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Discovering Your Spiritual Pathway

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Some key takeaways are that spiritual pathways are different ways that people connect with God and that identifying your preferred pathway(s) can help you experience God's presence in your daily life.

Spiritual pathways are different ways that people naturally connect with and grow spiritually in their relationship with God. The text discusses contemplation, activism, helping others, and enjoying nature as some examples.

Spiritual pathways mentioned include contemplation, activism, helping others, and enjoying nature or beauty in creation.

Spiritual Pathways

ways we connect to God

Spiritual Pathways
Just as we have different personalities and temperaments, we each
gravitate toward unique ways to connect with God and refresh
ourselves spiritually.

One of the greatest benefits of knowing our spiritual temperament is

the ability to build on that strength without feeling guilty for our

Conversely, we need to be stretched in some areas to keep in balance.

Before you take the Spiritual Pathway Assessment on the following
pages, spend some time reflecting on these questions:

When you have some time and want to experience renewal or

recreation, what do you do?

What happens to you when you go too long without this activity?
We all have different ways to refresh ourselves.

Some like to do a mental activity, yet others prefer little or no brain use.
Some of us are refreshed by physical involvement, yet for others the last
thing we want to do is exert our bodies. Some of us are refreshed by
being alone, but others of us go nuts unless we can hang out with at
least one other person and preferably a whole crowd.

This reality about our differences underscores an important truth when

it comes to our spiritual growth and transformation. God made each of
us unique. Just as we enjoy a variety of ways to refresh ourselves
physically and mentally, God has also given us a variety of ways to
refresh ourselves spiritually and connect with Him. These ways of
connecting with God are called spiritual pathways.

A spiritual pathway is the way we most naturally connect with God

and grow spiritually.

Each of us has a preferred spiritual pathway, and we naturally

gravitate to that way of connecting with God. Most of us dont use just
one; we tend to prefer one or two main pathways. Theres also usually
at least one pathway that is very unnatural for us, and it takes some
stretching for us to experiment using that pathway.

Identifying and developing your unique spiritual pathway(s) can help

you experience Gods presence in your ordinary day. Once youve
discovered your pathway, the goal is for you to feel great freedom and
joy in using it.
Spiritual Pathway Assessment
Respond to each statement below according to the following scale:
3 = consistently/definitely true of me
2 = often/usually true of me
1 = once in a while/sometimes true of me
0 = not at all/never true of me

Put the number in the blank before each statement.

Transfer the numbers you gave for each assessment statement to the
grid on the following pages.

Total each column. The highest number identifies your preferred

spiritual pathway; the next highest number, your secondary pathway.

_____ 1. When I have a problem, Id rather pray with people than pray
_____ 2. In a church service, I look most forward to the teaching.
_____ 3. People who know me would describe me as enthusiastic during
worship times.
_____ 4. No matter how tired I get, I usually come alive when a challenge
is placed before me.
_____ 5. Spiritual reality sometimes feels more real to me than the
physical world.
_____ 6. I get distracted in meetings or services if I notice details in the
surroundings that havent been attended to.
_____ 7. A beautiful sunset can give me a spiritual high that temporarily
blocks out everything bothering me.
_____ 8. It makes me feel better about myself to hang out with people I
know and like.
____ 9. Ive never understood why people dont love to study the Bible
in depth.
____ 10. God touches me every time I gather with other believers for
____ 11. People around me know how passionate I feel about the causes
Im involved in.
____ 12. I experience a deep inner joy when I am in a quiet place, free
from distractions.
____ 13. Helping others is easy for me, even when I have problems.
____ 14. When faced with a difficult decision, I am drawn to walk in the
woods, on the beach, or in some other outdoor setting.
____ 15. When I am alone too much, I tend to lose energy or get a little
____ 16. People seek me out when they need answers to biblical
____ 17. Even when Im tired, I look forward to going to a church service.
____ 18. I sense the presence of God most when Im doing His work.
____ 19. I dont understand how Christians can be so busy and still think
theyre hearing from God.
____ 20. I love being able to serve behind the scenes, out of the
____ 21. I experience God in nature so powerfully Im sometimes
tempted not to bother with church.
____ 22. I experience God most tangibly in fellowship with a few others.
____ 23. When I need to be refreshed, a stimulating book is just the
____ 24. I am happiest when I praise God together with others.
_____ 25. When the going gets tough, the tough get going thats true
about me!
_____ 26. My family and friends sometimes tease me about being such a
_____ 27. People around me sometimes tell me they admire my
_____ 28. Things in nature often teach me valuable lessons about God.
_____ 29. I dont understand people who have a hard time revealing
personal things about themselves.
_____ 30. Sometimes I spend too much time learning about an issue
rather than dealing with it.
_____ 31. I dont think theres any good excuse for missing a worship time.
_____ 32. I get tremendous satisfaction from seeing people working
together to achieve a goal.
_____ 33. When I face a difficulty, being alone feels most helpful.
_____ 34. Even when Im tired, I find I have energy and desire to care for
peoples problems.
_____ 35. God is so real when Im in a beautiful, natural setting.

_____ 36. When Im tired, theres nothing better than going out with
friends to refresh me.
_____ 37. I worship best in response to theological truth clearly explained.
_____ 38. I like how all the worlds problems including mine seem
unimportant when Im praising God at church.
_____ 39. I get frustrated with peoples apathy in the face of injustice.
_____ 40. If the truth were told, I sometimes feel guilty for enjoying
silence and solitude so much.
_____ 41. I am happiest when I find someone who really needs help and I
step in and offer it.
_____ 42. Others know that if Im not around, Im most likely outside in a
beautiful place.
_____ 43. People around me describe me as a people person.
_____ 44. I often read lots of books or articles to help me work through a
_____ 45. When I get overwhelmed, theres nothing like a good worship
service to get me back on track.
_____ 46. I should probably take more time to slow down, but I really love
what I do, especially ministry.
_____ 47. Sometimes I spend too much time mulling over negative things
people say about me.
_____ 48. I experience Gods presence as I counsel someone who is
struggling or in trouble.
_____ 49. When I see natural beauty, something wonderful stirs in me
that is difficult to describe.
Spiritual Pathway Assessment Scoring
Transfer the numbers from the assessment to this grid and total
each column.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Relational Intellectual Worship Activist Contemplative Serving Creation

A. Relational I connect best to God when I am with others.

B. Intellectual I connect best to God when I learn.
C. Worship I connect best to God when I worship.
D. Activist I connect best to God when doing great things.
E. Contemplative I connect best to God in silence.
F. Serving I connect best to God while completing Kingdom tasks.
G. Creation I connect best to God in nature.
Relational Pathway

Spiritual growth comes most naturally when youre involved in
significant relationships.
Small groups and other community life experiences are key.
Your life is an open book and youre surprised when others
arent as open as you are.
Being alone can drive you crazy.
In times of growth (like confronting sin, guidance for decisions,
accountability, expressions of love, etc.) God will often speak to
you through other people.

Apostle Peter
John Wesley

Build on Strengths:
You need a relationally rich life.
Use your spiritual gift to serve others.
Pray with others in community.
Learn in a class with other people or in a small group.
Some Cautions:
Guard against superficiality.
Be sure to have a few deep relationships people who love you,
challenge you, encourage you, and give you wise counsel.
You can grow dependent on others and become a spiritual
chameleon (you change depending on who youre with).

Ways to Stretch:
Develop a capacity for silence.
Monitor your talking, dont talk all the time!
Keep some of your experiences with God secret so you dont get
addicted to what other people think.
Study Scripture for yourself so youre not so dependent on the
opinion of others.
Invite close friends to speak words of truth to you.
Intellectual Pathway

You draw close to God as youre able to learn more about Him.
The study of Scripture and theology comes naturally to you.
You have little patience for emotional approaches to faith.
You are a thinker (thinking trumps feeling).
When you face problems or spiritual challenges, you go into a
problem-solving mode.
(you could do with less music and more sermon)

Apostle Paul
C.S. Lewis

The road to your heart usually leads through your head you hear God
best as you learn; you come to life when youre deeply immersed in
great books, classes, deep thought, new learning

Build on Strengths:
Read great books that challenge you.
Expose yourself to lots of teaching (seminary classes, lecture
tapes, etc.)
Find like-minded people with whom you can learn (if you quit
learning, you grow stagnant)
Some Cautions:
Guard against becoming all head and no heart.
Dont confuse being smart with being spiritually mature.
Remember that the right gauge of spiritual health and maturity
is love, not intelligence.
You love to be right and that can be dangerous.

Ways to Stretch:
Devote yourself to corporate worship and private adoration and
prayer let your learning lead to worship.
Engage in self-examination to assess whether or not you are
being loving as you interact and share your knowledge.
Worship Pathway

You have a deep love of corporate praise and a natural
inclination toward celebration.
In difficult periods of life, worship is one of the most healing
activities you engage in.
In worship, your heart opens up and you come alive and
enthusiastically participate (youd like more singing and less

King David
Darlene Zscheck

Build on Strengths:
Experience worship on a regular basis.
Use worship tapes or CDs and make your car a private
Learn about other worship traditions and incorporate what you
learn into your personal worship time.
Some Cautions:
Be careful not to judge those who arent as expressive as you in
worship dont assume they dont love God as much or arent
experiencing the Holy Spirit.
Guard against an experience-based spirituality that always has
you looking for the next high.

Ways to Stretch:
Engage in the discipline of study make sure your mind is filled
with knowledge of God and to keep that area growing so that
your heart and emotions are solidly rooted.
Serve God in concrete ways as an extension of your worship.
Remain committed to your community of faith even when
worship isnt all youd like it to be.
Activist Pathway

You have a single-minded zeal and a very strong sense of vision.
You have a passion to build the church; a passion to work for
Challenges dont discourage you, they energize you.
You do everything you can to bring out the potential God has
placed in other people.
You love a high-paced, problem-filled, complex, strenuous way
of life.

William & Catherine Booth, founders of Salvation Army to
relieve the suffering of the poor in the city

Build on Strengths:
Create a sense of challenge in your life by immersing yourself in
tasks that demand the best you have to offer.
Find a team of people you can invest in and work with to
accomplish big goals.
Stay active when youre not active you get frustrated and
Some Cautions:
You may run over people or use them because youre so
focused on the goal.
Guard against going too long without pausing to reflect on what
youre doing; otherwise you can end up not even knowing your
own motive, spiritual condition, or emotional state.

Ways to Stretch:
Spend time in solitude and silence striking a balance with
actions helps to raise awareness of inner motives.
Cultivate a reflective discipline like journaling.
Develop close spiritual friendships with one or two people
have them ask you how they see God working in you, not
through you.
Contemplative Pathway

You love uninterrupted time alone.
Reflection comes naturally to you.
You have a large capacity for prayer.
If you get busy or spend a lot of time with people, you feel
drained and yearn for times of solitude.
Presence of God is most real when all distractions are removed.

Mary, Marthas sister
Henri Nouwen

Build on Strengths:
First thing you need to hear is that you have permission to build
on your strengths!
You need regular, protected, intense times of solitude and
Faithfully follow the intuitions and leading that come in your
times alone with God.
Act on what you hear from God in the silence.
Some Cautions:
You have a tendency to avoid the demands of the real world
because they dont live up to your ideals.
Be careful not to retreat to your inner world when friends,
family, or society disappoint you.
Resist the temptation to consider your times of private prayer
and solitude as less important than the more public acts of
ministry performed by others.

Ways to Stretch:
Choose a regular place of active service.
Stay relationally connected, even when those relationships
become difficult or challenging.
Connect with those who have an activist pathway pray for
them and get involved in some aspect of their ministry.
Serving Pathway

Gods presence seems most tangible when youre involved in
helping others.
Youre often uncomfortable in a setting where you dont have a
role (but if you have a role like setting up chairs, etc. youre
more comfortable).
You constantly look for acts of service you can engage in and
often dont even need to be asked.

Dorcas in the book of Acts
Mother Theresa
Jimmy Carter

Build on Strengths:
Get plugged into a community so you have opportunities for
meaningful service.
Look for glimpses of Gods presence in the people you serve,
and in the execution of your tasks.
Prepare to serve first by praying so your service is genuinely
spiritual service.
Cultivate an awareness of those moments when you sense God
with you as you serve.
Some Cautions:
Be careful not to resent other people who dont serve as much
as you do.
Remember that God loves you not because you are so faithful in
serving Him, but because you are His beloved child.
Dont confuse serving with earning Gods love.

Ways to Stretch:
Balance your service with small group and community life.
Learn to receive love even when youre not being productive.
Practice expressing love through words as well as actions.
Creation Pathway

You respond deeply to God through your experience of nature.
Being outdoors replenishes you moves your heart, opens your
soul, and strengthens your faith.
Youre highly aware of your physical senses, and often art, or
symbols, or ritual will help you grow.
You tend to be creative.

Jesus (Jesus lived in continual connection with God exemplified
all the spiritual pathways but seemed especially drawn and
often withdrew into nature)
George Washington Carver

Build on Strengths:
Spend time outdoors.
Find a location for getaways.
Make beauty a part of your spiritual life (candles, art, music,
Some Cautions:
You may be tempted to use beauty or nature to escape.
You will find that people are sometimes disappointing.
Guard against the temptation to avoid church, thinking that you
can better worship God in nature on your own.
Learn to see beauty in other people and allow God to speak to
you through them.

Ways to Stretch:
Stay involved in a worshipping community.
Be willing to help out in less-than-beautiful settings.
Take Scripture with you into nature and meditate on Gods
Word as you enjoy creation.
Make the most of your
Spiritual Pathway
Give yourself permission to be who you are in God. Celebrate your
pathway and enjoy it. Be willing to engage in activities that move you
out of your comfort zone and force you to stretch a little.

Each pathway has strengths and cautions. Its easy to default only
towards our strengths and forget that we need to grow in other areas as
well. Dont fall into the trap of saying Oh, Im a relationship type so Im
off the hook with solitude. One of the cautions for those who have a
relational pathway is to guard against being overly influenced by others,
so solitude is an important stretching exercise even though it may
never come naturally. For each pathway, the cautions or temptations
will tell you where you need to stretch.

Be careful not to envy someone elses pathway. It may be easy to think,

The activists are the ones who really get things done in this world. Im
not like that, so I guess Ill always be second-class. Embrace the unique
person God made you to be.

Beware of the temptation to judge someone else because of his or her

pathway. A contemplative may think, Whats the matter with those
activists? Why cant they pray for long periods of time like I can? Dont
they have any depth? Part of growing in community means we learn to
neither envy nor judge each other, but help and learn from one

Explore and develop the other pathways. Most people can relate easily
to more than one. You may find several of them important to your
spiritual growth but at some point every one of them can be useful to
Some questions for you to reflect on

What are one or two activities I need to engage in regularly to stay

connected with God?

How might I incorporate these activities into my daily or weekly


What was a strength I identified with for my main spiritual pathway?

A caution?
What is something Id maybe like to try as a way to stretch?

Is there a spiritual pathway Id like to explore more and begin to


The danger in finding a way to God

is that people grow to love the way
more than they love God.
-Meister Eckhart

How could I guard against this danger as I start incorporate my main

spiritual pathway into my daily life?
For more information on Spiritual Pathways:

An Ordinary Day with Jesus:

Experiencing the Reality of God in your Everyday Life
John Ortberg

Invitation to a Journey
M. Robert Mulholland

Prayer and Temperament:

Different Prayer Forms for Different Personality Types
Chester Michael & Marie Norrisey

Sacred Pathways
Gary Thomas

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