Pastrol Elegy
Pastrol Elegy
Pastrol Elegy
It is with the description of the poem as an elegy that one comes face to
face with the problem that is at the centre of any serious evaluation of
in the poem such as "the pathetic fallacy, which is intimately tied to the
elegy. But before any in depth analysis can be made of the poem, it is
necessary to first enter into a discussion of the nature of the elegy, its
definitions of the elegy...: one in its traditional sense and the other in
the Greek elegeia, which means lament. "In the traditional meaning,
threnody, monody and lament are variations of almost the same theme.
however, that during the time of the early Greek and Latin writers the
meditation on the part of the poet, whether this reflective element was
lines, or even amatory complaints".^ In England also the elegy has been
Donne's Elegies and Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess. But after the
poem that speaks thematically of mortal loss and consolation and this
is the form of the conventional elegy that has survived till today.
stands out as a prime example. The pastoral elegy is also written "in
fallacy; the myth of the vegetation deity; the use of repetitions and refrains;
use of the images of flowers and light, the eclogic division within or
actual performance of mourning. This last feature relates to the need of the
consoling himself'
important part in the shepherd's mourning and this leads to one of the
nature and at the same tune identify that image with its regenerative
powers. On the other hand, as man identifies his image with the natural
world, he also imposes his will on it so that a reversal of roles may take
used throughout the history of the elegy. Its functions is to "set free the
energy locked in grief and rage and to organize its movement in the
mourner shifts the attention away from the object of loss or himself to
the world outside and stops him from becoming completely ensnared
in melancholia.
refrains in order to keep the grief under control while keeping that
mourner from the dead. Lastly, it invokes the spirit of the dead by
repeating its name so that it almost replaces the dead and generates a
dramatisation where the mourners infiise ceremony to the rites and also
follows the ancient rites, which is seen as the passage through grief and
despair to consolation and renewal not only "mimed the death and
return of the vegetation god but also represents the initiate's descent to
with an altered sense of perception for the lost object. In the Greek
Cupid, was cursed with an unrequited love for Daphne. In her flight
from Apollo, Daphne flees to the banks of the river where she begged
her father, Peneus, for release. When Apollo grabbed her, she turned
to a laurel plant did not serve any good to Apollo because even as he is
able to finally hold the tree, "even the wood shrank from his kisses". '^
It was until when Apollo found the significance of the laurel wreath in:
"With thee shall Roman generals wreathe their heads..." *^ that the tree
became a consoling substitute for Daphne and only then was he able to
with the rites of the return of the vegetation god and its concept of
immortality. Sacks observes that "the vegetation god is, after all, the
Titans and out of the soot of their remains, mankind was bom. Sacks
explains that the birth of mankind in such a manner invested in him the
hidden in a fruit basket and the survival of his heart enabled his rebirth
Patroclus, his wrath produces "Around his Brows a golden Cloud she
spread/ A Stream of Glory flam'd above his Head". '^ Other variations
and closeness by the heir to the dead than his rivals and that he should
is done in order to create a 'fabric' that takes the place of the void. In
blind man winding the curls of children's hair, or is seen playing with
pastoral contextualisation.
elegies and its elaborate use of the pastoral conventions and should be
Holly Hanford in his essay The Pastoral Elegy and Milton's Lycidas,
deep / Closed o'er the head of your loved Lycidas?" seem to have been
' Hanford remarks that "Milton was familiar with it at first hand
Milton adopts his style of calling upon "various beings [to] come one
after another to add their part to the lament". Moschus' Lament for
Bion is also considered to be yet another source of influence for its use
makes use of the figure of the shepherd to represent the dead friend.
observes that pastoral poetry "was used in the Renaissance to tell the
This feature is derived from Boccaccio, Petrarch and Spenser who used
the pastoral elegy to express their political and religious views as well
in literature.
The genre itself has undergone many revisions and has taken on new
elegy has broadened its scope and "may refer to a poem of serious
include S. P. Sen Gupta's view, who while quoting another critic has
drawn a line of distinction between the 'elegiac' and the 'elegy'. The
has shifted its focus away from death, towards loss and melancholy.
traditional and the modem elegy [as] their movement is always from
sorrow with the hope of renewal although the attempt is not always
the -forefathers into obscurity and the possible early death of the poet
himself. Sen Gupta is also of the opinion that Arnold's "The Scholar
Gipsy" and "Memorial Verses" are elegies but do not lament the death
elegiac whereby the poet grieves over a decadent age, the death of
is seen in their resentful anger against the living. Gray shows his anger
hopes to find it in the lap of the common mother and the bosom of his
strife". ^^
done. As mentioned earlier, this poem does not mourn the death of any
agrees that "Gray's poem is, of course a poem of mourning [and it]
refers to the poet's vision of his own death, "a projection that includes
a local swain's account of the poet's life and burial, together with a
society. In contemplating the passing of the age, the poet is roused with
moral ideas about "the way in which the villagers are deprived of the
the villagers are protected". As a result, the poet confrasts the life of
the poor and the rich, their virtues and their vices and forbids the
beconie useless because in the end "The paths of glory lead but to the
grave". From here the poem then turns to a contemplation of life and
death, a concern which draws together both rich and poor, making the
Lament in the poem arises from the poet's sensibilities about the
churchyard and which the poet will not be able to see anymore because
they remain in obscurity only in the "short and simple annals of the
poor". While grieving over the loss of pastoral life, the poet finds
consolation in the very obscurity that his forefathers have been left to
only potential virtues, but also potential crimes forbade them the
poet finds consolation for the "madding crowd's ignoble strife" ki the
obscure life of the villagers. In a way this also a defence .against
extend, therefore, to those who live in such a way obscure and silent
as to suffer the least alteration by death. Hence, too, "they kept the
inevitably happen in all human life and all nature", ^' the reflection of
his personal anguish his death and the waste that his poetic talent
they are a part". However, this effort in looking for consolation in the
poet's own protracted anguish is not complete since humans will still
real consolation comes with a realisation that the final solution to such
According to Gray himself, this force is God who, alone makes the
final judgement and who can also make right all the wrong, either
poet wishes to be left tn peace on the lap of mother earth and in the
But the final resolution does not rest so much in erecting a tombstone
as in the script inscribed on it. This means that for the poet language is
the only guarantee of remembrance and one that can assure the
an age and the poet's own sense of waste and death. The poem,
Heaney. In this book, Ramazani defines the scope of the modem elegy
that it "permeates a wide range of poems about war, love, race gender,
meditation, the self, the family, and the poet". He elaborates that "the
a result, one major distinction between the modern elegists and their
predecessors is that they "tend to enact the work not of normative but
They attack the dead and the self, their work and tradition and they
'practise losing farther, losing faster', so that the 'One Art' of the
sifting, or violating its norms and even at times trespassing its limits. In
genre. The apparent oxymoronic term "modern elegy" suggests both the
poets like Hardy, Stevens, Hughes, and Plath, who neither rehash nor
The modem elegists not only rebel against set norms of the
Thus it has been seen that the elegy as a genre has not remained
static but has evolved with the times, has broadened its range and even
See Sharon M. Bailey, "An Elegy for Russia: Akhmatova's Requiem", The
Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 43, No. 2 (1999) 325.
^ See Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih, "Hiraeth, Soso Tham and the Elegiac
Tradition", Hiraeth and the Poetry of Soso Tham (A Study of Tham's Major Poem,
Ki Sngi Ba Rim U Hynniew Trep and Related Poems), diss., North-Eastem Hill
University, 2005, 32. The dissertation has based this definition on the following
c. Peter M. Sacks, The English Elegy Studies in the Genre from Spenser to
^ See Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih, "Hiraeth, Soso Tham and the Elegiac
Tradition", Hiraeth and the Poetry of Soso Tham (A Study of Tham's Major Poem,
Ki Sngi Ba Rim U Hynniew Trep and Related Poems), diss., North-Eastem Hill
University, 2005. 2.
^ See 2c above.
'ibid. 21.
^'Ibid. 20.
12 From Ovid's Metamorphoses as appeared in Sacks'. 4.
'^ Ibid.
'^ See Homer, Iliad trans., Alexander Pope, in The Poems of Alexander Pope, ed.
John Butt, Vol. 7 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967) 334.
^^ See James Holly Hanford, "The Pastoral Elegy and Milton's Lycidas", PMLA
^' See C. T. Thomas ed., "Lycidas and Pastoral Elegy", Lycidas (Mumbai: Orient
'' Ibid.
^' Ibid.
^^ See Graham Hough, "Gray", The Romantic Poets (n.s.: Hutchinson University