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wa PUBLICATION 20641 ; TRANSISTOR eS 30GRAMMED LEARNING C' BASIC SEMICONDUCTOR and CIRCUIT PRINCIPLES Saati eee Ltd Under the direction of Training & Retraining, Inc.Transistor Fundamentals Volume 1 Basic Semiconductor and Circuit Principles by ROBERT J. BRITE Under the direction of Training & Retraining, Inc. EES Howard W. Sams. & C Co., | Inc. 4300 WEST 62ND ST. INDIANAPOLIS,Copyright © 1968 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 FIRST EDITION TENTH PRINTING -1981 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the prepara- tion of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. International Standard Book Number: 0-672-20641-2 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 68-21313 Printed in the United States of America.Preface In 1948 the transistor was announced. Less than 10 years later it had supplemented the vacuum tube in most electronic circuits. A decade after that we find that the transistor is replacing the vacuum tube in electronics. In those 20 years there has not been one attempt to change the approach to the teaching of electronics. The system remains the same: teach basic electricity, then vacuum tubes, then electronic circuits, and finally introduce the concept of the transistor by comparing it to vacuum-tube operation. Why should a device like the vacuum tube that is becom- ing obsolete be used as the major vehicle for explaining electronics? The answer must be “tradition.” This series breaks with tradition and faces the real world—the world of semiconductor electronics. Immediately, in the first vol- ume of the series, semiconductor theory is introduced with the study of basic electricity. The second volume finds basic transistor circuits as the major topic of discussion. Volume three goes through radio and television solid-state circuits and finally, in volume four, digital circuits are explored. The result is a true transistor series. The material is presented so that the student will gain a firm background in “solid-state” electronics, including trou- bleshooting techniques. This, coupled with the unique modi- fied linear-programming technique, makes this a complete self-instructional course. The summary questions and an- swers at the end of each chapter and the final examination allow the student to check his progress and understanding of the material. TRAINING & RETRAINING, INC.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robert J. Brite is currently Data Manager for ITT Defense Commu- nications, in Nutley, New Jersey. He studied engineering at Mon- mouth College and the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Sci- ence and Art. His electronics ca- reer dates back to 1949 when he was a troubleshooter for a major television manufacturer. His background includes: teaching radar for the Signal School at Fort Monmouth; field engineering in both radar and computer fields; and writing in the area of computers, missile guidance, communications, and electronic training devices. A two year stint at the Kilmer Job Corps Center has been his most challenging and rewarding experience. Serving in the capacities of Director of the Reception Center and Management Development Coordinator, he was one of the pioneers in the development of the unique techniques employed to wage the war on poverty. He was a member of the visitors and speakers bureau at the center and has ap- peared as a guest chairman and moderator for the Society of Technical Writers and Publishers. He is coauthor of Basic Electricity and Electronics, a five-volume programmed learning course, as well as Synchros and Servos. Mr. Brite has also been editorial and technical consultant for the var- ious volumes of the Space Technology Series also published by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.Acknowledgments Grateful acknowledgment is made to all those who par- ticipated in the preparation, compilation, and editing of this series. Without their valuable contributions this series would not have been possible. In this regard, prime consideration is given to Robert J. Brite, Data Manager for International Telephone and Telegraph Defense Communications Division. The selection of the content of the volumes, the initial preparation and organizational work, the writing contributions across the board, editing and final review, and the finalization as to technical content and educational value are due principally to his tireless and conscientious effort. Credit for the initial concept of the programmed learning technique goes to Stanley B. Schiffman, staff member of Training & Retraining, Inc. Finally, special thanks are due to the publisher’s editorial staff for invaluable assistance beyond the normal publisher- author relationship. SEYMOUR D. USLAN, Editor-in-Chief and HERMAN SCHIFFMAN, President Training & Retraining, Inc.Introduction This book carefully explains the principles of basic elec- trical circuits and those of semiconductors. Following a unique method of presentation these principles are related through simple analogies to devices with which you are familiar. This volume first supplies the building blocks nec- essary for progressing to the more complex materials pre- sented toward the end of the volume and the material found in the subsequent volumes of the series. The constant re- viewing and application of the material presented in this book will give the student the background that will allow him to proceed through the remainder of the series. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN The book begins with an introduction to the transistor and immediately offers the student a firm understanding of voltage and current. The next chapter contains a detailed explanation of resistance and its effect on current and volt- age and presents the student with the manipulation of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws. A chapter entirely devoted to semiconductor principles prepares the student for the next volume on transistor circuits. The volume ends with a de- tailed study of the nature of inductance, capacitance, and resistance in a-c circuits. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE YOU START The only requirements for studying this series are a firm background in simple mathematical techniques, including powers of ten, basic algebra, and trigonometry (a reviewof this is offered in this volume). For the most part, simple mathematical expressions are used. All new terms are de- fined fully. WHY THE PROGRAMMED TEXT FORMAT WAS CHOSEN During the past few years, new concepts of learning have been developed under the common heading of programmed instruction. Although there are arguments for and against each of the several formats or styles of programmed text- books, the value of programmed instruction itself has been proved to be sound. Most educators now seem to agree that the style of programming should be developed to fit the needs of teaching the particular subject. To help you pro- gress successfully through this volume, a brief explanation of the programmed format follows. Each chapter is divided into small bits of information presented in a sequence that has proved best for learning purposes. Some of the information bits are very short—a single sentence in some cases. Others may include several paragraphs. The length of each presentation is determined by the nature of the concept being explained and by the knowledge the reader has gained up to that point. The text is designed around two-page segments. Facing pages include information on one or more concepts, complete with illustrations designed to clarify the word descriptions used. Self-testing questions are included at the end of each of these two-page segments. Most of these questions are in the form of statements requiring that you fill in one or more missing words; other questions are either multiple- choice or simple essay types. Answers are given at the top of the succeeding page, so you will have the opportunity to check the accuracy of your response and verify what you have or have not learned before proceeding. When you find that your answer to a question does not agree with that given, you should restudy the information to determine why your answer was incorrect. As you can see, this method of question-answer programming ensures that you will ad- vance through the text as quickly as you are able to absorb what has been presented.HOW YOU SHOULD STUDY THIS TEXT Naturally, good study habits are important. You should set aside a specific time each day to study, in an area where you can concentrate without being disturbed. Select a time when you are at your mental peak, a period when you feel most alert. Here are a few pointers you will find helpful in getting the most out of this volume. 1. Read each sentence carefully and deliberately. There are no unnecessary words or phrases; each sentence presents or supports a thought which is important to your understanding of the technology. . When you are referred to or come to an illustration, stop at the end of the sentence you are reading and study the illustration. Make sure you have a mental picture of its general content. Then continue reading, returning to the illustration each time a detailed ex- amination is required. The drawings were especially planned to reinforce your understanding of the subject. . At the bottom of most right-hand pages you will find one or more questions to be answered. Some of these contain “fill-in” blanks. In answering the questions, it is important that you actually do so in writing, either in the book or on a separate sheet of paper. The physi- cal act of writing the answers provides greater reten- tion than merely thinking the answer. Writing will not become a chore since most answers are short. . Answer all questions in a section before turning the page to check the accuracy of your responses. Refer to any of the material you have read if you need help. If you do not know the answer, even after a quick re- view of the related text, finish answering any remain- ing questions. If the answers to any questions you skipped still have not come to you, turn the page and check the answer section. . When you have answered a question incorrectly, re- turn to the appropriate paragraph or page and restudy the material. Knowing the correct answer to a ques- tion is less important than understanding why it iscorrect. Each section of new material is based on pre- viously presented information. If there is a weak link in this chain, the later material will be more difficult to understand. 6. Carefully study the Summary Questions at the end of each chapter. This review will help you gauge your knowledge of the information in the chapter and ac- tually reinforce your knowledge. When you run across questions you do not completely understand, reread the sections relating to these statements, and recheck the questions and answers before going to the next chapter. 7. Complete the final test at the end of the book. This test reviews the complete text and will offer you a chance to find out just what you have learned. It also permits you to discover your weaknesses and initiate your own review of the volume. This volume has been carefully planned to make the learn- ing process as easy as possible. Naturally, a certain amount of effort on your part is required if you are to obtain maxi- mum benefit from the book. However, if you follow the pointers just given, your efforts will be well rewarded, and you will find that your study will be a pleasant and inter- esting experience.Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO TRANSISTORS. . . . Transistor Applications. . . . . . . . Why Are Transistors Used? . . . . . Transistor Principles. . . A Transistor Is a Current- Controlling Device | Preview of VolumeI. . . . . . ~~ Summary... 2. 1 eee ee CHAPTER 2 ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC ENERGY. . Matter . . . ee ee ee Structure of the Atom |) 1 1 1. Electrostatics 2... 2. 1s eee Electromagnetism » 2. 1. 1 1s. Summary. 2. 0. CHAPTER 3 VOLTAGE AND CURRENT . . . . . Work and Energy... ....... Difference of Potential . . . 2... Generating Voltage . . . . .. . - Alternating Current. . ...... Power 2. ee ee ee eee Summary... 2... ee 13 25 45CHAPTER 4 RESISTIVE CIRCUITS. ©... ee ee eee ee Basic Circuit Principles. . . . - =. + + + + + 76 Simple Circuit Analysis»... . . . ) + + + U7 Resistance.) ee ee ee eB Ohm’s Law . Po ee 9B Semiconductor Diodes | |)... eee ee LB Summary... - 0 0 ee ee ee ee ee Hd CHAPTER 5 SEMICONDUCTOR PRINCIPLES. . . . . - . . - - AIT Atomic Structure. 2. 6-6 ee ee ee + 18 Crystalline Structure. . ee 120 Types of Semiconductor Materials | |. +. 126 Intrinsic Crystals... + + + + + + + + + 128 Holes in Semiconductors toe eee + 180 Semiconductor Materials . . . . - - . + + + + 182 P-N Junction . 2 2. eee ee ee ee es 186 Summary... 0 ee ee ed CHAPTER 6 INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE IN A-C Circuits. . . 147 Current and Magnetic Field in a Conductor . . . . 148 Inductance soe eee + 150 Factors Determining Inductance Value. >... . 152 Phase Relationship in an Inductive Circuit. . . . . 154 Series, Parallel, and Series-Parallel Connected Inductors 156 Inductive Reactance. . . . . - + se es + 158 Filters 2. 22. e ee ee ew + 160 Transformers. toe ee ee 162 ‘The Pulse Response of Inductors. | | 1... . . 166 Impedance... ee ee ee ee + 18 Inductive Circuit Power... 1.) ee + + 170 Time Constant in RL Circuits. +. 2172 Time Constant-to-Period Ratio in RL Circuits. | | . 176 Capacitance . . co ee ee ee 182 Capacitance Measurements. toe ee + 184 Factors Affecting Capacitance Value.) 1 1s. 186 Capacitors in Combination . soe es 188 Current-Voltage Phase Relationship in AC "Capacitive Cireuit . 2... ee Capacitive Reactance. |... ee ee 192 Resistive-Capacitive Circuits | | 1. 1). 1. . 194 Time Constant in RC Circuits. . . . . . . . + + 196Time Constant-to-Period Ratio in RC Circuits. . . . 200 Series LCR Circuits . . . soe ee ee ee 5 206 Series Resonant Circuits . . . . . . . 1... 208 Parallel LCR Circuits... . 1... 1. + . 214 Summary... 2 1 2 ee ee BIB FINAL TEST . 2. 1 1 ee ee ee ee we 229 INDEX © 6 we ee ee ee ee es 2871 Introduction to Transistors In this chapter you will What You learn of some of the ap- plications of transistors. Will Learn You will discover why they have all but replaced the vacuum tube as the major component in electronic equipment. You will learn that the principles that ex- plain the operation of the transistor are the same prin- ciples that explain the operation of all basic electrical circuits—voltage, current, and impedance. You will see that the transistor is nothing more than a current-con- trolling device. This chapter closes with a summary of the material covered in this volume. Fig. 1-1. Transistors vary in size and shape. 13TRANSISTOR APPLICATIONS Probably the greatest single advance in electronics since the invention of the vacuum tube by Dr. Lee de Forest in 1907 was the invention of the transistor. Oddly enough, the development of the transistor started one year before the invention of the vacuum tube. In the year 1906, a silicon crystal was used as a crystal detector, the cat whisker of the early crystal radio. However, through a quirk of fate, the transistor did not reach the electronic world until 1948. Fig. 1-2 shows a few of the many applications that have become almost the exclusive property of the transistor. One of the major reasons for the success of the transistor is its small size. This has resulted in its extensive use in portable equipment, such as radios and television sets, as well as in medical equipment, such as the pacemaker—a device that has saved the lives of many heart patients. In the field of space exploration, where there is a premium on room in every package delivered, the transistor has led the field. Weather satellites give us a better picture of the world we live in and communication satellites make it possible for us to transmit television signals even around the world. Radar sets search the skies for planes, missiles, and weather in- formation, while sonar devices map the ocean floor, search OI Qy WEATHER ) COMMUNICATION: ‘SATELLITE SPACE TRANSPORTATION. ‘SATELLITE PACEMAKER —PORTABLETV. «= COMPUTERS Fig. 1-2, Transistor applications. 14for submarines, or locate schools of fish. All around us in office buildings all over the world, computers plug away at problems turning out in millionths of a second data that formerly took hours. WHY ARE TRANSISTORS USED? What is it about the transistor that has caused it to be used in the electronics industry almost to the exclusion of all other devices? Four of these reasons—size, power re- quirements, life, and cost—are discussed in the following paragraphs. Size Prior to the development of the transistor, the component used in most electronic applications was the vacuum tube. Compared to this component you can see in Fig. 1-3 how the transistor is one of the greatest space savers of all time. POWER TRANSISTOR VACUUM TUBE. POWER AMPLIFIER Y Fig. 1-3. Transistors are smaller than tubes. Q1-1. Vacuum tubes are being replaced by Q1-2. Early radios used a principle of the Q1-3. One of the major reasons for the use of transis- tors in portable equipment and space exploration is their 5)Your Answers Should Be: Al-1. Vacuum tubes are being replaced by transistors. Al-2. Early radios used a principle of the transistor. Al1-3. One of the major reasons for the use of transis- tors in portable equipment and space exploration is their small size. Power Requirements Due to its size and construction (Fig. 1-4) the transistor requires very little power to operate. Where a vacuum tube VACUUM. TRANSISTOR TUBE Fig. 1-4. Transistor power requirements are low. may require a complicated power supply, a comparable tran- sistor will only need a small dry cell battery. Life The construction of vacuum tubes has caused them to be plagued with breakdowns. Fig. 1-5 shows some of the causes for malfunctions in vacuum tubes—low emission, broken envelopes, gassy and microphonic tubes, and open filaments. As shown in the illustration, while several tubes have been replaced in the vacuum-tube equipment, the transistorized equipment has yet to undergo a repair. The mechanical and MICROPHONIC GASSY. ‘OPEN FILAMENT ROKEN ENVELOPE NO MECHANICAL TUBES REPLACED BREAKDOWN 5 TIMES LOW EMISSION Fig. 1-5. Transistors last longer than tubes. 16chemical construction of the transistor is so simple that its life under normal applications is almost unlimited. Cost When transistors were first developed, they were much the same price as the vacuum tubes they replaced. As soon as industry tooled up for the mass production of transistors, their price decreased rapidly, and today it is not unusual to find that for the cost of one vacuum tube you might pur- $=f Ts Ts s Ts Ts Fig. 1-6. Transistors are cheaper than tubes. chase several transistors. By reducing the cost of transistors (as well as other electronic components), the maintenance of transistorized equipment has been simplified tremen- dously. Many of the components are so cheap that they are considered expendable (“throw-away items” in the jargon of the electronics industry) and can be thrown away when found faulty. Fig. 1-7. Transistorized components are cheap enough to be expendable. Q1-4. Transistors require much ________ power to op- erate than vacuum tubes. Q1-5. The life of a ______ is much longer than that ofa Q1-6. The fact that many electronic components are considered throw-away items today is due to the of transistors. V7Your Answers Should Be: Al1-4. Transistors require much less power to operate than vacuum tubes. A1-5. The life of a transistor is much longer than that of a tube. Al-6. The fact that many electronic components are considered throw-away items today is due to the low cost of transistors. TRANSISTOR PRINCIPLES The same principles that explain the operation of the transistor are those that are the basis for all electronics. They are voltage, current, and impedance. Voltage Voltage is a potential force. It is a force similar to the motor which moves a car, or the pump which propels water through pipes. Sources of voltage are batteries and genera- tors. Like any other force voltage can cause motion—hence its name of electromotive force or emf. This force causes the electrical motion called current. Current The motion caused by the motor is the movement of the car. The motion caused by the pump is the flow of water. The motion caused by voltage is current, which is the motion or flow of electrical particles called electrons. Impedance Impedance controls the rate of current as road conditions control the movement of cars, as shown in Fig. 1-8. Even though the cars in the illustration have the same motors, the number of cars passing down the dirt road in one hour will be less than the number passing down the highway. The dirt road offers a higher resistance to the flow of traffic than does the concrete highway, thus impeding the flow of traffic. Thus the cars must adjust their speed to the different road conditions even though they are all capable of the same 18Fig. 1-8. A dirt road offers high resistance to traffic. speed. Now look at the pumps in Fig. 1-9. Each of these pumps has the same capacity to pump water, but one pumps through a straight pipe and the other must pump thfough a curved pipe (of the same length). Note that the number of gallons per minute leaving one pipe will be less than that leaving the other. PIPE ‘SAME OVERALL LENGTH Fig. 1-9. Which pipe offers the least resistance to water flow? Q1-7. In the preceding illustration the curved pipe of- fers a(n) _______ _________ to the flow of water than the straight pipe. Q1-8. More water per minute will flow through the pipe than through the pipe. Q1-9. In the illustration below, system (one, two) will have the most current. ‘ nina bree IMPEDANCE VOLTAGE - 19Your Answers Should Be: Al-7. In the preceding illustration, the curved pipe offers a higher resistance to the flow of water than does the straight pipe. Al1-8. More water per minute will flow through the straight pipe than through the curved pipe. A1-9. In the illustration below, system two will have the most current. Since the impedance to current is the same in both systems, then the system with the most voltage will have the highest current. VOLTAGE CURRENT | CURRENT A TRANSISTOR IS A CURRENT-CONTROLLING DEVICE Just as impedance controls current, the transistor can also control current. Fig. 1-10 shows that a small current at the input to a transistor can cause a large current at the output of the transistor. Although this is not exactly the SMALL CURRENT IN BIG CURRENT OUT Fig. 1-10. A transistor uses current to control current.ease, it is sufficiently true for the purposes of this volume. Volume 2 will cover the transistor in detail. It is enough to know now that the transistor is an impedance device that changes its output impedance when the input current changes. ‘SMALL INPUT CURRENT LARGE INPUT CURRENT TRANSISTOR IMPEDANCE TRANSISTOR IMPEDANCE LARGE CURRENT LARGER CURRENT Fig. 1-11. Changing input current changes output impedance. Fig. 1-11 shows the transistor capability that has made the device the important component that it is today. Notice how a small current in part A is applied to the transistor causing a certain large current through the output imped- ance of the transistor. In part B the input current has been increased, reducing the output impedance, and therefore increasing the output current. Q1-10. The output of a transistor can be varied by changing the input Q1-11. In order to decrease the output current of a transistor it is necessary to ________ the out- put impedance of the transistor. Q1-12. In order to decrease the output impedance of the transistor it is necessary to ________ the input current of the transistor. Q1-13. The transistor controls current by acting like a variable _______. 21Your Answers Should Be: Al-10. The output current of a transistor can be varied by changing the input current. Al-11. In order to decrease the output current of a transistor it is necessary to increase the output impedance of the transistor. Al-12. In order to decrease the output impedance of the transistor it is necessary to increase the input current of the transistor. A1-13. The transistor controls current by acting like a variable impedance. PREVIEW OF VOLUME 1 As you can see, if you wish to understand the operation of the transistor you must have a good’basic knowledge of electrical and electronic principles. The rest of this volume is devoted to giving you this knowledge so that you can learn the transistor principles developed in Volume 2 of this series. R1 Re RESISTIVE E CIRCUITS VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC ENERGY 1 i INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE ‘SEMICONDUCTOR IN AC CIRCUITS PRINCIPLES Fig. 1-12. Preview of Volume 1. 22SUMMARY QUESTIONS 1. The transistor ranks as one the most significant develop- ments in electronics since the vacuum tube. a. Transistors are used in portable equipment because of their _______ size and minute ______. require- ments. b. The low cost of transistors is made even lower when you consider the _____ life of transistors. 2. The transistor controls current by serving as a variable impedance. a. Increasing the voltage in a system will ___— the current. b. Decreasing the impedance in a circuit will the current. 3. A knowledge of the basic principles of electricity, volt- age, current, and impedance is all that is required to understand the operation of the transistor. a. The transistor is a _________ controlling device. b. Changes in the output impedance of the transistor cause changes in the output To increase the output impedance of the transistor you must _______ the input current to the transistor. d. To increase the output current of a transistor you must _________ the input current. ¢.la. 1b. 2b. 3a. 3b. 3e. 3d. 24 SUMMARY ANSWERS Transistors are used in portable equipment because of their small size and minute power requirements. The low cost of transistors is made even lower when you consider the long life of transistors. Increasing the voltage in a system will increase the current. Decreasing the impedance in a circuit will increase the current. The transistor is a current controlling device. Changes in the output impedance of the transistor cause changes in the output current. To increase the output impedance of the transistor you must decrease the input current to the transistor. To increase the output current of a transistor you must increase the input current.2 Electric and Magnetic Energy In this chapter you will What You learn what matter is and its relationship to Will Learn molecules, elements, and atoms. The structure of the atom and the functions of the electron, proton, and neutron are discussed. You will learn how atoms may be charged either positively or negatively and how free electrons may be caused to flow under the effect of a potential difference. You will learn about magnetism, static electricity, and how a magnet may be made from an iron bar and electrical energy. =| ELECTRICITY Fig. 2-1. Electricity. 25MATTER Definition of Matter To understand transistor operation, one must first under- stand the structure of matter. Matter is anything that has weight. Food, water, clothing, and gold are matter. Air is matter, too. Radio waves, heat, and light are not matter; they are forms of energy. Elements The Element Defined—Long ago, scientists believed that all matter was composed of four basic ingredients: fire, water, earth, and air. Since they were considered the ele- mental forms of matter they were called elements. Centuries later this theory was proved wrong. Scientists were able to break matter into many pure substances. These substances could not be broken down any further and so they were called elements. They are identified by such properties as color, density, melting temperature, odor, and others. Today more than 100 elements have been discovered. Elements Composed of Atoms—Many of the ancient sci- entists believed that these elements were composed of tiny particles called atoms (Fig. 2-2). It was later established that this was so—that all matter is composed of atoms. Each of these atoms consists of a nucleus that contains two types of particles: a neutron and a proton. Orbiting this nucleus is a third particle called an electron. The ancients also claimed that each of the elements was composed of the same atoms, only in different proportions and arrangements. Notice in Fig. 2-3 how each of the elements is composed of the same type and size of atom but arranged in a different fashion. Fig. 2-2. The atom—building block of the universe.. An ancient view—elements composed of different combinations of the same atom. Eighteenth century scientists rejected this and suggested that different kinds of atoms existed: that is, iron atoms, sulphur atoms, arsenic atoms, gold atoms, ete. Each kind of atom was supposed to have had its own size, shape, and weight. And so it was later proved that only like atoms com- bined to form elements (Fig. 2-4). ®S. &% ELEMENT Fig. 2-4. Like atoms combine to form elements. Q2-1. Matter is anything that has Q2-2. Radio waves, heat, and light are not but are forms of —___. Q2-3. A substance that cannot be broken down any fur- ther by chemical means is called an . Q2-4. Atoms combine to form Q2-5. The particles found in the nucleus of an atom are the _______ and the Q2-6. The particle orbiting about the nucleus is the 27Your Answers Should Be: A2-1. Matter is anything that has weight. A2-2, Radio waves, heat, and light are not matter but are forms of energy. A2-3. A substance that can not be broken down any further by chemical means is called an element. A2-4, Atoms combine to form elements. A2-5. The particles found in the nucleus of an atom are the neutron and the proton. A2-6. The particle orbiting about the nucleus is the electron. Molecules A molecule is the smallest particle of a chemical substance capable of an independent existence. The atoms of most ele- ments cannot exist by themselves, but they combine to form molecules (Fig. 2-5). In certain rare instances it is possible HYDROGEN A Y ff Oxxcen MOLECULE MOLECULE Fig. 2-5. Atoms combine to form molecules. for an atom to be a molecule—such is the case with helium. Helium exists in its natural state as an atom and can be classified as a molecule. When elements combine they form a 2H, + 0, = 2H,0 Fig. 2-6. Molecules combine to form compounds.compounds. Fig. 2-6 shows how hydrogen and oxygen com- bine to form water, a compound. Four atoms of hydrogen have combined to form two molecules of hydrogen, and two atoms of oxygen have combined to form one molecule of oxygen. When the compound is formed it is the atoms of the elements that combine to form two molecules of water. The equation is: 2H, + O, = 2H.0 STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM Early Theories In 1897 an Englishman discovered that a tiny unit of neg- ative electricity was a part of every atom. Fig. 2-7 shows some of the theories of the structure of the atom that evolved from this discovery. In 1898 it was thought that Fig. 2-7. The changing atomic theory. an atom consisted of a large number of negatively charged particles that were contained in a ball-shaped positive field. In 1903 a theory showed pairs of positive and negative par- ticles floating around in space. By 1904 it was thought that there was a circle of negatively charged particles surround- ing a heavy positive center. Finally, in 1911 it was concluded that there was a positive charge concentrated at the center of the atom with electrons (negatively charged particles) swarming around this nucleus. pa Q2-7. The smallest particle of al substance capable of independent existence is the _____. Q2-8. Atoms cannot exist by themselves, but they com- bine to form Q2-9. When two or more elements combine they form a 29Your Answers Should Be: A2-7. The smallest particle of a substance capable of independent existence is the molecule. A2-8. Atoms cannot exist by themselves, but they com- bine to form molecules. A2-9. When two or more elements combine they form a compound. The Bohr Atom In 1913, Niels Bohr came up with the theory of the struc- ture of an atom that revolutionized atomic physics. Fig. 2-8 shows his model of the hydrogen atom. The electron rotates NUCLEUS ORBIT MAINTAINED IN SPHERICAL ‘SHELL ELECTRON Fig. 2-8. The Bohr atom. about the nucleus at a specific distance from the nucleus. The distance is set by the force of attraction of the nucleus. The electron is continuously acted upon by other electrical particles in nearby atoms. It changes its orbit constantly— always maintaining the same distance from the nucleus. Because the electron travels so fast—one hundred million billion orbits each second—the shell seems to be solid. This shell is called an energy level. The Bohr Model of Heavier Elements All atoms were assigned weights. The weight assignment was based on how much they weigh in relationship to an atom of oxygen. Thus, since hydrogen, the lightest atom, weighs 1/16th of oxygen its weight is 1. These weights are called atomic weights (approximate weights used in this book). Atoms are also assigned numbers that correspond to the number of electrons they contain. All atoms are elec- trically neutral. That is, they have the same number of elec- 30trons (negative charges) as protons (positive charges). Thus the atomic number not only refers to the number of electrons, but also to the number of protons. Fig. 2-9 shows the arrangement of the energy shells and electrons in the elements having atomic numbers of 2, 3, and 11. Helium, whose atomic number is 2, has two electrons orbiting in one shell. Lithium, atomic number 3, has two electrons orbiting in its first energy level (innermost shell), and one electron orbiting in its outermost energy level. Sodium, with an atomic number of 11, has two electrons in its first energy level, eight in its second energy level, and one in its third energy level. The greatest number of elec- trons that can be contained in one shell is 32. SHELL 2 SHELLS ‘3 SHELLS 11 ELECTRONS ELECTRONS ELECTRONS RETR ONS HELIUM LITHIUM Fig. 2-9. Energy shells and electrons. The atomic weight and atomic number of an element are not the same (except for hydrogen whose atomic weight and atomic number are both equal to 1). The atomic weight is made up of the number of protons (a figure equivalent to the number of electrons and also to the atomic number) plus the number of neutrons (the other particle contained in the nucleus). Note that the weight of these particles is almost equal and that they are more than 1840 times as heavy as an electron (which will be considered weightless for this discussion). Q2-10. The electrons in the Bohr atom are arranged in shells or a Q2-11. Atomic weights are assigned by comparing the weight of the atom with the weight of an atom of Q2-12. All normal atoms are electrically Q2-13. The atomic number corresponds to the number of _______ or 31Your Answers Should Be: A2-10. The electrons in the Bohr atom are arranged in shells or energy levels. A2-11. Atomic weights are assigned by comparing the weight of the atom with the weight of an atom of oxygen. A2-12. All normal atoms are electrically neutral. A2-13. The atomic number corresponds to the number of electrons or protons. ELECTROSTATICS Static Electricity Most of you are familiar with the term static electricity. You have probably experienced a small electrical shock that can result when you walk on a thick rug and then touch a metal object. Or maybe you have seen and heard the crackle of electricity when removing a woolen sweater in a darkened room. In Fig. 2-10 are shown two ways of generating static GLASS ROD RUBBERY RO! Sig ge PAPER a R DusT Fig. 2-10. Static electricity. electricity. In one instance a glass rod is rubbed vigorously with a silk cloth. Sparks are observed in the dark and finally small pieces of paper are attracted to the glass rod. In an- other example a rubber rod is rubbed with a woolen cloth. Again the sparks result, and the rod is able to attract dust particles. Why does the rod take on seemingly magnetic properties? 32Free Electrons Compared to protons and neutrons, electrons are ex- tremely mobile. They move in their orbits at tremendous speeds. In some atoms the outermost energy level is only partially occupied by electrons. For example, an atom of chlorine has seven electrons in its outer shell. The shell can hold a maximum of eight electrons. Since it lacks one elec- tron from making its outer shell complete it tends to attract electrons to this space or hole in its shell. Sodium on the other hand has one electron in its outer shell which it would like to give up. This electron in the sodium atom is almost free to move about at will if the right conditions exist. Glass, like sodium, has electrons that are relatively free. Silk on the other hand is like chlorine in that it would like to receive electrons. The friction of rubbing the silk on the glass gives the free electrons on the glass enough energy to jump over the silk (Fig. 2-11). Since electrons have been removed from the glass it now has more protons than electrons and must be positively charged. The silk, having gained electrons, must be negatively charged. Fig. 2-11. Glass gives up electrons to silk. Q2-14. The particle with the most mobility in an atom is the Q2-15. When a material loses electrons it is charged.Your Answers Should Be: A2-14, The particle with the most mobility in an atom is the electron. A2-15. When a material loses electrons it is positively charged. Attraction and Repulsion of Charges How does the glass pick up materials? First let us under- stand how charges react to each other. If two electrons are brought close together they will repel each other. If a proton is brought close to an electron it will attract the electron. Or, as you can see in Fig. 2-12, like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Now we can see how the glass attracts a Fig. 2-12, Like charges repel—unlike charges attract. neutral object like a small piece of paper (Fig. 2-13). The glass, which has a positive charge due to the loss of elec- trons to the silk, is allowed to touch the paper. Although the paper is neutral, it still has some free electrons. These electrons are attracted to the glass, and since they do not have enough energy to cross over to the glass, the paper is picked up. The case of the rubber rod is slightly different Fig. 2-13. Neutral paper attracted to positively charged glass. 34ae ea Fig. 2-14. Negatively charged rubber rod attracts neutral paper. although the same principles are used. Fig. 2-14 shows that wool tends to give up electrons, while rubber tends to accept electrons. When the rubber rod is touched to the paper it tends to repel free electrons. They migrate to the other end of the paper leaving the end touching the rod positively charged. The paper is then picked up by the negatively charged rod. Formation of Ions Now let us return to sodium and chlorine. Fig. 2-15 shows the pertinent facts about the elements sodium (Na) and chlorine (C1). When they are combined to form salt, they [__ATOMIC. J a [anor [sin Fg TTS [vemos | soplum [ona [| 3 fu fo ou fo | cHuorine YO cr 3 To Tw SODIUM CHLORIDE SHARED ELECTRON Fig. 2-15. Sodium shares an electron with chlorine. share an electron as shown in the illustration. This satisfies both sodium’s desire to give up the free electron in its outer shell and chlorine’s desire to complete its outer shell of only seven electrons. Q2-16. Like charges and unlike charges Q2-17. The shared electron in the above illustration be- longs to 35‘Your Answers Should Be: A2-16. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract. A2-17. The shared electron in the illustrations belongs to sodium. If sodium chloride in its molten state (heated until it is a thick liquid) is placed in a container and then has elec- tricity passed through it, an interesting phenomenon occurs (Fig. 2-16). The molecules of sodium chloride separate. The chlorine takes the electron-that was being shared with it, NEG ®) Na c POSITIVE 10N NEGATIVE ION Fig. 2-16. Formation of ions. thus completing the outer shell, but adding an extra electron. It is therefore negatively charged, and it is called a negative ion. The sodium has given up one electron to the chlorine and is therefore positively charged. It is called a positive ion. The negative ions will migrate to the positive terminal of the source of electricity. The positive ions (sodium) will migrate to the negative terminals of the source of electricity. When the negative ion arrives at the positive terminal it will give up the extra electron in its outer shell. This electron will pass around to the negative terminal where it will be reunited with the positive sodium ion. These two atoms (the chlorine at the positive terminal and the sodium at the nega- tive terminal, may now join together and share the electron as before. By constantly repeating this process, electricity is caused to flow through the molten salt. We may say that molten salt conducts electricity. Conductors, Semiconductors, Insulators For the purposes of electronics we must consider materi- als as either good conductors of electricity, poor conductors of electricity, or not conductors of electricity at all. Con- 36sider a good conductor of electricity such as copper; most electrical wire is made from copper. A conductor is a substance through which electrons will move readily. The conditions for such movement are simple. We have seen that an electron placed in the vicinity of a proton will move in that direction. Thus the electron has the potential for movement. However, we can improve that potential by placing a lot of protons nearby and also by one O —4#@ © —O- = 1 ® O ® Fig. 2-17, Electron moves due to difference of potential. ormoma O40P BAAD other method ; that is, by placing negative charges (electrons or ions) on the other side of the electron (Fig. 2-17). The bigger the difference is between the positive and negative charges the faster the electron moves. This difference in the amount of charges is referred to as a difference in potential. When such a difference in potential is applied to a copper wire, there is a current in the wire, as shown in Fig. 2-18. — SOROS + COPPER WIRE COPPER - Cu Fig. 2-18. Current in a copper wire. Copper atoms have one electron in their outer shells. This electron, a free electron, migrates toward the positive poten- tial by going from outer shell to outer shell. Q2-18. When an atom gains an electron to complete its outer shell it is a _______ ion. Q2-19. The difference between the number of electrons in one place and the number of electrons in an- other place is called _______ difference. 37Your Answers Should Be: A2-18, When an atom gains an electron to complete its outer shell it is a negative ion. A2-19, The difference between the number of electrons in one place and the number of electrons in an- other place is called potential difference. A conductor can be thought of as a material that has many free electrons (Fig. 2-19). It is usually a metal, and has one or maybe two electrons in its outer shell. Insulators are those materials that have practically no free electrons and offer a great deal of resistance to the flow of electricity. Semiconductors on the other hand have a limited ability to pass electrons. There are ways to treat semiconductors so that they will or will not act like conductors under certain conditions. It is this latter capability that makes them use- ful in the manufacture of transistors. Note that if the poten- tial difference across an insulator is made large enough, there will be a current; however, the material will be destroyed. ELECTROMAGNETISM Magnetism You are all familiar with the common magnet, the one that will pick up paper clips or serve as a compass needle (Fig. 2-20). What is it about certain materials that gives them the property called magnetism? Ancient man had been aware that there were certain materials in nature that would attract other materials; for example, lodestone at- tracting iron. Modern man has made inroads into the expla- nation of this phenomenon. POS ‘SEMICONDUCTOR (3 Fig. 2-19. The nature of electrical conductors. NEGFig. 2-20. Magnetism. Electrons in Motion The motion of electrons causes magnetic fields to be set up. For example, the orbital electron shown in Fig. 2-21 generates a magnetic field as shown, with a north pole in an upward direction and a south pole in the downward direction. In the same illustration you see how the spinning N ORBITAL ELECTRON | ‘SPINNING ELECTRON s s Fig. 2-21. Electron movement—source of magnetism. of an electron causes a magnetic field. Those materials that exhibit magnetic properties owe 90 percent of this property to the spin of the electrons about their own axis and only about 10 percent to the orbiting of the electrons. All materi- als contain electrons that move in these fashions but there is something peculiar about the electron motion in magnetic materials. Q2-20. A conductor has many ______ electrons. Q2-21. The material that offers much resistance to the flow of electrons is an _____. Q2-22. The fact that semiconductors can be treated so that they act like either conductors or insula- tors is what makes them useful as Q2-23. Electrons in motion cause fields. Q2-24. The major reason for magnetic materials is the (spin, orbiting) of electrons.Your Answers Should Be: A2-20. A conductor has many free electrons. A2-21. The material that offers much resistance to the flow of electrons is an insulator. A2-22. The fact that semiconductors can be treated so that they act like either conductors or insulators is what makes them useful as transistors. A2-23. Electrons in motion cause magnetic fields. A2-24. The major reason for the magnetic property of materials is the spin of electrons. In most atoms electrons move in pairs. These pairs have spins in opposite directions, as shown in Fig. 2-22. Although each of these electrons generates a magnetic field, the results are nullified since the fields are of equal magnitudes but in opposite directions (pairs A and B in Fig. 2-22). Pair C on the other hand shows two electrons rotating in the same direction. The generated magnetic fields tend to reinforce rather than cancel each other. Electrons that are paired in this fashion are found in magnetic materials. A group of electrons like those shown in pair C join to form a magnetic domain, In most magnetic materials these magnetic domains are not aligned; that is, domains from different atoms face in different directions, as shown in Fig. 2-23. As a result they do not reinforce each other and the material is not yet magnetized. By methods which we will examine later, these domains may be aligned, with the result being the magnet- ized material. A few substances have domains already aligned and are considered permanent natural magnets. Fig. 2-22. Electrons spinning in same direction reinforce magnetic field. 40Magnetic Fields In a magnetized material such as the bar magnet shown in Fig. 2-24, the magnetic fields of all the domains line up so that the magnetic lines of force leave the north pole and DOMAINS DOMAINS DoD DODDDODDDD ODDDDDDDDD a%FD DDDODDDODD UNALIGNED ALIGNED Fig. 2-23. Formation of a magnet. enter the south pole. Note that the lines of force do not intersect each other but strain to keep their distance. The illustration shows very few of the millions of lines of force LINES OF FORCE Fig. 2-24, Magnetic field around a bar magnet. that would appear around a magnet. Just like electrical charges, magnetic poles exhibit the same behavior. That is, like poles repel and unlike poles attract (Fig. 2-25). =)
. TCYCLEISECOND 3 CYCLES/SECOND OR 3 HERTZ | VY, ‘SECOND _™| Fig. 3-30. Number of cycles per second is called frequency. sine wave is said to be 1 cycle per second, more recently called 1 hertz. Beneath this sine wave is one that completes 3 cycles in the same time. Its frequency would be 3 hertz. Frequency Versus Period Fig. 3-31 shows the relationship between frequency and period. Two cycles of a 2-Hz waveshape are shown. The period is therefore 0.5 second as shown. Thus the frequency is equal to the reciprocal of the period or 1 + 0.5 = 2 hertz. Since most of the periods we will deal with will be in the order of thousandths and millionths of a second and many of the frequencies will be in the order of thousands and millions of hertz it is necessary to introduce some of the shorthand symbols that are used in electronics. The table 64> CYCLE ——~}-—— CYCLE Snrnz |_ serio i 9 .5SECOND «5 1.0 SECOND FREQUENCY =2 CYCLES/SECOND 1 1-2 CYCLES FREQUENCY = PERIOD * TSEC ~ ? SECOND Fig. 3-31. Relationship of frequency to period. in Fig. 3-32 shows some of the most often used prefixes and their abbreviations. Two of the prefixes we will use very often when dealing with frequencies are k and M—as in kHz (kilohertz) and MHz (megahertz). MILLI | MICRO | NANO | PICO momar fetsteteto mas [ot fw | ww? [we] we 9 [| Fig. 3-32. Commonly used prefixes. Q3-22. If 20 sine waves are completed in 4 seconds the frequency of the sine wave is _____. Period Q3-23. The period of a sine wave is 4 milliseconds. The frequency is Q3-24. The frequency of a sine wave is 500 kHz. The period is _________ microseconds. milliseconds.Your Answers Should Be: A3-22. If 20 sine waves are completed in 4 seconds the frequency of the sine wave is 5 Hz. Period 0.2 sec. F = No. of Cycles + Time = 20 + 4 sec = 5 eps(Hz) T=1+F= 5 Hz = 0.2 sec. A3-23. The period of a sine wave is 4 milliseconds. The frequency is 250 Hz. Fo1+4msee= 7.0, = 4x 10-* sec ~ = 1000 = 250 He A3-24, The frequency of a sine wave is 500 kHz. The period is 2 microseconds (usec). 0.002 millisec. patie 1 F500 x 10° Hz 0.5 x 10° Hz _ 10-6 05 Note that the symbol yw is the greek letter mu. = 2 psec. Fig. 3-83 shows how to manipulate 1000 Hz to obtain the period of 1 millisecond. It is assumed that the student has a good working knowledge of the powers of ten. =e tet 2 tf 38sec etmini = T= + "Toons - wu. SEC =1 millisecond =1ms Fig. 3-33. Period in milliseconds. Wavelength Wavelength is defined as the distance a radio wave travels in the time for one cycle. Fig. 3-34 shows the formula for this relationship. To obtain the wavelength in meters (the Greek letter lambda is used to represent wavelength) divide the velocity of radio waves in meters/sec (same as the speed of light) by the frequency in hertz. An example of such a calculation is shown in Fig. 3-35. The frequency of the wave shown is 2 Hz since two cycles take place in 1 second. The velocity of radio waves is a constant of 300,000,000 meters per second. Thus the wavelength is 150,000,000 meters. Calculations like these are used to determine the 66[uve] ¢ VELOCITY OF RADIO WAVES: (IN METERS/SEC) f (IN HERTZ) Fig. 3-34. The wavelength of a radio wave is the distance the wave travels in the time for one cycle. (IN METERS). <= LAMBDA proper lengths for antennas. Most antennas are cut to either half- or quarter-wavelengths for the transmitted frequency. For example, the frequency of television Channel 2 (upper end) is 60 MHz. Its wavelength would be 300,000,000 meters/sec + 60 MHz = 5 meters. If the antenna were cut to a half-wavelength it would be 2.5 meters long. By folding it 300,000, 000 METERSISEC Hz 150, 000, 000 METERS ‘1 SECOND: Fig. 3-35. Wavelength—sample calculation. in half you would have an antenna of about 1.25 meters long which is about 4.1 feet long. A glance at your television antenna will verify this. Q3-25. The distance that a wave travels in the time for one cycle is called Q3-26. If the frequency in the formula for wavelength is given in kHz then the wavelength will be in Q3-27. Channel 2 has a frequency range of 54 to 60 MHz and Channel 7 has a frequency range of 174 to 180 MHz. Channel ______. willl require the shorter antenna. 67Your Answers Should Be: A3-25. The distance that a wave travels in the time for one cycle is called wavelength. A3-26. If the frequency in the formula for wavelength is given in kHz then the wavelength will be in millimeters. A8-27. Channel 2 has a frequency range of 54 to 60 MHz and channel 7 has a frequency range of 174 to 180 MHz. Channel 7 will require the shorter antenna. That is, the higher the fre- quency, the shorter the period. The shorter the period the shorter the distance traveled in the time for one cycle (wavelength) and the shorter the antenna. Voltage and Current Measurement Until now we have spoken mainly about the time relation- ships in the sine wave. Now let us concern ourselves with the methods of measuring the voltage and current of the sine wave. The following measurements work equally well with voltage and current. Only the instruments used will vary. Peak Voltage—As shown in Fig. 3-36, this peak voltage is the same as Eyax (or Iyax in a current waveform). It is PEA =E =E EAK- [ \we Miliianai max= Ep TO-PEAK 99° \e/ Ep-p= Fig. 3-36. Peak and peak-to-peak voltages. — PEAK =—Emax=-Ep 2Ep therefore the maximum voltage of the sine wave (half- cycle). The voltage measured from this positive peak to the negative peak is known as the peak-to-peak voltage, and in a sine wave of the type we have been discussing it would be equal to twice the maximum voltage of one half-cycle. Peak-to-peak voltages can be measured visually on an in- 68strument called an oscilloscope, and on some voltmeters that have a scale that is appropriately calibrated. Average Voltage—The concept of average voltage is best shown through the use of a simpler waveform than the sine wave. Such a waveform is the square wave, shown in Fig. 3-37. In this square wave you see a constant positive 4 volts oo | AVERAGE VALUE OF HALF CYCLE = 2 VOLTS AVERAGE VALUE OF FULL CYCLE = 0 VOLTS Fig. 3-37. Average value of a simple square wave. for half a cycle and a constant negative 4 volts for half a cycle. This square wave is similar to the voltage we would obtain if we were to run a direct current (say from a 4-volt battery) through a circuit for a short period of time and then run it through in the reverse direction (thus obtaining the negative half-cycle). It is obvious upon inspection that the average voltage for a full cycle of such a waveform is zero, providing the time for each half cycle is the same. +Ep Ew = AVERAGE VALUE OF HALF CYCLE *.637 Ep ov AVERAGE VALUE OF FULL CYCLE = 0 VOLTS -Ep Fig. 3-38. Average value of a sine wave. However, the average voltage for the positive half-cycle will be +2 volts. In Fig. 3-88 see a sine wave whose average full-cycle voltage is also zero. However, because the half- eycles are not composed of constant voltages, the average voltage for a half-cycle of a sine wave will turn out to be 0.687 of the peak voltage, instead of half the peak voltage as in the square wave. Q3-28. If the maximum voltage of a sine wave is 7 volts, the peak-to-peak voltage is Q3-29. If the peak voltage of a square wave is 8 volts, the average full-cycle voltage is ____. 69Your Answers Should Be: A3-28. If the maximum voltage of a sine wave is 7 volts the peak-to-peak voltage is 14 volts. } A3-29, If the peak voltage of a square wave is 8 volts, the average full-cycle voltage is zero. Effective Voltage—To understand the nature of effective voltage it is necessary to remember that when there is a current through a wire, heat is generated (Fig. 3-39). Your toaster and electric iron are applications of this phenome- DN HEAT, Cl LE vourace — Fig. 3-39. Current through wire generates heat. non. This heat is not always desirable as you may have noticed if you have touched an electric light bulb after it had been on for some time. In talking about a d-c voltage you will find that all of the current drawn from the battery will be utilized effectively to generate heat. In a sine wave however, the voltage at any instant (instantaneous voltage due to an instantaneous current) is changing. Thus the heat generated at any instant is different. Thus, it is found that the effective current of a sine wave is 0.707 of the peak cur- rent (Fig. 3-40). That is, a sine wave whose peak current is 1 ampere will have the same heating effect as a d-c current of 0.707 amperes. Most instruments like the voltmeter and am- meter are designed to measure effective values. ‘lp At lege = 707 Ip EFFECTIVE CURRENT =I p——_F = Fig. 3-40. Effective current value of a sine wave. 70POWER As you have seen, current passing through a wire gener- ates heat. The amount of heat generated could be measured thermally if we so desired. It is more important to calculate the amount of power generated in terms of watts. One watt is the amount of power generated when a voltage of 1 volt causes a current of 1 ampere (Fig. 3-41). For the purposes POWER F VOLTAGE CURRENT = x (WATTS) (VOLTS) (AMPERES) Fig. 3-41. Power equals voltage times current. of a-c voltages, the voltages and currents used will be the effective values. In the next chapter you will learn more of the nature of power in your studies of resistors and Ohm’s law. Q3-30. In the accompanying illustration identify the following: peak voltage, peak-to-peak voltage, effective voltage, and average voltage. Q3-31. A 240-watt bulb is connected to a 120-volt line; the current drawn is ________ amperes. 772 Your Answers Should Be: A3-30. A3-31. A 240-watt bulb is connected to a 120-volt line; the current drawn is 2 amperes. P(240 watts) = E(120 volts) x 1(2 amperes) SUMMARY QUESTIONS . When a weight is moved work is done and energy is ex- pended. a. When a 6-pound weight is moved from a height of 14 inches to a height of 38 inches the work done is foot-pounds. b. A 50-gram weight is moved ______ centimeters ver- tically causing an expenditure of 200 dyne-cm. Electrons can be caused to move by providing a difference in potential between two points. Work is done and energy is expended when electrons are moved. a. Difference in potential is measured in b. If 20 joules of energy are expended in moving 4c cou- lombs of electrical charge, the difference in potential is ec. When 12 coulombs of electrical charge are moved past a point in 8 seconds, the current is ________ amperes. Voltage may be generated in several different ways. All of these ways depend on the conversion of one type of energy (heat, light, or mechanical, for example) to elec- trical energy. Some of the methods used have limited applications (heat, pressure, and friction, for example) while others like the chemical and magnetic methods are used to supply primary power to much of the electronic equipment in use today.4. a. A solar battery converts ______ energy to energy. b. Your car battery changes energy. c. A maximum current is induced in a wire when it moves (parallel, perpendicular) to the magnetic lines of force. d. The induced current at any instant is equal to the product of the maximum current and the Rotating a wire through a magnetic field causes a current through the wire first in one direction and then in the other. This is called an alternating current and because its instantaneous current is proportional to the sine of the angle of rotation, it is called a sine wave. a. If the period of a sine wave is 4 milliseconds its fre- quency is _______ hertz. b. The distance that a wave travels in the time for one cycle is called the . c. List the following voltages associated with a sine wave in order according to magnitude (largest first) : peak, effective, peak-to-peak, and average. _. energy to 73la. Ib. 2b. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. da. 4b. 4e. 74 SUMMARY ANSWERS When a 6-pound weight is moved from a height of 14 inches to a height of 38 inches the work done is 12 foot- pounds. (38” — 14” = 24” = 2’.”. 2’ x 6 lbs = 12 ft-lbs) A 50-gram weight is moved 4 centimeters vertically causing an expenditure of 200 dyne-cm. . Difference in potential is measured in volts. If 20 joules of energy are expended in moving 4 cou- lombs of electrical charge, the difference in potential is 5 volts. When 12 coulombs of electrical charge are moved past a point in 3 seconds, the current is 4 amperes. A solar battery converts light energy to electrical energy. Your car battery changes chemical energy to electrical energy. A maximum current is induced in a wire when it moves perpendicular to the magnetic lines of force. The induced current at any instant is equal to the pro- duct of the maximum current and the sine 6. If the period of a sine wave is 4 milliseconds its fre- quency is 250 hertz. The distance that a wave travels in the time for one cycle is called the wavelength. Peak-to-peak, peak, effective, average.Resistive Circuits In this chapter you will What You learn about the basic circuit principles which Will Learn can be used to explain vir- tually every electronic cir- cuit you will come in contact with from now on. The manner in which current is developed in a simple cir- cuit containing resistance and a source of voltage is explored, and the laws of Ohm and Kirchhoff are dis- cussed in great detail. Much of the chapter will be devoted to using these laws in the solution of series and parallel circuits. zim Inet Fig. 4-1. Basic circuit principles. 5BASIC CIRCUIT PRINCIPLES Let us consider what is meant by a circuit. We would like to put the electrical energy at our command to work. To do this we must have a source of voltage, an object to work on (referred to as a load), and a method of delivering the electrical energy to the load. 120 VAC 5AM PERES 120 VAC ZERO AMPERES Fig. 4-2. Current delivered to a load. Fig. 4-2 shows a typical source of voltage found in every home: the electrical outlet that delivers approximately 120 volts of alternating current. Next to it is a lamp which is not on because it has not been plugged into the outlet. That is, we have not provided a path for the electrical energy to reach the light. No current is delivered and no energy may oN VOLTAGE {—————f (A) No current. VOLTAGE Pee SOURCE (B) Current. Fig, 4-3. A switch used to complete a circuit. be expended in the load (the lamp). The left-hand side of this figure shows an iron plugged into the outlet. A current of 5 amperes is delivered and the electrical energy is trans- ferred to the load (the iron) and expended as heat energy. Note that the method of delivering the electrical energy is to provide a path for current to the load and back to the source. 76Fig. 4-3 shows another element of a complete circuit: the switch. A typical wall unit is shown that is usually arranged so that it activates the wall outlets in a room. An appliance, such as a lamp or a radio, may be plugged into such a wall outlet ready to be activated as soon as the circuit is com- plete. This is accomplished by flipping the switch to the ON position, thus providing a path for current to the appliance and back to the source of voltage. SIMPLE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS A simple circuit is shown in Fig. 4-4. It consists of two cells, a switch, and a lamp. Instead of drawing the objects in a wiring diagram (Fig. 4-4B), it is much simpler to draw symbols that represent the components in a circuit. Such a drawing is shown in Fig. 4-4A, and is called a sche- BATTERY ‘SWITCH LAMP (A) Schematic. (B) Wiring. Fig. 4-4. Comparison of diagrams. matic diagram. As we discuss new components we will in- troduce corresponding symbols for use on schematic dia- grams. In Fig. 4-4 the two 1.5-volt dry cells are the source of voltage, the load is the lamp, and the switch controls the current to the load. Q4-1. The object in a circuit that utilizes the electrical energy is called the . Q4-2. There is no current in the circuit of Fig. 4-4 be- cause it is not a (an) ____ circuit. Q4-3. A diagram that shows symbols instead of the actual objects is called a (an) Q4-4. Draw a circuit diagram of a flashlight. 77Your Answers Should Be: A4-1. The object in a circuit that utilizes the electrical energy is called the load. A4-2, There is no current in the circuit of Fig. 4-4 be- cause it is not a complete or closed circuit. A4-3. A diagram that shows symbols instead of the actual objects is called a schematic. A4-4, The schematic shown in Fig. 4-4A is what you should have drawn to represent a flashlight. RESISTANCE Definition Resistance is the opposition offered to the current in a circuit. The lamp in the previous circuit offers an opposi- tion to the current and therefore has the property of resist- ance. By definition, the larger the resistance in a circuit, the smaller the current. Fig. 4-5. Effect of resistance in a circuit. Fig. 4-5 shows two circuits supplied by the same voltage source. The circuit with the greatest amount of resistance has the least amount of current. Resistance is measured in units called ohms. Conductivity In electronics you will be concerned with three types of materials. These materials are classified according to their ability to “allow the passage of” (conduct) electricity. Those that pass electricity readily are known as conductors. Materials with many free electrons fall into this category. Silver, platinum, and copper are some that you will find used 78vauts->{ "van come [ANPS") CONDUCTORS SEMICONDUCTORS (worts {we cme cuss | Amps INSULATORS Fig. 4-6. Conductors, semiconductors, and insulators. to make up the wires that connect the various components in a circuit. They offer very little opposition to current— that is they have little resistivity (resistance). The materials in the next class tend to impede the current in a circuit. Materials such as germanium, silicon, and car- bon are called semiconductors, and they are used in the manufacture of diodes, transistors, and resistors. These components all have the ability to regulate the current in a circuit. They accomplish this by varying the amount of resistance (also called impedance) in a circuit. The next class of materials prevents the flow of electricity in a circuit. They are called insulators. Rubber, ceramic, and glass materials fall into this class and are used to pre- vent electricity from traveling undesirable paths. A simple example of this is the insulation on the common line cord, which not only prevents you from coming in contact with the high voltage in it, but also acts to separate the wires from each other, thus keeping the current from taking a short cut back to the source (an action known as a short circuit) instead of traveling through the high resistance of the appliance. Just as the opposition to current is measured in units of resistance called ohms so may you consider the ease with which current is passed in units of conductance, called mhos. Fig. 4-7 shows the relationship between these units. To better understand the concept of conductivity let us consider using the nation’s highways as an analogy. At 1 CON TIVITY = ———_ mrad RESISTIVITY (OHMS) Fig. 4-7. Relationship of conductivity to resistivity. 795 P.M. the scene in industrial plants all over the country is the same. The parking lots are packed with cars as shown in Fig. 4-8. The full parking lot represents the pressure to be put on the roads. It is therefore analogous to the source of voltage. The roads are the wires that connect the factory to the homes (they represent the load). When the whistle blows (the switch) the circuit is complete. The cars move toward the driveway to enter the road. Although all of the cars can travel as fast as 100 miles per hour, they neverthe- less can proceed only at the speed dictated by the resistance of the road. Bugs Oo BGR Booe of Fig. 4-8. “Resistance” and “conductance” on a highway. What are some of the factors that govern the resistance of the road? The stop sign, the S-curve, the traffic light, and the narrow bridge all are signs that tend to slow down the vehicles. However, the speed limit signs are different. They tell the vehicles how fast they may go, and you will notice that the higher the speed limit, the lower the resist- ance of the road. The superhighway, for example, may have a limit of 65 mph, which must mean that it has no traffic lights, no severe curves, and plenty of traffic lanes. These speed limit signs are the same as conductance in an electric circuit. Thus, conductance shows the speed at which elec- trons may move in a circuit, while resistance shows the amount of opposition to current in a circuit. Resistivity Factors Determining Resistance—Resistivity is a mea- sure of the amount of resistance offered by a specific mate- rial, and is a constant that varies with temperature. It is represented by the Greek letter rho (p) and is measured in units like ohm-meters or ohms per circular mil-foot. Note 80OHMS=R=P7 £(OMEGA) METERS = OHM - METERS x METERS 2 dln LENGTH RESISTANCE = RESISTIVITY X Grogs secTIONAL AREA Fig. 4-9. Factors determining resistance. that the resistance depends on not only the resistivity of the material; it will increase with the length of the com- ponent and decrease as the cross-sectional area is increased. Thus, a thin wire offers a great amount of resistance just as a narrow road will prevent a great number of cars from moving between two points. A road made from concrete allows more cars per hour to pass than a dirt road. In the same fashion the material from which the wire is made affects the resistance. Q4-5. Q4-7. Q4-8. Q4-9. Q4-10. Q4-11. The opposition offered to current in a circuit is called The unit of resistance is the ______. Materials that pass current readily are known as Materials used to regulate the current in a cir- cuit are called The rubber coating on a line cord is an example of the use of a (an) The unit for measuring conductance is the ____. The speed limit signs on the highways are ana- logous to the electrical circuit measurement of 81Your Answers Should Be: A4-5. The opposition offered to current in a circuit is called resistance. A4-6. The unit of resistance is the ohm. A4-7. Materials that pass current readily are known as conductors. A4-8. Materials used to regulate the current in a cir- cuit are called semiconductors. A4-9. The rubber coating on a line cord is an example of the use of an insulator. A4-10. The unit for measuring conductance is the mho. A4-11, The speed limit signs on the highways are ana- logous to the electrical circuit measurement of conductance. Resistivity of Various Materials—Fig. 4-10 shows the re- sistivities of three types of materials. The unit of resistivity used is the ohm-centimeter which is the resistance of a wire one centimeter long whose cross-sectional area is one cir- cular mil (mil = .001 in; circular mil = Area of .001 in2). Approximate values are used, as we are interested in the order of magnitude of the resistivities of the three types of materials that we will come in contact with in electronics. The first of these materials is copper, the most common, and the one used in connecting wires, almost to the exclu- sion of all other materials. As a material with many free electrons it has an almost minuscule resistivity of .000001 ohm-centimeters, Materials such as gold and silver have much lower resistivities but because of their high cost are used only for very special applications. MATERIAL RESISTIVITY CLASSIFICATION COPPER 10° onm-cm CONDUCTOR GERMANIUM 10? ORM-CM | _semiconpuctor ceramic | 10! onM-cm | INSULATOR Fig. 4-10. Resistivity of various materials. 82The next material listed is germanium, a semiconductor, used for manufacturing diodes and transistors. Note that the resistivities are in the order of 100 ohm-centimeters-for semiconductor materials. The materials used for construct- ing resistors (carbon and carbon composition) are in this order of magnitude. Insulators such as ceramics carry re- sistivities in the order of 10,000,000,000,000 ohm-centime- ters. Thus, they offer an almost infinite opposition to current, compared to the other materials mentioned. The Unit of Measurement Resistance is measured in units called ohms. Fig. 4-11 defines the ohm as the resistance offered in a circuit that allows 1 ampere of current when a voltage of 1 volt is 1 VOLT OHM AVOtT RESISTANCE | —Taypegi = LAMPERE Fig. 4-11. Definition of an ohm. applied. Another way of saying this is when 1 volt is divided by 1 ampere the result is 1 ohm. This relationship is the most important one you will study in electronics and is the basis for Ohm’s law. Q4-12. A material with many free electrons is called a(an) Q4-13. A material with a resistivity of 500 ohm-centi- meters would most likely be a(an) Q4-14. Calculate the resistance of 1000 centimeters of copper wire whose cross-sectional area is 1 square centimeter. Q4-15. If it takes 10 volts to develop a current of 1 ampere in a circuit, the resistance of the circuit is ohms. Q4-16. If there are 20 amperes of current in a circuit with 10 volts applied, the resistance is __ 83Your Answers Should Be: A4-12. A material with many free electrons is called a conductor. A4-13, A material with a resistivity of 500 ohm-centi- meters would most likely be a semiconductor. A4-14. Using the formula given in Fig. 4-9 and taking the resistivity from the table in Fig. 4-10 we 41 1000 cm :R=+=10-% -( have: R A 10-* ohm-cm x Tem? = .001 ohm If it takes 10 volts to develop a current of 1 ampere in a circuit, the resistance of the circuit is 10 ohms. Referring to Fig. 4-11 we note that if it takes 1 volt to develop a current of 1 ampere through a resistance of 1 ohm, then it must mean that a circuit that requires 10 volts to develop a current of 1 ampere must have a re- sistance of 10 times as much or, in this case, 10 ohms. If there are 20 amperes of current in a circuit with 10 volts applied, the resistance is 0.5 ohm. That is 10 Volts 9.5 ohm. 20 amperes Resistor Types and Construction Various types of resistors are used in electronics. Fig. 4-12 shows some of the most often used fixed resistors. A fixed resistor is one whose value may not be varied in a cir- cuit. It is selected for a specific nonvariable function and a specific range of voltage and current conditions. TAPPED WIREWOUND CARBON THIN FILM COMPOSITION akon WIREWOUND WIREWOUND HIGH TEMPERATURE Fig. 4-12. Fixed resistors.Fixed Composition—The most common of all resistors you will come in contact with is the carbon composition resistor. A 2000-ohm (2K) resistor of this type is shown in Fig. 4-12. The colored stripes tell its value. The use of this color coding is explained in this chapter. A simple compo- nent to construct, it has at its core a small deposit of carbon connected to the two copper leads and surrounded by an in- sulating material. This type of component cannot withstand high currents and it is difficult to make in exact resistance values. Fixed Wirewound—The next most often encountered re- sistor is the wirewound resistor shown in Fig. 4-13. This component consists of a ceramic core around which is wound a thin copper-nickel alloy (or other moderately resistive MOUNTING BRACKETS. CERAMIC CORE COPPER-NICKEL ALLOY WIRE SCHEMATIC SYMBOL 2002 5W TERMINALS INSULATION Fig. 4-13. Wirewound resistor. material) wire. The wire is coated with an insulating mate- rial to prevent adjacent turns from coming in contact with each other. Metal clamps are placed at either end to serve as terminals for connection into a circuit. An enamel-coated insulation is molded over the whole assembly, leaving only the terminals exposed. This protects the wires from break- age and provides additional insulation from the surrounding circuits. The component is hollow to allow for heat dissipa- tion. Mounting brackets may be placed inside the component as shown. The component is marked with its value and a wattage rating, which will be discussed later on in this chapter. The schematic symbol for this component is shown, and it is the same for all types of fixed resistive components. Q4-17. A component whose resistance may not be var- ied in a circuit is called a(an) ______ resistor. Q4-18. The most commonly used component is the resistor.Your Answers Should Be: A4-17. A component whose resistance may not be var- ied in a circuit is called a fixed resistor. A4-18, The most commonly used component is the car- bon composition resistor. Tapped Resistors—Different types of wirewound resis- tors are available depending on the application. The 18K unit shown in Fig. 4-12 is used for high-temperature appli- cations. The tapped wirewound resistor in Fig. 4-13 is used where a particular current division is desired in a circuit. The one shown has a flat construction and a maximum value of 2000 ohms. The tap may be placed anywhere (that is, during manufacture), depending on your needs. Center- tapping is typical. This would give you a resistance of 1000 ohms from either end to the center and 2000 ohms from end to end. Thus, by taking the output from the center-tap of such a resistor, you may select half the voltage in a particu- lar circuit. Thin-Film Technique—Fig. 4-14 shows the construction of a thin-film tapped resistor. As we enter the era of micro- CERAMIC THIN FILM SCHEMATIC LEADS SYMBOL Fig. 4-14. Thin-film resistor, tapped. electronics the need for smaller and smaller components be- comes greater. One of the techniques used is the thin-film technique. Thin films (in the order of 50 to 100 atoms thick) are deposited on insulating substrata by a process called vacuum evaporation. The component in Fig. 4-14 is com- pared to a domino to give you an idea of its size (in the order of .01 inch square). Newer techniques used in the manufac- ture of integrated circuits may provide as many as 100 such components in the same space. The schematic symbol for 86such a component is shown in the illustration. It is very difficult to construct accurate resistors using thin-film tech- niques. However, as you will see, the most important factor is not the actual value of a resistor but rather its value com- pared to other resistors in the circuit. Thin-film techniques allow us to maintain these ratios even though particular resistance values are not met. The most accurate method for obtaining exact resistances is the wirewound technique. Color Code First Three Bands—Values on carbon-type resistors are not marked in numbers; they are shown with colored stripes which tell us the characteristics. Fig. 4-15 shows what the stripes stand for. The colors used start with black (the absence of light) which represents zero, and end with white (the presence of all the colors of the spectrum) which rep- resents nine. With the exception of brown and gray the rest of the colors are the light spectrum from red to violet and MULTIPLIER TOLERANCE ig]ener—o Dn OoGwee Fig. 4-15. Resistor color code. can be committed to memory quite easily if you remember that green (a five-letter word) represents the number five. Facility with this code will be gained through constant usage. The first band of color on the resistor (the band right on the edge of the component no matter which way you hold it) is the first digit of the resistance value. The next band is the second digit of the resistor value. The third band is the multiplier (or the number of zeros following the second digit). Thus the component shown in Fig. 4-16A has a first digit of 2 (red), a second digit of 0 (black) and a multiplier 87RED BLACK RED RED RED BLACK Hoag Hao (A) 2000 ohms. (B) 22 ohms. Fig. 4-16. The order of the colors is significant. of 100 or two zeros following the second digit (red). There- fore its value is 2000 ohms or 2K. The Fourth Band—Tolerance—The fourth band on a re- sistor is used for something called tolerance. As we have noted, it is difficult to make carbon-composition resistors to exact values. Thus, during manufacture the resistors are measured as they come off the assembly line. All those that are within five percent of their expected value are marked with a gold stripe, those within 10 percent of their rated value are marked with a silver stripe, and those within 20 percent of their rated value have no fourth stripe. Obvi- ously, you pay a premium for 5- and 10-percent resistors. Standard Resistors—Note that not all values of carbon resistors are manufactured. Fig. 4-17 shows the standard 5- and 10-percent resistors manufactured. Note that only the 100-ohm range is shown. The significant digits will hold true for every range of resistor. For example, a 180-ohm re- sistor is shown in the table. There will also be a 1.8K and 18K, and a 1.8 Meg manufactured. Note that more different types of 5-percent resistors are made than 10-percent resis- tors. The reason for this is illustrated in Fig. 4-18. A 100- ohm resistor is shown with a tolerance of 20 percent. Resis- tors coming off the assembly line with these ratings will have a range of values as shown in the figure—that is, any- where from 80 to 120 ohms. Consider a 100-ohm, 10-percent resistor. Its range would be 90 to 110 ohms, a total of 20 10% RESISTORS 100 yi20 iso iso [220 [270 7330 [390 [470 [500 [e380 _[az0 nio[ 130; 160] 200] z40{ 300] 360/430] sto] 620] z50| 910 5% RESISTORS Fig. 4-17. Standard composition resistor values.TOLER. | LOW | HIGH | RANGE alee 10% 90 no | 2 a» 5 105 [0 Fig. 4-18. Tolerance. ohms. The next highest resistor in the series is the 120-ohm resistor. Its range would be (based on 10 percent of 120 ohms or 12 ohms) 108 ohms through 132 ohms. Note how this overlaps the high range of the 100-ohm resistor—110 ohms. Thus, all resistor values may be taken into account using this system. Five-percent resistors have a smaller range (10 ohms on a 100-ohm resistor) and therefore must be manufactured at closer intervals, as shown in Fig. 4-18. For special orders, resistors of 1-percent tolerance and less may be manufac- tured at a premium cost. Wirewound resistors are manufac- tured at many of the values not shown in Fig. 4-17, and at lower tolerances. The importance of the order of the colors of the resistor is shown in Fig. 4-16. Two resistors with two red bands and one black band are shown, but each has a dif- ferent value. Q4-19. Write the values of these two resistors. YELLOW RED VIOLET VIOLET RED YELLOW Q4-20. Complete the table below. Resist. [ast | avo TOLERANCE max. | min. NO. [DIGIT |DIGIT |MULT. |COLOR| % VALUE | VALUE | VALUE | RANGE [BROWN | RED YELLOW /SILVER BLUE | GRAY PRANGE| — RANGE DRANGE BROWN | GOLD [BROWN | BLACK 1 MEG [1.1MEG ajefejr |= ISILVER 4BK 89Your Answers Should Be: A4-19. Left-270K; Right-4.7K. This is just a reminder that resistors are not read from left to right but rather from the color nearest to the end. A4-20. The completed table is shown below. RESIST. 1ST | 2ND TOLERANCE MAX. | MIN, No, DiGiT | DIGIT] MULT.| CoLoR| _% | VALUE! VALUE| VALUE| 1 | BROWN) RED [YELLOW SILVER! 10 | 120K | 152K] 108K 2 | Blue | GRAY JoRANGH — 68k 54,4 JORANGE| ORANGE BROWN) GOLD 30 33.5K) BROWN| BLACK} GREEN] SILVER| | IMEG 0.9MEG 200K YELLOW] VIOLET] YELLOW} SILVER 4BK | 94K Some discussion of this table might help you understand the methods involved. The first resistor shows first and sec- ond digits of 1 and 2, respectively, followed by four zeros or 120,000 ohms, 120K. Its tolerance of 10 percent gives a + 12K range for a maximum value of 132K and a minimum value of 108K and a range of 24K. Resistors 2 and 3 are calculated in a similar fashion except that their tolerances are 20 percent and 5 percent, respectively. Resistor 4 requires a little more thought. Its value is given as 1 Meg; thus, it must have first and second digits of 1 (brown) and 0 (black) and a multiplier of 100,000 (five zeros), which is green, to give us 1,000,000 ohms or 1 Meg. Examining the value of 1 Meg, and the maximum value of 1.1 Meg, you can see that the difference is .1 Meg, which is 10 percent of 1 Meg. Thus, the rest of the table can be completed. Note that .1 Meg is the same as 100K. Resistor 5 requires the most thought. The silver band indicates a 10-percent tolerance. If we consider that the minimum value is 90 percent, then we can get the actual value by dividing 423K by 90 percent to get 470K. The rest is then straightforward. Power Considerations You are already familiar with the fact that heat is gen- erated when current passes through a material. The amount 902 ' tt WATTS, P=?R I ees warts Fig. 4-19. Power dissipated increases as current increases. of heat generated depends on two factors—the resistance of the material and the amount of current passing through it. Through the use of special constants, temperature can be converted directly into units of power called watts. These 1 tt WATTS P=PR ' WATTS Fig. 4-20. Power dissipated increases as resistance increases. units can be found by multiplying the resistance by the square of the current. Fig. 4-19 shows how increasing the current increases the heat generated and as a result the power dissipated in the resistor. Fig. 4-20 shows how in- creasing the size of the resistor (while maintaining the same \PPROX. LENGTH] 2K RESISTORS JATTAGE RAT ua" = aw 38" = ew ue" hh Ww WIREWOUND. a gs) ) Se ‘COMPOSITION Fig. 4-21. Comparison of resistor size versus wattage rating. current) increases the power dissipated. Fig. 4-21 shows how resistor size varies with typical wattage ratings. A wirewound resistor is shown for comparison. Q4-21. Power varies directly as the square of the Q4-22. Doubling the size of a resistor will ___. the amount of power dissipated by it. 91Your Answers Should Be: A4-21. Power varies directly as the square of the cur- rent. A4-22. Doubling the size of a resistor will double the amount of power dissipated by it. (This state- ment is true only if the current is maintained at the same value.) Effect of Temperature on Resistance As current passes through a resistor, heat is generated. The heat in turn will cause a change in resistor value. The amount of this change depends on the temperature coeffi- cient of the material. Fig. 4-22 shows a chart of a material whose temperature coefficient is +0.55 percent per degree centigrade. The horizontal axis shows the ambient tempera- ture while the vertical axis shows the factor by which the resistance must be multiplied for a particular temperature. Consider a 100-ohm resistor at 25 degrees where the mul- tiplication factor is 1.0 and therefore the resistance remains 100 ohms. At a temperature of 120 degrees the multiplica- tion factor is 1.5 and the resistance is 150 ohms. At a tem- perature of 185 degrees the multiplication factor is 2.0 and the resistance will be 200 ohms. This particular chart shows an increase in resistance with temperature, or a positive temperature coefficient. Some materials exhibit a negative coefficient and can be used to compensate for circuits in which changes in resistance will seriously affect their oper- ation. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT +,55%/°C AT 25°C ae R100 ° AT 120% s Cen 4] i Av 185% eat 12 [Reto00 J AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Fig. 4-22. Resistance increases with temperature. RESISTANCE MULTIPLICATION FACTOR 1Variable Resistors Until now we have considered only fixed resistors. How- ever, let us now examine the construction of those compo- nents that are made to be manually variable to answer specific circuit needs. Fig. 4-23 shows a sampling of such variable resistors, also called potentiometers. SLIDING CONTACT-WIREWOUND RECTANGULAR TRIMMER > 10K, ey 3 FA FINGER TIP POTENTIOMETERS Qs ‘ADJUSTMENT Fx. ADJUSTMENT TRIMMER Fig. 4-23. Variable resistors—potentiometers. Wirewound Sliding Contact—One very common type is the wirewound sliding-contact potentiometer shown in Fig. 4-24. It is constructed in the same fashion as the wirewound fixed resistor discussed previously. The difference lies in the manner in which a portion of the wires is exposed to allow the sliding contact to select any resistance. Once the proper (A) Construction. (B) Symbol. Fig. 4-24. Sliding contact wirewound potentiometer. resistance is selected, the screw may be tightened, which will tighten the clamp and prevent a change in the tap posi- tion. The schematic symbol for this type of resistor is shown in Fig. 4-24B. Where a high wattage resistor is required the wirewound type will be used. Q4-23. When a material’s resistance decreases as its temperature increases it is said to have a(an) temperature coefficient. Q4-24. The temperature of a material (increases, de- creases) as the current through it increases. 93
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