., Page, ND
(701-668-2258), as general contractor
and millwright. Knott comments that
EEE has been the companys sole general
contractor for many years, and they
have a good track record with us.
Also having roles on the project:
W Design Associates, McCook,
NE (308-345-2370), performed Truck carrying a load of corn pulls onto a Rice Lake inbound scale prior to dumping.
design and engineering work on the
terminal. through the site and a GMS system Before, if one part of the system went
Hope Electric, Hope, ND (701- for controlling the bulk weigh loadout down, say an inbound scale, the entire
945-2460), served as electrical con- system for rail. Knott says the Pillsbury system shut down.
tractor and supplied PC-based control site is the first to receive a server-based R&R Contracting, Grand Forks,
systems. control system from CompuWeigh, ND (701-772-7667), built the loop
CompuWeigh Corp., Woodbury, which allows the entire system to be track. According to Knott, its the first
CT (203-262-9400), provided a Smart- operated from any of the suppliers loop track at a grain facility in North Da-
Truck system for moving truck traffic workstation around the terminal. kota to utilize high-carbon steel ties.
82 GJ S/O
7-foot-wide handrail truss. A 200- loaded as quickly as eight hours.
foot, 6-foot-wide Warrior catwalk
supports the drag conveyor over the Additional Equipment
row of hopper tanks. The facility also includes a 7,000-
The hopper tanks empty onto an bph propane-fired Zimmerman grain
above-ground 30,000-bph GSI drag, dryer. Propane is run through a heavy-
while the big tanks empty onto 60,000- duty vaporizer before being introduced
bph GSI enclosed belt conveyors. All to the burners. The dryer is fed by a
lead to a 60,000-bph GSI loadout leg 15,000-bph GSI wet leg supported by
equipped with three rows of 20x8 Maxi- a Warrior 12-foot-x-12-foot-x-140-foot
Lift low-profile CC-MAX gray buckets support tower.
on a 64-inch Contitech belt. The entire property is lit by energy-
Prior to loadout, the operator has the efficient LED lights.
An 80,000-bph Warrior bulkweigher is option of running grain through one
used to load shuttle trains. The trolley- of two InterSystems gravity screeners, Ed Zdrojewski, editor
type fall protection unit, fabricated by one rated at 40,000 bph and the other
Warrior, runs for 500 feet. at 25,000 bph.
Rail loading is handled by an
main receiving tower, along with the 80,000-bph Warrior bulkweigher
loadout leg. fully integrated with a support
The legs deposit grain into an structure, hydraulic spout, con-
eight-duct Schlagel rotary double trol room, Gamet sampler, and
distributor. From there, grain travels a C o m p u We i g h G M S f a i l s a f e
via a series of 30,000-bph GSI drag control system. Workers atop rail-
conveyors out to storage. Two of the cars are protected by a 500-foot
three drag conveyors are supported trolley-type fall protection system
on a 240-foot, 11-foot-wide Warrior fabricated by Warrior. Knott says Loop track rails, laid by R&R Contracting,
box bridge; the other by a 240-foot, 110-car shuttle trains have been are stapled to high-carbon steel ties.
S/O GJ 83
Milford Junction
TruHorizons LLC
Milford, IN 574-658-3327
Founded: 2012
Storage capacity: 7.7 million bush-
els at three locations
Annual volume: 13.5 million bushels
Annual sales: $50 million
Number of employees: 31
Crops handled: Corn, soybeans,
soft red winter wheat
Services: Grain handling and mer-
chandising, agronomy
Key personnel at Milford:
Leland Hartstack, general manager
Kyle Lehman, grain manager
Todd Schubert, project manager
Tom Miller, project engineer
Supplier List
Aeration fans ............. AIRLANCO
Aeration system .... North American
Equipment Co. Inc.
Bearing sensors ..... CMC Industrial
Bin sweeps ............ Springland Mfg.
Bucket elevators ......... InterSystems
Bulk weigh scale ........ InterSystems
Bulk weigh scale controls............... The new TruHorizons LLC 4.4-million-bushel rail terminal with loop track just north of Milford,
CompuWeigh Corp. IN. Aerial photo by Schmidty Views, LLC, Fortville, IN.
Catwalks .............. LeMar Industries
Contractor .....................SMA LLC The Norfolk Southern (NS) and Piqua, OH-based TruPointe Coop-
Milford erative. The venture also includes two
Control system.....Control Stuff Inc CSX Transportation are the two main
Conveyors (belt)...............Hi Roller Class I railroads serving the eastern other northern Indiana rail terminals
Conveyors at Bremen and La Paz, but those are
Conveyors (drag) ........InterSystems
half of the United States. For all of INDIANA
Distributor................. InterSystems their thousands of miles of track, served by single railroads, says Kyle
Dust collection ... Donaldson-Torit however, the two railroads have only Lehman, grain manager at Milford
Elevator buckets .......Maxi-Lift Inc. two junctions outside of cities or who has been there since May 2016,
Engineering .. in-house, Clear Creek towns. One of those two locations most recently having worked at an FC
& Associates Inc. Cooperative elevator in Iowa.
Fall protection .........Fall Protection
is approximately two miles north of
Systems Corp. the town of Milford, IN. TruHorizons acted as its own
Grain dryers....Zimmerman Grain Dryers The location makes it a near-perfect spot for general contractor on the project. Among the
Grain temp cables....Tri-States Grain a $70 million grain and agronomy complex. major contractors the grain handler brought in
Conditioning Inc. TruHorizons LLC launched that complex on the project:
Level indicators ....................... Siemens, SMA LLC, Monticello, MN (888-259-
4B Components Ltd.
at the beginning of September 2016, which
Manlift ..................Sidney Mfg. Co. includes a 4.4-million-bushel rail terminal 9220), did the design work on the concrete
Moisture meter . Perten Instruments elevator with loop track and a 38,000-ton
Motion sensors ..... CMC Industrial fertilizer plant.
Electronics TruHorizons has been in existence only since
Steel storage ... Brock Grain Systems
2012, a venture between Cargill AgHorizons and
Temporary storage ..LeMar Industries
Tower support system...LeMar Industries General Manager Leland Hartstack (left) and
Truck probe ................InterSystems Grain Manager Kyle Lehman. Ground-level
Truck scales................. Brechbuhler photos by Ed Zdrojewski.
Truck scale automation ...CompuWeigh
84 GJ S/O
1.8-million-bushel LeMar temporary stor- indicators, 4B limit switches, and North
age ring. Tom Miller, TruHorizons project American Equipment KanalSystem floors
engineer, says the concrete storage provides for aeration and air-assisted unloading.
longevity, as the tanks are filled and emptied Four AIRLANCO 60-hp centrifugal fans
frequently for rail loading. The steel tanks provide air for all eight tanks at 1/9 cfm
are intended for longer-term storage, while per bushel for aeration purposes.
the temporary pile is necessary with the The Brock tanks stand 105 feet in
huge crops that are becoming the norm diameter and 126 feet tall at the eaves.
in northern Indiana. They are equipped with 24-cable TSGC
The eight slipform tanks stand 42 grain temperature monitoring systems,
feet in diameter and 132 feet tall. They 16-inch Springland sweep augers, similar
are outfitted with four TSGC grain tem- level indicator equipment to the concrete
perature cables, Siemens radar-type level tanks, and four 50-hp Chicago Blower
This 1938 elevator, formerly owned by the Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Learning on the Job
Ltd. in Glass, MB, spent its final years as part of the Vaags family farm. The elevator Moving the elevator was very expen-
was torn down in 2015. Photo by Bruce Selyem. sive, and it required months of prepara-
88 GJ S/O
tion and planning. Since the elevator many of the storage bins were unusable. Other Scottish Cooperative elevators
was to be moved across a highway, the For a while, Vaags used the leg to fill his have been torn down, repainted, or
Vaags had to secure permission from Harvestore bins, but in 2009, he quit tinned over. The Glass elevator lettering
the various farmers whose property they using the elevator altogether. He tore it may have provided the last indication
would cross and from the highway de- down in 2015. of the Scottish Cooperative Wholesale
partment. They had to have ditches filled Society Ltd. elevators in Canada.
and power lines moved. And the Vaags Unique Lettering
had to have a foundation The elevator was definitely in tough Bruce and Barb Selyem are directors
for their new elevator at shape. However, since it never had been of the Country Grain Elevator Historical
their farm. repainted, the lettering on the side made Society. Contact the society at 406-581-
They hired Frank it one of a kind. 1076; e-mail: bselyem@cgehs.org.
Dueck & Sons to
make the move in
February 1979, when
Glass the ground was frozen. The
contractor had nearly 30
years of experience moving
buildings, but Glass was the first elevator. Get the most from your grain. The Bhler high-capacity grain cleaner
This move presented unique challenges. allows you to optimize grain storage life and improve product quality.
The Duecks mounted the elevator This durable line of machines is ideally suited for the pre-cleaning and
on skids rather than on wheels. Since
main cleaning cycle in reception, grain storage and processing
the skids could freeze to the ground,
_________________________ facilities. With capacities of up to 10,000 bushels per hour, this
universal cleaning machine ensures a thorough and cost-effective
The CN demanded that the cleaning process. For more information visit www.buhlergroup.com.
Vaags move the elevator or tear
it down. They chose to move it. Bhler Inc., PO Box 9497, Minneapolis, MN 55440, 763-847-9900
Bulk Weigh
Control Systems
emporary storage can GRAIN In last months Grain At the time of writing, field harvest
be divided into two QUALITY Quality Tip, Dr. Charlie moisture levels are unknown. In the
distinct classes, short- Bob Marlow Hurburgh of Iowa State event we have a wetter-than-normal
term emergency storage and University estimated that crop, it could have a compounding ef-
long-term storage systems. the corn and soybean har- fect on space, as wet grain potentially
The key word is systems, vest will exceed available could be stored in nontraditional struc-
meaning simply having an space by 20-22% in the tures requiring additional handling to
approach to how the grain months of October and No- transfer it to and from the dryers.
will be handled, stored, cov- vember meaning there will For each additional point of mois-
ered, monitored, and so on. be grain in some very tem- ture, you can expect to handle about
By now, many who porary spaces in the Corn 1.2% more bushels in the form of water.
were considering the use Belt into January of 2017. While those extra wet bushels look
of short-term emergency That includes, Im sure, good on an originations report, they
temporary storage for the some rather unorthodox, will take a toll on BC/FM generation.
fall of 2016 have made their decision. seldom-used spaces such as barns, Studies have shown that each elevation
While often this decision depends on abandoned buildings, machinery can generate 2-4% or more additional
the amount of carry in the market, this sheds, warehouses, old tanks, aban- BC/FM in corn.
year may be different. doned mines, and even railcars. _________________________
Before deciding to clean prior
to temporary storage, consider
Need it NOW?
Eriez stocks its most popular items for immediate needs...
your facility layout. It may be
detrimental to clean, if you have
many for NEXT-DAY Shipment! to elevate several times to clean
and then several times to return
it to temporary storage.
Considering the unique challenges
with temporary storage, typically it is
advisable to clean grain prior to putting
it on the ground. You will generate by-
products by screening, but it is much
easier to deal with than a much larger
quality issue later. Besides, given the
large carryout of corn from prior years,
it is unlikely you will run out of BC/
FM for blending purposes.
However, before deciding to clean
prior to temporary storage, consider your
Xpress Program facility layout. It may be detrimental to
Brochure! clean, if you have to elevate several times
Visit Eriez.com for all the details! 888.300.3743 to clean and then several times to return
Magnetic Grates Plates Traps Feeders Suspended Magnets Metal Detectors and more... it to temporary storage.
If you decide to utilize temporary
Response No. 921
92 GJ S/O
Figure 1 Temporary Storage Size Recommendations
Small investment.
Height (feet) Grain Angle of Repose Pile Radius Bushels
Corn 22 124 ft 644,004
50 Wheat 25 107 ft 479,526 RETURN.
Sorghum 27 98 ft 402,251 Maljohns custom-made
Corn 22 148 ft 1,100,000 UHMW telescopic spouts
> Available in round, square,
60 Wheat 25 129 ft 832,581
square-to-round, and rectangular
Sorghum 27 118 ft 696,272 shapes
> Lightweight (1/3 weight of steel)
storage this fall, consider the following 6 Be prepared to deal with > Last 3-4 times longer than steel
> Reduces dust
guidelines to help prepare for the fall. neighbor issues. Your fans may be
running constantly, or there may be ex- > Ideal for grain elevators, feed
1 Check with your local state tra truck noise, dust accumulation, etc. mills, and fertilizer plants
licensing agency. Some states regulate These may need to be addressed.
the type of storage, the length of time
the space can be used, if covers are 7 Remember to take safety into
Call today
required, fans, etc. In most cases, the account. In some jurisdictions, work-
grains stored in temporary structures ing over four feet off the ground could for your custom quote!
must be company-owned stocks. If you require some form of fall protection 1.800.268.1908
are federally licensed, the same applies. for workers. If you are installing fences
to increase the capacity of the pile,
2 Check with local and state ju- that also may be a consideration.
risdictions on any needed permits. Fences and similar retaining walls
This could range from local building that are not structurally sound or
permits to environmental issues such as have not been installed properly can
noise, dust, water, odors, and rodents. pose a risk to personnel and other
assets. Free-flowing grain exerts
3 Make sure you have a plan to tremendous pressure and has lead to
secure the inventory. This is especially many cases of failed walls, buildings,
important, if the site is not part of your and structures that were designed or
regular facility, is remote, or is within installed poorly.
a warehouse district that could require Please remember, while piles and
additional security measures. Think of similar structures typically are not
the potential for rodent, deer, or rac- thought of with regards to entrapment
coon problems. These locations are the and engulfment, they do possess
perfect places to eat for some animals. many, if not all, of the same dangers.
In fact, these hazards can be even more
4 Measure and calculate the in- dangerous in certain situations.
ventory in the structure. At some
point, you will need this information. 8 Make sure you have adequate
If you were able to weigh all of your site security. This is not only for the NIAGARA FALLS NY
grain prior to storage, it is still a good actual inventory but for security to
idea to calculate the actual inventory. keep out unauthorized people. A big
There are several great Microsoft Excel grain pile looks like fun to kids with a
programs that have been developed. go-kart or four-wheeler.
Contact me for details on those.
9 Develop a routine quality
5 Track your associated costs. monitoring program. It is a good
At some point, someone is going to idea to collect several samples from
ask you how much all this costs. Be various areas, as long as it can be done MALJOHN PLASTICS COMPANY LIMITED
proactive, and have that at hand. (See safely. Make sure you sample regularly www.maljohn.com
email: maljohn@maljohn.com
Figure 2 on page 94 for a snapshot of a in the same areas, so you can monitor Fax: 905.692.3349
file developed for those purposes.) changes.
Response No. 931
S/O GJ 93
Piles and temporary structures can be storage without a thorough plan.
10 Invest in a form of carbon fraught with hidden shrinks; over- It takes time to secure tarps, prepare a
dioxide (CO2) monitoring. Using a aeration is only one of them. Additional suitable surface, etc. Make sure you have
handheld monitor, sample fan exhaust handling shrinks are involved with the ability to handle the extra bushels in
weekly for CO2 and temperature data. using a portable conveyor, trucks, or a timely manner. If uncovered, weather
This can give an early indication of wagons. While these may seem small, very quickly can create havoc, leaving a
biological activity. they easily could add up to 1-3% grain quality problem that could last for
(excluding aeration shrink). months or even years in extreme cases.
11 Have a marketing plan. Quality degradation is another form Remember, many other facilities will
Someone within your organization of shrink. A commonly accepted for- be in similar situations, and the market
needs to have a plan for marketing your mula for quality degradation is: 0.5% can only handle so much, so having
grain in temporary storage. Having a shrink for each 3% of damage increase a plan in place can keep you and your
plan of when and how could make the in corn. So corn averaging 1% damage company in the drivers seat.
difference between a successful storage going out and reclaimed at 7% would
experience and a regrettable one. result in about a 2% loss of weight. Bob Marlow is the owner of Operations
Professional Services (OPS), a consulting
12 Have a plan to track shrink. 13 Dont build emergency firm in Walton, IN; 765-714-9910.
94 GJ S/O
Response No. 951
with each employee indi- MANAGEMENT that employee did not under-
Skill Set
vidually, so that I could stand the dangers associated
understand their training and Bill Lyster with this task.
skill set. If and employee said One suggestion is to have
they could operate the dryer, employees recap to you ex-
Aeration Mangement
Grain cart operator
Payloader operator
Wrangler operator
Safety Inspections
Grain inventory
Grading grain
Bunker lling
Switch man
Options: Cameras,
intercoms, traffic lights,
ticket returns,
food-grade oil
CR Manufacturing
Grand Island, NE
The headline above is the MANAGEMENT as usually during harvest, the to me the role they played, along with
question that I constantly drivers of the vehicles are the something special about each one. You
hear, as I work with clients. Bill Lyster farmers wives and parents. could tell that they loved working for
I also hear that Millennials How does this lend itself to this man and the company. This surely
dont want to work as hard a great customer experience, must help with employee retention.
as we did. While that may if this is the route that you
or may not be true, the fact choose? Unusual Employee
is that we will be challenged, There is one more possible One such employee that I met was
to find enough quality people solution that I believe we tend Rich. Wayne explained how Richs wife
to work for our companies. to overlook. had come up to him one day and said
One obvious solution is to I traveled to Montana in that her husband needed a job. She then
automate your facility so it mid-July and was given to the went on to say that he was legally blind.
will require less people. opportunity to tour a farm sup- Wayne thought about it for a minute and
Another is to provide fewer services as ply business called North 40 Outfitters. said that she should have him come to the
we strive to meet our customers needs. The owner, Wayne, was giving me a store, and they would explore and see if
One example would be to let customers tour and made a point of introducing there was a possibility. After meeting Rich,
dump grain themselves. I have a hard me to a number of employees. Each time Wayne noticed that even though he was
time wrapping my head around this one, he would take a moment and explain legally blind he did have enough sight to
function in the store. Wayne started him
out in the pet food department.
Rich had to memorize the tags and
labels. He had to memorize the feel and
size of the different bags and containers.
He had to memorize the location of all
of the different products. He also chose
to memorize the customers voices, their
names, and the names of their pets.
Sixteen years later, Rich is in charge of
this department and the customers love the
experience of buying their products from
him. Rich has made the customer service
experience a valuable part of their business.
I complimented Rich on his accom-
plishments. He replied quickly that many
people dwell on what they cant do. He
focuses on what he can do. I wish we could
transfer that mindset to many others.
Wayne very easily could have dismissed
the possibility that this person could fulfill
a valuable role within his company. How
often have we not taken the time to truly
discover what folks with either physical
or mental challenges could do for our
company? As you sit there today, I suggest
that you may not be looking in all of the
places to find those team mates that will
help your company succeed.
Bill Lyster is president of Lyster Con-
sulting, Sutherland, IA; 712-260-7089.
Response No. 981
98 GJ S/O
Response No. 991
M Neogen Corporation GEAPS
Rapid Mycotoxin Detection 800-234-5333
Complete product portfolio: Widest range of
O GIPSA-approved rapid and accurate assays available. HOW WELL DO YOU
T Industry resource: Informative webinars, newsletters, KNOW GEAPS HISTORY?
and weekly mycotoxin monitoring reports during
harvest. Answer these six questions online and be eligible to
X Unparalleled support: Proficiency program, win one of three $100 debit cards (see below)!
I reference materials, onsite and virtual training.
No. 1001 www.neogen.com See ad on p. 37 1. What was the site for the 1985 GEAPS Exchange?
a) Phoenix, AZ
b) Nashville, TN
T c) Kansas City, MO
E d) Dallas, TX
2. Who was the 2001-02 GEAPS International Presi-
T dent?
a) Tom DiGiorgio
K b) Terry Mohl
I c) Jim Voigt
d) Kevin Danner
S 3. What year was GEAPS founded?
a) 1935 b) 1925
c) 1930 d) 1927
P Food Protection Services 4. How many Canadian chapters does GEAPS have?
R Grain Protectants 855-377-3444 a) 3 b) 4
Stored Product Solutions that help treat and c) 2 d) 5
prevent infestations in stored wheat, rice, corn,
T barley, and more. 5. What grain company has had the most GEAPS
Diacon IGR prevents larval development. International Presidents?
E a) ADM b) Bunge
Centynal Insecticide & PBO-8 offers a broad-
C spectrum knockdown of adults when long-term c) Cargill d) Louis Dreyfus Corp
storage is necessary.
T Full line of application systems engineered to 6. Which of the following Corbett Award winners
A apply water and oil based residual insecticide has also won the Chapter Member of Distinction
grain protectants effectively. award:
N Accuracy of application is critical. Our systems a) Al Meier b) Craig Jakob
T feature control options, a rapid and accurate c) Tom Runyon d) Ray Vrtiska
calibration device, quality plumbing assembly
S and unique spray mountings.
No. 1002 www.foodprotectionservices.com See ads on p. 27/107
Contest Ends Dec. 9
Scan the QR code or go to the contest
website at www.grainnet.com/GEAPScontest
Get all six questions correct, and be placed into a
random drawing to be one of three $100 debit card
GEAPS Challenge is sponsored by:
100 GJ S/O
Elevator Bolts
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763-477-4774 www.McCormickConstruction.com
Response No. 1031
Postharvest, the hard wheat market WHEAT
saw a massive liquidation of invento- MERCHANDISING
ries, as the Plains elevators tried to make Kyle Smith
space for a huge fall crop. This was in
spite of the cash market paying some of
the cheapest basis levels we have seen in
decades and the futures paying 90% or
more of full delivery carry. The export
market stayed relatively firm because
of high carry values and improving de-
mand. Because of these cheap prices and
ocean freight, we are becoming more
competitive in the world markets.
Millers had weeks of bargain hunt-
ing and built stores of good-quality
wheat at the protein values they wanted. This left them set
for several months, but they have been selling lots of flour
and are grinding slowly through those inventories forcing
them back to the market. Replacement cost of higher-pro-
tein wheat is going up defiantly.
The lower-quality wheat has been finding its way into
the feed channels. The USDA is looking for an almost
150% increase in wheat feeding, and we believe feeders
will meet that projection. This has eliminated much of this
years low-protein wheat.
Excellence is achieved by mastery of quickly and accurately. HEDGING but to have a deep, thorough
the fundamentals. - Vince Lombardi. A buy and sell of like STRATEGIES mental ownership of the
There is a reason why NFL players things (e.g., futures con- Philip Luce concepts. Without this, your
still do many of the same drills as the tracts or physical bushels) chances of taking on unin-
kids in Pop Warner leagues. Its because offset each other and do tentional risk, engaging in
those fundamental movements and skills not create a new position. A unnecessary futures trading
make everything else possible in football. buy and sell of unlike things activity, missing opportuni-
They build a foundation for the whole (e.g., buy physical and sell ties, or making costly errors
game and never become unimportant. futures or buy one futures are much higher.
Most pursuits have these kinds of month and sell another) Becoming proficient in
building blocks. They arent glamorous, create a relationship be- this building block of basis
but they are indispensable. For basis tween the two and create a trading takes some work and
traders, the most important fundamen- new position. This is the ba- is an ongoing process that
tal may be an understanding of how sic premise of all basis trad- even veterans must return to,
longs and shorts work together to cre- ing and spread management efforts. but it is worth the effort.
ate or negate positions. A firm grasp of Philip Luce is a grain merchandising spe-
this concept enables the basis trader to Understanding Required cialist with White Commercial Corp., Stu-
avoid risk, capture opportunities, and Its important to your success not just art, FL/Kansas City, MO; 800-327-7000;
unravel seemingly complex situations to agree to the definitions intellectually, @philwcc; @whitecommercial.
106 GJ S/O
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sociation BinMaster
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800-278-9133 www.binmaster.com
108 GJ S/O
Response No. 1091
S U P P L I E R Q & A
CMC Industrial Elec- CMC President Bob Reis grain temperature monitoring products.
tronics was founded in 1997 about the companys newest We hope to roll these out later in 2016.
in Burnaby, BC, Canada and hottest products, keys
with the mission to protect to success, and trends the Whats Hot
people, property, and op- company responds to in the We are having fantastic success with
erations through the design, grain and feed industries. our Roadmap To HazMon Safety
manufacture, and market- program and its intent to live up to our
ing of hazard monitoring Whats New company mission of protecting human
systems for the grain, feed, We just recently launched life and property through excellent cus-
and milling industries. two additional sensors a tomer support in the form of product
With the end user always plugged chute sensor and a training and education. Our aim to
in mind, CMC has developed Bob Reis
slack chain sensor, both of reach as many installers and users of
hazard monitoring technology which easily integrate into our systems and help them get the best
that is simple to deploy and integrate with our existing intrinsically-safe digital utility possible from our products.
existing systems and can be installed easily HazMon network. We are also in the
by qualified electrical contractors. final stages of significant improvements Grain and Feed Industry Trends
Grain Journal in August contacted to our line of HazMon controllers and our We are seeing significant downturn
and also a shift in focus for investments
in the grain industry. With recent record
harvests and corn sitting at a low price per
bushel, many farmers and storage facili-
ties are holding on to the product longer
in the hope of an increase in value in the
coming year. This is shifting investment
away from grain-moving machinery and
into grain storage and management prod-
ucts. Many in the industry are jumping
in and trying to leverage this situation.
Biggest Challenge
We face the perennial challenge asso-
ciated with most businesses sustainable
growth. We are always looking to enter
new markets and develop new or modify
Roger L. Dowdy
One of the hallmarks of a successful recalls Voigt. We were com- be done. You didnt have to
leader isnt having all the answers but petitors, but also we were second-guess as to whether
rather knowing who to ask to find them. GEAPS members together, or not he had performed
Its one of the skills that retired grain indus- and we went through the what he promised to do.
try veteran Roger Dowdy attributes to his various committees and Thats what was nice
success during his nearly 50-year career. both served as international there was no followup with
As Ive often said in presentations to president, he says. Roger, he recalls.
groups, I dont have the answers to every As far as interacting with Once you met Roger,
question that might come up concerning him professionally, Roger you didnt just become an
issues or problems in the industry. How- was always a true profes- acquiantance, you became
ever, if I dont have the answer through sional, says Voigt. In my Roger L. Dowdy a friend, says Jackson. We
my contacts that I made throughout my opinion, Rogers strongest have many acquiantances in
career within two or three phone calls, asset was that he was very personable. our lives but only a few we truly can call
I will get the answer, explains Dowdy, No one was a stranger to him. Roger a friend Roger is that, a special friend.
who grew up in Stonington, IL. was always there to reach out to help There are many others who Dowdy
Among those with whom he forged anyone that needed it, whether they reflects on with appreciation of their
strong relationships include Jim Voigt, were a competitor or not, Voigt adds. friendships and mentoring. This list
executive vice president of Agrisphere Jackson, who also met Dowdy could be quite lengthy, but to name a
LLC in Mahomet, IL, and retired in- through GEAPS, says the two worked few it needs to include Kevin Miles, Gary
dustry veteran Larry Jackson, former on a number of committees together Kinder, Fred Norwood, Jim Hamacher,
vice president of operations for Agrex, and immediately hit it off. Tom DiGiorgio, Dave Koltveit, Rodney
Inc. Voigt and Jackson were industry With Roger, it was honesty and Duhe, and Jeff Becker.
competitors who still count Roger integrity. You could depend on Roger,
among their friends today. Jackson notes. If he said that he was The Start of a Legacy
Ive known Roger for over 25 years, going to do something, it was going to Dowdys career began in 1962 fol-
lowing his high school graduation. One
day while sitting out on the farm talking
with one of his early mentors, Kenneth
Ziegler, who at the time was president
of a local cooperative board of directors,
Zeigler convinced Roger that there could
be a good future for him in the grain
industry and there was soon to be a job
opening at Stonington Cooperative
Grain Co., and that he should apply.
From that conversation out on the
farm, I made the decision that I wasnt
going to college, and I applied for and
got the job at the local coop, Dowdy
remembers. and as it turned out, and
as Mr. Zeigler predicted, it worked out
very well for me.
Since then, Dowdy has held a wide vari-
ety of positions in the industry. At Stoning-
ton, Dowdy coopered boxcars, ran the ear
corn sheller, dumped trucks, ran the dryer,
filled government bin sites, was a weigher/
Response No. 1121
112 GJ S/O
grader, and under the tutelage of General Council, and Online Learning Program things that remain with me to this day,
Manager Harvey Myers, learned about Workgroup. He also served as a GEAPS but one that remains at the forefront is
markets, charting, operations, and book- Exchange speaker and was an officer of the that all men are created equal and each,
keeping. Around 1970, the coop acquired GEAPS Gateway chapter in 2009. in their own way, has something to con-
a grain facility in Blue Mound, IL, owned tribute, but it is your job to work with
and operated by one of the pioneers of the Words of Wisdom those people and help them to develop
industry, Burt M. Wise, and Roger moved Since officially retiring in 2010, that quality.
to that site as branch manager. Dowdy enjoys the easy life at his home My father always encouraged me
Next, Dowdy spent seven years with in rural Woodlawn, IL. With decades of to earn peoples trust, their respect, and
The Pillsbury Co. first as a train-loading experience under his belt, the industry remain honest and fair.
station manager in Heyworth, IL. After veteran has learned a few lessons along the And finally, he instilled in me that
several assignments in various locations, way that others would be wise to heed. my word is my bond.
he became the regional superintendent From my father, I was taught many Robert Nieminen, contributing writer
for them overseeing operations for 23
elevators scattered over five states.
By the early 1980s, Dowdy accepted a
management role with Beheimer and Kiss-
ner and moved to Mound City, IL to oversee
the construction of a new river terminal on
the Ohio River, where once completed he
remained as a general manager.
In 1983, Beheimer and Kissner an-
nounced the sale of its assets to Con-
solidated Grain and Barge Co. (CGB),
during which time Dowdy moved four
times for the company and closed out
the last 19 years of his career working
out of Wayne City, IL serving as general
manager of operations.
Bratney Companies
ith more than 50 years
of experience provid-
ing state-of-the-art
equipment, processes, and solutions,
if theres one thing Bratney Com-
panies knows, its grain handling.
Whether its wheat, rice, corn, or any
other grain, the company strives to
ensure that the quality and integrity
of each kernel is preserved by inte-
grating innovative and long-lasting
solutions that stand up to the rigor-
ous demands of cleaning, sorting,
conveying, storage, and loadout.
What sets the Des Moines, IA- Bratney Companies headquarters in Des Moines, IA.
based company apart is that it not
only supplies grain handling equipment marketing and customer who has been with the
but also designs and services it, as well, service. Thats the basis company since 1988. Its
a one-stop shop of sorts. of the whole company and our capabilities, but I think
We sit today with about 130 to 140 has been from its begin- really the overall attitude
employees whose roles revolve around ning, to bring that total of how we look at custom-
our equipment and process technology solution. ers and the value that we
sales, our design, and our installation I think those disci- put on them is something
services, says Dave Ewald, director of plines really do differenti- thats been driven into all
ate our company, because of us. That was founder
there are several people Ken Bratneys philosophy
who will sell equipment. 50-plus years ago. Its third-
There are several compa- generation Bratney right
nies that do design only, now, and that has followed
and then there are several Dave Ewald through and through, he
Des Moines, IA companies that can install equipment, adds.
800-247-6755 but not very many do all those things
and have the understanding of flow Finding Solutions
Peter Bratney, CEO and function to do them properly, he Ken Bratney founded the company in
Dave Ewald, Director of observes. 1964, when he and his wife took a chance
In addition to its expertise and qual- by relocating from the Pacific Northwest
Marketing and Customer Service
ity products, Ewald notes that Bratney to the fertile grounds of Iowa. With a
Darin Stutler, Cimbria Product also employs a complete service staff. background in engineering, Bratney
Manager That means after a plant has been built represented a couple of key equipment
and is up and running, where most lines and got his start traveling up and
Products & Services companies have moved on to the next down the roads of Iowa, Missouri, and
project, Bratney maintains a group of Minnesota, according to Ewald. He
employees who are at the beck and call found out real quick that theres a lot
of its customers to maintain, service, of business to have in just selling the
and provide upgrades for the equipment. equipment, but also learned that there
WWW.BRATNEY.COM I think all in all, thats really what we was more to it than just that. The next
can attribute our success, says Ewald, thing you need to know, is how to
114 GJ S/O
Our customers have the right to rely on our
knowledge and our expertise. If we design it
and sell it, it should work as its intended.
-Dave Ewald, director of marketing and
customer service, Bratney Companies
figure out how to get this thing designed into a facility and
installed, he says.
The more time Bratney spent at the drawing board, the
less time he was out in front of people selling, so he hired a Bratney Companies leaders (from left): Chairman Paul Brat-
person to handle that role. But that opened up yet another ney, CEO Peter Bratney, Founder Ken Bratney, and Director
dilemma. Once the equipment is designed in, it has to be of Business Development Bruce Bratney.
installed. So Bratney soon hired a construction foreman and Companies reputation and is carried on today through
was able bring the total package to the customer, according the use of technology. The companys cleaning and sorting
to Ewald. equipment allows grain processors to clean to specifications
So, that brought value to the customers in that they that meet international standards in parts of the world that
just needed to look to one source, and thats what Ken did, demand very high quality, Ewald says.
Ewald says. That blossomed over time. Minnesota became We start with that end of it: what can we bring to this
a territory, Missouri, Illinois one thing led to another, and customer that is used in other industries, but traditionally
we built a reputation and are covering a good part of the is not being used in the grain industry? So we look at our
grain-growing regions of the country today. ability to clean. Weve got lines of equipment that clean and
sort to very high standards. Then we combine that and build
Value Through Technology a house around this technology, if you will, he notes.
Delivering value to the customer is the basis for Bratney Bratney has been able to introduce innovations to its
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he economic recession of the
early 2000s affected nearly every
industry worldwide, including
grain. In Argentina, for example, economic
collapse forced many companies to close
and workers to lose their jobs, while
government-imposed restrictions reduced
the countrys cash flow to virtually zero.
In response to the economic hard-
ship, forward-thinking organizations
like Argentine grain dryer manufacturer
MEGA Dryers, together with other
companies in the region, took a risk by
developing a sales strategy based on the
trade of goods rather than currency value
to keep operations running.
We started selling grain dryers and
received bulk grain as a form of payment, Co-owners, Engineers Marcelo Lombardo (left) and Marcelo Valfiorani (right).
explains U.S. Sales Representative Ricardo
Reggeti. With this approach, we were able
to gain the trust of our customers, and we liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural the dryer, as the customer only agreed
were able to grow in the local market and gas for the YPF Gas Corp. of Argentina. to pay if he was completely satisfied by
throughout Latin America. Soon after, the company adopted the the equipments performance (and the
MEGA (which stands for Mechanical, name MEGA ENGINEERING and customer was satisfied, of course).
Electrical, and Gas) was founded in 1996 within a year began supplying the grain In September 2002, the company
and opened up shop as an installer of industry with drying systems. completed its first international sale to
mechanical and electrical systems for During 1997-98, we entered a a neighboring country, Uruguay, and
new chapter of business activities in then to Chile in December. In May
our company by beginning to develop,
design, and build our own grain dryers, _________________________
Reggeti recalls. Manufacuring was
outsourced during the first two years, Today, the innovative de-
and in 2000, we opened our factory at sign of the MEGA dr yer and
the Industrial Park of Lincoln, province
of Buenos Aires, Argentina. its unique dr ying system are
Today, the innovative design of the
MEGA Dryer, and its unique drying well-known and recognized
system are well-known and recognized
both domestically and internationally both domestically and inter-
and has allowed our company to position nationally and have allowed
itself as a leader in this market, he adds.
Reggeti says the companys first grain our company to position itself
dryer was installed at a plant in Buenos
Aires, a project that required MEGA to as a leader in this market.
put its reputation on the line. MEGA -Ricardo Reggeti,
had to finance the manufacturing of the U.S. sales representative, MEGA Dryers
equipment, as well as the installation of _________________________
118 GJ S/O
2003, MEGA moved its administrative 20 Years in Grain Drying
offices to its current location in Lincoln, Right now, our main goals are The companys business model is di-
Province of Buenos Aires, thanks to rapid vided into three distinct business units,
expansion and international growth,
to consolidate and strengthen including grain dryers, gas service, and
including a presence in Wichita, KS. our presence in Latin Ameri- renewable energy. For the past 20 years,
Our original ambition had always been MEGA ENGINEERING has been dedi-
to sell our products at the international ca, seize the oppor tunity that cated to the development of grain dryers
level, says Reggeti, and the successful for oilseeds and other types of seeds. The
sales to Uruguay and Chile marked the is available to use with the companys units are designed to condition
beginning of our international presence, grain and seed under optimal conditions
which now includes the projects, sales, and
Me rc o s u r t ra d e a g re e m e n t , for long-term safe storage while preserv-
deliveries to over 30 countries. a n d s t a r t d e ve l o p i n g c o m - ing the quality and optimal biological
Today, MEGA has seen a continuous conditions of the kernels.
increase in our export sales over the past mercial alliances for the Eu- Nowadays, seed producers around the
13 years, the majority of which has been world choose MEGA dryers as a reliable
in Latin America and Eastern Europe. It ropean and Asian markets. drying system for their ability to preserve
also has profited from non-continuous -Marcelo Valfiora, co-owner the vigor and the germination power
exports in the United States, Central _________________________ of their seeds, says Co-owner Marcelo
America, Spain, France, Romania, Lombardo. MEGA dryers are also a
Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Angola, and and Marcelo Lombardo. They participate preferred choice among rice processing
Indonesia. In the United States, we are actively in the strategic, technological, and drying facilities for its excellent
consolidating a sales network to improve and commercial development of MEGA drying quality and, consequently, superior
our presence and after-sales service to ENGINEERING. They also rely on milling performance with both paddy rice
our customers, Reggeti notes. a board of trustees trained to address and parboiled rice, he adds.
The company is led by a joint leadership the challenges and opportunities of MEGAs niche is in the agri-industrial
team, which is made up of the companys the national and international markets, market, and its expertise comprises a large
founding engineers, Marcelo Valfiorani according to Reggeti. variety of grain operations, including:
Christianson Systems
800-822-2677 Vac-Tron Equipment
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Ultra-Vac VACBossTM Heavy-Duty
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Moves grain up to 7,000 bph. The choice of elevators, seed compa- sand.
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Hose rack included. BlowerGard filtration virtually
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No filters to plug or clean.
122 GJ S/O
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. in- cage manlifts, and rack and pinion elevators.
stalls, services, and inspects cage manlifts, According to General Manager Joe Ander-
belt manlifts, and rack and pinion eleva- son, We are dedicated to safety and we train
tors. With offices in Illinois and Texas, our employees to ensure quality service. Our
American Hoist provides replacement companys field professionals have more than
parts and new units from all brands to gen- 100 years of combined experience.
eral contractors, end users, and dispatches By combining safety and quality, American
crews throughout the United States. Hoist ensures consistent and competent perfor-
mance through unparalleled service, he says.
Meeting Customer Needs Anderson is an ASME A90-2015 Commit-
Established in 1999, American Hoist tee Member and TMA member.
began by servicing and installing belt
manlifts. Today, the company offers an ar- Recent Projects
ray of vertical transportation packages to Star of the West Milling, Ohio
meet customers site-specific needs, such as Siemer Milling, Indiana
Ardent Mills, Texas
American Hoist & Manlift cage manlift
installation. Response No. 1231
S/O GJ 123
Elevator Division
Sidney Manufacturing www.harriscompanies.com 800-779-5438
Company www.schumacherelevator.com
Special purpose personnel elevators
800-482-3535 Special Purpose
500-1,000 pound capacity.
www.sidneymanfacturing.com Personnel Elevators
Traction freight elevators capacities
up to 20,000 pounds.
Personnel Elevator Elevator towers. Available in 300-lb., 500-lb., 650-lb.,
Available in 300-lb., 500-lb., 650-lb., and 1,000-lb. capacities for dust-tight
750-lb., and 1,000-lb. capacities. and water-tight applications, and for
UHMW polyethylene car and coun- hazardous locations.
terweight guides provide smooth, Standard car and control panel pre-
quiet, non-sparking operation. wired for automatic operation.
Option for single automatic. VVVF Drive for smooth, quiet
124 GJ S/O
Manlift Service
BarnesCo Inc.
PMI Lift American Hoist 800-821-7486
& Manlift www.barnescoinc.com
www.pmilift.com 708-499-3416 Manlift and Elevator Service
Installation, Maintenance, Since 1984.
Inspection Belt Manlift Sales/Service Scheduled routine maintenance.
Periodic safety inspections.
Special purpose personnel eleva- Installation. Weight test and state inspection.
tor inspection and load tests. Repairs. Service, repair, and installation of new
Lift code and safety upgrades Inspections. or existing equipment.
and alterations. Testing. Free comparison bids.
Enclosed towers. Replacement parts.
Licensed in 29 states. Training.
Response No. 1251 See ad on p. 113 Response No. 1252 Response No. 1253
LiftCo LLC
Elevator Division
www.liftcollc.com 800-500-5438 Perma Tronic Elevator, Inc.
www.harriscompanies.com 800-874-0856
Inspection, Repair, Installation
Full service mobile repair crews. Special Purpose Personnel
24 hours, 7 days a week. Elevators Service, Inspection, Repair
Free comparison bids.
Response No. 1254
Safety surveysmonthly, quar- Since 1992.
terly, semi-annual, annual, and/ Full service manlift company.
or five-year testing. Belt and cage.
Maintenance, service, repairs, Special purpose personnel elevator
and/or troubleshooting. inspections and load tests.
Play the Certified Elevator Technicians
Scavenger (CETs) on staff. Response No. 1256 See ad on p. 115
Hunt Parts and accessories.
Response No. 1255
Find the
in the Product Service/Directory
and win a $100 Debit Card
See p. 180 for details
S/O GJ 125
Steel Storage
Behlen Mfg. Co.
Brock Grain Sytems 800-553-5520
Sioux Steel Company
574-658-4191 www.behlenmfg.com
www.brockgrain.com 800-557-4689
www.siouxsteel.com Commercial Grain Storage
Stiffened Grain Bins Flat-Bottom Bins/Silos
Brocks EVEREST grain bins offer Commercial Grain Storage For Capacities over 1,500,000 bushels.
enhanced roof peak load strength, Future Grain Weights Sizes range from 16 feet to 157 feet.
taller bins, and increased storage Store grains up to 70 lb./bushel. Clear-span roof systems.
capacities. Two or three stiffeners per sidewall sheet. Extensive roof deck for larger
Flat-bottom storage bins: diameters Roofs are available with peak load equipment.
ranging from 15 feet to 156 feet and ratings up to 50,000 lbs., and are Peak load capacities available up
capacities up to 1.34 million bushels. designed for ground snow loads up to 70,000 lb.
Hopper-bottom storage bins: diam- to 50 psf (unbalanced).
eters ranging from 15 feet to 36 feet Largest 1 1/2 tier access door. Hopper Bottom Tanks
and capacities up to 58,000 bushels. G115 galvanized steel is standard. Capacities of over 56,000 bushels.
Models available with wide-corru- 10-year warranties. I-beam legs with heavy duty cross
gation (4-inch/10-cm) or narrow- bracing.
corrugation (2.6-inch/6.8-cm) side- Flat Storage Buildings Ample clearance to bottom gate.
wall designs. Storage of 1-, 2-, 3-million bushels
of grain. Flat Storage Buildings
Custom designed to meet customers
specific needs.
Behlen equipment is available with
high wind and seismic designs upon
126 GJ S/O
Steel Storage
S/O GJ 127
Steel Storage
509-535-1571 www.scafco.com
800-247-6621 Grain Storage Bins Warrior Mfg., LLC
www.mfsyork.com Available in diameters ranging from
12 feet to 138 feet. 320-587-5505
Corrugated Tanks Capacities up to 1,160,000 bushels. www.warriormfgllc.com
Galvanized flat-bottom steel tanks 42-2/3 inch tall corrugated sheets.
from 15 ft. to 105 ft. diameters in 2-2/3 inch pitch and 1/2 inch deep Micada Hopper Bottom Bins
capacities up to 749,000 bushels. corrugation. Retro-fit hopper bottoms for any
Hopper-bottom tanks from 6 to 36 57 ksi yield strength. existing grain bins.
feet in diameter, with capacities over Galvanized to G115 standards. Complete hopper and bin combina-
50,000 bushels. tions.
Up to 40,000 lb. roof peak loads. Fully-welded hopper bottoms allow
Customer choice of inside or outside for quick installation.
stiffeners on flat-bottom tanks. Sizes range from 15 to 27 ft. diameter.
Optional side-draw system offers
economical high-speed unloading.
128 GJ S/O
Steel Storage E
www.westeel.com T
Commercial Grain Bins I
Flat-bottom bins from 198 to 866-822-9145
18,821 metric tonnes. V
Hopper-bottom bins from 118 to Commercial Bins
1,366 metric tonnes. Available in 30- to 105-foot di- E
High strength 50-KSI wall sheets ameters.
with 4-inch corrugation for superior Capacities from 12,000 to
clean-out. 792,000 bushels. S
New structured commercial roof. Unique sidewall laminate pro-
vides increased strength over E
standard laminations. A
New structured commercial roof.
30- to 60-foot bins: Stan- R
dard 8,000-pound loads,
optional 15,000-pound roof C
packages. H
75- to 105-foot bins: Stan- Response No. 1294
dard 30,000-pound structured
roof, optional 50,000-pound
Response No. 1291 structured roof packages.
www.conradamerican.com N
Grain Bins
Six models. Response No. 1293 See ad on p. 95 S
Each of the three basic weights
standard, heavy, or recirculating A
are available in wide (4 inch) or
narrow (2.66 inch) corrugation. L
Both standard and heavy bins are V
available in diameters of 15 to 60
feet with eave heights to 40 feet in Play the Scavenger A
narrow corrugation and 40-foot-6-
inch wide corrugation. Hunt G
Find the E
in the Product Service/Directory
and win a $100 Debit Card
See p. 180 for details Response No. 1295
Daily News
Calendar/Upcoming Events
Products/Service Directories
130 GJ S/O
Square Bins
Bolted Storage Bins Bulk Overhead Storage Systems Bulk Storage Bins
Fabricators of pre-engineered square 50 years servicing the seed, feed, and Custom sizes for bulk storage sys-
bolted storage bins in three designs grain industries. tems, surge, or load-out bins.
totally smooth double wall; standard Two bin designscorrugated and flat Welded or bolt together design us-
smooth wall with stiffeners; and cor- wall. ing flat or corrugated panels to fit
rugated. Standard or custom bin designs. your needs.
Fabricators of gates, valves, welded Angle iron panel corner reduces num- Engineered structure or self-sup-
round tanks, structural steel, and other bers of fasteners over other designs. porting designs.
custom parts. Roof panels fabricated/welded at our Hopper angles to your spec with val-
facility, reducing erection time. leys flashed for excellent cleanout.
Specializing in design-build feed Inlets, outlets, letdowns, access
mills, seed conditioning plants, grain- doors, and ladders made to cus-
handling equipment, and storage tomers requirements.
facilities. Custom paint colors available.
Designers and fabricators of convey- Tripper or shuttle-fill and load-out
ors, chopping systems, field erected belt conveyor systems custom de-
tanks for wet or dry applications, ear signed for you.
corn dryers, and full material handling High capacity belt conveyors.
Designers, fabricators, erectors, and
general contractors.
S/O GJ 131
C InterSystems EBM Manufacturing Inc.
L Gravity Cleaners 800-228-1483 Gentle Roll Screener 877-370-4948
Capacities ranging from 1,500 to 40,000 bph. Non-vibrating screener with multiple screen
E 60,000 bph internal proportional by-pass congurations available.
A on 40,000 bph screener. Proven applications include grain, feed, and feed
Patented internal proportional by-pass pellets.
N allows ne touch FM control of cleaning Quick and easy screen inspection and replacement.
E process. Dust-tight and durable construction.
Safety-edged screens can be completely changed Proven screening efciency and reliability.
R with bare handsno tools required. No. 1323 www.gentleroll.com See ad on p. 46
S Energy
HP required.
Spreads grain
evenly for
Screens sized
for each
No. 1321
See ad on p. 52
132 GJ S/O
Bhler Inc. Mid-Continent Industries C
TAS Cleaning Machine 763-847-9900 Newton Grain Cleaner 800-279-6812 L
Capacities of up to 10,000 bph with a 500 ft2 Efcient and cost effective operation with
sieving area in a multi-deck design. minimal maintenance costs.
Oscillation monitor on the screen boxes noties Portable or stationary. A
and stops the system as needed. Three cleaners in one: scalper; screener and N
Visual air volume regulation for optimal adjustment aspirator.
of different grains. Reduces screen blinding by brushing screens E
No. 1331 www.buhlergroup.com See ad on p. 89 from underside. R
Screens quickly and easily change for different
grains and conditions. S
No. 1333 www.midcontinentindustries.com
See ads on p. 22/23
S/O GJ 133
Mitch Dawson Interview
Mitch Dawson, director of grain conference, and that meeting the Country Elevator
operations for MFA Inc., Columbia, is open to all attendees. Committee four years ago
MO (573-676-5462), currently Dawson has worked in and has been a member
serves as chair of the National Grain the grain industry for 36 of the NGFA Board of
and Feed Associations (NGFA) years having held positions in Directors for two years.
Country Elevator Committee. Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, He is in his first year as
His committee deals with a Arkansas, and Iowa, before committee chair.
variety of issues of importance to the starting his present position Grain Journal inter-
thousands of small country elevators with MFA in 2011. His viewed Dawson by phone
that make up the grain handling resume includes grain and early in September at his
infrastructure of the United States. feed processing, cottonseed office in Columbia.
It also sponsors an annual Country export sales, positions with
Elevator Conference, which in 2016 is both private firms and Mitch Dawson Annual Conference
scheduled for Dec. 11-13 at the Marriott cooperatives, and some time To me, the most important
Magnificent Mile in Chicago, IL (see in business for himself helping to establish function of the Country Elevator
page 136). The committee is scheduled to ethanol plants. Conference is to provide important
meet at 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at the At NGFA, Dawson joined information to young merchandisers,
134 GJ S/O
operations managers, and risk managers
who are fairly new to our industry. For the Over the last year, weve been
Small investment.
last two years, weve held breakout sessions
led by key people in the industry focusing involved largely with the writing LARGE
on the grain merchandising situation and
other issues that we face.
of a law for labeling GMOs in
The idea is to show people in our consumer products. Weve served
industry, especially the younger people Call Maljohn today for all your wear
who have been around maybe five, 10, as a sounding board for our resistant UHMW REPLACEMENT
or 15 years, what a career path looks
congressional representatives, drag conveyor component parts:
like, what youll encounter, what youre
facing now, and whats coming. > Drag Flights
We also put on a reception Monday
made visits to our representatives
> Complete Return Roller Assemblies
night at the conference aimed at the next and senators, and explained what > Replacement Rollers
generation of grain industry professionals. > Sprockets
Its an opportunity for them to meet with the various aspects of labeling will
their counterparts in other companies and > Seal Plates
make connections that could serve them mean to our industry. > Return Rail Liners
for their entire careers. -Mitch Dawson > Wear Strips
__________________________ > Flat Bottom Liners, etc.
Current Issues
The conference aside, our function as Frankly, it can be a frustrating issue, We stock many different types of
a committee is to serve as a guide to the with both major party candidates ights. If theyre not in stock we can
association as to what we are facing out in the for president on record opposing the
make them and ship within a week!
country. How can we explain, specifically agreement in its present form.
to the NGFA officers and staff, what were We in the Midwest and in the grain
facing out in the real world? What policies industry have to understand that these
do we need? What do we need to tell the things can move slowly, and we have to be
government agencies that regulate us? involved in the process the entire way. The
Biotechnology. One area where members of Congress who are being asked
weve very active is in developments to ratify the TPP need to understand what it Call today
in biotechnology. Over the last year, means for us and for our rural communities. for your custom quote!
weve been involved largely with Were explaining this to members who 1.800.268.1908
the writing of a law for labeling mostly have no rural background.
GMOs in consumer products. Weve Trade rules. Lately, weve been asked
served as a sounding board for our to provide input on ongoing changes to
congressional representatives, made visits NGFA trade rules, particularly related
to our representatives and senators, and to the transportation of grain and feed
explained what the various aspects of products by truck and how they may or
labeling will mean to our industry. may not be rejected by the receiver.
Trade issues. Right now, were
focusing on the proposed Trans Pacific Upcoming Issues
Partnership (TPP) agreement and what We have new rules that are being
that means to U.S. agriculture. implemented under the Food Safety FOB
_________________________ and Modernization Act (FSMA) that NIAGARA
will affect us on both the grain and FALLS NY
We in the Midwest and in feed sides of the business. Fortunately,
NGFA has an expert in this area on staff,
the grain industr y have to Dave Fairfield, senior vice president of
feed services, who is part of an industry
understand that these things organization advising the Food and Drug
(trade issues) can move slowly, Administration in this area (see page 176.).
A lot of the issues were seeing relate
and we have to be involved in to what consumers want from the grain
industry. They want to know where their
the process the entire way. food comes from and whether its safe for MALJOHN PLASTICS COMPANY LIMITED
them and their families. www.maljohn.com
-Mitch Dawson, chair, NGFA Country email: maljohn@maljohn.com
Elevator Committee NGFA Country Elevator Council Fax: 905.692.3349
_________________________ Preview on p. 136
Response No. 1351
S/O GJ 135
NGFA Country Elevator Conference
the CEC is the single largest annual Concurrent Breakout Sessions
gathering of country elevator and feed Rounds 1 and 2
manufacturing personnel. Tales from the Crypt Comeback
For the second year, we are hold Stories on Merchandising and Opera-
ing breakout sessions led by key people tions.
in the industry focusing on the grain OTC Markets Creative Risk
DECEMBER 11 - 13 CHICAGO, IL merchandising situation and other issues Management for Merchandising Op-
that we face, says Mitch Dawson, chair of portunities.
The National Grain and Feed As- the NGFA Country Elevator Committee. Contracting Pitfalls that Lead to
sociation (NGFA) will hold its 45th Disputes.
annual Country Elevator Conference Education Program
(CEC) and Trade Show, Dec. 11-13, Monday, Dec. 12 Round 3
in Chicago, IL at the Chicago Marriott General Session Buying and Selling with Purpose.
Downtown Magnificent Mile hotel. Welcome to Chicago. Those Who Know ... Know Part
Hosting more than 750 industry NGFA Priorities for 2017. I. The Big Picture Grain; Part II.
members, along with a sold-out trade Connecting the Macro Environ- What a Grain Handler Needs to Know
show featuring more than 95 exhibits, ment to Your Strategy: Trend vs. Cycle. about Feed Processing and the Food Safety
136 GJ S/O
Modernization Act.
Safety Tips and Technology C
Enhancements Part I. A Safety
Journey; Part II. Grain Elevator O
Technology Where its Been and
Where its Going!
Tuesday, Dec. 8
Concurrent Breakout Sessions E
Round 4 (same as Round 3) Y
General Session O
Thriving Across Generations Why
Embracing Generational Differences is R
the Key to Agribusiness Success.
CBOT Delivery Process.
Gain a Handle on the Grain You
Handle: A Biotechnology Primer.
Closing Remarks, Announcement
of Foundation Raffle Winner, and
Photography Contest Winner.
For more information or to register,
call the NGFA at 202-289-0873, or visit
www.ngfa.org/cec. For hotel reserva-
tions, call 877-303-0104.
Program Schedule
Sunday, Dec. 11
8 a.m.-1:30 p.m....NGFA-State/Region-
al/Afliate Leadership Conference
1:30-4 p.m. ... Country Elevator
Committee Meeting
4-7 p.m. ... Trade Show/Reception
Monday, Dec. 12
3i Triple Idler Design
7-8:15 a.m. ... Breakfast in Trade Show Side idler support brackets with easy 4-bolt
8:30-9:45 a.m. ... General Sessions
External ange bearings safeguard against
10:15-11:30 a.m. ... Concurrent explosion hazards
Breakout Sessions All InterSystems
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m....Trade Show/ Lunch Enclosed Belt Conveyors
1:30-4:30 p.m. ... Concurrent Breakout Heavy duty idlers
Sessions 2-way head discharges
Intermediate discharges
4:30-6 p.m. ... Trade Show / Reception
Tuesday, Dec. 9
7-8 a.m. ... Breakfast/Trade Show
8-9:15 ... Concurrent Breakout Sessions
9:30-Noon ... General Session
Response No. 1372 Response No. 1374
S/O GJ 137
138 GJ S/O
Tapco Inc. Maxi-Lift Inc. E
Xtreme Duty Buckets 800-288-2726 Six Bucket Styles 800-527-0657
CC-XD (Xtreme Duty) elevator buckets with Six distinct plastic bucket lines.
35-50% more resin. Same geometry as proven Tiger-Tuff Maximum Duty, Tiger-CC E
CC-HD. Maximum Duty, HD-Stax, HD-Max and CC- V
Reinforced 5/8-inch lip and engineered resins Max Heavy Duty, and Dura-Buket SS.
guarantee long life and exceptional strength. Available in polyethylene, Zytel nylon, and A
FDA-compliant polyethylene and urethane is standard. urethane.
FDA-complant nylon available by special request. Full line of domestic PVC and rubber belting in
Sizes from 11-inch x 7-inch to 20-inch x 10-inch. stock and ready to ship. O
Designed for the most extreme throughput elevators. Single source for belts, buckets, and bolts. R
No. 1391 www.tapcoinc.com See ad on p. 2 No. 1393 www.maxilift.com See ad on p. 228
S/O GJ 139
140 GJ S/O
GSI Sukup Manufacturing Co. A
Centrifugal Fans 217-226-4421 Aeration Fans 641-892-4222 E
TEFC motors standard. Complete line of centrifugal and axial fans to
meet your aeration needs. R
Durable all galvanized housings.
Backward inclined Airfoil impellers Highest airow has made Sukup #1 in centrifugal A
provide optimum efciency and reduced noise. fans.
Fan wheels are statically and dynamically
Centrifugal fans have NEMA 4 rated control
enclosures. balanced for smooth, trouble-free operation. I
Sukup has over 30 years of experience in
No. 1411 www.grainsystems.com See ad on p. 52
manufacturing fans. O
No. 1412 www.sukup.com See ad on p. 41 N
S/O GJ 141
Response No. 1421 Response No. 1423 Response No. 1425
Safety Quiz
from p. 46
1. D
Capacies to 80,000 bph standard. 2. D
Larger sizes available.
Feature-rich design, honest capacity 3. D
rang, pillow block bearing, slide lagged
pulleys, safety labeling, detailed 4. False
computer performance calculaon, and
precision manufacturing. 5. True
Stack straight - Run quietly.
Opons: gravity boots, self-cleaning
6. False
boots, all-galvanized work plaorms and
ladders/cage, moon sensors, and drives. 7. True
Painted, galvanized, or stainless steel.
8. True
NFPA compliant.
9. True
10. False
142 GJ S/O
Response No. 1431 Response No. 1433 Response No. 1435
S/O GJ 143
P Gamet Mfg., Inc. InterSystems
R Apollo & JaHam Probes 888-647-5475 Automatic Truck Probe 800-228-1483
Sizes and designs for all Heaviest design in the industry.
O applications. Compartmentalized or core tip.
B Quality and Free-standing and hydraulically operated.
performance at
E Truck or rail designs (4 models in all).
a great price.
Long range vacuum systems and sample
S Long-range ticket
return systems.
return systems.
Intercoms, No. 1443 www.grainsystems.com See ad on p. 52
144 GJ S/O
S/O GJ 145
C Warrior Mfg., LLC GSI
A 320-587-5505 QuickBoltTM Towers and Catwalks
Standard computer-engineered spans up to 888-GSI-BINS
T 175 ft. Completely new
W Custom-engineered designs over 200 ft. in length. design requires fewer
A Designed to support any conveyor size and weight. bolts and pieces,
No. 1461 www.warriormfgllc.com See ads on p. 43/87/105
resulting in less time
L spent assembling.
Simple patent pend-
K ing connections and
S alignment guides aid
in the ease of eld
Industry leading strength-to-weight ratios.
Handrail or walk-thru trusses are available, and
custom designed catwalks can be built with
spans well over 200 feet.
No. 1463 www.grainsystems.com See ads on p. 52
146 GJ S/O
Presented by
2016 Safety/Grain Quality Conference
Video/PowerPoint Presentations
2016 Trade Show To view the videos and PowerPoints of these presentations
from the NGFA/Grain Journal 2016 Safety/Grain Quality
Exhibitors Conference, Aug. 2-4 in Omaha, NE, go to www.safetygrain
4B Components Ltd. >D How Grain Quality and Safety Intersect
AgriDry, LLC M&M Specialty Services, LLC Nick Friant, Business Unit Food Safety Leader, Cargill Inc.; Greg
Hansen, VP Regional Operations Manager, Perdue AgriBusiness LLC
AgriSphere McPherson Concrete Storage
Systems Inc. Mock OSHA Inspection | Employee Interview, Document
Alimak Hek Inc. Production and Closing Conference
,D/ Mega Dryers Eric J. Conn, Partner, Conn Maciel Carey PLLC
BarnesCo Inc. MoleMaster Services Corp. Doug Fletcher, President, Fletcher Safety Consulting, Inc.
BinMaster Level Controls E&W Panel Discussion on Incident Investigation
North American Equipment Co. Matt Shurtliff, Dir. of Safety and Environmental Issues, J.D. Heiskell
& Company;
Brock Grain Systems Pepper Maintenance
Corey Hopkins, Senior Loss Control Rep-Agribusiness, Continental
CCS Group LLC Roadway Worker Training Western Group
Central Life Sciences Rolfes @ Boone Fumigation: A Piece of The Safety Puzzle
Safe-Grain/Maxi-Tronic Inc. Dr. Carol Jones, PhD, PE, Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University
Chief Agri
CMC Industrial Electronics Safety Made Simple, Inc. Traffic Struck-by
Safety-Reports Rod Doerr, VP Safety and Chief Safety Officer, Union Pacific
Schlagel Inc. Grain Grading 101
^/ Dave Reeder, President/Owner, Fremont Grain Inspection Department
CR Manufacturing Sioux Steel Co.
Physical Capacity Profile Post-Offer and Fit-For-Duty
CTECAG Sukup Mfg. Co.
Testing Protocols
CTEC Electrical/Mechanical TG Technical Services Chris Curtis, Business Development Manager, Occupational
The Arnold Company Performance Corporation
Degesch America, Inc.
The Industrial Fumigant Grain Storage Best Practices Panel Discussion
DEKRA Insight
Company Mike Anderson, Sr. Project Manager, Scoular Company
Drake Inc. Jeff Mesick, Operations Manager, Gavilon Grain LLC
The Lakeland Companies
Electro-Sensors, Inc. Mike Phillips, Director Special Projects, Perdue AgriBusiness LLC
The SafetyQuip Company/
Central States Enterprises Fall Protection
Extron Company Jeff Springer, Business Development Mgr., Process Marketing Group
Thompson Specialty Services
&W^ Managing Dryer Performance = Making Money
d^' Bob Marlow, President, Operations Professional Services
Air and Noise Monitoring
Greene Galvanized Stairs Warrior Mfg.
Randy Milbrath, Senior Industrial Hygienist, CIH, Terracon
GSI Wellman Enterprises LLC Consultants, Inc.
Halverson Company West Side Salvage OSHA and NFPA Update
,/ Sponsors Only Jess McCluer, VP Safety and Regulatory Affairs, NGFA
Susan Bershad, Senior Chemical Engineer, Industrial and
JMI Covers LLC Bunge
Chemical Engineering Div., National Fire Protection Association
< EnviroLogix Inc.
< Improving Workplace Culture Through Safety Leadership
Nidera Donald Groover, Sr. VP, DEKRA Insight
KC Supply Co. Inc. RN Conveyance Company Safety Culture | Panel Discussion
Lewis Goetz Don Wray, Regional Operations Manager, The Andersons
Chris Potts, Safety Director, Perdue AgriBusiness LLC
Donald Groover, Sr. VP, DEKRA Insight
To view videos of presentations, go to
FSMA - Impacts on Grain and Feed Industries
Dave Fairfield, Senior VP of Feed Services, NGFA
S/O GJ 147
I Distributor
S Control Panel
Standard sizes from 10 to 30 dia.
U Bi-direconal rotaon.
T All new microprocessor-based
Absolute encoder for accurate
electronic controls.
O Easy access for inspecon and
No more brakemotors or maintenance.
R mechanical starters. Full round, at back, and swingset
120-volt operation. models.
S Electric direct drive design
Live spout monitoring and
error alarms.
Cambridge, MN www.schlagel.com
148 GJ S/O
CTECAG Structural Restoration, Inc. R
Contractor and Repair Services 800-345-2832 Restoration Services 888-825-1969 E
Construction. 30 years of experience.
Structural repairs by shotcrete and epoxy injection.
Electrical. Explosion repairs. T
Waterproong. Reinforced concrete liners installed. O
Crack repair and Sandblasting and coatings.
patching. R
Repairs and installation of hopper bottoms.
Concrete roof caps repairs. Budget planning services. A
No. 1491 www.cteccag.com No. 1493 www.structuralrestoration.com See ad on p. 120 T
Simpson Strong-Tie CCS Group LLC C
800-999-5099 Concrete Grain Elevator Maintenance and Repair
Composite Strengthening SystemsTM. T
Performance coating. Shotcrete/ O
FX-70 Structural Repair and protection systems. gunite R
General concrete repair. reinforced
Crack repair. liners. S
Joint sealing. Carbon ber
Hopper repair
Underwater repair materials. and installation.
Specialty products. Concrete crack
Code-listed ber-reinforced polymer (FRP) and spalling
products: repair.
- Carbon and E-glass fabics. Catastrophic
- Pre-cured laminate. failure repair
- Epoxy ller and saturants. and prevention.
- Protective coatings. Structural
Engineering services. assessments.
No. 1492 www.strongtie.com/rps See ad on p. 31 No. 1494
S/O GJ 149
G Zimmerman Mathews Company
Division of GSI Group, LLC
R Vacuum Cool M-C Tower Dryers 800-323-7045
Grain Dryers 888-GSI-BINS
A Twelve energy efcient,
Accu-trol metering sys- vacuum cool tower
I tem with self-cleaning models.
N 10 feet and 12 feet diameter
NEMA IV control modular stack dryers,
panel with PLC. and 18 feet diameter
Patented grain inver- with capacities from 560
D ers improve quality bph to 4,800+ bph.
and efciency.
R Premier moisture-based
Capacities up to Pinnacle Lite|AccuDry
Y 12,000 bph. control system
E No. 1501 powered by industry
www.grainsystems.com leading Dryer Master.
R See ad on p. 52 M-C Trax remote
S monitoring system.
Quality-built construction
built to last.
No. 1503
See ad on p. 117
150 GJ S/O
S/O GJ 151
G Shore Measuring Mid-Continent
R Systems Industries, Inc.
A Distributor for Vicam Vertu Reader 800-837-0863 Auto Kicker Grain Analyzer 800-279-6812
I Fast, simple DON results. Automated dockage
Quantitative DON results in minutes. and (FM) foreign
N material tester.
Eliminate heated incubation.
Reduce manpower
Room temperature storage. for grain grading.
G Range: 0.5-5ppm. Displays dockage,
No. 1521 www.moisturetesters.com See ad on p. 18 FM, moisture test
weight, and protein.
A Receives sample
directly from your
D pneumatic probe.
I Sample results sent
directly to your
N scale ticket system.
G Monitor ship/barge
No. 1523
See ads on p. 22/23
DICKEY-john Corp.
GAC2500-UGMA Grain Moisture Analyzer
Results in seconds.
New 149 MHz technology.
Easy to use color touch screen. Jan. 19 Fall Protection
Choose between an automatic and manual sample (For Operations Employees)
dump sequence.
Switch between common grains with ease. Mar. 8 Respiratory Hazards/Respirators
No. 1522 www.GAC-land.com See ad on p. 29 (For Managers/Supervisors)
152 GJ S/O
Process Control Systems CMC Industrial Electronics M
MAXIGARD Speed Monitors 800-328-0738 CMC Digital HazMon Systems 888-421-4425 O
Complete speed monitoring systems, custom Shaft speed bearing temperature N
designed to t your applicationbelt conveyors, belt alignment grain temperature.
bucket elevators, screw conveyors. Fully integrated, intrinsically safe systems for I
Monitors operating speed. large or small facilities.
Detects belt stretch and mechanical failure. Wireless sensing capability available when
Prevents overloading, jamming and downtime. required. O
No. 1531 www.maxigard.com See ad on p. 116 Safer operations avoid costly nuisance alarms.
Field-proven over 200,000 sensors installed.
No. 1533 www.cmciel.com See ad on p. 21
4B Components, Ltd. Compu-Watt E
Secure Cloud Based Hazard Monitoring Intelligent Monitoring 800-687-0778
309-698-5611 Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU.
4 wire intrinsically safe network. T
Alert e-mail notications.
Real-time system status. Network cable with SS armor and pvc jacket.
Data logged automatically. Fast simultaneous scanning of all modules.
Password protected network. Intelligent junction boards with pluggable
headers and troubleshooting LEDS.
Customized reporting capabilities.
Sensors with M8 or M12 connectors and inte-
Free online demo (www.hazardmon.com). gral status LEDs (1P67 rate water-tight).
No. 1532 www.go4b.com See ads on p. 5/9/101 Digital, thermocouple, and RTD temperature
sensors in a wide range of probe styles.
Shaft speed sensors for motion monitoring.
Shaft position sensors for gate positions.
Switch sensors bin level and plugged chute.
No. 1534 www.compuwatt.com See ad on p. 119
S/O GJ 153
S Bratney Companies Compu-Watt
C Concetti Weighing Systems 800-247-6755 Continuous Weighing 800-687-0778
A Diverse product range for optimizing speed and Continuous weighing and ow monitoring for
accuracy. bucket elevators and conveyors.
L Available in gross and net weighing platforms. Eliminate railcar and truck overloads.
E Precision control system with simple operator Inventory and process monitoring.
interface makes operations easy and repeatable. Low installation cost, less than 1 day.
S Quality of construction built under ISO No maintenance, no moving parts.
standards and used around the world. Cost effective alternative to impact, belt, hop-
Complete installation, training, parts, and service. per, or volumetric scales.
No. 1541 www.bratney.com See ad on p. 109 Accuracy typically 1% or better.
Wide interfacing capabilities include
EthernetIP, Modus RTU, RS485, RS232.
No. 1543 www.compuwatt.com See ad on p. 119
Rice Lake
Seibert Joins NGFA in Training,
Weighing Systems
SURVIVOR Truck Scales 800-472-6703
Safety, and Regulatory Role
270,000-pound NGFA in early August added
full scale capacity. Jim Seibert to fill the newly created
executive staff position of manager
Standard and
of regulatory affairs, education, and
custom designs
to t new or
According to NGFA President
Randy Gordon, Seibert will be
responsible for developing new
More North Jim Seibert
education and training materials to
American steel assist NGFA members in complying with safety, health,
content than and other regulatory requirements.
competitive truck scales. He also will be involved in reviewing and updating
Integrated automated ticketing kiosk to optimize NGFAs extensive inventory of employee safety
truck trafc and improve safety while reducing education, training, and informational materials, as
labor costs. well as addressing grain, feed, and processing facility
SURVIVOR OTR scales with grain dump are operations issues.
custom-made and operate with bottom or rear Before joining NGFA, Seibert served as a grain
discharge trucks. and crop inputs production supervisor for Cargill
Inc. in Ravenna, NE. He has more than six years of
No. 1542 www.ricelake.com/truckscales See ad on p. 17
experience managing facility production and regulatory
compliance inspections, and conducting ongoing safety
education and process improvement projects at grain
elevators and feed mills.
154 GJ S/O
InterSystems CompuWeigh Corp. S
Bulk Weighing System 800-228-1483 Integrated Bulk Weigh Scales C
Fabricated, assembled, wired, and plumbed 203-262-9400
at the Intersystems factory.
Bulk weigh control and PLC systems.
Standard sizes thru 100,000 cfh.
NTEP certied scales.
Hydraulic, air or electric operation. E
Throughput of 3,500
RFID car tag 120,000 bph.
reader. S
RFID car recognition.
Total system
Rail load-out and truck
Seamless accounting
One company one
integrated solution.
No. 1553
No. 1551
See ad on p. 91
See ad p. 52
S/O GJ 155
Ceramic-Backed Elbow
Tandem Products Minneapolis, MN 800-533-0509 www.rhinohydeproducts.com
Used in dust collection systems and nificant weight to the elbow, he adds.
pneumatic conveying lines, Tandem
Products Rhino Hyde Cerathane Features
ceramic-backed elbows are highly abra- Seamless Cerathane ceramic con-
sion resistant to reduce downtime and struction and double back elbow wall.
increase productivity. Continuous abrasion-resistant
We extend the life of metal tubes by surface eliminates worries about losing
welding a metal shell onto the tube be- individual ceramic tiles during opera-
fore packing it with Cerathane ceramic tion and downtime incurred while fab-
material, says Territory Sales Manager ricating and installing individual tiles.
Joe Ademino. Outer cavity filled with Cerathane
The Cerathane ceramic is con- ceramic to improve wear resistance and
Tandem Products Rhino Hyde Cerathane
centrated along the most severe wear increase elbow life.
ceramic-backed elbow.
surface, the outer radius of the bend, Elbows are supplied with tangents
he explains. Some operators have tried apply- at both ends to facilitate attachments to
Our customers appreciate how we ing concrete to the outside bend of a the existing pipe system using a flange
significantly extend the life of their tube, but this doesnt last as long as the or a coupler.
elbows. Cerathane, and the concrete adds sig- Response No. 1561
156 GJ S/O
Convertible to meet your A
needs now and in the future. N
Our specialty designed D
knock-outs enable you to
convert a gate quickly and L
easily. I
Response No. 1571 Response No. 1573 Response No. 1575 C
in stock
Ideal for legs, conveyors E
and spouting.
Stocked in 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, S
20, 24 and 30 in.
Heavy duty die stamped
Easily installed.
S/O GJ 157
F Central States Enterprises Food Protection Services
U Fumigation & Services 800-527-8215 855-377-3444
Quality grain management and fumigation featuring Grain quality services include:
M sampling, inspection, detection, and remediation. Fumigation.
I Fumigation services for commodity import/ Grain sampling.
export, PPQ, warehouse, processing, and empty Surface inspection/insect ID/resistance testing.
G bin spraying.
Top dressing.
A New, state of the art machinery used for precision
ULV fogging. Empty bin spraying/perimeter bin spraying.
N Complete line of safety equipment CSE also Protectants and application systems.
T purchases and uses the same equipment because Coverage across North America through our
we believe in our products. afliation with Food Protection Alliance.
S Certied applicators in 27 states and counting. Visit our web site or call us for more information.
Service outlets all over the U.S. and coast to coast No. 1583 www.foodprotectionservices.net See ads on p. 27/107
No. 1581 www.centralse.com See ad on p. 11
158 GJ S/O
Portable Railcar T
Gate Opener R
Safe and easy to operate
Easy to manuever T
Moves parallel with railcar
Automatic opening and closing A
Up and down leveling
Pneumatic powered T
Competitively priced
800-835-0226 (KS) 800-821-5578 (MO)
855-254-6611 (NE)
www.millelevatorsupply.com E
Response No. 1591 Response No. 1593 Response No. 1594
S/O GJ 159
Flow Diverters
Bulk Ag Innovations Decatur, IL 217-422-9410 www.bulkag.com
160 GJ S/O
800-835-0226 (KS) 800-821-5578 (MO)
855-254-6611 (NE) N
Response No. 1611 Response No. 1613 Response No. 1614 C
Over 20 Years Experience Serving the Grain Industry
Full Line of Personal Protection Equipment
Complete line of atmosphere monitors E
Single & simultaneous multi-gas N
monitors up to 5 gases at once T
Trade-ins & upgrades available
Loaner programs rentals
Single MultiGas
Monitor calibrations & (Smallest 5
Gas Monitors)
servicing available
Fleet services & tracking Audible Visual & Vibrating Alarms
S/O GJ 161
Clear Creek and Associates, Inc.
N 212 Washington St., Suite 10
E Goshen, IN 46526-3735
Sales@ccalink.com www.ccalinkcom
E 574.537.9060
R Response No. 1621 Response No. 1623 Response No. 1624
162 GJ S/O
Response No. 1631 Response No. 1633 Response No. 1635 R
S/O GJ 163
C Engineering, Planning & Design Services
R Civil Electrical Mechanical Structural
S General Arrangement Rail Design
/ Master Planning Industrial Architecture
E 763.559.9100 vaaeng.com
Response No. 1641 Response No. 1643 Response No. 1644
164 GJ S/O
Builders Builders O
of value of trust R
Services provided include: S
Preliminary Design /
Design/Build E
New Facilities
Facility Expansions
Younglove Construction, L.L.C. I
P.O. Box 8800
Sioux City, IA 51102 N
www.younglovellc.com E
Leaders in Design & Construction Since 1896
Response No. 1651 Response No. 1653 Response No. 1655 R
P i t t s bu r g h , PA
rpongratz@wlpor t-land.com
Ph: 412-344-1408
Fa x : 4 1 2 - 3 4 4 - 1 4 1 2
S/O GJ 165
Multi-Deck Screen
BM&M Screening Solutions Ltd. Surrey, BC 800-663-0323 www.bmandm.com
In March 2016, BM&M introduced manufacture to extremely tight tolerances
the Super-Flow versions of the BM&M without exceeding our design weight
Multi-Deck Screen for high capacity limits, says Jackson. The screen features
screening of grains, legumes, and oil- rugged construction and simplicity of
seeds. design, he says.
According to President Collin Jack-
son, our customers are being asked to Features
process more grain and fill more rail cars 600-square-feet of screen area for
in the same amount of time, and the maximum throughput and requires only
Multi-Deck Screen enables customers 107-square-feet of floor space.
to speed up grain cleaning so they can Rotates horizontally at 300 rpm
be more efficient. It can clean wheat compared to 180 rpm for reciprocating
and canola without making changes at machines.
240 mtph. BM&M Multi-Deck Screener. Three-year drive warranty.
Fully enclosed construction to
Long-lasting Equipment ensure cleaner operating environment and minimum
New, modern manufacturing techniques including housekeeping.
3D modeling, laser cutting, and CNC forming allow us to Response No. 1661 See ad on p. 51
Design-Build Leader in
the Ag Industry
Ag Industrial Process Facilities
N Grain Storage Terminals
Shuttle Loaders
E Fertilizer Facilities
166 GJ S/O
New MoleMaster
Bin Cleaning
Equipment Brochure
MoleMaster Services Corporation,
Marietta, OH (800-322-6653), in early
September released a new silo and bin
cleaning equipment brochure.
The four-page, color brochure
focuses on the companys Junior
machines, which are designed to clear
material blockages in silos and bins.
Dave Laing, we are really excited
to have a fully updated piece that s
quickly highlights all of the best
features of our equipment.
S/O GJ 167
168 GJ S/O
Perdue Purchases 10
Southern States Elevators
Perdue Agri-
Business, Salisbury, E
MD, and Southern
States, Richmond, E
VA in late Septem- L
ber announced that
Perdue will purchase
10 of the 12 eleva-
tors the company S
had been leasing T
from Southern States since 2002.
Also, Perdue will continue to O
lease two other elevators that are
immediately adjacent to Southern R
States feed mills. A
The announcement wont have
any impact on grain receiving at the G
elevators, which have been operated
by Perdue since the lease agreement E
was signed 14 years ago.
The 12 facilities involved in the
transaction are located in Delaware,
Kentucky, Maryland, North Caro-
lina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
and Virginia. They can store more Response No. 1691 Response No. 1693
than 10 million bushels of grain in
S/O GJ 169
Response No. 1701 Response No. 1703 Response No. 1705
170 GJ S/O
Provide Storage Flexibility
Increase Grain Marketing Potential O
Low Cost and Long Life
In Stock and Ready to Ship
OR CALL 1-800-962-1495
Response No. 1712 Response No. 1713
S/O GJ 171
Response No. 1721
NGFA, K-State Offer
FSPCA Course
Nov. 14-16 Manhattan, KS
Mycotoxin Test Kits/
Batch Control/
Automation Systems
Purina Animal Nutrition
Mason City, IA
Mill Modernization
urina Animal Nutrition in early
September completed a $2.4 mil-
lion modernization project at its
feed mill in Mason City, IA.
For 56 years, the Mason City feed
mill has supplied the areas farmers with
swine, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, and
poultry feeds, and according to 16-year
Plant Manager Wes Fiddelke, it finally
was time for a major upgrade.
Fiddelke says the project is the big-
gest he has experienced in his 19 years
at the plant.
Project Details
Major aspects of the project that
began in April 2016 and was completed Purina Animal Nutritions feed mill in Mason City, IA produces a full line of
in August include the addition of: animal feed. The 56-year-old mill in early September completed a $2.4 million
New, higher horsepower motor upgrade project. Photos courtesy of Purina Animal Nutrition.
to increase pellet mill
speed. Mason City
Dan Moran, senior di- community.
Twelve storage bins. rector of livestock feed Purina makes 364 different feed
Additional inven- marketing, says it used products at the Mason City plant.
tory space. to take the plant ap- Fiddelke says the companys goal is to
New bulk loadout proximately 72 hours to develop feed products that help animal
scale. fill an average-size order; owners unlock the greatest potential of
Automation of some now, he expects orders will every animal.
downstream functions. be filled in close to 48 hours. Purinas Mason City feed mill sells
According to Fiddelke, this project its finished product to over 100 dealers,
expanded our production and storage Keeping up with Demand most of whom are located in a 120-mile
capacity for pelleted products, which Purina Animal Nutrition has been radius of the plant.
will speed up our ability to respond to making feed for animals in Iowa and The modernization project means
feed orders. Minnesota at this plant for decades,
It also will improve the time and and this modernization project helps
ease of truck loading for customers who us continue to do so, says Fiddelke.
come to the Mason City plant to pick Demand is strong for pelleted
up bulk feeds, he says. young animal feeds in the Mason City
service area, which includes northeast
and north-central Iowa and southeast
We chose to invest $2.4 million
to improve the way we can service our
customers, including farmer-owned
cooperatives. he explains.
Agriculture is a major economic
driver in this region, and we are proud
to be in a position to keep growing
Pl a n t Ma n a g e r We s Fi d d e l k e and working with our local agricultural Ne w o u t b o u n d t r u c k s c a l e .
174 GJ S/O
that the plant can produce 25% more
pelleted feed per year for its custom- L
ers. Pelleted feeds make up 60% of
the plants production. I
A feed plant is like an enormous N
kitchen making meals for thousands
of animals, says Fiddelke. E
In addition to making the feed,
we also buy and store ingredients R
used in manufacturing while follow- S
ing tight quality control measures.
S/O GJ 175
NGFA, K-State
Offer FSMA Course
The National Grain and Feed As-
sociation (NGFA) and Kansas State
University (K-State) are offering a
third training course to assist animal
food facilities in complying with requirements estab-
lished by the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA)
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
The next addition of the Preventive Controls for
Animal Food course is scheduled for Nov. 14-16 at
the K-State campus in Manhattan. The previous courses were
held June 28-30 and Sept. 20-22 in Manhattan.
The course is designed for individuals responsible for develop-
ing FSMA-required animal food safety plans and seeking accred-
ited hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) training.
FSPCA. The course delivers the standardized curriculum
developed by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance
(FSPCA) that is recognized as adequate by FDA for training in-
dividuals in the development and application of risk-based pre-
ventive controls, as required by FDAs final rule issued on Sept.
17 for Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis,
and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Food for Animals.
To register, go to www.igpevents.grains.ksu.edu.
Evaluation Project
The research and education wings
of the American Feed Industry Asso-
ciation (AFIA) and National Grain
and Feed Association (NGFA) have
set November 2016 as a target completion date for a joint proj-
ect to help animal feed, feed ingredient, and pet food facilities
comply with a core requirement of the Food and Drug Admin-
istrations (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
AFIAs Institute for Feed Education & Research (IF-
EEDER) and NGFAs National Grain and Feed Foundation
(NGFF) are co-sponsors of a hazard evaluation of typical in-
gredients and processes associated with the manufacturing and
distribution of animal feed and pet food being conducted by
researchers at the University of Minnesota College of Veteri-
nary Medicines Center for Animal Health and Food Safety.
According to Joel G. Newman, AFIA president and
CEO and IFEEDER president, the results of this project
are expected to provide a strong scientific basis for identify-
ing hazards and developing a hazard analysis that compa-
nies can adapt to their specific operations, thereby poten-
tially saving covered facilities millions of dollars.
Training Seminar. AFIA is offering to its members a
FSMA hazard analysis training seminar, Dec. 6-7, at the
Westin Crystal City hotel in Arlington, VA. For more in-
formation, go to www.afia.org.
Response No. 1761
176 GJ S/O
2016 AFIA Equipment
Manufacturers Conference
Education Sessions
Inside Washington Update, Joel G. Newman, AFIA.
Lean Concepts for Manufacturing, Scott Kluender,
ISO TC 293 Update, Gary Huddleston, AFIA.
Panel Discussion: How can we better serve the feed in-
dustry?, Bill Monroe, Southern States Cooperative; Andy
Bishop, Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.; Mike Gauss, Kent Nutri-
tion Group; Larry Hooper, Perdue Foods, LLC; Walter
Ney, JBS United, Inc.
A Model Apprenticeship Program, Krystal Anderson,
Bhler Aeroglide.
Career Conversations for a New Generation of Talent,
Joanne Loce, Loce Consulting.
Writing Your Employees Into The Change Story, Joanne
Loce, Loce Consulting.
Innovative Technologies, Chris Hill, Iowa State Uni-
versity Center for Industrial Research.
For more information or to register for the event, go to
Response No. 1771
S/O GJ 177
Charm Sciences, Inc. VICAM
ROSA Mycotoxin Tests 800-343-2170 Complete Family of Mycotoxin Detection Solutions
USDA/GIPSA approved.
2-min DON and 3-min aatoxin tests with Water Ex-
Fast USDA GIPSA approved aatoxin
traction Technology.
Quantitative lateral ow tests also results with AaTest and Aa-V .
available for fumonisin, ochratoxin, Simple quick, quantitative data for DON,
T-2 toxin, and zearalenone. Aa, and Fumo detection using Vertu.
Full data traceability for documentation. Versatile obtain laboratory-quality results
Technical support available 24/7. with rapid, on-site detection tools.
No. 1781 www.charm.com Accurate trusted to safeguard food and grain
products in more than 100 countries.
EnviroLogix Inc. No. 1785 www.vicam.com
178 GJ S/O
Response No. 1791
Play the
KC Supply Co. Inc.
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City
Scavenger Airlanco
Atlas Metal Works, Inc.
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita
Premier Components, Inc.
Hunt Brock Grain Systems
Chief Agri
Conrad American Inc. 800-553-1791
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Once youve found them,
go to www.grainnet.com/hunt
to enter the three page numbers and
be placed in a drawing to win
$100 Debit Card
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Mason Cady, Location Leader,
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Ag Partners, LLC, Albert City, IA
CMC Industrial Electronics 888-421-4425 Jason Lemmert, Location Manager,
Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227 Landus Cooperative, Bondurant, IA
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Kevin Guthrie, Safety Manager,
AERATION CONTROLLERS Bartlett & Company, Kansas City, MO
AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Airlanco 800-500-9777
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010 AERATION FANS CENTRIFUGAL
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250 Airlanco 800-500-9777
AERATION DUCTWORK Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233
Advanced Drainage Systems 614-658-0264 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Airlanco 800-500-9777 Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233 Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215 Conrad American Inc. 800-553-1791
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
North American Equipment Co., Inc. 800-514-7608
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
North American Equipment Co., Inc. 800-514-7608
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Springeld Plastics, Inc. 800-252-3361
180 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Airlanco 800-500-9777 Mid-States Appraisal Services, Inc. 913-685-8731
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233 Patchin Messner Dodd & Brumm 952-895-1205
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 ASPIRATORS
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
North American Equipment Co., Inc. 800-514-7608
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250 Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
AERATION TESTING Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
AERATOR PADS KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Lundell Plastic Corp. 877-367-7659
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600 AUGERS PORTABLE
Baasch & Sons, Inc. 308-485-4661
Bruce Martin Construction Inc 573-379-5776
Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
EnviroLogix Inc 866-408-4597
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993 BAG CLOSERS
Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Bestprotek 800-568-6855
R-Biopharm Inc. 877-789-3033
Koehl Bros 815-692-2326 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674
AIRLOCK MANUFACTURERS Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653 Inpak Systems, Inc. 608-221-8180
Airlanco 800-500-9777 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642 Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475 Thiele Technologies, Inc. 800-932-3647
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377 Union Special 800-344-9698
Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Prater 630-759-9595
AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
CMC Industrial Electronics 888-421-4425
Comco 800-225-4417
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472
Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272
Knobelsdorff Electric Inc 651-923-4970
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623
River Consulting 504-293-3900
SKS Engineers, LLC 217-877-2100
SonicAire by IES 336-712-2437
Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc. 800-257-7214
Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Bruker Optics 978-439-9899
FOSS 800-547-6275
Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105
ICIA 866-899-2518
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
S/O GJ 181
Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674 Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Inpak Systems, Inc. 608-221-8180 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Union Special 800-344-9698 TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
182 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT Food Protection Alliance 877-372-3334 Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603 Food Protection Services 855-377-3444 Binful, Inc. 320-554-2051
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203 Hydro-Klean LLC 515-283-0500 BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 KBM Industrial Services, Inc. 479-498-9304 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653 Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665 Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 West Side Salvage, Inc. 800-747-0104 Extron Company 763-544-4197
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935 Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
ABC Bin Company 320-413-0312
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Brownie Systems 800-228-4285
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
Greene Galvanized Stairs 217-375-4244
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
BELT TRIPPER Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094 Sweet Manufacturing Co 800-334-7254
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Borton, LC 620-669-8211
Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060
C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995 Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969 BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
BIN CLEANING/BRIDGING DEVICES Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204 BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653
S/O GJ 183
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Work Safe,
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Not Hard!
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
184 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
BIN UNLOADERS BIN VIBRATORS Grain Flo, Inc. 800-842-4875
Airlanco 800-500-9777 Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132 GSI 888-GSI-BINS
Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520 The Arnold Company 800-245-7505 Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298 Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377 Eriez 888-300-3743 InterSystems 800-228-1483
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. 515-989-0679
Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Koehl Bros 815-692-2326
North American Equipment Co., Inc. 800-514-7608 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Lambton Conveyor Limited 888-239-9713
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621
Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747
Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610
Norstar Industries 204-746-8200
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
RN Conveyance Company Inc. 410-546-0811
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Schlagel, Inc. 800-328-8002
Screw Conveyor Corporation 800-626-6629
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
BIRD CONTROL Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
Food Protection Alliance 877-372-3334 Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Food Protection Services 855-377-3444 Sweet Manufacturing Co 800-334-7254
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
The Nay Company 972-937-1652
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Union Iron 800-333-5148
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Walt Johnson Construction Inc. 320-763-9005
BLOWER MANUFACTURERS Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377 Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850
Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204
Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
John King USA Inc. 309-698-9250
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
AGRA 800-842-8033
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Airlanco 800-500-9777
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Bulk Conveyors Inc. 316-201-3158
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
C-TEC Mechanical 800-345-2832
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
The Essmueller Company 800-325-7175
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742 MORE BUCKET ELEVATORS ON P. 186
S/O GJ 185
Victor Lundeen Company 800-346-4870
CR Manufacturing 888-461-7040
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
AGRA 800-842-8033
Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Brownie Systems 800-228-4285
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Grain Flo, Inc. 800-842-4875
Greene Galvanized Stairs 217-375-4244
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377
BUILDINGS METAL Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156
Bargloff & Company 800-383-2755 KBM Industrial Services, Inc. 479-498-9304
Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Bolivar Contracting, Inc. 913-533-2240 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Bruce Martin Construction Inc 573-379-5776 Prairie Land Millwright Inc. 815-538-3085
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Gateway Building Systems, Inc. 800-747-4499 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156 Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Marcus Construction 800-367-3424 Sweet Manufacturing Co 800-334-7254
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774 TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Specialty Industries, Inc. 517-566-7251 Union Iron 800-333-5148
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
The Nay Company 972-937-1652
Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850 Quality You Demand.
BULK FEED LINERS Service You Deserve.
ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746
Bailey-Parks Urethane 800-238-7638
186 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Lambton Conveyor Limited 888-239-9713
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001
Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734
MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948
Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Baasch & Sons, Inc. 308-485-4661
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948
Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001
Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227
Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747
Q-Sage Inc 989-775-2424
Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Specialty Industries, Inc. 517-566-7251
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116
Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541
S/O GJ 187
American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591 Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Clipper Separation Technologies 800-248-8318 Clipper Separation Technologies 800-248-8318
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141 Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948 EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000 Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001 Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734 Q-Sage Inc 989-775-2424
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812 Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Q-Sage Inc 989-775-2424 Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541
Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116
Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
CLEANERS SCREENS Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591 Clipper Separation Technologies 800-248-8318
White Commercial Corporation 888-546-9555
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125 Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755 EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & HARDWARE
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000 AgVantage Software, Inc. 877-282-6353
Clipper Separation Technologies 800-248-8318 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 AgVision Agribusiness Software 800-759-9492
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141 Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812 Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472
EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948 Q-Sage Inc 989-775-2424 Oakland Corporation 800-383-5114
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000 Rotex Global 800-453-2321 COMPUTER FORMS
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541 Software Solutions Integrated, LLC 800-752-7912
Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734
CLEANERS SHAKERS Victor Lundeen Company 800-346-4870
Q-Sage Inc 989-775-2424
Rotex Global 800-453-2321 Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125 COMPUTER GRAIN HEDGING SYSTEM
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755 AgTrax 866-360-0016
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141 Control Systems Software LLC 800-581-2053
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472
Q-Sage Inc 989-775-2424 Oakland Corporation 800-383-5114
Rotex Global 800-453-2321 OpenLink Agribusiness Solutions Group 800-361-2114
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116 Software Solutions Integrated, LLC 800-752-7912
188 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
AgTrax 866-360-0016 AgTrax 866-360-0016
AgVantage Software, Inc. 877-282-6353 Comco 800-225-4417
AgVision Agribusiness Software 800-759-9492 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241 Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711 Control Systems Software LLC 800-581-2053
Control Systems Software LLC 800-581-2053 Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472 Interstates Companies 712-722-1662
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272 Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272
Oakland Corporation 800-383-5114 Oakland Corporation 800-383-5114
OpenLink Agribusiness Solutions Group 800-361-2114 OpenLink Agribusiness Solutions Group 800-361-2114
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 River Consulting 504-293-3900
Software Solutions Integrated, LLC 800-752-7912 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Software Solutions Integrated, LLC 800-752-7912
S/O GJ 189
AgTrax 866-360-0016 Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
AgVantage Software, Inc. 877-282-6353
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202
AgVision Agribusiness Software 800-759-9492
Hoffmann, Inc. 563-263-4733
Control Systems Software LLC 800-581-2053
SKS Engineers, LLC 217-877-2100
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472
Oakland Corporation 800-383-5114 CONCRETE STRUCTURAL REPAIR CONT.
OpenLink Agribusiness Solutions Group 800-361-2114 Borton, LC 620-669-8211
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
Software Solutions Integrated, LLC 800-752-7912 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Drake Inc. 402-362-1863
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202
Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995
Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969
Suneld Engineering, Inc. 231-360-8608
190 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
AGRA 800-842-8033 DYNATEK Loading Systems 888-853-5444
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231 J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242 Prairie Land Millwright Inc. 815-538-3085
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
EBM Construction Inc 800-356-9782 CONTRACTORS
T. E. Ibberson Company 952-938-7007 AGRA 800-842-8033
KBM Industrial Services, Inc. 479-498-9304 ASI Industrial 406-245-6231
Marcus Construction 800-367-3424 Bargloff & Company 800-383-2755
Moeller Engineering, LLC 515-963-8332 Bolivar Contracting, Inc. 913-533-2240
Specialty Industries, Inc. 517-566-7251 Borton, LC 620-669-8211
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622 Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242
The Weitz Company 515-246-4700 Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Vigen Construction, Inc. 218-773-1159 Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. 412-344-1408 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Younglove Construction, L.L.C. 712-277-3906 C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
C-TEC Mechanical 800-345-2832
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
EBM Construction Inc 800-356-9782
Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060 Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711 Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472 Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 Gateway Building Systems, Inc. 800-747-4499
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202 Grain Flo, Inc. 800-842-4875
Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105 HABCO, Inc. 785-823-0440
ICIA 866-899-2518 Hoffmann, Inc. 563-263-4733
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272 Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742
Lee Farms Excavating 217-387-2407 T. E. Ibberson Company 952-938-7007
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774 Interstates Companies 712-722-1662
Mid-States Appraisal Services, Inc. 913-685-8731 Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. 515-989-0679
Moeller Engineering, LLC 515-963-8332 J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447
Patchin Messner Dodd & Brumm 952-895-1205 J-Sons Inc 701-224-1164
River Consulting 504-293-3900 KBM Industrial Services, Inc. 479-498-9304
Suneld Engineering, Inc. 231-360-8608 Knobelsdorff Electric Inc 651-923-4970
Koehl Bros 815-692-2326
The Weitz Company 515-246-4700
Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426
VAA, LLC 763-559-9100
Lee Farms Excavating 217-387-2407
White Commercial Corporation 888-546-9555
Marcus Construction 800-367-3424
WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. 412-344-1408
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774
McPherson Concrete Storage Systems 800-999-8151
Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995
Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610
Prairie Land Millwright Inc. 815-538-3085
SMA, LLC 763-295-4367
Specialty Industries, Inc. 517-566-7251
Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969
Suneld Engineering, Inc. 231-360-8608
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
The Nay Company 972-937-1652
The Weitz Company 515-246-4700
Vigen Construction, Inc. 218-773-1159
Walt Johnson Construction Inc. 320-763-9005
CONSULTING ENGINEERS WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. 412-344-1408
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850
Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060 Younglove Construction, L.L.C. 712-277-3906
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202
T. E. Ibberson Company 952-938-7007
Interstates Companies 712-722-1662
Moeller Engineering, LLC 515-963-8332
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653
Raker Rhodes Industrial, LLC 515-277-0275
River Consulting 504-293-3900
SKS Engineers, LLC 217-877-2100
SMA, LLC 763-295-4367
Suneld Engineering, Inc. 231-360-8608
The Weitz Company 515-246-4700
VAA, LLC 763-559-9100
WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. 412-344-1408
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
1.800.356.9782 Binful, Inc. 320-554-2051
www.ebmconstruction.net Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
Electro-Sensors, Inc. 800-328-6170
Maxi-Tronic, Inc. 866-333-3363
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Process Control Systems, Inc. 800-328-0738
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Comco 800-225-4417
Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc. 800-438-8367
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711 CONVEYORS AIR SUPPORTED BELT
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175 Bulk Conveyors Inc. 316-201-3158
Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214 Tramco 316-264-4604
Interstates Companies 712-722-1662 CONVEYORS BARGE LOADING
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272 Bulk Conveyors Inc. 316-201-3158
Knobelsdorff Electric Inc 651-923-4970 DYNATEK Loading Systems 888-853-5444
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001 Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630 Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Comco 800-225-4417
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214
Interstates Companies 712-722-1662
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272
Knobelsdorff Electric Inc 651-923-4970
192 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
S/O GJ 193
Bucket elevators
The Essmueller Company 800-325-7175
John King USA Inc. 309-698-9250
Screw Conveyors Morgan Plastic Fabrication 308-324-4844
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
John King USA Inc.
Morgan Plastic Fabrication
Valves Sweet Manufacturing Co 800-334-7254
Tramco 316-264-4604
RN Conveyance Company Inc.
Gates Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
194 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
John King USA Inc. 309-698-9250
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
AGRA 800-842-8033
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
RN Conveyance Company Inc. 410-546-0811
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Tramco 316-264-4604
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 CONVEYORS RAILCAR UNLOADING
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 CONVEYORS TRUCK LOADING
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785 Christianson Systems, Inc. 800-328-8896
Maljohn Company 800-268-1908 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 DYNATEK Loading Systems 888-853-5444
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
AGRA 800-842-8033 Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165 Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197
Screw Conveyor Corporation 800-626-6629
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665 CONVEYORS UNLOADING
Inpak Systems, Inc. 608-221-8180
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197 Bulk Conveyors Inc. 316-201-3158
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
CONVEYORS SAFETY STOP SWITCHES Christianson Systems, Inc. 800-328-8896
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377 Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
CONVEYORS PORTABLE BELT RN Conveyance Company Inc. 410-546-0811
Electro-Sensors, Inc. 800-328-6170 Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 CONVEYORS SCREW Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377 AGRA 800-842-8033 CONVEYORS U - TROUGH
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 AGRA 800-842-8033
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203 Bulk Conveyors Inc. 316-201-3158
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377 Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993 Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. 515-989-0679 Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377
CONVEYORS RAILCAR LOADING Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
DYNATEK Loading Systems 888-853-5444 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Lambton Conveyor Limited 888-239-9713
Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785 Lowry Mfg. Co. 800-950-4792 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377 Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747 Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665 Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Norstar Industries 204-746-8200
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197 Screw Conveyor Corporation 800-626-6629
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Schlagel, Inc. 800-328-8002
Tramco 316-264-4604
Screw Conveyor Corporation 800-626-6629
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Union Iron 800-333-5148
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lundell Plastic Corp. 877-367-7659
Maljohn Company 800-268-1908
S/O GJ 195
196 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
InterSystems 800-228-1483
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Schlagel, Inc. 800-328-8002
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Vortex 866-586-7177
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Bestprotek 800-568-6855
Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475
JaHam 888-647-5475
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081
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Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
DESTONERS KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125 Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141 DOCKAGE TEST/SIEVES
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
DISTRIBUTORS TURNHEAD Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603 Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081
C-TEC Mechanical 800-345-2832
The Essmueller Company 800-325-7175 DRIVE CHAINS
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203 John King USA Inc. 309-698-9250
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621 Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935 Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Schlagel, Inc. 800-328-8002 DRYER CONTROLS
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Union Iron 800-333-5148 AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240
Mathews Company 800-323-7045
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630
Shanzer Grain Dryer 800-843-9887
Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240
Mathews Company 800-323-7045
S/O GJ 197
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Schenck Process 800-821-2476
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591
Airlanco 800-500-9777
American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591
Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685
Schenck Process 800-821-2476
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591
Airlanco 800-500-9777
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685
Schenck Process 800-821-2476
SonicAire by IES 336-712-2437
Airlanco 800-500-9777
AGRA 800-842-8033
Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
Airlanco 800-500-9777
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685
Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
Schenck Process 800-821-2476
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377 DUST CONTROL/RECEIVING PIT
Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156 Airlanco 800-500-9777
Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747 Decatur Aeration 217-877-6543
OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094 Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Redwing Technical Systems Inc. 877-753-dust Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685
River Consulting 504-293-3900 Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010 SonicAire by IES 336-712-2437
Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685 Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250 DUST FILTER REPLACEMENT BAGS
Schenck Process 800-821-2476 Airlanco 800-500-9777
SonicAire by IES 336-712-2437 American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Schenck Process 800-821-2476
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
198 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Hawkins Bailey Warehouse 812-275-8888
Newton Oil Co. 800-286-2500
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Nu-Hy Inc. 209-668-8784
Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156
www.dustsuppressionhopper.com KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 ELEVATOR BUCKETS METAL
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657
Nu-Hy Inc. 209-668-8784
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Sweet Manufacturing Co 800-334-7254
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
Harris Companies, Inc. 800-500-5438
Interstates Companies 712-722-1662
Knobelsdorff Electric Inc 651-923-4970
Thompson Specialty Services 844-321-3869 ELEVATOR BUCKETS NYLON
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657
Nu-Hy Inc. 209-668-8784
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
S/O GJ 199
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611 SonicAire by IES 336-712-2437 Industrial Magnetics, Inc. 888-582-0821
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT EXPLOSION RELIEF PANELS Puritan Magnetics, Inc. 800-787-3624
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 FLAKING MILLS
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742 EXPLOSION SUPPRESSION INSTALLERS
Borton, LC 620-669-8211 Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Harris Companies, Inc. 800-500-5438 Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 EXTRUDERS FLAKING ROLLS
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657 Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935 FALLING NUMBER TEST KITS FLANGES
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726 Bestprotek 800-568-6855 Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
FALL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367 FLAT STORAGE BUILDINGS
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288 Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520
HABCO, Inc. 785-823-0440 Bolivar Contracting, Inc. 913-533-2240
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Craigs Concrete Inc. 815-265-7355
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774 Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690 Marcus Construction 800-367-3424
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622 TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
FASTENERS Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611 FEEDERS SLIDE GATE
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Prater 630-759-9595
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Vortex 866-586-7177
ELEVATORS PASSENGER & FREIGHT Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Alimak Hek Inc 217-820-5605 Eriez 888-300-3743
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510 Schenck Process 800-821-2476
PMI LIft 515-232-2838 Screw Conveyor Corporation 800-626-6629
Schumacher Elevator Company 800-779-5438 Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
S/O GJ 201
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215 AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Food Protection Services 855-377-3444 Bestprotek 800-568-6855
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Bruker Optics 978-439-9899
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
UNIPHOS Envirotronic Inc. 844-247-0450 Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249
FOSS 800-547-6275
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603 Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367 Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203 UNIPHOS Envirotronic Inc. 844-247-0450
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Schlagel, Inc. 800-328-8002
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Vortex 866-586-7177
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
ICIA 866-899-2518
ICIA 866-899-2518 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600 Callan Salvage & Appraisal Co. Inc. 800-238-2632 AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310 Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240
Hydro-Klean LLC 515-283-0500 Mathews Company 800-323-7045
EnviroLogix Inc 866-408-4597
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665 Shanzer Grain Dryer 800-843-9887
Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333
Vac-Tron Equipment 888-822-8766 Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
R-Biopharm Inc. 877-789-3033
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600 West Side Salvage, Inc. 800-747-0104 GRAIN DRYER SALES
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863 GRAIN COOLERS Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272 Bargloff & Company 800-383-2755
North American Equipment Co., Inc. 800-514-7608 Bruce Martin Construction Inc 573-379-5776
GRAIN DRYER MANUFACTURERS Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240
Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240 Dorssers Inc. 800-267-1001
Dorssers Inc. 800-267-1001 Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
GSI 888-GSI-BINS Gateway Building Systems, Inc. 800-747-4499
Mathews Company 800-323-7045 HABCO, Inc. 785-823-0440
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630 J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447
Shanzer Grain Dryer 800-843-9887 Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Mathews Company 800-323-7045
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630
Shanzer Grain Dryer 800-843-9887
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Walt Johnson Construction Inc. 320-763-9005
Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850
202 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240 Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Mathews Company 800-323-7045 RMS Roller-Grinder, Inc. 888-283-9337
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Shanzer Grain Dryer 800-843-9887 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
ABC Bin Company 320-413-0312
Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752 Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603 Wellman Enterprises L.L.C. 651-210-8299
Delux Mfg. Co. 800-658-3240
Dorssers Inc. 800-267-1001 GRAIN HANDLING CUSTOM
Gateway Building Systems, Inc. 800-747-4499 The Arnold Company 800-245-7505
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Mathews Company 800-323-7045
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630
Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
Shanzer Grain Dryer 800-843-9887
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
GRAIN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURER Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742
Burkley Envelope Company 402-443-3010 Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. 515-989-0679
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272
Norstar Industries 204-746-8200
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
Union Iron 800-333-5148
The Arnold Company 800-245-7505
Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Craigs Concrete Inc. 815-265-7355
C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
GRAIN GRADING SCALES CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855 Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204
Bestprotek 800-568-6855 Lambton Conveyor Limited 888-239-9713
Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Doran Scales, Inc. 630-879-1200 x204 Wellman Enterprises L.L.C. 651-210-8299
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 GRAIN TEMPERATURE CABLES
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812 AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Advance Trading, Inc. 800-747-9021
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
White Commercial Corporation 888-546-9555
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779 BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863 GRAIN MERCHANDISING EDUCATION Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081 White Commercial Corporation 888-546-9555 Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
GRAIN SALVAGE & APPRAISAL Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Callan Salvage & Appraisal Co. Inc. 800-238-2632 Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc. 800-438-8367
West Side Salvage, Inc. 800-747-0104 AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
CMC Industrial Electronics 888-421-4425
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Extron Company 763-544-4197
GRAIN HANDLING ACCESSORIES Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
The Arnold Company 800-245-7505 Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Binful, Inc. 320-554-2051 Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc. 800-438-8367
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241 Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Christianson Systems, Inc. 800-328-8896
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Greene Galvanized Stairs 217-375-4244
Hutchinson/Mayrath 800-523-6993
Lambton Conveyor Limited 888-239-9713
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Lowry Mfg. Co. 800-950-4792
Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734
Mathews Company 800-323-7045
S/O GJ 203
Callan Salvage & Appraisal Co. Inc. 800-238-2632 Bliss Industries LLC 800-569-7787
Christianson Systems, Inc. 800-328-8896 E.J. Heck & Sons Co. 800-652-8873
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Vac-Tron Equipment 888-822-8766 Prater 630-759-9595
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197
GRAIN VAC MANUFACTURERS KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Christianson Systems, Inc. 800-328-8896 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Vac-Tron Equipment 888-822-8766 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Walinga USA Inc. 800-466-1197 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Maxi-Lift Inc. 800-527-0657
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
CMC Industrial Electronics 888-421-4425
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Electro-Sensors, Inc. 800-328-6170
Extron Company 763-544-4197
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Knobelsdorff Electric Inc 651-923-4970
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
GRINDING/SUBSAMPLING MILL Thompson Specialty Services 844-321-3869
Bestprotek 800-568-6855
FOSS 800-547-6275
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
Prater 630-759-9595
C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Drake Inc. 402-362-1863
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc. 800-257-7214
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510
HAMMERMILL RODS KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
E.J. Heck & Sons Co. 800-652-8873 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
The Arnold Company 800-245-7505
HAMMERMILLS Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888
Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021 Compressed Air Systems, Inc. 800-881-1942
Bliss Industries LLC 800-569-7787 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000 Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
Wellman Enterprises L.L.C. 651-210-8299
Prater 630-759-9595
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Bestprotek 800-568-6855
Bruker Optics 978-439-9899
EnviroLogix Inc 866-408-4597
FOSS 800-547-6275
Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105 HAMMERMILL SCREENS
ICIA 866-899-2518 Bliss Industries LLC 800-569-7787
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 E.J. Heck & Sons Co. 800-652-8873
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Prater 630-759-9595
204 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888 4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310 Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
INFESTATION DESTROYER Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215
Food Protection Services 855-377-3444
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690
Natural Insecto Products, Inc. 800-332-2002
Research Fumigation Co. LLC 985-536-4932
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215
Food Protection Alliance 877-372-3334
Food Protection Services 855-377-3444
IFC - The Industrial Fumigant Company, LLC 800-477-4432
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690
Research Fumigation Co. LLC 985-536-4932
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400 LEVEL INDICATOR
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472 4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204 Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc 815-632-3132
KNIFE GATES BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 Maxi-Tronic, Inc. 866-333-3363
Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227
Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204
Bruker Optics 978-439-9899
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
FOSS 800-547-6275
Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105
ICIA 866-899-2518
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Brownie Systems 800-228-4285
Conrad American Inc. 800-553-1791
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621
HOPPERS Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
AGRA 800-842-8033 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
C-TEC AG 800-345-2832 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165 Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
S/O GJ 205
ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746 Bailey-Parks Urethane 800-238-7638
Bailey-Parks Urethane 800-238-7638 C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Raven Industries, Inc. 800-635-3456
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Lundell Plastic Corp. 877-367-7659
Maljohn Company 800-268-1908
Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746
Bailey-Parks Urethane 800-238-7638
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
LINER CONCRETE Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Borton, LC 620-669-8211 Maljohn Company 800-268-1908
C-TEC AG 800-345-2832 Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227 LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241
Drake Inc. 402-362-1863 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
McPherson Concrete Storage Systems 800-999-8151 Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509 LIQUID PUMPING SYSTEMS
Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969 TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726 Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021
206 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Motive Power Resources Inc 815-255-2600
Railserve Inc. 800-345-RAIL
S & S Sales and Leasing 801-451-2796
S/O GJ 207
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510
Eriez 888-300-3743 BarnesCo Inc. 800-821-7486
Industrial Magnetics, Inc. 888-582-0821 PMI LIft 515-232-2838
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Prater 630-759-9595
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Puritan Magnetics, Inc. 800-787-3624
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510
BarnesCo Inc. 800-821-7486
PMI LIft 515-232-2838
Harris Companies, Inc. 800-500-5438
Schumacher Elevator Company 800-779-5438 Alimak Hek Inc 217-820-5605
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510
208 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Prairie Land Millwright Inc. 815-538-3085 Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
SMA, LLC 763-295-4367 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233
Specialty Industries, Inc. 517-566-7251 Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242
The Nay Company 972-937-1652
Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
The Weitz Company 515-246-4700
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Vigen Construction, Inc. 218-773-1159
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Walt Johnson Construction Inc. 320-763-9005
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Younglove Construction, L.L.C. 712-277-3906
Greene Galvanized Stairs 217-375-4244
J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447
Kasa Controls & Automation 800-755-5272
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774
Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333
Prairie Land Millwright Inc. 815-538-3085
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 MOBILE RAILCAR MOVERS
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444 Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622 Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IA 515-289-2746
MICROINGREDIENT SYSTEMS Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IN 765-533-4809
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - NE 308-381-2905
Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Bestprotek 800-568-6855
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Bruker Optics 978-439-9899
Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc. 800-257-7214
Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
FOSS 800-547-6275
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812
MILLWRIGHTS Monitor Technologies LLC 800-601-6204
ABC Bin Company 320-413-0312 Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
AGRA 800-842-8033 Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231
Bargloff & Company 800-383-2755
Bolivar Contracting, Inc. 913-533-2240
Borton, LC 620-669-8211
Bruce Martin Construction Inc 573-379-5776
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
C-TEC Mechanical 800-345-2832
EBM Construction Inc 800-356-9782
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165 MOISTURE CONTROLS
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288 Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Gateway Building Systems, Inc. 800-747-4499 AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Grain Flo, Inc. 800-842-4875 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
HABCO, Inc. 785-823-0440 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711
Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742
Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156
T. E. Ibberson Company 952-938-7007
Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. 515-989-0679
J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447
J-Sons Inc 701-224-1164
KBM Industrial Services, Inc. 479-498-9304
Koehl Bros 815-692-2326 MIXERS
Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426 Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747 Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214
Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610 Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
S/O GJ 209
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IA 515-289-2746 MONITOR YOUR EQUIPMENT
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IN 765-533-4809 Class II, Div. 1 CSA Certified
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - NE 308-381-2905 Sensors and Controls for:
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855 MOTION TEMPERATURE
Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249 BELT MISALIGNMENT
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081
www.maxitronic.com 800-659-8250
210 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611 Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215
BinMaster Level Controls 800-278-4241 Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711 Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367
CMC Industrial Electronics 888-421-4425 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Safety Made Simple 844-8SAFETY
Electro-Sensors, Inc. 800-328-6170 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 SonicAire by IES 336-712-2437
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Maxi-Tronic, Inc. 866-333-3363 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Process Control Systems, Inc. 800-328-0738 Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC 877-827-2434
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc. 800-438-8367
Motion Monitoring
MOTION Belt Alignment
UNIPHOS Envirotronic Inc. 844-247-0450
MONITORING Bearing Sensors
Service & Installation Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742
visit www.TSGCinc.com for more info The Weitz Company 515-246-4700
Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105
Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674
MYCOTOXIN TEST KITS Inpak Systems, Inc. 608-221-8180
Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
EnviroLogix Inc 866-408-4597 OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094
Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333 Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
R-Biopharm Inc. 877-789-3033 Thiele Technologies, Inc. 800-932-3647
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600 Union Special 800-344-9698
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
CMC Industrial Electronics 888-421-4425
Conveyor Components Co. 800-233-3233
Electro-Sensors, Inc. 800-328-6170
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Maxi-Tronic, Inc. 866-333-3363
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Process Control Systems, Inc. 800-328-0738
Rolfes@Boone 800-265-2010
S/O GJ 211
Apex Painting 507-451-6176 Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021
Batterton Waterproong, Inc. 402-362-5951 Bliss Industries LLC 800-569-7787
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Drake Inc. 402-362-1863 PELLET DURABILITY TESTER
Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995 Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Painters USA Inc. 800-999-8715
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Comco 800-225-4417
Interstates Companies 712-722-1662
ANBO Inc. 519-676-7057
Dorssers Inc. 800-267-1001
ANBO Inc. 519-676-7057
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Dorssers Inc. 800-267-1001
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Thiele Technologies, Inc. 800-932-3647
212 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021 Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
ANBO Inc. 519-676-7057 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Bliss Industries LLC 800-569-7787 Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
S/O GJ 213
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855 AGRA 800-842-8033
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249 Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
CR Manufacturing 888-461-7040 Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
JaHam 888-647-5475
Lowry Mfg. Co. 800-950-4792
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081 RADIO REMOTE LOCOMOTIVE
Motive Power Resources Inc 815-255-2600
Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486
S & S Sales and Leasing 801-451-2796
Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
Hydro-Klean LLC 515-283-0500
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665
West Side Salvage, Inc. 800-747-0104
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IA 515-289-2746 Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IN 765-533-4809 Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - NE 308-381-2905 Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
PROTEIN ANALYZERS CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IA 515-289-2746 DYNATEK Loading Systems 888-853-5444
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IN 765-533-4809 Hoffmann, Inc. 563-263-4733
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - NE 308-381-2905 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Bestprotek 800-568-6855 Redwing Technical Systems Inc. 877-753-dust
Bruker Optics 978-439-9899 Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486
Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249 Wellman Enterprises L.L.C. 651-210-8299
FOSS 800-547-6275
Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
Applied Power Products 888-FOR-BELT
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Industrial Magnetics, Inc. 888-582-0821
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
PROTECTANTS Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 RAILCAR MOVER/MOBILE
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215 Puritan Magnetics, Inc. 800-787-3624 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Food Protection Alliance 877-372-3334 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935 Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486
Food Protection Services 855-377-3444 Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690
Natural Insecto Products, Inc. 800-332-2002 RAILCAR MOVER/SPOTTERS
Research Fumigation Co. LLC 985-536-4932 Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888
Railserve Inc. 800-345-RAIL
Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486
Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
214 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Amandus Kahl USA Corporation 770-521-1021
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Ferrell-Ross 800-248-8318
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
Railserve Inc. 800-345-RAIL Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001
Shuttlewagon 816-569-6486 Prater 630-759-9595
Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651 RMS Roller-Grinder, Inc. 888-283-9337
AGRA 800-842-8033
The Arnold Company 800-245-7505
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231
Compressed Air Systems, Inc. 800-881-1942
Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Motive Power Resources Inc 815-255-2600
Rapat Corporation 800-325-6377
RN Conveyance Company Inc. 410-546-0811 ROLL GRINDERS
S & S Sales and Leasing 801-451-2796 Ferrell-Ross 800-248-8318
S.W. Vac Inc. 800-366-8665 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Trackmobile LLC 706-884-6651 Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001
Wellman Enterprises L.L.C. 651-210-8299 RMS Roller-Grinder, Inc. 888-283-9337
West Side Salvage, Inc. 800-747-0104
AGRA 800-842-8033
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Christianson Systems, Inc. 800-328-8896
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785
RN Conveyance Company Inc. 410-546-0811
Tramco 316-264-4604
The Arnold Company 800-245-7505
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
216 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237 HABCO, Inc. 785-823-0440 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
C & A Scales 800-369-8566 Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674 Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Control Assemblies Co. 763-557-9711 InterSystems 800-228-1483 Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703 J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447 Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444 Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703 SCALES HOPPER
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567 Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 C & A Scales 800-369-8566
Vigen Construction, Inc. 218-773-1159 CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Walt Johnson Construction Inc. 320-763-9005 Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505 InterSystems 800-228-1483
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
AgTrax 866-360-0016 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
AgVision Agribusiness Software 800-759-9492 Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237 C & A Scales 800-369-8566
C & A Scales 800-369-8566 Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Oakland Corporation 800-383-5114
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 SCALES TRUCK
Software Solutions Integrated, LLC 800-752-7912 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444 Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
C & A Scales 800-369-8566
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444
Woofter Construction and Irrigation 800-279-4850
Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Schenck Process 800-821-2476 SCALES BULKWEIGHING INTERFACE
SCALES BUCKET ELEVATORS Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 C & A Scales 800-369-8566
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Control Stuff Inc 952-466-2175
AGRA 800-842-8033
Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
C & A Scales 800-369-8566
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
S/O GJ 217
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237 Ag Dryer Services, Inc. 800-657-2184
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Seed Vac 800-328-8896
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444 SEED TESTING
SCALE SUPPLIERS Bruker Optics 978-439-9899
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237 Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. 888-ILL-3105
Hamer-Fischbein 800-927-4674 ICIA 866-899-2518
Inpak Systems, Inc. 608-221-8180 Perten Instruments, Inc. 888-773-7836
Rice Lake Weighing Systems 800-472-6703 SEPARATION EQUIPMENT
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
SCALES VOLUMETRIC LOADOUT Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Eriez 888-300-3743
Industrial Magnetics, Inc. 888-582-0821
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237 Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734
C & A Scales 800-369-8566 Puritan Magnetics, Inc. 800-787-3624
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591
Victor Lundeen Company 800-346-4870
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116
Central States Enterprises 800-527-8215
IFC - The Industrial Fumigant Company, LLC 800-477-4432
M&M Specialty Services 913-705-0690
UNIPHOS Envirotronic Inc. 844-247-0450
SCOURERS AGRA 800-842-8033
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591
SCREENER BALLS Baasch & Sons, Inc. 308-485-4661
American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591 Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755 Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298 EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141 E.J. Heck & Sons Co. 800-652-8873 SEPARATORS
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447 Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Rotex Global 800-453-2321 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734 Eriez 888-300-3743
Rotex Global 800-453-2321 Industrial Magnetics, Inc. 888-582-0821
American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Baasch & Sons, Inc. 308-485-4661
Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541 Puritan Magnetics, Inc. 800-787-3624
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755 SCREW CONVEYOR DRIVES Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141 Lowry Mfg. Co. 800-950-4792
EBM Manufacturing, Inc. 877-370-4948 NORD Gear 608-849-7300
Eriez 888-300-3743 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447 SEED COUNTERS
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Bestprotek 800-568-6855
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001 Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734 Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc. 800-279-6812 SHAFT MOUNTED DRIVES
Prater 630-759-9595 Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000
AGRA 800-842-8033
Rotex Global 800-453-2321 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. 815-961-1630
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116
Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541 SEED EQUIPMENT
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298
AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. 204-925-6141
Binful, Inc. 320-554-2051
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. 605-647-3001
Bjerke Brothers, Inc. 701-847-3125
Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Clipper Separation Technologies 800-248-8318 SHOT CRETE
Carter Day/ Jacobson 763-571-1000 C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094 Drake Inc. 402-362-1863
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779 Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969
Union Special 800-344-9698
Burkley Envelope Company 402-443-3010
218 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Apex Painting 507-451-6776 ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746
Batterton Waterproong, Inc. 402-362-5951 Borton, LC 620-669-8211
Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Painters USA Inc. 800-999-8715 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
C-TEC Mechanical 800-345-2832
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298
Hydro-Klean LLC 515-283-0500 Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204 Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653 Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Vac-Tron Equipment 888-822-8766 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Maljohn Company 800-268-1908
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Redwing Technical Systems Inc. 877-753-dust
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653
AGRA 800-842-8033
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298
Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. 800-367-3591
Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. 800-527-2116
Westrup Inc. 800-850-5541
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
SILOS Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Borton, LC 620-669-8211 SLIDE GATES
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 AGRA 800-842-8033
Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047 Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202 InterSystems 800-228-1483
Hoffmann, Inc. 563-263-4733 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
T. E. Ibberson Company 952-938-7007 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
J-Sons Inc 701-224-1164 Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610
Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Lambton Conveyor Limited 888-239-9713 Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
McPherson Concrete Storage Systems 800-999-8151 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653 Vortex 866-586-7177
River Consulting 504-293-3900
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 SMOOTH WALLED BINS
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060
Suneld Engineering, Inc. 231-360-8608 InterSystems 800-228-1483
Tank Connection 620-423-3010 McPherson Concrete Storage Systems 800-999-8151
VAA, LLC 763-559-9100 Norstar Industries 204-746-8200 SQUARE BINS
Vigen Construction, Inc. 218-773-1159 Tank Connection 620-423-3010 AGRA 800-842-8033
WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. 412-344-1408 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Younglove Construction, L.L.C. 712-277-3906 SOIL/FOUNDATION INSP./INVESTIGATION CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060 Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
SKS Engineers, LLC 217-877-2100 Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. 806-364-9051
InterSystems 800-228-1483
SPEED REDUCERS Lowry Mfg. Co. 800-950-4792
Cleveland Gear Co. 216-641-9000 OMara Ag Services, Inc. 515-989-2094
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
NORD Gear 608-849-7300 Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
4B Components Ltd. 309-698-5611
TAPCO Inc. 800-288-2726
S/O GJ 219
AGRA 800-842-8033 ABC Bin Company 320-413-0312
Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512 AGRA 800-842-8033
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233 ASI Industrial 406-245-6231
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 Bargloff & Company 800-383-2755
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242 Bolivar Contracting, Inc. 913-533-2240
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288 Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310 Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288
HABCO, Inc. 785-823-0440 Gateway Building Systems, Inc. 800-747-4499
Newell Machinery Co. Inc. 319-393-1610 Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333 Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Marcus Construction 800-367-3424
Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444 Tank Connection 620-423-3010
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622 TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505 STEEL STORAGE CORRUGATED
Bargloff & Company 800-383-2755
Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520
Bolivar Contracting, Inc. 913-533-2240
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Bruce Martin Construction Inc 573-379-5776
Chadco Inc. 800-535-1752
Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Conrad American Inc. 800-553-1791
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 419-643-5111
Grain Flo, Inc. 800-842-4875
STEEL STORAGE BOLTED Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742
AGRA 800-842-8033 Hyland Systems Inc. 507-969-0156
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 InterSystems 800-228-1483
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 J & D Construction, Inc. 800-279-6447
Conrad American Inc. 800-553-1791 Koehl Bros 815-692-2326
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426
Laidig Systems, Inc. 574-256-0204 McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774 STEEL STORAGE HOPPER
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621 AGRA 800-842-8033
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520
Tank Connection 620-423-3010 Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Bruce Martin Construction Inc 573-379-5776
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Vigen Construction, Inc. 218-773-1159 Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Walt Johnson Construction Inc. 320-763-9005 Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505 Conrad American Inc. 800-553-1791
InterSystems 800-228-1483
Larson Contracting Central, LLC 800-765-1426
MFS/York/Stormor 800-247-6621
Norstar Industries 204-746-8200
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Tank Connection 620-423-3010
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 AGRA 800-842-8033
Tank Connection 620-423-3010 Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Lowry Mfg. Co. 800-950-4792
Norstar Industries 204-746-8200
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333
Tank Connection 620-423-3010
Behlen Mfg. Co. 800-553-5520
Binful, Inc. 320-554-2051
Borton, LC 620-669-8211
Chief Agri 800-359-7600
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Craigs Concrete Inc. 815-265-7355
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Hoffmann, Inc. 563-263-4733
Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742
Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. 515-989-0679
McCormick Construction Company 877-554-4774
McPherson Concrete Storage Systems 800-999-8151
220 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Norstar Industries 204-746-8200 Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505 TEMPORARY STORAGE SYSTEMS
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689 Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
SMA, LLC 763-295-4367 Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Specialty Industries, Inc. 517-566-7251 Quality You Demand. Extron Company 763-544-4197
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222 Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Tank Connection 620-423-3010 Service You Deserve. GSI 888-GSI-BINS
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505 JMI Covers, LLC 800-989-1002
Raven Industries, Inc. 800-635-3456
Safe-Grain Inc. 800-659-8250
Sioux Steel Company 800-557-4689
Towers SMA, LLC 763-295-4367
Soles Enterprises, Inc - Ceec, Inc 605-351-2472
Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Brownie Systems 800-228-4285
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505
AGRA 800-842-8033 Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170
ASI Industrial 406-245-6231 Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333
Clear Creek & Associates Inc. 574-537-9060 R-Biopharm Inc. 877-789-3033
CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202
Hoffmann, Inc. 563-263-4733 TANK LINING
Hogenson Construction Company 701-281-1742 Apex Painting 507-451-6776
T. E. Ibberson Company 952-938-7007 C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
The Weitz Company 515-246-4700 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Moeller Engineering, LLC 515-963-8332 McPherson Concrete Storage Systems 800-999-8151
Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653 Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995
Raker Rhodes Industrial, LLC 515-277-0275 Raven Industries, Inc. 800-635-3456
River Consulting 504-293-3900 TANK REPAIRS
SKS Engineers, LLC 217-877-2100 C-TEC AG 800-345-2832
Suneld Engineering, Inc. 231-360-8608 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
VAA, LLC 763-559-9100 Ebmeier Engineering, LLC 712-527-9202 TESTING SIEVES
Warrior Mfg., LLC 320-587-5505 Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995 AgPoint Precision LLC 866-6684855
WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. 412-344-1408 Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Younglove Construction, L.L.C. 712-277-3906 Tank Connection 620-423-3010 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc. 800-313-2603
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310
JMI Covers, LLC 800-989-1002 TEST WEIGHTS
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. 877-301-6510
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Inpak Systems, Inc. 608-221-8180
Raven Industries, Inc. 800-635-3456 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Soles Enterprises, Inc - Ceec, Inc 605-351-2472 TICKET RETURN SYSTEMS
Union Iron 800-333-5148 CR Manufacturing 888-461-7040
Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475
JaHam 888-647-5475
Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623
SKS Engineers, LLC 217-877-2100
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
AGRA 800-842-8033
ABC Bin Company 320-413-0312
Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 TRACTOR AUGERS
Brownie Systems 800-228-4285 Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
Buresh Building Systems, Inc. 641-456-5242 TRAFFIC LIGHTS
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 CR Manufacturing 888-461-7040
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603 Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475
Global Fabrication, Inc. 641-456-2310 JaHam 888-647-5475
Greene Galvanized Stairs 217-375-4244 Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623
GSI 888-GSI-BINS Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Honeyville Metal Inc. 800-593-8377
Prairie Land Millwright Inc. 815-538-3085
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. 800-729-3233
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Sukup Manufacturing Company 641-892-4222
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333
Sweet Manufacturing Co 800-334-7254
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Union Iron 800-333-5148
S/O GJ 221
Screw Conveyor Corporation 800-626-6629
C & A Scales 800-369-8566 The Arnold Company 800-245-7505
TRUCK LOADING CONVEYORS CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400 Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
DYNATEK Loading Systems 888-853-5444 Cultura Technologies, LLC 800-518-0472 Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298
Fall Protection Systems Corp 888-596-5367 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Hi Roller Conveyors 800-328-1785 Sooner Scale, Inc. 800-759-3444 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509
ARGONICS, Inc. 800-991-2746
Bailey-Parks Urethane 800-238-7638
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Maljohn Company 800-268-1908
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div. 800-533-0509
Cleveland Vibrator Co. 800-221-3298
Eriez 888-300-3743
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900
Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
TRUCK PROBES Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170
Chief Agri 800-359-7600 EnviroLogix Inc 866-408-4597
Corn Belt Testing Inc. 866-845-6249 Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333
CR Manufacturing 888-461-7040 R-Biopharm Inc. 877-789-3033
Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. 888-647-5475 VACUUMS INDUSTRIAL Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Hydro-Klean LLC 515-283-0500 Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
JaHam 888-647-5475 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 WAREHOUSE RECEIPT TICKETS
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Victor Lundeen Company 800-346-4870
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Mole-Master Services Corp. 800-322-6653
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 Rotool Dust Collection 800-332-7685 WATER BLASTING SERVICES
Probe-A-Load, Inc. 800-627-7623 Vac-Tron Equipment 888-822-8766 Apex Painting 507-451-6776
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
VALVES CONTROL, FEEDER Hydro-Klean LLC 515-283-0500
Seedburo Equipment Co. 800-284-5779
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995
Shore Measuring Systems 800-837-0863
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Steve Peters Co. 800-423-9081 WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORS
Union Iron 800-333-5148 VALVES & GATES Apex Painting 507-451-6776
AGRA 800-842-8033 Batterton Waterproong, Inc. 402-362-5951
Brock Grain Systems 574-658-4191 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists 855-752-5047
Buhler Inc. 763-847-9900 Midwest Paint Service, Inc. 800-843-1995
Creamer Metal Products 800-362-1603 Structural Restoration, Inc. 888-825-1969
Gerbers of Montana 800-227-2203
Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. 800-255-2742
AgriDry LLC 800-213-8905
Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. 800-725-7272
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775 WEIGH HOPPER & BATCHING SYSTEM
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578 Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226 CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400
Mitchell Mill Systems 519-595-8747 Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. 641-822-3333 Ernest Spencer Inc. 785-484-3165
Prater 630-759-9595 InterSystems 800-228-1483
Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064 Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc. 800-257-7214
Schlagel, Inc. 800-328-8002
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 888-783-3642
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567
Vortex 866-586-7177
Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. 800-343-3404
Ross Manufacturing Co. 800-874-1935
222 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237 Allstate Tower, Inc. 270-830-8512 Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
CompuWeigh Corporation 203-262-9400 KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. 785-536-4288 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Charm Sciences, Inc. 800-343-2170
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
EnviroLogix Inc 866-408-4597
Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc. 888-218-9227 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Neogen Corporation 800-234-5333
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Premier Components, Inc. 877-681-3064
R-Biopharm Inc. 877-789-3033
Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc. 800-257-7214 WIRE SCREENS Romer Labs, Inc. 636-583-8600
Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. 888-882-9567 American Fabric Filter Co. 800-367-3591 TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Waconia Manufacturing 952-442-4450 Bratney Companies 800-247-6755
WEIGHING SYSTEMS MICRO INGREDIENT BATCH Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Easy Automation Inc. 507-728-8214 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
InterSystems 800-228-1483 Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634 Magik Kleener Sales Inc 800-395-6734
Rotex Global 800-453-2321
Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. 800-441-4237
Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc 800-828-1634
Victor Lundeen Company 800-346-4870
KBM Industrial Services, Inc. 479-498-9304
TCR Systems LLC 217-877-5622
Calbrandt, Inc. 763-972-8888
KC Supply Co. Inc. 800-527-8775
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City 800-821-5578
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk 855-254-6611
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita 800-835-0226
Sept/Oct 2016
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S/O GJ 223
List of Advertisers
4B Components Ltd. (200, 210) ------------- 309-698-5611 Bulk Conveyors Inc. (194) -------------------- 316-201-3158 Ebmeier Engineering, LLC (191) ----------- 712-527-9202
ABC Bin Company (183) ---------------------- 320-413-0312 Buresh Building Systems, Inc. (209) ------- 641-456-5242 Electro-Sensors, Inc. (182, 204, 210) ------ 800-328-6170
AGRA (192) -------------------------------------- 800-842-8033 Burkley Envelope Company (203) ---------- 402-443-3010 Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. (196) --- 419-643-5111
ARGONICS, Inc. (206) ------------------------ 800-991-2746 C & A Scales (217) ----------------------------- 800-369-8566 EnviroLogix Inc (202, 211)-------------------- 866-408-4597
ASI Industrial------------------------------------- 406-245-6231 C-TEC AG (190) -------------------------------- 800-345-2832 Eriez ----------------------------------------------- 888-300-3743
Advance Trading, Inc. (208) ------------------ 800-747-9021 C-TEC Mechanical ----------------------------- 800-345-2832 Ernest Spencer Inc. (192) -------------------- 785-484-3165
Advanced Drainage Systems (180) ------- 614-658-0264 CCS Group, LLC Custom Concrete Specialists (190) ----------- Extron Company -------------------------------- 763-544-4197
Ag Dryer Services, Inc. ------------------------ 800-657-2184 ------------------------------------------------------------------855-752-5047 FOSS (202)--------------------------------------- 800-547-6275
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IA (210) ----- 515-289-2746 CMC Industrial Electronics ------------------ 888-421-4425 Fall Protection Systems Corp ---------------- 888-596-5367
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - IN (210) ----- 765-533-4809 CR Manufacturing (214)----------------------- 888-461-7040 Ferrell-Ross (215)------------------------------ 800-248-8318
Ag Express Electronics Inc. - NE (210) --- 308-381-2905 Calbrandt, Inc. (204, 214) --------------------- 763-972-8888 Ferrell-Ross Roll Manufacturing Inc. (187) -- 806-364-9051
AgPoint Precision LLC (210) ------------------ 866-6684855 Callan Salvage & Appraisal Co. Inc.-------- 800-238-2632 Food Protection Alliance (201) -------------- 877-372-3334
AgTrax (189) ------------------------------------- 866-360-0016 Cardinal Scale Mfg Co. ------------------------ 800-441-4237 Food Protection Services -------------------- 855-377-3444
AgVantage Software, Inc. -------------------- 877-282-6353 Carter Day/ Jacobson (187) ------------------ 763-571-1000 Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. ---------------- 785-536-4288
AgVision Agribusiness Software ----------- 800-759-9492 Central States Enterprises ------------------- 800-527-8215 GSI -------------------------------------------------888-GSI-BINS
AgriDry LLC (203) ------------------------------ 800-213-8905 Chadco Inc. (192) ------------------------------- 800-535-1752 Gamet Manufacturing, Inc. (197, 214, 216, 222)-----------
Airlanco (180, 185, 198) ---------------------- 800-500-9777 Charm Sciences, Inc. ------------------------- 800-343-2170 ------------------------------------------------------- 888-647-5475
Alimak Hek Inc (208) --------------------------- 217-820-5605 Chief Agri ----------------------------------------- 800-359-7600 Gateway Building Systems, Inc. (196) ----- 800-747-4499
Allstate Tower, Inc. ------------------------------ 270-830-8512 Christianson Systems, Inc. (204) ----------- 800-328-8896 Gerbers of Montana (209, 219) ------------- 800-227-2203
Amandus Kahl USA Corporation ----------- 770-521-1021 Clear Creek & Associates Inc. (191) ------- 574-537-9060 Global Fabrication, Inc. ----------------------- 641-456-2310
American Fabric Filter Co. (198) ------------ 800-367-3591 Cleveland Gear Co.----------------------------- 216-641-9000 Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc. -------------------- 800-255-2742
American Hoist & Manlift, Inc. (208) ------- 877-301-6510 Cleveland Grain Systems, Inc.--------------- 800-313-2603 Grain Flo, Inc. (192) ---------------------------- 800-842-4875
ANBO Inc. (212) --------------------------------- 519-676-7057 Cleveland Vibrator Co. (185, 215, 218, 222) --- 800-221-3298 Greene Galvanized Stairs (183) ------------ 217-375-4244
Apex Painting ------------------------------------ 507-451-6176 Clipper Separation Technologies (188) ---- 800-248-8318 HABCO, Inc.-------------------------------------- 785-823-0440
Aplus Finetek Sensor, Inc (183, 204) ------ 815-632-3132 Comco -------------------------------------------- 800-225-4417 Hamer-Fischbein (181, 182, 212) ---------- 800-927-4674
Applied Power Products (183) ------------- 888-FOR-BELT Compressed Air Systems, Inc. (205)------- 800-881-1942 Harris Companies, Inc. ------------------------ 800-500-5438
Atlas Metal Works, Inc. (180) ---------------- 800-729-3233 CompuWeigh Corporation (217) ------------ 203-262-9400 Hawkins Bailey Warehouse (199) ---------- 812-275-8888
Baasch & Sons, Inc. (187) -------------------- 308-485-4661 Conrad American Inc.-------------------------- 800-553-1791 Hayes & Stolz Ind. Mfg. Co., Inc. ------------ 800-725-7272
Bailey-Parks Urethane (186, 193, 206, 222) ---------------- Control Assemblies Co. ----------------------- 763-557-9711 Hi Roller Conveyors (195) -------------------- 800-328-1785
------------------------------------------------------- 800-238-7638 Control Stuff Inc (192) ------------------------- 952-466-2175 Hoffmann, Inc. (190, 197, 221) -------------- 563-263-4733
Bargloff & Company (197) -------------------- 800-383-2755 Control Systems Software LLC (189, 190)--- 800-581-2053 Hogenson Construction Company --------- 701-281-1742
BarnesCo Inc. (208) ---------------------------- 800-821-7486 Conveyor Components Co. (193) ----------- 800-233-3233 Honeyville Metal Inc. (194, 197, 198) ------ 800-593-8377
Batterton Waterproong, Inc. (216)--------- 402-362-5951 Corn Belt Testing Inc. (210) ------------------ 866-845-6249 Hutchinson/Mayrath (195) -------------------- 800-523-6993
Behlen Mfg. Co. (220)-------------------------- 800-553-5520 Craigs Concrete Inc. --------------------------- 815-265-7355 Hydro-Klean LLC-------------------------------- 515-283-0500
Bestprotek (210) -------------------------------- 800-568-6855 Creamer Metal Products (185) -------------- 800-362-1603 Hyland Systems Inc. --------------------------- 507-969-0156
BinMaster Level Controls (183, 204)------- 800-278-4241 Crippen Northland Superior Supply Co. -- 204-925-6141 ICIA ------------------------------------------------- 866-899-2518
Binful, Inc. (183) --------------------------------- 320-554-2051 Cultura Technologies, LLC (189, 190, 217) -- 800-518-0472 IFC - The Industrial Fumigant Company, LLC (201) ------
Bjerke Brothers, Inc.---------------------------- 701-847-3125 Cytec Industries Inc. (201) -------------------------- 800-653-6013 ------------------------------------------------------- 800-477-4432
Bliss Industries LLC (204, 213) ------------- 800-569-7787 DYNATEK Loading Systems (193, 195, 222) - 888-853-5444 Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. -------------888-ILL-3105
Bolivar Contracting, Inc. ----------------------- 913-533-2240 Decatur Aeration (198) ------------------------ 217-877-6543 Industrial Magnetics, Inc. (208) -------------- 888-582-0821
Borton, LC (191) -------------------------------- 620-669-8211 Delux Mfg. Co. ----------------------------------- 800-658-3240 Industrial Scientic Corporation ------------- 800-338-3287
Bratney Companies (187, 188, 197, 212, 218) ------------- Doran Scales, Inc. (203)---------------630-879-1200 x204 Inpak Systems, Inc. (181) --------------------- 608-221-8180
------------------------------------------------------- 800-247-6755 Dorssers Inc. (212) ----------------------------- 800-267-1001 InterSystems ------------------------------------- 800-228-1483
Brock Grain Systems (220)------------------- 574-658-4191 Drake Inc. (190) --------------------------------- 402-362-1863 Interstates Companies------------------------- 712-722-1662
Brownie Systems (186, 221) ----------------- 800-228-4285 E.J. Heck & Sons Co. (199) ------------------ 800-652-8873 Iowa Elevator Systems & Services Inc. --- 515-989-0679
Bruce Martin Construction Inc --------------- 573-379-5776 EBM Construction Inc (192)------------------ 800-356-9782 J & D Construction, Inc. (197) --------------- 800-279-6447
Bruker Optics ------------------------------------ 978-439-9899 EBM Manufacturing, Inc. ---------------------- 877-370-4948 J-Sons Inc (197, 219) -------------------------- 701-224-1164
Buhler Inc. ---------------------------------------- 763-847-9900 Easy Automation Inc. (192)------------------- 507-728-8214 JMI Covers, LLC (221) ------------------------ 800-989-1002
224 GJ S/O
Product/Service Directory
JaHam (214, 222)------------------------------- 888-647-5475 Nu-Hy Inc. (196, 199) -------------------------- 209-668-8784 Software Solutions Integrated, LLC (189)---800-752-7912
John King USA Inc.----------------------------- 309-698-9250 OMara Ag Services, Inc. ---------------------- 515-989-2094 Soles Enterprises, Inc - Ceec, Inc ---------- 605-351-2472
KBM Industrial Services, Inc. --------------- 479-498-9304 Oakland Corporation --------------------------- 800-383-5114 SonicAire by IES (211) ----------------------- 336-712-2437
KC Supply Co. Inc. (180, 184, 193, 201, 206, 214, 230) - OpenLink Agribusiness Solutions Group - 800-361-2114 Sooner Scale, Inc. ------------------------------ 800-759-3444
------------------------------------------------------- 800-527-8775 PMI LIft (208) ------------------------------------ 515-232-2838 Specialty Industries, Inc. (192) -------------- 517-566-7251
Kasa Controls & Automation (181, 189, 192)-- 800-755-5272 Painters USA Inc. (212) ----------------------- 800-999-8715 Springeld Plastics, Inc. ----------------------- 800-252-3361
Knobelsdorff Electric Inc --------------------- 651-923-4970 Patchin Messner Dodd & Brumm ----------- 952-895-1205 Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc.----------- 800-257-7214
Koehl Bros --------------------------------------- 815-692-2326 Perten Instruments, Inc. (202) --------------- 888-773-7836 Steve Peters Co. -------------------------------- 800-423-9081
Kooiker Roong & Insulation (215) --------- 800-227-8295 Prairie Land Millwright Inc. (209)------------ 815-538-3085 Structural Restoration, Inc. (190) ----------- 888-825-1969
Laidig Systems, Inc. ---------------------------- 574-256-0204 Prater (181)--------------------------------------- 630-759-9595 Sudenga Industries, Inc. (194) -------------- 888-783-3642
Lambton Conveyor Limited ------------------- 888-239-9713 Premier Components, Inc. (196, 199, 206, 211, 214, Sukup Manufacturing Company (220) ----- 641-892-4222
Larson Contracting Central, LLC (192) ---- 800-765-1426 219)------------------------------------------------- 877-681-3064 Suneld Engineering, Inc. (221)------------- 231-360-8608
Lee Farms Excavating ------------------------- 217-387-2407 Probe-A-Load, Inc. ----------------------------- 800-627-7623 Sweet Manufacturing Co (185) -------------- 800-334-7254
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Kansas City (183, 186, 188, 199, Process Control Systems, Inc. (186, 194, 211) ------------ T. E. Ibberson Company ----------------------- 952-938-7007
205, 206, 215) ----------------------------------- 800-821-5578 ------------------------------------------------------- 800-328-0738 TAPCO Inc. (200) ------------------------------- 800-288-2726
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Norfolk (183, 186, 188, 199, 205, Puritan Magnetics, Inc. (208) ---------------- 800-787-3624 TCR Systems LLC ------------------------------ 217-877-5622
206, 215) ------------------------------------------ 855-254-6611 Q-Sage Inc (187)-------------------------------- 989-775-2424 Tandem Products, Inc./Rhino Hyde Div.--- 800-533-0509
Lewis Goetz & Co. - Wichita (183, 186, 188, 199, 205, QED Dryer Sales & Mfg., Inc. (202) -------- 815-961-1630 Tank Connection (220) ------------------------ 620-423-3010
206, 215) ------------------------------------------ 800-835-0226 R-Biopharm Inc. --------------------------------- 877-789-3033 Taylor Products div. Magnum Sys. (211) -- 888-882-9567
Lone Star Enterprises, Inc. (215) ----------- 605-647-3001 RMS Roller-Grinder, Inc. (215) -------------- 888-283-9337 The Arnold Company (205) ------------------ 800-245-7505
Lowry Mfg. Co.----------------------------------- 800-950-4792 RN Conveyance Company Inc. ------------- 410-546-0811 The Essmueller Company -------------------- 800-325-7175
Lundell Plastic Corp. (194) ------------------- 877-367-7659 Railserve Inc. (207) ----------------------------- 800-345-RAIL The Nay Company------------------------------ 972-937-1652
M&M Specialty Services (201, 214, 216) - 913-705-0690 Raker Rhodes Industrial, LLC (191) ------- 515-277-0275 The Weitz Comapany -------------------------- 515-246-4700
MFS/York/Stormor (220) ---------------------- 800-247-6621 Rapat Corporation (194) ---------------------- 800-325-6377 Thiele Technologies, Inc. (182, 211, 212) - 800-932-3647
Magik Kleener Sales Inc (187) -------------- 800-395-6734 Raven Industries, Inc. (221) ----------------- 800-635-3456 Thompson Specialty Services --------------- 844-321-3869
Maljohn Company ------------------------------ 800-268-1908 Redwing Technical Systems Inc. (198, 207) -- 877-753-dust Tom-Cin Metals, Inc. (220)-------------------- 800-343-3404
Marcus Construction (200) ------------------- 800-367-3424 Research Fumigation Co. LLC (201, 214)---- 985-536-4932 Trackmobile LLC (209) ------------------------ 706-884-6651
Mathews Company (202) --------------------- 800-323-7045 Rice Lake Weighing Systems ---------------- 800-472-6703 Tramco --------------------------------------------- 316-264-4604
Maxi-Lift Inc.-------------------------------------- 800-527-0657 River Consulting (191) ------------------------- 504-293-3900 Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc. (182, 203, 211) -------
Maxi-Tronic, Inc. (210) ------------------------- 866-333-3363 Rolfes@Boone (180, 198, 204, 211)------- 800-265-2010 ------------------------------------------------------- 800-438-8367
McCormick Construction Company -------- 877-554-4774 Romer Labs, Inc. -------------------------------- 636-583-8600 Triple/S Dynamics, Inc. (187, 188) ---------- 800-527-2116
McPherson Concrete Storage Systems (190) -- 800-999-8151 Ross Manufacturing Co.----------------------- 800-874-1935 UNIPHOS Envirotronic Inc. (201, 216) ---- 844-247-0450
Meier Sales & Engineering, Inc.------------- 888-218-9227 Rotex Global (188, 218) ----------------------- 800-453-2321 Union Iron (186) --------------------------------- 800-333-5148
Mid-Continent Industries, Inc.---------------- 800-279-6812 Rotool Dust Collection (198) ----------------- 800-332-7685 Union Special ----------------------------------- 800-344-9698
Mid-States Appraisal Services, Inc. -------- 913-685-8731 S & S Sales and Leasing -------------------- 801-451-2796 VAA, LLC ----------------------------------------- 763-559-9100
Midwest Paint Service, Inc.------------------- 800-843-1995 S.W. Vac Inc. (203)------------------------------ 800-366-8665 Vac-Tron Equipment (213) -------------------- 888-822-8766
Mitchell Mill Systems (185, 194) ------------ 519-595-8747 SKS Engineers, LLC --------------------------- 217-877-2100 Variable Automation & Manufacturing, LLC (184) ---------
Moeller Engineering, LLC (191) ------------- 515-963-8332 SMA, LLC (196) --------------------------------- 763-295-4367 ------------------------------------------------------- 877-827-2434
Mole-Master Services Corp. (183, 219) --- 800-322-6653 Safe-Grain Inc. (204) --------------------------- 800-659-8250 Victor Lundeen Company --------------------- 800-346-4870
Monitor Technologies LLC (183, 205, 209)--- 800-601-6204 Safety Made Simple (216) ------------------- 844-8SAFETY Vigen Construction, Inc. (196) --------------- 218-773-1159
Morgan Plastic Fabrication (193) ----------- 308-324-4844 Salina Scale Sales & Service Inc ----------- 800-828-1634 Vortex (207) -------------------------------------- 866-586-7177
Motive Power Resources Inc (207) --------- 815-255-2600 Schenck Process ------------------------------- 800-821-2476 WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. (197)---------- 412-344-1408
Natural Insecto Products, Inc. (214)-------- 800-332-2002 Schlagel, Inc. (194) ----------------------------- 800-328-8002 Waconia Manufacturing (199, 217) --------- 952-442-4450
Neogen Corporation --------------------------- 800-234-5333 Schumacher Elevator Company (208)----- 800-779-5438 Walinga USA Inc. (213) ----------------------- 800-466-1197
Newell Machinery Co. Inc. (194, 209)------ 319-393-1610 Screw Conveyor Corporation ---------------- 800-626-6629 Walt Johnson Construction Inc. ------------- 320-763-9005
Newton Oil Co. (199) --------------------------- 800-286-2500 Seed Vac ------------------------------------------ 800-328-8896 Warrior Mfg., LLC ------------------------------- 320-587-5505
Nextteq, LLC (201, 216)----------------------- 877-312-2333 Seedburo Equipment Co. (210) ------------- 800-284-5779 Weitls Aeration Service, Inc. (180) --------- 888-689-3611
NORD Gear -------------------------------------- 608-849-7300 Sentry Equipment Corp (216) --------------- 262-567-7256 Wellman Enterprises L.L.C. ----------------- 651-210-8299
Norstar Industries ------------------------------- 204-746-8200 Shanzer Grain Dryer --------------------------- 800-843-9887 West Side Salvage, Inc. (203) --------------- 800-747-0104
North American Equipment Co., Inc. (180, 185) ----------- Shore Measuring Systems ------------------- 800-837-0863 Westrup Inc. -------------------------------------- 800-850-5541
------------------------------------------------------- 800-514-7608 Shuttlewagon ------------------------------------ 816-569-6486 White Commercial Corporation ------------- 888-546-9555
Northland Manufacturing, Inc. (209, 220) ---- 641-822-3333 Sifter Parts & Service, Inc. (218) ----------- 800-367-3591 Woofter Construction and Irrigation (192)---800-279-4850
Sioux Steel Company (184, 199, 200)----------- 800-557-4689 Younglove Construction, L.L.C. (196) ------ 712-277-3906
S/O GJ 225
Ad Index BinMaster Level Controls......47 Compu-Watt .....................65
4B Elevator Components Ltd.
BM&M Screening Solutions ... CompuWeigh Corp...........91
.......5, 9, 101
............................................. 51 CR Manufacturing ............97
226 GJ S/O
FWS Group of Companies ..166 International Production & LandMarc Construction .... 119
Global Fabrication, Inc....170 J-System Recirculation LLC .. M&M Specialty Services .161
Grain Flo Inc...................162 JMI Covers, LLC ..............38 ....63, 93, 135
Hanson Silo Company LP .. 28 Kansas State University....... 110 McCormick Construction Co. ..
Honeyville Metal Inc. ............20 KBM Industrial Services, Inc. ... Mid-Continent Industries.......
IEP Technologies .....82, 83 Kice Industries Inc. ................85 Moeller Engineering LLC .. 165
S/O GJ 227
NGFA ...............................62 Waconia Manufacturing ..117
Neogen Corp.....................37 Safety Made Simple Inc. ..161 Warrior Mfg. LLC .................
OMara Ag Services, Inc. ........ Shore Measuring System....18 White Oil Marketing. Co. .20
................... 136, 167 Simpson Strong-Tie ..........31 W-L Port-Land Systems Inc. .
PMI Iowa LLC ................ 113 Structural Restoration, Inc. .. 120 Younglove L.L.C. .............67
228 GJ S/O
Response No. 2271
Response No. 2281