Ethics Digest April 24
Ethics Digest April 24
Ethics Digest April 24
But later on, the judge handling the case It is also of no moment that Potenciano
asked Potenciano to inhibit because of the had little time to prepare for the pleading.
fact that they are friends. Potenciano then When he accepted the case, his clients
asked an additional P2,000.00 from the reposed full faith in him. But he never
sisters. He said he needs to find another complemented the trust and faith reposed
judge who can rule in their favor. He also in him. He even bragged his closeness
asked another P10,000.00 from the with the judge and even intimated the
sisters. He said this amount is needed in need to buy another judge. Such actions
order for them to re-acquire their are reprehensible.
apartment. On top of the P10k, he also
asked for another P1k for additional Potenciano was suspended indefinitely
expenses. The sisters were able to pool until he can show to the court that he is fit
resources from friends just to raise the to practice law.
amount asked for by Potenciano.
case was then elevated to the Court of of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
Appeals. The complainants lost in their Once he agrees to take up the cause of a
petition at the Court of Appeals due to client, the lawyer owes fidelity to such
abandonment, failure to act accordingly, cause and must always be mindful of the
or serious neglect of their counsel, Atty. trust and confidence reposed in him. This
Fojas to answer the civil complaint on an means that his client is entitled to the
expulsion case. Atty. Fojas assured them benefit of any and every remedy and
that everything was in order and he had defense that is authorized by the law of
already answered the complaint. However, the land and he may expect his lawyer to
the appellants soon discovered that he assert every such remedy or defense. In
never answered it after all because, his motion for reconsideration of the
according to him, he was a very busy default order, the respondent explained
man. Atty. Fojas admitted his mistake in his non-filing of the required answer by
case, but he alleges that it was cured by occasioned by a large volume and
his filing of a motion for reconsideration. pressure of legal work, while in his
was denied. Atty. Fojas defended his honest mistake and excusable neglect due
negligence with the reason that the case to his overzealousness to question the
was a losing cause after all. Atty. Fojas denial order of the trial court. Whether it
also asserts that he was about to appeal be the first or the second ground, the fact
the said decision to this Court, but his remains that the respondent did not
services as counsel for the complainants comply with his duty to file an answer.
Stemmerik v. Mas
All lawyers take an oath to support the Constitution,
to obey the laws and to do no falsehood.21 That oath
FACTS is neither mere formal ceremony nor hollow words. It
is a sacred trust that should be upheld and kept
Stemmerik is a citizen and resident of Denmark. inviolable at all times.22
In one of his trips in the Philippines, he met Atty.
Mas. Since he was marveled at the beauty of the
Lawyers are servants of the law23 and the law is their
country, he wanted to buy a real property and
master. They should not simply obey the laws, they
consulted Atty. Mas. The latter told Stemmerik
that he could legally acquire a real property in should also inspire respect for and obedience thereto
the Phils. and even suggested a 86K hectare by serving as exemplars worthy of emulation. Indeed,
land in Subic, Zambales. Atty. Mas, as the atty.- that is the first precept of the Code of Professional
in-fact of Stemmerik bought the property from a Responsibility
certain Bonifacio de Mesa. The contract to sell
It may well be doubted whether section 26 of Act No.
2347 is applicable to appeals from orders relating to
Islas vs Platon petitions for review, but assuming that such is the
case, the respondent judge was nevertheless, in our
It appears from the record that in December, 1920, opinion, fully justified in declining to certify the bill of
the herein petitioners filed a petition in the Court of exceptions in the present case. The bill was not
First Instance under section 38 of the Land presented until over three months after the notice of
Registration Act for the review of a decree in a land the order from which the petitioners desire to appeal
registration case. On March 23, 1921, the court should have reached their counsel in the ordinary
denied the petition for review without permitting the course of the mails. The notice was duly sent by
petitioners to present their evidence. Upon appeal to registered letter to counsel at his address in the City
this court the order denying the petition was of Manila and it is not intimated that the address was
reversed and the record remanded to the court below erroneous. There is nothing in the record to show
for the reception of evidence. 1 chanrobles virtual law that the postal authorities did not properly perform
library their duty and we must presume that the usual
notice of the arrival of the letter at the Manila post
The evidence having been received, the Court of First office was delivered at the office of said counsel. He
Instance on April 16, 1924, again denied the petition failed to claim the letter and it was returned to the
for a review and on May 5, 1924, the petitioners Court of First Instance marked "unclaimed ." His
herein filed a motion for a new trial. The motion was failure to receive a copy of the order in question was
heard and denied on the 17th of the same month and therefore entirely due to his own negligence of which
two days later due notice of the denial was sent to he cannot now be allowed to take advantage. As a
the attorney for the petitioners at his office address practicing lawyer it was his duty to so arrange
in Manila. The letter containing the notification was matters that official communications sent by mail
returned to the clerk of the Court of First Instance the would reach him promptly. Having failed to do so, he
latter part of June, 1924, marked "unclaimed." On and his clients must suffer the consequences of his
August 26, 1924, the petitioners presented their negligence. That he may have been absent from his
exception to the order of May 17th denying the office at the time the notification here in question
petition for a new trial and announced their intention arrived is no
to appeal to this court. A bill of exception was filed on excuse.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual
August 29, 1924, but the trial court refused to law library
approve and certify it on the ground that the time for
presenting it had then The petition for a writ of mandamus is denied with
expired.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual the costs against the petitioners. So ordered.
law library
Held: No.
Respondents explanation for the delay in
filing the claims in returning the
On April, 1955, Atty. Arcangel volunteered documents has not been controverted by
to help them in their respective pension complainants.
On the contrary, they admitted that retaliation for the administrative cases he filed
respondent asked them to shoulder the against RBCIs counsel and the trial court judges
photostating expenses but they did not of Bohol.
give him any money. Hence,
complainants are partly to blame.
Moreover, respondent claimed that RBCI failed
Moreover, the documents and their to present any evidence to prove their
photostats were actually returned by allegations. Respondent added that the affidavits
respondent during the fiscals attached to the complaint were never identified,
investigation with him paying for the affirmed, or confirmed by the affiants and that
photostating costs himself. none of the documentary exhibits were originals
As for the alleged failure of the respondent or certified true copies.
to all her documents to complainant
Pasion, the former denies this. the ISSUE: Whether or not respondent violated his
affidavit of Mrs. Blanza pardoning oath and the CPR Canon 19.
respondent cannot prejudice
complainant Pasion because res inter HELD: The Court held that respondent was
alios acta alteri nocere non debet. guilty as charged and suspended for a year. The
first and foremost duty of a lawyer is to maintain
allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines,
RBCI v FLORIDO uphold the Constitution and obey the laws of the
land. It is the lawyers duty to promote respect
for the law and legal processes and to abstain
A.C. No. 5736, June 18, 2010
from activities aimed at defiance of the law or
lessening confidence in the legal system.
Canon 19 of the Code provides that a lawyer
shall represent his client with zeal within the
bounds of the law. It is his duty to counsel his
FACTS: Rural Bank of Calape, Inc. filed a
clients to use peaceful and lawful methods in
complaint for disbarment against respondent.
seeking justice and refrain from doing an
RBCI alleged that respondent violated his oath
intentional wrong to their adversaries.
and the Code of Professional Responsibility.
A lawyers duty is not to his client but to the
According to RBCI, respondent and his clients,
administration of justice. To that end, his clients
Nazareno-Relampagos group, through force and
success is wholly subordinate. His conduct
intimidation, forcibly took over the management
ought to and must always be scrupulously
and the premises of RBCI. They also forcibly
observant of the law and ethics.Any means, not
evicted Cirilo A. Garay, the bank manager,
honorable, fair and honest which is resorted to
destroyed the banks vault, and installed their
by the lawyer, even in the pursuit of his devotion
own staff to run the bank.
to his clients cause, is condemnable and
Respondent added that the criminal complaint
for malicious mischief filed against him by
RBCI was already dismissed; while the
complaint for grave coercion was ordered
suspended because of the existence of a
prejudicial question. Respondent said that the
disbarment complaint was filed against him in
an improper advantage in any case or
WON it is proper to disbar Aparicio? NO,
reprimand only
Under Canon 19, a lawyer should not file
or threaten to file any unfounded or
baseless criminal case or cases against
the adversaries of his client designed to
secure leverage to compel the
adversaries to yield or withdraw their own
FERNANDO MARTIN PENA vs. cases against the lawyer's client.
In the case at bar, the threats are not only
A.C. No. 7298 June 25, 2007 unethical for violating Canon 19, but they
also amount to blackmail. Blackmail is
"the extortion of money from a person by
Facts: threats of accusation or exposure or
opposition in the public prints,obtaining
Atty. Lolito G. Aparicio appeared as legal
of value from a person as a condition of
counsel for Grace C. Hufana in an illegal refraining from making an accusation
dismissal case before the National Labor against him, or disclosing some secret
Relations Commission (NLRC) against calculated to operate to his prejudice."
complainant Fernando Martin Pena. The letter in this case contains more than
Hufana is praying for claim for separation just a simple demand to pay. It even
pay, but Pena rejected the claim as contains a threat to file retaliatory
baseless. charges against complainant which have
Thereafter, Aparicio sent Pena a letter nothing to do with his client's claim for
reiterating his client's claim for separation separation pay. Indeed, letters of this
pay. Through his letter, he threatened nature are definitely proscribed by the
complainant that should Pena fail to pay Code of Professional Responsibility.
the amounts they propose as settlement, It was not respondent's intention to point
he would file and claim bigger amounts out complainant's violations of the law as
including moral damages, as well as he so gallantly claims. Far from it, the
multiple charges such as tax evasion, letter even contains an implied promise to
falsification of documents, and "keep silent" about the said violations if
cancellation of business license to operate payment of the claim is made on the date
due to violations of laws. indicated.
DECISION: While the writing of the letter
Issue: went beyond ethical standards, we hold
that disbarment is too severe a penalty to
WON Aparicio violated Canon 19 (and be imposed on respondent, considering
19.01) of the CPR, enjoining every lawyer to that he wrote the same out of his
represent his client with zeal within the overzealousness to protect his client's
bounds of the law? YES interests. Accordingly, the more
NB: Rule 19.01. A lawyer shall appropriate penalty is reprimand.
employ only fair and honest means to
attain the lawful objectives of his client
and shall not present, participate in A.C. No. 3283 July 13, 1995
presenting or threaten to present RODOLFO MILLARE, petitioner,
unfounded criminal charges to obtain
ATTY. EUSTAQUIO Z. MONTERO, same judgment, respondent is also guilty of
respondent. forum shopping. Forum shopping exists
when, by reason of an adverse decision in
Complainant obtained a favorable judgment one forum, defendant ventures to another
from the MTC which ordered respondents for a more favorable resolution of his case.
client to vacate the premises subject of the
ejectment case. respondent as counsel,
appealed the decision. CA dismissed Co's
appeal from the decision of the RTC for
failure to comply with the proper
procedures. Respondent thereafter resorted A.C. No. 528 October 11, 1967 ANGEL
to devious and underhanded means to delay
the execution of the judgment rendered by
the MTC adverse to his client. Facts: This proceeding for disbarment
was filed by complainant Angel Albano
Held: SUSPENDED for (1) year. Rule 12.02. against respondent Perpetua Coloma,
A lawyer shall not file multiple actions a member of the Philippine Bar. In a
arising from the same cause. Rule 12.04. letter dated June 20, 1962 addressed
A lawyer shall not unduly delay a case, to this Court, complainant alleged that
impede the execution of a judgment or during the Japanese occupation his
misuse court processes. mother, Delfina Aquino, and he
retained the services of respondent as
Under Canon 19 of the Code of Professional counsel for them as plaintiffs in Civil
Responsibility, a lawyer is required to Case No. 4147 of the Court of First
represent his client "within the bounds of Instance of Ilocos Norte. After which
the law." The Code enjoins a lawyer to came the accusation that after
employ only fair and honest means to attain liberation and long after the courts
the lawful objectives of his client (Rule had been reorganized, respondent
19.01) and warns him not to allow his client failed to expedite the hearing and
to dictate the procedure in handling the case termination of the case, as a result of
(Rule 19.03). In short, a lawyer is not a gun
which they had themselves
for hire.
represented by another lawyer. This
notwithstanding, it was claimed that
It is unethical for a lawyer to abuse or
respondent intervened in the case to
wrongfully use the judicial process, like the
collect her attorney's fees. It was then
filing of dilatory motions, repetitious
alleged that during the hearing they
litigation and frivolous appeals for the sole
were surprised when respondent
purpose of frustrating and delaying the
presented in exhibit a document
execution of a judgment.
showing that they as well as their co-
A judgment can be annulled only on two plaintiffs in the case promised to pay
grounds: (a) that the judgment is void for her a contingent fee of 33-/3% of
want of jurisdiction or for lack of due whatever could be recovered whether
process of law, or (b) that it has been in land or damages.
obtained by fraud. Issue: May a lawyer be removed for
her failure to comply with her
Judging from the number of actions filed by obligations as counsel as she served
respondent to forestall the execution of the faithfully, efficiently, continuously and
to the best of her knowledge and not averse to having such a risk
capacity? minimized. Where, as in this case, the
good name of counsel was traduced
Held: no, a lawyer be removed
by an accusation made in reckless
without just cause. The Solicitor
disregard of the truth, an action
General could thus rightfully assert
prompted by base ingratitude, the
that if there was anyone guilty of bad
severest censure is called for.
faith in this case "it is complainant and
his co-plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 4147
who, after benefiting from the valuable
services of respondent in said case,
tried to renege on their agreement for
the payment of the latter's contingent
attorney's fees by dismissing her as
their counsel after she had already
won for them said case in the trial
court and the Court of Appeals, and
later, by attempting to impugn the
authenticity and genuineness of their
written agreement for the payment of
attorney's fees, . . . ." Counsel, any
counsel, who is worthy of his hire, is
entitled to be fully recompensed for
his services. With his capital consisting
solely of his brains and with his skill, Traders Royal Bank Employees
acquired at tremendous cost not only Union- Independent vs NLRC and
in money but in the expenditure of Emmanuel Noel A. Cruz
time and energy, he is entitled to the G.R.No. 120592 14March1997
protection of any judicial tribunal
against any attempt on the part of a FACTS OF THE CASE:
client to escape payment of his fees. It That TRB Employees Union, had a
is indeed ironic if after putting forth retainer agreement with Atty. Cruz, for
the best that is in him to secure justice 3,000.00 in consideration of the law
for the party he represents, he himself firms undertaking to render the
would not get his due. Such an services enumerated in their contract.
eventuality this Court is determined to During the existence of the agreement
avoid. It views with disapproval any the union referred to the private
and every effort of those benefited by respondent the claims of its members
counsel's services to deprive him of for holiday, mid-year and year-end
his hard-earned honorarium. Such an bonuses against their employer TRB.
attitude deserves condemnation. The NLRC granted the petition of the
There is this additional point to union with regard to the demand for
consider. As Cardozo aptly observed: bonuses. After, the S.C. acting upon
"Reputation [in the legal profession] is the challenge of TRBank of the NLRC
a plant of tender growth, and its decision in its decision on August 30,
bloom, once lost, is not easily 1990 modified the decision of the
restored."14 This Court, certainly is NLRC by deleting the award of mid-
year and year- end bonus differentials
while affirming the award of holiday from contracts. One of the sources of
pay differential. extra- contractual obligations found in
our civil code is the quasi contract
After TRB voluntarily complied with the premised on the roman maxim
decision, the respondent on that nemo alterius detrimento
September 18, 1990 notified the locupletari potest
union, TRB management, and the - As early as 1903 the court has
NLRC of his right to exercise and allowed the payment of reasonable
enforce his attorneys lien over the professional fees to an interpreter, not
award of holiday pay differential withstanding the lack of understanding
through a letter dated October 8, with his client as to his remuneration,
1990. on the basis a quasi-contract. It is not
necessary that the parties agree on a
ISSUES OF THE CASE: definite fee for the special services
rendered by the firm in order that the
Was the lien made by the respondent union may be obligated to pay
attorney over the award as attorneys compensation. Equity and fair play
fees valid? dictate that petitioner should pay the
same after it accepted, availed itself
- Yes, Because the contract between of, and benefited from the firms
the Union and the attorney stipulates services.
that the 3,000.00 paid as retainer fees - The measure of compensation for
is intended merely as a consideration private respondents services as
for the law firms commitment to against his client should be properly
render the services enumerated on addressed by the rule of quantum
PART A and B of the retainer meruit is used as the basis for
agreement. determining the lawyers professional
- The retainer fee paid by the Union is fees in the absence of a contract.
not a payment for the firms execution HELD:
or performance of the services listed The resolution of the NLRC with regard
in the contract, subject to the to the attorneys fees is modified, and
particular qualifications. Union is hereby ordered to pay 10,000
- Obligations do not emanate only for the firms rendered services.