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2 Based Primarily on Netafim USA, Orenco, and Sta-Rite Specifications/Data
3 Developed by TVA, Nov 2003
4 Instructions/Notes:
5 1. Select the appropriate drop-down values for each design.
6 2. Red values indicates basic data or information that the design is based on (input).
7 3. Blue values are calculated.
8 4. Green values need to be obtained from the manufacturer's literature or information.
9 5. Enter or revise values and data as needed in all white cells. All values within gray cells are automatically programmed and should not need to be revised.
12 Primary Parameter Inputs Additional Parameters Notes

13 Design value should be set conservatively to be compatible with hydraulic loading rate (see guidelines). If the design
hydraulic loading rate has been specifically established by a professional soil evaluator, actual expected peak daily flow
Design Flow, gpd 450 (based on any applicable flow equalization) may be used with the concurrence of the professional soil evaluator.

Based on information obtained from the project's soils evaluation, select soil texture and structure from those listed.
The reference information is contained on the "Drop-down Data" sheet.
Soil Texture and Structure Silty clay loam; moderate to strong
15 Netafim Suggested Hydraulic Loading Rate, gpd/ft2 0.3 Selected from "Drop-down Data" sheet based on soil texture and structure.

This is the rate specified by the soils professional for the site or a more conservative value determined through water
and nutrient balance calculations. See the design guidelines for more information. For preliminary planning prior to
16 the soils evaluation, use the above application rate suggested by Netafim. Also, a site may have several different soil
types with different application rates. This spreadsheet is not set up to directly handle multiple application rates. For
this type of site, the spreadsheet can be run several times based on each different application rate with the objective of
determining the maximum design flow and corresponding zone details that can be accomodated by each different sub-
Selected Hydraulic Loading Rate, gpd/ft2 0.2 area (beginning with the sub-area with the best soils).

In addition to loading rate, the design should consider other site conditions affecting water movement such as depth to
a restrictive layer including seasonal water tables, soil saturation depths due to wastewater loading, minimizing soil
saturation depths by varying the dimensions of the drip system relative to horizontal water movement, the need for
curtain drains, the need to minimize drain back, etc. These factors are beyond the scope of this tool. See the design
guidelines for detailed information.

18 Standard spacing is 24". Smaller spacing may be a better choice for septic tank effluent or wastewater with a high
Spacing between Drip Lines, ft 2 organic content equivalent to residential septic tank effluent. See the design guidelines for more information.

19 24" emitter spacing is standard. 30", 36", 42" and 48" emitter spacings are also available; if these spacings are
Spacing between Drip Emitters, ft 2 2 desired, contact Netafim for detailed information.
20 Type of Drip Line Pressure Compensating
21 Site Slope <10% If slopes are 10% or greater, see "Slope Considerations" worksheet for Netafim's suggestions.

The design pressure at the return manifold controls the system design. This value is typically set at 10 psi. The
acceptable operating pressure range for Netafim Bioline is 5 to 70 psi; however, 5 to 45 psi is recommended. At
pressures >45psi, stainless steel clamps are recommended on all barbed Bioline fittings. Pressure regulators should
Design Drip Field Pressure at Return Manifold, psi 10 be considered to limit pressure when severe slopes exist or when pressure >45psi.

Standard flow rate is 0.62 gph; however, dispersal in clay or sandy soils may be improved by using emitters with either
slower or faster drip rates. The slower 0.42 gph emitter may be a better choice for clay soils and the 0.92 gph emitter
Emitter Flow Rate at Design Pressure, gph 0.62 0.62 may be a better choice for sandy soils.

Cell C25 is the internal diameter and D25 is the cross sectional area (ft2). 0.57 inch is the standard inside diameter
25 and the spreadsheet is based on its use. Larger tubing may be useful to reduce friction losses for long laterals that
Emitter Tubing Inside Diameter, inches 0.570 0.00177 may be appropriate for large sites.

26 This is the typical value used for Netafim Bioline. If other values are used, trendlines will need to be derived for the
Design Flushing Velocity (distal end of drip lateral), fps 2 chosen flushing velocity and the equations used in Cell D33 will need to be updated.

A lateral is defined as the length of drip tubing between the supply and return manifolds. If loops are used, a lateral will
contain two or more "runs". A run is defined as the length of drip tubing between a manifold and a loop or between two
27 loops. A run is typically placed on contour. The maximum lateral length is provided for each emitter flow rate and
spacing based on a pressure of 10 psi at the end of the lateral to ensure uniform distribution during flushing, a flushing
velocity of 2 fps, and restricting the pressure at the inlet of the drip tubing to a maximum of 71.12 psi. The maximum
length will differ for other conditions, but these are the typical design values. If other flushing velocities or outlet
Maximum Drip Lateral Length Based on Drip Line Hydraulics, ft 552 pressures are desired, contact Netafim for corresponding maximum lengths.

28 Maximum Drip Run Length Based on Site Boundaries and This length is site-specific. Runs should precisely follow site contours, eliminating dips and rises to the extent
Contours, ft 150 practicable.

29 Maximum Drip Run Length Based on Hydraulics, Site Boundaries This length will be equal to the lesser of Cells C27 or C28. If Cell C28 exceeds C27, hydraulics will control the
and Contours, ft 150 maximum allowable run length.

Maximizing lateral lengths through loops at the end of runs results in smaller pumping rates for line flushing which may
be important when flow rates for a zone approach the upper limits of readily available pumps. Pump rates can also be
reduced by increasing the number of zones. However, there are also disadvantages to increasing the lateral length
Number of Tubing Runs per Lateral to be Used to Fit Site using loops. Friction losses and the corresponding system TDH increase. Also, less uniform distribution of the
Boundaries, Contours, and Hydraulics 1 wastewater occurs as the lateral pressurizes.

Experience is needed to select appropriate run lengths based on hydraulics. If the site will accommodate long runs,
large high head pumps may be needed to provide the required pressures for flushing the runs. If subsequent
calculations indicated that TDH and flows for the system exceeds limits of commercially available pumps, restrict the
Selected Drip Run Length Based on Hydraulics, Site Boundaries, run and laterals lengths to allow use of readily available pumps. In additions, the final lateral length (Cell C32) should
Contours, and Number of Runs Desired per Lateral 150 never exceed Cell C27.

Number of runs to be used (Cell C30) multiplied by the selected run length (Cell C31). This length should never
exceed Cell C27. The associated head loss (psi) in cell D32 is the head loss for the lateral length based on dosing
32 flows only and is automatically calculated based on the polynomial trendlines shown on the applicable drip emitter
Design Drip Lateral Length Taking into Account Hydraulics and sheet (0.42 gph, 0.62 gph, or 0.92 gph). The pressure may not exactly match Netafim's value since the trendline
Site Boundaries, ft 150 0.43 equation is an approximation.

The head loss (psi) in cell D33 is automatically calculated based on the polynomial trendlines shown on the applicable
33 Pressure Loss in the Drip Lateral while Maintaining 2 ft/sec drip emitter sheet (0.42 gph, 0.62 gph, pr 0.92 gpdh). The pressure may not exactly match Netafim's value since the
Flushing Velocity at the Distal End, psi 7.25 trendline equation is an approximation.
34 Pump Off Elevation, ft 0 Design input.
35 Pump Suction Lift, ft 0 If submersible pumps are planned, the suction lift will be 0.
36 Pump Elevation, ft -1.5 Design input.

Elevation of Top of Ground at the Highest Point in the Drip Field, ft 10 Design input.

Design input. Burial may be deeper (up to 24" depending on installation method), but 6" to 12" depth is typical based
on (1) ease of installation with standard turf knife tool (6") or vibratory plow (12"), (2) maximizing evapotranspiration by
38 grass and other vegetation during the growing season, and (3) applying the wastewater to the topsoil layer with the
most favorable characteristics for wastewater disposal (typically the top 6" to 12" layer contains the most
microorganisms and the best hydraulic characteristics). Deep installations (> 1.5') are typically used in cold climates
Burial Depth of Drip Line, ft 0.75 to minimize frozen lines.
39 Elevation of Highest Point of Drip Line, ft 9.25
40 Elevation of Return Pipe Discharge in Settling Tank, ft 3 Design input.

41 Distance from Pump to End of Supply Line to Drip Field (at

Furthest Zone), ft 50 Design input.

42 Distance from End of Return Line at Drip Field to Settling Tank (at
Furthest Zone), ft 200 Design input.
43 Distance from Pump to Filter, ft 10 Design input.
44 Distance from Filter to Settling Tank, ft 30 Design input.
45 Actual Average Daily Flow, gpd 225 Design input.
54 BASIC DRIP FIELD CALCULATIONS Calculated Values Comments
55 Total Area Required, ft2 2,250.00 Design flow divided by hydraulic loading rate (HLR).
56 Linear Feet of Drip Line Required, ft 1,125.00 Area divided by drip line spacing.

Velocities should be maintained between 2 to 5 fps to prevent solids deposition and to flush solids from the system.
Although the wastewater is filtered, flushing will be needed to periodically remove microbial slimes, solids that may be
58 formed through biochemical or physiochemical processes, silt or clay that may be sucked back into the tubing through
the emitters at the end of dosing cycles, and soil and construction debris following system repairs or maintenance. In
order to determine the various pumping rates that will be needed, the basic field layout and number of drip lines per
DRIP FIELD FLOWRATES zone must be established.

59 Based on site boundary constraints. Linear feet required divided by max length possible based on site constraints.
Preliminary Number of Drip Line Laterals 7.50 Assumes that each lateral will be the same total length.

60 Based on maintaining maximum possible length to minimize hydraulic problems for shallow soils and rounding up
Selected Number of Drip Line Laterals 8 required number of lines to a whole number.
61 Linear Feet of Drip Line to be Used, ft 1,200 Number of laterals multiplied by the maximum selected lateral length.
62 Number of Emitters 600 Linear feet divided by drip emitter spacing.
63 Flow Required for Dosing, gpm 6.20 Number of emitters multiplied by the emitter flow rate (gph) divided by 60 min/hr.

64 Minimum flow required to maintain a flushing velocity of 2 fps (dripper line ID listed in cell C26). Netafim recommends
Flow Required for Flushing Each Lateral, gpm 1.59 1.6 gpm per dripper line flush line connection.
65 Flow Required for Flushing All Laterals, gpm 12.73 Minimum flushing flow per line multiplied by the total number of lines.
66 Total Flow Required for Dosing & Lateral Flushing, gpm 18.93 Combination of dosing flow plus flushing flow.

For small turbine submersible pumps, the optimal range is about 5 to 35 gpm for a TDH greater than 120 ft. For self-
priming centrifugal pumps, the optimal range is up to 60 to 140 gpm for corresponding TDHs between 150 and 105
67 feet. **See worksheet entitled "Pump Selection" for pump curve.** You select this number based on the
amount of head you need and applicable pump curves for the type and brand of pump to be used. The value
used can also be adjusted to adjust the number of zones that may be desired (for example, to obtain an even
number of zones, increase or decease the pump rate within the available range for the type of pumps being
Practical High Head Pump Rate, gpm 22 considered).

68 The exact number of zones needed, based on your selection for cell C67, by dividing dosing flow requirements by
Number of Zones Needed (Exact Value) 0.28 practical pump net discharge.

This value is cell C68 rounded up to give the necessary number of zones, based on total flow and pump specs.
69 Typically the pump rate is adjusted to obtain an even number of zones in order to help balance the system and improve
Number of Zones to be Used to Match Total Flow to Practical pumping efficiency for larger systems. This allows two pumps to be run simultaneously to obtain the required flow for
Pumping Rates (Whole Number Value) 1 dosing multiple zones and dosing and flushing a single zone.

NOTE: Recalculate flows and resize system components if number of zones is greater than 1. Pump selection
and availability is one of the key aspects for determining the number of zones that will be needed for a
70 balanced system. Another key consideration is the filtering system. Zones and filters should be selected to
balance the system flow requirements for zone dosing, zone flushing, and filter flushing. Revise the pump rate
as necessary within the limits of the pump curves for the range of pumps that are available to adjust the
number of zones to help balance the system.

71 Preliminary Total Flow Requirements for Each Zone (Assuming If zone sizes are different, use the largest zone for determining pump size. Although flow requirements will vary for
Equal Size Zones), gpm 6.20 different size zones, dosing times and frequency will be the same for all zones.
Based on site boundary constraints. Linear feet required divided by maximum length possible based on site
Preliminary Number of Drip Laterals per Zone N/A constraints.

76 Based on maintaining maximum possible length to minimize hydraulic problems for shallow soils and rounding up
Selected Number of Drip Laterals per Zone N/A required number of lines to a whole number.

Linear Feet of Drip Line to be Used per Zone, ft N/A Number of drip lines multiplied by the maximum selected line length.
78 Number of Emitters per Zone N/A Linear feet divided by drip emitter spacing.
79 Flow Required for Dosing Each Zone, gpm N/A Number of emitters multiplied by the emitter flow rate (gph) divided by 60 min/hr.

80 Minimum flow required to maintain a flushing velocity of 2 fps (dripper line ID listed in cell C26). Netafim recommends
Flow Required for Flushing Each Lateral, gpm N/A 1.6 gpm per dripper line flush line connection.

Flow Required for Drip Lateral Flushing per zone (return flow), gpm N/A Minimum flushing flow per line multiplied by the total number of lines.

Total Flow Required for Zone Dosing & Lateral Flushing, gpm N/A As needed, use multiple pumps in parallel to provide required periodic maximum flow rate.

Total Flow Required for Zone Dosing & Lateral Flushing, gpm 18.93

Select filter type from the worksheet entitled "Filter Selection," based on the flow in cell C85. All listed models are Arkal
86 filters. The 2" Spin-Klean; the 1" model modified by JNM Technologies; and the 3/4" "manual" model are the only
models that are currently recommended for hydraulic flushing. JNM Technologies may have a 1.5" model available
within the near future. If the system is to be automatically flushed (highly recommended), select a filter that can be
Filter Type 1" Model 16-20 GPM reliably back-flushed even if it is oversized for the design flow.

Select the method for filter flushing from those listed. This information is found in the "Drop-down Data" sheet. The
method chosen affects the pump selection and head loss calculations. Automatic hydraulic flushing of the filters is
Method for Flushing Filter(s) Hydraulic Flush 2 highly recommended for all systems.

If the filter is to be flushed hydraulically (recommended), the pump to be used must be capable of providing the back-
flushing flow needed to clean the filter. It is assumed that flushing occurs between doses or isolation valves are used
88 to temporarily stop drip field dosing when the filters need flushing. If the filter is to be manually cleaned, the pump
capacity is based only on the zone dosing and flushing flow requirements. There is no maximum flow limit for back-
Back-Flushing Flow Rate (Minimum), gpm 15 flushing Arkal filters.
89 Back-Flushing Pressure (Minimum), psi 40

Selects the maximum value for drip field operation (dosing and flushing) or filter flushing. Select pump by checking
operating points for both drip field operation and filter flushing. Typically to help balance the system and improve
92 pumping efficiency for larger systems, two pumps are run simultaneously to obtain the required flow for both dosing
and flushing the laterals and filter flushing. Running two pumps in parallel also provides flexibility to dose more than
one zone simultaneously. The following calculations help determine the extext of this flexibility and establish the
Controlling Flow, gpm 18.93 maximum flows needed for subsequent calculations.

93 Number of Zones that Could be Simultaneously Dosed Based on Dosing more than one zone (if applicable) at a time may help balance the system pumping demands so that system
Controlling Flow Rate 1.00 pumping rates are similar for all needs (zone dosing, zone flushing, and filter flushing).

Number of Zones to be Dosed Simultaneously 1 Round Cell C93. If more than one zone is to be dosed simultaneously, a PLC control panel will be needed.

95 Number of Zones that Could be Simultaneously Dosed and

Flushed Based on Controlling Flow Rate 1.00

Number of Zones to be Flushed Simultaneously 1 Round Cell C95. If greater than 1, both pumps may need to run simultaneously to provide required flow.
97 Total Dosing Flow, gpm 6.20 Based on the number of zones dosed simultaneously
98 Total Flow for Dosing & Lateral Flushing, gpm 18.93 Based on the number of zones dosed & flushed simultaneously
99 Total Flushing Return Flow, gpm 12.73
100 Controlling Flow between Dosing and Flushing, gpm 18.93 The larger value for Cells C97 and C98.
101 Revised System Controlling Flow, gpm 18.93 Compare to the previous system controlling flow and select the larger value.


As stated above, velocities should be between 2 to 5 fps to prevent solids deposition and to flush solids from the
104 system. Use upper portion of range (4 fps for velocity prior to the emitter lines) to maintain velocities as close as
possible to 2 fps at the inlet to the last drip lateral in the zone and the outlet to the first lateral on the return manifold
105 Select Type of PVC Pipe to be Used Schedule 40 1
106 Pipe Size Required for Supply Line & Manifold, in 1.39 Based on a target velocity of 4 fps and dosing and flushing flow.
107 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in 1.38 1 1/4 From sheet "Pipe Sizes"
108 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps 4.06 OK, if between 2 to 5 fps.

109 If velocity of Cell C108 exceeds 5 fps, lower target velocity to 3 fps to increase pipe size to be selected. Otherwise, not
Revised Pipe Size Required for Supply Line & Manifold, in N/A applicable.
110 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in N/A N/A From sheet "Pipe Sizes"
111 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps N/A OK, if between 2 to 5 fps.
112 Pipe Size Required for Return Line & Manifold, in 1.14 Based on a target velocity of 4 fps and flushing flow.
113 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in 1.049 1 From sheet "Pipe Sizes"
114 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps 4.72 OK, if between 2 to 5 fps.

115 If velocity of Cell C114 exceeds 5 fps, lower target velocity to 3 fps to increase pipe size to be selected. Otherwise, not
Revised Pipe Size Required for Return Line & Manifold, in N/A applicable.
116 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in N/A N/A From sheet "Pipe Sizes"
117 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps N/A OK, if between 2 to 5 fps.
The system energy requirements need to be calculated to select appropriate pumps. The total dynamic head (TDH)
120 needs to be determined for dosing the drip field, for dosing and flushing the drip field, and for back flushing the filter
DETERMINE TOTAL SYSTEM HEAD REQUIREMENTS system. The largest combination of values will control pump selection.
Use the dosing flow for a single zone for the calculations that apply to each zone (starting at the zone valve). For the
122 TDH for Drip Field Dosing (at the Inlet to the Highest Drip calculations applicable to the supply pipe and filter system, use the total flow for the number of zones to be dosed (Cell
Lateral), ft C97).

Elevation difference between the highest point for the drip laterals (tubing elevation, not top of ground) and the pump
off elevation. Note: For technical correctness, the static head is the difference in elevations for the difference between
the drip lateral and the pump intake less the difference between the pump off elevation and the pump intake. This is
Elevation Head, ft 9.25 equivalent to the difference between the drip lateral and the pump off elevations.

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
124 Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft 1 usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

125 5 psi is a typical maximum allowable pressure loss prior to backflushing. Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will
Allowable Delta Friction Loss for a Dirty Filter, ft 11.55 5 typically be 1 to 2 psi.

From manufacturer chart for the total flow rate for the number of zones dosed (Cell C97). Information for Netafim
126 solenoid valves is contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on
the "Fitting Selection" worksheet. Enter pressure loss (psi) in cell D126. Cell C126 will be automatically calculated.
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Filter Valves, ft 9.24 2 2 Cell E126 is the number of valves that are normally open for this operation.

127 From manufacturer chart for the total flow rate for the number of zones dosed (Cell C97). Enter pressure loss (psi) in
Friction Loss for Flow Meter, ft 2.31 1 cell D127. Cell C127 will then be automatically calculated.

128 Friction Loss for Supply PVC Main (from Pump Station to Drip Cell D128 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Use
Field), ft 0.30 0.60 flow for the number of zones to be simultaneously dosed.
129 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft 1 Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing flow rate for a single zone (Cell C63 for a single zone system or Cell C79
for a multi-zone system). Information for Netafim solenoid valves is contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve
130 Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss
(psi) in cell D130. Cell C130 will be automatically calculated. Cell E130 is the number of valves normally open for this
Friction Loss for Zone Valve, ft 0 2 0 operation.

Friction Loss for Supply Manifold, ft 0.18 Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Supply Manifold"
132 Total Friction Head, ft 25.58 Sum of the friction losses from the pump through the supply manifold.

Netafim recommends that normal field operating pressure should be within the range of 25-40psi. At pressures >45psi,
stainless steel clamps are recommended on all barbed Bioline fittings. Pressure Regulators should be considered to
limit pressure when severe slopes exist or when pressure >45psi. Cell D133 is required pressure in psi. This
133 recommended pressure range assures adequate pressure for both dosing and flushing (at least 7 psi at the return
manifold) during the flushing cycles (supply manifold pressure will be reduced during flushing since the return flow is
opened to atmospheric pressure at the return settling tank). The value used in Cell D133 is specifically selected based
on the inlet pressure needed for the longest dripline lateral in the zone at dosing flow as reported by the tubing
manufacturer while maintaining 10.0 psi at the distal end of the lateral (Cell C23). This is the the head loss while
Inlet Pressure Head for Drip Laterals, ft 24.10 10.43 irrigating for the lateral length (cell D32) plus 10 psi.

Cell C134 is the velocity head at the inlet to the highest drip lateral for dosing flow. It could be ignored since it will be
134 less than 1 ft for velocities less than 8 fps. It is included here to show that it has been considered and to show how it is
Velocity Head, ft 0.01 0.97 calculated. Cell D134 is the velocity (ft/sec) at this point.
135 Total Dynamic Head for Dosing the Drip Field, ft 58.94

TDH for Drip Field Flushing (at the Return Pipe Outlet at the These calculations are based on minimum dosing pressures at the beginning of the drip laterals needed for a minimum
Return Tank), ft flushing velocity of 2 fps. Flow will be that for both dosing and flushing (Cell C98).

For drip systems located at an elevation higher than the water elevation of the pump tank, the elevation of the drip
137 laterals must be used rather than the elevation of the pipe outlet at the return tank because the drip field drains
following each dose. The pump must supply the energy to get the water to the elevation of the drip laterals for each
dose. For drip systems located at a lower elevation than the pump tank, the pump must supply the energy to get the
Elevation Head, ft 9.25 water to the elevation of the pipe outlet at the return tank.

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
138 Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft 2 usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

139 5 psi is a typical maximum allowable prssure loss prior to backflushing. Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will typically
Allowable Delta Friction Loss for a Dirty Filter, ft 11.55 5 be 1 to 2 psi.

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
140 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D140. Cell C140 will be automatically calculated. Cell
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Filter Valves, ft 13.86 3 2 E140 is the number of valves normally open for this operation.

141 From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Enter pressure loss (psi) in cell D141. Cell C141
Friction Loss for Flow Meter, ft 4.62 2 will be automatically calculated.

142 Friction Loss for Supply PVC Main (from Pump Station to Drip Cell D142 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Use
Field), ft 2.38 4.76 the flow for the number of zones to be simultaneously dosed and flushed.
143 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft 1 Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
144 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D144. Cell C144 will be automatically calculated. Cell E144
Friction Loss for Zone Valve, ft 0.00 3 0 is the number of valves normally open for this operation.

Friction Loss for Supply Manifold, ft 1.42 Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Supply Manifold"

146 From Netafim data for the lateral length, the specified emitter spacing, and the chosen flushing velocity. See
Friction Loss for Longest Dripper Line Lateral, ft 16.74 7.25 worksheet "Lateral Length vs. Head Loss" for details. Cell D146 is required pressure in psi, provided in Cell C33.
147 Friction Loss for Return Manifold, ft 2.16 Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Return Manifold"

From the manufacturer's chart for the return flushing flow rate (Cell C99). Enter the pressure loss in psi in Cell D148.
148 Cell C148 will be automatically calculated. No zone check valve is needed for a single zone system. If isolation valves
are used in conjunction with the check valve, the friction loss for the extra valves will need to be added to the TDH
Friction Loss for Zone Check Valve, ft 0.00 1 0 calculation.

149 Friction Loss for Return PVC Main (from Drip Field to Settling Cell D149 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Note:
Tank), ft 17.33 8.66 Return line should flush the drip field from the highest elevation.
150 Friction Loss for Return Line Pipe Fittings, ft 1 Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

151 From the manufacturer's chart for the flushing return flow rate (Cell C99). Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Return Flush Valve, ft 6.93 3 Selection" worksheet. Enter pressure loss (psi) in cell D151. Cell C151 will be automatically calculated.
152 Total Friction Head, ft 80.99 Sum of friction losses for the entire system (from the pump to the discharge outlet at the settling tank).
153 Pressure Head, ft 0 0 Pressure at the return discharge pipe at the settling tank (atmospheric).

Cell C154 is the velocity head at the return pipe outlet. It could be ignored since it will be less than 1 ft for velocities
154 less than 8 fps. It is included here to show that it has been considered and to show how it is calculated. Cell D154 is
Velocity Head, ft 0.35 4.72 the flow velocity (ft/sec) at this point.

155 Minimum Total Dynamic Head for Dosing and Flushing Drip Field,
ft 90.59

TDH for Drip Field Flushing (Based on Maintaining 10 psi These calculations are based on minimum dosing pressures at the end of the drip laterals needed for uniform emitter
Pressure at the Return Manifold), ft dosing. Flow will be that for both dosing and flushing. The TDH is calculated at the inlet to the highest drip lateral.

Elevation Head, ft 9.25 Elevation difference between the highest drip lateral (tube elevation, not top of ground) and the pump off elevation.

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
158 Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft 2 usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).
159 Allowable Delta Friction Loss for a Dirty Filter, ft 11.55 5 Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will typically be 1 to 2 psi.

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
160 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D160. Cell C160 will be automatically calculated. Cell E160
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Filter Valves, ft 13.86 3 2 is the number of valves normally open for this operation.

161 From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Enter pressure loss in cell D160. Cell C160 will be
Friction Loss for Flow Meter, ft 4.62 2 automatically calculated.

162 Friction Loss for Supply PVC Main (from Pump Station to Drip Cell D162 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Use
Field), ft 2.38 4.76 the flow for the number of zones to be simultaneously dosed and flushed.
163 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft 1 Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
164 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D164. Cell C164 will be automatically calculated. Cell E164
Friction Loss for Zone Valve, ft 0.00 3 0 is the number of valves normally open for this operation.
165 Friction Loss for Supply Manifold, ft 1.42 Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Supply Manifold".
166 Total Friction Head, ft 36.83 Sum of friction losses for the entire system (from the pump to the discharge outlet at the settling tank).

Minimum inlet pressure needed for proper flushing based on the p for dosing/irrigating (Cell D33) plus 10 psi residual
pressure at the return manifold (Cell C23). The residual pressure of 10 psi results in a conservatively designed system
Pressure Head, ft 39.84 17.25 with reserve pumping capacity.

Cell C168 is the velocity head at the inlet to the highest drip lateral for dosing and flushing flow. It could be ignored
168 since it will be less than 1 ft for velocities less than 8 fps. It is included here to show that it has been considered and to
Velocity Head, ft 0.14 2.97 show how it is calculated. Cell D168 is the flow velocity (ft/sec) at this point.

169 Minimum Total Dynamic Head for Dosing and Flushing Drip Field,
ft 86.06

TDH for Filter Back-Flushing, ft
Elevation difference between pump off float and the return pipe outlet in the return tank. This assumes that the return
Elevation Head, ft 3.00 pipe is always full or pressurized (versus partially filled and draining by gravity).

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft 1 usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

173 Friction Loss for PVC Pipe from Discharge Assembly or Suction
Line to Filter, ft 0.31 3.09 Cell D173 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe.
174 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft 1 Insignificant (assume about 5 fittings equivalent to a total of 20' of pipe).
175 Friction Loss for Back-Flushing a Dirty Filter, ft 92.4 40 Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will typically be 1 to 2 psi.

176 From the manufacturer's chart for the design flow rate for filter flushing (Cell C88). Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell
D176. Cell C176 will be automatically calculated. Cell E176 is the number of valves normally open for this operation
Friction Loss for Filter Flush Valve, ft 13.86 3 2 within the filter package.
177 Friction Loss for PVC Pipe from Filter to Return Tank, ft 0.93 3.09
178 Friction Loss for Discharge Line Pipe Fittings, ft 1 Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)
179 Total Friction Head, ft 110.50

Velocity Head, ft 0.16 3.22 Cell D180 is the velocity (ft/sec) at the discharge to the settling tank. Cell C180 is the corresponding velocity head.
181 Pressure Head, ft 0 0 Pressure at the return discharge pipe at the settling tank (atmospheric).
182 Total Dynamic Head for Filter Flushing/ Back-Flushing, ft 113.66
189 For dosing
190 Total Dynamic Head, ft 58.94 From Cell C134.
191 Total Flow Requirements, gpm 6.20 From Cell C63 for a single zone or Cell C97 for multiple zones.
192 Number of Zones Dosed Simultaneously 1 From Cell C94
194 For dosing & lateral flushing
195 Total Dynamic Head, ft 90.59 The larger value from either Cell C153 or C167.
196 Drip Zone Dosing, gpm 6.20 From Cell C63 for 1 zone or Cell C79 for multiple zones .
197 Lateral Flushing (Return Flow), gpm 12.73 From Cell C65 for 1 zone or Cell C81 for multiple zones.
198 Total Flow Requirements, gpm 18.93 Sum of flows needed for dosing and lateral flushing
199 Number of Zones to be Flushed Simultaneously 1 From Cell C96.
201 For filter flushing
202 Total Dynamic Head, ft 113.66 From Cell C181

203 From Cell C88. Note: check actual system head curve for the selected pump to determine what the actual flow will be.
Total Flow Requirements, gpm 15.00 There is not maximum flow limitation for the Arkal filters during back-flushing.
205 Controlling TDH, ft 113.66 Selects the maximum value for drip field operation or filter flushing.
206 Corresponding Flow, gpm 15.00
Selects the maximum value for drip field operation (dosing and flushing) or filter flushing. Select pump by checking
207 operating points for both drip field operation and filter flushing. Typically to help balance the system and improve
pumping efficiency for larger systems, two pumps are run simultaneously to obtain the required flow for both dosing
Controlling Flow, gpm 18.93 and flushing the laterals and filter flushing.
208 Corresponding TDH, ft 90.59
Calculations are applicable only when the TDH for the drip field exceeds 150'. This is an arbitrary target based on
REDESIGN OF PIPING SYSTEMS TO LOWER TDH AS NEEDED N/A typical limitations for commercially available pumps.
212 Pipe Size Required for Supply Line & Manifold, in N/A Use a target flow velocity of 3 fps to increase pipe size and lower friction loss for long pipe runs.
213 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in N/A N/A Sch 40 (from sheet "Pipe Size - Sch 40)
214 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps N/A OK, if between 2 to 3.5 fps.

215 If velocity of Cell C214 exceeds 3.5 fps, lower target velocity to 2.5 fps or less to increase pipe size to be selected.
Revised Pipe Size Required for Supply Line & Manifold, in N/A Otherwise, not applicable.

Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in N/A N/A Sch 40 (from sheet "Pipe Size - Sch 40). Change roundup integer (1 or 0) as necessary to select next largest pipe.
217 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps N/A OK, if between 2 to 3.5 fps.
218 Pipe Size Required for Return Line & Manifold, in N/A Use a target flow velocity of 3 fps to increase pipe size and lower friction loss for long pipe runs.
219 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in N/A N/A Sch 40 (from sheet "Pipe Size - Sch 40)
220 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps N/A OK, if between 2 to 3.5 fps.

221 If velocity of Cell C220 exceeds 3.5 fps, lower target velocity to 2.5 fps or less to increase pipe size to be selected.
Revised Pipe Size Required for Return Line & Manifold, in N/A Otherwise, not applicable.
222 Closest Available Standard Pipe Size, in N/A N/A Sch 40 (from sheet "Pipe Size - Sch 40)
223 Actual Velocity for Standard Pipe Size, fps N/A OK, if between 2 to 3.5 fps.
226 RE-DETERMINE TDH N/A Calculations are applicable only when the TDH for the drip field exceeds 150'.
Use the dosing flow for a single zone for the calculations that apply to each zone (starting at the zone valve). For the
228 TDH for Drip Field Dosing (at the Inlet to the Highest Drip calculations applicable to the supply pipe and filter system, use the total flow for the number of zones to be dosed (Cell
Lateral), ft C97).
229 Elevation Head, ft N/A Elevation difference between pump off float and the highest drip lateral (tubing elevation, not top of ground).

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
230 Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft N/A usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

231 5 psi is a typical maximum allowable pressure loss prior to backwashing. Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will
Allowable Delta Friction Loss for a Dirty Filter, ft N/A N/A typically be 1 to 2 psi.

From manufacturer chart for the total flow rate for the number of zones dosed (Cell C97). Information for Netafim
232 solenoid valves is contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on
the "Fitting Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss in cell D232. Cell C232 will be automatically calculated.
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Filter Flush Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A Cell E232 is the number of valves that are normally open for this operation.

233 From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing flow rate. Enter pressure loss in cell D233. Cell C233 will be
Friction Loss for Flow Meter, ft N/A N/A automatically calculated.

234 Friction Loss for Supply PVC Main (from Pump Station to Drip Cell D234 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Use
Field), ft N/A N/A the flow for the number of zones to be dosed simultaneously.
235 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft N/A Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing flow rate for a single zone (Cell C63 for a single zone system or Cell C79
236 for a multi-zone system). Information for Netafim solenoid valves is contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve
Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss in
cell D236. Cell C236 will be automatically calculated. Cell E236 is the number of valves normally open for this
Friction Loss for Zone Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A operation.

Friction Loss for Supply Manifold, ft N/A Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Supply Manifold"
238 Total Friction Head, ft N/A

Netafim recommends that normal field operating pressure should be within the range of 25-40psi. At pressures >45psi,
stainless steel clamps are recommended on all barbed Bioline fittings. Pressure Regulators should be considered to
limit pressure when severe slopes exist or when pressure >45psi. Cell D239 is required pressure in psi. This
239 recommended pressure range assures adequate pressure for both dosing and flushing (at least 7 psi at the return
manifold) during the flushing cycles (supply manifold pressure will be reduced during flushing since the return flow is
opened to atmospheric pressure at the return settling tank). The value used in Cell D239 is specifically selected based
on the inlet pressure needed for the longest dripline lateral in the zone at dosing flow as reported by the tubing
manufacturer while maintaining 10.0 psi at the distal end of the lateral. This is the the head loss while irrigating for the
Design Pressure Head at Start of Drip Field, ft N/A N/A lateral length (cell D33) plus 10 psi.

Cell C240 is the velocity head at the inlet to the highest drip lateral for dosing flow. It could be ignored since it will be
240 less than 1 ft for velocities less than 8 fps. It is included here to show that it has been considered and to show how it is
Velocity Head, ft 0.01 0.97 calculated. Cell D240 is the velocity (ft/sec) at this point.
241 Total Dynamic Head for Dosing the Drip Field, ft N/A

TDH for Drip Field Flushing (at the Return Pipe Outlet at the These calculations are based on minimum dosing pressures at the beginning of the drip laterals needed for a minimum
Return Tank), ft flushing velocity of 2 fps. Flow will be that for both dosing and flushing (Cell C98).

For drip systems located at an elevation higher than the water elevation of the pump tank, the elevation of the drip
243 laterals must be used rather than the elevation of the pipe outlet at the return tank because the drip field drains
following each dose. The pump must supply the energy to get the water to the elevation of the drip laterals for each
dose. For drip systems located at a lower elevation than the pump tank, the pump must supply the energy to get the
Elevation Head, ft N/A water to the elevation of the pipe outlet at the return tank.

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft N/A usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

245 5 psi is a typical maximum allowable pressure loss prior to backflushing. Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will
Allowable Delta Friction Loss for a Dirty Filter, ft N/A N/A typically be 1 to 2 psi.

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
246 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter pressure loss in cell D246. Cell C246 will be automatically calculated. Cell E246 is the
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Filter Flush Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A number of valves normally open for this operation.

247 From manufacturer chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Enter pressure loss in cell D247 - Cell C247 will then be
Friction Loss for Flow Meter, ft N/A N/A automatically calculated.

248 Friction Loss for Supply PVC Main (from Pump Station to Drip Cell D248 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Use
Field), ft N/A N/A the flow for the number of zones to be simultaneously dosed and flushed.
249 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft N/A Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
250 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss in cell D250. Cell C250 will be automatically calculated. Cell E250 is
Friction Loss for Zone Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A the number of valves normally open for this operation.

Friction Loss for Supply Manifold, ft N/A Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Supply Manifold"

From manufacturer chart: lateral length vs. head loss for specified dripper spacing (for minimal flushing velocity of 2
252 fps) - see worksheet "Lateral Length vs. Head Loss" for details. Cell D252 is required pressure in psi. Provided in Cell
Friction Loss for Longest Dripper Line Lateral, ft N/A N/A D32.

Friction Loss for Return Manifold, ft N/A Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Return Manifold"

254 From the manufacturer's chart for the return flushing flow rate (Cell C99). Enter the pressure loss in psi in Cell D254.
Friction Loss for Zone Check Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A Cell C254 will be automatically calculated. No zone check valve is needed for a single zone system.

255 Friction Loss for Return PVC Main (from Drip Field to Settling Cell D254 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Note:
Tank), ft N/A N/A Return line should flush the drip field from the highest elevation.
256 Friction Loss for Return Line Pipe Fittings, ft N/A Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

257 From the manufacturer's chart for the design flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is contained on the
worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting Selection" worksheet.
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Return Flush Valve, ft N/A N/A The pressure loss is automatically calculated in cell D256. Cell C256 will also be automatically calculated.
258 Total Friction Head, ft N/A Sum of friction losses for the entire system (from the pump to the discharge outlet at the settling tank).
259 Pressure Head, ft N/A N/A Pressure at the return discharge pipe at the settling tank (atmospheric).

Velocity head could be ignored since it will be less than 1 ft for velocities less than 8 fps. It is included here to show
260 that it has been considered and to show how it is calculated. Velocity at the entrance to the pump is zero for
Velocity Head, ft N/A submersible pumps.

261 Minimum Total Dynamic Head for Dosing and Flushing Drip Field,
ft N/A

TDH for Drip Field Flushing (Based on Minimum Required These calculations are based on minimum dosing pressures at the beginning of the drip laterals needed for uniform
Inlet Pressures at the Supply Manifold), ft emitter dosing. Flow will be that for both dosing and flushing.
263 Elevation Head, ft N/A Elevation difference between pump off float and the highest drip lateral (tubing elevation, not top of ground).

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
264 Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft N/A usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

265 5 psi is a typical maximum allowable pressure loss prior to backflushing. Pressure loss for a clean disk filter will
Allowable Delta Friction Loss for a Dirty Filter, ft N/A N/A typically be 1 to 2 psi.

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
266 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D266. Cell C266 will also be automatically calculated. Cell
Friction Loss for Solenoid or Ball Filter Flush Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A E266 is the number of valves normally open for this operation.

267 From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D267. Cell
Friction Loss for Flow Meter, ft N/A N/A C267 will be automatically calculated.

268 Cell D268 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe. Use
Friction Loss for Supply PVC Main (from Pump Station to Drip flow for dosing and flushing. During flushing the flow rates are higher, but the pressures will be much lower (opening
Field), ft N/A N/A the return flush valve results in discharge at atmospheric pressure at the settling tank).
269 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft N/A Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

From the manufacturer's chart for the dosing and flushing flow rate. Information for Netafim solenoid valves is
270 contained on the worksheet entitled "Valve Selection." Information for manual valves is contained on the "Fitting
Selection" worksheet. Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell D270. Cell C270 will be automatically calculated. Cell E270
Friction Loss for Zone Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A is the number of valves normally open for this operation.
271 Friction Loss for Supply Manifold, ft N/A Obtain from the appropriate cell on sheet "Supply Manifold".
272 Total Friction Head, ft N/A Sum of friction losses for the entire system (from the pump to the discharge outlet at the settling tank).

Minimum inlet pressure needed for proper flushing based on the p for dosing/irrigating (Cell D33) plus 10 psi residual
pressure at the return manifold (Cell C23). The residual pressure of 10 psi results in a conservatively designed system
Pressure Head, ft N/A N/A with reserve pumping capacity.

Velocity head could be ignored since it will be less than 1 ft for velocities less than 8 fps. It is included here to show
that it has been considered and to show how it is calculated. Velocity at the entrance to the pump is zero for
Velocity Head, ft N/A submersible pumps.

275 Minimum Total Dynamic Head for Dosing and Flushing Drip Field,
ft N/A

TDH for Filter Back-Flushing, ft Calculations are applicable only if there are more than one zone and the TDH for the drip field exceeds 150'.

277 Elevation difference between pump off float and the return pipe outlet in the return tank. This assumes that the return
Elevation Head, ft N/A pipe is always full or pressurized (versus partially filled and draining by gravity).

Estimate initially for submersible turbine assembly and check and readjust as needed after selecting pump (typically
278 Friction Loss for Pump Discharge Assembly (Submersible less than 1 ft for flows less than 15 gpm and less than 6 ft for flows less than 35 gpm). For suction lines, the loss is
Turbine) or Suction Line (Centrifugal), ft N/A usually less than 1 psi (2.3 ft).

279 Friction Loss for PVC Pipe from Discharge Assembly or Suction
Line to Filter, ft N/A N/A Cell D279 is the head loss per 100' of pipe based on the Hazen-Williams Equation using C = 150 for PVC pipe.
280 Friction Loss for Supply Line Pipe Fittings, ft N/A Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)

Friction Loss for Back-Flushing a Dirty Filter, ft N/A N/A From the manufacturer's chart for the design flow rate.

From the manufacturer's chart for the design flow rate for filter flushing (Cell C88). Enter the pressure loss (psi) in cell
282 D282. Cell C282 will be automatically calculated. Cell E282 is the number of valves normally open for this operation
Friction Loss for Filter Flush Valve, ft N/A N/A N/A within the filter package.
283 Friction Loss for PVC Pipe from Filter to Return Tank, ft N/A N/A
284 Friction Loss for Discharge Line Pipe Fittings, ft N/A Typically insignificant (less than the equivalent of 50' of pipe)
285 Total Friction Head, ft N/A
286 Velocity Head, ft N/A N/A Cell D286 is the velocity at the discharge to the settling tank. Cell C286 is the corresponding velocity head.
287 Pressure Head, ft N/A N/A Pressure at the return discharge pipe at the settling tank (atmospheric).
288 Total Dynamic Head for Filter Back-Flushing, ft N/A
295 For Zone Dosing
296 Total Dynamic Head, ft 58.94 From Cell C135 if TDH < 150'; otherwise Cell C241
297 Total Flow Requirements, gpm 6.20 From Cell C191.
299 For Zone Dosing & Lateral Flushing
300 Total Dynamic Head, ft 90.59 From Cell C195 if TDH < 150'; otherwise the larger of Cells C275 or C261
301 Total Flow Requirements, gpm 18.93 From Cell C198.
303 For Filter Flushing/Back-Flushing
304 Total Dynamic Head, ft 113.66 Selects the appropriate value from either Cell C182 or C288
305 Total Flow Requirements, gpm 15.00 From Cell C203.
307 Controlling TDH, ft 113.66 Selects the maximum value for drip field operation or filter flushing.
308 Corresponding Flow, gpm 15.00
Selects the maximum value for drip field operation or filter flushing. Select pump by checking operating points for both
309 Controlling Flow, gpm 18.93 drip field operation and filter flushing.
310 Corresponding TDH, ft 90.59

The type of pump is typically based on personal preferences, experience, flow requirements, the ability to provide
adequate freeze protection, and available vendor package systems. For small turbine submersible pumps, the optimal
range is about 5 to 35 gpm for a TDH greater than 120 ft. For self-priming centrifugal pumps, the optimal range is up to
60 to 140 gpm for corresponding TDHs between 150 and 105 feet. Centrifugal pumps are typically less expensive
than submersible turbines on a horsepower basis and offer more options for higher flow ranges. Experts who use both
types of pumps report that pump rates of centrifugal pumps are affected less by pump age (wear and tear).
Submersible Turbine
Select Type of Pump

Select a pump that is capable of providing flow and pressure for operation of the drip field and filter flushing. Typically,
pump selection is based first on the flow needed for zone dosing and the maximum system pressure that will be
needed (either zone dosing and flushing or filter back-flushing). To obtain the extra flow needed periodically for zone
314 flushing (or filter back-flushing), two pumps in parallel are typically used. See "Pump Selection" Tab for pump curves
for representative pumps that are commercially available. Curves will need to be re-plotted for parallel operation. If
the operating ranges do not match the available pumps curves, revise the number of zones and other design variables
Select Pump OSI P300712 such as pipe size to obtain a good match.

Applicable only for submersible turbine pumps. Both of these parameters are calculated automatically based on pump
315 selection. Cell C315 gives the size of the discharge assembly and cell D315 gives the corresponding head loss.
Size of Discharge Assembly (Submersible Turbine Pumps), in / Adjust TDH calculations as necessary using this value. For centrifugal pumps, will show "N/A"; however, electrical
Head Loss, ft 1.25 1.07 information for these pumps is contained on the "Drop-Down Data" worksheet.

Note: Regardless of whether hydraulic or manual filter cleaning is currently chosen, you may want to design the
number of pumps for future hydraulic filter cleaning capacity. The only difference in the two designs may be a larger
Enter Number of Pumps 2 pump required for back flushing the filter.
Check with the appropriate state regulatory agency for minimum requirements. Generally, emergency capacity should
318 be provided within the total treatment and dosing system to store approximately 0.5 to 1 day's volume based on actual
average daily flows. Factors to consider include the time to troubleshoot the system and the time to obtain and install
PUMP TANK CAPACITY (MINIMUM), GALLONS any necessary replacement parts.
319 Selected Tank Size, gallons 1,000
The instantaneous wastewater application rate should not exceed the water absorption capacity of the soil. Dosing in
pulses allows maximum use of the peak absorption capacity that exists at the start of the dosing cycle when the soil is
321 the driest. Another important consideration is drain-back between doses. Increasing the number of doses per day
increases the total volume of water available that can create potential drain-back problems at low points in the runs
DOSING CALCULATIONS within each zone.

From WWSI. Jim Prochaska, JNM Technologies, suggests using the smaller range (6 to 12 minutes) for clay soils to
322 minimize the potential for soil saturation and surface puddling at the end of the dose cycle. Sandy and loamy soils can
Guideline for Dosing Cycle Time Range, min 6 to 20 be dosed for longer time periods.
323 Selected Dosing Cycle Time, min 10
324 Volume Dosed per Cycle per zone, gal 62.00
325 Design Daily Flow for Each Zone, gpd 450.00
326 Number of Doses per Day per Zone at Design Daily Flow 7.26
327 Average Daily Flow for Each Zone, gpd 225.00
328 Number of Doses per Day per Zone at Average Daily Flow 3.63

The calculation assumes that the design of the supply pipe and manifold (and the return manifold up to the check
valve) assures that the pipes do not drain between doses. The only component of the system that needs to be filled
329 with wastewater is the drip tubing within each zone. The actual time needed may be different because the average
pump rate will be faster than the dosing pump rate during pressurization since the pressures are much lower
(decreasing the fill time) and some of the water will be dripped from the tubing as the tubing fills (increasing the fill
time). If the system is designed to drain between doses (to minimize freezing potential), the calculation needs to be
Approximate Time Needed to Fill and Pressurize Each Zone, min 2.57 revised to account for the time needed to fill the supply piping system and the return manifold.
330 Total Pump Run Time Needed per Dose, min 12.57
Roundup Cell C330. Set timer for (C331) minute doses at (C335) minute intervals ((C328) doses per day per zone).
Timer Setting, min 13.00 Floats will over-ride for low and high water levels.
332 Time Required to Complete One Cycle for All Zones, min 13 If greater than Cell C335, redesign as noted in Cell F333.

If greater than 1080 minutes (3/4 day), redesign is needed to make the system practical (by allowing sufficient filter
333 backwash time and to allow longer dosing periods if a significant percentage of emitters clog with time). Options
include dosing more than one zone at a time (using larger or multiple pumps), dividing the system into larger but fewer
Time Required for Dosing All Zones (Design Flow), min 94.35 zones with higher pumping rates, and dividing the system into two, essentially independent systems, of equal size.
334 Redesign Warning (Yes/No) No "Yes" if C333 is greater than 1080 minutes; otherwise, No
Dosing Cycle Time Interval (Design Flow), min 198.40 For a programmable control panel, use this value.
336 Rounded Dosing Cycle Time Interval (Design Flow), min 200 Optional setting

337 Filter hydraulic flushing will be initiated manually or programmed to occur automatically (the recommended design
Time Available for Hydraulic Filter Flushing (Design Flow), min 187 option) as needed during one or more of these available time periods.
338 Time Required for Dosing All Zones (Average Flow), min 47.18

Dosing Cycle Time Interval (Average Flow), min 396.80 For a programmable control panel, use this value.

Rounded Dosing Cycle Time Interval (Average Flow), min 400 Optional setting

341 Filter hydraulic flushing will be initiated manually or programmed to occur automatically (the recommended design
Time Available for Hydraulic Filter Flushing (Average Flow), min 387 option) as needed during one or more of these available time periods.
345 Pump Tank Inside Width, in 64 Obtain from manufacturer's data.
346 Pump Tank Inside Length, in 97 Obtain from manufacturer's data.
347 Pump Tank Unit Volume, gal/in 26.88
348 Draw down Depth, inches, at Dosing Rate 3.00 Draw down per dosing cycle (for the number of zones to be doses).

This is the volume of wastewater contained in the drip laterals for each zone. This volume of wastewater is potentially
available to drain to any low point in the runs for each zone after each dosing cycle. This could result in saturating the
gal/dose 15.91 soil at this location. The design of the drip laterals and supply and return manifolds must prevent this from occurring.

This is the volume of wastewater flushed through each zone during a flush cycle. This volume of wastewater is
typically recycled through the treatment system and has the potential to upset the treatment process depending on the
353 type of treatment system used and the amount of equalization that may be available. Complete mix activated sludge
processes are typically more likely to be adversely affected than plug flow mixed film processes. There will also be
additional flush water associated with the filter flushing, but this volume is typically small compared to that needed for
FLUSH VOLUME RETURNED TO FLUSH TANK, gal 127.26 flushing the drip zones (the time needed to flush filters is typically less than a minute).
Filter Selection Parameters, from Netafilm USA

Filter Minimum Flow, GPM Maximum Flow, GPM

2" Model 14 132 27 1
1 1/2" Model 8 35 2
1" Model 3 22 3
3/4" Model 1 13 4
Min. Back-
Min. Back- flushing
Filter Name Pressure Loss, psi flushing flow, psi pressure, psi
2" Model 14-70 GPM 1 50 35
2" Model 71-120 GPM 2 50 35
2" Model 121-132 GPM 3 50 35
1 1/2" Model 8-20 GPM 1
1 1/2" Model 21-35 GPM 2
1" Model 3-15 GPM 1 40 15
1" Model 16-20 GPM 2 40 15
1" Model 21-22 GPM 3 40 15
3/4" Model 1-10 GPM 1
3/4" Model 11-13 GPM 1.5
**Source - Unibell Handbook of PVC Pipe
Suggested Absorption Area Increase on Slopes (from
Netafim, adapted from State of Virginia)

Depth to Impervious Strata

Slope of Site Shallow Deeper Soil
10% to 20% 15% 0%
20% to 30% 35% 15%
30% to 40% 50% 35%
40% to 50% 65% 50%

Additional considerations about slopes include:

1) Where there is a natural or artificial barrier downslope from
the proposed site that might provide opportunities for water
to surface (such as hillside cuts or walls).
2) Whether the drip tubing can be laid out on the contours
of the slope.
3) Whether system geometry can be used that minimizes
linear loading rate.
4) Whether the design can incorporate air release valves, check
valves, zones, and other means to equalize flow and to
prevent drainbacks.
Source: Orenco, Inc. and Sta-Rite, Inc.
Filter Flushing Method Flushing Flow (cell C114) Needed for Calculations
Manual Flush
2 1 (Disassemble) 0 1
2 Hydraulic Flush 33.00 2

Soil Loading Rate

Maximum Monthly
Average Loading Rate Area Required
Soil Texture & Structure (gallons/ft2/day) (ft2/1,000 gpd)
24 1 Coarse sand; n/a 1.5 667
2 Loamy coarse sand; n/a 1.5 667
3 Sand; n/a 0.8 1,250
Loamy sand; moderate to
4 strong 0.8 1,250
Fine sand; moderate to
5 strong 0.8 1,250
Loamy fine sand;
6 moderate to strong 0.8 1,250
Very fine sand; moderate
7 to strong 0.8 1,250
Loamy very fine sand;
8 moderate to strong 0.8 1,250
Loamy sand; massive to
9 weak 0.5 2,000
Fine sand; massive or
10 weak 0.5 2,000
Loamy fine sand;
11 massive to weak 0.5 2,000
Very fine sand; massive
12 to weak 0.5 2,000
Loamy very fine sand;
13 massive to weak 0.5 2,000
Sandy loam; moderate to
14 strong 0.5 2,000
Sandy loam; weak to
15 massive 0.3 3,333
Loam; moderate to
16 strong 0.5 2,000
Silty loam; moderate to
17 strong 0.5 2,000
18 Loam; weak, weak platy
Silty loam; weak, weak
19 platy
20 Loam; massive 0.2 5,000
21 Silty loam; massive 0.2 5,000
Sandy clay loam;
22 moderate to strong 0.3 3,333
Clay loam; moderate to
23 strong 0.3 3,333
Silty clay loam; moderate
24 to strong 0.3 3,333
Sandy clay loam; weak,
25 weak platy 0.2 5,000
Clay loam; weak, weak
26 platy 0.2 5,000
Silty clay loam; weak,
27 weak platy 0.2 5,000
Sandy clay loam;
28 massive 0.15 6,667

29 Clay loam; massive 0.15 6,667

30 Silty clay loam; massive 0.15 6,667

Sandy clay; moderate to
31 strong 0.1 10,000

32 Clay; moderate to strong 0.1 10,000

Silty clay; moderate to
33 strong 0.1 10,000
Sandy clay; massive to
34 weak 0.05 20,000

35 Clay; massive to weak 0.05 20,000

Silty clay; massive to
36 weak 0.05 20,000

Pump Type
1 1 Submersible Turbine
2 Self-priming Centrifugal
Submersible turbine pumps Self-priming centrifugal pumps
Orenco Models Sta-Rite High Head Models

Disch size
Pump Model Number HP Voltage (V) (in)
13 1 OSI P100311 0.33 115 1.00
2 OSI P100312 0.33 230 1.00
3 OSI P100511 0.50 115 1.00
4 OSI P100512 0.50 230 1.00
5 OSI P100712 0.75 230 1.00
6 OSI P101012 1.00 230 1.00
7 OSI P200511 0.50 115 1.25
8 OSI P200512 0.50 230 1.25
9 OSI P201012 1.00 230 1.25
10 OSI P201512 1.50 230 1.25
11 OSI P300511 0.50 115 1.25
12 OSI P300512 0.50 230 1.25
13 OSI P300712 0.75 230 1.25
14 OSI P301012 1.00 230 1.25
15 OSI P301512 1.50 230 1.25
16 OSI P500511 0.50 115 2.00
17 OSI P500512 0.50 230 2.00
18 OSI P500712 0.75 230 2.00
19 OSI P501012 1.00 230 2.00
20 OSI P501512 1.50 230 2.00
21 OSI P100511 w/ 1/4" Flow Controller N/A
22 OSI P100512 w/ 1/4" Flow Controller N/A
23 Sta-Rite DHE N/A
24 Sta-Rite DHE3 N/A
25 Sta-Rite DHF N/A
26 Sta-Rite SHF3 N/A
27 Sta-Rite DHG N/A
28 Sta-Rite DHG3 N/A
29 Sta-Rite DHHG N/A
30 Sta-Rite DHHG3 N/A
31 Sta-Rite DHH N/A
32 Sta-Rite DHH3 N/A
33 Sta-Rite DHJ N/A
34 Sta-Rite DHJ3 N/A

Self-priming centrifugal pumps

Sta-Rite High Head Models

Catalog Number HP Voltage (V) Phase

1 DHE 1 115/230 1
2 DHE3 1 208-230/460 3
3 DHF 1.5 115/230 1
4 SHF3 1.5 208-230/460 3
5 DHG 2 230 1
6 DHG3 2 208-230/460 3
7 DHHG 2.5 230 1
8 DHHG3 2.5 208-230/460 3
9 DHH 3 230 1
10 DHH3 3 208-230/460 3
11 DHJ 5 230 1
12 DHJ3 5 208-230/460 3
Bioline Technical Information
Space Between Emitters (ft)
3 1 1

2 1.5

3 2

Emitter Flow Rate (gph)

2 1 0.42

2 0.62

3 0.92

Filter Type
Minimum Minimum
Flushing Flushing
Filter Name Pressure Loss, psi Flow, gpm Pressure, psi

7 1 2" Model 14-70 GPM 1 35 50

2 2" Model 71-120 GPM 2 35 50

3 2" Model 121-132 GPM 3 35 50

4 1 1/2" Model 8-20 GPM 1 N/A N/A
5 1 1/2" Model 21-35 GPM 2 N/A N/A

6 1" Model 3-15 GPM 1 15 40

7 1" Model 16-20 GPM 2 15 40
8 1" Model 21-22 GPM 3 15 40

9 3/4" Model 1-10 GPM 1 12 50

10 3/4" Model 11-13 GPM 1.5 12 50

4th Order Polynomial: TDH=f(Net Discharge)

Weight Flow Rate Head Loss
(lbs) (gpm) Disch Plumbing Assembly Constant Intercept 1stLevel
23 10 HV100B 0.023 118.798767 -4.514551
23 10 HV100B 0.023 118.798767 -4.514551
27 10 HV100B 0.023 234.636501 -6.934485
27 10 HV100B 0.023 234.636501 -6.934485
32 10 HV100B 0.023 309.310168 -9.249482
36 10 HV100B 0.023 388.090698 -15.261659
27 20 HV125BC 0.005 170.136281 -2.602821
27 20 HV125BC 0.005 170.136281 -2.602821
34 20 HV125BC 0.005 238.414314 -2.40456
44 20 HV125BC 0.005 300.027506 -1.363754
27 30 HV150BC 0.003 103.084437 -0.692182
27 30 HV150BC 0.003 103.084437 -0.692182
32 30 HV150BC 0.003 139.197073 -1.235883
34 30 HV150BC 0.003 171.52684 -1.710838
44 30 HV150BC 0.003 238.730427 -1.01166
27 50 HV200BC 0.002 58.162907 -0.519914
27 50 HV200BC 0.002 58.162907 -0.519914
32 50 HV200BC 0.002 86.964213 -0.611414
34 50 HV200BC 0.002 116.93216 -0.904561
44 50 HV200BC 0.002 146.187197 -1.014775
226.620062 -8.261481
226.620062 -8.261481

Load Weight Discharge Pipe
Amps (lbs) Suction Pipe Size (in) Size (in)
14.8/7.4 65 1.5 1.5
3.6/1.8 65 1.5 1.5
19.2/9.6 72 1.5 1.5
4.7/2.35 72 1.5 1.5
12 113 2 2
6.8/3.4 113 2 2
12 120 2 2
8.5/4.25 120 2 2
13.4 144 2 1.5
8.6/4.3 144 2 1.5
22 184 2.5 2
13.2/6.6 184 2.5 2
mial: TDH=f(Net Discharge)

2ndLevel 3rdLevel 4thLevel

0.024941 -0.020048 0.000477
0.024941 -0.020048 0.000477
0.095538 -0.041893 -0.000285
0.095538 -0.041893 -0.000285
-1.504765 0.127382 -0.00422
0.069833 -0.028717 -0.000906
0.089995 -0.008833 0.000118
0.089995 -0.008833 0.000118
-0.15534 0.007356 -0.000224
-0.324497 0.009484 -0.000207
0.027563 -0.002507 2.8E-005
0.027563 -0.002507 2.8E-005
0.059535 -0.00383 4.1E-005
0.11091 -0.00638 7.2E-005
0.010581 -0.003997 4.5E-005
0.012957 -0.000524 4.1E-006
0.012957 -0.000524 4.1E-006
0.005418 -0.000307 1.5E-006
0.022963 -0.000813 5.3E-006
0.026286 -0.000908 5.6E-006
-0.296915 -0.219883 0.005552
-0.296915 -0.219883 0.005552
Type of PVC Need for
Pipe to be Calculatio
Used ns
1 1 Schedule 40 1
2 Class 200 2

Pipe Inside Diameter (inches)

Schedule 40

pipe thickness Pipe

Nominal t, in Average O.D. I.D. Unit Volume
Pipe Size min (in) (in) gal/ft
1/8 0.068 0.405 0.269 0.002952
1/4 0.088 0.540 0.364 0.005406
3/8 0.091 0.675 0.493 0.009916
1/2 0.109 0.840 0.622 0.015785
3/4 0.113 1.050 0.824 0.027702
1 0.133 1.315 1.049 0.044896
1 1/4 0.140 1.660 1.38 0.077699
1 1/2 0.145 1.900 1.610 0.105757
2 0.154 2.375 2.067 0.174317
2 1/2 0.203 2.875 2.469 0.248715
3 0.216 3.500 3.068 0.384034
3 1/2 0.226 4.000 3.548 0.513602
4 0.237 4.500 4.026 0.661312
5 0.258 5.563 5.047 1.039264
6 0.28 6.625 6.065 1.500793
8 0.322 8.625 7.981 2.598806
10 0.365 10.750 10.02 4.096327
12 0.406 12.750 11.938 5.814633

SDR Pipe Inside Diameter (inches)

DR 21 (200 psi)

pipe thickness Pipe

Nominal t, in Average O.D. I.D. Unit Volume
Pipe Size min (in) (in) gal/ft
3/4 0.060 1.050 0.93 0.035288
1 0.063 1.315 1.189 0.05768
1 1/4 0.079 1.660 1.502 0.092045
1 1/2 0.090 1.900 1.720 0.120702
2 0.113 2.375 2.149 0.188422
2 1/2 0.137 2.875 2.601 0.27602
3 0.167 3.500 3.166 0.40896
3 1/2 0.190 4.000 3.62 0.534658
4 0.214 4.500 4.072 0.676511
5 0.265 5.563 5.033 1.033506
6 0.316 6.625 5.993 1.465371
8 0.410 8.625 7.805 2.48545
10 0.511 10.750 9.728 3.861058
12 0.606 12.750 11.538 5.431506
14 0.666 14.000 12.668 6.547497
16 0.762 16.000 14.476 8.549807
18 0.857 18.000 16.286 10.82151
20 0.952 20.000 18.096 13.36055
24 1.143 24.000 21.714 19.23707
30 1.428 30.000 27.144 30.06124
36 1.714 36.000 32.572 43.28606
Lateral Spacing (ft) = 2
Manifold Inside Pipe Diameter (in) = 1.380
Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150
Drip lateral Flow (gpm) 2.366 (for both dosing and flushing)
Drip lateral Flow (gpm) 0.775 (for dosing only)
Friction loss for lateral tee (ft) 7 (equivalent feet of pipe for a standard tee with flow through the branch, fig. 9.2, Handbook of PVC pipe, 3rd edition, 1991)
This value must be entered for the manifold pipe size. This is a conservative estimate since most of the tees will
have the majority of flow through the run rather than the branch.

Dosing and flushing flow Dosing flow

Segment Segment Cumulative Segment Segment Cumulative
Manifold Manifold Friction Friction Segment Cumulative Manifold Manifold Friction Friction Segment Cumulative
Segment Manifold Manifold Flow Velocity Loss for Loss for Friction Friction Flow Velocity Loss for Loss for Friction Loss Friction
# Length (ft) (gpm) (fps) Pipe (ft) Fitting (ft) Loss (ft) Loss (ft) (gpm) (fps) Pipe (ft) Fitting (ft) (ft) Loss (ft)
1 2 18.926 4.060 0.095 0.333 0.428 0.428 6.200 1.330 0.012 0.042 0.054 0.054
2 4 16.561 3.552 0.074 0.260 0.334 0.763 5.425 1.164 0.009 0.033 0.042 0.097
3 6 14.195 3.045 0.056 0.196 0.251 1.014 4.650 0.997 0.007 0.025 0.032 0.128
4 8 11.829 2.537 0.040 0.139 0.179 1.193 3.875 0.831 0.005 0.018 0.023 0.151
5 10 9.463 2.030 0.026 0.092 0.119 1.312 3.100 0.665 0.003 0.012 0.015 0.166
6 12 7.097 1.522 0.015 0.054 0.070 1.382 2.325 0.499 0.002 0.007 0.009 0.175
7 14 4.732 1.015 0.007 0.026 0.033 1.415 1.550 0.332 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.179
8 16 2.366 0.507 0.002 0.007 0.009 1.424 0.775 0.166 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.180
9 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
10 20 -2.366 -0.507 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -0.775 -0.166 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
11 22 -4.732 -1.015 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -1.550 -0.332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
12 24 -7.097 -1.522 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -2.325 -0.499 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
13 26 -9.463 -2.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -3.100 -0.665 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
14 28 -11.829 -2.537 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -3.875 -0.831 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
15 30 -14.195 -3.045 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -4.650 -0.997 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
16 32 -16.561 -3.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -5.425 -1.164 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
17 34 -18.926 -4.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -6.200 -1.330 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
18 36 -21.292 -4.567 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -6.975 -1.496 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
19 38 -23.658 -5.074 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -7.750 -1.662 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
20 40 -26.024 -5.582 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -8.525 -1.829 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
21 42 -28.390 -6.089 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -9.300 -1.995 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
22 44 -30.756 -6.597 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -10.075 -2.161 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
23 46 -33.121 -7.104 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -10.850 -2.327 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
24 48 -35.487 -7.612 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -11.625 -2.493 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
25 50 -37.853 -8.119 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -12.400 -2.660 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
26 52 -40.219 -8.626 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -13.175 -2.826 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
27 54 -42.585 -9.134 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -13.950 -2.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
28 56 -44.950 -9.641 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -14.725 -3.158 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
29 58 -47.316 -10.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -15.500 -3.325 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
30 60 -49.682 -10.656 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -16.275 -3.491 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
31 62 -52.048 -11.164 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -17.050 -3.657 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
32 64 -54.414 -11.671 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -17.825 -3.823 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
33 66 -56.779 -12.179 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -18.600 -3.989 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
34 68 -59.145 -12.686 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -19.375 -4.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
35 70 -61.511 -13.193 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -20.150 -4.322 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
36 72 -63.877 -13.701 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -20.925 -4.488 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
37 74 -66.243 -14.208 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -21.700 -4.654 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
38 76 -68.608 -14.716 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -22.475 -4.821 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
39 78 -70.974 -15.223 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -23.250 -4.987 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
40 80 -73.340 -15.731 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -24.025 -5.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
41 82 -75.706 -16.238 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -24.800 -5.319 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
42 84 -78.072 -16.745 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -25.575 -5.486 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
43 86 -80.438 -17.253 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -26.350 -5.652 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
44 88 -82.803 -17.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -27.125 -5.818 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
45 90 -85.169 -18.268 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -27.900 -5.984 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
46 92 -87.535 -18.775 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -28.675 -6.150 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
47 94 -89.901 -19.283 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -29.450 -6.317 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
48 96 -92.267 -19.790 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -30.225 -6.483 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
49 98 -94.632 -20.298 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -31.000 -6.649 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180
50 100 -96.998 -20.805 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.424 -31.775 -6.815 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.180

Calculations based on lowering the TDH below 150'

Lateral Spacing (ft) = 2
Manifold Inside Pipe Diameter (in) = N/A
Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150
Drip lateral Flow (gpm) 2.366 (for both dosing and flushing)
Drip lateral Flow (gpm) 0.775 (for dosing only)
Friction loss for lateral tee (ft) #N/A (equivalent feet of pipe for a standard tee with flow through the branch, fig. 9.2, Handbook of PVC pipe, 3rd edition, 1991)
This value must be entered for the manifold pipe size. This is a conservative estimate since most of the tees will
have the majority of flow through the run rather than the branch.

Dosing and flushing flow Dosing flow

Segment Segment Cumulative Segment Segment Cumulative
Manifold Manifold Friction Friction Segment Cumulative Manifold Manifold Friction Friction Segment Cumulative
Segment Manifold Manifold Flow Velocity Loss for Loss for Friction Friction Flow Velocity Loss for Loss for Friction Loss Friction
# Length (ft) (gpm) (fps) Pipe (ft) Fitting (ft) Loss (ft) Loss (ft) (gpm) (fps) Pipe (ft) Fitting (ft) (ft) Loss (ft)
10 20 -2.366 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -0.775 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
11 22 -4.732 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -1.550 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
12 24 -7.097 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -2.325 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
13 26 -9.463 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -3.100 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
14 28 -11.829 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -3.875 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
15 30 -14.195 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -4.650 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
16 32 -16.561 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -5.425 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
17 34 -18.926 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -6.200 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
18 36 -21.292 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -6.975 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
19 38 -23.658 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -7.750 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
20 40 -26.024 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -8.525 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
21 42 -28.390 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -9.300 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
22 44 -30.756 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -10.075 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
23 46 -33.121 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -10.850 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
24 48 -35.487 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -11.625 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
25 50 -37.853 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -12.400 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
26 52 -40.219 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -13.175 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
27 54 -42.585 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -13.950 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
28 56 -44.950 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -14.725 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
29 58 -47.316 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -15.500 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
30 60 -49.682 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -16.275 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
31 62 -52.048 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -17.050 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
32 64 -54.414 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -17.825 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
33 66 -56.779 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -18.600 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
34 68 -59.145 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -19.375 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
35 70 -61.511 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -20.150 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
36 72 -63.877 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -20.925 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
37 74 -66.243 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -21.700 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
38 76 -68.608 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -22.475 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
39 78 -70.974 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -23.250 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
40 80 -73.340 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -24.025 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
41 82 -75.706 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -24.800 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
42 84 -78.072 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -25.575 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
43 86 -80.438 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -26.350 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
44 88 -82.803 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -27.125 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
45 90 -85.169 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -27.900 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
46 92 -87.535 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -28.675 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
47 94 -89.901 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -29.450 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
48 96 -92.267 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -30.225 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
49 98 -94.632 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -31.000 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
50 100 -96.998 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE! -31.775 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
Inside Pipe Friction Loss for
Diameter Inside Pipe Lateral Tee with
(Nominal and Diameter, Flow Through
Type), in in the Run, (ft)
1/2" Sch 40 0.622 3
3/4" Sch 40 0.824 5
3/4" Class 200 0.93 5
1" Sch 40 1.049 5.5
1" Class 200 1.189 5.5
1 1/4" Sch 40 1.380 7
1 1/4" Class 2 1.502 8
1 1/2" Sch 40 1.610 9
1 1/2" Class 2 1.72 10
2" Sch 40 2.067 11
2" Class 200 2.149 11.5
2 1/2" Sch 40 2.469 13
2 1/2" Class 2 2.601 14
3" Sch 40 3.068 16
3" Class200 3.166 17
3 1/2" Sch 40 3.548 19
3 1/2" Class 2 3.62 20
4" Sch 40 4.026 22
4" Class 200 4.072 23
5" Class 200 5.033 28
5" Sch 40 5.047 28
6" Class 200 5.993 32
6" Sch 40 6.065 33
8" Class 200 7.805 36
8" Sch 40 7.981 38
10" Class 200 9.728 53
10" Sch 40 10.02 55
12" Class 200 11.538 60
12" Sch 40 11.938 65
Lateral Spacing (ft) = 2
Manifold Inside Pipe Diameter (in) = 1.049
Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150
Drip lateral Flow (gpm) 1.591 (for flushing)
Friction loss for lateral tee (ft) 5.5 (equivalent feet of pipe for a standard tee with flow through the run, fig. 9.2, Handbook of P
This value must be entered for the manifold pipe size. The last tee will have a higher f
since it will be flow through the side outlet, but the overall effect on the cumulative loss is n

Flushing Flow
Segment Segment Cumulative
Manifold Manifold Friction Friction Segment Cumulative
Segment Manifold Manifold Flow Velocity Loss for Loss for Friction Friction
# Length (ft) (gpm) (fps) Pipe (ft) Fitting (ft) Loss (ft) Loss (ft)
1 2 12.726 4.724 0.173 0.477 0.650 0.650
2 4 11.136 4.134 0.135 0.372 0.507 1.157
3 6 9.545 3.543 0.102 0.280 0.381 1.539
4 8 7.954 2.953 0.073 0.200 0.272 1.811
5 10 6.363 2.362 0.048 0.132 0.180 1.991
6 12 4.772 1.772 0.028 0.077 0.106 2.097
7 14 3.182 1.181 0.013 0.037 0.050 2.146
8 16 1.591 0.591 0.004 0.010 0.014 2.160
9 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
10 20 -1.591 -0.591 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
11 22 -3.182 -1.181 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
12 24 -4.772 -1.772 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
13 26 -6.363 -2.362 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
14 28 -7.954 -2.953 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
15 30 -9.545 -3.543 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
16 32 -11.136 -4.134 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
17 34 -12.726 -4.724 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
18 36 -14.317 -5.315 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
19 38 -15.908 -5.905 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
20 40 -17.499 -6.496 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
21 42 -19.090 -7.086 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
22 44 -20.681 -7.677 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
23 46 -22.271 -8.267 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
24 48 -23.862 -8.858 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
25 50 -25.453 -9.448 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
26 52 -27.044 -10.039 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
27 54 -28.635 -10.629 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
28 56 -30.225 -11.220 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
29 58 -31.816 -11.810 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
30 60 -33.407 -12.401 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
31 62 -34.998 -12.991 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
32 64 -36.589 -13.582 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
33 66 -38.179 -14.172 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
34 68 -39.770 -14.763 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
35 70 -41.361 -15.353 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
36 72 -42.952 -15.944 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
37 74 -44.543 -16.534 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
38 76 -46.133 -17.125 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
39 78 -47.724 -17.715 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
40 80 -49.315 -18.306 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
41 82 -50.906 -18.896 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
42 84 -52.497 -19.487 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
43 86 -54.088 -20.077 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
44 88 -55.678 -20.668 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
45 90 -57.269 -21.258 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
46 92 -58.860 -21.849 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
47 94 -60.451 -22.439 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
48 96 -62.042 -23.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
49 98 -63.632 -23.620 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160
50 100 -65.223 -24.211 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.160

Calculations based on lowering the TDH below 150'

Lateral Spacing (ft) = 2
Manifold Inside Pipe Diameter (in) = N/A
Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150
Drip lateral Flow (gpm) 1.591 (for flushing)
Friction loss for lateral tee (ft) #N/A (equivalent feet of pipe for a standard tee with flow through the run, fig. 9.2, Handbook of P
This value must be entered for the manifold pipe size. The last tee will have a higher f
since it will be flow through the side outlet, but the overall effect on the cumulative loss is n

Flushing Flow
Segment Segment Cumulative
Manifold Manifold Friction Friction Segment Cumulative
Segment Manifold Manifold Flow Velocity Loss for Loss for Friction Friction
# Length (ft) (gpm) (fps) Pipe (ft) Fitting (ft) Loss (ft) Loss (ft)
1 2 12.726 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
2 4 11.136 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
5 10 6.363 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
6 12 4.772 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
7 14 3.182 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
8 16 1.591 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
9 18 0.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
10 20 -1.591 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
11 22 -3.182 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
12 24 -4.772 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
13 26 -6.363 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
14 28 -7.954 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
15 30 -9.545 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
16 32 -11.136 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
17 34 -12.726 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
18 36 -14.317 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
19 38 -15.908 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
20 40 -17.499 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
21 42 -19.090 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
22 44 -20.681 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
23 46 -22.271 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
24 48 -23.862 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
25 50 -25.453 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
26 52 -27.044 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
27 54 -28.635 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
28 56 -30.225 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
29 58 -31.816 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
30 60 -33.407 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
31 62 -34.998 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
32 64 -36.589 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
33 66 -38.179 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
34 68 -39.770 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
35 70 -41.361 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
36 72 -42.952 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
37 74 -44.543 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
38 76 -46.133 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
39 78 -47.724 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
40 80 -49.315 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
41 82 -50.906 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
42 84 -52.497 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
43 86 -54.088 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
44 88 -55.678 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
45 90 -57.269 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
46 92 -58.860 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
47 94 -60.451 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
48 96 -62.042 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
49 98 -63.632 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
50 100 -65.223 #VALUE! 0.000 0.000 0.000 #VALUE!
w through the run, fig. 9.2, Handbook of PVC pipe, 3rd edition, 1991)
ipe size. The last tee will have a higher friction loss
e overall effect on the cumulative loss is negligible.

Inside Pipe Friction Loss for

Diameter Lateral Tee with
(Nominal and Inside Pipe Flow Through the
Type), in Diameter, in Run, (ft)
1/2" Sch 40 0.622 3
3/4" Sch 40 0.824 5
3/4" Class 200 0.93 5
1" Sch 40 1.049 5.5
1" Class 200 1.189 5.5
1 1/4" Sch 40 1.380 7
1 1/4" Class 200 1.502 8
1 1/2" Sch 40 1.610 9
1 1/2" Class 200 1.72 10
2" Sch 40 2.067 11
2" Class 200 2.149 11.5
2 1/2" Sch 40 2.469 13
2 1/2" Class 200 2.601 14
3" Sch 40 3.068 16
3" Class200 3.166 17
3 1/2" Sch 40 3.548 19
3 1/2" Class 200 3.62 20
4" Sch 40 4.026 22
4" Class 200 4.072 23
5" Class 200 5.033 28
5" Sch 40 5.047 28
6" Class 200 5.993 32
6" Sch 40 6.065 33
8" Class 200 7.805 36
8" Sch 40 7.981 38
10" Class 200 9.728 53
10" Sch 40 10.02 55
12" Class 200 11.538 60
12" Sch 40 11.938 65
w through the run, fig. 9.2, Handbook of PVC pipe, 3rd edition, 1991)
ipe size. The last tee will have a higher friction loss
e overall effect on the cumulative loss is negligible.
0.42 gph emitter

24-inch emitter spacing 12-inch emitter spacing 18-inch emitter spacing

Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for
Lateral dosing, flushing @ 2 dosing, flushing @ 2 dosing, flushing @ 2 Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (24" emitter spacing)

Pressure Loss(psi)
Length, ft psi fps, psi psi fps, psi psi fps, psi

ripLateral Length(ft)
10 0 0.32 0 0.47 0 0.39
20 0 0.66 0 0.98 0 0.74 Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (24" emitter spacing)
30 0 1.01 0.01 1.53 0 1.17
40 0.01 1.37 0.02 2.12 0.01 1.63 70

f(x) = 3.87059016651117E-008x^3 + 6.53508357328218E-005x^2 + 0.0314365147x 80
50 0.01 1.74 0.05 2.76 0.02 2.04 60
R = 0.9999999859 70
60 0.02 2.13 0.08 3.44 0.03 2.54 50 Column C f(x) = 60- 1.64123223547224E-017x^6 + 3.5712630168772E-014x^5 - 3.06507286208358E-011x^4 + 5.15865109631818E-008x^3 + 6.27662963311315E-005x^2 + 0.0316229162x
70 0.03 2.54 0.12 4.16 0.05 3.06 Polynomial R = 0.9999999926
50 Column C
40 Polynomial
(Column C) 40
80 0.04 2.96 0.17 4.94 0.07 3.54 (Column C)
30 30
90 0.05 3.39 0.25 5.76 0.1 4.11 20
100 0.07 3.84 0.33 6.64 0.13 4.71 20
120 0.12 4.78 0.56 8.55 0.22 5.9 10 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
140 0.18 5.79 0.87 10.68 0.33 7.19 0
Pressure Loss (psi)
160 0.26 6.86 1.28 13.05 0.5 8.69 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
180 0.36 8 1.8 15.66 0.69 10.2 Drip Lateral Length (ft)
200 0.49 9.21 2.45 18.53 0.92 11.81
220 0.64 10.49 3.22 21.67 1.23 13.68
240 0.82 11.84 4.15 25.08 1.57 15.53
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 24" emitter spacing)
260 1.03 13.27 5.23 28.79 1.96 17.51
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 24" Emitter Spacing)

280 1.27 14.77 6.48 32.8 2.45 19.78


teral L
300 1.54 16.36 7.91 37.13 2.97 22.02
320 1.85 18.02 9.54 41.78 3.56 24.39


340 2.2 19.76 11.37 46.77 4.27 27.1
360 2.59 21.59 13.42 52.1 5.01 29.75 20 f(x) = - 4.05788356187342E-018x^6
15 + 1.26798184992531E-014x^5 - 1.84011671353546E-011x^4 + 5.59462554328513E-008x^3 + 0.000001682x^2 + 1.73032688705062E-006x
380 3.02 23.5 15.7 57.8 5.83 32.56 R = 0.9999998904 Column B
15 f(x) = 4.33188697408771E-008x^3 + 0.000005426x^2 - 0.0003588263x 10 Polynomial
400 3.49 25.51 18.22 63.86 6.8 35.74 R = 0.9999985981 Column B (Column B)
420 4.01 27.6 7.8 38.85 10 Polynomial 5
440 4.58 29.78 8.88 42.12 (Column B)
5 0
460 5.2 32.06 10.16 45.81
0 100 200Pressure
300 400Loss500(psi)600 700 800
480 5.87 34.43 11.44 49.41 0
500 6.6 36.89 12.83 53.17 0 100 200 300 400Length
Drip Lateral 500 (ft)600 700 800
520 7.38 39.46 14.45 57.41
540 8.22 42.13 16.06 61.53
560 9.12 44.9 17.79 65.82
580 10.08 47.77
600 11.1 50.75
620 12.19 53.84 61 -4032.572
640 13.35 57.04 300 23.85 6.99
660 14.58 60.34
680 15.88 63.76
700 17.25 67.3
720 18.7
740 20.22
760 21.83
780 23.51
800 25.28

in combination with the minimum recommended pressure for uniform distribution (7.11 psi), the inlet pressure
during flushing at 2 fps should not exceed the rated maximum of 71.12 psi for the drip tubing.
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (12" emitter spacing)
Pressure Loss(psi)


ripLateral Length(ft)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (12" emitter spacing)
60 f(x) = 2.411372874239E-007x^3 + 0.0001903561x^2 + 0.0449433983x
R = 0.9999999829
50 70

40 Column E f(x) = -604.37526880784322E-016x^6 + 5.15504229328095E-013x^5 - 2.4355806979297E-010x^4 + 2.99274057852813E-007x^3 + 0.0001834927x^2 + 0.0452406159x
Polynomial R = 0.999999994
(Column E)
30 Column E
40 Polynomial
(Column E)
20 30
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Drip Lateral Length (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)

Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 12" Emitter Spacing)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 12" emitter spacing)

atera e
f(x)15= 2.56618586644278E-007x^3 + 1.25698545094673E-005x^2 - 0.00051325x
f(x) = 4.15735030751847E-016x^6
15 - 3.90449104042328E-013x^5 + 8.48132634781899E-011x^4 + 2.71108424989675E-007x^3 + 6.44987597361367E-006x^2 - 9.43692179617172E-005x
R = 0.9999990535 R = 0.9999998448
Column D Column D
10 Polynomial 10 Polynomial
(Column D) (Column D)
5 5

0 0
0 50 100Drip150Lateral
200 Length
250 300(ft)350 400 450 0 50 100 Pressure
150 200 Loss
250 300
(psi)350 400 450
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (18" emitter spacing)

Pressure Loss(psi)
" emitter spacing)

ripLateral Length(ft)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (18" emitter spacing)
865109631818E-008x^3 + 6.27662963311315E-005x^2 + 0.0316229162x 60 f(x) = 8.03012912545423E-008x^3 + 0.0001011882x^2 + 0.0358384406x
R = 0.999997119

Column G 80
40 70
(Column G) f(x) = 60
- 1.64123223547224E-017x^6 + 3.5712630168772E-014x^5 - 3.06507286208358E-011x^4 + 5.15865109631818E-008x^3 + 6.27662963311315E-005x^2 + 0.0316229162x
30 R = 0.9999999926 Column C
40 Polynomial
20 (Column C)
10 20
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Drip Lateral Length (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)

hing Velocity & 24" emitter spacing)

Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 18" Emitter Spacing)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 18" emitter spacing)

59462554328513E-008x^3 + 0.000001682x^2 + 1.73032688705062E-006x

ateral L


f(x) = 15
8.87090979206693E-008x^3 + 8.00110297858952E-006x^2 - 0.0004575118x
R = 0.9999923902 f(x) = - 4.05788356187342E-018x^6
15 + 1.26798184992531E-014x^5 - 1.84011671353546E-011x^4 + 5.59462554328513E-008x^3 + 0.000001682x^2 + 1.73032688705062E-006x
Column F R = 0.9999998904 Column B
10 Polynomial 10 Polynomial
(Column F) (Column B)
5 5

0 0
0 100 Drip200Lateral300Length
400(ft) 500 600 0 100 200Pressure
300 400Loss500(psi)600 700 800
0.62 gph emitter

24-inch emitter spacing 12-inch emitter spacing 18-inch emitter spacing

Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for
Lateral dosing, flushing @ 2 dosing, flushing @ 2 dosing, flushing @ 2
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (24" emitter spacing)

Pressure Loss(psi)
Length, ft psi fps, psi psi fps, psi psi fps, psi
10 0 0.33 0 0.48 0 0.4

ripLateral Length(ft)
20 0 0.67 0.01 1.02 0 0.76
30 0 1.04 0.02 1.62 0.01 1.22 70 Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (24" emitter spacing)
40 0.01 1.42 0.05 2.29 0.02 1.72 60 f(x) = 8.38022957068498E-008x^3 + 0.000096859x^2 + 0.0314666443x
50 0.02 1.83 0.09 3.02 0.04 2.17 R = 0.9999999845

50 70
60 0.03 2.26 0.16 3.83 0.06 2.73 Column C
40 60
f(x) = - 5.21350114534178E-017x^6 + 8.97351731844945E-014x^5 - 6.16148029602368E-011x^4 + 1.049187860805E-007x^3 + 9.33321543075479E-005x^2 + 0.0316807338x
70 0.05 2.71 0.25 4.71 0.1 3.34 Polynomial R = 0.9999999932
50 Column C
80 0.08 3.18 0.36 5.67 0.14 3.89 30 (Column C)
40 Polynomial
90 0.1 3.68 0.51 6.71 0.2 4.57 30 (Column C)
100 0.14 4.2 0.69 7.84 0.27 5.3 20
110 0.18 4.75 0.91 9.05 0.35 5.95 10 10
120 0.24 5.32 1.17 10.36 0.45 6.76 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
130 0.3 5.91 1.48 11.76 0.57 7.62 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Pressure Loss (psi)
140 0.36 6.53 1.83 13.26 0.69 8.39 Drip Lateral Length (ft)
150 0.44 7.18 2.23 14.86 0.85 9.34
160 0.53 7.86 2.69 16.56 1.03 10.33
180 0.74 9.29 3.78 20.28 1.43 12.32
200 1 10.83 5.13 24.46 1.91 14.5
220 1.31 12.5 6.76 29.12 2.55 17.06
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 24" Emitter Spacing) Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 24" emitter spacing)


240 1.68 14.29 8.7 34.27 3.25 19.64

260 2.11 16.2 10.97 39.96 4.07 22.44

280 2.61 18.24 13.6 46.19 5.08 25.7

300 3.17 20.42 16.62 53 6.16 28.95 25 25

320 3.81 22.73 20.04 60.41 7.39 32.45 20 20
340 4.53 25.19 23.9 68.44 8.87 36.48 f(x) = 9.21651665464529E-008x^3 + 9.44822744815755E-006x^2 - 0.0005350624x f(x) = - 9.11290122656633E-018x^6 + 2.89225975712846E-014x^5 - 3.89449131864552E-011x^4 + 1.15099473050896E-007x^3 + 3.83183877353755E-006x^2 - 0.0001001597x
15 Column B 15
R = 0.9999998705 Column B
360 5.33 27.79 10.41 40.48 R = 0.9999989018 Polynomial
Polynomial 10
380 6.22 30.54 12.12 44.74 10 (Column B)
(Column B)
400 7.2 33.45 14.15 49.63 5
420 8.28 36.51 16.22 54.45 0
440 9.45 39.74 18.48 59.55 0 100 Pressure
200 300Loss 400
(psi) 500 600
0 100 Drip200Lateral300Length
400(ft) 500 600
460 10.74 43.13 21.14 65.37
480 12.12 46.69
500 13.62 50.43
520 15.24 54.34
540 16.98 58.43
560 18.84 62.71 61 -4032.572
570 19.82 64.92 300 23.85 6.99

in combination with the minimum recommended pressure for uniform distribution (7.11 psi), the
inlet pressure during flushing at 2 fps should not exceed the rated maximum of 71.12 psi for the
drip tubing.
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (12" emitter spacing)
Pressure Loss(psi)


ripLateral Length(ft)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (12" emitter spacing)
f(x) = 5.21366942205172E-007x^3 + 0.000282721x^2 + 0.0449170329x
60 R = 0.9999999825

50 Column E 70
Polynomial f(x) = -601.45956381014471E-015x^6 + 1.50149168853799E-012x^5 - 6.104890599445E-010x^4 + 6.44085517736364E-007x^3 + 0.0002707289x^2 + 0.0453509654x
40 R = 0.9999999937
(Column E) 50 Column E
30 Polynomial
40 (Column E)
20 30
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Drip Lateral Length (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)

Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 12" Emitter Spacing)

Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 12" emitter spacing)

D 30
f(x) = 20
5.49320311079281E-007x^3 + 2.24332838604431E-005x^2 - 0.0008007145x 25
R = 0.9999993299 Column D f(x) = - 1.07238163411706E-015x^6
20 + 1.23219173678213E-012x^5 -Column
D + 7.01250999966636E-007x^3 + 4.12507495388175E-006x^2 - 2.00876831796316E-005x
15 Polynomial R = 0.9999999445 Polynomial
10 (Column D) (Column D)
5 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200Length
Drip Lateral 250 (ft)300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Pressure Loss (psi)
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (18" emitter spacing)
Pressure Loss(psi)

DripLateral Length(ft)
4" emitter spacing)
70 Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (18" emitter spacing)
60 f(x) = 1.78824100629088E-007x^3 + 0.000147717x^2 + 0.0360847214x
R = 0.9999948996
9187860805E-007x^3 + 9.33321543075479E-005x^2 + 0.0316807338x 50 70
Column G 60
f(x) = 2.97633847881055E-015x^6 - 3.69630257795858E-012x^5 + 1.68531386571988E-009x^4 - 0.000000166x^3 + 0.0001784893x^2 + 0.0351540951x
40 R = 0.9999952107
Polynomial 50
Column G
30 (Column G) 40 Polynomial
30 (Column G)
10 10
0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Pressure Loss (psi)
Drip Lateral Length (ft)

ng Velocity & 24" emitter spacing)

Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 18" Emitter Spacing) Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 18" emitter spacing)



099473050896E-007x^3 + 3.83183877353755E-006x^2 - 0.0001001597x 20
20 f(x) = 1.41617534130379E-015x^6 - 1.76254901485449E-012x^5 + 7.82069127805098E-010x^4 + 4.66022502641105E-008x^3 + 2.22942919669268E-005x^2 - 0.0005940556x
f(x) = 1.91653774811215E-007x^3 + 1.27200710728844E-005x^2 - 0.0005261383x R = 0.9999913399
15 Column F
R = 0.9999902349
15 Column F Polynomial
Polynomial (Column F)
(Column F) 5
5 0
0 0 50 100 150 200 250Loss
Pressure 300(psi)
350 400 450 500
0 50 100Drip
200 250Length
300 350
(ft) 400 450 500
0.92 gph emitter

24-inch emitter spacing 12-inch emitter spacing 18-inch emitter spacing

Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for Loss for
Lateral dosing, flushing @ 2 dosing, flushing @ 2 dosing, flushing @ 2 Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (24" emitter spacing)

Pressure Loss(psi)
Length, ft psi fps, psi psi fps, psi psi fps, psi
10 0 0.33 0 0.5 0 0.4
20 0 0.69 0.01 1.08 0.01 0.79

DripLateral Length(ft)
30 0.01 1.08 0.05 1.76 0.02 1.29
60 f(x) = 1.83056928502071E-007x^3 + 0.0001445939x^2 + 0.0314873799x Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (24" emitter spacing)
40 0.02 1.51 0.11 2.55 0.04 1.85
50 0.04 1.96 0.2 3.45 0.08 2.38 50 R = 0.9999999809
60 0.07 2.45 0.34 4.46 0.13 3.05 Column C 70
70 0.11 2.98 0.52 5.61 0.21 3.78 Polynomial
(Column C) f(x) = 60
- 4.45472222970258E-017x^6 + 3.94110855835701E-014x^5 - 1.73039256487401E-011x^4 + 1.89806527003204E-007x^3 + 0.0001430081x^2 + 0.0316085096x
80 0.16 3.54 0.77 6.88 0.29 4.46 30 50
R = 0.999999993
Column C
90 0.22 4.14 1.08 8.29 0.41 5.32 20 40 Polynomial
100 0.29 4.78 1.46 9.85 0.57 6.25 30 (Column C)

120 0.49 6.18 2.48 13.44 0.94 8.18 10 20

140 0.76 7.74 3.87 17.69 1.44 10.39 0 10
160 1.1 9.49 5.7 22.67 2.15 13.09 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
180 1.54 11.42 8.01 28.42 2.99 15.93 Drip Lateral Length (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)
200 2.08 13.54 10.88 35 4.01 19.09
220 2.73 15.87 14.34 42.47 5.35 22.88
240 3.5 18.41 18.47 50.87 6.82 26.77
260 4.39 21.18 23.3 60.27 8.54 31.05
280 5.43 24.17 10.68 36.1
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 24" Emitter Spacing)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 24" emitter spacing)

300 6.61 27.4 12.96 41.23

320 7.94 30.88 15.53 46.78

ateral Len
340 9.45 34.62 18.65 53.26

360 11.12 38.62 21.9 59.77 25

380 12.98 42.89 25.49 66.75 f(x) =201.98930011214515E-007x^3 + 1.6078812546463E-005x^2 - 0.0007065287x 20
f(x) = 1.82230110474183E-017x^6 + 1.56476602958231E-014x^5 - 6.31148333862074E-011x^4 + 2.39589424847553E-007x^3 + 7.00210435594111E-006x^2 - 0.000105074x
400 15.03 47.45 R = 0.999998697 R = 0.9999998896
15 Column B 15
420 17.28 52.3 Column B
Polynomial Polynomial
440 19.75 57.44 10 10
(Column B) (Column B)
460 22.42 62.89 5 5
480 0 0
500 0 50 100Drip
200 250Length
300 350
(ft) 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250Loss
Pressure 300(psi)
350 400 450 500
620 61 -4032.572
640 300 23.85 6.99

in combination with the minimum recommended pressure for uniform distribution (7.11 psi), the inlet pressure
during flushing at 2 fps should not exceed the rated maximum of 71.12 psi for the drip tubing.
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (12" emitter spacing)
Pressure Loss(psi)


ripLateral Length(ft)
Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (12" emitter spacing)
f(x) = 1.14208308708345E-006x^3 + 0.0004217547x^2 + 0.0449579524x
50 R = 0.9999999777 70

40 Column E 60
Polynomial f(x) = 2.4525823381812E-015x^6 - 1.42799343965766E-012x^5 + 1.63587754926819E-010x^4 + 1.17757469823091E-006x^3 + 0.0004140082x^2 + 0.0452968872x
R = 0.9999999904
30 (Column E) Column E
40 Polynomial
(Column E)
20 30
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Drip Lateral Length (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)

Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 12" Emitter Spacing)

Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 12" emitter spacing)

ripLateral Length(ft)
D 25
f(x) = 20
1.20022094563062E-006x^3 + 3.63491893267659E-005x^2 - 0.0009280037x
R = 0.9999992751 f(x) = - 1.92461339940846E-015x^6
20 + 2.00131228580225E-012x^5 - 0.000000001x^4 + 1.43473874157133E-006x^3 + 0.000011079x^2 - 2.84565530232822E-005x
15 Column D R = 0.9999998814 Column D
15 Polynomial
10 10 (Column D)
(Column D)
5 5
0 0
0 50 Drip100Lateral150Length
200(ft) 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pressure Loss (psi)
Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss @ 2 fps Flushing Velocity (18" emitter spacing)

ps (24" emitter spacing) Pressure Loss(psi)

ripLateral Length(ft)
70 Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Flushing @ 2 fps (18" emitter spacing)

60 f(x) = 3.75810087877598E-007x^3 + 0.0002265331x^2 + 0.0356145576x

4 + 1.89806527003204E-007x^3 + 0.0001430081x^2 + 0.0316085096x

R = 0.9999930941
50 Column G 80
Polynomial 70
40 f(x) = 60
- 1.39781022479842E-014x^6 + 1.40850345627806E-011x^5 - 5.24939455503242E-009x^4 + 1.27381972365905E-006x^3 + 0.0001556991x^2 + 0.0377124066x
(Column G)
30 R = 0.9999943614
50 Column G
40 Polynomial
20 30
(Column G)

10 20
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Drip Lateral Length (ft) Pressure Loss (psi)

ushing Velocity & 24" emitter spacing)

Netafim Lateral Length vs Pressure Loss During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 18" Emitter Spacing)

Netafim Pressure Loss vs Lateral Length During Dosing (0 fps Flushing Velocity & 18" emitter spacing)

ripLateral Length(ft)
.39589424847553E-007x^3 + 7.00210435594111E-006x^2 - 0.000105074x 30

f(x) = 0.000000406x^3 + 2.54852761978563E-005x^2 - 0.0010380222x 25
20 R = 0.9999857812 f(x) = - 7.19185182237937E-015x^6 + 7.37891519001854E-012x^5 - 2.88004980825787E-009x^4 + 9.47520380056439E-007x^3 - 2.44946601741182E-005x^2 + 0.0007495013x
Column F 20
R = 0.9999909834
Column F
15 Polynomial Polynomial
10 (Column F) (Column F)
5 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200Length
Drip Lateral 250 (ft)300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Pressure Loss (psi)

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