Staff Self-Care Plan
Staff Self-Care Plan
Staff Self-Care Plan
Whether Ive personally been affected by trauma or not, there are times when I feel stressed. As a human being, I can
be affected by the trauma experienced by others. I need to know myself and my reactions well enough to devise my
own plan for maintaining good mental health under stress.
Workplace/Professional Self-Care Workplace/Professional Self-Care
Arrange my workspace so it is comfortable and Negotiate for my needs (benefits, quiet time,
comforting raises, time off)
Ask for help when I need it Set limits with clients and colleagues
Balance my workload so no one day is too much Take a real break every few hours
Get regular supervision or consultation Take time to chat with coworkers
Have a peer support group Take time to eat lunch
Identify projects or tasks that are exciting, growth- Use paid time off
promoting, and rewarding
Make quiet time to complete tasks Other:
Staff Self-Care Plan
3. Signs that I am becoming stressed or overwhelmed (e.g., raised voice, upset face, impatience, exhaustion, loss
of social life, strong reactions to minor issues).
4. My appearance and behavior when I start to lose control (e.g., red face, excessive politeness, swearing, not able
to listen, blaming, walking away).
5. My actions when I lose it (e.g., yell, cry, shut down, get aggressive).
6. Things I find helpful when I feel upset, stressed out, or overwhelmed (things that I do for myself and ways that other
people can help me).
Activity Activity
7. Responses from others that are not helpful when Im feeling upset, stressed out, or overwhelmed.
Staff Self-Care Plan