Paediatrics at A Glance - Rash 4 Pages Per Page
Paediatrics at A Glance - Rash 4 Pages Per Page
Paediatrics at A Glance - Rash 4 Pages Per Page
t is not uncommon for children to present with an unusual rash to approach this problem with a systematic, logical approach.
or for parents to be concerned about skin lesions or birthmarks It is also important to be able to describe the lesions appropriately,
on a childs skin. In some cases, the rash will be acute, due to either when seeking second opinions (e.g. from a dermatologist)
infection, allergy or skin irritation. In other children, the skin or consulting databases and textbooks to establish the diagnosis.
changes may be part of a chronic condition or even a marker for a Following a systematic approach is likely to reveal the diagnosis
neurocutaneous syndrome such as neurofibromatosis or tuberous and prevent the need for requesting further investigations or
sclerosis. In babies, skin lesions may be due to congenital naevi. causing unnecessary anxiety.
While the diagnosis of skin lesions often depends on pattern
recognition and having seen similar lesions before, it is important
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54 Rashesinfancy and congenital Vascular birthmarks
Part 12 Skin disorders
Head lice (pediculosis capitis)
Rare in immunized population (MMR vaccine protects)
Onset 1014 days post exposure Very common in schoolsaects clean hair as well as dirty
Morbilliform rash Itchy scalp
Scarlet fever Cough, fever, conjunctivitis and irritability Nits (the eggs) are visible as white specks on hair shafts
Group A streptococcus tonsillitis Koplik's spots (white spots in mouth) Transmitted on clothing, combs or by direct contact
Erythematous rash, sandpaper-like skin Rare complication of encephalitis Treated by regularly combing out the eggs using an extra fine comb
or the use of anti-pediculosis shampoos. Resistance to these agents
Pale around lips is increasing
Inflamed tongue, strawberry appearance
Risk of sequelae of glomerulonephritis and
rheumatic fever
Treat with penicillin * Courtesy of Prof John Harper. Textbook of Paediatric Dermatology, 2nd Ed, 2005. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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56 Rashescommon inflammatory disorders 57 Allergy
Part 12 Skin disorders
Part 12 Skin disorders