Optimization of A Combined Heat and Power Generation System With Ice Thermal Storage
Optimization of A Combined Heat and Power Generation System With Ice Thermal Storage
Optimization of A Combined Heat and Power Generation System With Ice Thermal Storage
Abstract This paper explores the optimization of a combined heat and power
generation system (CCHP) with ice thermal storage air-conditioning system in
consideration of minimal cost. A CCHP requires the simultaneity of the electrical
and thermal demands. However, the thermal demand is strongly time-varying or
even discontinuous. The ice thermal storage provides an attractive solution to the
CCHP by shifting the electrical power while more protably exploiting the thermal
energy. The optimization of the simultaneous use of a gas turbine, an absorption
chiller, a brine chiller, and an ice-storage tank to satisfy given electricity, heat, and
cooling demands is considered. An MINLP algorithm is used to develop optimal
operating strategies for the cogeneration system. Case study is based on a building
belonging to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute. Finally, the results of eco-
nomic analysis providing some guidelines of operation strategies to a CCHP with
ice thermal storage.
Keywords Combined heat and power generation system Ice thermal storage
Optimization Case study
1 Introduction
(Wu and Wang 2006). Due to the interaction between hot and cold electric system
load, which may lead generation system can only bear part of the load electrical load
and thermal load coincide. This makes the system to heat, and power load matching
problem has become an important research topic (Gu et al. 2014).
Energy storage technologies have become an increasingly popular technology
(Basecq et al. 2013). They can make the energy been stored during off-peak times
and dispatched during peak times. In order for energy storage to make a signicant
impact, inexpensive storage technologies, thermal energy storage (TES), the storage
of heat or cooling has been incorporated into the CCHP systems (Barbieri et al.
2012). TES can dramatically reduce payback periods in addition to improve the
projects return on investment since it stores energy by using relatively simple and
inexpensive technologies. However, CCHP systems that require storage exhibit
transient behavior and the storage processes themselves are transient (Raine et al.
2014). Therefore, it is critical to develop effective operating strategies for CCHP
systems with TES technologies (Ameri et al. 2005).
This work considers how a CCHP system with ice thermal storage can be
operated in order to provide economic benets. A MINLP model for tackling the
short-term operation problem which aims at minimizing the operating cost of a
CCHP system with ice thermal storage. The proposed model can take into account
the situation that cooling is provided by directly using the chiller or by discharging
the ice bank when electricity prices are high. The model has been tested on a CCHP
system test case in south China. The computational results are discussed in terms of
the quality of the solutions and the influence of ice thermal storage.
2 System Description
The CCHP system with ice thermal storage consists of a power generation unit
(PGU), a waste recovery system, a cooling system, and an ice-storage air condition
system as shown in Fig. 1 (Wang et al. 2010). In this paper, a cooling storage
system of ice-storage air-conditioning system is selected, which is composed of
double-duty chiller units and ice-storage tank (Al-Abidi et al. 2012). The system
load consists of cooling and electrical load. The solid and dash lines represent the
cooling load flows and the electric power, respectively. PGU which consumes
natural gas produces electricity and heat simultaneously to meet electrical and heat
load demand. If there is excess energy, it will be stored in ice-storage air-condi-
tioning system. If the thermal load is larger than that of the amount PGU provides,
the ice-storage air-conditioning system provides additional energy to the system.
Optimization of a Combined Heat 15
Ice bank
3 Model Formulation
The aim of this paper was to develop a method to generate the optimal operation of
a CCHP system installed with ice-storage system in which the electric grid and a
local thermal network have been considered. The total net present cost is selected as
the evaluating criteria, which is used as the optimal objective to be minimized. An
ice TES unit is used to avoid the discontinuous operation of the CCHP system and
to increase the number of operating hours.
The optimal operations of CCHP problem we want to tackle can be stated as
Generation units with xed size, performance curves, and start-up/warm-up
Ice-storage tank with xed capacity and constant loss rate;
Time-dependent price of electricity;
Determine the following for each time period of a time T horizon [t0, tf]:
The set of units to be switched on
The value of the operative variables of each unit
The storage tank level
which minimize the operating cost while satisfying the demands of thermal and
16 C. Cui et al.
1. Time-varying parameter
Time-varying parameters are the parameters that may change over time periods
as demand fluctuations or the ambient temperature. Therefore, they have dif-
ferent values for each time period t:
pj(i): the energy demands at time t;
pbj i: the energy purchase price at time t;
psj i: the energy sale price at time t;
2. Constant
cmk,j: device maintenance costs, which is proportional to the amount of
energy produced;
csk: start-up costs, which is proportional to the number of starts;
chk,j: the loss of energy storage devices, which is proportional to the length
of time;
Optimization of a Combined Heat 17
3. Continuously variable
Qk,j(i): the energy j supply or consumption of device k at time I;
DQk;j i represents the amount of energy j stored in the energy storage device
variation between time i and i 1;
Sk,j(i): the energy j stored in energy storage devices k at time i;
4. Binary variable
zk(i): the state variables of device k at time i;
mj(i): state variables represent whether energy j is purchased;
3.2.2 Objective
Nt X
Nt X
Nt X
min Cb i Cs i Con i Cl i:
i1 i1 i1 i1
Cb(i) is the energy cost of all the devices during time i. It is given by the sum of
the amount of fuel each device is utilizing multiplied by its specic cost.
Nj X
X Nk
Cs i ps iQk; j i
j1 k1
Con(i) is the start-up cost of all the devices during time i. It is given by the extra
cost associated to the start-up procedure.
Con i csk iZk i
Nj X
X Nk
Cs i ps iQk;j i
j1 k1
18 C. Cui et al.
3.2.3 Constraints
Ns X
Nc X
Nm X
Qj;k i Qj;k i Qj;k i DQj;k i Pj i;
k1 k1 k1 k1
Ns X
Nc X
Nm X
Qj;k i Qj;k i Qj;k i DQj;k i slj Pj i
k1 k1 k1 k1
DTk;i Nk
To ensure that the variable has value 1 at time i if, and only if, device k was off
at time i, we introduce the following constraints
DTk;i Zk i Zk i 1
DTk;i 1 Zk i 1
DTk;i Zk i
3. Performance constraint
The performance constraint ensures the performance of the device. For each
device, the input variables (consumed fuel and electricity) are related to the
output variables (generated heat, electricity, cooling) by a performance function.
(a) Gas turbine
As the prime mover, the performance of gas turbine will directly affect the
performance of CCHP systems. The main factors that affect the perfor-
mance of the gas turbine are temperature, absolute humidity, altitude, air
inlet pressure loss, and exhaust port back part load rate. For the sake of
simplicity of the model, the gas turbine power output, fuel consumption,
Optimization of a Combined Heat 19
Qk;0 i anj Qnk; j i a2j Q2k;j a1j Qk;j i bj :
(b) Chiller
In the CCHP system, chiller system is operated at part load at most time.
Different device load will case a different performance coefcient. The
dual-mode chillers are modeled by the electricity consumed, where the
model is divided into a cooling condition and an ice conditions model. The
regression coefcients of each model are different from each other.
where Qk;j i is the ice stored in the device during time i, Qmin;j and Qmax;j
are the minimum and maximum value of ice stored in the device.
Melting rate constraint:
where DQmax;k;j is the max melting rate between time i and time i 1;
Variation constraints:
The model is written in the YALMIP algebraic modeling language (Lofberg 2004)
and the resulting MINLP is solved with Bonmin optimizer.
4 Case Study
In the case the cooling load is provided by adsorption chillers or ice-storage systems
and electrical load is supplied by gas turbine generator or the grid, set energy j = 1:3
is electric, cooling, and gas; device k = 1:4 is the gas turbine, dual chiller in cooling,
dual chiller in ice, and ice bank. All the device models are shown as follows:
1. Gas turbine Model
Gas consume:
Q1;4 i 0:333 Q1;1 i 239:2
Heat recycling:
Q1;2 i 2:56039 Q1;1 i 1;546:024
2. Duplex-mode chillers
Cooling mode:
3 2
Q2;3 i 10 Q2;1 i 280 Q2;1 i 23:64Q2;1 i
0:8392=1:15 Q2;3 i 100
Optimization of a Combined Heat 21
Ice mode:
3 2
Q3;3 i 0:565 10 Q3;1 i 280 Q3;1 i 23:64Q3;1 i
0:8392 Q3;3 i 100
3. Ice bank
Maximum ice-storage constraint:
Q4;3 i 500
Ice-storage constraint:
DQ4;3 i 100
The numerical results obtained by the MINLP-based optimization tool of the case
are shown in Fig. 2. The reader can notice that the operation is greatly affected by
the electric price and the demand load in peak and valley price policy. The duplex
system works at ice mode when there is no cooling demand during electric valley
price period. The prime mover works under the variable operating conditions if the
cooling load is greater than the economic cooling load during the electricity price
peak and flat period. The prime mover works under the variable operating condi-
tions when the cooling demand is larger than the nominal load of prime mover. The
ice bank system works at melt mode, and it is operating as a supplement to the
prime mover where the cooling load is greater than the nominal load of prime
mover and less than the sum of the nominal load of prime mover and melt load of
ice thermal storage. The ice bank system works at melt mode, and the duplex chiller
works at cooling mode where the cooling load is greater than the sum of the
nominal load of prime mover and melt load of ice thermal storage. They are both
operated as a supplement to the prime mover. They also work at the same mode
when the cooling load is less than the nominal load of prime mover. From the
gure, we can notice that the ice-storage system can reduce the cost of the CCHP
system by a suitable operation.
5 Conclusion
To improve the economics of the energy system, an ice thermal storage system is
introduced to the CCHP system. We also developed a MINLP optimization model
for the systems operation. The MINLP model allows to deal with the system
involving ice thermal storage. The model can handle units with nonlinear perfor-
mance and solved by a MINLP optimizer. The case study shows that suggest that,
under TOU conditions, the ice thermal storage system can effectively improve the
economy of the CCHP system, and make the operation of the system more flexible.
Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the Chinese Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development under Grant 2013-K8-25, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation
Engineering under Grant KGCX2-EW-321 and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDA06000000.
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