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Lucas v. Tuano

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may not explicitly invoke said exception, it may be gleaned

SO ORDERED. from their allegations and arguments in the instant Petition.

Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Chico-Nazario,
Nachuraand Peralta, JJ., concur. * THIRD DIVISION.
Judgment rendered in accordance with compromise 174
Note.A petition for review may be dismissed in ANNOTATED
view of the compromise agreement entered into by the Lucas vs. Tuao
parties. (Ayala Land, Inc. vs. Navarro, 428 SCRA 361 Physicians; Medical Malpractice; Negligence; Damages;
[2004]) Burden of Proof; The present controversy is a classic
o0o illustration of a medical negligence case against a physician
based on the latters professional negligence, and in this type
of suit, the patient or his heirs, in order to prevail, is required
to prove by preponderance of evidence that the physician
G.R. No. 178763. April 21, 2009.* failed to exercise that degree of skill, care, and learning
PETER PAUL PATRICK LUCAS, FATIMA GLADYS possessed by other persons in the same profession, and that as
LUCAS, ABBEYGAIL LUCAS AND GILLIAN LUCAS, a proximate result of such failure, the patient or his heirs
petitioners, vs. DR. PROSPERO MA. C. TUAO, suffered damages.Petitioners position, in sum, is that
Peters glaucoma is the direct result of Dr. Tuaos
negligence in his improper administration of the
Appeals; Elementary is the principle that the Supreme
drug Maxitrol; thus, [the latter] should be liable for all the
Court is not a trier of factsonly errors of law are generally
damages suffered and to be suffered by [petitioners].
reviewed in petitions for review on certiorari criticizing
Clearly, the present controversy is a classic illustration of a
decisions of the Court of Appeals.Elementary is the
medical negligence case against a physician based on the
principle that this Court is not a trier of facts; only errors of
latters professional negligence. In this type of suit, the
law are generally reviewed in petitions for review
patient or his heirs, in order to prevail, is required to prove
on certiorari criticizing decisions of the Court of Appeals.
by preponderance of evidence that the physician failed to
Questions of fact are not entertained. Nonetheless, the
exercise that degree of skill, care, and learning possessed by
general rule that only questions of law may be raised on
other persons in the same profession; and that as a
appeal in a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of
proximate result of such failure, the patient or his heirs
Court admits of certain exceptions, including the
suffered damages.
circumstance when the finding of fact of the Court of Appeals
Same; Same; Same; Elements; For lack of a specific law
is premised on the supposed absence of evidence, but is
geared towards the type of negligence committed by members
contradicted by the evidence on record. Although petitioners
of the medical profession, such claim for damages is almost
always anchored on the alleged violation of Article 2176 of the of a physician, a physician-patient relationship is generated.
Civil Code; In medical negligence cases, also called medical And in accepting a case, the physician, for all intents and
malpractice suits, there exist a physician-patient relationship purposes, represents that he has the needed training and
between the doctor and the victim.For lack of a specific law skill possessed by physicians and surgeons practicing in the
geared towards the type of negligence committed by same field; and that he will employ such training, care, and
members of the medical profession, such claim for damages skill in the treatment of the patient. Thus, in treating his
is almost always anchored on the alleged violation of Article patient, a physician is under a duty to [the former] to exercise
2176 of the Civil Code, which states that: ART. 2176. that degree of care, skill and diligence which physicians in
Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, there the same general neighborhood and in the same general line
being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage of practice ordinarily possess and exercise in like cases.
done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-existing Stated otherwise, the physician has the duty to use at least
contractual relation between the parties, is called a quasi- the same level of care that any other reasonably competent
delict and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter. In physician would use to treat the condition under similar
medical negligence cases, also called medical malpractice circumstances. This standard level of care, skill and diligence
suits, there exist a physician-patient relationship between is a matter best addressed by expert medical testimony,
the doctor and the victim. But just like any other proceeding because the standard of care in a medical malpractice case is
for damages, four essential (4) elements i.e., (1) duty; (2) a matter peculiarly within the knowledge of experts in the
breach; (3) injury; and (4) proximate causation, must be field.
established by the plaintiff/s. All the Same; Same; Same; There is breach of duty of care, skill
175 and diligence, or the improper performance of such duty, by
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 175 the attending physician when the patient is injured in body
Lucas vs. Tuao or in health [and this] constitutes the actionable malpractice;
four (4) elements must co-exist in order to find the In order that there may be a recovery for an injury, it must be
physician negligent and, thus, liable for damages. shown that the injury for which recovery is sought must be
Same; Same; Same; When a patient engages the services the legitimate consequence of the wrong done; the connection
of a physician, a physician-patient relationship is generated; between the negligence and the injury must be a direct and
In treating his patient, a physician is under a duty to the natural sequence of events, unbroken by intervening efficient
former to exercise that degree of care, skill and diligence causesthat is, the negligence must be the proximate cause
which physicians in the same general neighborhood and in of the injury.There is breach of duty of care, skill and
the same general line of practice ordinarily possess and diligence, or the improper performance of such duty, by the
exercise in like cases, which standard level of care, skill and attending physician when the patient is injured in body or in
diligence is a matter best addressed by expert medical health [and this] constitutes the
testimony, because the standard of care in a medical
malpractice case is a matter peculiarly within the knowledge 176 SUPREME COURT REPORTS
of experts in the field.When a patient engages the services ANNOTATED
Lucas vs. Tuao present to the [court] a realistic assessment of the likelihood
actionable malpractice. Proof of such breach must that [the physicians] alleged negligence caused [the
likewise rest upon the testimony of an expert witness that patients] injury. From the foregoing, it is apparent that
the treatment accorded to the patient failed to meet the medical negligence cases are best proved by opinions of
standard level of care, skill and diligence which physicians expert witnesses belonging in the same general
in the same general neighborhood and in the same general neighborhood and in the same general line of practice as
line of practice ordinarily possess and exercise in like cases. defendant physician or surgeon. The deference of courts to
Even so, proof of breach of duty on the part of the attending the expert opinion of qualified physicians [or surgeons] stems
physician is insufficient, for there must be a causal from the formers realization that the latter possess unusual
connection between said breach and the resulting injury technical skills which laymen in most instances are
sustained by the patient. Put in another way, in order that incapable of intelligently evaluating; hence, the
there may be a recovery for an injury, it must be shown that indispensability of expert testimonies.177
the injury for which recovery is sought must be the VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 177
legitimate consequence of the wrong done; the connection Lucas vs. Tuao
between the negligence and the injury must be a direct and Same; Same; Same; The mere fact that the patient does
natural sequence of events, unbroken by intervening not get well or that a bad result occurs does not in
efficient causes; that is, the negligence must be itself indicate failure to exercise due care.We cannot but
the proximate cause of the injury. And the proximate cause agree with Dr. Tuaos assertion that when a doctor sees a
of an injury is that cause, which, in the natural and patient, he cannot determine immediately whether the latter
continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening would react adversely to the use of steroids; all the doctor can
cause, produces the injury, and without which the result do is map out a course of treatment recognized as correct by
would not have occurred. the standards of the medical profession. It must be
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Expert Witnesses; Medical remembered that a physician is not an insurer of the good
negligence cases are best proved by opinions of expert result of treatment. The mere fact that the patient does not
witnesses belonging in the same general neighborhood and in get well or that a bad result occurs does not in itself indicate
the same general line of practice as defendant physician or failure to exercise due care.The result is not determinative of
surgeon.Just as with the elements of duty and breach of the performance [of the physician] and he is not required to
the same, in order to establish the proximate cause [of the be infallible.
injury] by a preponderance of the evidence in a medical Same; Same; Same; The critical and clinching factor in
malpractice action, [the patient] must similarly use expert a medical negligence case is proof of the causal connection
testimony, because the question of whether the alleged between the negligence which the evidence established and the
professional negligence caused [the patients] injury is plaintiffs injuries.Even if we are to assume that Dr. Tuao
generally one for specialized expert knowledge beyond the committed negligent acts in his treatment of Peters
ken of the average layperson; using the specialized condition, the causal connection between Dr. Tuaos
knowledge and training of his field, the experts role is to supposed negligence and Peters injury still needed to be
established. The critical and clinching factor in a medical was a blessing in disguise as [Peter] remained
negligence case is proof of the causal connection between the asymptomatic prior to steroid application.
negligence which the evidence established and the plaintiffs Same; Same; Same; Presumptions; It must be
injuries. The plaintiff must plead and prove not only that he remembered that when the qualifications of a physician are
has been injured and defendant has been at fault, but also admitted, as in the instant case, there is an inevitable
that the defendants fault caused the injury. A verdict in a presumption that in proper cases, he takes the necessary
malpractice action cannot be based on speculation or precaution and employs the best of his knowledge and skill in
conjecture. Causation must be proven within a reasonable attending to his clients, unless the contrary is sufficiently
medical probability based upon competent expert testimony. established.It must be remembered that when the
Same; Same; Same; Glaucoma; Words and Phrases; In qualifications of a physician are admitted, as in the instant
Open-angle glaucoma, which is characterized by an almost case, there is an inevitable presumption that in proper cases,
complete absence of symptoms and a chronic, insidious he takes the necessary precaution and employs the best of
course, halos around lights and blurring of vision do not his knowledge and skill in attending to his clients, unless the
occur unless there has been a sudden increase in the contrary is sufficiently established. In making the judgment
intraocular vision.Dr. Tuao does not deny that the use call of treating Peters EKC with Maxitrol, Dr. Tuao took
of Maxitrol involves the risk of increasing a patients IOP. In the necessary precaution by palpating Peters eyes to
fact, this was the reason why he made it a point to palpate monitor their IOP every time the latter went for a check-up,
Peters eyes every time the latter went to see himso he and he employed the best of his knowledge and skill earned
could monitor the tension of Peters eyes. But to say that said from years of training and practice.
medication conclusively caused Peters glaucoma is purely Same; Same; Same; Civil Law; Evidence; Quantum of
speculative. Peter was diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma. Proof; Preponderance of Evidence; Words and Phrases; The
This kind of glaucoma is characterized by an almost complete concept of preponderance of evidence refers to evidence
absence of symptoms and a chronic, insidious course. In which is of greater weight or more convincing than that which
open-angle glaucoma, halos around lights and is offered in opposition to itin the last analysis, it means
178 probability of truth, it is evidence which is more convincing
178 SUPREME COURT REPORTS to the court as worthy of belief than that which is offered in
ANNOTATED opposition thereto.The plaintiff in a civil case has the
Lucas vs. Tuao burden of proof as he alleges the affirmative of the issue.
blurring of vision do not occur unless there has been a However, in the course of trial in a civil case, once plaintiff
sudden increase in the intraocular vision. Visual acuity makes out a prima facie case in his favor, the duty or the
remains good until late in the course of the disease. Hence, burden of evidence shifts to defendant to controvert
Dr. Tuao claims that Peters glaucoma can only be long plaintiffs prima facie case; otherwise, a verdict must be
standing x x x because of the large C:D ratio, and that [t]he returned in favor of plaintiff. The party having the burden of
steroids provoked the latest glaucoma to be revealed earlier proof must establish his case by a preponderance of evidence.
The concept of preponderance of evidence refers to evidence
which is of greater weight or more convincing than that not be expected to determine on its own what medical
which is offered in opposition to it; in the last analysis, it technique should have been utilized for a certain disease or
means probability of truth. It is evidence which is more injury. Absent expert medical opinion, the courts would be
convincing to the court as worthy dangerously engaging in speculations.
179 PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 179 resolution of the Court of Appeals.
Lucas vs. Tuao The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
of belief than that which is offered in opposition thereto. Fortun and Narvasa Law Offices for petitioners.
Rule 133, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of Court provides K.V. Faylona and Associates for respondent.
the guidelines for determining preponderance of evidence, 180
thus: In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof must 180 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
establish his case by a preponderance of evidence. In Lucas vs. Tuao
determining where the preponderance or superior weight of
evidence on the issues involved lies the court may consider
all the facts and circumstances of the case, the witnesses In this petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule
manner of testifying, their intelligence, their means and 45 of the Revised Rules of Court, petitioners Peter Paul
opportunity of knowing the facts to which they are testifying, Patrick Lucas, Fatima Gladys Lucas, Abbeygail Lucas
the nature of the facts to which they testify, the probability and Gillian Lucas seek the reversal of the 27 September
or improbability of their testimony, their interest or want of 2006 Decision2and 3 July 2007 Resolution,3 both of the
interest, and also their personal credibility so far as the same Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 68666, entitled
legitimately appear upon the trial. The court may also Peter Paul Patrick Lucas, Fatima Gladys Lucas,
consider the number of witnesses, though the preponderance Abbeygail Lucas and Gillian Lucas v. Prospero Ma. C.
is not necessarily with the greater number. Tuao.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Expert Witnesses; It seems
In the questioned decision and resolution, the Court
basic that what constitutes proper medical treatment is a
medical question that should have been presented to experts
of Appeals affirmed the 14 July 2000 Decision of the
if no standard is established through expert medical Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 150, Makati City,
witnesses, then courts have no standard by which to gauge the dismissing the complaint filed by petitioners in a civil
basic issue of breach thereof by the physician or surgeon.It case entitled, Peter Paul Patrick Lucas, Fatima Gladys
seems basic that what constitutes proper medical treatment Lucas, Abbeygail Lucas and Gillian Lucas v. Prospero
is a medical question that should have been presented to Ma. C. Tuao, docketed as Civil Case No. 92-2482.
experts. If no standard is established through expert medical From the record of the case, the established factual
witnesses, then courts have no standard by which to gauge antecedents of the present petition are:
the basic issue of breach thereof by the physician or surgeon.
The RTC and Court of Appeals, and even this Court, could
Sometime in August 1988, petitioner Peter Paul particular consultation, Dr. Tuao diagnosed that Peter
Patrick Lucas (Peter) contracted sore eyes in his right was suffering from conjunctivitis5 or sore eyes. Dr.
eye. Tuao then prescribedSpersacet-C6 eye drops for Peter
On 2 September 1988, complaining of a red right eye and told the latter to return for follow-up after one
and swollen eyelid, Peter made use of his health care week.
insurance issued by Philamcare Health Systems, Inc. As instructed, Peter went back to Dr. Tuao on 9
(Philamcare), for a possible consult. The Philamcare September 1988. Upon examination, Dr. Tuao told
Coordinator, Dr. Edwin Oca, M.D., referred Peter to Peter that the sore eyes in the latters right eye had
respondent, Dr. Prospero Ma. C. Tuao, M.D. (Dr. already cleared up and he could discontinue
Tuao), an ophthalmologist at St. Lukes Medical the Spersacet-C. However, the same eye
Center, for an eye consult. developed Epidemic Kerato Conjunctivitis (EKC),7 a
Upon consultation with Dr. Tuao, Peter narrated that viral infection. To address the new problem with Peters
it had been nine (9) days since the problem with his right eye, Dr. Tuao prescribed to the former a steroid-
right eye based eye drop
_______________ _______________

1 Rollo, pp. 9-48. 4 Ophthalmoscopy is a test that allows a health professional to see
2 Penned by Court of Appeals Associate Justice Marina L. Buzon inside the back of the eye (called the fundus) and other structures
with Associate Justices Regalado E. Maambong and Japar B. using a magnifying instrument (ophthalmoscope) and a light source.
Dimaampao concurring; Annex A of the Petition; id., at pp. 49-69. It is done as part of an eye examination and may be done as part of a
3 Annex B of the Petition; id., at pp. 70-72. routine physical examination (http://www.webmd.com/eye-
181 health/ophthalmoscopy).
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 181 5 Conjunctivitis, also known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of the
conjunctiva, the thin, clear tissue that lies over the white part of the
Lucas vs. Tuao eye and lines the inside of the eyelid (http://www.webmd.com
began; and that he was already taking Maxitrol to /eye-health/eye-health-conjunctivitis).
address the problem in his eye. According to Dr. Tuao, 6 The generic name of Spersacet-C ophthalmic drops
is Sulfacetamide. It is prescribed for the treatment and prophylaxis of
he performed ocular routine examination on Peters conjunctivitis due to susceptible organisms; corneal ulcers; adjunctive
eyes, wherein: (1) a gross examination of Peters eyes treatment with systemic sulfonamides for therapy of trachoma
and their surrounding area was made; (2) Peters visual (http://www.merck.com/mmpe/lexicomp/sulfacetamide.html).
acuity were taken; (3) Peters eyes were palpated to 7 Epidemic kerato conjunctivitis is a type of adenovirus ocular
infection. (http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1192751-overview).
check the intraocular pressure of each; (4) the motility 182
of Peters eyes was observed; and (5) the 182 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
ophthalmoscopy4 on Peters eyes was used. On that
Lucas vs. Tuao
called Maxitrol,8 a dosage of six (6) drops per day.9 To 12 Blephamide Ophthalmic Suspenion
containsSulfacetamide/Prednisolone. This medication contains an
recall, Peter had already been using Maxitrol prior to antibiotic (sulfacetamide) that stops the growth of bacteria and a
his consult with Dr. Tuao. corticosteroid (prednisolone) that reduces inflammation
On 21 September 1988, Peter saw Dr. Tuao for a (http://www.webmd.com/drugs/drug-6695-
follow-up consultation. After examining both of Peters Blephamide+Opht.aspx?drugid=6695&drugname=Blephamide+Opht
eyes, Dr. Tuao instructed the former to taper 183
down10 the dosage ofMaxitrol, because the EKC in his VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 183
right eye had already resolved. Dr. Tuao specifically
Lucas vs. Tuao
cautioned Peter that, being a steroid, Maxitrol had to be
day for five (5) days; two (2) times a day for five (5) days;
withdrawn gradually; otherwise, the EKC might recur.11
and then just once a day.13
Complaining of feeling as if there was something in
Several days later, on 18 October 1988, Peter went to
his eyes, Peter returned to Dr. Tuao for another check-
see Dr. Tuao at his clinic, alleging severe eye pain,
up on 6 October 1988. Dr. Tuao examined Peters eyes
feeling as if his eyes were about to pop-out, a headache
and found that the right eye had once more developed
and blurred vision. Dr. Tuao examined Peters eyes
EKC. So, Dr. Tuao instructed Peter to resume the use
and discovered that the EKC was again present in his
of Maxitrol at six (6) drops per day.
right eye. As a result, Dr. Tuao told Peter to resume
On his way home, Peter was unable to get a hold
the maximum dosage ofBlephamide.
ofMaxitrol, as it was out of stock. Consequently, Peter
Dr. Tuao saw Peter once more at the formers clinic
was told by Dr. Tuano to take,
on 4 November 1988. Dr. Tuaos examination showed
instead, Blephamide 12 another steroid-based
that only the periphery of Peters right eye was positive
medication, but with a lower concentration, as
for EKC; hence, Dr. Tuao prescribed a lower dosage
substitute for the unavailable Maxitrol, to be used three
of Blephamide.
(3) times a
_______________ It was also about this time that Fatima Gladys Lucas
(Fatima), Peters spouse, read the accompanying
8 Neomycin/polymyxin B sulfates/dexamethasone is the generic literature ofMaxitrol and found therein the following
name of Maxitrol Ophthalmic Ointment. It is a multiple dose anti- warning against the prolonged use of such steroids:
infective steroid combination in sterile form for topical application
9 Exhibit A; Records, p. 344. Prolonged use may result in glaucoma, with damage to
10 Apply 5-6 drops for 5 days; then 3 drops for 3 days; and then a the optic nerve, defects in visual acuity and fields of vision,
minimum of 1 drop per day. and posterior, subcapsular cataract formation. Prolonged use
11 TSN, 27 September 1993, pp. 18-19. may suppress the host response and thus increase the hazard
of secondary ocular infractions, in those diseases causing
thinning of the cornea or sclera, perforations have been must be considered in any persistent corneal ulceration
known to occur with the use of topical steroids. In acute where steroid treatment has been used.
purulent conditions of the eye, steroids may mask infection Secondary bacterial ocular infection following
or enhance existing infection. If these products are used for suppression of host responses also occurs.
10 days or longer, intraocular pressure should be routinely On 26 November 1988, Peter returned to Dr. Tuaos
monitored even though it may be difficult in children and clinic, complaining of feeling worse.14 It appeared that
uncooperative patients. the EKC had spread to the whole of Peters right eye yet
Employment of steroid medication in the treatment of again. Thus, Dr. Tuao instructed Peter to resume the
herpes simplex requires great caution.
use ofMaxitrol. Petitioners averred that Peter already
_______________ made mention to Dr. Tuao during said visit of the
above-quoted warning against the prolonged use of
13 Exhibit H; Records, p. 346. steroids, but Dr. Tuao supposedly brushed aside
Peters concern as mere paranoia, even assuring him
184 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED that the former was taking care of him (Peter).
Lucas vs. Tuao Petitioners further alleged that after Peters 26
ADVERSE REACTIONS: November 1988 visit to Dr. Tuao, Peter continued to
Adverse reactions have occurred with steroid/anti-
suffer pain in his right eye, which seemed to progress,
infective combination drugs which can be attributed to the
with the ache intensifying and becoming more frequent.
steroid component, the anti-infective component, or the _______________
combination. Exact incidence figures are not available since
no denominator of treated patients is available. 14 TSN, 27 September 1993, p. 40.
Reactions occurring most often from the presence of the 185
anti-infective ingredients are allergic sensitizations. The VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 185
reactions due to the steroid component in decreasing order to Lucas vs. Tuao
frequency are elevation of intra-ocular pressure (IOP) with
Upon waking in the morning of 13 December 1988,
possible development of glaucoma, infrequent optic nerve
damage; posterior subcapsular cataract formation; and
Peter had no vision in his right eye. Fatima observed
delayed wound healing. that Peters right eye appeared to be bloody and
Secondary infection: The development of secondary has swollen.15 Thus, spouses Peter and Fatima rushed to the
occurred after use of combination containing steroids and clinic of Dr. Tuao. Peter reported to Dr. Tuao that he
antimicrobials. Fungal infections of the correa are had been suffering from constant headache in the
particularly prone to develop coincidentally with long-term afternoon and blurring of vision.
applications of steroid. The possibility of fungal invasion Upon examination, Dr. Tuao noted the hardness of
Peters right eye. With the use of a tonometer16 to verify
the exactintraocular pressure17 (IOP) of Peters eyes, Dr. On 15 December 1988, the tonometer reading of
Tuao discovered that the tension in Peters right eye Peters right eye yielded a high normal level, i.e., 21.0
was 39.0 Hg, while that of his left was 17.0 Hg.18 Since Hg. Hence, Dr. Tuao told Peter to continue
the tension in Peters right eye was way over using Diamox andNormoglaucon. But upon Peters
the normal IOP, which merely ranged from 10.0 Hg to complaint of stomach pains and tingling sensation in
21.0 Hg,19 Dr. Tuao ordered20 him to immediately his fingers,23 Dr. Tuao discontinued Peters use
discontinue the use of Maxitrol and prescribed to the of Diamox.24
latter Diamox21 and Normoglaucon, instead.22 Dr. Tuao Peter went to see another ophthalmologist, Dr.
also required Peter to go for daily check-up in order for Ramon T. Batungbacal (Dr. Batungbacal), on 21
the former to closely monitor the pressure of the latters December 1988, who allegedly conducted a complete
eyes. ophthalmological examination of Peters eyes. Dr.
_______________ Batungbacals diagnosis was Glaucoma25O.D.26 He
recommended Laser Trabeculoplasty27 for Peters right
15 TSN, 3 May 1995, p. 14.
16 A tonometer is an instrument for measuring the tension or eye.
pressure, particularly intraocular pressure (http://medical-dictionary. When Peter returned to Dr. Tuao on 23 December
thefreedictionary.com/tonometer). 1988,28the tonometer measured the IOP of Peters right
17 Intraocular Pressure (IOP) is the pressure created by the
continual renewal of fluids within the eye (http://www.medterms.
eye to be 41.0 Hg,29 again, way above normal. Dr. Tuao
com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=4014). addressed the
18 Exhibit 1-a; Records, p. 618-A. _______________
19 Normal IOP is measured in millimeters of Mercury (Hg).
20 See note 19. 23 TSN, 11 October 1993, p. 7.
21 The generic name of Diamox, for oral administration, 24 Exhibit 1-a; Records, p. 618-A.
is acetazolamide.This medication is a potent carbonic anhydrase inhi- 25 Glaucoma is an eye condition which develops when too much
bitor, effective in the control of fluid secretion (http://www.drugs. fluid pressure builds up inside of the eye. The increased pressure,
com/pro/diamox.html). called the intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve, which
22 The active ingredient of Normoglaucon is Metipranolol transmits images to the brain. If the damage to the optic nerve from
hydrochloride. It is used for the reduction of intraocular pressure in high eye pressure continues, glaucoma will cause loss of vision
patients with glaucoma (open, closed angle) in situations in which (http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/glaucoma-eyes).
monotherapy with pilocarpine or beta-blockers are insufficient 26 O.D. is the abbreviation for oculus dexter, a Latin phrase
(http://www.angelini.it/public/schedepharma/normoglaucon.htm). meaning right eye (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/
186 O.D).
27 Laser Trabeculoplasty is a kind of surgery which uses a very
focused beam of light to treat the drainage angle of the eye. This
Lucas vs. Tuao surgery makes it easier for fluid to flow out of the front part of the eye,
decreasing pressure in the eye (http://www.med.nyu.edu/health
28 According to Peter, after seeing Dr. Tuao on the 15th of was definitely elevated. I stopped the steroids immediately
December 1988, he next saw him on the 17th of the same month. Per and has (sic) been treating him medically.
Exhibit 1-a, the patients index card, however, after the 15th of
It seems that the IOP can be controlled only with oral
December 1988, Peters next visit was on the 23rd of the same month.
29 Exhibit 1-a; Records, p. 618-A. Diamox, and at the moment, the EKC has recurred and Im
187 in a fix whether to resume the steroid or not considering that
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 187 the IOP is still uncontrolled.32
Lucas vs. Tuao On 29 December 1988, Peter went to see Dr. Agulto
at the latters clinic. Several tests were conducted
problem by advising Peter to resume
thereat to evaluate the extent of Peters condition. Dr.
taking Diamox along with Normoglaucon.
Agulto wrote Dr.
During the Christmas holidays, Peter supposedly _______________
stayed in bed most of the time and was not able to
celebrate the season with his family because of the 30 TSN, 11 October 1993, pp. 16-17.
debilitating effects ofDiamox.30 31 Id., at p. 18.
32 Exhibit C; Records, p. 352.
On 28 December 1988, during one of Peters regular 188
follow-ups with Dr. Tuao, the doctor conducted 188 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
another ocular routine examination of Peters eyes. Dr.
Lucas vs. Tuao
Tuao noted the recurrence of EKC in Peters right eye.
Tuao a letter containing the following findings and
Considering, however, that the IOP of Peters right eye
was still quite high at 41.0 Hg, Dr. Tuao was at a loss
Thanks for sending Peter Lucas. On examination
as to how to balance the treatment of Peters EKC vis- conducted vision was 20/25 R and 20/20L. Tension curve 19
-vis the presence of glaucomain the same eye. Dr. R and 15 L at 1210 H while on Normoglaucon BID OD &
Tuao, thus, referred Peter to Dr. Manuel B. Agulto, Diamox tab every 6h po.
M.D. (Dr. Agulto), another ophthalmologist specializing Slit lamp evaluation33 disclosed subepithelial corneal
in the treatment of glaucoma.31 Dr. Tuaos letter of defect outer OD. There was circumferential peripheral iris
referral to Dr. Agulto stated that: atrophy, OD. The lenses were clear.
Referring to you Mr. Peter Lucas for evaluation & Funduscopy34 showed vertical cup disc of 0.85 R and 0.6 L
possible management. I initially saw him Sept. 2, 1988 with temporal slope R>L.
because of conjunctivitis. The latter resolved and he Zeiss gonioscopy35 revealed basically open angles both
developed EKC for which I gave Maxitrol. The EKC was eyes with occasional PAS,36 OD.
recurrent after stopping steroid drops. Around 1 month of Rolly, I feel that Peter Lucas has really sustained significant
steroid treatment, he noted blurring of vision & pain on the glaucoma damage. I suggest that we do a baseline visual
R. however, I continued the steroids for the sake of the EKC. fields and push medication to lowest possible levels. If I may
A month ago, I noted iris atrophy, so I took the IOP and it
suggest further, I think we should prescribe Regrettably, Timolol B.I.D. was out of stock, so Dr.
Timolol BID OD in lieu of Normoglau-
37 38
Tuao instructed Peter to just continue
using Diamox andNormoglaucon in the meantime.
33 The slit-lamp evaluation/examination looks at structures that are Just two days later, on 2 January 1989, the IOP of
at the front of the eye using a slit-lamp, a low-powered microscope Peters right eye remained elevated at 21.0 Hg,42 as he
combined with a high-intensity light source that can be focused to shine in had been without Diamox for the past three (3) days.
a thin beam (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medline
plus/ency/article/003880.htm). On 4 January 1989, Dr. Tuao conducted a visual
34 Funduscopy is the examination of the back part of the eyes interior field study43 of Peters eyes, which revealed that the
(fundus); also known as ophthalmoscopy. latter hadtubular vision44 in his right eye, while that of
35 Zeiss Gonioscopy (indirect gonioscopy) is the visualization of the
anterior chamber angle of the eyes undertaken using a Zeiss lens. It is his left eye remained normal. Dr. Tuao directed Peter
essential to determine the mechanism responsible for impeding aqueous to religiously use the Diamox and Normoglaucon, as the
flow (http://www.glaucomaworld.net/english/019/e019a01.html). tension of the latters
36 Peripheral Anterior Synechiae.
37 Timolol Maleate is a generic name of a drug in ophthalmic dosage
form used in treatment of elevated intraocular pressure by reducing
aqueous humor production or possibly outflow 39 The generic name of the medication Depifrin is dipivefrin
(http://www.umm.edu/altmed/drugs/timolol-125400.htm). ophthalmic. It is used to treat open-angle glaucoma or ocular
38 B.I.D. is the abbreviation of the Latin phrase bis in die, meaning hypertension by reducing the amount of fluid in the eye thereby
twice a day (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/B.I.D). decreasing intraocular pressure
189 (http://www.drugs.com/mtmdipivefrin-ophthalmic.html).
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 189 40 Carbon Anhydrase Inhibitor.
41 Exhibit D; Records, pp. 356-357.
Lucas vs. Tuao 42 Exhibit 1-a; id., at p. 618-A.
con. If the IOP is still inadequate, we may try Depifrin39 BID 43 A test to determine the total area in which objects can be seen
OD (despite low PAS). Im in favor of retaining Diamox or in the peripheral vision while the eye is focused on a central
similar CAI.40 point(http://www.healthline.com/ adamcontent/visual-field).
44 A centrally constricted field of vision that is like what you can
If fields show further loss in say3 mos. then we should
see through a tube (http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.
consider trabeculoplasty. asp?articlekey=24516).
I trust that this approach will prove reasonable for you 190
Peter went to see Dr. Tuao on 31 December 1988, Lucas vs. Tuao
bearing Dr. Agultos aforementioned letter. Though right eye went up even further to 41.0 Hg in just a
Peters right and left eyes then had normal IOP of 21.0 matter of two (2) days, in the meantime
Hg and 17.0 Hg, respectively, Dr. Tuao still gave him that Timolol B.I.D. andDepifrin were still not available
a prescription forTimolol B.I.D. so Peter could
immediately start using said medication.
in the market. Again, Dr. Tuao advised Peter to come periocular, or intravitreal steroid administration (http://
for regular check-up so his IOP could be monitored. 46 As evidenced by a Marriage Contract between Peter and
Obediently, Peter went to see Dr. Tuao on the 7th, Fatima; Records, p. 340.
13th, 16th and 20th of January 1989 for check-up and 47 As evidenced by the childs Certificate of Live Birth; id., at p.
IOP monitoring. 341.
In the interregnum, however, Peter was prodded by
his friends to seek a second medical opinion. On 13
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 191
January 1989, Peter consulted Dr. Jaime Lapuz, M.D. Lucas vs. Tuao
(Dr. Lapuz), an ophthalmologist, who, in turn, referred legitimate child48 with Fatima, instituted on 1
Peter to Dr. Mario V. Aquino, M.D. (Dr. Aquino), September 1992, a civil complaint for damages against
another ophthalmologist who specializes in the Dr. Tuao, before the RTC, Branch 150, Quezon City.
treatment of glaucoma and who could undertake the The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 92-2482.
long term care of Peters eyes. In their Complaint, petitioners specifically
According to petitioners, after Dr. Aquino conducted averred that as the direct consequence of [Peters]
an extensive evaluation of Peters eyes, the said doctor prolonged use ofMaxitrol, [he] suffered from steroid
informed Peter that his eyes were relatively normal, induced glaucoma which caused the elevation of his
though the right one sometimes manifested maximum intra-ocular pressure. The elevation of the intra-ocular
borderline tension. Dr. Aquino also confirmed Dr. pressure of [Peters right eye] caused the impairment of
Tuaos diagnosis of tubular vision in Peters right eye. his vision which impairment is not curable and may
Petitioners claimed that Dr. Aquino essentially told even lead to total blindness.49
Peter that the latters condition would require lifetime Petitioners additionally alleged that the visual
medication and follow-ups. impairment of Peters right eye caused him and his
In May 1990 and June 1991, Peter underwent two (2) family so much grief. Because of his present condition,
procedures of laser trabeculoplasty to attempt to control Peter now needed close medical supervision forever; he
the high IOP of his right eye. had already undergone two (2) laser surgeries, with the
Claiming to have steroid-induced glaucoma45 and possibility that more surgeries were still needed in the
blaming Dr. Tuao for the same, Peter, joined by: (1) future; his career in sports casting had suffered and was
Fatima, his spouse;46 (2) Abbeygail, his natural continuing to suffer;50 his anticipated income had been
child;47 and (3) Gillian, his greatly reduced as a result of his limited capacity; he
_______________ continually suffered from headaches, nausea,
dizziness, heart palpitations, rashes, chronic rhinitis,
45 A form of open-angle glaucoma that usually is associated with sinusitis,51 etc.; Peters relationships with his spouse
topical steroid use, but it may develop with inhaled, oral, intravenous,
and children continued to be strained, as his condition 2. The amount of P300,000.00 to spouses Lucas as and
made him highly irritable and sensitive; his mobility by way of actual damages plus such additional amounts that
and social life had suffered; his spouse, Fatima, became may be proven during trial.
the breadwinner in the family;52 and his two children 3. The amount of P1,000,000.00 as and by way of moral
had been deprived of the opportunity for a better life
_______________ 4. The amount of P500,000.00 as and by way of
exemplary damages.
48 As evidenced by the childs Certificate of Live Birth; id., at p. 5. The amount of P200,000.00 as and by way of
342. attorneys fees plus costs of suit.54
49 Amended Complaint, p. 4; id., at p. 79. In rebutting petitioners complaint, Dr. Tuao
50 Peter alleged that due to is impaired vision, he was forced to
decline several opportunities to cover international and regional sports
asserted that the treatment made by [him] more than
events, i.e., the 1988 and 1992 Olympics as well as various Asian three years ago has no causal connection to [Peters]
Games; and he could not cover fast-paced games, i.e., basketball. present glaucoma or condition.55 Dr. Tuao explained
51 Amended Complaint, p. 4; Records, p. 79. that [d]rug-induced glaucoma is temporary and
52 Id.
curable, steroids have the side effect of increasing
192 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED intraocular pressure. Steroids are prescribed to treat
Lucas vs. Tuao Epidemic Kerato Conjunctivitis or EKC which is an
infiltration of the cornea as a result of conjunctivitis or
and educational prospects. Collectively, petitioners
lived in constant fear of Peter becoming completely _______________
In the end, petitioners sought pecuniary award for 53 Id.
their supposed pain and suffering, which were 54 Id., at p. 82.
55 Answer, p. 6; id., at p. 38.
ultimately brought about by Dr. Tuaos grossly 193
negligent conduct in prescribing to Peter the VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 193
medicine Maxitrol for a period of three (3) months,
Lucas vs. Tuao
without monitoring Peters IOP, as required in cases of
eyes.56 Dr. Tuao also clarified that (1) [c]ontrary to
prolonged use of said medicine, and notwithstanding
[petitioners] fallacious claim, [he] did NOT continually
Peters constant complaint of intense eye pain while
prescribe the drug Maxitrol which contained steroids
using the same. Petitioners particularly prayed that Dr.
for any prolonged period57 and [t]he truth was the
Tuao be adjudged liable for the following amounts:
Maxitrol was discontinued x x x as soon as EKC
1. The amount of P2,000,000.00 to plaintiff Peter Lucas
as and by way of compensation for his impaired vision. disappeared and was resumed only when EKC
reappeared58; (2) the entire time he was treating Peter,
he continually monitored the intraocular pressure of 194
[Peters eyes] by palpating the eyes and by putting 194 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
pressure on the eyeballs, and no hardening of the same Lucas vs. Tuao
could be detected, which meant that there was no In a Decision dated 14 July 2000, the RTC dismissed
increase in the tension or IOP, a possible side reaction Civil Case No. 92-2482 for insufficiency of
to the use of steroid medications; and (3) it was only on evidence.61 The decretal part of said Decision reads:
13 December 1988 that Peter complained of a headache Wherefore, premises considered, the instant complaint is
and blurred vision in his right eye, and upon measuring dismissed for insufficiency of evidence. The counter claim
the IOP of said eye, it was determined for the first time (sic) is likewise dismissed in the absence of bad faith or
that the IOP of the right eye had an elevated value. malice on the part of plaintiff in filing the suit.62
But granting for the sake of argument that the The RTC opined that petitioners failed to prove by
steroid treatment of [Peters] EKC caused the steroid preponderance of evidence that Dr. Tuao was
induced glaucoma,59 Dr. Tuao argued that: negligent in his treatment of Peters condition. In
[S]uch condition, i.e., elevated intraocular pressure, is particular, the record of the case was bereft of any
temporary. As soon as the intake of steroids is discontinued, evidence to establish that the steroid medication and its
the intraocular pressure automatically is reduced. Thus, dosage, as prescribed by Dr. Tuao, caused Peters
[Peters] glaucoma can only be due to other causes not glaucoma. The trial court reasoned that the recognized
attributable to steroids, certainly not attributable to [his] standards of the medical community has not been
treatment of more than three years ago x x x. established in this case, much less has causation been
From a medical point of view, as revealed by more current established to render [Tuao] liable.63 According to the
examination of [Peter], the latters glaucoma can only be long RTC:
standing glaucoma, open angle glaucoma, because of the [Petitioners] failed to establish the duty required of a
large C:D ratio. The steroids provoked the latest glaucoma to medical practitioner against which Peter Pauls treatment by
be revealed earlier as [Peter] remained asymptomatic prior defendant can be compared with. They did not present any
to steroid application. Hence, the steroid treatment was in medical expert or even a medical doctor to convince and
fact beneficial to [Peter] as it revealed the incipient open expertly explain to the court the established norm or duty
angle glaucoma of [Peter] to allow earlier treatment of the required of a physician treating a patient, or whether the non
same.60 taking (sic) by Dr. Tuao of Peter Pauls pressure a deviation
from the norm or his non-discovery of the glaucoma in the
56 Id. course of treatment constitutes negligence. It is important
57 Id. and indispensable to establish such a standard because once
58 Id. it is established, a medical practitioner who departed thereof
59 Answer, p. 13; id., at p. 45. breaches his duty and commits negligence rendering him
60 Id.
liable. Without such testimony or enlightenment from an RTC Decision. The falloof the judgment of the appellate
expert, the court is at a loss as to what is then the established court states:
norm of duty of a physician against which defendants WHEREFORE, the Decision appealed from is
conduct can be compared with to determine negligence.64 AFFIRMED.66
The Court of Appeals faulted petitioners because
61 Id., at pp. 722-734. they
62 Id., at p. 734. [D]id not present any medical expert to testify that Dr.
63 Id. Tuanos prescription of Maxitrol and Blephamide for the
64 Id., at p. 731. treatment of EKC on Peters right eye was not proper and
195 that his palpation of Peters right eye was not enough to
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 195 detect adverse reaction to steroid. Peter testified that Dr.
Lucas vs. Tuao Manuel Agulto told him that he should not have used steroid
The RTC added that in the absence of any medical for the treatment of EKC or that he should have used it only
evidence to the contrary, this court cannot accept for two (2) weeks, as EKC is only a viral infection which will
[petitioners] claim that the use of steroid is the cure by itself. However, Dr. Agulto was not presented by
[petitioners] as a witness to confirm what he allegedly told
proximate cause of the damage sustained by [Peters]
Peter and, therefore, the latters testimony is hearsay. Under
eye.65 Rule 130, Section 36 of the Rules of Court, a witness can
Correspondingly, the RTC accepted Dr. Tuaos testify only to those facts which he
medical opinion that Peter Paul must have been _______________
suffering from normal tension glaucoma, meaning, optic
nerve damage was happening but no elevation of the 65 Id.
66 Rollo, p. 68.
eye pressure is manifested, that the steroid treatment 196
actually unmasked the condition that resulted in the 196 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
earlier treatment of the glaucoma. There is nothing in Lucas vs. Tuao
the record to contradict such testimony. In fact, knows of his own personal knowledge, x x x. Familiar and
plaintiffs Exhibit S even tends to support them. fundamental is the rule that hearsay testimony is
Undaunted, petitioners appealed the foregoing RTC inadmissible as evidence.67
decision to the Court of Appeals. Their appeal was Like the RTC, the Court of Appeals gave great
docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 68666. weight to Dr. Tuaos medical judgment, specifically the
On 27 September 2006, the Court of Appeals latters explanation that:
rendered a decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 68666 denying [W]hen a doctor sees a patient, he cannot determine
petitioners recourse and affirming the appealed whether or not the latter would react adversely to the use of
steroids, that it was only on December 13, 1989, when Peter
complained for the first time of headache and blurred vision THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED GRAVE
that he observed that the pressure of the eye of Peter was REVERSIBLE ERROR IN NOT FINDING THE
elevated, and it was only then that he suspected that Peter RESPONDENT LIABLE TO THE PETITIONERS FOR
belongs to the 5% of the population who reacts adversely to ACTUAL, MORAL AND EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, ASIDE
Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration was denied RESULT OF HIS GROSS NEGLIGENCE.69
by the Court of Appeals in a Resolution dated 3 July A reading of the afore-quoted reversible errors
2007. supposedly committed by the Court of Appeals in
Hence, this Petition for Review on Certiorari under its Decision andResolution would reveal that petitioners
Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court premised on the are fundamentally assailing the finding of the Court of
following assignment of errors: Appeals that the evidence on record is insufficient to
I. establish petitioners entitlement to any kind of
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED GRAVE damage. Therefore, it could be said that the sole issue
REVERSIBLE ERROR IN AFFIRMING THE DECISION for our resolution in the Petition at bar is whether the
OF THE TRIAL COURT DISMISSING THE Court of Appeals committed reversible error in
PETITIONERS COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AGAINST affirming the judgment of the RTC that petitioners
failed to prove, by preponderance of evidence, their
claim for damages against Dr. Tuao.
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED GRAVE Evidently, said issue constitutes a question of fact, as
REVERSIBLE ERROR IN DISMISSING THE we are asked to revisit anew the factual findings of the
PETITIONERS COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AGAINST Court of Appeals, as well as of the RTC. In effect,
THE RESPONDENT ON THE GROUND THAT NO petitioners would have us sift through the evidence on
MEDICAL EXPERT WAS PRESENTED BY THE record and pass upon whether there is sufficient basis
PETITIONERS TO PROVE THEIR CLAIM FOR MEDICAL to establish Dr. Tuaos negligence in his treatment of
NEGLIGENCE AGAINST THE RESPONDENT; AND Peters eye condition. This question clearly involves a
factual inquiry, the determination of which is not within
67 Id., at p. 67. the ambit of this Courts power of review under Rule 45
68 Id., at p. 66. of the 1997 Rules Civil Procedure, as amended.70
197 Elementary is the principle that this Court is not a
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 197 trier of facts; only errors of law are generally reviewed
Lucas vs. Tuao in petitions for review on certiorari criticizing decisions
of the Court of Appeals. Questions of fact are not That Dr. Tuao was grossly negligent in the treatment
entertained.71 of Peters simple eye ailment is a simple case of cause and
_______________ effect. With mere documentary evidence and based on the
facts presented by the petitioners, respondent can readily be
69 Id., at p. 23. held liable for damages even without any expert testimony.
70 Civil Service Commission v. Maala, G.R. No. 165253, 18 August In any case, however, and contrary to the finding of the trial
2005, 467 SCRA 390, 398.
court and the Court of Appeals, there was a medical expert
71 Alfaro v. Court of Appeals, 416 Phil. 310, 317; 363 SCRA 799,
806 (2001). presented by the petitioner showing the recklessness
198 committed by [Dr. Tuao]Dr. Tuao himself. [Emphasis
Lucas vs. Tuao They insist that Dr. Tuao himself gave sufficient
Nonetheless, the general rule that only questions of evidence to establish his gross negligence that
law may be raised on appeal in a petition for review ultimately caused the impairment of the vision of
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court admits of certain Peters right eye,73 i.e., that [d]espite [Dr. Tuaos]
exceptions, including the circumstance when the knowledge that 5% of the population
finding of fact of the Court of Appeals is premised on the
supposed absence of evidence, but is contradicted by the 72 Petition, p. 16; Rollo, p. 24.
evidence on record. Although petitioners may not 73 Id.
explicitly invoke said exception, it may be gleaned from
their allegations and arguments in the instant Petition. VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 199
Petitioners contend, that [c]ontrary to the findings Lucas vs. Tuao
of the Honorable Court of Appeals, [they] were more reacts adversely to Maxitrol, [he] had no qualms
than able to establish that: Dr. Tuao ignored the whatsoever in prescribing said steroid to Peter without
standard medical procedure for ophthalmologists, first determining whether or not the (sic) Peter belongs
administered medication with recklessness, and to the 5%.74
exhibited an absence of competence and skills expected We are not convinced. The judgments of both the
from him.72 Petitioners reject the necessity of Court of Appeals and the RTC are in accord with the
presenting expert and/or medical testimony to establish evidence on record, and we are accordingly bound by the
(1) the standard of care respecting the treatment of the findings of fact made therein.
disorder affecting Peters eye; and (2) whether or not Petitioners position, in sum, is that Peters glaucoma
negligence attended Dr. Tuaos treatment of Peter, is the direct result of Dr. Tuaos negligence in his
because, in their words improper administration of the drug Maxitrol; thus,
[the latter] should be liable for all the damages suffered
and to be suffered by [petitioners].75 Clearly, the (2) breach; (3) injury; and (4) proximate
present controversy is a classic illustration of a medical causation,76 must be established by the plaintiff/s. All
negligence case against a physician based on the latters the four (4) elements must co-exist in order to find the
professional negligence. In this type of suit, the patient physician negligent and, thus, liable for damages.
or his heirs, in order to prevail, is required to prove by When a patient engages the services of a physician,
preponderance of evidence that the physician failed to a physician-patient relationship is generated. And in
exercise that degree of skill, care, and learning accepting a case, the physician, for all intents and
possessed by other persons in the same profession; and purposes, represents that he has the needed training
that as a proximate result of such failure, the patient or and skill possessed by physicians and surgeons
his heirs suffered damages. practicing in the same field; and that he will employ
For lack of a specific law geared towards the type of such training, care, and skill in the treatment of the
negligence committed by members of the medical patient.77 Thus, in treating his patient, a physician is
profession, such claim for damages is almost always under a duty to [the former] to exercise that degree of
anchored on the alleged violation of Article 2176 of the care, skill and diligence which physicians in the same
Civil Code, which states that: general neighborhood and in the same general line of
ART. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage practice ordinarily possess and exercise in like
to another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay cases.78 Stated otherwise, the physician has the duty to
for the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no use at least the same level of care that any other
pre-existing contractual relation between the parties, is reasonably competent physician would use to treat the
called a quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of this
condition under similar circumstances.
This standard level of care, skill and diligence is a
In medical negligence cases, also called medical
matter best addressed by expert medical testimony,
malpractice suits, there exist a physician-patient
because the standard of care in a medical malpractice
relationship between the doctor and the victim. But just
case is a matter peculiarly within the knowledge of
like any other proceeding for damages, four essential (4)
experts in the field.79
elements i.e., (1) duty;
_______________ There is breach of duty of care, skill and diligence,
or the improper performance of such duty, by the
74 Id., at p. 26. attending physician when the patient is injured in
75 Amended Complaint, p. 6; Records, p. 81. body or in health [and this] constitutes the actionable
malpractice.80 Proof of such breach must likewise rest
upon the testimony of an expert witness that the
Lucas vs. Tuao treatment accorded to the patient failed to meet the
standard level of care, skill and diligence which malpractice action, [the patient] must similarly use
physicians in the same expert testimony, because the question of whether the
_______________ alleged professional negligence caused [the patients]
injury is generally one for specialized expert knowledge
76 Garcia-Rueda v. Pascasio, et al., 278 SCRA 769, 778 (1997).
77 Id. beyond the ken of the average layperson; using the
78 Snyder v. Pantaleo (1956), 143 Conn 290, 122 A2d 21. specialized knowledge and training of his field, the
79 Johnson v. Superior Court, 49 Cal. Rptr. 3d 52 (Cal. App. 3d experts role is to present to the [court] a realistic
Dist. 2006).
80 Garcia-Rueda v. Pascasio, supra note 76 at p. 779.
assessment of the likelihood that [the physicians]
201 alleged negligence caused [the patients] injury.83
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 201 From the foregoing, it is apparent that medical
Lucas vs. Tuao negligence cases are best proved by opinions of expert
general neighborhood and in the same general line of witnesses belong-
practice ordinarily possess and exercise in like cases.
Even so, proof of breach of duty on the part of the 81 Chan Lugay v. St. Lukes Hospital, Inc., 10 CA Reports 415
attending physician is insufficient, for there must be a (1966).
82 Calimutan v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 152133, 9
causal connection between said breach and the
February 2006, 482 SCRA 44, 60, citing Vda. de Bataclan v. Medina,
resulting injury sustained by the patient. Put in 102 Phil. 181, 186 (1957).
another way, in order that there may be a recovery for 83 Barngrover v. Hins, 657 S.E.2d 14 (Ga. Ct. App. 2008).
an injury, it must be shown that the injury for which 202
recovery is sought must be the legitimate consequence 202 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
of the wrong done; the connection between the Lucas vs. Tuao
negligence and the injury must be a direct and natural ing in the same general neighborhood and in the same
sequence of events, unbroken by intervening efficient general line of practice as defendant physician or
causes;81 that is, the negligence must be the proximate surgeon. The deference of courts to the expert opinion of
causeof the injury. And the proximate cause of an qualified physicians [or surgeons] stems from the
injury is that cause, which, in the natural and formers realization that the latter possess unusual
continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient technical skills which laymen in most instances are
intervening cause, produces the injury, and without incapable of intelligently evaluating;84hence, the
which the result would not have occurred.82 indispensability of expert testimonies.
Just as with the elements of duty and breach of the In the case at bar, there is no question that a
same, in order to establish the proximate cause [of the physician-patient relationship developed between Dr.
injury] by a preponderance of the evidence in a medical Tuao and Peter when Peter went to see the doctor on
2 September 1988, seeking a consult for the treatment 203
of his sore eyes. Admittedly, Dr. Tuao, an VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 203
ophthalmologist, prescribedMaxitrol when Peter Lucas vs. Tuao
developed and had recurrent was the result of his use of Maxitrol, as prescribed by
EKC.Maxitrol or neomycin/polymyxin B Dr. Tuao. Petitioners failure to prove the first element
sulfates/dexamethasoneophthalmic ointment is a alone is already fatal to their cause.
multiple-dose anti-infective steroid combination in Petitioners maintain that Dr. Tuao failed to follow
sterile form for topical application.85 It is the drug which in Peters case the required procedure for the prolonged
petitioners claim to have caused Peters glaucoma. use ofMaxitrol. But what is actually the required
However, as correctly pointed out by the Court of procedure in situations such as in the case at bar? To be
Appeals, [t]he onus probandi was on the patient to precise, what is the standard operating procedure when
establish before the trial court that the physicians ophthalmologists prescribe steroid medications which,
ignored standard medical procedure, prescribed and admittedly, carry some modicum of risk?
administered medication with recklessness and Absent a definitive standard of care or diligence
exhibited an absence of the competence and skills required of Dr. Tuao under the circumstances, we have
expected of general practitioners similarly no means to determine whether he was able to comply
situated.86Unfortunately, in this case, there was with the same in his diagnosis and treatment of Peter.
absolute failure on the part of petitioners to present any This Court has no yardstick upon which to evaluate or
expert testimony to establish: (1) the standard of care to weigh the attendant facts of this case to be able to state
be implemented by competent physicians in treating the with confidence that the acts complained of, indeed,
same condition as Peters under similar circumstances; constituted negligence and, thus, should be the subject
(2) that, in his treatment of Peter, Dr. Tuao failed in of pecuniary reparation.
his duty to exercise said standard of care that any other Petitioners assert that prior to prescribing Maxitrol,
competent physician would use in treating the same Dr. Tuao should have determined first whether Peter
condition as Peters under similar circumstances; and was a steroid responder.87 Yet again, petitioners did
(3) that the injury or damage to Peters right eye, i.e., not present any convincing proof that such
his glaucoma, determination is actually part of the standard operating
_______________ procedure which ophthalmologists should unerringly
follow prior to prescribing steroid medications.
84 Dr. Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 346 Phil. 872, 884-885; 282 SCRA
188, 201 (1997). In contrast, Dr. Tuao was able to clearly explain
85 http://www.druglib.com/druginfo/maxitrol/. that what is only required of ophthalmologists, in cases
86 Court of Appeals Decision, p. 17; Rollo, p. 66. such as Peters, is the conduct of standard
tests/procedures known as ocular routine he first came to see Dr. Tuao on 2 September 1988 and
examination,88 composed of five (5) tests/procedures had exhibited no previous untoward reaction to that
specifically, gross examination of the eyes and the particular drug. 91
surrounding area; taking of the visual acuity of the pa- Also, Dr. Tuao categorically denied petitioners
_______________ claim that he never monitored the tension of Peters
eyes while the latter was on Maxitrol. Dr. Tuao
87 Steroid responders are people whose intraocular pressure (IOP)
goes up very high when they use steroids (http://www. testified that he palpated Peters eyes every time the
willsglaucoma.org/supportgroup/20030827.php). latter came for a check-up as part of the doctors ocular
88 TSN, 7 February 1997, p. 17; Rollo, p. 66. routine examination, a fact which petitioners failed to
rebut. Dr. Tuaos regular conduct of examinations and
204 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED tests to ascertain the state of Peters eyes negate the
Lucas vs. Tuao very basis of petitioners complaint for damages. As to
tient; checking the intraocular pressure of the patient; whether Dr. Tuaos actuations conformed to the
checking the motility of the eyes; and using standard of care and
ophthalmoscopy on the patients eyeand he did all _______________
those tests/procedures every time Peter went to see him
89 Solis, Pedro P., Medical Jurisprudence, 1988, Garcia
for follow-up consultation and/or check-up.
Publishing, Co., Philippines.
We cannot but agree with Dr. Tuaos assertion that 90 Domina v. Pratt, 13 A 2d 198 Vt. 1940.
when a doctor sees a patient, he cannot determine 91 TSN, 7 February 1997, pp. 18-19.
immediately whether the latter would react adversely 205
to the use of steroids; all the doctor can do is map out a VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 205
course of treatment recognized as correct by the Lucas vs. Tuao
standards of the medical profession. It must be diligence required in like circumstances, it is presumed
remembered that a physician is not an insurer of the to have so conformed in the absence of evidence to the
good result of treatment. The mere fact that the patient contrary.
does not get well or that a bad result occurs does not in Even if we are to assume that Dr. Tuao committed
itself indicate failure to exercise due care.89 The result is negligent acts in his treatment of Peters condition, the
not determinative of the performance [of the physician] causal connection between Dr. Tuaos supposed
and he is not required to be infallible.90 negligence and Peters injury still needed to be
Moreover, that Dr. Tuao saw it fit to established. The critical and clinching factor in a
prescribe Maxitrol to Peter was justified by the fact that medical negligence case is proof of the causal connection
the latter was already using the same medication when between the negligence which the evidence established
and the plaintiffs injuries.92 The plaintiff must plead 206 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
and prove not only that he has been injured and Lucas vs. Tuao
defendant has been at fault, but also that the vision.95 Visual acuity remains good until late in the
defendants fault caused the injury. A verdict in a course of the disease.96 Hence, Dr. Tuao claims that
malpractice action cannot be based on speculation or Peters glaucoma can only be long standing x x x
conjecture. Causation must be proven within a because of the large C:D97ratio, and that [t]he steroids
reasonable medical probability based upon competent provoked the latest glaucoma to be revealed earlier
expert testimony.93 was a blessing in disguise as [Peter] remained
The causation between the physicians negligence asymptomatic prior to steroid application.
and the patients injury may only be established by the Who between petitioners and Dr. Tuao is in a better
presentation of proof that Peters glaucoma would not position to determine and evaluate the necessity of
have occurred but for Dr. Tuaos supposed negligent usingMaxitrol to cure Peters EKC vis--vis the
conduct. Once more, petitioners failed in this regard. attendant risks of using the same?
Dr. Tuao does not deny that the use That Dr. Tuao has the necessary training and skill
of Maxitrol involves the risk of increasing a patients to practice his chosen field is beyond cavil. Petitioners
IOP. In fact, this was the reason why he made it a point do not dispute Dr. Tuaos qualificationsthat he has
to palpate Peters eyes every time the latter went to see been a physician for close to a decade and a half at the
himso he could monitor the tension of Peters eyes. time Peter first came to see him; that he has had various
But to say that said medication conclusively caused medical training; that he has authored numerous
Peters glaucoma is purely speculative. Peter was papers in the field of ophthalmology, here and abroad;
diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma. This kind of that he is a Diplomate of the Philippine Board of
glaucoma is characterized by an almost complete Ophthalmology; that he occupies various teaching posts
absence of symptoms and a chronic, insidious (at the time of the filing of the present complaint, he
course.94 In open-angle glaucoma, halos around lights was the Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and
and blurring of vision do not occur unless there has been an Associate Professor at the University of the
a sudden increase in the intraocular Philippines-Philippine General Hospital and St. Lukes
Medical Center, respectively); and that he held an
92 61 Am. Jur. 2d. 359, p. 527. assortment of positions in numerous medical
93 Id. organizations like the Philippine Medical Association,
94 Newell, Frank W., Ophthalmology, Principles and Concepts, 6th Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology, Philippine
ed., 1986, C.V. Mosby Company, Missouri.
Board of Ophthalmology, Philippine Society of
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology, Association of gave an undertaking to the RTC judge that Dr. Agulto
Philippine Ophthalmology Professors, et al. or Dr. Aquino would be presented. Alas, no follow-
It must be remembered that when the qualifications through on said undertaking was made.
of a physician are admitted, as in the instant case, there The plaintiff in a civil case has the burden of proof as
is an inevitable presumption that in proper cases, he he alleges the affirmative of the issue. However, in the
takes the course of trial in a civil case, once plaintiff makes out
_______________ a prima facie case in his favor, the duty or the burden
of evidence shifts to defendant to controvert
95 Id.
96 Id. plaintiffs prima facie case; otherwise, a verdict must be
97 Cup to Disc ratio. returned in favor of plaintiff.99 The party having the
207 burden of proof must establish his case by a
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 207 preponderance of evidence.100 The concept of
Lucas vs. Tuao preponderance of evidence refers to evidence which is
necessary precaution and employs the best of his of greater weight or more convincing than that which is
knowledge and skill in attending to his clients, unless offered in opposition to
the contrary is sufficiently established.98 In making the _______________
judgment call of treating Peters EKC with Maxitrol, Dr.
98 Dr. Cruz v. Court of Appeals, supra note 84 at pp. 884-885; p.
Tuao took the necessary precaution by palpating 201.
Peters eyes to monitor their IOP every time the latter 99 Prudential Guarantee and Assurance Inc. v. Trans-Asia
went for a check-up, and he employed the best of his Shipping Lines, Inc., G.R. No. 151890, 20 June 2006, 491 SCRA 411,
knowledge and skill earned from years of training and 100 Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Royeca, G.R. No. 176664, 21
practice. July 2008, 559 SCRA 207, 215.
In contrast, without supporting expert medical 208
opinions, petitioners bare assertions of negligence on 208 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Dr. Tuaos part, which resulted in Peters glaucoma, Lucas vs. Tuao
deserve scant credit. it;101 in the last analysis, it means probability of truth. It
Our disposition of the present controversy might is evidence which is more convincing to the court as
have been vastly different had petitioners presented a worthy of belief than that which is offered in opposition
medical expert to establish their theory respecting Dr. thereto.102 Rule 133, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of
Tuaos so-called negligence. In fact, the record of the Court provides the guidelines for determining
case reveals that petitioners counsel recognized the preponderance of evidence, thus:
necessity of presenting such evidence. Petitioners even
In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof must 102 Go v. Court of Appeals, 403 Phil. 883, 890-891; 351 SCRA 145,
establish his case by a preponderance of evidence. In 152-153 (2001), citing 20 Am. Jur. 1100-1101 as cited in
determining where the preponderance or superior weight of
evidence on the issues involved lies the court may consider
all the facts and circumstances of the case, the witnesses
VOL. 586, APRIL 21, 2009 209
manner of testifying, their intelligence, their means and Lucas vs. Tuao
opportunity of knowing the facts to which they are testifying, cal witnesses, then courts have no standard by which to
the nature of the facts to which they testify, the probability gauge the basic issue of breach thereof by the physician
or improbability of their testimony, their interest or want of or surgeon. The RTC and Court of Appeals, and even
interest, and also their personal credibility so far as the same this Court, could not be expected to determine on its
legitimately appear upon the trial. The court may also own what medical technique should have been utilized
consider the number of witnesses, though the preponderance for a certain disease or injury. Absent expert medical
is not necessarily with the greater number.
opinion, the courts would be dangerously engaging in
Herein, the burden of proof was clearly upon
petitioners, as plaintiffs in the lower court, to establish
All told, we are hard pressed to find Dr. Tuao liable
their case by a preponderance of evidence showing a
for any medical negligence or malpractice where there
reasonable connection between Dr. Tuaos alleged
is no evidence, in the nature of expert testimony, to
breach of duty and the damage sustained by Peters
establish that in treating Peter, Dr. Tuao failed to
right eye. This, they did not do. In reality, petitioners
exercise reasonable care, diligence and skill generally
complaint for damages is merely anchored on a
required in medical practice. Dr. Tuaos testimony,
statement in the literature of Maxitrol identifying the
that his treatment of Peter conformed in all respects to
risks of its use, and the purported comment of Dr.
standard medical practice in this locality, stands
Agultoanother doctor not presented as witness before
unrefuted. Consequently, the RTC and the Court of
the RTCconcerning the prolonged use of Maxitrol for
Appeals correctly held that they had no basis at all to
the treatment of EKC.
rule that petitioners were deserving of the various
It seems basic that what constitutes proper medical
damages prayed for in their Complaint.
treatment is a medical question that should have been
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant
presented to experts. If no standard is established
petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The
through expert medi-
assailed Decision dated 27 September 2006
and Resolution dated 3 July 2007, both of the Court of
101 Jison v. Court of Appeals, 350 Phil. 138, 173; 286 SCRA 495, Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 68666, are hereby
532 (1998), citing Vicente J. Francisco, REVISED RULES OF COURT IN AFFIRMED. No cost.
Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Austria-Martinez,
Nachura and Peralta, JJ., concur.
Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed.
Copyright 2016 Central Book Supply, Inc. All rights

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