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Price Rs 200.00
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First Published : November 2005

(The Rights of Publication and of Translation are reserved)

(The official amendments to this document would be published by the IRC
in its periodical, `Indian Highways', which shall be considered as
effective and as part of the code/guidelines/manual, etc. from the
Date specified therein)

Printed at Aravali Printers & Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi-110 020
(1000 copies)

Personnel of the Bridges Specifications and Standards Committee (i) & (ii)

1. Introduction 1

2. Scope and Objective 2

3. Functions 2

4. Movements and Rotations 2

5. Basis for selection of type of Joints 8

5.1 Joints for Small Openings 8
5.1.1 Buried Joint 8
5.1.2 Filler Joint 8
5.1.3 Asphaltic Plug Joint 9
5.2 Joints for Medium Openings 10
5.2.1 Compression Seal Joint 10
5.2.2 Single Strip/Box Seal Joint 10
5.2.3 Reinforced Elastomeric Joint 11
5.3 Joints for Large Openings 12
5.3.1 Modular Strip/Box Seal Joint 12
5.3.2 Finger Joint 12
5.3.3 Reinforced Coupled Elastomeric Joint 13
5.4 Suggested criteria for adoption of different
types of Expansion Joints 14

6. Special types of joints 15

7. Specification - General and Material Requirements 16

8. Testing & Acceptance Standards 23

9. Installation 26

10. Inspection and Maintenance 30

11. Handling and Storage 33

12. Replacement of the Expansion Joints 33

13. Reference 34
(As on 20-12-2004)
1. Velayutham, V. Addl. Director General, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport
(Convenor) & Highways, New Delhi
2. Sinha, V.K. Chief Engineer, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport &
(Co-Convenor) Highway, New Delhi
3. Dhodapkar, A.N. Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi
Chief Engineer (B) S&R

4. Agrawal, K.N. C-33, Chandra Nagar, Ghaziabad-201 011
5. Ahmed, S. Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya PWD, Shillong
6. Alimchandani, C.R. Chairman & Managing Director, STUP Consultants Ltd.,
7. Banerjee, A.K. B-210, (SF), Chitranjan Park, New Delhi
8. Basa, Ashok Director (Tech.) B. Engineers & Builders Ltd., Bhubaneswar
9. Bhasin, P.C. ADG (B), MOST (Retd.) 324, Mandakini Enclave, New Delhi
10. Chakraborty, S.S. Managing Director, Consulting Engg. Services (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
11. Gupta, K.K. House No.1149, Sector 19, Faridabad
12. Jambekar, A.R. Chief Engineer & General Manager (Tech.) CIDCO, NAVI
13. Jain, S.K. Director & Head, Civil Engg. Department, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
14. Kaushik, S.K. Chairman, Estate & Works & Coordinator (TIFAC-CORE)
LIT, Roorkee
15. Kand, C.V. Consultant, Bhopal
16. Koshi, Ninan DG (RD) & Addl. Secy., MOST (Retd.), H-54, Residency
Green, Gurgaon
17. Kumar, Prafulla DG (RD) & AS, MORT&H (Retd.) D-86, Sector-56, Noida
18. Manjure, P.Y. Director, Freyssinet Prestressed Concrete Co. Ltd., Mumbai
19. Merani, N.V. Principal Secy., Maharashtra PWD (Retd.), Mumbai
20. Mukherjee, M.K. 40/182, Chitranjan Park, New Delhi
21. Narain, A.D. Director General (Road Dev.) & Addl. Secretary, MOST
(Retd.) B-186, Sector-26, NOIDA
22. Puri, S.K. Chief Engineer, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and
23. Rajagopalan, N. Chief Technical Advisor, L&T-Ramboll Consulting Engg. Ltd.,
24. Rao, M.V.B. A-181, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi


25. Rao, T.N. Subba, Dr. Chairman, Construma Consultancy (P) Ltd., Mumbai
26. Reddi, S.A. Dy. Managing Director, Gammon India Ltd., Mumbai
27. Sharan, G. Member (T), National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
28. Sinha. N.K. DG (RD) & SS, MORT&H (Retd.) G-1365, Ground Floor,
Chitranjan Park, New Delhi
29. Subramanian, R. Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, New Delhi
30. Tamhankar, M.G., Dr. BH-1/44, Kendriya Vihar Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
31. Tandon, Mahesh Managing Director, Tandon Consultants (P) Ltd., New Delhi
32. Vijay, P.B. A-39/B, DDA Flats, Munirka, New Delhi
33. Director Highway Research Station, Chennai
34. Chief Engineer (NH) (Shri S.K. De) M.P. PWD, Bhopal
Planning & Budget
35. Addl. Director General HQ DGBR, Seema Sadak Bhavan, New Delhi
36. Chief Engineer (NH) U.P. PWD, Lucknow
37. Chief Engineer (NH) Chepauk, Chennai
38. Rep. of RDSO (R.K. Gupta) Executive Director (B&S) Bidges & Structures
Directt., RDSO, Lucknow

Ex-Officio Members
39. President, IRC (S.S. Momin), Secretary (R), Maharashtra PWD, Mumbai
40. Director General (Indu Prakash), Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport &
(Road Development) Highways, New Delhi
41. Secretary, IRC (R.S. Sharma), Indian Roads Congress, Kama Koti Marg,
Sector 6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi

Corresponding Members
1. Agarwal, M.K. Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD (Retd.), Panchkula
2. Bhagwagar, M.K. Executive Director, Engg. Consultant Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
3. Chakraborti, A. Addl. Director General (TD), CPWD, New Delhi
4. Raina, V.K., Dr. B-13, Sector-14, Noida



1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 The initial draft of the guidelines was

prepared by the previous IRC Committee of B-5
1.1. The Bearings, Joints and Appurtenances and its short comings were discussed by the newly
Committee (B-5) of the Indian Roads Congress constituted B-5 Committee in its first meeting
was constituted in 2003 with the following held on 20 th May, 2003. It was noted that
personnel: MoSRTH has issued guidelines on expansion
joints and that considerable experience has been
Sinha, N.K. Convenor gained from the performance of modern
Banerjee, A.K. Co-Convenor expansion joints installed in the NHDP and other
Chaudhary, Sudip Member-Secretary projects. Therefore, the B-5 Committee
constituted a Sub Committee on 20 th May, 2003
Members itself for updating the initial draft prepared by
Bhasin, P.C. previous committee and incorporate suggestions
Chakrabarti, A. made by members in the light of experience
Dutta, Subrata gained in the field. The Sub Committee constituted
Ghosh. Suprio had the following members:
Goel, Rajiv
Gupta, Ajay Kumar A.K. Banerjee (Convenor) Ajay K Gupta
Jambekar, A.R. Sudip Chaudhury (Member Secretary)
Kaistha, S.K. R.S. Ninan V.P. Deshpande
Kumar Krishan, Prof. P.C. Bhasin Shantanu Mazumdar
Manjure, P.Y.
Ninan, R.S. Shri A.N. Dhodapkar and Shri Rajender
Rao, M.V.B. Kumar attended the Sub Committee meetings and
Velayutham, V. provided needful inputs from the Ministry.
Venkatram, P. G.
Rep. of DGBR 1.3 The Sub Committee prepared revised
Rep. of Director & Head, B.I.S. draft, which was discussed in several meetings of
Rep. of CE (B) S&R, MOSRTH the B-5 Committee and the draft 'Guidelines and
Specifications for Expansion Joints.' was finalised
Ex-Officio Members by the B-5 Committee in its fifth meeting held on
11'" September, 2004. The draft guidelines was
President, IRC (S.S. Momin) approved by the Bridges Specifications and
DG(RD), MOSRTH (Indu Prakash) Standards Committee in its meeting held on 20 th
Secretary, IRC (R.S. Sharma) December, 2004. The document was considered
by the IRC Council in its 175 th meeting held on
Corresponding Members
22"'' May, 2005 at Shillong and approved with
Deshpande, V.P. certain modifications.
Mukherjee, M.K.
Raina, V.K., Dr. The required modifications were accordingly
Rai, Durgesh C., Dr. carried by the Convenor, B-6 Committee before
Tyagi, P.S. sending the document for publication.

2. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE replacement of an expansion joint is always
combined with a traffic interruption - at least on
This document deals with the functions and the affected lane. Therefore, expansion joints
requirements of expansion joints, various types of should be robust and suitable for all loads and local
movements and rotations for which these joints actions under all weather conditions. The
are to be designed, guidelines on selection of a replacement of all wearing parts should be possible
particular type of expansion joint depending on the in a simple way. In general, the expansion joints
magnitude and nature of movements of the deck should perform the following basic functions:
in a specific situation, general and material
specifications, testing and acceptance standards, (i) Should permit the expansion/contraction of the
guidelines on installation, inspection and span/spans to which it is fixed without causing
maintenance, handling and storage, and the any distress or vibration to the structure.
replacement of the joints.
(ii) Cause no inconvenience/hazard to the road
user and offer good riding comfort.
The provisions of these guidelines are meant
to serve as a guide to both design and construction (iii) Should be capable of withstanding the traffic
engineers, but mere compliance with the provisions loads including dynamic effects.
stipulated herein will not relieve them in anyway
(iv) Be watertight and be capable of expelling
of their responsibility for the functional
debris without clogging/ without imparting
performance of the joint, designed and erected.
higher force on the structure than what it is
These guidelines limit itself to areas of direct
designed for. For this, it is desirable to have
relevance to the correctiveness needed in the basic
expansion joint extending for full width
approach to the problems and practice relating to
including the kerb as well as in footpath portion.
expansion joints.
However, specifications of joints provided in
footpath and kerb may be different than that
Various sketches given in the guidelines are
provided in the main carriageway portion.
indicative. Actual arrangement of the proprietary
items depends upon the patented design and (v) Surface exposed to traffic should he skid free
specifications of manufacturers. and resistant to polishing.
(vi) Ensure accessibility for inspections and easy
In case of expansion joints for submersible
maintenance with all parts vulnerable to wear
bridges, special attention needs to be paid to
being easily replaceable.
durability under submerged conditions.
(vii)Any other function assigned to expansion joint,
Users are requested to report the performance as per the specific requirements of the
of different types of expansion joints to Indian structural systems.
Roads Congress so as to enable periodic review
and updation of these guidelines. 4. MOVEMENTS AND ROTATIONS

3. FUNCTIONS 4.1 The prime functional requirement of a joint is

to cater for movements with very low resistance
The first and foremost requirement of an or with no resistance at all. Estimation of the joint
adequate joint design is that the joint should be movement is therefore the first design step. The
capable of accommodating all movements of the most familiar and by far the biggest movement
deck viz. translation and rotation. In the process, that the joint has to cater for is linear translation
it must not cause unacceptable stresses either in marked by opening and closing of the joint. Often
the joint itself or in the structure by the way of the joint suffers rotational as well as transverse
restraint. A further requirement is a low noise movement and out of plane vertical movement as
level, especially in an urban environment. The shown in figure 4.a and 4.b.

IRC: SP:69-2005

Figure 4.a

Figure 4.b

4.2 The design of deck joint is to be viewed as an structure is obviously the most important factor in
integral part of structural design process. The determining the horizontal movement at different
estimation of deck joint movement, its magnitude points of the structure viz., at points of bearing
and direction is determined by the design of support as also for deck joints. It is necessary to
supporting system. The plan geometry of the consider all translations and rotations to ensure

that the displacements will not exceed the exceptional loads like wind, earthquake, accidental
permissible design limits of the joint construction. structural damage, displacement etc.
Salient sources of joint movements may be broadly
grouped into external load induced movements 4.3.1 In the case of an elastic zero movement
and internal volume changes of deck as given in point, there are additional movements at expansion
Table 4.1. joints due to acceleration and braking forces. For
decks supported on free elastomeric hearings at
Table 4.1 Salient Sources of Joint Movement both end, the zero movement point is elastic (see
Sources of Internal volume figure 4.3.1.a). The zero movement point may also
Sources of External load
induced movements changes of deck be elastic due to flexibility of pier. Moreover the
actual rigidity of piers can differ from the planned
Horizontal loads transmi- Ambient temperature
rigidity. If a zero movement point is located on a
tted to deck (traffic
loads/climatic loads) support, the additional movements due to pier
deformation must be considered in the structural
Displacement/rotation Creep of concrete deck
analysis (see figure 4.3.1.b). If the bridge is fixed
of deck edges induced
by vertical traffic loads on more than one support, the position of the zero
movement point may differ from the planned
Foundation/substructure Shrinkage of concrete deck
movement (soil
deformation, earth
pressure etc.) 4.3.2 The support rotation of deck under the
influence of traffic loads may cause movements
4.3 External load induced movements are and rotation at the expansion joint. The point of
transmitted to deck joint through rocking, sliding, rotation of deck at support depends on the type of
rotation and elastic restraint of bearing and bearing on which it is supported. The vertical
structure. When caused by transient traffic load distance of the point of rotation from the plane of
these comprise low amplitude high frequency expansion joint and the magnitude of rotation are
translation, rotation and vertical displacements. the factors influencing movements and rotation at
Traffic load induced movements are influenced the expansion joint (see figure 4.3.2)
4.3.3 Movement of substructure under the
Deck rigidity, geometry and statical system influence of traffic load due to sway effect etc.
may cause movement and rotation at the expansion
Axle loading in the environs of deck continuity
joints (see figure 4.3.3).
Bearing type, location and behaviour
Structural restraint of particular relevance to 4.3.4 Figure 4.3.4 shows a wall-type abutment
design and articulation system on piling. For such a structure, it is generally
assumed that the loads and forces above Plane
In addition to traffic loads, external load A-A are resisted by piling below Plane A-A.
induced movements may be caused due to Occasionally, passive earth pressure in the soil at

Acceleration / Braking

Expansion Gap

Figure 4.3.1.a


Expansion Gap
Acceleration I Braking

Figure 4.3.1.b


Point of rotation

Free Bearing Fixed Bearing

Figure 4.3.2



Figure 4.3.3

the toe of the footing above Plane A-A is included seats and back walls as immovable surfaces. As
in the analysis as providing resistance to the a result of this simplified assumption, the bearings
horizontal forces above Plane A-A. Accordingly, and deck joints are sized based only on the joint
it is generally considered that Plane A-A is an movements produced by superstructure length
absolutely rigid plane and the movement of the changes. Depending on the characteristics of the
abutment with respect to Plane A-A due to loads bearings, deck joints in such a structure should
and forces above Plane A-A is ignored. Moreover also take into account the anticipated abutment
when sizing bridge deck joints, the abutments are movements, which may occur early in the life of
considered as rigid substructures and the bridge the structure.

that the displacements will not exceed the exceptional loads like wind, earthquake, accidental
permissible design limits of the joint construction. structural damage, displacement etc.
Salient sources of joint movements may he broadly
grouped into external load induced movements 4.3.1 In the case of an elastic zero movement
and internal volume changes of deck as given in point, there are additional movements at expansion
Table 4.1. joints due to acceleration and braking forces. For
decks supported on free elastomeric bearings at
Table 4.1 Salient Sources of Joint Movement both end, the zero movement point is elastic (see
Sources of External load Sources of Internal volume figure 4.3.1.a). The zero movement point may also
induced movements changes of deck be elastic due to flexibility of pier. Moreover the
actual rigidity of piers can differ from the planned
Horizontal loads transmi- Ambient temperature
tted to deck (traffic rigidity. If a zero movement point is located on a
loads/climatic loads) support, the additional movements due to pier
deformation must be considered in the structural
Displacement/rotation Creep of concrete deck
of deck edges induced analysis (see figure 4.3.1.b). If the bridge is fixed
by vertical traffic loads on more than one support, the position of the zero
movement point may differ from the planned
Foundation/substructure Shrinkage of concrete deck
movement (soil positions.
deformation, earth
pressure etc.) 4.3.2 The support rotation of deck under the
influence of traffic loads may cause movements
4.3 External load induced movements are and rotation at the expansion joint. The point of
transmitted to deck joint through rocking, sliding, rotation of deck at support depends on the type of
rotation and elastic restraint of bearing and bearing on which it is supported. The vertical
structure. When caused by transient traffic load distance of the point of rotation from the plane of
these comprise low amplitude high frequency expansion joint and the magnitude of rotation are
translation, rotation and vertical displacements. the factors influencing movements and rotation at
Traffic load induced movements are influenced the expansion joint (see figure 4.3.2)
4.3.3 Movement of substructure under the
Deck rigidity, geometry and statical system influence of traffic load due to sway effect etc.
Axle loading in the environs of deck continuity may cause movement and rotation at the expansion
joints (see figure 4.3.3).
Bearing type, location and behaviour
Structural restraint of particular relevance to 4.3.4 Figure 4.3.4 shows a wall-type abutment
design and articulation system on piling. For such a structure, it is generally
assumed that the loads and forces above Plane
In addition to traffic loads, external load A-A are resisted by piling below Plane A-A.
induced movements may be caused due to Occasionally, passive earth pressure in the soil at

,I re Sx
Acceleration / Braking


Expansion Gap N_ J

Figure 4.3.1.a

IRC: SP:69-2005

Expansion Gap
Acceleration / Braking

Figure 4.3.1.b

Free Bearing

Figure 4.3.2


Figure 4.3.3

the toe of the footing above Plane A-A is included seats and back walls as immovable surfaces. As
in the analysis as providing resistance to the a result of this simplified assumption, the bearings
horizontal forces above Plane A-A. Accordingly, and deck joints are sized based only on the joint
it is generally considered that Plane A-A is an movements produced by superstructure length
absolutely rigid plane and the movement of the changes. Depending on the characteristics of the
abutment with respect to Plane A-A due to loads bearings, deck joints in such a structure should
and forces above Plane A-A is ignored. Moreover also take into account the anticipated abutment
when sizing bridge deck joints, the abutments are movements, which may occur early in the life of
considered as rigid substructures and the bridge the structure.

stationary point or the zero movement
point has to be identified. The zero
movement point will depend on
structure geometry, location and type
of bearings and piers as well as their
stiffness. In general, the zero
movement point is located on the
centreline of straight deck by
symmetry in such cases.

4.6 In case of a curved bridge, the

zero movement point may be located
outside the plan area. The location of
the zero movement point determines
the magnitude and direction of
movement. As such a detailed
analysis is necessary (see figure 4.6).

Figure 4.3.4

4.3.5 There is also the lateral and rotational

abutment movements due to vertical consolidation
and lateral movement of sub foundation soils
against abutment piling, movements, which are
initiated and magnified by the surcharging of the
embankment adjacent to the abutment.

4.4 The sources of deck movement due to internal

volume changes of deck are environment related.
The low frequency, high amplitude movements are
mainly translatory and predominate deck and joint

4.4.1 It is also necessary, particularly for longer

spans, to make a reliable judgement of bridge
temperature during installation of joint and preset
the joint accordingly to ensure as closely as possible
to the condition that in the long run, at mean average
temperature, the joint remains at its nominal state.
The age of deck concrete from casting and / or
pre-stressing is also required to be considered for
calculating the remnant creep and shrinkage and Figure 4.6
to apply necessary preset to the joint accordingly.
4.7 Skew and curved wide bridges are common
4.5 The simplest plan geometry catered for and in modem highway system. Bridges curved in plan
common is two-lane narrow straight deck. It will and skew are likely to have both longitudinal and
have movement parallel to longitudinal centreline. transverse movement (figure 4.7.a and figure
To determine the actual movement possible, the 4.7.b). Wide bridges may also tend to move

transversely. This can lead to bending of expansion
joints and to high transverse force on the joint and
structure, needing attention.

Figure 4.7.a Figure 4.8.a


Figure 4.8.b

Figure 4.7.h

4.8 Vertical translations can be caused by the

geometrical conditions on the abutment, e.g. for
bridge with longitudinal gradient and horizontal
bearing seating (figure 4.8.a) for bridges with
considerable cantilevering of deck over bearing
at abutments (figure 4.8.b).
Figure 4.9.a
4.9 Vertical translations can be caused during
replacement of bearing (figure 4.9.a). Also, in the 4.10 A checklist of factors to be accounted
case of replacement of one single bearing on one for in specifying design loads and movements is
side, a rotation will occur about longitudinal axis given below:
of the bridge (figure 4.9.b). However, it is possible (i) Structural material properties, including co-
to avoid this movement by uniform lifting over the efficient of thermal expansion, shrinkage,
cross section. creep etc.

IRC: SP: 69-2005

Figure 4.9.b

(ii) Effective temperature range, installation in this section along with maximum opening
datum temperature and extremes. capacity and rating of movement and rotation of
(iii) Articulation system details including bearing, each type to facilitate selection of the joints by the
pier stiffness etc. designer.
(iv) Method and sequence of construction.
5.1. Joints for Small Openings (Movement-
(v) Tilt, probable settlement and movement of
upto 25 mm)
(vi) Construction tolerances. Brief description of different types of joints
(vii) Live load, wind and earthquake. for small openings (up to 25 mm), along with their
(viii)Dynamic structural response, structural limitations, are given below:
5.1.1. Buried Joint (Movement-upto 10
(ix) Provisions for future construction /
mm) : Buried Joint consists of continuously laid
rehabilitation work particularly for lifting of
bituminous/asphaltic surfacing over the joint gap
superstructure for replacement / resetting of
bridged by a steel plate resting freely over the top
surface of the deck concrete. The joint is suitable
for short span structure. Typical buried joint is
4.11 Calculation of rotations and movements
shown in Fig. 5.1.1.
shall be done as per relevant IRC Codes and sound
engineering practices.
Limitations of Buried Joint are:
Prone to deterioration due to cracking and
squeezing of bituminous surfacing and
consequent bad riding quality.
The prime functional requirement of a joint is
to cater to the maximum movement, from extreme The road surfacing at joint location is required
positions of contraction and expansion, which is to be renewed frequently.
normally the longitudinal movement of the deck. Gradual rusting and deterioration of supporting
steel plate because of its inaccessibility for
The maximum opening of a joint will be maintenance.
determined by adding the maximum movement
requirement to the minimum opening of joint in 5.1.2. Filler ,Joint (Movement upto 10 mm) :
extreme closed condition. The components of Filler joint shall he at least
2 mm thick corrugated copper plate placed
Brief description of different types of joints slightly below the wearing coat, 20 mm thick
with limitations of each type have been included compressible fibre board to protect the edges,




Figure 5.1.1: Buried Joint

20 mm thick pre-moulded joint filler, sealed with top level of the wearing coat. Typical filler joint
a joint sealing compound, filling the gap up to the is shown in Fig. 5.1.2.


4 as 4

Figure 5.1.2: Filler Joint

Limitations of Filler Joint are: upto 25 mm) : Asphaltic plug joint consists of
a modified bitumen binder carefully selected
Life of the joint is short. Compressibility of single size aggregate, closure/bridging metallic
filler gets reduced with age and thus needs to plate and heat resistant foam caulking / backer
be replaced soon. rod. This joint is especially suitable rehabilitation
works. Typical asphalitc plug joint is shown in
5.1.3. Asphaltic Plug Joint (Movement- Fig. 5.1.3.

Binder /
/--Top of roadway

----- - - ---------------------------------------

Figure 5.1.3: Asphaltic Plug Joint

Limitations of Asphaltic Plug Joint are:
Prone to deterioration due to flow of material /'8
in wheel path in high ambient temperature.
!^^R P' -
irr;l ,0.^^7
The aggregate may get de-bonded from the 0
bitumen matrix in winter with subsequent
potholing under traffic.
Figure 5.2.1: Compression Seal Joint
Possibility of de-bonding of the plug from the
adjoining asphalt surface.
Limitations of Compression Seal Joint are:
Reliable indigenous source for binder etc. yet
to be established. Contact pressure of seal with steel nosing,
Incorrect placement of materials results in which is the key to effective sealing
tearing of the adjacent carriageway pavement. mechanism, decay considerably with age.
Hence more safeguards are required during
Yielding of asphaltic material under the installation for ensuring desired level of
wheels of standing vehicles, brake and compression in the seal.
acceleration forces combined with high
environmental temperatures and the Susceptible to detachment of seals from nosing
development of rutting. due to debris accumulation and dynamic
vehicular impact on nosing.
5.2. Joints for Medium openings
(Movement Over 25 mm and up to More susceptible to vandalism.
80 mm):
5.2.2 Single Strip / Box Seal ,Joint
The absorption of medium openings requires (Movement-upto 80 mm):
an elastic expansion element or an expansion gap
across the carriageway surface. For traffic safety, Single strip/box seal expansion joint consists
gaps in deck slab below 5mm or over 65 mm are of two edge beams with anchorages and an
not recommended. Thus, the expansion movement elastomeric sealing element held firmly in the
of a simple gap construction is limited to 60 mm. housings of edge beams that guarantee the water
Expansion joints for medium openings consists of tightness of the joint. The maximum gap between
a sealing element, edge elements and fixing the edge beams at road surface when the joint
elements. fully opens due to maximum contraction of deck
shall be limited to 80 mm for comfortable passage
5.2.1 Compression Seal Joint: (Movement- of the traffic. The edge beams protect the adjacent
upto 40 mm) : Compression seal joint consists of bridge deck concrete from damage due to
steel armoured nosing at two edges of the joint vehicular impact and also transfer the vehicular
gap, suitably anchored to the deck concrete and a load to the deck structure through robust
preformed chloroprene elastomer/closed cell foam anchorage system Typical single strip seal joint is
joint sealer, compressed and fixed into the joint shown in figure
gap with special adhesive hinder. The seal is
supposed to remain in continual compression due Seals of expansion gaps can be constructed
to pressing of the seal wall against joint faces as V-shaped sections (fig. or hollow
throughout the service life to ensure that the sections (fig. Movements are absorbed
joint remains water tight and capable of repelling by opening / closing of these elements. Both shear
debris. Typical compression seal joint is shown in headed stud type and loop type anchorages may
figure 5.2.1. be used.



Figure : V shaped seal Figure : Hollow Section seal

Limitations of Single Strip Seal Joint are: 5.2.3 Reinforced Elastomeric Joints
(Movement upto 80 mm):
Open surface gap tends to accumulate too
much of debris on the strip seal element This type of joint consists of reinforced
particularly near footpath and kerb. elastomeric pads connected to a supporting steel
structure which itself is cast into the concrete
Noise generation during passage of vehicle
over the open surface gap. structure of the bridge. The joint accommodates
movement by shear deformation of elastomer and
Blocking of open surface gap by entrapped opening and closing of grooves at upper and lower
stones or hard pieces may generate locked-in surface. The maximum movement is limited by
condition restraining free movement of the gap width. Typical reinforced elastomeric joint
structure. is shown in figure 5.2.3.

Figure 5.2.3: Reinforced Elastomeric Joint

Limitations of Reinforced Elastomeric Joints are: The joint consists of two edge beams, one or more
central/separation beams or lamellas oriented
In high volume and high-speed traffic areas transversely to the traffic direction forming the
the rubber surface of the bearing plate is load carrying elements, and cross beams
susceptible to excessive wear which also supporting individual or multiple central beams
lowers the skid resistance. to transfer the loads to the bridge deck through
Since the reinforced elastomeric pads of most the anchorage system. Centre beams and
of the elastomeric joints are manufactured in transverse support/cross beams are connected
1 metre to 1.5 metre sections, there is a by resilient or shock absorption system to
potential for water leakage at the tongue and dampen dynamic loading, thus reducing the forces
groove splicing of the elastomeric pads in the transmitted to the structure and anchorages. The
case of improper installation. shock absorption system accommodates vertical
Additional water seal below the elastomeric and transverse movements apart from longitudinal
seal is required for making water-proof. movement. The joint also contains gap control
Horizontal force offered by the joint and system, which allows closing and opening of the
transmitted to the bridge structure may be joint and ensures that all modules open or close
considerable due to the high resistance of the equally. The joint is made watertight through
elastomeric elements. mechanically locked sealing system of
elastomeric strip seals connected between the
5.3. Joints for Large openings (Movement lamellas. The gap width between the consecutive
Over 80 mm): centre beams at the joint surface shall be limited
to 80 mm when the joint opens fully due to
5.3.1. Modular Strip/Box Seal Joint : The maximum contraction of deck. Typical details of
modular strip/box seal expansion joint divides the a modular strip seal expansion joint are shown in
total movement capacity into several smaller gaps. figure 5.3.1.

Figure 5.3.1: Modular Strip Seal Expansion Joint

Limitations of Modular Strip/Box Seal Joint are: Mechanically operated gap control system can
lead to poor functioning of the joint, particularly
Numerous movable parts susceptible to when individual gaps are blocked by stones
fatigue and wear. or other hard pieces.
Open surface gap tends to accumulate too 5.3.2. Finger Joints : The cantilever-toothed
much of debris on the strip seal element joint (fig. also called finger joint, is of very
particularly near footpath and kerb. robust construction but with several disadvantages.
Noise generation during passage of The deformation capacity in the crosswise
vehicle over the open surface gap direction is severely limited and vertical
between transversely located center deformations of the joint can prejudice traffic
beams. safety. To accommodate small vertical

deformations without hazard, the free finger ends fingers (fig. have proved to be not as good
should be rounded. Finger joints with supported as with cantilever fingers.

Fig. Cantilever-toothed joint or finger joint

Fig. Finger joint with supported fingers

Limitations of Finger Joints: 5.3.3. Reinforced Coupled Elastomeric Joint:

This type of joint consists of reinforced elastomeric
Additional arrangements are required for pads connected to a supporting steel structure
making it water-proof. which itself is cast into the concrete structure of
the bridge. The joint accommodates movement
It induces lot of noise.
by shear deformation of elastomer and opening
It can not accommodate differential and closing of grooves at upper and lower surface.
vertical movement and high transverse This joint can take up movement up to 230 mm.
movements. Typical Reinforced coupled elastomeric joint is
shown in figure 5.3.3.

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Figure 5.3.3: Reinforced Coupled Elastomeric joint

Limitations of Reinforced Coupled Elastomeric considerable due to the high resistance of the
Joint are: elastomeric elements.

In high volume and high speed traffic areas 5.4. Suggested criteria for Adoption of
the rubber surface of the joint is susceptible different types of Expansion Joints
to excessive wear, which also lowers the skid
resistance. Primary basis of selection of any joint shall
depend on the movement capacity of that joint in
Since the reinforced elastomeric pads of most
relation to the specific requirement of the
of the slab seal joints are manufactured in 1
metre to 1.5 metre sections, there is a potential particular structure. Designer may select the type
for water leakage at the tongue and groove of joint depending on the form/movement/rotation
splicing of the elastomeric pads in the case of as indicated in Table No. 5.4.1. No joint is
necessary up to 6 mm movement of the joint. It
improper installation.
is recommended that mixing of different type of
Additional water seal below the elastomeric joints in any particular structure should be
seal is required for making it water proof. avoided. However, single gap strip seal joint and
Horizontal force offered by the joint and modular strip seal joint shall be regarded as the
transmitted to the bridge structure may be same type.

Table 5.4.1: Criteria for adoption of different types of Expansion Joints

Sl. Type of Expansion Recommended movement capacity Special Consideration
No. joints & suitability for adoption
1. Buried Joint Simply supported spans on unyielding Only for decks with bituminous/asphaltic
support with movement not exceeding wearing coat. Steel plate may need
10mm. replacement if found corroded or distorted
at the time of relaying/renewal of
wearing coat.
2. Filler Joint Simply supported spans on unyielding The sealant and joint filler would need
support with movement not exceeding replacement, if found damaged.
3. Asphaltic Plug Simply supported spans with horizontal Not to be used below - 5 deg. C and above
Joint movement not exceeding 25mm. 50 deg. C. Only for decks with bituminous /
asphaltic wearing coat. Not suitable for
bridge with longitudinal gradient more than
2% and cross camber/super elevation
exceeding 3%. Not suitable for curved spans
and spans resting on yielding supports. The
joint is especially suitable for
rehabilitation works.
4. Compression Seal Simply supported or continuous spans Limited capacity for movement in the
Joint with maximum horizontal movement not transverse direction. Chloroprene/Closed
exceeding 40 mm or maximum gap not Cell foam seal may need replacement
exceeding 60 mm. during service.
5. Single Strip / Box Simply supported, continuous Elastomeric seal may need replacement
Seal Joint construction for maximum horizontal during service
movement and maximum gap opening
up to 80 mm
6. Reinforced Joints Simply supported or continuous Liable to excessive wear and tear under high
Elastomeric spans for maximum horizontal traffic intensity and may require frequent
movement and maximum gap opening maintenance. Not suitable for bridges
up to 80mm located in heavy rainfall area, spans resting
on yielding support of cantilever bridges


and where rotations and transverse

movements are high.
7. Modular Strip/ Large to very large movements, Elastomeric seals and movable parts may
Box Seal Joint continuous/cantilever construction need replacement during service.
with right, skew or curved deck,
having horizontal movement in
excess of 80 mm. Maximum gap
opening shall not exceed 80 mm
per module of the joint.
8. Finger Joints For large movements over 80mm Not suitable for joints involving differential
without significant rotation in the vertical movement /articulated support and
horizontal plate. Separate arrangement high transverse movements. The joint must
for making the joint water tight is be anchored adequately and effectively
to be ensured. protected against corrosion.
9. Reinforced Coupled Simply supported or continuous spans Liable to excessive wear and tear under high
Elastomeric Joint for maximum horizontal movement and traffic intensity and may require frequent
maximum gap opening over 80mm but maintenance. Not suitable for bridges located
up to 230 mm. in heavy rainfall area, spans resting on yielding
support of cantilever bridges and where
rotations and transverse movements are high.
Notes: For movements larger than those indicated in the above table, reference may be made to specialized literature for the
design/selection of a suitable joint which is site specific.
For skew and curved bridges and bridges having significant transverse movements of the decks, special design requirements are necessary.

6. SPECIAL TYPES OF JOINTS movement may also be considerably higher.

Specially designed modular strip seal/ box seal
This section of the guideline is aimed to provide expansion joint is the most suitable to cater
general information to attend special requirements for very high transverse movement. The
of very high longitudinal movement, high requirement of high transverse movement can
transverse movement, special detailing of joints be met by special detailing of joints e.g. using
for high seismic zones, special low noise modular wider and deeper control boxes to allow high
joint system and requirement of anti skid surface transverse movement.
for very large modular strip seal joints. For joints
for very high longitudinal and transverse movement, c. Joints for high seismic zones: For long span
only specialized manufacturers having proven bridges in high seismic zones, modular strip
experience in design, manufacture and supply of seal expansion joints equipped with seismic
such joints shall be consulted from the design stage fuse box duly tested in a test laboratory may
to evolve a foolproof system design most suitable be used to isolate the joint from the structure
to the structure and site conditions, climatic during earth quake and thereby avoiding
variables and other requirements to ensure proper designing the joints for high additional
execution and performance of the joint. movement in case of earthquake. Such
isolation with seismic fuse ensures lesser
a. Very high longitudinal movement: In damage to the joint and also the structure
design and construction of very large and during earthquake. Typical detailing of seismic
complex bridges, expansion joints to cater for fuse is shown in figure 6.3.
very large longitudinal movement are required.
Specially designed modular strip seal/ box seal d. Noise reduction: Noise reduction becomes
expansion joint is the most suitable type for increasingly an issue for densely populated
such cases. areas. The idea of this newly developed
expansion joint combines the advantages of
b. High transverse movement: For long span the normal modular expansion joint with the
bridges in high seismic zones the transverse advantage of the finger joint. It is achieved by


I. 11 11 II It par

Figure 6.3: Typical Detailing of Seismic Fuse

welding or bolting sinusoidal plates, which are This joint shall consist of continuously laid
called noise leaves, on the top of the center / bituminous/ asphaltic surfacing over the joint gap
lamella beams. The over-rolling tyre cannot bridged by a steel plate resting freely over the top
bang anymore on a transversal edge. It now surface of the deck concrete.
rolls along a curved, diagonal line, with the The width of the joint gap shall be kept as
result that the tyre of the passing vehicle 20 mm.
cannot develop noise with the same strength
as on transversely oriented beams. Test results The steel plate shall be 12 mm thick and
show that the noise development can be 200 mm wide. The plate shall be made of minimum
reduced by 80%. number of pieces (not exceeding two pieces per
traffic lane width) welded together to form the
e. Joints with anti skid surface: Large required length.
modular expansion joints for extremely long
span bridge structures require a special safety 8 mm dia, 100 mm long nails, spaced at
concept to ensure secure rollover of all kinds 300 mm centres along the centre line of the plate
of traffic, while ensuring safe transmission of shall be welded to the bottom surface of the steel
braking force but preventing skidding of plate to protrude vertically into the joint gap in order
vehicles on the exposed steel surface of the to prevent dislodging of the plate.
joints. While smaller expansion joints require
only coating for corrosion protection, very large The concrete surface shall be free from
modular expansion joints require special any loose material and cleared of any grease, oil
treatment of the exposed joint surface. A paint etc. and the surface shall be sand blasted,
friction coefficient of 0.5 between coating and clean of all laitance and level true prior to
rubber must be ensured for a service life time placement of the steel plate.
under all weather conditions and neither
pollution nor excessive radiation from sunlight The plate shall be placed symmetrical to
should reduce the long term quality of the the centre line of the joint and it shall be ensured
special anti skidding coating. For modular strip that the plate does not get displaced from its
seal joints with movement capacity larger than position while laying the wearing course.
1000 mm the exposed steel surface should be
provided with anti skid coatings. 7.1.2. Material:

7. SPECIFICATIONS - GENERAL AND The steel for plate and nails shall be
MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS weldable structural steel conforming to IS: 2062.

7.1. Buried Joint The plate and the nails shall be protected
against corrosion by galvanising or any other
7.1.1. General: approved anticorrosive coating with a minimum

thickness of 100 micron. These shall be aggregate, closure / bridging metallic plate and heat
completely free of oil, rust. loose paint or other resistant foam caulking / backer rod.
similar material before application of anticorrosive
coating. 7.3.1. General:

7.2. Filler Joint The joint shall extend to the full depth of
the wearing course down to structural concrete.
7.2.1. The components of this type of joint shall Where needed, a recess may be cut into the deck
be atleast 2 mm thick corrugated copper plate slab concrete to accommodate the minimum
placed slightly below the wearing coat, 20 mm required depth (75 mm) of the joints.
thick compressible fibre board to protect the edges,
20 mm thick pre-moulded joint filler filling the gap The joint shall be provided over the entire
up to the top level of the wearing coat, sealed width of the structure including kerb and/or
with a joint sealing compound. footpath. A recess in the kerb and/or footpath shall
be made to allow the joint to pass beneath them.
7.2.2. The material used for filling expansion The expansion gap in the adjoining kerbs and/or
joint shall be bitumen impregnated felt, elastomer
footpaths shall be sealed with a suitable sealant
or any other suitable material, as specified on the
such as polysulphide sealant.
drawings. Impregnated felt shall conform to the
requirements of IS: 1838. The joint filler shall Asphaltic Plug Joint may be used to cater
consist of large pieces. Assembly of small pieces
for a maximum horizontal movement upto 25 mm
to make up the required size shall be avoided.
& maximum vertical movement of 2 mm. This
shall be certified by the manufacturer/supplier of
7.2.3. Surfaces of the joint grooves shall be
the joint.
thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush to remove
all loose materials, dirt and debris, then washed or The minimum width (in traffic direction)
jetted out.
of the joint shall be 500 mm and maximum width
7.2.4. Pre-moulded expansion joint filler shall not shall be 750 mm.
be placed in position until immediately prior to the
placing of the abutting material. If the two adjacent Minimum depth of joint shall be 75 mm
surfaces of the joint are to be placed at different and maximum depth shall not exceed 100 mm.
times, this type of joint filler shall not be placed
until the second face is about to be placed. The joint shall be capable of performing
satisfactorily, within the temperature (ambient)
7.2.5. Sealants shall be finished approximately range of - 5 to 50 degree C.
3 mm below the upper surfaces of the joint.
7.3.2. Material:
7.3. Asphaltic Plug Joint Binder: The polymer modified bitumen
This joint shall consist of a polymer modified binder shall have the capacity to fill the gaps and
bitumen binder, carefully selected single size voids between single size aggregate and to impart

Softening point 100 C minimum

Cone penetration at 25C, 0.1 mm (BS 2499) 100 mm max.
Flow resistance at 70C, 5 hours (BS 2499) 3 mm max.
Extension Test 5 cycle of extension to 50% at a rate of 3.2mm/
(blocks prepared to ASTM D1190 hour at 25C
and tested to limits BS 2499)
Safe heating temperature 210C

flexibility to accommodate various design mm. Closure plate shall be provided with as large
movements. It shall be a patented blend of bitumen, length as possible and welded together to form
synthetic polymer, fillers and surface active agent the required length. The number of pieces shall
and shall be so formulated as to combine necessary not be more than two per traffic lane width. It
fluidity for the installation process, low temperature shall be provided with equidistant holes at a
flexibility and flow resistance at high ambient maximum spacing of 300 mm centres for
temperatures: The binder shall satisfy following anchorage to the caulking/backer rod along the
requirement: longitudinal centre line of the plate. The plate shall
be protected against corrosion by galvanising or Aggregates: The aggregate shall be any other approved anti-corrosive coating paint
single size aggregate chosen from basalt granite, with a minimum thickness of 100 micron.
grit stone or gabro group. The nominal size of
aggregate shall be 12.5 mm for depths of joints up Foam caulking/Backer Rod: A closed
to 75 mm and 20 mm for joints of more depths. cell polyolefine or open cell polyurethane foam
The aggregate shall not be flaky and the Flakiness cylindrical caulking or backer rod having diameter
Index shall not be more than 25 per cent. The equal to 150 per cent of the joint opening shall be
aggregate shall satisfy grading requirements provided. It shall be heat resistant and possess
stipulated in Table good flexibility and recovery characteristics with
density of 25 to 30kg/m ; .
Table Grading Requirements
of Aggregate 7.4. Compression Seal Joint
-IS Sieve Nominal size of aggregate
Designation 20mm 12.5mm Compression seal joint shall consist of steel
Percentage by weight armoured nosing at two edges of the joint gap
passing the sieve suitably anchored to the deck concrete and a
26.5 mm 100 preformed chloroprene elastomer or closed cell
19.9mm 85-100 100 foam joint sealer compressed and fixed into the
13.2 mm 0 - 35 85 -100 joint gap with special adhesive binder.
t19.5mm 0-7 0- 35
06.3mm 0-7 7.4.1. General:
02.3 mm 0-2 -- 2
600 micron Steel nosing: The steel nosing shall be
75 micron 0 -1 0-1 of angle section ISA 100 x 100. The thickness of
legs shall not be less than 12 mm. The top face of
The aggregates should have good (i) Polished the angle shall be provided with Bleeder holes of
Stone Value (PSV). (ii) Aggregate Abrasion Value 12 mm diameter spaced at maximum 100 mm
(AAV). (iii) Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) and centres so as to ensure that there are no voids in
(iv) Aggregate Crush Value (ACV). In addition the concrete beneath the angle.
surface characteristics should promote proper
adhesion. The following are the required values: Anchorage: The steel nosing shall be
PSV > 60 anchored to the deck by reinforcing bars or anchor
AAV < 05 plates cast in concrete or a combination of anchor
plates and reinforcing bars. Anchor bars shall
AIV < 18
engage the main structural reinforcement of the
ACV =10-25
deck and in case of anchor plates and anchor loops, Closure Plate: The closure plate shall this shall be achieved by passing transverse bars
be weldable structural steel conforming to IS: through the loops or plates. The minimum
2062. The minimum thickness of steel plate shall thickness of anchor plates shall be 12 mm. Total
be 6 mm and the width shall not be less than 200 cross sectional area of bars on each side of the

IRC: SP: 69-2005
joint shall not be less than 1600 sq.mm per m length 7.4.2. Material:
of the joint and the centre to centre spacing shall
not exceed 250 mm. The ultimate resistance of The material of steel nosing and
each anchorage shall not be less than 600 kN/m anchorage conforming to weldable structural steel
in any direction. Steel shall conform to Grade B as per IS: 2062 Grade B shall be used.
of IS:2062. For sub zero condition material for steel
shall conform to IS:2062 Grade C. The physical properties of chloroprene/
closed cell foam sealing element shall conform to Joint Seal: The sealing element shall be the following:
a preformed continuous chloroprene/closed cell
foam seal with high tear strength, insensitive to (a) Chloroprene Seal:
oil, gasoline and ozone. It shall have high resistance
to ageing and ensure water tightness. The seal Shall be preformed extruded multi-web cellular
should be continuous for the full length of the joint section of chloroprene/of such a shape as to promote
required for carriageway, kerbs and footpaths, if self removal of foreign material during normal service
any. The seal shall cater for a horizontal movement operations. Chloroprene of joint seal shall satisfy the
up to 40 mm and vertical movement of 3 mm. properties stipulated in Table

Table Properties of Chloroprene Seal

Property Standard Specific Value
Hardness DIN 53505 63 t5 Shore A
ASTM D 2240* 55 5 Shore A
Tensile Strength DIN 53504 Min. 11 Mpa
ASTM D 412* Min 13.8 Mpa
Elongation at fracture DIN 53504 Min. 350 %
ASTM D 412* Min. 250 %
Tear propagation strength Longitudinal DIN 53507 Min. 10 N/mm
Transverse ASTM D624* (Dia C) Min. 10 N/mm
Shock elasticity DIN 53512 Min. 25 %
Abrasion DIN53516 Max. 220 mm3
Residual compression strain DIN53517 Max. 28 %
(22h/70C/30% strain) ASTM D395* (Method B)
Ageing in hot air DIN 53508
(14 days/70 C)
Change in hardness Max. + 7 Shore A
Change in tensile strength Change in Max.-20%
elongation at fracture Max.-20%
Ageing in ozone DIN535(Y No cracks
(24h/ 50 pphm/ 25C/ 20% strain)
Swelling behaviour in oil (168h/25C) DIN 53521
ASTM oil No. 1
Volume change Max. + 5%
Change in hardness Max.-10 Shore A
ASTM oil No. 3
Volume change Max. + 25%
Change in hardness Max.-20 Shore A
Cold hardening point ASTM D 1043 Min. - 35 C
Note- Only one set of specification viz., ASTM or DIN shall be followed depending on the source of supply.

(b) Closed cell foam seal: cross linked ethylene vinyl acetate, polyethylene
copolymer that is physically blown using nitrogen.
Shall be of preformed non-extruded non- The material shall possess properties as indicated
cellular section made from low-density closed cell, in the Table

Table. Properties of Closed cell foam Seal

Property Special Value

(i) Density 41.7 -51.3 kg/cu.m.
(ii) Compression Set on 25mm 50 percent compression samples (ASTM D 3575)
for 22 hours at 23 degree Celcius, 2 hour recovery;
13 percent set.
(iii) Working temperature -70 to +70 deg.C.
(iv) Water absorption (total immersion
for 3 months)(ASTM 3575) 0.09766 kg/Sq.m
(v) Tensile strength 0.8 M Pa.
(vi) Elongation at break(ASTM D 3575) 195+1- 20 percent.

(c) Chemical Tests: specimens of elastomer and the properties shall

conform to the values/standards indicated in Table
Chemical tests shall be performed on

Adhesion Strength IS: 3400 pt XIV 7 kN/m
Low temperature stiffness ASTM D-797 Youngs modulus 70N/mm 2 (Max)
Ash Content IS: 3400 pt XXII 5%
Polymer identification test ASTM D 3677 Comparison of Spectra with
(Infrared Spectro photometry) reference to sample of
polychloroprene Lubricant cum Adhesive: The type and or hot rolled steel section including continuously
application of material used in bonding the shop welded section with suitable profile to
preformed joint seal to the steel nosing and mechanically lock the sealing element in place
concrete shall be as recommended by the throughout the normal movement cycle. Further,
manufacturer/supplier of the seal system. the configuration shall be such that the section
has a minimum thickness of 10 mm all along its Corrosion protection: All steel section cross section (flange & web). Thickness of lips
shall be protected against corrosion by hot dip holding the seal shall not be less than 6 mm. The
galvanizing or any other approved anticorrosive minimum height of the edge beam section shall be
coating with a minimum thickness of 150 micron. 80 mm. The minimum cross sectional area of the
edge beam shall be 1500 mm 2 .
7.5. Single Strip/Box Seal Expansion Joints: Anchorage: The edge beams of single
7.5.1. General: strip/ box seal joints shall be anchored in the
concrete with rigid loop anchorage. The anchorage Edge Beam: This shall be either extruded system shall satisfy the requirement of clause

IRC:SP:69-2005 The anchor loops shall be connected to the steel inserts and anchorage including the
the edge beam by means of anchor plates welded surfaces to be in contact with or embedded in
to the edge beam. Total cross sectional area of concrete shall be sand/ shot blasted to SA 2 and
anchor loop on each side of the joint shall not be provided with a coat of epoxy primer enriched
less than 1600 min' per meter length of the joint with metallic zinc. Surfaces not to be in contact
and the centre to centre spacing shall not exceed with or embedded in concrete shall be provided
250 mm. The thickness of anchor plate shall not with an additional coat of epoxy primer enriched
be less than 0.7 times the diameter of anchor loop with metallic zinc, one intermediate coat of high
or 12 mm whichever is higher. The anchor loop at build epoxy paint reinforced with MIO (Micaceous
the edge profiles should be at a right angle to the Iron Oxide) and one coat of high performance
joint. Planned deviations of this direction are epoxy finish paint as per paint manufacturer's
allowable only for the range of 90 +/-20. (The specification with a minimum total dry film thickness
anchoring reinforcement of the construction must of 150 micron.
lie parallel to the anchor loops). Anchorage steel shall conform to Grade Sealing element: This shall be a B of IS : 2062 or equivalent standard.
preformed/extruded single strip of such a shape
as to promote self-removal of foreign material Joints for which the gap width does not
during normal joint operation. The seal shall possess close fully, the movement capacity shall be (80 -
high tear strength and be insensitive to oil, gasoline minimum opening) i.e. the capacity of the joint
and ozone. It shall have high resistance to ageing. having a minimum opening gap width of 20 mm
The specially designed proprietary type of locking will be 60 mm. Only for joints that close fully, the
system of seal in the housing of edge beam shall movement capacity of joint shall be 80 mm.
be such to ensure 100% water tightness as well
as ease of installation and replacement. Minimum gap for inserting the Chloroprene
Mechanical fastening of sealing element with edge seals in the expansion joint shall be 25 mm.
beam shall not be permitted. Sealing element shall
be continuous over the entire joint. 7.6. Reinforced Elastomeric/Coupled
Elastomeric Joint
7.5.2. Material
7.6.1. General: The steel for edge beams shall conform
to any of the steel grade equivalent to RST 37-2 Steel Inserts: The elastomeric slab units
OR 37-3 (DIN), S235JRG2 or S355K2G3 of shall always be fixed to the steel inserts properly
EN10025 (DIN 17100), ASTM A 36 or A 588, anchored in the deck concrete. Fixing of
CAN/CSA Standard G40.21 Grade 300 W or elastomeric slab units with anchoring bolts directly
Grade B of IS : 2062. For subzero condition, embedded in deck concrete shall not be permitted.
material for steel shall conform to IS:2062 Steel insets along with anchorage shall be
Grade C. fabricated at manufacturers workshop and not at
site. The sealing element shall be made of
Chloroprene Rubber (CR). The properties of the Anchorage: The anchorage shall either
material shall be as specified in Table be loop anchors connected to the inserts by anchor
for CR. plate or sinusoidal anchor bars welded with the
horizontal leg of the steel inserts. For loop anchors All steel sections shall be protected against with anchor plate the thickness of the anchor plate
corrosion by one of the following two methods - shall not be less than 12 mm. Diameter of anchor
(i) Hot dip galvanising with a minimum thickness loops shall not be less than 16 mm and the spacing
of 150 micron (ii) Epoxy coating- All surfaces of of anchors shall not be more than 250 mm in any

case. For sinusoidal anchors, diameter of bar shall with Clause 915.1 of IRC:83 (Part 11), compounded
not be less than 12mm. to give hardness IRHD 60 5. Elastomeric slab units: Elastomeric All surfaces of the steel inserts and
slab units shall he fully moulded to the required anchorage including the surfaces to be in contact
size in one single vulcanizing operation including with or embedded in concrete shall be sand/ shot
the reinforcing plates and encasing layers as blasted to SA 2 and provided with a coat of epoxy
integral and homogenous part. Edges of reinforcing primer enriched with metallic zinc. Surfaces not
steel sections shall be rounded. The elastomeric to be in contact with or embedded in concrete
slab units shall be manufactured generally as per shall be provided with an additional coat of epoxy
the stipulations laid down in Clause 917 of IRC: primer enriched with metallic zinc, one
83 (Part II). Adjoining portions of elastomeric intermediate coat of high build epoxy paint
slab units shall be provided with suitable male- reinforced with MIO (Micaceous Iron Oxide) and
female groove to ensure water tightness. one coat of high performance epoxy finish paint
as per paint manufacturer's specification with a Fixing bolts: Fixing bolts and nuts shall minimum total dry film thickness of 150 micron.
be made of stainless steel. Tightened nuts shall be
locked by using lock washers. 7.7. Modular Strip/Box Seal Expansion
Joints Elastomeric plugs: The plug holes
provided in elastomeric slab units to house fixing 7.7.1. General:
bolts shall be plugged with elastomeric plugs
pressed in position after applying adhesive on the A modular expansion joint consists of two
appropriate surface. or more modules/cells of individual capacity 80
mm to cater to a horizontal movement in excess Adhesives and sealants: Special sealant of 80 mm. It shall allow movements in all three
to be poured into the plug holes before plugging directions and rotation about all three axes as per
and special adhesive to be used for installation the design requirements. The structural system
shall be as per the recommendation of consisting of two edge beams, one or more central/
manufacturer. separation beams or lamellas and cross support
bars supporting individuals or multiple central Necessary spacer bars to ensure proper beams to transfer the loads to the bridge deck
positioning of bolts and leveling and aligning steels through the anchorage system.
inserts during fixing with deck as well as special
jigs to be used to preset the elastomeric slab units Edge beams and central beams/
shall be provided by the manufacturer. lamella: Clause shall be applicable for edge
beams. Centre beams/lamellas shall he either
7.6.2. Material: extruded or hot rolled/cold rolled steel section
including continuously shop welded section with Mild steel to be used for manufacture of suitable profile to mechanically lock the sealing
steel reinforcing plates, inserts and anchorage shall clement in place throughout the normal movement
generally comply with Grade B of IS : 2062. cycle. Further, the configuration shall be such that
the section has a minimum thickness of 10 mm all Cast steel to be used for manufacture of along its cross section (flange & web). Thickness
steel reinforcing plates shall generally comply with of lips holding the seal shall not be less than 6 mm.
IS: 1030. The minimum height of edge beam and central
beam sections shall be 80 mm. Minimum cross The elastomer to be used for manufacture sectional area of each edge beam shall be
of Elastomeric Slab Units shall generally comply 1500 mm 2 .

IRC:SP:69-2005 Anchorage: Clause shall be The specification for all other materials
applicable for anchorage of edge beam. Studs and/ shall be as per original manufacturer's
or loop anchors with anchor plate may be used as recommendation.
anchorage of other components like joist box,
covers of controlling system etc. All steel sections shall be suitably
protected against corrosion by one of the following Sealing element: Clause shall he two methods - (i) Hot dip galvanising with a
applicable. minimum thickness of 150 micron (ii) Epoxy
coating- All surfaces of the steel inserts and Joints for which the gap width of modules anchorage including the surfaces to be in contact
do not close fully the movement capacity shall with or embedded in concrete shall be sand/ shot
be (80 - minimum opening) x number of modules, blasted to SA 2'/z. Surfaces not to be in contact
i.e. the capacity of a 5 module joint having a with or embedded in concrete shall be provided
minimum opening gap width of 20 mm will be 60 with zinc metal spray galvanising or a coat of epoxy
x 5 i.e.. 300 mm. Only for joints that close fully, primer enriched with metallic zinc, one
the movement capacity of each module shall be intermediate coat of high build epoxy paint
80 mm. reinforced with MIO (Micaceous Iron Oxide) and
one coat of high performance epoxy/polyurethane Support and Control System: The finish paint as per paint manufacturer's
control system should allow closing and opening specification with a minimum total dry film thickness
of the joint and also ensure that all modules open of 150 micron.
and close equally during all movement cycles of
the joint. The overall support and control system 8. TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE
shall be either single/multiple support bar control STANDARDS
system or swivel joist system comprising of
resilient/shock absorption components and elastic/ 8.1. This section of the guideline is aimed to lay-
sliding control system conforming to the down the pre-installation criteria of acceptance
specifications recommended by the manufacturer. based on predetermined methods of evaluation
The control system shall be such that the gap width including testing of materials.
is independently flexible i.e. to allow full 80 mm
gap width in one gap when all the other gaps are 8.2. Before installing joints in a bridge, sufficient
fully closed. evidence of the reliability of the proprietary products
must be furnished. A copy of the following fatigue Minimum gap for inserting the neoprene and wear test reports, as applicable depending upon
seals in the expansion joint shall be 25 mm. the type of joint, carried out by a recognized
laboratory/university/institute on the joint
7.7.2. Material: components as a part of product development test
shall be furnished once for the entire lot of supply. The steel for edge beams, centre beam/ The tests covered in clause 8.2.1 to 8.2.5 need not
lamella, transverse support bar and other steel be carried out on the materials of the joints of supply
components shall conform to any of the steel grade lot but should be carried out from time to time by
corresponding to RST 37-2 or 37-3 or 52-3 (DIN), the original manufacturer as per their product
S235JRG2 or S355K2G3 of EN10025 (DIN development and quality plan for the same type of
171(X)), ASTM A36 or A588, CAN/CSA standard joints to ensure the performance requirement of
G40.21 Grade 300 W. the particular joint component against fatigue and/
or wear. The material for sealing element shall
conform to table for Chloroprene Rubber 8.2.1. For single strip seal and modular strip seal
(CR). joints the manufacturer shall produce complete


report of the test of anchorage system in a 8.3.1. Routine tests: Routine tests including
recognised laboratory to determine optimum tests for materials conforming to specifications shall
configuration of anchorage assembly under be carried out by the original manufacturer i.e., in
dynamic loading in support of the efficacy of the case of imported joints by the foreign manufacturer
anchorage system adopted for the joints of entire as part of their quality control procedure for all
lot of supply. joints to be supplied by them. Detailed
documentation of all the tests and inspection data
8.2.2. For modular strip seal joints the as per complete quality control procedure shall be
manufacturer shall produce a test report from a supplied by the original manufacturer in the form
recognised laboratory that the sliding bearings of Quality Control Report. Routine tests shall
(suspension system) have been fatigue tested for primarily include:
6x 106 (6 million) load cycles with a frequency of
5 Hz and the loads for these durability tests are 80 Raw materials inspection.
kN, l 20 kN and 160 kN. Process inspection.
Complete dimensional check as per approved
8.2.3. For modular strip seal joints the drawings.
manufacturer shall produce a test report from a
recognised laboratory that the wearing of sliding Raw material inspection: Test on all raw
interface of bearings of modular joints has been materials used for the manufacturing of joints as per
tested for a total sliding distance of 5000 m at a relevant material standards based on this specification
load of 48 kN. shall be carried out by the manufacturer.

8.2.4. For modular strip seal joints the Confirmation of the grade of steel:
manufacturer shall produce a test report from a Grade of the steel for the edge beam should be
recognised laboratory that the sliding material of confirmed by conducting tests for yield stress,
sliding springs of expansion joints has been tested tensile strength, elongation etc. corresponding to
for a total sliding distance of 20,000 m with a load RST 37-2 or 37-3 or 52-3 (DIN), S235 JRG2 or
equivalent to a stress of 30 Mpa. S355K2G3 of EN 10025 (DIN 17100), ASTM A36
or A588, CAN/CSA standard G 40.21 grade 300W
8.2.5. For modular strip seal joints the or equivalent to Grade B of IS : 2062. The
manufacturer shall produce a test report from a manufacturers/suppliers shall have in-house testing
recognised laboratory that the butt-welded splicing facilities for conducting these tests.
of centre beams has been tested with 2x10 6 (2
million) load cycles with a load equivalent to a Steel for the anchorage should conform
stress of 165 Mpa. to IS: 2062 for Single gap Strip Seal Joints.

8.2.6. In case of Reinforced elastomeric Joints/ The following tests as indicated in Table
Reinforced Coupled Elastomeric Joints, abrasion should he made for checking the properties
resistance test shall be carried out in accordance of the chloroprene seal: (a) Hardness (b) Tensile
with IS: 3400 (Pt 3) or DIN 53516 strength (c) Elongation at fracture (d) Tear
propagation strength (e) Residual compressive strain
8.2.7. An expansion joint assembly in a bridge (f) Change in hardness (g) Change in tensile strength
deck shall have minimum number of joints, subject (h) change in elongation at fracture (i) Ageing in
to the manufacturers specifications for the ozone and (j) Swelling behaviour in oil. The
proprietory products. manufacturers/suppliers shall have in-house testing
facilities for conducting these tests.
8.3. Pre-installation Criteria: The pre-
installation criteria should include the following off- Process Inspection: Process inspection
site tests: generally including inspection of all manufacturing

processes adopted to manufacture the joints e.g., test shall be carried out on one meter sample piece
welding, corrosion protection, clamping, presetting, selected at random from the entire lot of supply.
greasing, bonding by adhesives, riveting etc., as The fully open gap shall be filled flush with granular
appropriate, shall be carried out by the debris and cycled 25 times for full opening and
manufacturer. closing. The mass of debris repelled after 25
cycles shall be expressed as the percentage of Complete dimensional check: Complete initial mass. The percentage expelled shall not be
dimensional check of all components of joint as less than 75%.
well as the assembled joint with respect to the
approved drawings and tolerances as per this Pull-out test: Pull-out test shall be carried
specification, shall be carried out by the out on one meter sample piece selected at random
manufacturer. from the entire lot of supply. The Joint shall then
be stretched until the sealing element slips off from
8.3.2. Acceptance tests: In addition to the tests its housing. The minimum stretching of the joint
specified under para, the manufacturer before slip-off shall be at least 150% of the rated
as well as the local supplier in case of imported movement capacity of the seal.
joints should have complete in-house testing
facilities for the following tests. The client should Vehicular braking/traction test: This
insist upon these tests before acceptance of the is the only initial acceptance (inhouse) test needed
joint. facility for carrying out this test should be available
with the manufacturer. This test may be carried Cyclic motion: Cyclic motion test may out once on one complete joint assembly or one
be carried out once on one complete joint assembly meter sample piece selected at random from the
or one meter sample piece selected at random entire lot of supply for each type of Joint
from the entire lot of supply for each type of joint irrespective of movement capacity. The test
irrespective of movement capacity. The test sample shall be installed between two blocks of
sample shall be subjected to 5000 expansion and concrete in its mean position. A truck wheel load
contraction cycles @ minimum 30 cycles per hour. of 40 kN shall be drawn across the specimen with
The test movement shall be 10% more than the an engaged ratchet with wheel locked to simulate
design expansion/contraction movement. Any sign locked brakes and then rolled back. The cycle shall
of distress or permanent set of any component or be repeated for 50,000 times with a period of 2
the assembly due to fatigue will cause rejection of seconds. Attempts to run this test without
entire lot of supply. continuous water cooling will be unsuccessful and
the excessive heat generated during the skidding Ponding: Prior to acceptance, 25% of movement may cause rubber tyre to melt after
the completed and installed joints, subject to a first few cycles. A very approximate assessment
minimum of one joint, shall be subjected to water of the severity of this test indicates that 50,000
tightness test. Water shall be continuously ponded cycles of braking and rolling movement of a 40
along the entire length for a minimum period of 4 kN wheel represent 10 to 20 years of exposure to
hours for a depth of 25 mm above the highest heavy or very heavy traffic.
point of deck. The width of ponding shall be atleast
50 mm beyond the anchorage block of the joint on Arrangement for protection of steel
either side. The depth of water shall not fall below sections against corrosion should be checked.
25 mm anytime during the test. A close inspection
of the underside of the joint shall not reveal any 8.3.3. Applicability of acceptance tests on
leakage. different types of joints: The acceptance tests
described in section 8.3.2 shall be applicable as Debris expelling test: Debris expelling per Table 8.3.3 for different types of joints:


Table. 8.3.3: Applicability of acceptance tests on different types of joints

Performance Buried Joint Compression
Asphaltic Reinforced Single Gap Modular
evaluation Plug Joint Seal Joint Elastomeric/ Strip/Box Strip/Box
tests Coupled Seal Joint Seal Joint
Cyclic motion Not Not
applicable applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
Ponding Not Not
applicable applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable*
Debris Not Not
expelling test applicable applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable*
Pull-out test Not Not Not Not
applicable applicable applicable applicable Applicable Applicable*
Vehicular Not Not Not
braking/ applicable applicable applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable*
traction test
* For modular strip seal expansion Joint ponding test, debris expelling test, pull-out test and vehicular braking test
shall he carried out on one meter edge beam samples only, complete with sealing element and anchorage (mandatory
for vehicular braking test), to be supplied by manufacturer.
Note: - Since the above mentioned joints are proprietary products, clients may like to ensure a suitable specified
minimum guarantee period for joints considering overall service life of structure.

9. INSTALLATION capacity, presetting detail, recess dimension

required for installation, requirement of
9.1. This section serves as a general guideline for reinforcements and its detailing to avoid removing
installation of Expansion Joints. Expansion Joints or cutting off interfering reinforcing bars during
should always be installed under thorough installation.
supervision of the manufacturer's/ supplier's
engineer in order to ensure the quality of 9.5. The presetting of Expansion Joint may he done
installation so that expansion joints function as by means of an auxiliary construction.
intended during their entire life span. Detailed
Installation Manual should be supplied by the joint 9.6.It is recommended to lay the road surfacing/
manufacturer. wearing coat before commencing installation of
joint. Before laying wearing coat, the recess portion
9.2. The design of an Expansion Joint is performed shall be filled with sand and wearing coat shall be
by determination of the extreme values of the laid in a continuous manner over the deck slabs
expected movements and the position of and recess portion. Prior to the installation of the
installation. The installation data depends on the joints, portion of wearing coat over the recess shall
planned construction sequence. be removed by a suitable method e.g. saw cutting
and the infill sand shall be removed subsequently.
9.3. Taking the width of gap for movement of the
joint into account, the dimensions of the recess in 9.7. Preparation of the Recess
the decking shall be established in accordance with
the drawings or design data of the manufacturer. The recess must suit in size and form to the
geometry of the expansion joint. However, the
9.4. Detailing of structure should be done with due width shall not be less than the specified value for
consideration of the type of joints, movement a particular type of joint. In order to avoid

difficulties during installation, the following points longitudinal, transverse and vertical planes. If
must be checked and considered: required, the joint/joint construction/insert must also
be adjusted to the gradient of the final surface
Dimension check of recess level. As soon as the joint/joint construction/insert
is accurately placed, the engineer in charge shall
Check of the levels
provide a written confirmation of the correct
Check of the skew and slope placement of the same.
Check of the designed gap between bridge
9.10. Connecting
deck and abutment and/or between adjoining
9.10.1. It is recommended to install the expansion
Checking of the existing structural joint/joint construction/insert in the early morning
reinforcement according to the drawings. when the temperature is distributed almost
uniformly over the whole bridge. Immediately
Missing rebars must be replaced by inserting before the installation, the actual temperature of
bars penetrating sufficiently deep into the concrete. the bridge should be measured. If it is not within
Rebars that would obstruct the installation of the the considered tolerance, the present adjustment
expansion joint should be bent to accommodate the must be corrected. The joint/joint construction/
expansion joint anchorages. Removing or cutting insert shall be lowered in a predetermined position.
off interfering reinforcing bars shall only be done Following placement of the joint/joint construction/
after consultation with the engineer in charge. insert in the prepared recess, the joint/joint
construction/insert shall be levelled and finally
The recess shall be cleaned thoroughly. If aligned and the anchorage steel on one side of the
necessary, the surface should be roughened. All joint welded to the exposed reinforcement bars of
loose dirt and debris shall be removed by wire the structure. Upon completion, the sane
brushing, air blowing and dried with hot procedure shall be followed for the other side. With
compressed air. the expansion joint/joint construction / insert finally
held at both sides, the auxiliary brackets shall be
9.8. Shuttering released, allowing it to take up the movement of
the structure. After carrying out the final fixing,
Shuttering must be used to seal the space the protection against corrosion is completed.
between the underside of the joint and the vertical
face of the recess. The shuttering must be fitted 9.10.2. For fully assembled joints with one end
in such a way that it forms an appropriate seal fixed and other end movable e.g. modular strip/
against the edge of the recess. The recess shall box seal joint, connection is detailed below:
be shuttered in such a way that dimensions in the
drawing are maintained. The formwork shall be The 1st Side: The fixed side of the
rigid and firm. assembled joint (either the abutment or the bridge
deck side) is designated the 1st side for connecting
9.9. Placing in the Recess the joint. The preliminary fixing is made by evenly
placing then welding of rebars over the entire
Level marks must be set next to the recess length between the anchor loops and the deck
by the installation engineer. This enables a reinforcement. To facilitate concreting, it is
controlled levelling of the expansion joint. Lowering recommended that the gap between recess and
the expansion joint/joint construction/insert etc. into shuttering is sealed by a grout seam. The seam
the recess should be done in such a way that the must be left to dry prior to final concreting. After
entire length of the joint is evenly lowered into the this, additional rebars are welded until all anchor
recess. Thereafter, the joint/joint construction/ loops are firmly connected to the deck
insert is precisely levelled and adjusted in the reinforcement. The expansion joint is sufficiently

fixed when no vibrations are noted when lightly careful curing of concrete is particularly important.
bouncing on the joint. The freshly placed concrete is to be properly
vibrated. Damage to the shuttering must be
The extent of the fixing of the expansion joint avoided during vibration. The filling concrete must
described above is not designed to accept dynamic be finished flush with the carriageway surfacing.
load from traffic. It serves only to firmly pin the It is recommended that the concrete is kept damp
expansion joint in the recess until the concrete has until it has cured in order to avoid fissures caused
been poured and sufficiently cured. It is, therefore, by drying too fast. After the concrete has cured,
vital that the expansion joint is not subjected to the movable installation brackets and shuttering
any loads that could in any way displace the precise still in place shall be removed.
location of this fixing.
9.11.2 For Modular strip seal joint the space The 2nd Side: Depending on the size of beneath the joint boxes must be completely filled
the expansion joint and the expected movement with concrete. This ensures that traffic loads are
during the installation, the most suitable time must safely transmitted into the structure. Incorrectly
be determined for the fixing of the 2nd (moveable) placed concrete and/or cavities beneath the joint
side. Usually this is the early morning hours with boxes will lead to damage of the joint.
the smallest temperature deviations. The
procedure is identical to that at the 1st side. As 9.12. As soon as the concrete in the recess has
fast as possible, preferably with several fitters at become initially set, a sturdy ramp shall he placed
the same time, the joint is provisionally fixed to over the joint to protect it from traffic at site.
the reinforcement. Expansion joint shall not be exposed to traffic
loading before completion of carriageway
Immediately afterwards, the fixation brackets surfacing in any case.
must be removed. The expansion joint can now
follow the longitudinal movement of the bridge. 9.13. The elastomeric sealing element may he
field installed. For strip seal and modular strip seal
Thereafter, the gap between recess and joints the sealing element should be in continuous
shuttering should be sealed with grout seam and lengths spanning the entire roadway-width. Proper
the remaining rebars should be welded as fit of the seal of the sealing element must be ensured.
described previously. The seal shall be installed without damage to the
seal by suitable hand method or machine tools.
9.11. Concreting
9.14. Specific procedure for Asphaltic Plug
9.11.1 Prior to final concreting, the position of the Joint
joint/joint construction/insert must be recorded. The
engineer in charge must give written confirmation 9.14.1. The recess in the deck slab, if required,
of the correct position of the joint and the recess shall be repaired with epoxy mortar and cleaned
concreting. The recess must be thoroughly and dried again.
watered. This prevents too much water draining
from the fresh concrete. Before pouring the 9.14.2. The foam caulking/backing rod shall be
concrete the joint construction should be protected placed about 25 mm down into the joint opening.
by a cover. Controlled concrete having strength
not less than that in superstructure subject to the 9.14.3. The aggregate shall be washed, cleaned
minimum of M35 shall be filled into the recess. and heated to a temperature between 120 - 180
The water cement ratio shall not be more than deg. C prior to placement.
0.4, if necessary admixtures may be used to
improve workability. The filling concrete must 9.14.4. The binder shall be preheated to
feature low shrinkage. Good compaction and temperature of 170-190 deg. C before application.

9.14.5. While sealing the joint opening with 9.16. Specific procedure for single Strip/
preheated binder, care shall be taken that the binder Box Seal Joint
does not spill on to the joint surface of the deck.
9.16.1. Taking the width of gap for movement of
9.14.6. The joint shall not be installed when the the joint into account, the dimensions of the recess
ambient temperature goes below +5 deg. C or in the decking shall be established in accordance
above +35 deg. C or while it is raining/snowing with the drawings or design data of the
(Planning for installation must take into account manufacturer.
the weather condition).
9.16.2. The recess shall be shuttered in such a
9.14.7. When element weather resumes, the joint way that dimensions in the joint drawing are
installation may be continued after the upper layer maintained. The formwork shall be rigid and firm.
and/or exposed surface of the partially completed
joint has been prepared by heating and/or coating 9.16.3. Immediately prior to placing the joint, the
with binder as necessary. presetting shall be inspected. Should the actual
temperature of the structure be different from the
9.15. Specific procedure for Compression temperature provided for presetting, correction of
Seal Joint the presetting shall be done. After adjustment, the
brackets shall he tightened again.
9.15.1. The dimension of the joint recess and the
width of the gap shall conform to the approved
9.16.4. To ensure proper fit of the seal and
enhance the ease of installation, dirt, spatter or
standing water shall be removed from the steel
9.15.2. Anchoring steel shall be welded to the
cavity using a brush, scrapper or compressed air.
main reinforcement in the deck maintaining the
level and alignment of the joint.
9.16.5. The actual junction of the surfacing/
wearing coat with the block out concrete/steel
9.15.3. The width of pocket shall not be less than
300 mm on either side of the joint. Care shall also edge section shall be formed by a wedge shaped
be taken to ensure efficient bonding between joint with the sealing compound. The horizontal
already cast/existing deck concrete and the leg of the edge beam shall be cleaned beforehand.
concrete in the joint recess. It is particularly important to ensure thorough and
careful compaction of the surfacing in order to
9.15.4. At the time of installation, joint shall be prevent any premature depression forming in it.
clean and dry and free from spalls and
irregularities, which might impair a proper joint seal. 9.17. Specific procedure for Modular Strip/
Box Seal Joint
9.15.5. The lubricant cum adhesive shall be
applied to both faces of the joint and joint seal 9.17.1. Taking the width of gap for movement of
prior to installation in accordance with the the joint into account, the dimensions of the recess
manufacturer's instructions. in the decking shall be established in accordance
with the drawings or design data of the
9.15.6. The joint seal shall be compressed to the manufacturer.
specified thickness for the rated joint opening and
ambient temperature at the time of installation 9.17.2. To ensure proper fit of the seal and
which shall be between +5 to + 35 deg. C. increase the ease of installation, dirt, spatter or
standing water shall be removed from the steel
9.15.7. The joint seal shall be installed without cavity using a brush, scrapper or compressed air.
damage to the seal. Loose fitting or open joints
shall not be permitted. 9.17.3. The actual junction of the surfacing/

wearing coat with the block out concrete/steel the bolts with lock washers in position. Before
edge section shall be cleaned beforehand. It is putting the plugs in position, special sealant to be
particularly important to ensure thorough and poured inside the plug holes and gaps to make the
careful compaction of the surfacing in order to joint watertight.
prevent any premature depression forming in it.
9.19. Specific procedure for Finger Joint
9.17.4. Since procedure for installation of various
joints, mentioned above, are indicative and the 9.19.1. Taking the width of gap for movement of
suppliers may have their own specific procedures the joint into account, the dimensions of the recess in
for installation of each type of joint, they will be the decking shall be established in accordance with
responsible for performance of the joints for the the drawings or design data of the manufacturer.
period of guarantee.
9.19.2. The recess shall be shuttered in such a
9.18. Specific procedure for Reinforced way that dimensions in the joint drawing are
Elastomeric and Coupled Elastomeric maintained. The formwork shall be rigid and firm.
9.19.3. Care should be taken to ensure the
9.18.1. Deck casting to be done leaving pockets/ alignment along the joint and also the level of
recess and width of gap for movement of the joint fingers at both sides of the joint.
in accordance with the drawings or data of the
manufacturer. 9.19.4. The fixing bolts of steel fingers shall be
tightened properly. Each individual units of the steel
9.18.2. The steel inserts lowered inside the fingers should be properly matched with the
pocket/ recess shall flush with the finished level adjacent units.
of the wearing coat maintaining the profile/

9.18.3. Spacer bars appropriate to the correct 10.1. This section serves as a general guideline
installation width and also presetting, if required for inspection and maintenance of Expansion Joints
depending upon the time of installation, to be fitted during service period. Expansion Joints should be
under proper supervision to ensure proper designed and manufactured to make it maintenance
positioning of bolts and levelling of steel inserts free to the extent possible. Detailed inspection &
and maintaining the same during connection of maintenance manual should be supplied by the joint
inserts to deck reinforcement and concreting of manufacture in order to ensure that the expansion
pocket. joints function as intended, during their entire life
span. Starting with the day of installation, the
9.18.4. Concreting of pocket to be done with Expansion Joint components are continually
proper care using proper mix conforming to the exposed to natural elements, e.g. temperature
manufacturer's specification besides ensuring changes, rain, snow, moisture, ozone, carbon dioxide
efficient bond between old and new concrete. The and ultraviolet rays and elements that are introduced
concreting in pocket shall be flush with top level by humans, e.g. traffic impact, chemical influences.
of steel insert and wearing course. industrial pollutants and the like. The combined
effect of these elements on the joint components is
9.18.5. Spacer bar to be removed at an appropriate a steady and unavoidable deterioration process.
time before fixing of elastomeric slab units. Regular inspection and maintenance are vital
measures for durability of the expansion joint.
9.18.6. For presetting of elastomeric slab units
special jigs should be used (if required). 10.2. Suitable easy access to the underside of the
Elastomeric slab units shall be fixed by tightening joint shall be provided for inspection and maintenance.

10.3. Inspection of Expansion Joints at site is The points required to be inspected with care
required from time to time to ascertain the are:
performance of the Joints. Periodic nominal
- The alignment in transverse direction
maintenance of joints shall be carried out in order
(referring the joint)
to ensure better performance and longer life of
the joints. The Joints are required to be inspected - The vertical alignment measured along
at an interval of one year for the first five years longitudinal direction with respect to the level
and at an interval of two years thereafter. However of adjacent road surface
the Joints shall also be examined carefully after
unusual occurrences like heavy traffic, The alignment in transverse direction shall be
earthquakes, cyclones and battering from debris measured with a 4 m straight edge. The deviation
in high floods. between the joint and straight edge should not be
more than 5 mm. The vertical alignment measured
10.4. The inspection shall be preceded by along longitudinal direction with respect to the level
careful cleaning of the joints as well as its of adjacent road surface should not be more than
surrounding space, depending on the actual 3%.
conditions of the joints e.g. deposit of salt, debris,
dust or other foreign material. 10.5.3. Measurement of movement: During
inspection at site, measurements are required to
10.5. Elements of Inspection be taken and documented to compute its movement
and rotation values in relation to their design values
It is necessary that gaps are maintained to ascertain whether the performance of the joints
properly and surface treatment given on adjacent is satisfactory. To ascertain maximum movement,
areas should exclude laying of wearing coat, i.e. measurement should be taken once during peak
covering of gap should be prevented. The following winter (early morning) and once during peak
are recommended inspection elements and actions summer (afternoon) and corresponding
which are considered necessary to monitor and atmospheric temperature should be recorded. The
upkeep the Joints. recorded value of movement shall be compared
with the design values.
10.5.1. Debris accumulation in the joint gaps,
if any: The inspection shall be preceded by careful 10.5.4. Measurement of dimensions: The
cleaning of the expansion joints to permit free dimensions of the joints are required to be
movement. Remove incompressible clogging of measured and compared with the original
the joint due to debris accumulation. All dimensions to ascertain any excessive stress or
inaccessible accumulated foreign objects shall be strain on the joints.
cleaned either by pressurized air or by water Jet.
It is to he noted that high water pressure (above 10.5.5. Evidence of locked in condition: If any
100 bar) or heated water (above 25 degree C) movable or rotating part of a joint is found to be in
are to he avoided. locked-in/jammed condition, necessary
rectification measures shall be taken immediately.
10.5.2. Riding comfort over the joints: The Distribution of width of surface gaps (if any)
alignment of the Joint is a helpful indicator of provided to accommodate movement should be
the general behavior of the superstructure and checked over the length of the joint. Any abnormal
substructure concerning movements as tilting, variation of surface gap width over the length of
rotation etc. In general the deviation of the the joint and/or the distribution of gap width beyond
alignment can cause a reduction of the driving the design limits, if detected, the joints should be
comfort for vehicle crossing or can have a thoroughly checked for the locked in condition in
negative influence on the Joint system as a order to detect mechanical obstruction and possible
whole. remedial measures should be taken immediately.

10.5.6. Evidence of corrosion: The condition If any one of the above defects appears,
of the corrosion protection shall be checked remedial actions should be taken, the degree of
carefully. Damages detected and repaired early which depends on the prevailing defects. In general
will certainly avoid expensive repairs at a later following remedial actions are possible:
date. If corrosion of any part of exterior exposed
steel surface of the joints is detected, the following - Cleaning
measures may be taken. Servicing
Replacing the damaged part.
Detect affected part
Wire brush the affected portion to clean of 10.5.9. Water tightness-evidence of
it's rust. leakage: Leakage of water together with
- Apply protective coating as per temperature and chemical reaction might be a
manufacturer's specifications. reason for following damages beside an
unpleasant appearance:
In addition, the root cause of the defect should
be analysed and proper action be taken to avoid - Destruction of the bridge structure, broken
recurrence of the problem. concrete
Corroded steel parts, e.g.. reinforcement,
10.5.7. Condition of the adjacent bridge drainage pipe.
structure: The bridge structure adjacent to the Joint Rust staining, dirt staining.
shall be examined for the following common defects,
which may lead to further damage of the joint. If If evidence of leakage is detected remedial
damages are detected they must be repaired as soon actions must be taken by replacing the sealing
as possible to avoid further extension of the damage. element or applying sealing element as per the
instruction of the joint manufacturer or tightening
- Spalled concrete the loose components depending upon the cause
Broken off edges of the leakage.
- Cracks or fissures in the structure
Rust spots on the concrete surface 10.5.10. Evidence of noise: Abnormal rollover
- noises generated by the joint under traffic load
- Exposed reinforcement
can be regarded as the indicator for the condition
The concrete/ asphalt nosing adjacent to of the joint and also for the adjacent bridge
expansion joint must be free of damages in order structure. Abnormal noise may be caused by
to ensure a smooth passage of the traffic without loosened and/or damaged joint components,
heavy shocks. This increases the lifespan of the loosened bolts, metal to metal contact due to
expansion joint considerably. damage of joint components. If such an abnormal
noise is noticed, the origin of the noise should be
10.5.8. Condition of the elastomeric units/ probed first and depending upon that, remedial
sealing component: The condition of the works shall be taken up by tightening the loose
elastomeric units/ seals shall be carefully inspected fastenings and/or replacing the damaged
to uncover possible defects as under:- components.

- Loose 10.5.11. Visible damage of the joint

components: Any visible damage of joint
- Torn
component, welded and bolted connections as well
- Split as connection of joint with bridge structure if
- Cracked detected during inspection, proper remedial
- Damaged measures should be taken immediately in
Cut consultation with joint supplier.

Results and actions: The results of every with care. It shall be stored under cover on suitable
inspection have to be recorded in the inspection lumber padding.
report and shall be classified in each case into the
following types of action: 12. REPLACEMENT OF THE
(i) No action.
(ii) Further measurements/long-term monitoring 12.1. Replacement of expansion joints is difficult
or design analysis needed (e.g. considering once they are laid. Therefore, it is desirable that
extreme temperatures/exposures, variation of the joints should perform satisfactorily during the
loads etc.). Actions to be outlined in a report. entire service life. So it is advisable that the client
(iii) Minor repair works e.g. cleaning, repainting may ensure guarantee or proprietary indemnity
etc. bonds or financial guarantee from the
(iv) Repair or replacement of entire joint or manufacturers/suppliers of expansion joints for a
components of the joints. Actions to be outlined reasonable period, for satisfactory in-service
in a report. In case of defects where the cause performance. This period may be about ten years.
of necessary actions cannot be determined
by the inspecting person or the responsible 12.2. A complete replacement is necessary if
bridge engineer, the Expansion Joint the steel parts of the joint exhibit advanced fatigue
manufacturer should be consulted. damage. However, replacement of joints on
concrete bridge deck is extremely difficult and

11.1. All the aggregates and binder for the 12.3. More frequent is the replacement of single
Asphaltic Plug Joints shall be pre-bagged and member, especially elastomeric components. Seals
clearly marked. All the material shall be stored on should be easily replaceable. The modular strip/
concrete platform at 150mm above the ground in box seal joints should be detailed to make all
covered enclosures to avoid contamination. components are replaceable from top of
11.2. The expansion joint materials shall be
handled with care and stored under cover. 12.4. For replacing the components of single/
modular strip/box seal expansion joints, the gap
11.3. All joint material and assemblies shall be width must be opened to at least 25 mm. In the
protected from damage and assemblies shall be case of an elastic linkage, smaller widths are
supported to maintain true shape and alignment possible because the rails can be displaced. On
during transportation and storage. the other hand the seals must not be stretched
fully. Expansion joints for large movements should
11.4. For transportation and storage, auxiliary be accessible from the underside to change
brackets shall be provided to hold the joint assembly members of the linkage like elastomeric elements.
together, especially for single strip/modular strip/
box seal joints. 12.5. Though the seals may be repaired by
vulcanization on site it should be avoided and total
11.5. The manufacturer/supplier shall supply replacement of the seal should be opted. If a
either directly to the Engineer or to the Bridge replacement of the rails becomes necessary they
Contractor complete joint with all the materials can also be joined on site. However, the joints
and accessories including sealants and all other should be situated in zones with minimal stress
accessories for the effective installation of the range and must be welded very carefully because
joints. of the high fatigue loads.

11.6. Expansion joint material shall be handled 12.6. It is recommended that irrespective of the


validity or expiry of the performance guarantee 13. REFERENCES
period for the joints, the original manufacturer/
supplier should also be consulted/involved in the 13.1. In preparation of this publication, the
process of replacement of the joints. following Indian and International Standards and
References were considered. At the time of
12.7. While replacing an expansion joint, the publication the editions indicated were valid. All
requirement of any other suitable type of joint (other standards are subject to revision and the parties
than the one proposed to be replaced) may be to agreements based on these guidelines are
examined keeping in view the expected encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
movements. the most recent editions of Standards.


1. IRC: 83 (Pt 3) Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges,
section IX- hearings, part II: elastomeric hearings
2. IS: 1838 Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in
pavements and structures (Non extruding and resilient type)
3. IS: 2062 Steel for general structural purposes-specification (fifth revision)
superseeding IS: 226
4. IS: 3400 (Pt III) Method of test for vulcanised rubbers: Abrasion resistance using
a rotating cylindrical drum device (first revision)
5. IS 3400 (Pt XIV) Method of test for vulcanised rubbers - adhesion of rubber to
6. IS 3400 (Pt XXII) Method of test for vulcanised rubber - Chemical analysis
7. BS 2499 Specification for hot applied joint sealants for concrete
8. EN 10025 Produits !amines a chaud en aciers de construction non allies-
conditions techniques de livraison
9. DIN 17100 Steels for general structural purposes; Quality standard
10. DIN 53505 Shore A and shore B Hardness: Testing of rubber Testing
rubber and elastomers:
11. DIN 53507 Determination of the tear strength of elastomers; Trouser test
12. DIN 53508 Accelerated ageing of rubber
13. DIN 53509 Determination of resistance of rubber to ozone cracking under
static strain
14. DIN 53516 Determining the rebound resilience of rubber using the Schob
15. DIN 53517 Testing of rubber, elastomers: Determination of Abrasion
16. DIN 53521 Determination of the behaviour of rubber and elastomers when
exposed to fluids and vapours

17. ASTMA36 Standard specification for Carbon Structural steel
18. ASTM D 395 Standard test methods for rubber property-Compression set
19. ASTM D 412 Standard test methods for vulcanised rubber and thermoplastic
20. ASTM A 588 High strength low-alloy Structural Steel with 50
21. ASTM D 624 Standard test method for Tear Strength of conventional
vulcanised rubber and thermoplastic elastomers
22. ASTM D 797 Rubber property-Young's modulus at Normal and Subnormal
23. ASTM D 1043 Standard test method for stiffness properties of plastics as a
function of temperature by means of a Torsion test
24. ASTM D 1190 Standard specification for concrete joint sealer, Hot-applied
elastic type (same as ansi a 37.136)
25. ASTM D 2240 Standard test method for rubber property-Durometer Hardness
26. ASTM D 3575 Standard test methods for flexible cellular materials made form
olefin polymers
27. ASTM D 3677 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Identification by Infrared

13.2. Publications
1. Manufacturer's literature
2. MOSRT&H Specifications for Road and Bridge Works 2001 (4th edition)
3. IABSE (Zurich) 'Structural Bearings and Expansion Joints for Bridges' by Gunter Ramberger 2002.

(The official amendments to this document would he published by the IRC
in its periodical, `Indian Highways', which shall be considered as
effective and as part of the code/guidelines/manual, etc. from the
Date specified therein)

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