B.Tech. (Fourth Semester) Mechanical Engineering Me-202 E Production Technology
B.Tech. (Fourth Semester) Mechanical Engineering Me-202 E Production Technology
B.Tech. (Fourth Semester) Mechanical Engineering Me-202 E Production Technology
B.Tech. (Fourth semester) Mechanical engineering
Manufacturing Methods
Characteristics of turret Lathes, turret-indexing mechanism, tooling equipm ent for turrets, tool
Layout or turrets. Classification of gear production methods, gear generation , gear hobbling gear
shaping, gear finishing methods; shaving, burnishing grinding, Lapping gear shaping, gear
finishing methods; shaving, burnishing grinding, honing.
Note: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions, at least Two question from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions one from each unit.
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B.Tech. (Fourth semester) Mechanical engineering
L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
4 - - Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
Unit I
Crystallography: Review of crystal structure, space lattice, crystal planes and crystal directions, co-
ordination number, number of atoms per unit cell, atomic packing factor, Numericals related to
crystallograpImperfection in metal crystals: Crystal imperfections and their classifications, point
defects, line defects, edge & screw dislocations, surface defects, volume defects & effects of
imperfections on metal properties.
Unit II
Solid solutions a nd phase diagram: Introduction to single and multiphase solid solutions and
types of solid s olutions, importance and objectives of phase diagram, s ystems, phase and
structural constituents, cooling curves, unary & binary phase diagrams, Gibb ss phase rule, Lever
rule, eutectic and eutectoid systems, peritectic and peritectoid systems, iron carbon equilibrium
diagram and TTT diagram. Heat Treatment: Principles, purpose, classification of heat treatment
processes, annea ling, normalizing, stress relieving, hardening, tempering, ca rburizing, nitriding,
cyaniding, flame and induction hardening. Allotropic transformation of iron and steel,
te, pearlite,
Properties of austenite, ferri martensite.
Text Books:
1. Elements of Material Science and Engineering: VanVlack, Wesley Pub. Comp.
2.Material Science - Narula, Narula and Gupta. New Age Publishers
Reference Books:
1.Material Science & Engineering V. Raghvan, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
2. A Text Book of Material Science & Metallurgy O.P. Khanna, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
3. Material Science and Engineering-An Introduction - Callister; W.D., John Wiley & Sons., Delhi.
4. Engineering Materials: Kenneth G. Budinski, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Note: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions, at least Two question from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions one from each unit.
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B.Tech. (Fourth semester) Mechanical engineering
Sessional : 50Marks
L T P Theory : 100 Marks
3 1 - Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3Hrs.
Unit I
Strain Energy & Impact Loading: Definitions, expressions for strain energy stored in a body when
load is applied (i) gradually, (ii) suddenly and (iii) with impact, strain energy of beams in bending,
beam deflections, strain energy of shafts in twisting, energy methods in determining spring
deflection, Castiglianos & Maxwells theorems, Numerical. Theories of Elastic Failure: Various
theories of elastic failures with derivations and graphical representations, applications to
problems of 2- di mensional stress system with (i) Combined direct loading a nd bending, and (ii)
combined torsional and direct loading, Numericals.
Unit II
Unsymmetrical Bending: Properties of beam cross section, product of inert ia, ellipse of inertia,
slope of the neutral axis, stresses & deflections, shear center and the flexu ral axis Numericals.
Thin Walled Ves sels : Hoop & Longitudinal stresses & strains in cylindrical & spherical vessels &
their derivations under internal pressure, wire would cylinders, Numericals.
Thick Cylinders & Spheres : Derivation of Lames equations, radial & hoop st resses and strains in
thick, and comp ound cylinders and spherical shells subjected to internal flui d pressure only, wire
wound cylinders, hub shrunk on solid shaft, Numericals. Rotating Rims & Discs: Stresses in
uniform rotating rings & discs, rotating discs of uniform strength, stresses i n ( I) rotating rims,
neglecting the e ffect of spokes, (ii) rotating cylinders, hollow cylinders & solids cylinders.
Bending of Curv ed Bars : Stresses in bars of initial large radius of curvature, bars of initial small
radius of curvat ure, stresses in crane hooks, rings of circular & trapezoidal sections, deflection of
curved bars & ri ngs, deflection of rings by Castiglianos theorem stresses i n simple chain link,
deflection of si mple chain links, Problems. Springs: Stresses in open c oiled helical spring
subjected to axial loads and twisting couples, leaf springs, flat spiral springs, concentric springs,
Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials G.H.Ryder, Third Edition in SI Units 1969 Macmillan, India.
2. Mechanics of Materials (Metric Edition) : Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russel Johnston, Jr. Second
Edition, McGraw Hill.
Reference Books :
.Book of Solid Mechanics Kazmi, Tata Mc Graw Hill
1. Strength of Materials D.S. Bedi - S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
2. Advanced Mechanics of Solids and Structures N. Krishan Raju and D.R.Gururaje- Narosa
Publishing House.
3. Strength of Materials Andrew Pytel and Fredinand L. Singer Fourth Edition, Int. Student Ed.
Addison Wesley Longman.
NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions, at least Two
question from each unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions one from
each unit.
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B.Tech. (Fourth semester) Mechanical engineering
L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
3 1 - Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Unit I
Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics: Concept of fluid and flow, ideal and real fluids, continuum
concept, properties of fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Pascals law, hydrostatic
equation, hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces, stability of floating and submerged
bodies, relative equilibrium. Problems. Fluid Kinematics: Eulerian and Lagrangian description of
fluid flow; stream, streak and path lines; types of flows, flow rate and continuity equation,
differential equa tion of continuity in cylindrical and polar coordinates, rot ation, vorticity and
circulation, stream and potential functions, flow net. Problems.
Unit II
Fluid Dynamics: Concept of system and control volume, Eulers equation, B ernoullis equation,
venturimeter, orifices, orificemeter, mouthpieces, kinetic and momentum correction factors,
Impulse momen tum relationship and its applications. Problems.Potential F low: Uniform and
vortex flow, flow past a Rankin half body, source, sink, source-sink pair and doublet, flow past a
cylinder with andwithout circulation. Problems.
Viscous Flow: Flow regimes and Reynolds number, Relationship betwe en shear stress
and pressure gradient,
uni-directional flow between stationary and moving parall el plates,
movement of piston in power
hpot, a das absorbed in bearings. Problems. Flow Thr ough
Pipes: in pipes, Hagen-Poiseuilli law, hydraulic gradient
Major and and total
minor losses
energy nection
lines,of pipes, branched
series pipes; equivalent
and pipe, power tr
parallel con
ansmission through pipes. Problems.
Boundary Layer Flow: Boundary layer concept, displacement, momentum a nd energy
thickness, von-karman integral equation, laminar and turbulent boundary l ayer
flows, drag on a flat plate, boundary layer separation and control. Streamlined and bluff bodies,
lift and drag on a cylinder and an airfoil, Problems. Turbulent Flow: Shear stress in turbulent
flow, Prandtl mixing length hypothesis, hydraulically smooth and rough pipes, velocity
distribution in pipes, friction coefficients for smooth and rough pipes. Problems.
Text Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics Streeter V L and Wylie E B, Mc Graw Hill
2. Mechanics of Fluids I H Shames, Mc Graw Hill
References Books:
1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines S.K. Som and G. Biswas, TMH
2. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering D.S. Kumar, S.K. Kataria and Sons
3. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery S.K. Agarwal, TMH, New Delhi
NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions, at least Two question from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions one from each unit.
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B.Tech. (Fourth semester) Mechanical engineering
L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
3 1 - Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Static force analysis, Static equilibrium, free by diagram, Analysis of static forces in mechanism.
DAlemberts principal, Equivalent offset inertia force, Dynamics of reciprocation parts, Piston
effort, Crank effort, Equivalent dynamical systems, and Inertia force in reciprocating engines by
graphical and analytical method. Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for single cylinder
and multi-cylind er engines, coefficient of fluctuation of energy, coefficient of fluctuation of speed,
flywheel and its function.
Types of gears, terminology, condition for correct gearing, cyclical and invol utes profiles of gear
teeth, pressure ngle,
a path of contact, arc of contact, Interference, und ercutting,
minimum number number of pairs of teeth in contact, helical, spiral, worm a
of teeth, nd worm
gear, bevel gear. simple, compound, reverted, and epicyclical, Solution of
Gear trains; gear
epicyclical gear,
trains, sun and planet gear, bevel compound epicyclical gear, pre-selective g ear
box, differential of in gear taints.
automobile, to
Types of brakes, friction brakes, external shoe brakes, band brakes, ban d and block brakes,
internal expandi ng shoe brake, dynamometers; absorption, and tensional. Types of governors;
watt, Porter, Proell, spring loaded centrifugal, Inertia,, Sensitiveness, Stab ility, Isochronisms,
Hunting, Effort and power of governor, controlling force, Static and dynamic b alancing of rotating
parts, balancing of I. C. Engines, balancing of multi-cylinder engine; V-engine s and radial
engines, balancinghines.
of mac
Gyroscope, Gyro scopic couple and its effect on craft, naval ships during ste fering, pinching and
rolling, Stability oan automobile (2-wheeers), Introduction, open and close d lop control,
terms related to atic
automcontrol, error detector, actuator, amplification, transduc ers, lag in
responses, damping, block d system with viscous damped output, transfer fu nctions,
relationship between open loop and closed loop transfer function.
Suggested reading:
1. Theory of machines: S. S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Theory of Mechanism and Machines: Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan Book Co.
3. Mechanism synthesis and analysis: A.H. Soni, McGraw Hill Publications.
4. Mechanism: J.S. Beggs.
5. Mechanics of Machines: P.Black, Pergamon Press.
6. Theory of Machines: P.L.Ballaney, Khanna Publisher.
NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions, at least Two question
from each unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions one from each unit.
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List of Experiments:
1. To determine the coefficient of impact for vanes.
2. To determine coefficient of discharge of an orificemeter.
3. To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch ( V and Rectangular types).
4. To determine the friction factor for the pipes.
5. To determine the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter.
6. To determine the coefficient of discharge, contraction & velocity of an o rifice.
7. To verify the Bernoullis Theorem.
8. To find critical Reynolds number for a pipe flow.
9. To determine the meta-centric height of a floating body.
10. To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction
e and bends.
11. To show thvelocity and pressure variation with radius in a forced ve rtex flow.
1. At lea st ten experiments are to be performed in the semes ter.
L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
- - 4 Practical/Viva : 50 Marks
Total : 100 Marks
Duration of Exam : 4 Hrs
List of Experiments:
L T P Sessional : 25 Marks
- - 3 Practical/Viva : 25 Marks
Total : 50 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
1. To determine experimentally, the moment of inertia of a flywheel and axle compare with
theoretical values.
2. To find out critical speed experimentally and to compare the whirl ing speed of a shaft
with theoretical values.
3. To find experimentally the Gyroscopic couple on motorized gyroscope and compare
with applied couple.
4. To perform the experiment of balancing of rotating parts and finds the unbalanced
couple and forces.
5. To determine experimentally the unbalance forces and couples of re ciprocating parts.
6. To calculate the torque on a planet carrier and torque on internal gear using epicyclic
gear train and holding torque apparatus.
7. To study the different types of centrifugal and inertia governors and demonstrate any
8. To study the automatic transmission unit.
9. To study the differential types of brakes.
10. To find out experimentally the corli and component of accelaration and compare with
theoretical values.