Precast Concrete Solutions Humes
Precast Concrete Solutions Humes
Precast Concrete Solutions Humes
Issue 3
Humes has a long history of engineering precast and The quality and reliability of Humes products and
prestressed concrete solutions and, after 100 years of services are the foundation of our success. We are
manufacture, our product range has never been more constantly developing and improving our solutions,
diverse, more competitive, or more in-tune with our whilst striving to exceed customer expectations.
clients needs than it is today.
Our ability to deliver to client specifications on major
Humes offers a range of solutions for bridges and projects across Australia has established Humes as a
platforms, road and rail infrastructure, tunnels and valuable and reliable partner.
shafts, stormwater management, pipeline systems,
sewage transfer and storage, and retaining walls. Humes is a division of Holcim, one of the worlds leading
We can customise our solutions to ensure they create suppliers of cement and aggregates.
maximum value for your project, accommodating
your site conditions, design requirements and Today Humes employs more than 1,000 people and
construction factors. is the largest civil precast concrete manufacturer
in Australia.
Strength. Performance. Passion.
Humes corporate values - strength, performance, We aim to deliver on this promise through our products,
passion - are in essence a promise to perform and thus services, communications and, above all, the behavior of
help to build and sustain trust with our stakeholders. our people. We recognize the importance of operating
with integrity and apply high standards of corporate
Strength being a solid partner; based on the integrity governance in the conduct of our business.
and competence of our people, and global leadership
through the Holcim group.
Box culverts 10
Uniculvert modules 10 4. Bridge and platform solutions 30
Headwalls 11 Minor road bridges 32
Stormwater pits 11 Precast arches 32
Access chambers/Manholes 12 Architectural finishes 34
Kerb inlet systems 12 HumeDeck system 35
Floodgates 13 Box culverts 36
Geosynthetics 13 Uniculvert modules 36
Stormwater treatment 14 Prestressed decks and girders 36
Primary treatment 15 HumeSlab bridge decking 37
HumeGard Gross Pollutant Trap 15 HumeSpan permanent formwork 37
Secondary treatment 16 Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) 38
HumeCeptor hydrodynamic separator 16 Steel reinforced concrete pipes 38
Tertiary treatment 17 Highway bridges 39
JellyFish filter 17 Precast arches 39
Detention and infiltration 18 Box culverts 40
StormTrap system 19 Uniculvert modules 40
Soakwells 19 Prestressed decks and girders 40
Harvesting and reuse 20 HumeSlab bridge decking 41
RainVault system 20 Steel reinforced concrete pipes 41
ReserVault system 20 Rail bridges 42
RainVault mini system 20 Precast arches 42
Precast concrete cubes 21 Box culverts 42
Segmental shafts 21 Uniculvert modules 42
Prestressed decks and girders 43
Note: Not all products are available in all areas. Please contact your local Humes office to discuss your requirements.
Precast concrete
in construction
The use of precast concrete in construction provides clients with
numerous financial and performance benefits:
Humes custom solutions can deliver significant to ensure we understand their requirements, and can
advantages to a project by reducing installation risks, provide a cost effective solution that meets the necessary
time and cost, and the need for on-site skilled labour. Our specifications.
quality controlled manufacturing processes can improve
the quality of the finished project. We are a business committed to research and
development, continually sourcing and innovating
Our in-house team of professional civil, structural, and smarter technologies and designs to bring world class
hydraulic engineers work closely with our customers solutions to our customers.
Humes pipes with diffuser off-takes supplied to Smithbridge Australia for the outfall pipeline at NewGen Kwinana Power Station, WA.
Humes precast deck planks were also used to create the temporary working jetty. Ross Gorton, Sales Manager visits the project site.
1. Custom
With over 100 years experience in precast concrete Humes has delivered custom solutions for projects
design and manufacture, Humes offers a wide range of throughout Australia including:
customisation including:
pipeline supports
coal reclaim and retaining structures
coal dump shafts
mine portal and decline structures
cast-in items (Humes products or from external parties)
traffic tunnel exhaust ducts
special concrete mixes
jacked box culverts.
marine grade concrete
Humes can convert many in-situ designs into a more
cost effective precast option. Contact your local Humes
built-in cathodic protection.
Account Representative today to find out how we can
design a solution for your project.
Second row:
Pipeline footings;
Prestressed girders;
Overflow chamber
Bottom row:
HumeDeck bridge
irrigation headwall;
Box culverts with
tapered legs;
Skewed arch units
Steel reinforced concrete pipes trench reinforced concrete pipe and therefore share the same
properties as the pipeline.
Humes offers a wide range of pipe diameters, lengths,
and classes to meet our customers project needs. Humes steel reinforced concrete pipes are manufactured
and factory tested for quality to AS/NZS 4058:2007
Our standard concrete pipes are available: Precast Concrete Pipes (Pressure and Non-Pressure).
Pipes can also be custom made and tested to meet
in DN300 to DN3600
specific customer requirements.
in standard strength (class 2-4) and super strength
(class 6-10) load classes
usually in 2.4 m lengths, although other lengths can
Steel reinforced concrete pipes
be manufactured on request
salt water cover
with either a flush joint or rubber ring joint.
Uniculvert modules
2. Stormwater
Precast concrete headwalls offer significant advantages Custom stormwater
over in-situ concrete headwalls: pit
Stormwater pits
Modular pits are suitable for junction pits, kerb inlet pits
and grated inlets, and are manufactured with knockouts
on all four sides to allow for easy installation of pipes.
Pits are available in standard pit sizes 450 mm square to
1,200 mm square, with a maximum pipe of DN900.
2. Stormwater
Bolt-on style
2. Stormwater
removes particulate-bound nutrients
is specifically designed to remove gross pollutants and has a 50 year design life in accordance with AS 5100
This system is designed for residential and commercial has internal components made from stainless steel
developments where litter and sediment are the main was developed and tested by Swinburne University
The HumeGard GPT is one of the most successful Federation Park, QLD
stormwater treatment systems in Australia today, with
Installing two HumeGard GPTs at
proven value across a range of projects and installations.
Federation Park, Warwick, has improved
A wide range of models are available to provide solutions
public amenity for people enjoying the
for normal and supercritical flow conditions.
popular park on the Condamine River, while
also greatly improving water quality in this
The HumeGard GPT:
important waterway before it feeds into the
provides high performance with a low headloss factor Murray-Darling Basin.
(k) of 0.2
removes 100% of gross pollutants (>2mm) prior
to bypass
2. Stormwater
JellyFish filter
JellyFish filter JellyFish filter in
2. Stormwater
Case study
The StormTrap system is a purpose-built stormwater
detention and infiltration solution that meets regulatory
requirements while minimising the impact on land
usability. It is the most cost effective, fully trafficable,
below ground detention system on the Australian
market today.
Humes soakwells are vertical perforated liners which Soakwells
allow stormwater runoff from roofs and hardstand areas Opposite page:
to infiltrate into the surrounding substrata.
detention and
infiltration system
The RainVault system is specifically designed to The RainVault mini system is a variation of the
capture, treat, store and supply rainwater as an RainVault model, and offers a complete below ground
alternative to potable water for non-potable applications. rainwater harvesting system for storage capacities
The underground system consists of treatment devices, from 3,000 L to 7,000 L. The precast concrete system is
water quality measures, storage components and a placed vertically, and the only visible surface component
pumping system. It can be customised to suit each is a small access chamber lid. It incorporates the
projects requirements. same treatment devices, water quality measures,
storage components and pumping system as the
Manufactured predominantly of precast concrete, RainVault system.
the RainVault system is a cost effective solution for
commercial, industrial and large-scale residential projects
from 5,000 L. It is:
a complete system
Case study
fully trafficable and underground, maximising above
ground land uses
modular and flexible in its design
easy to install
accessible and maintainable.
ReserVault system
Segmental shafts
Steel reinforced concrete pipes trench Steel reinforced concrete pipes jacking
The Humes range of high performance steel reinforced Humes has a comprehensive range of steel reinforced
concrete pipes incorporate a rubber ring joint (RRJ) jacking pipes to suit a variety of installation methods.
which is recommended for sewage applications. The RRJ Standard Humes jacking pipes are available from DN300
provides a watertight seal against infiltration into the to DN3600 in class 4.
system, and sewage leakage into groundwater, and gives
S series jacking pipes provide high axial load transfer
the pipe a high degree of flexibility to accommodate
capacity and a flexible watertight joint. This is an
ground settlement or alignment adjustment. Standard
ideal jacking pipe for sewage applications. Available in
sewer pipes have a minimum cementitious content
DN300 to DN700 in 2.4 m lengths.
in excess of 400 kg/m3 which is adequate for most
J series jacking pipes provide high axial load transfer
properly-designed sewer systems.
capacity and a flexible watertight joint (including
the interjack pipes). This is an ideal jacking pipe for
Humes sewerage pipes are available in DN300 to
sewage applications. Available in DN800 to DN2100 in
DN3600, in standard strengths (classes 2-4) and super
2.4 m and 3 m lengths.
strengths (classes 6-10).
In-wall joint jacking pipes a cost effective solution
for typical short length applications needing a flexible
watertight joint. Available in DN1200 to DN2250 in
2.4 m lengths and DN2400 to DN3600 in 3 m lengths.
Storage tanks Storage tank
Humes can design sewer storage tanks using our range of Segmental shaft
steel reinforced concrete pipes, which is an ideal solution installation
Segmental shafts
and one piece shafts
Pump stations
Access chambers/Manholes
Precast arches The type of arch required for each project depends on
required span, envelope, transportability of the units,
Humes precast arch system is unparalleled as a high and the loadings imposed on the structure.
performance and cost effective bridge solution with
excellent visual appeal. The arch units are ideal for a The arch system typically includes an arch unit, a
wide variety of bridge structures, offering a span of spandrel wall, and a wing wall.
6 m to 21 m, and heights to 9 m. There are four different
types available to meet design requirements: The spandrel walls run parallel to the arch, retaining the
backfill at each end of the structure and enhancing its
1. The one piece arch for spans up to 12 m and
appearance. Units range from 6 m to 21 m span.
heights of 4 m.
2. The two piece arch ideal solution for larger
The wing walls are placed at each end of the spandrel
envelopes with spans from 15 m to 21 m, and
wall to retain the backfill, support the spandrel walls,
heights up to 7.5 m.
and provide retaining walls. Wing wall orientation can
3. The 3-pin arch ideal for tunnels with heavy
be designed to suit site specific requirements. Each wing
and complex loadings, or for a variety of internal
wall unit is approximately 2.5 m wide.
clearance criteria.
4. The top arch designed with a flatter arc and a
Humes also offers a bevelled end solution as an
larger radius to accommodate stringent clearance
alternative to the spandrel and wing wall arrangement.
requirements and provide a viable alternative to
beam and slab solutions.
All of these elements may be finished in either
conventional concrete or a variety of finishes to suit the
design requirements.
Uniculvert modules
The HumeSlab system is a unique formwork solution The HumeSpan system is an extremely lightweight
that combines precast concrete panels with an in-situ slab solution for new and retrofitted commercial
concrete topping. applications. This simple variation on the HumeSlab
system is generally made with lightweight concrete
The HumeSlab panel forms the bottom portion of and polystyrene void formers, to provide a fast and cost
the slab and the platform for the deck above a cost effective approach to constructing concrete slabs.
effective way to maintain the structural integrity of a
monolithic slab. The HumeSpan system consists of concrete beams
230 mm wide x 50 mm thick, fitted with a standard
The HumeSlab system is ideal for heavy duty bridge HumeSlab truss separated by a polystyrene tee block.
decks and localised load areas as it easily accommodates Dimension details vary depending on the specific
varied designs, shapes, thicknesses, penetrations and applications and designs required.
cast-in fittings.
Box culverts are an ideal solution for instant bridging. Humes manufactures a wide range of prestressed bridge
Humes precast concrete box culverts suit difficult site componentry including girders, decks, planks, I-Beams,
conditions as installation requires minimal excavation and hexagonal prestressed piles.
and backfill. They are designed to tolerate heavy wheel
loads even with no or minimal overfill in place. Humes prestressed items are suitable for major bridge
infrastructure. Our in-house engineering team can
Humes manufactures a full range of box culverts (from design non-standard items.
300 mm to 6,600 mm span) and configurations to
Australian Standards AS 1597 (parts one and two). Box Humes is an accredited manufacturer of prestressed
culverts are generally available in standard lengths of structures for road and rail authorities, including a range
1.2 m and 2.4 m but can be manufactured in custom of decks and planks (up to 25 m), Super-T girders/T-Roffs
designs such as splayed units. (up to 35 m), and I-Beams.
See page 36 for more information. A cathodic protection system can be encased, especially
in tidal splash zones, to ensure long service life.
Uniculvert modules
Humes precast arch system is unparalleled as a high Box culverts are an ideal solution for rail bridges.
performance and cost effective rail bridge solution with Humes precast concrete box culverts suit difficult site
excellent visual appeal. conditions as installation requires minimal excavation
and backfill.
Uniculvert modules
Bottom: Humes manufactures a wide range of prestressed bridge The HumeSlab system is ideal for heavy duty bridge
Prestressed decks
used in a wharf componentry including girders, decks, planks, I-Beams, decks and localised load areas as it easily accommodates
application and hexagonal prestressed piles. varied designs, shapes, thicknesses, penetrations and
Opposite page: cast-in fittings.
Precast arches
Humes prestressed items are suitable for major bridge
and wharf infrastructure through to minor infrastructure See page 37 for more information.
works. Our in-house engineering team can design
non-standard items.
HumeDeck system
Humes is an accredited manufacturer of prestressed
structures for road and rail authorities, including a range The HumeDeck modular bridge system is a cost
of decks and planks (up to 25 m), Super-T girders/T-Roffs effective decking system that can be installed onto an
(up to 35 m), and I-Beams. existing substructure, or combined with precast concrete
piles, abutments and headstocks for a total precast
A cathodic protection system can be encased, especially solution.
in tidal splash zones, to ensure long service life.
See page 35 for more information.
Precast arches
Box culverts are an ideal solution for instant bridging. CMP is a helically wound, lock seam, corrugated metal Left:
Splayed box
The Humes range of large box culverts (from 3 m wide pipe which is suitable for installation under roads and culverts used as a
and 3 m high up to 6 m wide and 6 m high), has railway lines. Humes can manufacture CMP on site, in pedestrian walkway
been widely used for pedestrian underpass access, long lengths and from DN300 to DN5100, using a fully
pedestrian platforms over railways, and for constructing mobile plant. This negates freight costs and allows for
underground access in recreational areas. late order variations and additions.
See page 36 for more information. Humes manufactures two unique profiles to optimise
load bearing capacities. CMP is designed in accordance
with AS 1762-1984 Helical Lock Seam Corrugated
Uniculvert modules Steel Pipe.
Segmental shafts
Case study
Segmental shafts are a viable alternative to the
traditional techniques used in Australia for the
construction of permanent and temporary shafts. With
a unique segment design, the Humes systems provide
great flexibility, impressive construction efficiencies and
a safer method to construct below ground chambers.
The caisson method is suitable for soft soil conditions, Sydneys Desalination Pipeline Project
where the shaft can be constructed above ground and
Humes supplied segmental shaft linings for
pushed down from the surface using jacking force.
construction of two temporary pipe jacking
shafts for the project. The shafts were
The underpin method maintains the same strength and
installed using the caisson method which
benefits of the caisson method but is more suitable for
involves jacking the concrete segments into
hard soil conditions where shaft jacking is not feasible.
the ground to form the shaft structure.
The precast arch system is unparalleled as a high Humes manufactures extra large spanned box culverts
performance and cost effective tunnel solution. Humes for safe access to mine and construction sites and as
has developed a large range of custom designed arches conveyer tunnels, with spans and leg heights up to 6 m.
that are ideal for a variety of complex heavy loading Prestressed units and post-tensioning are also available
criteria and internal envelopes. to gain additional strength.
The 3-pin arch range has been widely used for reclaim Our design team can customise culvert designs to suit
tunnels in mining applications, catering for coal and various applications and site conditions.
other mineral stockpiles up to 25 m.
The concrete arch is designed to meet the mines Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP)
designated design life, and requires minimal
maintenance. Conveyor belts are easily attached to the CMP is a helically wound, lock seam, corrugated metal
internal soffit of the arch, and precast concrete feeder pipe which is suitable for mine site tunnels where a long
chambers are also available to fit intake valves. service life is not required. Humes can manufacture CMP
on site, in long lengths and from DN300 to DN5100,
using a fully mobile plant. This negates freight costs and
allows for late order variations and additions.
3-pin arch reclaim
Box culvert mine
Steinzeug Keramo
jacking pipe
Vitrified clay pipes jacking installation
Opposite page:
Humes is proud to be the exclusive Australian supplier Segmental tunnel
of the Steinzeug Keramo range of vitrified clay pipe linings in a utility
tunnel application
products. Steinzeug Keramo is the worlds largest
manufacturer of vitrified clay pipes, supplying Europe,
Asia, Africa and Oceania.
Precast arches
Humes manufactures extra large spanned box culverts Segmental shafts are a viable alternative to the
(up to 6 m span and 6 m height) for escape tunnels on traditional techniques used in Australia for the
mine and construction sites, and as conveyer tunnels. construction of permanent and temporary shafts. With
Prestressed units and post-tensioning are also available a unique segment design, the Humes systems provide
to gain additional strength. great flexibility, impressive construction efficiencies and
a safer method to construct below ground chambers.
Our design team can customise culvert designs to suit
various applications and site conditions. Humes offer two types of segmental shafts; the caisson
and underpin, which suit most soil conditions and
installation methods.
Steel reinforced concrete pipes
The caisson method is suitable for soft soil conditions,
Large diameter reinforced concrete pipes (DN2500 to where the shaft can be constructed above ground and
DN3500) are an ideal solution for escape tunnels where pushed down from the surface using jacking force.
heavy loads will be imposed.
The underpin method maintains the same strength and
benefits of the caisson method but is more suitable for
Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) hard soil conditions where shaft jacking is not feasible.
CMP is a helically wound, lock seam, corrugated metal Segmental shafts are available in standard sizes of
pipe which is suitable for escape tunnels where a long 4.5 m, 6 m, 7.5 m, 9 m, 12.5 m, and 15 m diameters.
service life is not required. Humes can manufacture CMP Larger sizes can be manufactured if required.
on site, in long lengths and from DN300 to DN5100,
using a fully mobile plant. This negates freight costs and
allows for late order variations and additions.
6. Walling
Humes provides retaining wall solutions for small to large scale applications.
The H-Wall system is a stand-alone, mass gravity The HumeCrib system is a cellular mass gravity
retaining wall suited for highly varied conditions, retaining wall. It is in-filled with soil/aggregate to achieve
including vertical or battered configurations and the required mass for the project, but still enables
sub-marine installations. The units consist of two precast drainage behind the wall. Manufactured from precast
concrete panels connected by a cross beam, which is concrete, this interlocking modular system can allow for
then filled with soil/aggregate to achieve the required directional alignment changes in the wall.
mass. A simple keying system locks the units together for
added stability. For enhanced visual appeal the system comes in a variety
of colours as well as natural concrete, and the front
The system provides great cost efficiencies due to its window openings can be filled with plants to hide the
speed and ease of installation, it doesnt require straps wall surface.
or fasteners for installation, it only needs basic fill
compaction to provide the structural integrity of the Because the HumeCrib system is not reinforced, it is
wall, and it does not rely on corrosion prone straps for its light and easy to install and ideal for small retaining
structural adequacy. wall contractors.
Precast concrete wing walls retain earth fill and support Opposite page:
Completed H-Wall
the spandrel wall/headwall on arch and box culvert installation with
installations. Further wing walls can be added to retain wire mesh attached
to surface for
earth fill and direct water flow. Wing walls are provided growing plants
The design and installation benefits of the Humes panels The Humes range of finishes transforms a concrete
make them a competitive solution for road applications structure into an architectural solution. The product
such as sound barriers along motorways and in range encompasses simple traditional brick, stone
Precast panels are available in a wide range of sizes, any concrete infrastructure project.
6. Walling
Humes supply storage wall solutions for all types of bulk materials, with a range of
temporary, permanent, standard and custom made options.
Humes manufactures modular cantilever storage wall Humes precast concrete grain handling barriers have Bottom:
L wall units
units for retaining, separating and confining all types of been specifically designed to store grain in stockpile
Opposite page:
bulk materials. Walls can be temporary or permanent situations and provide a number of benefits: Wall panels with
and can be used for internal and external storage custom finish
Horizontal grooves allow clamping of tarpaulins for
areas. The Humes storage wall units are a simple, safe
protection from vermin and the weather.
reinforced concrete storage system with long service life
The versatile design suits both indoor or
and minimal maintenance.
outdoor applications.
The simple design allows for fast and easy assembly
Humes manufactures two systems; the L wall and the
and dismantling.
T wall. Standard L wall units are normally used for single
There are no limitations in the length or shape of a
loading applications where materials are stored on
storage area.
the heel side of the wall only. Standard T wall units are
They increase the capacity of a storage area compared
normally used for double loading where materials are
to open stacks.
stored on both sides of the wall.
Lifting lugs enable easy handling.
Uniformity of structure enhances the appearance of
Both L and T walls can also be used in earth retaining
storage areas.
applications especially with arch applications.
Most irrigation pipes need to be of high strength and Irrigation headwalls are used to divert and channel water
Humes frequently manufactures non-standard class in and out of pipelines. Due to the varying structures
pipes to satisfy the requirements of specific projects. required within the irrigation market, Humes has
Pipelines under large embankments can range from developed a bolt-together headwall system which allows
class 2 to class 10. for great variation in headwall sizing. Sloping headwalls
and end walls are also available in some regions. The
versatility of Humes headwall system is demonstrated
Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) by the easy reconfiguration of the standard layout.
CMP is a helically wound, lock seam, corrugated metal For projects with specific needs, our design team can
pipe which is suitable for irrigation applications. work with you to produce a dedicated headwall design
Humes can manufacture CMP on site, in long lengths providing a cost effective solution.
and from DN300 to DN5100, using a fully mobile
plant. This negates freight costs and allows for late order
variations and additions.
Channel checks
Drop boxes
Wheel stops
Jersey kerb barriers
Wheel stops
These chambers allow workers to enter the unit for cable Middle:
installation and maintenance. There are three models J9 model cable
jointing pit
available varying in size from 1,610 mm to 4,365 mm
long, 1,260 mm to 1,560 mm wide, and 1,058 mm to
Costello pit
1,864 mm high.
Costello pits
Humes precast light pole bases deliver great savings Humes manufactures a standard pad-mounted
for projects by reducing installation times, labour Uniculvert module which is designed to house and
costs, waste and cleanup, and removing the need support a transformer box. The Uniculvert box
for formwork. The square bases are manufactured in has been designed in collaboration with Energex
three standard types that can be adjusted to suit most (a local energy authority) to adequately house electrical
project requirements. cables, and provide a solid mount for the electrical
transformer. It has removable side panels that are
The light pole bases are placed in the ground to support erected during installation to house the electrical cables.
and resist the forces produced by the column/post/
shaft and can be used for both main roads or minor The standard Uniculvert module is 1,400 mm long,
roads (residential/estates). Humes bases have been 1,400 mm wide and 1,800 mm high. An optional base
designed and developed in collaboration with Energex pad (2,000 mm by 1,700 mm) can be supplied to support
(a local energy authority) and tests conducted during the the structure when required.
development showed high resistance to design loads.
Light pole bases
Uniculvert module
Opposite page:
Oil separator
Turnout bearers Top:
Turnout bearers
Humes can manufacture a wide range of turnout
11. Rail
Crossing panels
bearers, including conventional flat and canted,
tangential, diamond, crossover, scissor, single and double Ballast kerbs
attached to box
slip, dual gauge, catchpoint, flangeway running bearers
culvert rail bridge
and concrete cant reducing bearers.
Crossing panels
Ballast kerbs
Our business
Coopernook to Herons Ck Pacific Highway Upgrade, NSW Boggo Road Busway, Brisbane
With 14 factories and sales offices, our national Our design capability
infrastructure enables local staff to respond efficiently
and economically to our customers needs. Our in-house design department works closely with
our customers to ensure that any project design
We have over 100 years experience in precast is maximised for performance, cost savings, and
manufacture and with over 40 engineers on staff, our installation efficiencies. Using their in-depth knowledge
business has the specialist skills to deliver smart product of our product range ensures they can contribute
design, and efficient, reliable manufacturing. Our immense value to a project design.
extensive experience gives us a greater ability to help
our clients with unique and difficult design challenges. The design group includes professional civil and
structural engineers and draftsmen, with links to
Humes has its own national design services group based external engineering consultancies and various
in Brisbane which allows us to work directly with our university engineering and geotechnical groups. The
customers to design and manufacture products to meet group has extensive experience in the design of rail
their individual project needs. infrastructure projects.
Our business
the environment
Humes is committed to eliminating occupational injuries and illnesses,
reducing our environmental impact, and being sensitive to the
communities in which we operate.
This publication supersedes all previous literature on this subject. As the specifications and details contained in this publication may change
please check with Humes Customer Service for confirmation of current issue. This publication provides general information only and is no
substitute for professional engineering advice. No representations or warranty is made regarding the accuracy, completeness or relevance of the
information provided. Users must make their own determination as to the suitability of this information or any Humes product for their specific
circumstances. Humes accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the information provided in this publication.
Humes is a registered business name and registered trademark of Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd (Holcim). Strength. Performance. Passion. is a
trademark of Holcim. HumeCeptor, HumeDeck, HumeGard, HumeSlab, HumeSeal, H-Wall, Plastiline, RainVault, ReserVault, Linkslab, Uniculvert,
QuickTee and Supabowl are registered trademarks of Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd. BEBO is a registered trademark of BEBO Arch International AG.
Colorbond is a registered trademark of BlueScope Steel Limited. Steinzeug Keramo is a registered trademark of STEINZEUG Abwassersysteme
GmbH. StormTrap is a registered trademark of StormTrap LLC. Bidim is a registered trademark of TenCate Geosynthetics France. Greenflo,
Megaflo, Geosheet and Bitac are registered trademarks of Geofabrics Australasia Pty Ltd. Swiftlift is a registered trademark of ITW Construction
Products Australia Pty Ltd. JellyFish is a registered trademark of Imbrium Systems Inc, Canada and is used in Australia under license. JellyFish is
registered pursuant to Australian Patent Application No. 2008286748 (PCT/US08/73311), US Patent Application No. 11/839,303 and 12/014,888
and International Publication No. WO 2009/023832 A1.
May 2014 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 87 099 732 297. All rights reserved. This guide or any part of it may not be reproduced without prior
written consent of Holcim.