BROWN Retrofit Assign
BROWN Retrofit Assign
BROWN Retrofit Assign
Essential Question: How would you preserve the freshwater habitats around us? And Why is this
important for the future?
Pre-requisites (Prior Knowledge): Pollution, Fresh water in our area, Assigned readings of Hatchet
Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and
readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and
generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced
texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted
conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.
Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written
language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for effective social
communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social
communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.
Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate,
to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.
Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the
physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in
Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate
products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.
Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to
address real-life problems and make informed decisions
B. Intended Learning Outcome Define what students will know and be able to do and at what level of
mastery they should be able to do it. NOTE: Add/subtract rows from below each column heading,
How to post (to edmodo) about the reading: 3 To question the text they are reading, describe
things they discovered, 2 interesting things, and 1 their thoughts about the text, and make
question they still have connections with the text and have a deeper
understanding of what they are reading
How to create a brochure or flyer to preserve To discuss and evaluate lifestyle changes to
freshwater habitats using technology minimize damaging effects on freshwater habitats,
and how to problem solve a real world problem.
The importance of preserving freshwater habitats To share their ideas on how, and why it is
important to preserve the habitats
How to self evaluate their work Constructively review their work and grade what
they have accomplished
A. Teacher-Created Assessments:
Pre-test: Post-test:
o K-W-L Chart only filling in the What we o Finish the K-W-L Chart What we Learned
Know, and What we want to Know o The postings to edmodo looking for the 3-
2-1 Strategy
o The brochure or poster created
C. Other Assessments (e.g., Peer, Self): Rubric/ Reflection- The children will self-assess their own
poster/brochure with the rubric, and write a brief reflection on how they think they did on it.
The instructional Strategies for this lesson will be small group discussion (Think Pair Share-the share
will be to edmodo post), whole group instruction demonstration and modeling, and independent work
with self evaluation
2. Introducing the Lesson: (capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior knowledge).
The lesson will be introduced by telling the students they will be using a social network to complete the
homework assignment for today’s class, and have them brainstorm some ideas of what they think they
might use.
3. Instructional Sequence:
(Representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge, etc.)
Complete the following two columns, showing teacher activity in correspondence with student activity.
Add/subtract rows as needed.
1 We will make a list of the various social 1 The students will volunteer answers they came
networking tools that could be used to complete up with in their respective groups
the assignment
2 After the children have completed reading a 2 The students will be actively be engaged with
passage in the story, Hatchet, I will explain to laptops and following along the login in process,
them how the 3-2-1 strategy works. And show and listening to directions.
them the group I created for them in edmodo, and
the example I have already created for them. This
is too demonstrate how they should fill in a
response. I will also give them the directions to
get to the site and the login code.
3 I will explain that they will start to brainstorm 3 The children will listen to the directions, and
some ideas to answer 3 things they discovered, 2 follow through with each step, and complete the
things they found interesting, and 1 question they task.
still have and post it to the edmodo site, next they
will pair up with partner (neighbor), and discuss
their ideas and others ideas that have been
posted. Finally they will respond to 1 other
persons post on the edmodo site. I will circulate
around the room administering help when needed.
4 Make a K-W-L (post it up using the smart board 4 The students will take turns recording the
in our room) chart and pose the question “What answers from their peers on what the children
would happen to Brian if the pond he landed in Know and Want to know on the chart. They will
was polluted?” How would he survive? How can use the airliner to fill in the chart.
we protect the freshwater habitats in our area?
5 Have the children partner read the section in 5 They will partner read the respective pages
their science books about freshwater habitats and assigned.
6 For homework have them make a list of things 6 Complete the assignment, and hand it in the
they could do to help the environment and some following day
causes of their destruction
7 Start discussion on what they could do to 7 Actively participate in discussion and providing
preserve freshwater habitats and the causes of answers to the real world problem posed.
their destruction, maybe even have a Doodle
created for them to respond. Ask the questions-
How would you preserve the freshwater habitats
around us? And Why is this important for the
8 Explain and demonstrate to them the poster or 8 The students will ask questions and participate
brochure they will be designing and distributing for in the creation of an additional class model.
preserving the freshwater habitat based on our
class discussion above, show them the example I
have created. Discuss the different areas they
could hang or distribute the information and how
they can make a difference. We will also go over
the rubric for this assignment.
9 I will circulate around the room or computer lab 9 They will be creating and evaluating their own
and help children create their own poster or poster or brochure, and posting the finished
brochure on word or in publisher. I will also help product to SCRIBD.
them post their posters to
10 I will break the children up into groups and 10 They will follow through with the distribution of
have them distribute their posters/brochures either their materials.
in the school or in the community.
As educators we can differentiate our instruction by using a range of instructional and management
o software
o video streaming
o the web including digital-age literacy, inventive thinking, effective online communication, and
document creating tools
o tic-tac-toe board of choices of activities to choose from which allows students to pick their own
pathway for learning, the tic-tac-toe board also appeals to a wide variety of learning styles.
C. Discussion and Assessment of Learning: (Pointing out to students how what they are learning is
related to the driving question; assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson)
We would have class discussion on how they are contributing to their future, and ask them to describe
and evaluate what they are doing and how they can continue it.
C. Closure:
As a class we will fill the What we Learned portion of our K-W-L chart, including making a list of what
we can continue to do to preserve our future and the planet’s future.
I will ask the children to take their brochures or poster home and share them with a family
member. They will also post them in the community (or school). Both will help the children share
what they have learned about why preserving freshwater habitats is important for our future.
E. Procedures: (both already established procedures to be used, and procedures to be taught for this
o I will follow the classroom rules already in place for each of the teachers I will be working
o I will also enforce the rule of “the abuse of the technology tools may results in students not
being able to use technology”
o Keep your hands off the keyboard and mouse until you know what we're doing. When kids
start messing around as soon as they sit down, they invariably end up somewhere other
than where they need to be, and they probably aren't listening to instructions.
o Get permission if you want to use the Internet for anything other than the day's assignment.
This means DO NOT surf the Internet or read e-mail when you're supposed to be listening to
the teacher or working on an assignment.
o Respect the hardware and software.
o Have all necessary applications open and active.
o Read the instructions on the computer screen before asking for help.
o Stay out of other people's files.
o Log off when you're finished.
B. Parent/Community Resources: I will request help from our technology teacher and the help of my
co-teacher, because she is very technology inclined.
Screenshots of the group I created in edmodo with the password:
Screenshots of edmodo example I will show in class:
This is the original baseline lesson plan
Rubric for Poster/Brochure:
Points 3 2 1 0
Information is Information is Information is No
correct and correct but not correct attempt
Content shows a clear does not show and does not was
Summary thought for a clear show a clear made
saving thought thought for
freshwater for saving saving
habitats freshwater freshwater
habitats habitats
Shows a Shows a Shows a weak No
complete strong understanding attempt
Technological understanding understanding of technology was
Ability of technology of technology tools used made
tools used tools used
Displays Displays Displays some No
strong average creativity and attempt
Creativity/Neatnes creativity and creativity and is somewhat was
s of is very neat is neat and neat and made
Poster/Brochure and well organized organized
(Please check one of the scores below and explain your answer)
_____ 3
_____ 2
_____ 1
Below is an example of a poster I created using the tools the children would have access to:
The image was retrieved from: