Atmospheric Crude Tower
Atmospheric Crude Tower
Atmospheric Crude Tower
R1 Atmospheric Crude
R1.2 Setup........................................................................................... 5
R1.4 Results....................................................................................... 16
R1-2 Process Description
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-3
Figure R1.2
The following Assay data is used to characterize the oil for this
R1-4 Process Description
Bulk Properties
Standard Density 29.32o API
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-5
R1.2 Setup
1. In the Session Preferences property view, set the unit set to
Field units.
2. In the Component List property view, select the following
components: methane, ethane, propane, i-butane, n-
butane, and water.
3. In the Fluid Package property view, define a fluid package
with Peng-Robinson as the property package.
Oil Characterization
Click the Oil Environment icon to enter the Oil Characterization
Environment, using the fluid package you just created. Three
Oil Environment icon
steps are required for characterizing the oil:
1. Define the Assay.
2. Create the Blend.
3. Install Oil in the Flowsheet.
Figure R1.3
4. Since the TBP data is supplied, select TBP from the Assay
Data Type drop-down list.
R1-6 Setup
Figure R1.4
Figure R1.5
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-7
Figure R1.6
You can scroll through this table to view all 50 points of the
Working Curve.
11. Close the Assay property view.
R1-8 Steady State Simulation
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-9
Pre-Flash Operations
Install the Separator, Heater, and Mixer and provide the
information displayed below:
Separator [PreFlash]
Tab [Page] In this cell... Enter...
Design Inlet Raw Crude
Vapour Outlet PreFlash Vap
Liquid Outlet PreFlash Liq
R1-10 Steady State Simulation
Mixer [Mixer]
Tab [Page] In this cell... Enter...
Design Inlets Hot Crude, PreFlash Vap
[Connections] Outlet Atm Feed
Figure R1.7
Figure R1.8
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-11
The Q-Trim stream does not require any specifications, this will
be calculated by the Column.
In this application, the Input Experts option have been turned
off, and the Column is being configured directly through the
Column property view.
R1-12 Steady State Simulation
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-13
Figure R1.9
5. Modify the Draw and Return stages of the Pump Arounds and
Side Strippers on the corresponding page of the SideOps
Figure R1.10
R1-14 Steady State Simulation
On the Monitor page of the Design tab, make the following
changes and input the values into the default set of
specifications supplied with the pre-built 3-Side Stripper
1. Change all the Pump Around delta T specifications to a
Duty specification.
2. Delete the Kero SS BoilUp Ratio and the Residue Rate
Open the specification property view by clicking the View
button, then click Delete to delete the specification.
3. Specify the Reflux Ratio spec to have a value of 1. Clear
the Reflux Ratio Active checkbox and make it an Estimate
4. Change the following default specifications by selecting the
specification in the table and clicking the View button.
Change the Flow Basis to Std Ideal Volume before entering
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-15
5. On the Specs page of the Design tab, add the following new
specifications by clicking the Add button in Column
Specifications group.
Figure R1.11
R1-16 Results
R1.4 Results
Workbook Case (Main)
The material stream results for the Workbook Case[Main]
appear below.
Figure R1.12
Atmospheric Crude Tower R1-17
Figure R1.13