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The document provides an instruction manual for the Robertson AP45 Autopilot system, including details about its operation, installation, configuration and maintenance.

The document is an instruction manual that provides guidance on the proper use and maintenance of the Robertson AP45 Autopilot system to ensure safe and effective operation.

The document gives an overview of the autopilot system and its components. It provides information on how to install, operate and troubleshoot the system. Specifications and wiring diagrams are also included.


Robertson AP45

This page is intentionally left blank.
Simrad Egersund AS makes every effort to ensure that the information
contained within this document is correct. However, our equipment is
continuously being improved and updated, so we cannot assume liability for
any errors which may occur.
The information contained within this document remains the sole property of
Simrad Egersund AS. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced
in any form or by any means, and the information contained within is not to be
passed on to a third party, without the prior written consent of
Simrad Egersund AS.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the
purpose for which it was designed. Improper use or maintenance may
cause damage to the equipment or injury to personnel. The user must
be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before
attempting to operate or work on the equipment.

Simrad Egersund AS disclaims any responsibility for damage or

injury caused by improper installation, use or maintenance of the

Simrad Egersund AS Telephone: +47 51 46 20 00

Nyskaien Telefax: +47 51 46 20 01
P.O. Box 55
N-4379 Egersund, Norway
Robertson AP45
Modification record

Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Document revisions
Rev. Written by Checked by Approved by
Date Sign. Date Sign. Date Sign.
January 1996 08.01.96 N.G. 08.01.96 I.K. 08.01.96 Th.H.
September 1997 08.09.97 N.G. 08.09.97 I.K. 08.09.97 Th.H.
October 1998 01.10.98 N.G. 01.10.98 I.K. 01.10.98 Th.H.
September 1999 15.09.99 N.G. 15.09.99 I.K. 15.09.99 Th.H.
June 2002 29.05.02 29.05.02 29.05.02

Document history
Rev. Action/Changes/References

September 1990 Covers the software versions V1R0, V1R1, V1R2 and V1R3. New rudder feedback
RF45 included.
January 1996 Updated to software version V1R4. Major extensions of section 3 and 5. RI40
substitutes RI45. G45 included.
September 1997 Modifications due to improved protection against electro magnetic interference,
page 5-1, 5-2, 5-17 and 8-1. J45A grounding page 5-21. Modification on fig. 5-29.
Soft start function included on page 3-6. Corrected number of bushings on page 5-
26 and page 5-28. Missing length group 60-100 ft included on page 6-4. Corrected
text in fig. 6-2. Page 5-33: Switch position 8 and 9 changed to NMEA 0183.
October 1998 Minor corrections on following pages: 2-5, 2-6, 2-11, 2-12, 5-3, 5-8, 5-20, 5-21, 5-31,
5-33, 6-1, 7-1, 7-2, 7-4 and 8-3.
September 1999 RI40 substituted by RI9, RI101 by RI35. RF45 substituted by RF45X. S3
substituted by S35. Removed the NMEA0180, inverse polarity. RFC250 substituted
by RFC35NS. New distributor list.
June 2002 Note on page 5-31 included. New distributor list.

To assist us in making improvements to this manual, we would welcome comments and constructive
criticisms. Please send all such comments, in writing to:

Simrad Egersund AS
Documentation Department
P.O. Box 55,
N-4379 Egersund

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45
Modification record


An autopilot is a very useful navigational aid, but DOES NOT under any
circumstance replace a human navigator.
Do not use automatic steering when:
In heavy traffic areas or in narrow waters
In poor visibility or extreme sea conditions
When in areas where use of autopilot is prohibited by law
When using an autopilot:
Do not leave the helm unattended
Do not place any magnetic material or equipment near magnetic or
fluxgate compass used in the autopilot system
Verify at regular intervals course and position of vessel
Always switch to Standby mode in due time to avoid hazardous situations

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45
Modification record

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page I
Table of contents

1. GENERAL INFORMATION..................................................1-1
Introduction ...................................................................................................................1-1
System description.........................................................................................................1-1
AP45 Control Unit.........................................................................................................1-1
Heading Sensors ............................................................................................................1-1
Rudder Feedback Units .................................................................................................1-2
Junction units.................................................................................................................1-3
Optional equipment .......................................................................................................1-3
Remote Controls............................................................................................................1-3
Rudder Angle Indicators................................................................................................1-4

2. OPERATION OF THE AUTOPILOT...................................2-1

General ..........................................................................................................................2-1
Front Panel ....................................................................................................................2-1
Mode selection ..............................................................................................................2-1
Parameter setting ...........................................................................................................2-3
Course selection.............................................................................................................2-4
Navigating with the AP45..............................................................................................2-5
Mixed mode, XTE & CTS.............................................................................................2-5
XTE mode .....................................................................................................................2-6
Steering by bearing to waypoint (CTS) .........................................................................2-8
Remote Controls General ............................................................................................2-10
F200-40 Remote Control .............................................................................................2-10
S9 Steering Lever ........................................................................................................2-11
FU91 Follow up Steering Lever ..................................................................................2-14
Fault warnings .............................................................................................................2-16

3. DESIGN AND THEORY OF OPERATION.........................3-1

Automatic Steering ........................................................................................................3-1
AP45 Control Unit.........................................................................................................3-2
CD109 Course Detector ................................................................................................3-2
Rudder Feedback Units .................................................................................................3-3
RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit ......................................................................................3-3
RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit (optional)...................................................................3-3
Junction Units................................................................................................................3-4
J45S Junction Unit.........................................................................................................3-4
J45A Electronic Junction Unit.......................................................................................3-6

4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................4-1

AP45 Control Unit.........................................................................................................4-1
CD109 Course Detector ................................................................................................4-2
RFC35NS Fluxgate compass .........................................................................................4-3
G40A Gyro Interface .....................................................................................................4-4
G45 Gyro Interface........................................................................................................4-4
FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface ..........................................................................................4-5
RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit ......................................................................................4-5
RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit ...................................................................................4-6
J45S Junction Unit.........................................................................................................4-7
J45A Junction Unit ........................................................................................................4-7
S9 Steering Lever ..........................................................................................................4-8
FU91 Steering Lever .....................................................................................................4-8
S35 Steering Lever ........................................................................................................4-9
F1/2 Remote Control ...................................................................................................4-10
F200-40 Remote Control .............................................................................................4-10
RI35 Rudder Angle Indicator ......................................................................................4-11

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Egersund - Norway
Page II Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Table of contents

RI9 Rudder Angle Indicator ........................................................................................4-12

5. INSTALLATION .....................................................................5-1
Unpacking and handling ................................................................................................5-1
General ..........................................................................................................................5-1
AP45 Control Unit.........................................................................................................5-1
Connector assemble.......................................................................................................5-2
Heading sensors.............................................................................................................5-4
General ..........................................................................................................................5-4
Magnetic compass .........................................................................................................5-4
RFC35NS Fluxgate Compass ........................................................................................5-6
Mounting .......................................................................................................................5-6
Calibration .....................................................................................................................5-7
Alignment ......................................................................................................................5-8
FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface ..........................................................................................5-8
G40A Gyro Interface Unit .............................................................................................5-9
G45 Gyro Interface Unit..............................................................................................5-11
RGC Signal Interface Unit...........................................................................................5-12
RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit ....................................................................................5-13
RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit .................................................................................5-14
J45S Junction Unit.......................................................................................................5-19
J45A Junction Unit ......................................................................................................5-21
Optional equipment .....................................................................................................5-26
F200-40 Remote Control .............................................................................................5-26
S9 Steering Lever ........................................................................................................5-26
FU91 Steering Lever ...................................................................................................5-28
F1/2 Remote Control ...................................................................................................5-30
S35 Steering Lever ......................................................................................................5-30
RI9 Rudder Angle Indicator ........................................................................................5-31
RI35 Rudder Angle Indicator ......................................................................................5-33
Panel mounting ............................................................................................................5-34
Bracket mounting ........................................................................................................5-34
Illumination .................................................................................................................5-35
Zero adjust...................................................................................................................5-35
Reversed deflection .....................................................................................................5-35
Connection to Navigation Receiver .............................................................................5-36
Watch alarm ................................................................................................................5-37


Power ON ......................................................................................................................6-1
Rudder Feedback Adjustment........................................................................................6-1
Direction of Rudder Movement.....................................................................................6-1
Rudder speed .................................................................................................................6-2
Course Detector Alignment ...........................................................................................6-2
Selection of parameter settings ......................................................................................6-2
Select language..............................................................................................................6-3
Type of Heading Sensor ................................................................................................6-4
Off Course limit.............................................................................................................6-4
Vessel's length ...............................................................................................................6-4
Counter rudder...............................................................................................................6-5
Rudder limit...................................................................................................................6-5
Rudder deadband...........................................................................................................6-5
NMEA-format ...............................................................................................................6-5
Disengage of autotrim-function in WORK-mode ..........................................................6-5
Disengage of Off Course alarm in Work mode .............................................................6-6
Sea Trial ........................................................................................................................6-6

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page III
Table of contents

7. TROUBLE SHOOTING .........................................................7-1

Fault warnings ...............................................................................................................7-1
Debug/Adjust mode.......................................................................................................7-5

8. SPARE PARTS AND DRAWINGS .......................................8-1

AP45 Control Unit.........................................................................................................8-1
CD109 Course Detector ................................................................................................8-4
G40A Gyro Interface .....................................................................................................8-5
G45 Gyro Interface........................................................................................................8-7
FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface ..........................................................................................8-9
RF45X Rudder Feedback ..............................................................................................8-9
RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit ...................................................................................8-9
J45S Junction Unit.......................................................................................................8-10
J45A Junction Unit ......................................................................................................8-12
F200-40 Remote Control .............................................................................................8-14
S9 Steering Lever ........................................................................................................8-16
S35 Steering Lever ......................................................................................................8-16
FU91 Steering Lever ...................................................................................................8-16
RI9 Rudder Angle Indicator ........................................................................................8-17
RI35 Rudder Angle Indicator ......................................................................................8-17

9. SALES AND SERVICE WORLDWIDE (990901)...................9-1

FIG. 1-1 AP45 SYSTEM LAYOUT - BASIC SYSTEM WITH OPTIONS ................................1-1
FIG. 2-1 AP45 CONTROL UNIT - FRONT PANEL ...........................................................2-1
FIG. 3-1 AUTOPILOT PRINCIPLE DIAGRAM ...................................................................3-1
FIG. 3-2 PROCESSOR CONTROLLED AUTOPILOT ...........................................................3-1
FIG. 3-3 COURSE DETECTOR PRINCIPLE ......................................................................3-2
FIG. 3-4 RF45X PRINCIPLE .........................................................................................3-3
FIG. 3-5 BASIC SYSTEM ................................................................................................3-4
FIG. 3-6 SOLENOIDS WITH POSITIVE COMMON ............................................................3-5
FIG. 3-7 SOLENOIDS WITH NEGATIVE COMMON ...........................................................3-5
FIG. 3-8 J45A PRINCIPLE ............................................................................................3-6
FIG. 4-1 AP45 CONTROL UNIT - DIMENSIONS .............................................................4-1
FIG. 4-2 CD109 COURSE DETECTOR............................................................................4-2
FIG. 4-3 RFC35NS - DIMENSIONS ..............................................................................4-3
FIG. 4-4 G40A GYRO INTERFACE - DIMENSIONS .........................................................4-4
FIG. 4-5 FI100-40 FLUXGATE INTERFACE - DIMENSIONS ...........................................4-5
FIG. 4-6 RF45X RUDDER FEEDBACK - DIMENSIONS ...................................................4-5
FIG. 4-7 RF14XU RUDDER FEEDBACK UNIT - DIMENSIONS........................................4-6
FIG. 4-8 J45S/J45A/G45 - DIMENSIONS .....................................................................4-7
FIG. 4-9 S9 STEERING LEVER - DIMENSIONS ..............................................................4-8
FIG. 4-10 FU91 STEERING LEVER - DIMENSIONS .......................................................4-8
FIG. 4-11 S35 STEERING LEVER - DIMENSIONS ..........................................................4-9
FIG. 4-12 F1/2 REMOTE CONTROL - DIMENSIONS.....................................................4-10
FIG. 4-13 F200-40 REMOTE CONTROL DIMENSIONS.................................................4-10
FIG. 4-14 RI35 RUDDER ANGLE INDICATOR - DIMENSIONS......................................4-11
FIG. 4-15 RI9 RUDDER ANGLE INDICATOR - DIMENSIONS........................................4-12
FIG. 5-1 AP45 CONTROL UNIT - PANEL MOUNT .........................................................5-1
FIG. 5-2 AP45 CONTROL UNIT - BRACKET MOUNTING ...............................................5-1
FIG. 5-3 CONTROL UNIT - CONNECTOR MOUNTING......................................................5-2
FIG. 5-4 AP45 EXTERNAL CABLING DIAGRAM .............................................................5-3
FIG. 5-5 CD109 COURSE DETECTOR - MOUNTING ......................................................5-5
FIG. 5-6 AP45/RFC35NS - CONNECTION ...................................................................5-7
FIG. 5-7 RFC35NS - INTERNAL CONNECTION ...........................................................5-7

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Egersund - Norway
Page IV Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Table of contents

FIG. 5-8 AP45/FI100-40 FLUXGATE INTERFACE - WIRING .........................................5-8

FIG. 5-9 G40A GYRO INTERFACE CONNECTIONS ........................................................5-9
FIG. 5-10 G40A PC-BOARD - SWITCH LOCATION.......................................................5-10
FIG. 5-13 G45 INPUT/OUTPUT ...................................................................................5-12
FIG. 5-14 AP45/RGC SIGNAL INTERFACE UNIT - WIRING ........................................5-12
FIG. 5-16 RF45X RUDDER FEEDBACK UNIT - MOUNTING ........................................5-13
FIG. 5-17 RF14XU - MOUNTING ...............................................................................5-14
FIG. 5-18 RF45 TEMPLATE SCALE 1:1 ......................................................................5-15
FIG. 5-19 SCREEN TERMINATION ...............................................................................5-17
FIG. 5-20 RF14XU INTERNAL WIRING ......................................................................5-18
FIG. 5-21 RF14XU/J45S - WIRING ...........................................................................5-19
FIG. 5-22 J45A JUNCTION UNIT GROUNDING ...........................................................5-21
FIG. 5-23 AP45 WIRING DIAGRAM - BASIC SYSTEM (015936H).................................5-22
FIG. 5-26 AP45/J45 WIRING DIAGRAM ......................................................................5-25
FIG. 5-27 F200-40/AP45 - WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................5-26
FIG. 5-28 S9 MOUNTING ...........................................................................................5-26
FIG. 5-29 S9/AP45 - WIRING DIAGRAM .....................................................................5-27
FIG. 5-30 S9 STEERING LEVER - INTERNAL WIRING ..................................................5-27
FIG. 5-31 FU91 MOUNTING ......................................................................................5-28
FIG. 5-32 FU91 WITHOUT MODE SWITCHING ............................................................5-28
FIG. 5-33 FU91 WITH MODE SWITCHING ...................................................................5-29
FIG. 5-34 FU91 MULTIPLE INSTALLATION................................................................5-29
FIG. 5-35 S35, F1/2 - AP45 - WIRING DIAGRAM........................................................5-30
FIG. 5-36 AP45 WIRING DIAGRAM - J3 W/MULTIPLE INPUT ......................................5-30
FIG. 5-37 RI9 WIRING DIAGRAM................................................................................5-31
FIG. 5-38 RI9 INPUT SIGNAL SELECTION ..................................................................5-32
FIG. 5-39 RI35-J45A WIRING DIAGRAM ...................................................................5-33
FIG. 5-40 RI35-J45S WIRING DIAGRAM ...................................................................5-33
FIG. 5-41 PANEL MOUNTING......................................................................................5-34
FIG. 5-42 RI35 BRACKET MOUNTING .......................................................................5-34
AND INCLUDING REVISION G) .............................................................................5-36
FIG. 5-44 AP45/NAVIGATION RECEIVER - WIRING ....................................................5-37
FIG. 5-45 WA9 CIRCUIT/WIRING DIAGRAM ...............................................................5-37
FIG. 6-1 AP45 INSTALLATION LOOP ............................................................................6-3
FIG. 6-2 COUNTER RUDDER SETTINGS .........................................................................6-7
FIG. 8-1 AP45 EXPLODED VIEW ..................................................................................8-2
FIG. 8-2 AP45 SIGNAL REFERENCE .............................................................................8-3
FIG. 8-3 CD109 - SPARE PARTS ...................................................................................8-4
FIG. 8-4 G40A COMPONENT REFERENCE ....................................................................8-5
FIG. 8-5 G40A CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ...............................................................................8-6
FIG. 8-6 G45 COMPONENT REFERENCE.......................................................................8-7
FIG. 8-7 G45 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ..................................................................................8-8
FIG. 8-8 RF14XU - SPARE PARTS ................................................................................8-9
FIG. 8-9 J45S COMPONENT REFERENCE ...................................................................8-10
FIG. 8-10 J45S CIRCUIT DIAGRAM .............................................................................8-11
FIG. 8-11 J45A COMPONENT REFERENCE .................................................................8-12
FIG. 8-12 J45A CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ............................................................................8-13
FIG. 8-13 F200-40 COMPONENT REFERENCE ............................................................8-14
FIG. 8-14 F200-40 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM .......................................................................8-15
FIG. 8-15 RI40 EXPLODED VIEW ...............................................................................8-17

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 1-1
General Information

Introduction Today Simrad manufacture a complete range of autopilots for all types of vessels,
from leisure boats up to advanced steering systems for merchant marine vessels.
Our factory for these products branded Robertson is located in Egersund, on
the south/west coast of Norway. The companys involvement in autopilots began in
1953 with equipment for the North Sea fishing fleet.
In 1982 the world's first microprocessor based autopilot, the Robertson AP100, was
introduced and shortly after the AP9 and AP40 systems followed.
The AP45 autopilot described in this document is based on the experience with the
AP40 and the AP9 models. A series of improvements based upon this experience
has been implemented in the new model and special attention has been paid to
simplified operation.

System description The standard AP45 system consists of the following units (refer to Fig. 1-1):
1. AP45 Control Unit with accessories
2. Heading sensor
3. Rudder Feedback Unit with transmission link
4. Junction Unit

Fig. 1-1
AP45 System layout - Basic system with options

AP45 Control Unit All settings and operation of the autopilot take place on the control unit. In
addition to push buttons it has two LCD-displays and a course selector knob on
the front panel. The control unit is made of seawater resistant aluminium and has
a polyester coating to protect it against the environment. The main electronics are
located in the control unit, and connection to other system components are by high
quality connectors to facilitate reliability and easy maintenance.

Heading Sensors
The AP45 autopilot can be used with one of three different types of heading

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 1-2 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
General Information

1. Magnetic compass with CD109 Course Detector

2. RFC35NS Fluxgate compass*
3. Gyrocompass (using optional G40A or G45 Interface Unit)
*) For other types of Fluxgate Compass the FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface must be
CD109 Course Detector
CD109 is a magnetic sensor in moulded plastic which is mounted on the vessel's
magnetic compass to transfer the heading to the control unit.
RFC35NS Fluxgate Compass
This is an electronic sense unit with NMEA- and sine/cosine output. The compass
has a 0,3 m pigtail cable. RFC35NS substitutes the RFC250 Fluxgate compass.
RFC250 cable (P/N 20183554) is necessary at new installations.
G40A/G45 Gyro Interface Unit
The gyro interface unit is connected between the AP45 and a gyro compass. It
utilises the repeater signal output from the gyro compass to generate a sine/cosine
heading signal for the autopilot.
G40A to be used with stepper or geared synchro signal. G45 to be used with
synchro 1:1 signal.
FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface
FI100-40 is an interface unit to be connected between the AP45 and an electronic
fluxgate compass with sine/cosine output, e.g. VDO, Marinex, Sowester, Brooks &

Rudder Feedback RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit

Units This unit transmits two electrical signals proportional to the rudder angle. One
signal operates as a feedback for the autopilot, the other as drive signal for rudder
angle indicators. The unit is mounted close to the rudder stock and is mechanically
connected to the rudder by the T45 Transmission link.
RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit
This unit can replace the RF45 Rudder Feedback Unit in installations where a
more rugged construction of the feedback unit is preferred. Besides electronic
circuitry to generate feedback signals for the autopilot and rudder angle indicators
it has been provided with 2 sets of limit switches. RF14XU can not drive the RI101
Rudder Angle Indicator, but all other types of Robertson indicators.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 1-3
General Information

Junction units Except for a bigger cabinet, the J45S and the J45A junction units described in this
manual are identical to the previous versions, J200S-40 and J101A-40
J45S Junction unit
The J45S Junction Unit will operate continuously running hydraulic power units
with directional valves as Robertson RPU3 or similar. The unit contains a printed
circuit board with terminal block, fuse, galvanic isolated solid state output to
switch the solenoids and start relay for the Power Unit. All mounted in an
aluminium cabinet with polyester coating.
J45A Electronic Junction Unit
The unit provides variable speed control of reversible hydraulic power units (e.g.
Robertson RPU80, RPU100 RPU160 or RPU200) and mechanical power units
(MRD100 or HLD2000). The unit consists of a printed circuit board with terminal
block, fuse and drive electronics, mounted in the same type of aluminium cabinet
as the J45S.

Optional equipment A series of options are available for the basic AP45 system.

Remote Controls S9 Non-follow-up (NFU) steering lever

S9 is a splash proof steering lever for bulkhead or console mounting. The unit is
constructed of a machined aluminium housing. The internal mechanism of the S9
permits locking of the lever in the mid-position to avoid inadvertent operation.
When connected to the AP45, the S9 can also be used to switch the mode of the
autopilot when the lever is pulled out or pushed in.
FU91 Follow-Up (FU) steering lever
FU91 is a splash proof steering lever for bulkhead or console mounting. The unit
has a 45-0-45 degrees dial and a Push to take command button. By positioning the
lever, a desired rudder angle can be set without using a rudder angle indicator.
Dimensions and design are the same as the S9, and it has a mid-position detent.
S35 Non Follow Up (NFU) Steering Lever
S35 is designed for indoor and outdoor bulkhead mounting. The lever is spring
loaded to midposition. It also has a Mode button that is not used when connected
to AP45.
F1/2 Remote Control (NFU)
F1/2 is a handheld control for push button steering, fitted with a rubber grip. It is
made of cast seawater resistant aluminium and fitted with a 10 meter (30 ft.)
F200-40 Remote Control
F200-40 is a multifunction hand held remote control with a 4-digit LCD display
and a course selector knob to set course or rudder angle. It has push buttons for
power steering, course adjustment and mode selection between power steering,
dodging and auto steering. The unit consists of a PC board mounted in a splash
proof aluminium cabinet fitted with a 7m (23 ft) cable connecting to the control

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 1-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
General Information

Rudder Angle RI9 Rudder Angle Indicator

Indicators RI9 is an analogue indicator showing the rudder position at angles up to 45
degrees on each side of midship position. The scaling is 2 degrees pr. division.
The scale illumination is adjustable by a knob on the front.
The housing is constructed of painted aluminium intended for either bulkhead or
console mounting. The splash proof construction is suitable for exposed mounting
RI35 Rudder Angle Indicator
RI35 is an analogue indicator showing the rudder position at angles up to 45
degrees on each side of midship position. The scaling is five degrees pr. division.
A front panel key is used for rudder zero adjustment and illumination adjustment.
The splash proof construction allows panel, bulkhead or bracket mounting in
exposed locations, such as bridge wings as well as wheel house and engine room.
RI35 is delivered with a 20 meter (65 feet) cable.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-1



Fig. 2-1
AP45 Control Unit - front panel

AP45 autopilot is operated by means of keypad push buttons on the front panel. To
facilitate operation, the buttons are marked with text and symbols. The buttons
are backlighted, activated mode buttons being brighter than the others.
Course selection is made by the rotary Course Selector Knob. Course adjustments
in steps of one degree can be achieved by the port or starboard push buttons.
The front panel has two LCD displays, referred to as the information display (left
side) and the course display (right side). An alarm buzzer and an alarm reset
button is also on the front panel.
A few simple operations like pressing a button and/or turning the Course Selector
Knob is required in ordinary use of the autopilot. All other instructions and data
required for the operation is stored in the autopilot at delivery from Robertson.

Front Panel The front panel can be divided into three sections: Mode selection, Parameter
setting and Course selection.

Mode selection Together with the OFF-button and the 4 mode buttons, this section also contains
an alarm buzzer and ALARM RESET-button.
The MANUAL button serves two purposes. It switches on the autopilot and selects
manual steering mode. In this mode the Course Display gives a digital readout of
compass heading, while the vessel can be steered manually by helm or steering
The AUTO-mode is used under normal conditions when the boat is steered
automatically on a preset course.
When the AUTO-button is pressed, the autopilot selects the current vessel
heading as "course to steer".

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 2-2 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Any difference between course to steer and the vessel's actual heading will then be
shown as a bargraph in the Information Display. One bar equals one degree.
Rudder commands are indicated by an arrow in the lower left or right corner of
the information display depending upon which direction the autopilot commands
the rudder to move.
The WORK-mode is an automatic mode to be used under operational conditions
different from those normally found when a vessel is under motor power on a
preset course. Examples are trawling, towing, sailing, slow speed etc.
In WORK-mode the PORT- and STBD-buttons can be used for immediate rudder
off-set (trim) if necessary. This manual off-set compensates for the built-in
autotrim which needs time to build up the appropriate off-set.
The Information Display shows the off-set value when the PORT- or STBD button
is pressed.
Boats under sail power and some trawlers may need a rudder off-set when steered
by hand. To avoid cancellation of the rudder off-set when changing to automatic
steering, the WORK-mode can be selected directly from MANUAL-mode. The
rudder off-set is then maintained as "on course" reference. This off-set is also
maintained when changing from WORK to NAV mode.
If the AUTO-mode is selected from MANUAL-mode, the rudder is first taken to
midposition before a sufficient off-set of the rudder is built-up automatically
A different RUDDER value may be preferred in WORK-mode as compared to that
in AUTO-mode. The WORK-mode value will be stored in the AP45 memory for
later use.
Pair-trawling that requires manual trim only, will also require that the autotrim
be disabled. Refer to Disengage of autotrim-function in WORK-mode, page 6-5,
for specific details.
NAV-mode is used when a navigation receiver is connected to the autopilot for
automatic waypoint steering. To be able to use the NAV-mode with older AP45
(below s.n. 4000), the main PCB must be equipped with the N40 Navigation
When the NAV-mode is selected, the AP45 automatically monitors the signals
from the navigation system. If the signals are absent or in a different format than
the data format selected in the AP45, an alarm will be given to alert the operator.
See Navigating with the AP45 page 2-5.
The autopilot is switched off by pressing the OFF-button for 2 seconds, during
which time the alarm will sound. The alarm ceases when the AP45 is switched off.
If the OFF-button is released before two seconds have elapsed, the autopilot will
continue to operate as before and the alarm signal is automatically reset.
Rudder commands will stop as long as the OFF-button is pressed. All pre-set
parameters in the autopilot are stored while the unit is switched off.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-3

The acoustic alarm is reset by pressing the red alarm push button.
Alarm messages shown on the information display are described under Fault
warnings, page 2-16.

Parameter setting General

The middle section of the AP45 control unit contains 4 push buttons and an
Information Display. The display shows selected mode, deviation from set course,
parameter settings and other user information. When RUDDER or WEATHER
buttons are pressed, the display shows which button has been activated and to
what level the value has been set by the number of bars as well as in plain figures.
The display returns to normal read-out, showing the selected mode one minute
after the last press on one of the buttons.
The text in the Information Display can be in one of five selectable languages:
English, French, German, Spanish and Norwegian (see Select language, page 6-
Turn on
Turn on the AP45 by pressing the MANUAL button. The information display will
show for approx. three seconds:


Then it switches to:


If the autopilot is connected to and set up for a gyrocompass with geared synchro
or stepper signal, the display will show at turn on:

Use the + or - button until the autopilot display shows the same heading as the
Then press the MANUAL button and the display will again show:

When clear of obstacles and in open waters, steer your vessel on course and press
the AUTO button.
The display will now show:

and the autopilot will automatically keep your vessel on course.
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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

These buttons are used to alter various settings. Each time one button is pressed,
the value shown on the Information Display, will increase (+) or decrease () by
one unit. The value is also shown as a graphical bar. If a button is pressed for
more than two seconds, the value will automatically increase or decrease until the
button is released.
When the RUDDER button is pressed, the Information Display shows selected
RUDDER value. The RUDDER value sets the ratio between rudder angle and
heading error (p-factor).
Example: If RUDDER is set to 1.0 and there is a heading error of 2 degrees, the
rudder angle will be 2 degrees. (Heading error x RUDDER value = rudder angle).
The correct RUDDER setting is dependant upon the size and speed of the vessel.
The RUDDER value should increase with decreasing speed.
RUDDER should be set separately in WORK-mode, to optimise the autopilot
Examples of incorrect RUDDER settings:
A value which is too low gives
relatively large and slow oscillations A
(s-ing) around set course, and several
rudder commands are given in the
same direction before the vessel is
back on course.
A value which is too high will give
quick and in worst case increasing B
oscillations (s-ing) around set course.
The correct setting of RUDDER will be approximately in the middle of the settings
described in A and B above.
The WEATHER setting determines the amount of degrees the vessel may fall off
the set course before any response is given from the rudder. In calm weather it
should be set to OFF which means that theoretically the autopilot allows no
deviation from set course. The WEATHER value should be increased with
increasing sea state.
In conditions where active steering is required, (e.g. following sea condition), the
value should be reduced.

Course selection The course selection section on the autopilot consists of a course display, a course
selector knob and two course adjustment buttons, PORT and STBD.
The Course Display gives a readout of actual ships heading in MANUAL-mode
and set course in AUTO-, WORK- and NAV-mode. The selected mode is also
shown to the left on the display by the same letter as on the mode buttons.
The course selector knob is used for major course changes in AUTO- and WORK-
mode. To activate the knob it must be pressed down, released, and then turned.
Clockwise turns gives a starboard course change and vice versa. One revolution on
the course selector knob is equal to a 60 degree course change. If the knob is not
turned within 10 seconds, it has to be pressed again.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-5

The PORT and STBD push buttons are for minor course adjustments, pressed
once gives a one degree course change in the appropriate direction. In WORK-
mode however, the buttons are used for manual rudder trim, and course
changes can therefore only be made by the course selector knob.

Navigating with the The AP45 has the capability to use steering information from an external
AP45 navigator (GPS, LORAN, Plotter) to direct the boat to a specific waypoint location,
or through a route of waypoints. In the NAV mode, the AP45 uses the heading
sensor as it's primary source of heading for course keeping. The steering
information received from the external navigator alters the set course to direct the
AP45 to the destination waypoint.

Navigational steering must only be used in open waters. The process of having an
external navigation receiver direct an autopilot can be a slow acting process. By
selecting the NAV mode, the AP45 is set for automatic steering on the current set
course and then waits for the user to accept the course change to the destination
To obtain satisfactory navigation steering, the following points must be fulfilled
prior to entering the NAV mode:
The AP45 autosteering must be tested and found satisfactory.
The navigation receiver must be operating and the navigation system (GPS,
LORAN, Decca) must be in full operating mode with adequate signal
characteristics for valid position and steering data.
The magnetic compass or Fluxgate must have a minimum of deviation.
At least one waypoint must be entered and selected as the current waypoint in
the navigation receiver.

Mixed mode, XTE & The AP45 is from the factory set up to steer in mixed mode operation (CTS &
CTS XTE). This combines the straight steering capability of cross track error (XTE)
steering in conjunction with the turning capability of bearing mode steering (CTS).
When operating the AP45 in NAV mode to automatically steer through a route of
waypoints, it will steer to the first waypoint in the route after you accept the first
waypoint as the location to steer to. When you arrive at the waypoint, you will
need to verify that the upcoming course change is acceptable. Verification is
performed by pressing the Alarm reset button after the alert screen is displayed. If
no verification is received, the AP45 will continue on the current set course in
AUTO mode.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-6 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

GPS satellite

00 ON TRACK 04 XTE =R0.01NM



WAYPOINT 1 New heading = 70

Heading =100



Steering through a route of waypoints with the AP45 allows you the total flexibility
for automatic waypoint sequencing, but combines the safety feature of requiring
operator acknowledge for course changes in excess of 10 degrees.
If the AP45 is connected to a Nav. receiver that does not transmit a message with
bearing to next waypoint, it will pick a XTE message and steer on Cross Track
Error only. In that case you have to revert to AUTO mode at each waypoint and
manually change set course to equal bearing to next waypoint and then select NAV
mode again.

XTE mode When the AP45 steers using cross track error only, it corrects the set course in
order to keep the vessel on a straight track between two waypoints. Bearing
change at waypoints must be made manually by temporarily go to Auto mode -
change set course - and revert to Nav. mode.
Use the following procedure for XTE steering:
1. Enter the desired bearing line(s) to the Nav. receiver using the present position
and the first waypoint or destination. Distance between waypoints should be of
minimum 2-3 n.m. Otherwise there may not be sufficient time for the system to
calculate the XTE, and for the autopilot to alter the course and bring the vessel
onto the bearing line again.
2. Read the calculated bearing to waypoint from the Nav.receiver.
3. Select AUTO-mode on the AP45, and set the course to the waypoint showed on
the navigation receiver.
Before going to step 4, ensure that the XTE is within +/- 0.1 n.m. to avoid
hazardous course change when selecting NAV-mode.
4. Select NAV-mode on the AP45. The autopilot now automatically changes the
set course to reduce the Cross Track Error (XTE) to zero. The information
display shows the number of degrees the autopilot has changed the set course,
and the XTE in 1/100's of a nautical mile. Note that the display readout will be
delayed, depending upon the NAV. FILTER setting.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-7


05 XTE=R 0.02Nm

R indicates that the vessel is located to the right of the bearing line, and L
indicates to the left of the bearing line.

05 is the number of degrees course correction relative to initial set course. As
the vessel approaches the bearing line, the correction value decreases and
when the vessel is on track, the information display shows:

The display may show X number of degrees course correction even if it says ON
5. As the vessel gets within the arrival circle set on the navigational receiver, or
as the vessel passes the perpendicular line to the waypoint, the receiver
transmits a "data not valid" signal to the autopilot. An alarm will then activate
and the course to steer will no longer be updated.
To proceed to the next waypoint, the procedure should be repeated from step 2
Reset the alarm on the autopilot and navigational receiver.
Select AUTOPILOT mode on the autopilot
Use Course Change knob/buttons on the autopilot to set the new course given
by the Nav. receiver.
Press NAV
Navigational steering is a slow acting process and the vessel normally follows the
bearing line with a deviation of 0.02 - 0.03 n.m.(40-50 meters). Higher deviation
may temporarily occur due to rapid change of current, wind, speed or at start-up
from a position off the track line.

05 XTE = R0.02NM






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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-8 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Steering by bearing For some navigational receivers, bearing to a waypoint or course to steer is used
to waypoint (CTS) as the steering information.
If a satellite navigator is used, it should have compass and log input to ensure
proper dead reckoning between each fix.
1. Set the navigation receiver to calculate bearing to a waypoint from present
2. Select AUTO-mode on the AP45, and set the course selector knob to the bearing
showed on the navigation receiver.
3. Select NAV-mode. The output signals from the navigation receiver will correct
the course to steer to make the vessel steer towards the waypoint.
The Information display shows time since last update and the amount of course
change in degrees, while the course display shows the new course to steer.
08 MIN CHG:05
1. If the corrections from the navigation receiver initiates a course change greater
than 10 degrees, the autopilot alarm is activated and the course change has to
be acknowledged using the ALARM RESET button.
A typical sailing situation is illustrated in figure below.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-9

Transit satellites


Heading: 100



08MIN CHG 00 00MIN CHG 05 15MIN CHG 00




Waypoint 2 has been reached. Continue as follows:

If the heading to next waypoint, showed on the heading display, is accepted,
press RESET.
If not, press AUTOPILOT mode and continue without Nav. Steering
By pressing RESET, the new heading is automatically entered and the autopilot
will turn the vessel towards the new heading.
When reaching waypoint 3, repeat the same procedure.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-10 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Remote Controls The different types of Remote Controls that can be connected to AP45, have
General different way of operation, depending on the system configuration.

F200-40 Remote The F200-40 hand held remote control makes it possible
Control to remotely control the AP45 autopilot.
The following control functions are obtainable:
Display that shows vessel heading or set course like
the course display on the control unit.
Course selection by a rotating knob
Course adjustments by push buttons
Mode selection
Manual steering by course selector knob (Follow-Up)
Manual steering by push buttons (Non-Follow-Up)
Option (selected during installation or sea trial):
Dodging by means of course selector knob and
automatic return to previous set course.
F200-40 without dodging

Press AP45 Function AP45 F200 Display

Mode Display
MANUAL NFU NON H 080 Vessels heading
steering by
push buttons
MODE MANUAL Follow-Up F200 F 00 Amidships, no
steering by rudder command
F200 course F 04 4 port rudder
selector command
F 32 32 starboard rudder
MODE AUTO Autosteering A 146 Set course
Course set AUTO
by the
selector or
button on

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-11

F200-40 with dodging

Press AP45 Function AP45 Display F200 Display
MANUAL NFU H 080 Vessels heading
steering by MANUAL
MODE MANUAL Follow-Up F 00 Amidships, no
steering by MANUAL rudder command
F200 course 4 port rudder
selector F 04 command
32 starboard
F 32 rudder command
MODE AUTO Autosteering A 146 Set course
Course set AUTO
by the
selector or
button on
MODE Returns
long to
press MANUAL
MODE AUTO DODGING F 00 Amidships, no
short *******
made by the DODGING
rudder command
F200 course 4 port rudder
selector F 04 command
32 starboard
F 32 rudder command
MODE Returns to
previous set

S9 Steering Lever The S9 steering lever is intended for use together with
e.g. AP45 Autopilot. Several units can be connected in
parallel, but only if configured as alternative 1 (see
next page)
Activation is achieved by pulling out the lever. The
lever is spring loaded to mid position, and can be used
for starboard or port rudder commands. After
finishing the manoeuvres the lever will be locked
when pushed back to non-operational position.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-12 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Alternative operation.
The S9 can be configured in four alternatives. At delivery from Robertson the S9 is
connected for alternative 1. If alternative 2, 3 or 4 is to be used, S9 has to be
modified according to the chapter S9 Steering Lever, page 5-26.
If a F200-40 also is connected, only alternative 1 can be used.

Alternative 1 (No resistor)

S9 Lever AP45 Mode Function AP45 Displays


moving lever to MANUAL
left or right
IN AUTO, S9 locked A 146

OUT AUTO, Course change A 146

WORK by moving lever AUTOMATIC

Alternative 2 (R = 1K)
S9 Lever AP45 Mode Function AP45 Displays


moving lever to MANUAL
left or right
IN AUTO, S9 locked A 146

OUT AUTO, Dodging made by DODGING H 080

WORK lever

IN AUTO, S9 locked. A 146

previous course

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-13

Alternative 3 (R = 3K)
S9 Lever AP45 Mode Function AP45 Displays


moving lever to MANUAL
left or right
IN AUTO, S9 locked A 146


moving lever MANUAL


Remains in Return to MANUAL
manual mode
previous course
until new mode
has been selected
on control unit.

Alternative 4 (R = 5,1K)
S9 Lever AP45 Mode Function AP45 Displays


moving lever to MANUAL
left or right
IN AUTO, S9 locked A 146


moving lever MANUAL

IN AUTO, S9 locked. A 080

new set course,
same as vessels

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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-14 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

FU91 Follow up Operation

Steering Lever The FU91 is activated by operating the push to
take command (PTTC) button. When in
COMMAND, the button light is switched on
and the autopilot INFO display will show:

Rudder commands are made by setting the lever
to the required rudder angle, wherafter the
rudder will move to the commanded angle and
FU91 may be connected to AP45 in two different
ways. See Fig. 5-32 and Fig. 5-33
FU91 without mode switching
The lever can only be activated when the autopilot is in Helmsman mode. Pressing
the PTTC button repeatedly will toggle between NFU and FU mode on AP45. See
table below.

FU91 AP45 Function AP45 Displays

Switch Mode
lever or push button MANUAL
ON MANUAL Follow Up steering by FOLLOW UP H 085
moving FU91 lever to MANUAL
desired rudder angle
as read on FU91
ON-OFF AUTO Automatic steering ***** A 080
If the Helmsman button is pressed when the FU91 is active, or if a NFU lever is
operated, the autopilot will go to NFU mode even though the PTTC button light is
on. However, as soon as the FU91 is operated again (lever is moved), the autopilot
will resume FU mode.
For safety reason, the FU91 should always be switched to OFF when not in use.

FU91 with mode switching

The lever can be activated also with autopilot in Auto mode. Pressing the PTTC
button brings the AP45 into Helmsman mode. What mode/sequence you get when
pressing the PTTC button again is depending on which value of the resistor R is
installed (Ref. page 5-29)
R = 1K: Auto - Dodge - Auto (previous course)
R = 3K: Auto Manual - Manual
R = 5,1K: Auto - Manual - Auto (new course)
The mode change sequence is in principle similar to S9 operation alt. 2, 3 and 4
explained at page 2-12 and 2-13.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-15

Multiple FU91 installation

The operation of each lever is identical to above description of a single lever.
Activating one FU91 will deactivate the one that was previously active.

FU91 and S9 connected to the same autopilot

It is recommended not to have both S9 and FU91 in operational condition at the
same time. This may create confusion and inadvertent operation. The main rules
Always put the S9 lever to locked position after use .
Always switch the FU91 to OFF after use.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 2-16 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Fault warnings The following fault warnings may be shown on the Information Display:


Course deviation is greater than selected off course alarm limit. Press the Alarm
button to cancel the alarm. The alarm is automatically reset when the vessel is
back within the limit.


Indicates that the autopilot is not reading rudder feedback signal. By pressing the
alarm reset button, the audible alarm will be reset and the autopilot will switch to
a simulated signal, instead of the real. This is indicated by a flashing * * SIM * *
on the information display. Repair actions should be taken when back in port.


If a rudder command is not executed, or the rudder moves in wrong direction, this
message will be shown on the display. The reason can be a malfunction of the
steering gear, or simply that the steering gear is not switched on.



Check that the nav. receiver is turned on and set up properly (see nav. receiver


Poor reception conditions or improper set-up of nav. receiver.


Wrong NMEA-format selected on autopilot or transmitted by nav. receiver.



All three messages indicate problems with reading the signals from the navigation
receiver. If you are unable to cure the problem, the NAV-mode should not be used
before a Robertson dealer has been consulted.
These alarms will be given when the autopilot is unable to detect a proper signal
from the selected heading sensor. The reason can be a faulty sensor or wrong
selection of sensor (See Type of Heading Sensor, page 6-4).


If the autopilot should lose or read erratic data stored in the memory, this alarm
will be given, and the autopilot is simultaneously set to MANUAL-mode.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 2-17

A selection of standard settings is then automatically entered into the memory.

The standard settings will make the autopilot steer, but not to its best
performance on all vessels. They should therefore be checked (See Selection of
parameter settings, page 6-2).
If you prefer not to check the settings yourselves, enter the AUTO mode and
consult your Simrad Robertson dealer when back in port.

Only if Watch alarm function is enabled. Ref. Watch alarm, page 5-37.


The watch alarm warning signal is repeated every four minutes as long as AP45 is
in Auto, Work or Nav mode and is reset by pressing Alarm reset button.
If you want to permanently disable the watch alarm function:
Press the hidden button above the + button entering Debug mode and then press
the WEATHER button repeatedly until the information display shows
SOFTWARE/RUNTIME. Press the DECREASE (-) button repeatedly (six times)
until the display shows DATA FAILURE - CHECK SETTINGS. Press the ALARM
RESET button and the Watch Alarm function is disabled.
This procedure is considered as a Master reset of the AP45 and you must therefore
check all settings described under Selection of parameter settings, page 6-2 or
consult your Simrad Robertson dealer when back in port.
For further explanation to Fault warnings, see page 7-1

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Egersund - Norway
Page 2-18 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 3-1
Design and theory of operation


Automatic Steering An autopilot is an apparatus that controls the rudder of a vessel in order to
maintain a selected heading.
There are different design principles for such an apparatus, but they all basically
operate as shown in Fig. 3-1.
This diagram shows that the vessel's heading is supplied from the compass to a
detector circuit. The detector will sense when the vessel is off course and to what
side. The detected signal is amplified and directed to either energise the port or
starboard solenoids, i.e. make the rudder move one way or the other.







Fig. 3-1
Autopilot principle diagram






Fig. 3-2
Processor controlled autopilot

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Egersund - Norway
Page 3-2 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Design and theory of operation

In order to stop the rudder movement, a feedback signal is produced from the
feedback unit. The feedback signal will be compared with the compass signal and
when there is a balance between the two, the solenoid will be de-energised. The
rudder has now been moved to a position that makes the vessel turn. This turn is
picked up by the compass and causes a new unbalance between the feedback
signal and the error signal which energises the opposite solenoid. Now the rudder
will start to move back towards the previous position, and the feedback signal will
again cancel out the unbalance and de-energise the solenoid to stop the rudder.
By utilising digital technology to perform the function of an autopilot, the typical
block diagram will be slightly changed. Even so, the basic operation should be
recognised on Fig. 3-2.
As we know, a microprocessor can only do what it has been programmed to. This is
called software. The program can be either fixed or partly adjustable to adapt the
microprocessor to the individual type of vessels. In Robertson terminology this is
called "setting parameters", and it will determine the performance of the autopilot.

AP45 Control Unit The AP45 Control Unit contains two electronic boards, the Control Board and the
Illumination Board. An optional navigation interface board (N40) may be supplied.
The Control Board contains the micro-computing circuitry, and a plug-in PC-board
for the Course Display. The alarm circuit is also mounted on this board.
The Illumination board consists of the display backlighting- and the Information
display electronics.
All interconnecting plugs for heading sensors, junction unit and remote controls
are mounted on the Control Board.
The two boards are interconnected with a ribbon cable which are soldered to the
illumination board and plugged into the control board.
All parameter settings and operation of the autopilot are made using the push
buttons on the front panel.

CD109 Course CD109 is a magnetic compass sensor in moulded plastic. It is mounted to a vessel's
Detector magnetic compass to transfer the heading information to the control unit. The
primary windings are excited by a pulsating signal. Dependant of the magnetism
induced by the position of the compass card magnets (Heading), pulses of variable
amplitude will be generated in the secondary sine and cosine windings. These
pulses are filtered through the R/C network and amplified before entering the A/D


C1 A/D Digital Heading




2.5V (Ref.)

Fig. 3-3
Course Detector principle
Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 3-3
Design and theory of operation

Rudder Feedback The rudder feedback unit transmits rudder angle information to the control unit
Units and rudder angle indicators. It is mounted close to the rudder stock and
mechanically connected to the rudder tiller arm by a transmission link.

RF45X Rudder The RF45X contains a circular PCB carrying all the electronics and a long life
Feedback Unit potentiometer connected to the PCB by three wires. The unit is repairable in that
the electronics and the potentiometer can be replaced.
The electronics have two output circuits. One circuit outputs frequency of 3400Hz
as midposition reference. It varies at a rate of 20Hz/degree, increasing when the
rudder moves to port and vice versa.
The other circuit outputs a current (0.1-1.1mA), to the rudder angel indicator(s)
(RI35 and RI9).
The RF45X is supplied with a fixed 4-wire, screened cable of 2 m (6 ft.). This cable
is meant to be spliced in the enclosed splash-proof junction box.
The shaft of the feedback unit is free to travel 360 degrees, but only 70 degrees
from midposition are used for signal control.
The transmission link mechanically connects the feedback unit to the rudder tiller
arm. It is made of stainless steel and has standard length of 450 mm.

Fig. 3-4
RF45X principle

RF14XU Rudder The RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit consists of a glass-reinforced fire inhibiting
Feedback Unit polyester housing with a mounting plate of seawater resistant aluminium.
(optional) Potentiometer, limit switches and an electronic drive module are also contained in
the unit. The electronic drive module comprises a voltage section and a frequency
The voltage section outputs a voltage to the rudder angle indicator(s) which is
proportional to the rudder angle. The voltage varies 9V with half of the supply
voltage as reference. The voltage should read zero volts with the rudder in
The frequency section outputs a signal to the control unit with 3400 Hz as
midposition reference. It varies at a rate of 20 Hz/degree, increasing when the
rudder moves to port and vice versa.
The shaft of the Feedback Unit is free to travel 360 degrees, but only 90 degrees
from midposition are used for signal control.
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Egersund - Norway
Page 3-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Design and theory of operation

RF14XU is equipped with two sets of limit switches. One set can be connected in
series with the autopilot solid state switch, the other can be incorporated in an
independent hand steering system, if required.

Junction Units
J45S Junction Unit The J45S Junction Unit operates hydraulic power units with directional valves
(e.g. Robertson RPU 1 and 3). It has been made for 12, 24 and 32V DC operation.
The unit incorporates a printed circuit board with terminal block, fuse, polarity
and over voltage protection, isolated solid state output for solenoid switching and
start relay for the Power Unit, all mounted in a splash proof aluminium cabinet.

Fig. 3-5
Basic system

The J45S solid state circuit is activated from the output transistors in AP45
Control Unit and LD1/LD2 monitors the rudder commands.
Galvanic isolation is obtained by optos IC1 A and B. Q2/Q3 switches the solenoids
on/off. Relay K1 has a double function: Used as safe relay, breaking the solenoid
supply when AP45 is switched off and starting the steering gear pump when AP45
is switched on (RPU1 and RPU3).

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 3-5
Design and theory of operation

Fig. 3-6
Solenoids with positive common

Fig. 3-7
Solenoids with negative common

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 3-6 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Design and theory of operation

J45A Electronic The J45A operates reversible hydraulic power units with variable speed control
Junction Unit (RPU80, RPU160, RPU200 and HLD2000) and reversible electro mechanical
power units (MRD100). The unit consists of a printed circuit board with terminal
block, fuse, motor drive electronics and reversing relay mounted in the same type
of aluminium cabinet as the J45S.
Rudder commands from AP45 Control Unit to IC3 A and B makes the relay RL1
change the polarity to the motor. IC2A ensures the motor brake is switched on by
T2 when there is no rudder commands from AP45. IC2A also controls a dead
time (delay) to ensure the RL1 relay contacts have physically changed position
before voltage is applied to the motor. This prevents arcing of relay contacts.
Adjusting RV1, preset speed, the output pulse width is decreased/increased, hence
the voltage (RMS) to the motor is changed, adjustable 0-12V.
Connecting straps S1 and S2 provides adjustable 0-24V output for 24V drive units.
Connecting an external strap from terminal 2 to 4 will enable a Soft start
function, which reduces the start current and is recommended for the most
powerful drive units like RPU200, RPU300, HLD2000LD and MRD100.

Fig. 3-8
J45A principle

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 4-1
Technical specifications

AP45 Control Unit Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-1
Weight:........................................................3.0 kg
Ambient temperature, storage: ............25 - +70C
operation: ........0 - +55C
Safe distance to magnetic comp.: ..............0.3m
Maximum current consumption :..............0.6A
Input signals:
Rudder Feedback: ......................................3400 Hz, 20 Hz/deg.
Magnetic, Fluxgate and Gyro compass: sin/cos 2V, 2.5V ref.
Nav.signal : NMEA 0183/180 (APA, APB, XTE, XTR,
* The IP code is an international code that deals with protection against intrusion
of particles and water. IP43 means that the unit is protected against solid objects
greater than 1.0 mm and against spraying water from above up to 60 from
vertical. Best protection is obtained with the front mounted horizontally.

Fig. 4-1
AP45 Control Unit - dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

CD109 Course Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-2

Detector Protection:...................................................IP56
Ambient temperature, storage: ............40 - +85C
operation: ........30 - +60C
Cable length:...............................................1 m

1000 (39.4")


60 (2.4")
33 (1.3")


35 (1.4")

min/max. 80-100 (3.2-4.3")

Fig. 4-2
CD109 Course detector

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 4-3
Technical specifications

RFC35NS Fluxgate Dimensions............. See Fig. 4-3

Heading output: ..... Serial and analogue
Output format: .......NMEA183 10x/sec. and sine/cosine.
NMEA data:............$IIHDM,x.x,m*hh<cr><If>
x.x=heading, hh = checksum
Analogue data:........Sine/Cosine 2V, 2.5VDC reference.
Accuracy: ................<1.25 rms
Repeatability: .........<0.2 rms
Calibration: ............Automatic
Roll & Pitch: ..........35
Supply: ....................10-29 VDC, 1 W
Operation: .......0 to +55C (+32 to + 130F)
Storage: ...........30 to +80C (22 to +176F)
Mounting.................Deck or bulkhead
Cable supplied: .......0.3m (1 ft.) with Viking connector for Robertson autopilots
(Sine/Cosine data) and N2500 NMEA Interface.

Fig. 4-3
RFC35NS - Dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
Page 4-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Technical specifications

G40A Gyro Interface Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-4

Signals in ....................................................- 6 step/degree with positive or
negative common
- Synchro signal, 90:1 or 360:1, gyro
- SKR80/82 current loop (9600 Baud)
Signal level in: ............................................- Stepper signal: 20 - 70V DC
- Synchro signal: 40 - 115V, 50 - 400Hz
Load:............................................................Maximum 20mA
Supply voltage: ...........................................12V DC (autopilot supplied)
Power Consumption: ..................................2.4 W
Ambient temperature, storage: ............25 - +70C
operation: ........ 0 - +55C

Fig. 4-4
G40A Gyro Interface - dimensions

G45 Gyro Interface Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-8

Signals in - Synchro signal, 1:1
Signal level in (S1, S2, S3):........................- High voltage, 80V L-L
- Low voltage, 11,6V L-L
Signal out (Synchro excitation): ................26V 400 Hz, max 5 VA
Supply voltage: ...........................................12V DC (autopilot supplied)
Ambient temperature, storage: ............25 - +70C
operation: ........ 0 - +55C

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

FI100-40 Fluxgate Dimensions:................................................ See Fig. 4-5.

Interface Cable length: .............................................. 2 m (with plug)
Ambient temperature, storage:............ 25 - +70C
operation: .......10 - +55C
Input signal: ...............................................sine/cosine
Output signal:.............................................sine/cosine 2V DC at +2.5V reference
160 (6.3") 47 (1.85")

144 (5.67")
3.5 (0.14")

89 (3.5")
34 (1.34")

25 (0.98")
148 (5.83")

Fig. 4-5
FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface - dimensions

RF45X Rudder Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-6.

Feedback Unit Protection:...................................................IP56
Ambient temperature: ...............................10 - +55C
Operating voltage:......................................12V DC (autopilot supplied)
Frequency output, Feedback: ....................3400Hz (midship reference)
Port: +20Hz/degree, stbd: -20Hz/degree
Current output, Indicator ..........................0.1mA - 1.1mA
Capacity: .....................................................5 indicators in series
Rudder angle: .............................................45
Cable length:...............................................2 m (6 ft)

Fig. 4-6
RF45X Rudder Feedback - dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
Page 4-6 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Technical specifications

RF14XU Rudder Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-7.

Feedback Unit Protection:...................................................IP56
Ambient temperature: ...............................10 - +55C
Operating voltage:......................................19-40V
(Frequency section 12-40V DC)
Voltage output, Rudder indicator:.............0-18V DC (9V as midship reference)
Frequency output, Autopilot feedback:.....3400Hz (midship reference)
Port: +20Hz/degree, stbd: -20Hz/degree
Rudder indicator capacity:.........................5 indicators in parallel
Rudder angle: .............................................+/-45 (Changeable to 60, 70 or 90)
Limit switches: ...........................................Adjustable from 5 to 160


80 (3.15")

12 (0.47")
240 (9.5")

40 (1.6")

75 (3")

160 (6.3")

120 (4.8")

150 (5.9")

185 (7.3")

Fig. 4-7
RF14XU Rudder Feedback unit - dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

J45S Junction Unit Dimensions:................................................ See Fig. 4-8.

Protection: .................................................. IP22
Ambient temperature, storage:............ 25 - +70C
operation: ........0 - +55 C
Safe distance to magnetic compass: ..........1.5 m
Supply voltage: ...........................................12, 24, 32V DC 20%
Max. solenoid load:.....................................3A

J45A Junction Unit Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-8.

Ambient temperature, storage: ............25 - +70C
operation: ........0 - +55 C
Safe distance to magnetic compass: ..........1.5 m
Max. motor load:.........................................10A continuous
20A peak
Supply voltage: ...........................................12, 24, 32V* DC 20%
*) For 32V DC the J101A/32V Adapter must be used.

Fig. 4-8
J45S/J45A/G45 - Dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

S9 Steering Lever Dimensions:................................................ See Fig. 4-9.

Protection: .................................................. IP56
Ambient temperature: ............................... 25 - +70C
Safe distance to magnetic compass: ..........0.3 m
Max. inductive load: ...................................4A/24V DC, 60mA/110W AC,
25mA/220V AC

95 (3.75")
137 (5.40")
144 (5.67")

144 (5.67") 70 (2.75")

78 (3.1")
Panel cut-out:138x138 (5.44")

Fig. 4-9
S9 Steering Lever - Dimensions

FU91 Steering Lever Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-10.

Ambient temperature, storage: ............25 - +70C
operation: ........10 - +55C
Safe distance to magnetic compass: ..........0.3 m
144 (5.67")
144 (5.67")

137 (5.40")
30 (1.18")

68 (2.68")

Panel cut-out:138x138 (5.44")

76 (3.00")

Fig. 4-10
FU91 Steering Lever - Dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

S35 Steering Lever Dimensions:.............................. See Fig. 4-11.

Weight: .................................... 1.4 kg (inclusive cable)
Max. inductive load: .................4A/24V DC, 60mA/110V AC, 25mA/220V AC
Temperature range: .................Storage: 30 to 80 C
Operation: 10 to 55 C.
Environmental protection:.......IP56
Safe distance to compass: ........0.5 m (1,6 ft.)
Power consumption (light):......6 mA
Cable: ........................................10 m cable with six wires connected through
bottom gland
Note! Cable gland can be moved to the back side.

Fig. 4-11
S35 Steering Lever - Dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

F1/2 Remote Control Dimensions: ................................................See Fig. 4-12

Cable length:...............................................10 meters (30 ft.)
Max. inductive load: ...................................4A/24V DC, 60mA/110W AC,
25mA/220V AC
76 (3.0") 65 (2.6")

210 (8.3")

Fig. 4-12
F1/2 Remote Control - Dimensions

5 (0.2")
F200-40 Remote Dimensions: ........................ See Fig. 4-13.
46 (1.8")
Control Protection:........................... IP56
Ambient temperature, 72 (2.8") 30 (1.2")
storage:........................... 25 - +70C
operation:....................... 0 - +55 C
Safe distance to
magnetic compass: ............. 0.3 m
Cable length:....................... 7 m (21ft.)
145 (5.7")

Fig. 4-13
F200-40 Remote Control

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

RI35 Rudder Angle Dimensions:.............................. See Fig. 4-14.

Indicator Weight: ..................................... 1.0 kg
Supply voltage:......................... 12/24V DC 25%/+30%, polarity independent
Power consumption: .................Max 3 W
Input signal: .............................Frequency 3400 Hz (midship reference),
Current: 0.1 - 1.1mA (midship 0,6mA),
polarity independent
Accuracy:...................................3 (Indicator alone)
Temperature range: .................Storage: 30C to +80C
Operating: 10C to +55C
Environmental protection:.......IP56
Safe distance to
magnetic compass: ...................0.3 m (1 ft)
Cable: ........................................20 m, single twisted pair (not connected).
Rudder Feedback Units: ..........RF300 (frequency signal),
RF45X (current signal)

Fig. 4-14
RI35 Rudder Angle Indicator - Dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Technical specifications

RI9 Rudder Angle Dimensions:................................................ See Fig. 4-15.

Indicator Supply voltage:........................................... 24/32V DC 20%
Current consumption:................................ Maximum 100 mA
Input signal: ................................................. Voltage (0-18V) or
current (0.1 - 1.1mA)
Rudder angle: .............................................45-0-45 (other angles as option)
Ambient temperature, storage: ............25 - +70C
operation: ........10 - +55C
Safe distance to magnetic compass: ..........2.6 m (9 ft.)
Rudder Feedback Units: RF45X, RF14XU, RF14XI.

144 (5.67")

153 (6.02")

144 (5.67")

137 (5.40")

57 (2.24")
Panel cut-out:138x138 (5.44")
65 (2.56")

Fig. 4-15
RI9 Rudder Angle Indicator - Dimensions

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Egersund - Norway
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Unpacking and Care should be taken when unpacking and handling the equipment. A visual
handling inspection should be made to check that the equipment has not been damaged
during shipment and that all components and parts are present according to the
packing list.
General Common sense should be used when installing the units, particular attention
being given to the operator's need for ease of access.
For cable layout refer to the External Cabling Diagram, Fig. 5-4.
For connection of several units to the J3 connector, refer to Fig. 5-36.
AP45 Control Unit The unit is built to standard DIN dimensions for console mounting. Dimensions
for the panel cut out are shown on Fig. 4-1. A fastening device for console
mounting and a bracket for panel mounting are supplied with the equipment. The
mounting bracket has four screw holes for bulkhead mounting, and the Control
Unit is fitted to the bracket by two Allan screws (Fig. 5-2). A matching Allan
wrench is supplied.
It is important to locate the Control Unit so that
the viewing angle to the displays are between 45
and 90 degrees in both planes. When console
mounting, locate the control unit as near the
front edge as possible. This makes the reading
of the displays easier. Avoid direct sunlight on
the display.

Fig. 5-1
AP45 Control Unit - Panel mount

Fig. 5-2
AP45 Control Unit - Bracket mounting

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-2 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Connector assemble The cable conductors are connected to the connector block according to separate
connection diagrams. The following tools are required to crimp the connector pins
and sockets to the individual cable conductors.
Crimping tool :
Amp 90277-1
Extraction tool:
Amp 725840
Do not use other tools
than those specified!

For protection against electro magnetic interference, all control unit connectors
must be fitted with the supplied metal shell and cover.
Strip about 1 cm (0.4") of the cable insulation and pull the screen backwards to
cover the insulation. Screw the connector block onto the actual control unit socket.
Screw the shell onto the connector block. Fix the cable screen to the shell by a wire
strap and tighten well to make sure the screen has good contact. Apply a thin
layer of pure Vaseline on the shell threads. Screw the cover onto the shell until it
makes good contact with the control unit cabinet.
The control unit has a ground terminal and must have a proper ground connection
to the hull. The grounding wire should be as short as possible and at least 10 mm

Fig. 5-3
Control unit - connector mounting

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-3

Fig. 5-4
AP45 External cabling diagram

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Heading sensors AP45 is designed for connection to one compass only. However, a combination of
General two compasses are possible as CD109 and Fluxgate/Gyro has separate input pins
in the J2 Compass connector. This means you can combine a magnetic compass
with either a fluxgate- or a gyrocompass.
The type of heading sensor used in the standard scope of supply may vary from
distributor to distributor as a result of practical experience and the preferences of
their market place.
The CD109 Course Detector is fitted to the vessel's existing magnetic compass or
to one particularly installed for the autopilot (Magnetic compass, page 5-4.).
The Robertson RFC35NS Fluxgate Compass can be connected directly to the
control unit (RFC35NS Fluxgate Compass, page 5-6), whilst other makes of
fluxgate compasses require a FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface (FI100-40 Fluxgate
Interface, page 5-8).
If a gyrocompass is used as heading sensor, the G40A or G45 Gyro Interface is
required (page 5-9).

Magnetic compass To obtain an accurate heading from the magnetic compass, great care should be
taken when determining the location of the compass.
Select a location that provides a solid horizontal mounting base, free from
vibration and as close to the vessel's centre of roll and pitch as possible. It should
be as far as possible from disturbing magnetic interference such as the engines,
cables, transmitter antennas or other electro magnetic objects.
Note! The compass must be compensated.
Heeling error
Heeling error may be observed when the boat is rolling and pitching, causing an
unstable compass card. This can be adjusted for by using a "heeling magnet"
placed vertically below or above the exact centre of the compass. The magnet is
normally placed with the red end up in the Northern hemisphere and the blue end
up in the Southern hemisphere. The correct distance between magnet and
compass can best be found during sea trials. The heeling error can also be reduced
by mounting the compass close to the vessel's centre of roll and pitch.
Northerly/southerly turning error
Symptoms of northerly turning error are that the vessel is "S-ing" on northerly
headings when at high latitudes. The reason for this phenomena is that the earth's
magnetic fluxlines are parallel to the earth's surface only at the equator, and thus
no vertical magnetic component exists. When moving further north from the
equator, the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field increases.
The directional reading from a magnetic compass is based upon the horizontal
component of the earth's magnetic field. This component becomes smaller and
smaller with increasing latitude, while the vertical magnetic component increases.
The resulting effect at high latitudes is that magnetic compasses become sluggish
and appear to be unstable. These symptoms become more apparent as speed
The same phenomena is experienced in the southern hemisphere, but on southerly
headings and is referred to as southerly turning error.
There is no patent cure for this problem, besides making a proper installation and
compensation of the compass.
CD109 Course Detector mounting
Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-5

The course detector is

mounted on the ship's
magnetic compass to
transmit a heading
signal to the control
unit. The mounting
method will depend
upon the compass
design. The distance
between the course
detector and the
compass card depends
upon the magnetic
momentum of the
compass card
magnets. A distance
of 70-90 mm for a
magnetic moment of
1500-2000 cgs is
recommended. For
adjustment of signal
level, see Course
Detector Alignment
page 6-2. If a non- Fig. 5-5
Robertson supplied CD109 Course detector - Mounting
magnetic compass is
used, it is advisable to consult a qualified compass adjuster for mounting of the
For mounting instructions refer to Fig. 5-5. The course detector can be attached to
the compass either by a 6 mm screw to the bottom of the compass bowl or by use of
the tri-pod holder supplied with the course detector.
The course detector is also supplied with cable (1m) feed and plug. Socket and
connector with bracket for extension cable are in the standard scope of supply. The
extension cable is optional equipment.
The compass should be checked for free movement in the gimbals without
stressing the detector cable.
The CD109 Course Detector is connected to J2 on the Control Unit, and the
connection is shown on the Wiring Diagram (Fig. 5-23).
If the Course Detector is mounted up-side down on top of the compass, the
sine/cosine signal on J2 pin 10 and 11 must be interchanged.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-6 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

RFC35NS Fluxgate The RFC35NS (part no. 22083596) substitutes the Robertson RFC250 Fluxgate
Compass compass. It comes with a pigtail cable that matches the Viking connector on the
RFC250 (extension) Cable part no. 20183554. The internal connection of the
pigtail cable is shown on Fig. 5-7. Heading output is on sine/cosine and
NMEA0183 formats.
On new installations together with AP45 you need the standard RFC250 Cable
part no. 20183554. Cut off the Viking connector at one end and replace it with the
AP45 AMP type connector (J2) as per Fig. 5-6.
An extra cable gland is supplied for a separate NMEA cable connection if required.
Disconnect the brown and blue wires to J1-2 and J1-1 and connect the separate
cable instead. See Fig. 5-7.

Mounting The RFC35NS contains a magnetic fluxgate sensor and great care should be taken
when deciding the mounting location.
To minimize the effect of heeling errors, installation on the fly bridge or in the
mast is not recommended.
Select a location that provides a solid
mounting place free from vibration and as
close to the vessel's centre of roll and pitch as
possible, i.e. close to the water line. It should
be as far as
possible from
disturbing FWD

influences such
as engines (min.
2 meters),
ignition cables,
other large metal
objects and
particularly the
autopilot drive
The RFC35NS compass must be mounted with the cable gland pointing aft.
The compass should be deck mounted to allow for mechanical alignment. The
compass face plate on the RFC35NS is the TOP. Never mount it upside down! Level
the sensor as close to horizontal as possible.
Use the supplied mounting kit and drill holes through the centre of the slots.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-7


Fig. 5-6 AP45/RFC35NS - connection



6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 1



Original RFC250 cable

(Part no. 20183554)
0,5 m

Cable 22083661




Fig. 5-7 RFC35NS - Internal connection

Calibration The calibration is carried out by using the RFC250 procedure:

1. Switch on the autopilot to supply power to
2. Make two 360 degree turns to starboard within 5
minutes after switch on. Make sure the boat passes
3 times through North (see figure). Ensure smooth
and slow movements. A minimum of roll and
acceleration will give the best result. As soon as
north is passed for the 3rd time, there will be a
confirmation in the autopilot display (see below).
Provided you have an AP45 with software version V1R3 or V1R4 (latest),
you will read "Fluxgate compass compensated" in the info display when the
calibration is completed. Press the alarm button to reset. There will be no

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-8 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

confirmation in the display if the AP45 has a software revision earlier than

Alignment Carry out the calibration procedure, then steer the boat on a known heading or
bearing. Slightly turn the heading sensor until the correct heading readout is
displayed. Tighten the screws.
If you sail the boat more than 15-20 north or south of the latitude of your last
calibration, the calibration procedure should be repeated. Calibration data is
stored in the RFC35NS and will only be deleted when a new calibration is

FI100-40 Fluxgate When connecting fluxgate compasses other than Robertson types, the FI100-40
Interface Fluxgate Interface must be connected between the compass and the control unit.
The interface unit is bulkhead (or table) mounted with two screws.
The fluxgate compass is connected to a terminal board in the FI100-40 according
to the diagram enclosed with the unit. FI100-40 is connected to J2 of the control
unit according to Fig. 5-8.

Fig. 5-8
AP45/FI100-40 Fluxgate Interface - Wiring

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-9

G40A Gyro Interface The G40A is required when a Gyro Compass with geared synchro or stepper
Unit signal output is connected to AP45. The unit shall be mounted not more than two
meters from the AP45 control unit. This is to avoid voltage drop and reduce
interference via the interconnecting cables.
All cable conductors are terminated in screw terminals on the G40A PCB. For
cabling and connections see Fig. 5-9. For screen termination, see Fig. 5-22.

Fig. 5-9
G40A Gyro Interface Connections

There are also three plug-in straps on the PCB, one for each phase. The position of
the straps makes the G40A to operate from either positive or negative step-
signals. For setting of the straps, refer to Fig. 5-10. The shown strap position
enables step signals with positive common. For negative common, insert strap
vertically, A1-A3, A2-A4 and so on.
In addition a DIP switch is included. Switch no. 1 sets gear ratio:
360:1 = switch to 0 (OFF)
90:1 = switch to 1 (ON)
The remaining switches 2, 3 and 4 are for test purpose only and shall be 0 (OFF)
for normal use. Refer to table on page 7-3.
For SKR80/82 current loop, switch no. 2 shall be set to ON, the others to OFF.
Fig. 5-10 shows the location of the switches and LED's.
The potentiometer VR1 is factory set to 2.5V reference voltage, and should not be

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-10 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Fig. 5-10
G40A PC-board - Switch location

Power turn-on
After power turn-on, verify that the LED D8 is lit. This indicates that the
regulated 5V is OK.
If step-signals are connected, the LEDs D1, D2 and D3 should not be lit. If they
are, pull out the plug-in straps and insert them in the vertical direction. The LEDs
D5, D6 and D7 shall turn on and off in a Gray-code sequence when changing the
gyro heading.
If synchro signals are connected, the position of the plug-in straps is irrelevant.
However, if the read-out from the AP45 does not follow the gyro, phase S1 and S3
may have to be interchanged.
The LED D4 shows the presence of the synchro reference voltage, and the LEDs
D1, D2 and D3 will turn on with variable intensity, depending on the phase
If the heading read-out has an offset, this is compensated by the Gyro Adjust in
the Installation loop. See Type of Heading Sensor, page 6-4, for details.
Select Gyrocompass - Geared/Stepper in the AP45 Installation loop.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-11

G45 Gyro Interface The G45 is required when a gyrocompass with 1:1 ratio synchro signal is
Unit connected to AP45.
There is separate terminals for high voltage (80V L-L) and low voltage (11,6V L-L)
synchro input. Input terminals not used should be short circuited as shown in
connection diagrams.
G45 can also be used for excitation of a dead synchro transmitter.
The unit shall be mounted within the cable length (3 m) from the autopilot control
unit. In case the cable has to be extended, the 2.5V reference voltage must be
checked and eventually readjusted in accordance with TROUBLE SHOOTING,
page 7-8 to maintain the accuracy.
All cable conductors are terminated in screw terminals on the G45 PCB. For
cabling and connections see Fig. 5-11.
The PCB contains four trim potentiometers which are all factory set and should
normally need no readjustment.
Select Gyrocompass - 1:1 Synchro in the AP45 Installation loop. See
Installation loop.

Fig. 5-11
Connection to G45 excitated synchro transmitter

Fig. 5-12
Connection to gyro excitated synchro transmitters

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-12 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

Fig. 5-13
G45 Input/output

RGC Signal (Part of RGC Gyrocompass delivery)

Interface Unit
The RGC Signal Interface Unit is designed to generate heading signals of different
formats when connected to either RGC50, RGC10 or RGC11. The heading signal
used by AP45 is the sine/cosine output, and the interconnection is shown in Fig.
The unit comprises one PCB mounted in a J45A/J45S type box.
Further details, such as installation, technical specifications and eventual
adjustments are described in the RGC Interface addendum in the RGC
Gyrocompass manual.

Fig. 5-14
AP45/RGC Signal Interface Unit - Wiring

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-13

RF45X Rudder The RF45X is normally mounted with the

Feedback Unit shaft pointing upwards. It can, however,
also be mounted with the shaft pointing
downwards if that appears to be more
In case of an upside-down installation,
the two plug-in straps on the component
side of the PCB have to be turned 90 to
achieve reversed output signal. (To remove
the PCB from the housing, simply grip the
potentiometer and pull.
Shaft pointing up: Strap S2 to N(ormal)
Shaft pointing down: Strap S2 to
It should be noted that an upside-down
installation will make any adjustment and
service more convenient as the unit then
can be opened without removing the unit
from the mounting base.

Fig. 5-15
RF45X Internal Wiring

Fig. 5-16
RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit - Mounting

Use the attached template (Fig. 5-18) to drill the required mounting holes. The unit
is fastened to the mounting base by the two Allen screws enclosed. (Other types of
screws may be used if fastened to i.e. a wooden base.)
Make the parallelogram configuration of the transmission link (see Fig. 5-16) and
fasten the link to the RF45X shaft preliminary. The transmission link can be
shortened by cutting of a piece of the rod (using a hacksaw). Move the rudder

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Egersund - Norway
Page 5-14 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

manually h.o. - h.o. and make sure the transmission link is moving freely in both
Electrical connection
The cable should be connected to the junction unit according to Fig. 5-23 - Fig.
5-26. When splicing cable in the junction box, use the enclosed crimp pins on each
wire of the extension cable. Otherwise the wires may be cut off at the terminal
point when tightening the screw.
The screen is open in RF45X and should be connected in the junction unit.
For final alignment, see page 6-1.

RF14XU Rudder Mechanical mounting

Feedback Unit
Before installation check that the alignment mark on the mounting plate agrees
with the mark on the shaft. Bring the rudder to Amidships position. The feedback
unit should be mounted on a plane surface and secured by bolts through the three
holes in the mounting plate. It should be linked to the rudder in accordance with
Fig. 5-17. It is important that the linkage is linear, i.e. the A-a and D-d are pairs of
equal length. This will give a ratio 1:1 between the rudder angle and that of the
feedback unit shaft.
If the RF14XU is mounted with the shaft pointing upwards, the yellow and the blue
lead to the potentiometer inside must be interchanged (See Fig. 5-20).

Fig. 5-17
RF14XU - Mounting

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Fig. 5-18
RF45 Template
Scale 1:1

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Electrical installation
Electrical connection is shown in Fig. 5-21. The cables are carried through cable
glands and connected to the terminal board. If required, to avoid any mechanical
damage, the cables should be run in a conduit between the rudder feedback unit
and the junction unit or rudder indicator. The cable screen must be connected to
the internal ground terminal. Ref. picture below.
The feedback unit has an external ground terminal and must have a proper
ground connection to the hull. The grounding wire should be as short as possible
and at least 10 mm wide.
The RF14XU can be powered either from the rudder angle indicator supply (19-
40V DC) or directly from the autopilot junction unit. If a rudder angle indicator is
connected, the RF14XU is powered from the rudder angle indicator supply. If the
rudder angle indicator voltage disappears, or rudder angle indicator is not
connected to the RF14XU, the feedback unit is powered directly from the
autopilot. The change over is done automatically.

If RF14XU is connected to rudder angle indicators, and the indicators are powered
from an unfiltered 24V supply, the enclosed 470uF capacitor should be connected
across the supply. Without the capacitor, a deviation may occur between the
autopilot feedback midposition reference and that of the rudder angle indicator(s).

Fig. 5-19
Screen termination

Scaling of rudder angle

The RF14XU is normally delivered for 45 degrees rudder angle (violet, brown and
pink leads are not connected). For 60 degrees, connect brown lead to terminal 10,
for 70 degrees, connect pink to terminal 10 and for 90 degrees, connect the violet
lead to terminal 10. White lead must remain connected. To invert the indicator
deflection, the brown lead to terminal 8 of the RF14XU terminal board must be
connected to terminal 9. See Fig. 5-20.
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N OT E 2






N OT E 1 8 9 9 8 10 7 6 5

NOTE 1: Brown lead normally connected to 8 .

Move to 9 to invert the rudder indicator deflection.

NOTE 2: Normally connected for +/-45 rudder angle (violet, brow n and pink leads are
not connected). For +/-60 connect brown lead to terminal 10, for +/-70 connect
pink lead to terminal 10, for +/-90 connect violet lead to terminal 10.
White lead must remain connected.

Fig. 5-20
RF14XU Internal wiring

Final check
After installation, the cable glands must be sealed with silicon to prevent water
from seeping in. Also apply silicon grease to the gasket between the bottom and
top cover.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-19

On the inside of the feedback unit cover, a piece of moisture protecting sponge is
attached. The sponge produces a corrosion preventive gas, and to increase the
efficiency of the gas the cover must be kept tight.

Fig. 5-21
RF14XU/J45S - Wiring

J45S Junction Unit The junction unit is made for bulkhead mounting and secured by screws. To
minimise length of power cables (thus avoiding voltage drop), it should be
centrally located between mains panel and power unit.

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Page 5-20 Robertson AP45 Autopilot

The unit has separate mains supply for the autopilot electronics and the power
unit (motor/solenoids). This reduces the interference to the autopilot electronics
caused by the motor switching. The power unit supply cable (mains supply) should
be of at least 4 mm2 (AWG10). The electronic supply cable should be 1,5 mm2
Cables from control unit, rudder feedback unit, power unit and mains supply
should be connected to the terminal blocks according to wiring diagram fig. 5.23.
Sufficient free cable should be left inside the junction unit so that the P.C. board
can be removed for repair without having to disconnect the cables from the
terminal board.
The J45S Junction Unit has been set for 24V DC operation and prewired from
factory to drive Robertson power units with solenoid valves such as RPU3 (solenoid
supply is via J45S).
If the autopilot shall operate on 12 or 32V DC, set voltage selector (plug-in strap)
to appropriate position.
Check that the FB selector is in correct position (S2-S3) for frequency feedback
Run two voltage feed cables as follows:
Mains input for pump motor and solenoid valves is connected to + and - terminals
marked "Supply" (Cable dimensions 4.0 mm2 - AWG10).
Autopilot (electronic) supply is connected to + and - terminals marked "Electronic"
(Cable dimensions 1.5 mm2 - AWG14).
(Driving steering gear solenoids not Robertson supplied).
If the "Supply" cable shall feed solenoid voltage only it may be reduced to 1.5mm2 -
In installations where the unit shall operate solenoids with positive common, they
must be connected according to Fig. 5-24. Note that minus on solenoid supply shall
be connected to "+ Supply"-terminal on J45S.
If the unit shall operate solenoids with negative common, they must be connected
according to Fig. 5-25. Note that terminal B must be connected to terminals 15
and 16 by external strapping. Also note that straps S5-S6 and S8-S9 on the PC-
board must be cut.
(Does not apply for US-installations and only for older version of J200S-40). If the
unit has a PC-board marked "Rev -" and shall operate solenoids with positive
common (Fig. 5-24), there shall be no strap between terminals B and C. Instead
terminal B shall be connected to both terminal 13 and 14.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-21

J45A Junction Unit The junction unit is made for bulkhead mounting and secured by two screws. To
minimise length of power cables (thus avoiding voltage drop), it should be
centrally located between mains panel and power unit.
The unit has separate mains supply for autopilot electronics and power unit
motor. This reduces the interference to the autopilot electronics caused by the
motor switching. The power unit supply cable (mains supply) should be of at least
4 mm2 (AWG10) size. The electronic supply cable should be 1,5 mm2 (AWG14).
Cables from control unit, rudder feedback unit, power unit and mains supply
should be connected to the terminal blocks according to Fig. 5-26. Strip about 1 cm
(0.4) of the cables insulation and pull the screen backwards to cover the
insulation. Position the straps as shown in Fig. 5-22 and tighten well to make sure
the screen has good contact. Sufficient free cable should be left inside the Junction
Unit so that the P.C. board can be removed for repair without disconnecting the
cables from the terminal board.
Mains supply of 12V, 24V or 32V DC is connected to the MAINS + and -terminals.
The unit has been provided with a polarity test point. Connect only the mains
supply conductor that are supposed to be the MAINS (minus). Switch on the
mains supply and let the other conductor get into touch with the TP1 test point.
See Fig. 8-11. If the green diode D20 lights, the correct conductor is connected to
MAINS and the other conductor can be connected to MAINS+. If the red diode
D21 lights the conductors must be interchanged.
A separate autopilot (electronic) + supply line is connected to terminal no. 17 (+).
At 32V DC mains the external J101A/32V Adapter must be connected between the
mains + and terminal 17 (ref. Fig. 5-26).
When using a RPU pump unit, the Soft start function should be activated by
connecting a strap between terminal 2 and 4. See Fig. 3-8.

Fig. 5-22
J45A Junction Unit grounding

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Fig. 5-23
AP45 Wiring diagram - basic system (015936H)

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Fig. 5-24
AP45 Wiring diagram - solenoids with positive common (015936H)

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Fig. 5-25
AP45 Wiring diagram - solenoids with negative common (015936H)

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Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 5-25

Fig. 5-26
AP45/J45 Wiring diagram

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Optional equipment
F200-40 Remote This unit is fixed to a mounting bracket, which is secured by four screws. F200-40
Control is connected to J3 on the control unit according to Fig. 5-27.

Fig. 5-27
F200-40/AP45 - Wiring diagram

S9 Steering Lever Mounting (Fig. 5-28)

Fig. 5-28
S9 Mounting

For bulkhead mounting, use the 8 bushings enclosed with the unit. These are
placed two and two against each other and the screws are put through them.
Direct contact between S9 and a steel bulkhead is then avoided and corrosion is
prevented. The cover plate can be turned 360 degrees for the most convenient
position of cable outlet. For panel mounting use the two mounting brackets
enclosed with the unit.
Electrical connection:
Connection to the AP45 Control Unit is made in accordance with Fig. 5-29.
The diagram in the cover plate shows the terminal connections in the S9 (Fig.
For use together with AP45, four different operation alternatives can be selected
by changing a resistor in S9.

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Egersund - Norway
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The different alternatives are described on page 2-12, and are the result of
connecting a resistor between terminals M and A3 in S9.
Alternative 1: No resistor mounted.
Alternative 2: 1.0 Kohm (1/4W, 5 %)
Alternative 3: 3.0 Kohm (1/4W, 5 %)
Alternative 4: 5.1 Kohm (1/4W, 5 %)
If F200-40 is connected in combination with S9, only alternative 1 can be used.

Fig. 5-29
S9/AP45 - Wiring diagram

Fig. 5-30
S9 Steering Lever - internal wiring

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Egersund - Norway
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FU91 Steering Lever Mounting

Fig. 5-31
FU91 Mounting

For bulkhead mounting, use the 8 bushings enclosed with the unit. These are
placed two and two against each other and the screws are put through them.
Direct contact between FU91 and a steel bulkhead is then avoided and corrosion is
prevented. The cover plate can be turned 360 degrees for the most convenient
position of cable outlet. For panel mounting use the two mounting brackets
enclosed with the unit.

Electrical connection
There is two alternatives of connecting FU91 to AP45; without mode switching or
with mode switching (similar to S9)

Fig. 5-32
FU91 without mode switching

See page 2-14 for operation.

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Fig. 5-33
FU91 with mode switching

The two diodes (1N4002 or similar) and the resistor can be mounted either in the
AP45 J3 connector or in the FU91 terminal board. By giving resistor R different
values, following mode changes are possible:
R = 1.0K: Auto Dodge Auto
R = 3.0K: Auto Manual Manual
R = 5.1K: Auto Manual Auto
See also page 2-14 for operation.
Multiple FU91 installation is not recommended with AP45 unless the optional FU-
Junction box is used. Connections are shown in Fig. 5-34
If mode switching is required, the resistor and the two diodes must be mounted
between the FU-Junction box and the AP45 Control unit.

Fig. 5-34
FU91 Multiple installation

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S35 Steering Lever The unit is mounted to bulkhead or panel by two screws from the front. The cable
is connected to the junction unit according to Fig. 5-35. Interchange the port and
stbd wires to the screw terminals in the junction unit if necessary to make the
direction of the lever movement coincide with the direction of the rudder

Fig. 5-35
S35, F1/2 - AP45 - Wiring diagram

F1/2 Remote Control This handheld remote control with 10 m (30 ft.) cable is connected to the control
unit as shown in Fig. 5-35.

Fig. 5-36
AP45 Wiring diagram - J3 w/multiple input

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Egersund - Norway
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RI9 Rudder Angle The RI9 is designed for bulkhead or panel mounting, and should be placed in a
Indicator location in clear view of the helmsman.
Two or more indicators may be connected in series with the rudder feedback unit.
If more than one rudder angle indicator is connected, remove the Jumper Switch
S1-S2 on J45S PCB.
For electrical connection of rudder feedback unit and indicator a 3-wire cable (3 x
1,5 mm2 - AWG14) should be run. See Fig. 5-37. for connection to junction unit.

Fig. 5-37
RI9 Wiring diagram

The RI9 indicator is calibrated for voltage input signal (RF14XU Rudder Feedback
Unit) and has to be reconnected for current signal from RF45X.
This is done by opening the RI9 and move jumper ST3 from U to I position.
See Fig. 5-38.
The Norm/Inv jumper does not affect the meter deflection for current input
signal. If the meter deflection has to be reversed, it must be made in the feedback
unit as described for RF45X.

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Fig. 5-38 RI9 Input signal selection

When changing from voltage to current signal (or vice versa), the indicator may
have to be recalibrated. In this case, or if the Gain and Offset trimpots for other
reasons are maladjusted, the following calibration procedure should be carried out:
1. Take the rudder to midship position.
2. Use trimpot O (R23) to calibrate RI9 to indicate zero rudder angle.
3. Move the rudder to e.g. 40 degrees (starboard or port). Use trimpot G (R22) to
calibrate RI9 to show the same angle as the rudder is set to (or the same angle
as shown on the autopilot display in Debug mode).

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RI35 Rudder Angle The RI35 is designed for flush, bulkhead or bracket mounting, and should be
Indicator positioned in a location in clear view of the helmsman. When the mounting
location is determined, the cables should be connected to RI35 before the unit is
mounted. Maximum two indicators can be connected in a system.

Do n ot c onnect
this wire in a du al

RI35 sy ste m

12 11 10



* *
S UPP L Y VOL T AG E 1 2 - 2 4V

RF45X * Non polarized (colour independant)


Fig. 5-39 RI35-J45A Wiring diagram


RI35 RI3 5
Use a separate IND ICAT OR IND ICAT OR
terminal for this


12 11 10

Do not connect
t hi s w i r e i n a d u a l

R I 35 sy st e m


* *
S UPP L Y VO LT AG E 1 2 - 2 4V

RF45X * Non polarized (colour independant)


Fig. 5-40 RI35-J45S Wiring diagram

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Panel mounting
Make a panel cut-out of 126 x 102 mm.
Use the supplied fastening device to
secure the unit to the panel. See Fig.

Fig. 5-41 Panel mounting

Bracket mounting
Mount two of the bracket halves to the RI35.
Temporarily bolt together the other two halves of the bracket to the
first two halves.
Hold the RI35 in place by hand and mark the 4 holes for the fixing
screws on the mounting surface.
Remove the RI35, drill the 4 mounting holes in the mounting surface.
Unbolt the temporarily fitted bracket halves and secure them to the
mounting surface using the self-tapping screws.
Assemble the complete bracket again and adjust the RI35 to best
viewing angle and tighten up the mounting bracket bolts.

Fig. 5-42 RI35 Bracket mounting

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The scale is illuminated by internal LEDs. The illumination is turned on and
adjusted in three steps by the front panel key pad.
Zero adjust
Follow the instructions on page 6-1 to zero adjust the rudder feedback.
There may be a difference in the RI35 and the autopilot reading. This is normal
because the autopilot zero adjust compensates for drag caused by the hull, flaps etc.
If you prefer the readings to be aligned, then put the rudder amidships using the
RI35 as reference, and then zero adjust the autopilot.

Reversed deflection

On installations where the

feedback unit is mounted
upside down, the deflection of
the pointer will be reversed. To
make it correct set SW1 on the
PCB to the opposite position.
The first production lots did
not have the SW1 switch.
Instead interchange the brown
and white wires going from the
instrument housing to the

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Egersund - Norway
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Connection to The AP45 is preset to accept signals of NMEA 0183 format. For 180/182 format,
Navigation Receiver please contact your Simrad Robertson dealer.
Correct NMEA format, baud rate and current loop polarity are found in the
navigation receiver manual.
For older AP45s with s.n. below 4000 (Main PCBs with revision up to and
including revision G), the N40 Navigation Interface must be mounted in the
control unit. The N40 is plugged into the holes provided on the Main PCB (Fig.

Fig. 5-43
N40 Nav. Interface mounting
(For Main PCBs with revision up to and including revision G)

The AP45 is set to correct polarity and Baud rate by putting the BCD-switch on
the N40 PC-board (Fig. 5-43) in the appropriate position.
Sentences used are: APA, APB, XTE, XTR, RMB, BWW, BWC, BWR, BOD, HSC.
The AP45 automatically selects the sentence(s) to use according to the NMEA
Priority table on page 7-8.
Position 3: NMEA 0180, standard polarity
Position 8: NMEA 0183, inverse polarity
Position 9: NMEA 0183, standard polarity
Both a hardware setting (switch or strap), and a software selection from the info-
loop is necessary to select the Nav. Interface format (0180, 0183).
The NMEA format is selected under the installation loop, see page 6-5. The NMEA
0183 format accepts different sentences as per NMEA Priority table, page 7-8.
For receivers with NMEA 0183 format that outputs both XTE and Bearing to
waypoint type of nav. information, the autopilot displays the XTE information
between the waypoints, and Bearing information at the waypoint.
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The output from the navigational receiver is connected to AP45 J3 pin 9 and 10
(Ref. Fig. 5-44).

Fig. 5-44
AP45/Navigation receiver - Wiring

Watch alarm AP45 is originally designed for connection to an external watch alarm of type WA9
which is no longer available. WA9 was connected to J1 as per Fig. 5-45
However, it is still possible to enable the built in watch alarm in AP45 by
temporarily connect pin 2 of J1 (Watch al. sense) to pin 13 (Gnd). The watch alarm
function can be permanently disabled again by following the procedure described
in section Fault warnings page 2-16 and section TROUBLE SHOOTING, page

Fig. 5-45
WA9 Circuit/Wiring diagram

If pin 2 of J1 has a fixed connection to pin 13 (Gnd) it is not possible to disable the
watch alarm.

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Start-Up procedure / Commissioning


After finishing the installation and interconnecting all units, check that correct
power and polarity is supplied to the junction unit. See page 5-19 and 5-21.
Alignment and adaptation of the autopilot parameters to the vessel's
characteristics must be carried out according to the following procedure.

Power ON Turn on the autopilot by pressing the MANUAL button. The Information Display
shows MANUAL and software version for two-three seconds after turn on:


Then the display will show:


Rudder Feedback The Rudder Feedback Unit must be adjusted to zero when the rudder is in
Adjustment midposition. This is done by using the DEBUG mode, which enables the rudder
angle to be shown digitally on the Information Display. Use the following
a. Move the rudder to centre position.
b. Select MANUAL-mode on the Control Unit.
c. Select DEBUG-mode by pressing the hidden DEBUG button (just above the
INCREASE-button) and then the WEATHER-button. The Information Display
now shows (example):


S = starboard, P = port
d. Adjust for approx. zero rudder angle (less than 1.0 degree) by turning the shaft
of the feedback unit after it has been loosened from the lever. Secure the lever
after completion of adjustment.
e. Take the rudder 5 degrees to starboard and verify that the feedback signal is in
phase by reading S05 on the information display. Repeat by taking the rudder
5 degrees to port. The display should now read P05.
Final setting of dynamic zero position is made (via the Debug mode) under Sea
Trial. Ref. page 6-6.

Direction of Rudder Press the MANUAL button and set the RUDDER value to 1.0. Take the rudder
Movement approximately 5 degrees to port or starboard using the helm or a NFU control.
Press the AUTO button and verify that the rudder returns to amidships position.
If the rudder moves in opposite direction, press the MANUAL button to stop the
rudder. Interchange the wires to the solenoids or motor and repeat the procedure.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 6-2 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

Rudder speed The rudder speed is a contributing factor to autopilot performance.

For the majority of vessels a rudder speed of 5-8 degrees pr. second is preferable
(equals to 11-18 seconds h.o-h.o. time for 45 rudder travel).
The rudder speed can easily be calculated by the following equation:
H.O.-H.O. rudder angle in degrees
H.O.-H.O. time in seconds
If a Robertson power unit has been installed, the speed can be adjusted in two
ways dependant on the type of unit.
1. Reversible units using the J45A Junction Unit:
By adjustment of the RV1 potentiometer.
2. Continuously running pump units (RPU-3):
By selection between two speeds on the motor.
If a non-Robertson power unit has been installed, consult the supplier or
If the rudder speed can not be set within the recommended limits, perform the sea
trial before any further steps are taken. Some vessels may steer satisfactory even
with a rudder speed exceeding the recommended limits.

Course Detector Select DEBUG-mode by pressing the hidden DEBUG button (just above the
Alignment INCREASE-button) and then the WEATHER-button until the Information
Display shows compass signal level:

Turn the compass slowly 360 around. The signal level should vary between 0.5
and 4.5V. Adjustment of signal level can only be done by adjusting the distance
between the compass card and the course detector.
Select MANUAL-mode. Loosen the fastening screw and turn the course
detector by hand until the display readout corresponds with the compass.
On some installations a heading error may occur in certain compass quadrants.
Turn the course detector so that the error is distributed through 360.
Fasten screw and finally check the readout on different headings.

Selection of To adapt the autopilot to the vessel's characteristics and the mechanical
parameter settings installations, some parameters must be set. An installation programme loop is
available for this purpose. The loop is accessed by pressing the RUDDER and
WEATHER buttons simultaneously. To step through the loop, press the
WEATHER button, and to change the different parameters, use the + and -
buttons. Refer to Fig. 6-1.
If any of the factory set parameters has been changed under Debug Adjust mode
(see page 7-5), a warning will be given when stepping through the installation
loop. The warning:
CHANGE?: +/-

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 6-3
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

will be shown in the information

display instead of each parameter
that has got a special value. This is
done to avoid that the parameters
are re-selected by a mistake.

To continue without further

changing the special value: Press
the WEATHER button.
To re-select the factory parameter
Enter the Debug mode as
described on page 7-5. (Press
hidden button + Weather
Step through the entire debug
loop until you find:

RUNTIME: -------------H

Press - button repeatedly until

alarm sounds and display shows:


By pressing the ALARM button

and cancel the alarm the
complete set of factory settings
are re-selected.
Select language
The text in the Information Display
can be presented in four different
Select desired language by pressing
button simultaneously. The display
shows one of the following

F, E, D, N: +/-
Press the + or - button until the
desired language is shown in the
Fig. 6-1
AP45 Installation loop

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Egersund - Norway
Page 6-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

Type of Heading AP45 has been set up for magnetic compass from factory (Default setting). If
Sensor connected to a fluxgate or a gyro compass - or a combination of magnetic and gyro
compass, the actual compass to be used as heading reference must be selected by
means of the + or - button. The compass selection will appear in following order
when pressing + button:






MAGN / FLUX: +/-

When Fluxgate Compass or Geared synchro/Stepper gyro is selected, you will get
an additional heading adjust display in the installation loop.
Fluxgate compass heading can be adjusted 90.
Gyro compass heading can be adjusted 180.
If gyrocompass has been selected, you can also turn off and on again and adjust
the autopilot as described in Parameter setting, page 2-3.

Off Course limit The range for the Off Course limit is 5 to 32 degrees in one degree step from set
course. Alarm is given if the difference between set course and compass heading
exceeds the limit. See Fault warnings, page 7-1.

Adjust for appropriate limit by means of the + or - buttons.

Vessel's length Specification of vessel's length determines the values for autotrim, counter rudder
time constant, turn initiate and turn rate. The values are based on experience
realising, however, that not only the length contributes to the steering
characteristics of a vessel. In some occasions, a selected length bigger or smaller
than the one of a particular vessel, may give a better result.
LENGTH: 40-70FT.

By means of the + or - button, the following lengths can be selected: Below 50 ft,
40-70 ft, 60-100 ft, 90-130 ft and above 120 ft.

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 6-5
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

Counter rudder The COUNTER RUDDER serves two purposes, firstly to give a smooth transition
to the new heading after a major course change has been made, and secondly to
enable the autopilot to stabilise the vessel on a straight course.

The COUNTER RUDDER can be set to one of four values: OFF, LOW, MEDIUM
and HIGH. The best setting can only be found during a sea trial. Initial setting
should be LOW.

Rudder limit The value of the RUDDER LIMIT determines the maximum rudder movement in
degrees from midship position. The range is 5 to 55. The adjustment is in
steps of 5 degrees, using the + or - button.
RUDD. LIM.: 15

The RUDDER LIMIT should always be set approximately 5 less than the
maximum rudder angle to avoid damage on the steering gear.
Rudder limit also applies when hand-steering is made by FU-steering levers.

Rudder deadband A deadband in the rudder control loop is necessary to filter out noise generated by
vibration. A narrow deadband may cause the rudder to hunt, a wide deadband will
create inaccurate steering.

The rudder deadband can be adjusted in steps of 0.1 from 0.2-1.6. Adjust the
deadband when the vessel is tied dockside. Find the lowest possible value that will
prevent the rudder from hunting. Adjust by means of the + or - button. Counter
Rudder should be off during this test.

NMEA-format The AP45 Control Unit can be connected to navigation receivers with NMEA 0180
and/or NMEA 0183 output signal format. NMEA 0183 is the factory hardware set
up. If NMEA 0180 is required, contact your local dealer for details on how to
reconfigure the internal connections on Main PCB.
NMEA0180: -

Refer to the nav. receiver manual and select the correct format by pressing the +
or - button.
Disengage of
autotrim-function in

In some occasions, e.g. at pair trawling, it is necessary to disengage the autotrim

function in WORK-mode. This is done by pressing the DECREASE (-) button.
To engage the autotrim function, press the INCREASE (+) button.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 6-6 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

Disengage of Off WORK: OFFC. ALARM

Course alarm in OFFC. ALARM OFF?: -
Work mode
In some occasions, e.g. at very low speed, it may also be wanted to disengage the
Off course alarm in Work mode. This is done by pressing the DECREASE (-)

Sea Trial The purpose of the sea trial is to verify that the AP45 has been properly installed
and is well performing as a result of that. A successful sea trial is dependant of the
following assumptions:
The compass is placed correctly
The compass is compensated by an authorised compass adjuster, particularly if
the vessel's magnetic steering compass is used
Rudder hardover to hardover time is appropriate
Rudder feedback geometry is correct
Initial settings are in accordance with Selection of parameter settings, page 6-
Autopilot works at the dock side.
The sea trial should take place in open waters with sufficient room for
manoeuvring. It is also recommended to find a place where the sea is reasonably
Do not use the PORT and STBD buttons during steps 2-4 of the sea trial.
1. Rudder Feedback centring procedure
Enter Debug mode (Press the hidden button just above the + button and then
the Weather button).
Step through the Debug loop until you find the following text:

Centre Rudder
Yes: Press Inc
Bring the vessel up to normal cruising speed.
Place the rudder in exact midposition where the vessel steers a straight line.

Press Increase button and the display will show:

Rudder Feedback
* centred *
Step back through the Debug loop until you read the rudder angle, and verify
that this now indicates zero.

2. Refer to the Operation section and set WEATHER to OFF and RUDDER to 1.0.
Press the WORK button and disengage the autotrim function as described in
Disengage of autotrim-function in WORK-mode, page 6-5.
3. Maintain cruising speed and keep a straight course on different headings. Refer
to RUDDER, page 2-4, to find the best setting of the RUDDER value.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 6-7
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

4. Make several major course changes to test the effect of the different COUNTER
RUDDER settings. Refer to the figures below to find the best setting.

New course New course

Counter rudder setting too low,

overshoot response. Counter rudder setting too high,
sluggish and creeping response.

New course

Correct setting of counter rudder,

ideal response.

Fig. 6-2
Counter rudder settings

5. Engage the autotrim function and press the AUTO button. Demonstrate to the
owner the effect of the operational controls i.e. RUDDER, WEATHER, Course
Selector and PORT and STBD buttons.
6. Select WORK mode and demonstrate the manual trim using the PORT and
STBD buttons. Explain and demonstrate the purpose and effect of selecting a
different RUDDER value in WORK mode when going at slow speed.
If a Nav. receiver is connected, make a trial as explained in Navigating with the
AP45, page 2-5.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 6-8 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Start-Up procedure / Commissioning

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 7-1
Trouble shooting

Fault warnings The following fault warnings may be shown on the Information Display:

Course deviation greater than selected off course alarm limit. The alarm is
automatically reset when the vessel is back within the limit or cancelled by
pressing Alarm reset button.
The following conditions may cause the alarm:
a. Low speed on vessel (slow acting response).
b. Extreme sea conditions (following sea).
Readjustment of the autopilot (Weather, Rudder, Counter Rudder) to improve
steering performance may cure the problem. Otherwise the off course limit should
be adjusted.
This fault warning may also appear due to intermittent fault on the compass
signal (open connection).

Indicates that the autopilot is not reading any rudder feedback signal. By pressing
the alarm reset button, the audible alarm will be disabled and the autopilot will
switch to a simulated signal, instead of the real. This is indicated by a flashing
* * SIM * * on the information display.
The autopilot will continue to steer the set course, but the steering performance is
normally somewhat reduced.
The alarm is probably caused by and should be checked in the following sequence:
a. Open wire in feedback cable.
b. Defective feedback unit.
c. Defective input circuit in control unit.
When the fault is rectified, the autopilot will automatically disable the simulated
rudder angle signal.
Rudder Feedback Fail may also be caused by a Feedback unit that has not been
aligned and is outside AP45s maximum working angle of 55.
If a rudder command is not executed, or the rudder moves in wrong direction, this

message will be shown on the display. The reason can be a malfunction of the
steering gear, or simply that the steering gear is not switched on.
Other reasons may be:
a. Wrong connection of feedback unit (new installation only).
b. Broken feedback unit transmission link.
c. Opposite Port/Stbd output connection to solenoids or motor.
d. Sticking solenoid valve.
e. Defective drive unit motor.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 7-2 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Trouble shooting



Check that the nav. receiver is turned on and set up properly (see manual).

Poor reception conditions or improper set-up of nav. receiver.


Wrong NMEA-format selected on autopilot or transmitted by nav. receiver.

All three messages indicate problems with reading the signals from the navigation
receiver. If you are unable to cure the problem, after having checked all
connections and the nav. receiver and autopilot set-up, consult the factory or main




These alarms will be given when the autopilot is unable to detect a proper signal
from the selected heading sensor. The reason can be a faulty sensor or wrong
selection of sensor (See Type of Heading Sensor, page 6-4).
The alarm will also occur if no heading sensor is connected.


a. Enter the DEBUG-mode (see page 7-5) and verify that the compass sine, cosine
and reference signals are correct. If not, proceed to "b".
b. Check the cable and connector for open or intermittent connection. If found OK,
proceed to "c".
c. Try a new CD109.

a. Enter the DEBUG-mode (see page 7-5) and verify that the sine and cosine
signals varies with the heading between approx. 0.5 and 4.5 volts. If not,
proceed to "b".
b. Check all connections between the compass and the control unit. Check the
cable for a possible brake in one of the wires. If found OK, proceed to "c".
c. Try another fluxgate compass.


a. Make sure the fluxgate compass is working properly by observing its repeater
(if installed). If OK, proceed to "b".

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 7-3
Trouble shooting

b. Enter the DEBUG-mode (see page 7-5) and verify that the sine and cosine
signals varies with the heading between approx. 0.5 and 4.5 volts. If not,
proceed to "c".
c. Check all connections between the fluxgate compass and the FI100 unit and
between the FI100 unit and the AP45 control unit. If found OK, proceed to "d".
d. Try a spare FI100 Fluxgate Interface PC-board.


a. Verify that the gyrocompass is working properly.
b. Refer to G40A Gyro Interface Unit page 5-9. and check that the G40A is
operating properly with special attention to LEDs as explained. If the unit is
not working properly, check all connections to the gyro compass and the AP45
control unit. If found OK, proceed to "c".
c. Check the signal transmission to AP45 by trying the different SW1 test
positions. Verify the sin/cos output levels and/or the AP45 display readings are
according to table.

1 2 3 4 Angle SIN COS

I 0 0 I 0 2,5V 2,5V
0 I 0 I 45 4V 4V
I I 0 I 90 4,5V 2,5V
0 0 I I 180 2,5V 0,5V
I 0 I I 270 0,5V 2,5V
0 0 0 I 45 STEP

d. Try a spare G40A Gyro Interface PC-board.

If the problem is still present after replacement of the
heading sensor or interface, the problem most
probably lies within the control unit.





0 90 180 270 360

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Egersund - Norway
Page 7-4 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Trouble shooting


Readjusting procedure of 2,5V reference voltage (VR4) in case of extension of
autopilot interconnection cable:
1. Disconnect S1-S2-S3 inputs.
2. Enter Debug mode in AP45. (See page 7-5).
3. Step through the loop until you find Flux Sin and/or Flux Cos.
4. Adjust RV4 until sin/cos reads exactly 2.50 V.
5. Reconnect the S1-S2-S3 inputs.
6. Verify correct heading readout on AP45 in Manual mode compared to the
Lining up Gyro Synchro transmitter:
When the transmitter is correctly installed, the S1-S2-S3 voltage levels should be
in accordance with figure below.



0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360


S1-S3 = 0V at 0 and 180 degrees

S2-S3 = 0V at 60 and 240 degrees
S1-S2 = 0V at 120 and 300 degrees

I.e.: Measuring between S1 and S3 should give 0 volts when gyrocompass shows
heading 000 (north).
If not, loosen the transmitters fastening device and turn transmitter until reading
is correct.


If the autopilot should lose or read erratic data stored in the memory (RAM), this
alarm will be given, and the autopilot is simultaneously set to MANUAL-mode. A
selection of factory settings are then automatically entered into the memory.
These settings should be checked before AUTO-mode is re-selected (See Selection
of parameter settings page 6-2.).

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 7-5
Trouble shooting

Factory settings:
LENGTH: 40-70 ft

Front Controls: RUDDER: 1.0 (AUTO)

1.5 (WORK)


The watch alarm timer circuit is enabled if an external watch alarm is connected
to the control unit (J1) or enabled by grounding pin 2 (W.A. sense) of J1. Ref.
Watch alarm, page 5-37.
The warning signal is repeated every four minutes and is reset by pressing alarm
reset button or eventual external reset button (WA9 Watch Alarm).
If you want to permanently disable the watch alarm function, this can be done the
following way, providing there is no external watch alarm connected or there is a
permanent connection between pin 2 and 13 in J1.
Press the hidden button above the + button (entering Debug mode) and then press
the WEATHER button repeatedly until the Information Display shows
SOFTWARE/RUNTIME. Press the DECREASE (-) button six times until the
button and the Watch Alarm function is disabled.
This procedure is considered as a Master reset of the AP45 and you must therefore
check all settings described in Selection of parameter settings page 6-2 or consult
your nearest Simrad Robertson dealer.

Debug/Adjust mode
The Control Unit has a separate mode to control the content of the software
addresses and the value of the variable parameters. This mode should only be
used at installation and during fault finding. To enter the DEBUG-mode, first
press the hidden button (just above the + button) and then the WEATHER button.
The first part of the Debug mode contains readout of various signal levels. The
second part (Adjust Mode) gives access to and possibility to change the factory set
parameters in the program.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 7-6 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Trouble shooting

Step through the loop by pressing the WEATHER button.

Display text Explanation

Measured rudder angle in degrees. S =
Starboard, P = port.

DEBUG MODE Rudder command from autopilot. S = Starboard,

RUDD.COM: S02.7 P = port.

HEADING: 158.9 Compass heading

Measured turn rate in /min
TURN: 00.2
DEBUG MODE Measured sine component of compass signal.
DEBUG MODE Reference for the sine signal.
REF.SIN: 2.45V

Measured cosine component of compass signal.

REF.COS:2.58V Reference for the cosine signal.

DEBUG MODE Measured sine component of fluxgate signal.

FLUX.COS: 3.58V Measured cosine component of fluxgate signal.

FU-INPUT:2.51V Measured signal on Follow-Up input.

DEBUGAD: 8205[55] Data readout directly from the RAM-address.

The AP45 software has a combination of factory set parameters related to the
length of the vessel as displayed in the installation loop.

Selected Autotrim Counter Rudder Turn Rate of turn

length Time Constant Initiate

0-50ft. 48 sec. 1.0 sec. 30 240/minute

40-70ft. 64 sec. 1.0 sec. 30 210/minute
60-100ft. 80 sec. 1.5 sec. 25 180/minute
90-130ft. 96 sec. 2.0 sec. 25 150/minute
120- - ft. 96 sec. 2.5 sec. 20 120/minute
In addition the COUNTER RUDDER values (magnitude) has the following scale:
OFF = 0.0, LOW = 0.4, MED = 0.8, HIGH = 1.2

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Egersund - Norway
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Trouble shooting

Proceeding through the DEBUG-mode you will get access to the adjustable
Adjustment of parameters is made by the + or - button. Values shown below are
just examples.
Display text Explanation

ADJUST MODE Counter Rudder magnitude in AUTO- and NAV-mode

C.RUDD., AUTO 0.4 Adjusting range: 0,0-3,5 in steps of 0,1.

ADJUST MODE Counter Rudder magnitude in WORK-mode.

C.RUDD., WORK 0.4 Adjusting range: 0,0-3,5 in steps of 0,1.

ADJUST MODE Counter Rudder Time Constant in seconds

C.R.T. CONST. 1.0 Adjusting range: 0,0-3,5 in steps of 0,1.

ADJUST MODE Autotrim time constant in seconds

AUTOTRIM: 48 Adjusting range: 0-256 in steps of 8.

ADJUST MODE Turn Rate limit in degrees pr. minute

TURNRATE: 240 Adjusting range: 60-480 in steps of 30.

ADJUST MODE Turn initiate value

TURNINIT: 30 Adjusting range: 5-40 in steps of 1.

ADJUST MODE Rudder limit in MANUAL- and WORK-mode

R.LIM, M&W: 35 Adjusting range: 5-55 in steps of 5.

ADJUST MODE Rudder limit in AUTO- and NAV-mode

R.LIM, A&N: 35 Adjusting range: 5-55 in steps of 5.

ADJUST MODE Nav. gain (gain in cross track steering)

NAV. GAIN: 1.0 Adjusting range: 0,5-3,0 in steps of 0,1.

ADJUST MODE Nav. trim (autotrim in cross track steering)

NAVTRIM: 400 Adjusting range: 100-1600 in steps of 50.

ADJUST MODE Nav. filter (filter of cross track data)

NAVFILT: 1.3 Adjusting range: 1,1-2,5 in steps of 0,1.

ADJUST MODE Selection of steering mode in NAV.(XTE only, CTS only

NAVMODE CTS & XTE or mixed mode - CTS&XTE.

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Egersund - Norway
Page 7-8 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Trouble shooting

The AP45 is as a standard set up with the NMEA 0183 CTS&XTE mode.

Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mixed mode APB APA XTE+ RMB+ XTR+
Table 1
NMEA 0183 Sentence priority table

If one or more of the adjustable parameters are changed, the information display
will initially at turn on show:


It is not recommended to change the adjustable parameters unless deemed
absolutely necessary.
Enables DODGING with F200 by pressing the
INCREASE (+) button. Disable is made by pressing
the - button.

CENTRE RUDDER? Resets eventual rudder off set by pressing

YES: PRESS INC INCREASE (+) button. Maximum correction 5. See
the Sea Trial section, page 6-6, for details.

PROGRAM: V_R_ Readout of software version (i.e. V1R4) and runtime

RUNTIME: 00010H of the control unit.

When this last display appears in DEBUG-mode it is possible to:

a. Reset the runtime
b. Disable the watch alarm
c. Set up the autopilot with the factory settings as described earlier in this
All this will be initiated by pressing the + or - button 6 times. Then there will be
an alarm and the display will show:


Reset by pressing the ALARM button. Then step through the installation loop to
check and eventually change the settings.

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 8-1
Spare parts and drawings


AP45 Control Unit 20159240 AP45 Control Unit w/installation accessories
20159224 AP45 Control Unit
20153060 Installation accessories
20159653 EMC kit type 45
20159323 AP45 board w/display board assy.
20159281 1 AP45 board assy.
20153086 2 Illumination board
20162533 3 N40 Nav. Interface board
20120622 4 Gasket for plug
20153037 5 Back cabinet
20153151 6 Front cabinet with key board
44151702 7 Screw M4x25 countersunk
20130696 8 Flat cable for Illumination PCB
20159265 9 Display board assy.
44119220 10 Potentiometer 2 Kohm VR1
44118800 11 Info-display module DMC16207
44112233 12 Voltage regulator LM317T IC3
20120580 Course selector assembly (Item 13, 14, 18)
20120572 13 Course selector
44150779 14 Set screw M4x10 A2
20120556 15 Course selector tooth wheel
20120564 16 Return spring
44149508 17 C-ring A6x0.7 A2
20104212 18 Split bushing
20120630 19 Gasket for back plate
20168415 20 Light defuser
44118958 21 Buzzer QMB LS1
44119626 22 AC Inverter NEL-D32-46 3H25 T1
44119964 23 5V regulator L487 IC8
44102655 24 Transistor BDX 34C Q2
44117778 25 Transistor VMOS 2N2222 Q1, Q2
44103091 26 Transistor 2N6388 Q8, Q9
20159315 27 EPROM 27C512 Programmed IC5
44122828 28 Voltage regulator 8V 78LO8AC IC10
44132074 29 Voltage regulator 5V LM340LAZ5 IC9
44120913 30 LCD display 4 digits
44118768 31 IC OPB 804 IC32, IC33
44120947 32 Illumination strip
44119600 33 X-tall 4,9152 MHz X1
44105955 34 Contact Amp CPC 206043-1 J1, J2, J3
44117224 35 Switch 0.25A/60V DC SW1
44119584 36 Lithium battery CR1/3N 3V
44107613 37 Spacer, rubber
44117778 38 Transistor VN2222L Q4, Q7

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Egersund - Norway
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Spare parts and drawings

Fig. 8-1
AP45 Exploded view

Pos. 3 (N40 Nav. Interface board) is only for Main PCB with s.n. below 4000.

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Egersund - Norway
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Spare parts and drawings

Fig. 8-2
AP45 Signal reference

J1 J2 J3
1 N.C. 1 GND 1 Clock
2 Watch alarm sense 2 N.C. 2 Data
3 +12V out 3 N.C. 3 FU
4 Rudder HI 4 +5V 4 Port
5 Rudder LO 5 +12V out 5 Stbd
6 Port relay 6 GND 6 +5V
7 Stbd relay 7 Sin (Head 1) 7 Course 1
8 Power (safe) relay 8 Cos (Head 2) 8 Course 2
9 Watch/External alarm 9 V/2 9 Nav HI
10 Watch alarm reset 10 Sin1 10 Nav LO
11 Power steering 11 Cos1 11 N.C.
12 +12V supply 12 +V Excitation 12 +12V
13 GND 13 Excitation 13 GND
14 Screen 14 Screen 14 Screen

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Egersund - Norway
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Spare parts and drawings

CD109 Course 20120861 CD109 Course Detector with holder

Detector 20120721 1 CD109 Course Detector
20331997 2 Holder for Course Detector
44112126 3 Connector block AMP NO 206044-1
44107217 4 Cable clamp AMP NO 206070-1
20120739 5 Cable with plug
44112134 Pin contact AMP NO 163090-0
20120853 6 Plug with bracket for extension cable
44106862 Socket contact AMP NO 163088-2
44150647 7 Washer
44151066 8 Screw M6x30
44149011 9 Washer M3
44149102 10 Screw M3x8
44108199 11 Cable clamp

Fig. 8-3
CD109 - Spare parts

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Egersund - Norway
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Spare parts and drawings

G40A Gyro 20157202 G40A Gyro Interface Unit

Interface 20157228 G40A PC-board assy.
44103638 Fuse 0.5A/250V 5x20mm F1
44122406 Trim pot. multiturn 10K VR1
44123792 Capacitor (tantalum drop) 1mF/35V C5, C6, C7
44111409 Capacitor 4.7mF/35V C18, C20, C37
44116812 Diode 1N4006 D10, D13, D14
44115566 Diode ref. 2.5V D12
44132199 LED Network 8xRed D1-D8
44120871 Transistor IRFD110 Q1
44116788 IC 5V regulator LM340AT-5 IC16
44116798 IC 5V regulator 78L05 K9
44132074 IC 5V regulator LM340LAZ5 IC9
44106623 IC opto-coupler CNY17-2 IC10, IC11, IC12, IC13, IC14
44118529 IC Dual Op-amp LM358 IC6
20157244 IC EPROM 27C32 IC3 V2R1
44116739 X-tall 6 MHz X1
44126068 DIP-switch KSD04 SW1
44122604 Plug-in strap

Fig. 8-4
G40A Component reference

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Spare parts and drawings

Fig. 8-5
G40A Circuit diagram
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Spare parts and drawings

G45 Gyro Interface 20158200 G45 Gyro Interface (1:1 SYNC)

20158226 G45 PCB ass'y
20158283 G45 Cable w/ plug
20158242 G45 Coil, L2
20158259 G45 Filter, L4
44157287 Trimpotmeter VR3
44158319 Capacitor EL 470MFD 63V, C3
44158327 Capacitor EL. 470MF 63V, C21
44123685 Capacitor EL. 1000MF 25V, C27
44127553 Capacitor 10MF/50V, C5,6,9,13,29
44116812 Diode 1N4006, D18
44103422 Diode 1N4148, D2,3,8,10-12
44104123 Diode MR851, D5
44115566 Diode LM336 Z 2.5, D14
44155174 Zener diode RD 14 15V 0.5W, D4,6,7,9,13
44157188 Transistor 2N4403, Q1
44103893 IC CA324G / LM324J, IC7
44126738 IC LM 311 N/CA 311 E, IC6
44157832 IC LM675T Bipol OP AMP, IC1
44158707 IC ME5535N MOS Dual OP AMP, IC5
44112233 IC Voltage regulator LM317T, IC8
44157824 IC LT1071T Switch regulator, IC2
44154300 IC 8038 Waveform generator, IC9
44118727 IC Analogue gate 4066 CP, IC4
44119097 Diode LED Green HLMP0504, D1
20158267 Transformer G45, T1
44120624 Ferrite Bead Inductor, L1,3
44114551 Terminal Block 4P 1.5MM2 16A, TB1-6
44111409 Capacitor 4,7MF 35V, C28
44118529 IC Dual OP AMP LM358 DIL 8, IC3
44109411 Trimpotmeter 10K, VR1,2,4

Fig. 8-6
G45 Component reference

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Spare parts and drawings

Fig. 8-7
G45 Circuit diagram
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Spare parts and drawings

FI100-40 Fluxgate 20155008 FI100-40/VDO Fluxgate Interface

Interface 20155206 FI100-40/Marinex Fluxgate Interface
20155404 FI100-40/ Brooks & Gatehouse Fluxgate Interface
20107017 FI100-40 PC-board complete
20107025 Cable for VDO connection w/VDO plug

RF45X Rudder
22011282 RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit w/ transmission link
22011290 RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit
22011183 RF45 Transmission Link
44156644 Transmission rod M8x50
44157097 Ball joint socket
22504039 Transmission lever
22011217 Mounting kit
22011266 RF45X Board Assy with potentiometer

RF14XU Rudder 22501647 RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit w/transmission link

Feedback Unit 22501654 RF14XU Rudder Feedback Unit
22504005 Transmission Link
44132306 Ball joint
22500300 Shaft coupling
22500458 1 Gasket
22501605 2 Electronic XU drive module
44105120 3 Actuator
44105146 4 Limit switch
4418388 5 Potentiometer 5 Kohm
44132033 6 Corrosion inhibitor sponge
22500284 7 Activator block
22500276 8 Activator disc

Fig. 8-8
RF14XU - Spare parts

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Spare parts and drawings

J45S Junction Unit 21102579 J45S Junction Unit

21102827 PC-board complete
21100144 Relay socket complete, K1
44155539 Relay 12V/40A 1 pole
44133684 Line filter 250V/3A, FL1
44110989 Capacitor 22mF/20V, C11, C12
44111177 Capacitor 220mF 40V C4
44104123 Diode MR851, D3, D4, D5, D8
44116812 Diode IN4006, D6, D7
44104156 Diode BZX 79B16 D2
44106474 Thyristor 2N6394, SCR1
44115384 Diode zener D4 15V 1W, D1
44103000 Transistor 2N2907A, Q4
44103091 Transistor 2N6388, Q1,2,3
44115160 Diode LED Red SPR5531, D1,2
44118735 IC Optocoupler PC829, IC1
44103653 Fuse 2A/250V 5x20mm, F1
44114171 Heatzink insulator FOR Q1,2,3
44122604 Plug-in strap

Fig. 8-9
J45S Component reference

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Fig. 8-10
J45S Circuit diagram
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J45A Junction Unit 21102611 J45A Junction Unit

21099981 J101A-40 Junction Unit
21099908 J45A PCB ass'y
44115434 Trans. BDW94A Darlington, T2
44114734 Relay 12V, RL1
44114874 Transistor BUZ 14 MOS 50V 39A, T1
44103091 Transistor 2N6388, T5
44112233 Voltage regulator LM317T, IC4
44114841 Zener diode BZX 61 C43, D4
44109213 Zener diode BZX 61 C12, D5
44103026 Transistor 2N2222A, T6
44118164 Transistor 1RF9521, T8
44103257 Zenerdiode BZW55B7V5, D13, D14

Fig. 8-11
J45A Component reference

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Fig. 8-12
J45A Circuit diagram

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Spare parts and drawings

F200-40 Remote 20171377 F200-40 Remote Control w/mounting accessories

Control 20171385 F200-40 Remote Control
20156410 Cable (7m) with AMP-plug
20103859 Mounting accessories
20171286 PC-board assy
44116754 LCD displays 4 digits
44115160 Light emitting diode SPR5531 D2, D3
20104220 Control knob assembly (COURSE)
20104253 Toothed wheel with shaft
44117224 Push button switch SW1, SW2, SW3 (MPD)
20103784 Actuator for SW1, SW2, SW3
44190114 Gasket O-ring 3 mm
44116796 Voltage regulator LM340 LAZ 5 IC1
20171328 F200 front panel (keypad)

Fig. 8-13
F200-40 Component reference

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Fig. 8-14
F200-40 Circuit diagram
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S9 Steering Lever 23601800 S9 Non Follow Up steering lever

23601859 Lever with actuator shaft
44125631 Cable gland PG16
44190114 Gasket O-ring 3mm 0.6m
23601875 Coil spring
44153872 Steel ball 0.5 mm
23601834 Centring spring
44125599 Microswitch V-15-1A5
44116812 Diode 1N4006

S35 Steering Lever 23241144 S35 PCB Assy

44125599 Micro switch
23240096 Spring
44190114 Gasket
44140796 Cable gland

FU91 Steering Lever 23603004 FU91 Steering Lever

23603020 FU91 Front Panel 45 DEG.
23603137 FU9X Handle ass'y w/actuat. shaft
23600703 Handle
44155497 Handle Knob
23603061 FU9X Window (X2)
23603087 FU9X PCB ass'y
23603129 FU9X Zero point bracket
44158442 Latching switch
44158459 Lamp lense, Green
44158467 Lamp 14V/80mA
44158475 Element
44125631 Cable Gland PG16 MF
44190114 Gasket, Neoprene Dia 3 mm, 560 mm
44158418 Dimmer potentiometer, 2.2K
22013221 RF100 potentiometer with leads
23603053 FU9X cogwheel
23603277 FU91/92 PTTC switch assy

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 8-17
Spare parts and drawings

RI9 Rudder Angle 22015655 RI9 Rudder Angle Indicator

Indicator 22015663 Mounting kit
22015662 1 Printed Circuit Board Assy (PCB)
22015671 2 Instrument
22015028 3 Window
44117687 4 Light Bulb 12V 40mA
44155620 5 Potentiometer, 2.2K
44107423 6 Nut Cover
44149995 7 Dimmer Knob
44108496 8 Cap
22015606 9 Front panel plate
22015721 2 Instrument scale 60 degrees
22015697 2 Instrument scale 70 degrees
22015705 2 Instrument scale 90 degrees

Fig. 8-15
RI40 Exploded view

RI35 Rudder Angle 22082929 Installation accessories

Indicator 22083265 RI35 Cable
22083216 RI35 Board assy (PCB)
22083273 RI35 Front Housing
22083208 RI35 Back Cover
44164135 Blind plug
44140796 Cable gland
44141174 Seal (o-ring)

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway
Page 8-18 Robertson AP45 Autopilot
Spare parts and drawings

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Egersund - Norway
Robertson AP45 Autopilot Page 9-1
Sales and service worldwide

9. Sales and service worldwide (150502)

EUROPE (Recreational)
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AUSTRIA Veneentekijntie 1
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Allroundmarin 4 Msida Rd. Partida Torres N 38
SF 00210 Helsinki
Griesfeldstrasse 1 Gzira GZR03 Nave 8 Y 9
Tel: +358 9 681 631
A-2351 Vienna Tel.: +356 21 335521 03570 Villajoyosa
Fax: +358 9 692 7917
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Simrad S.A. Fax: +34 96 685 23 04
BENELUX Parc dActivits Ragon
Simrad Marine AS
Bennex Holland BV 23 Avenue Pasteur
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P O Box 587 P.O. Box 53, Laksevg Simrad AB
44 119 Treillieres
3200 AM Spijkenisse N-5847 Bergen Svalrtsgatan 14
Tel.: +33 2 28 01 23 01
Tel.: +31 181 600234 Tel.: +47 55 94 10 00 42668 Vstra Frlunda
Fax: +33 2 28 01 21 43
Fax: +31 181 626688 Fax: +47 55 94 10 05 Tel.: +46 31 69 51 00
GERMANY Fax: +46 31 69 51 20
Simrad GmbH & Co. KG
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Escort Ltd. Electronics Syst. SWITZERLAND
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Tel.: +49 4921 96860
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Fax: +49 4921 968677
Fax: +385 52 445 276 Fax: +48 91 462 4408 Tel.: +41 1 997 40 90
GREAT BRITAIN Fax: +41 1 997 40 94
Regis Marine Electronics Unit 810, Fareham Reach
Nautel-Electronica Maritima TURKEY
Ltd. Lda. Promar Marine Equip. Ltd.
166 Fareham Road, Gosport
P O Box 55532 Ed Liscont, 1 Igrip Sokak Gul Apt. No:
Hampshire PO13 0FW
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Fax: +44 1329 245111
Fax: +357 5 348209 Tel.: +351 21 392 0940 Istanbul
GREECE Fax: +351 21 392 0949 Tel.: +90 216 3460894
DENMARK Aegean Electronics S.A. Fax: +90 216 3461493
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EL-185 35 Piraeus
DK-2600 Glostrup Tel.: +30 10 413 7269
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Fax: +30 10 413 7270
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Prnu Mnt. 232 121 Reykjavik Company, Ltd. Fax: +212 22 54 15 37
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Fax: +372 67 10 076 Tel.: +7 0112 215492
ITALY 17 Rue le Catelet
FINLAND Fax: +7 0112 365380 BD Emile Zola
Simrad Srl.
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AT - Marine OY 00128 Rome Tel.: +212 22 40 50 50
Mesikukantie 16 Tel.: +39 06 655 7579 Fax: +212 22 24 82 36
FIN 01300 Vantaa Fax: +39 06 655 7859
Tel.: +358 9 5494 2600
Fax: +358 9 5494 2700

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Egersund - Norway
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Sales and service worldwide


Marine Radio Acoustic Nippon Kaiyo Co, Ltd. Demo Offshore Ltda
Devices SINGAPORE 9-2 Sakae-Cho Av. Marechal Camara 160
P O Box 12076 Jason Electronics Pte Ltd. Kita-Ku Sala 614,
N1 City 7463 Blk 194 Pandan Loop #06- Tokyo 114-0005 Centro Rio de Janeiro
Edgemead 7441 05 Tel.: +81 3 3913 2337 RJ-20020-080
Tel.: +27 21 559 4003 Pantech Industrial Complex Fax: +81 3 3913 3479 Tel.: +55 21 2524 5171
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Tel.: +65 872 0211 Shipmate Japan Co. Ltd. 2-
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Tel.: +81 45 788 2731
P O Box 6158 P.O. Box 24633, Santiago
Fax: +81 45 788 2732
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Tel.: +972 3 5271 778 Tel.: +852 2 552 0178 TAIWAN Fax: +56 2 207 2695
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12F-4, No. 251
EMIRATES Norinco Private Ltd.
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P.O. Box 6488 38/265D, Karshaka Road Bellavista Callao
Tel.: +886 722 72887
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(Maritime Dept.)
Beirut Annexe Building 7th Floor Tel.: +59 8 2 924 7139
261 Brownlow Avenue
Tel.: +961 149 1489 JL. Jenderal Sudirman Fax: +59 8 2 924 7138
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Fax: +961 149 5325 Kav.32
Tel.: +1 902 468 2268
Jakarta 10220 The above companies represent
IRAN Tel.: +62 21 570 61 28
Fax: +1 902 468 2217
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Darya Negar Co. Fax: +62 21 570 72 21 USA country is in addition served by
Office 2, 1st Floor, Simrad Inc. a network of local service
Bldg. No. 64 SOUTH KOREA outlets.
19210 33rd Avenue West
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Suite A
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Lynnwood WA 98036 specific market segments
Tel.: +98 21 896 7872 Taesung B/D. #508
Tel.: +1 425 778 8821 according to the following
Fax: +98 21 896 6658 60-17, Taepyong-Ro 1-Ka
Fax: +1 425 771 7211 codes:
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PACIFIC Tel.: +82 2 736 4328 Simrad Inc. Coastal and Fishery market
Fax: +82 2 739 5689 1500 NW 1st Street
Quin Marine Pty. Ltd. Suite 1-E Leisure market
Turn-On Electronics Co. Dania, FL 33004
89 St Vincent Street 7th fl., Dong-A Ilbo Bldg.
Port Adelaide, SA 5015 Tel.: +1 954 922 7700
53-11, 4-KA, Fax: +1 954 922 0707
Tel.: +61 88 447 1277 Choongang-Dong
Fax: +61 88 341 0567 Choong-Ku, Pusan ARGENTINA
NEW ZEALAND Tel.: +82 51 462 3930 R.C. International
Simrad Egersund AS
Advance Trident Ltd. Fax: +82 51 462 3089 Ntra. Sra. Del R. de
P.O. Box 55,
P.O. Box 4174 Pompeya 2492 PB N-4379 Egersund
Kingsland 1712 Castelar Norway
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Tel.: +64 9 845 5347 Tel.: +54 11 4609 0007 Fax: +47 51 46 20 01
Fax: +64 9 845 5348 Fax: +54 11 4609 0008 www.simrad.com

Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway

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