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2017-05-25 - Moneysaver - Lewis-Clark Edition

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com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 1


MAY 25, 2017

626 Thain Road P.O. Box 682 Lewiston, ID 83501 208-746-0483 1-800-473-4158 Fax 208-746-8507 www.lcmoneysaver.com

WE PAY MORE for gold THE MONEYSAVER is a 2003 AUTOMATIC transmis- 2015 POLARIS 570 Touring
and silver! Turn your rings, FREE paper! No subscrip- sion for 7.3 engine with elec- EPS, $5795. 2015 Kawasaki
chains, gold fillings, sil- tion required. Call and tric overdrive, 2WD, nearly Brute Force 750, with power
verware, etc. into CASH!! advertise with us. 208-746- brand new, new cost $3200, steering, $6195. 2006
STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 0483 or toll free at 800- $800/ offer. 208-935-8204. Rancher 350, 4x4, $3195.
Thain Road, Lewiston, 208- 473-4158. HANK GOSNELLS AUTO & 2012 Suzuki Kindquad
746-6148. 1997 VOLKSWAGON JETTA TRANSMISSION. Your one- 750, $5495. 2009 Can-Am
Outlander 800XT, $4995.
GLX 2.8 V6,, AT, AC, PW, PL, stop repair shop for cars,
DRYWALL/ PAINT black, $2,295. VALLEY CAR trucks. 35 years in business. MACS CYCLE, Clarkston.
REPAIRS- REMODEL SALES, 1801 Main Street, 1011 D Street, downtown 509-758-5343 or Toll Free
DRYWALL: Patches, cracks, Lewiston, Idaho 208-743- Lewiston. 208-746-1515. 1-866-835-0532.
water damage, match all 9371. 1994 YAMAHA KODIAK with
texture. PAINTING: Full ser- 2005 KAWASAKI VULCAN winch, $1400/ offer, 208-
vice, masked, kept clean. Call DIESEL & AUTO REPAIR: classic, 1600cc, Vance 476-4371.
Rich, 509-780-2728. Ford, Chevy and Dodge. Full Hines exhaust with updated
service auto repair all makes WANTED: SNOWMOBILES
NEED CASH? See Steves. No and models. HOT BODZ & power package for engine, (2000 and up), ATVs, Jet
hassles. No gimmicks! Just CUSTOM RODS, 311 Thain $5000. 1996 Yamaha Skis, Motorcycles, and Dirt
service youve been trusting Road. 208-746-2022. Virago, 750cc, $2100. Both Bikes. Running or not. Will
since 1986. STEVES PAWN in good condition. 208-413- pick up and pay ca sh. 509-
SHOP, 231 Thain Road, 2000 DODGE STRATUS, 0100. 332-6512, Pullman.
Lewiston. 208-746-6148. $1200. 1997 Firebird, T-tops, MOTORCYCLES: 2013 BMW
$2700. 2003 VW Passat,
QUALITY CHAIN- LINK $3800. 2000 Hyundai K1600 GT, $14,499. 2003 1989 CHEVY 3500 1 ton
and vinyl fence supplies in Elantra, $2300. 2011 Fusion BMW K1200LT Custom, dually, 454 motor, 124,000
stock and at great prices, at SE, $6700. 2007 Nissan $4795. 2013 Yamaha miles, $2400. 208-289-
Lucky Acres! Let us help you Versa, 98,000 miles, $4700. FZ8 $6495. 2004 BMW 4167, 208-301-8887.
design and lay out your do- 2012 Chevy Sonic, 85,000 K1200RS, $4995. 2009 1993 F250 TURBO 7.3 5
it- yourself project. ID#RC- miles, $6800. CHOICE AUTO Honda DN-01, $8495. speed, 4 WD, flatbed, runs
15318, WA#LUCKYA933DW. SALES, 1525 Idaho Street, MACS CYCLE, Clarkston, good, $2250/ offer. 1993
Lewiston, Idaho. 208-746- 208-798-3380. 509-758-5343 or toll free Chevy project 1 ton dually,
1228. www.luckyacres.net. 866-835-0532. Like us on crew cab, 5 speed, $1800/
ADVERTISE with the Facebook!
WINDOW BLINDS. I sell new Moneysaver and get results. www.macscycle.com offer. 208-935-8204.
and repair all brands of home Its the fastest way to sell 1988 FORD 2WD, still run-
and RV blinds. I also custom your stuff. 208-746-0483. GP SUSPENSION REPAIR & ning, original motor. Asking
manufacture vertical blinds SALES: Tire sales service, $800. 208-843-5111, Arrow
and replacement headrails. DISCOUNT AUTO SALES ATV, Dirt and Street. 208- Junction.
Excellent customer service. has a large selection of pre- 743-7294, 1024 Airway,
I travel to you in the valley owned vehicles at afford- Lewiston, Idaho. 20 years 2013 MAZDA 6 Grand
and surrounding areas. B&C able prices! 1426 Bridge St. serving the Northwest. Touring, 4 door, 4 cylinder
WINDOW FASHIONS, 509- Clarkston. 509-758-5300. BMW R1150RT 2004, royal automatic, power sunroof,
780-7791, Clarkston. 1973 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL blue, with bags and trunk, plus lots more, like new,
$5995. 2005 Honda Civic, 4
ATV HELMET XX-Large, with Town Car, 208-924-6247, 33,000 miles, great touring door, 4 cylinder, automatic,
quick strap goggle, used Reubens. bike, $4800/ offer. 509-295- lot of options, 139,000 miles,
twice. Cost $110; will sell 1974 FORD MUSTANG II V6, 8224, Clarkston. $3995. ORCHARDS AUTO
Miscellaneous HABITAT STORE Quick & Safe
for $70. 509-758-2211,
70,000 original miles, origi- FOR THE MONTH of May, all SALES, 423 Thain Rd. 208-
30% OFF ALMOST every- nal interior, crank sunroof, Honda Pioneer 500s are on 743-5741.
thing. Orange tag sale starts Free pick-up and delivery.
BANKRUPTCY May 18th. Furniture, appli- 208-790-2448. BIG BEAR $5000. Leave message, 208- sale for $9495. INCLUDING
STOP FORECLOSURES/ 746-4473, Lewiston. a $500 accessory credit. 2008 BAYLINER RUNABOUT
G A R NIS H M EN T S / ances, tools, and much, IMMIGRATION- Need help NEW/ USED TIRES ONLY at MACS CYCLE, Series, 20, fiberglass,
HARASSING CALLS, LOW much more. Shop here first! with a fiancee, spouse, fam- We buy, sell, mount, dis- 4 TIRES MOUNTED on Clarkston. 509-758-5343 or $19,500. 208-790-1374,
FLAT RATE, Chapter 7 and Open Tuesday- Saturday, ily visa or green card? Law mount and spin balance new/ 6-hole magnesium wheels Toll Free 1-866-835-0532. Lewiston.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy 9am-5:30pm. 1633 G St, Office of Michael Cherasia, used tires. 1630 13th St, with air pressure monitors,
Lewiston. 208-743-1300. 208-883-4410. 220 E 5th St 1999 SPORTSMAN 500 4x4, WE BUILD and repair boat
Filing. NO HIDDEN FEES. Clarkston. Open 9am-6pm, 8 P225/60R16, $200. 509-
#311, Moscow. hand and thumb warmers, tops and upholstery. VALLEY
Compare Our Prices, Have Clipper Will Travel. days a week! 509-780-1033. 758-6776, Clarkston. homemade utility trailer, BOAT, 419 Snake River Ave.,
Services, and the years I had RICKS BARBER SHOP IF YOU need CASH, think 1ST AFFORDABLE NEW AND $2500 for pair, best offer. Lewiston. 208-743-2528.
of experience of the attor- for 24 years. You need a CARLTON INTERSTATE PAWN. We are used tires. J&L AUTO, 2828 208-790-3225, Lewiston.
ney handling your case. haircut I will come to you CONTAINERS the Valleys easiest and most Frontage Rd. Lewiston, 208- 1969 24 SEAWORTHY
Free Initial Consultation. anywhere in the LC Valley. 20 OR 40 RENTAL or sale 2011 POLARIS RANGER 500, TOLLYCRAFT, See at Valley
convenient place to get that 717-3875.
Insurance Plans Accepted. Cost is $15. 509-254-1481. units. New or used. On site 4x4, 2200 miles, runs excel- Boat, Lewiston, Idaho. 208-
needed cash. Fast and easy!
Patricia L. Evans, Attorney. delivery. 208-743-3257, lent, extras, $6000. 208-791- 743-2528, 509-758-9464.
Call for Appointment 208- POWDER COATING Lewiston. 18th and Idaho, Lewiston. 3575.
791-6794, OR 509-592-
Your Schedule. Licensed We can coat and sand- There is a war coming. A war Kitchen, bathroom, tile,
Idaho and Washington. blast anything metal: predicted in Ezekiel 38-39 wood, or laminate flooring.
Snowmobiles, ATV, auto, and in Joel 2, and we need Licensed and bonded. 208-
CARRIERS NEEDED and marine parts. Railings, to be prepared. To learn 816-8936.
MONEYSAVER IS LOOKING wheels, bangboards, bed more, go to Revelation 184
frames, tool boxes, trailers, on YouTube and watch: THE ITS TIME TO Rock the
for carriers and substitute Memorial Weekend! Tents,
carriers. Open routes are patio furniture, and more. BRIDEGROOM COMETH,
WE CAN POWDER COAT Ezekiel 38-39 explained. sleeping bags, kayaks,
available. Call for details, tubes, sandals and clothing.
208-746-0483. TOUGH! CUSTOM COAT, Also read the information
2905 Clearwater Avenue, posted with the video. This is TRI-STATE OUTFITTERS,
S&W 57-1 41 MAG; lawn Lewiston. 208-746-4105. for real. Dandelion Ministries. 120 Thain Road, Lewiston.
and garden items. STEVES Also in Pasco. GUARANTEED PRICE
PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Rd, WANTED TO BUY GUNS & MATCH- any competitor! We
Lewiston. 208-746-6148. ELECTRIC MOTOR gun collections, call Ken, love special orders! 208-
open 9am-4pm, Monday- 746-5307.
MOVING (since 1982). We Electric Motor and Pump & GUNS, 615 THAIN RD, WE PAY MORE for gold
also move gun safes. 208- Repair. Most types. Shop LEWISTON ID, 208-746- and silver! Turn your rings,
791-5980. and field repair. Skip and 1521. chains, gold fillings, sil-
Linda Faulk, owners. Office: verware, etc. into CASH!!
artist Andy Sewell will be 790-3115. 511 Airway Kitchen Remodeling, Tile, Thain Road, Lewiston, 208-
teaching a full day class Drive, Lewiston Orchards, wood, or laminate flooring. 746-6148.
sometime in June. Call for S&L Electric LLC. DBA Faulk Licensed and bonded. 208-
816-8936. 2000 KIA SEPHIA, $1500/
more info and to sign up. Electric, LLC. offer. 208-476-4371.
BROCKMANS, 204 Thain,
Lewiston. 208-746-9811.
Page 2 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
Long arm and quilting food and some shakes, paid WITH ASTHMA? Are you 18 LOANS, $25,000 TO
classes. Request Quilters $550, will sell for $250, 509- years of age? Non-smoker or $200,000. (No personal resi-
Newsletter updates at egar- 769-7192. have not smoked in the past dence loans). We will also
den@qwestoffice.net. 2125 12 months? Willing to partici- buy or loan on contracts in
14th Avenue, Lewiston CRAFT VENDORS WANTED,
Culdesac Shebang Days, pated in a 2 month study? If escrow, annuities, lawsuit
(behind Starbucks). 208- you answered Yes to all of the settlements. Also buy equip-
743-1849. June 10, 2017. 208-503-
0570. above, you may be eligible to ment or tools. Apply by a
BUCKS BAGS 8 pontoon participate in a research study simple phone call. I can often
boat, Griswold cast iron skil- OVERSTOCK ENVELOPES using a generic medication fund in a week to 10 days.
starting at 2 each. Come that is not approved by the Edward Anderson, Kingston
Miscellaneous let, Dead Bone predator call,
by the Moneysaver Printshop Food & Drug Administration Idaho. 509-994-2557; spoe-
lawn mowers and weed eat-
VIAGRA USERS 60/ 100 mg ers. STEVES PAWN SHOP, today. 208-746-0483. (FDA). If you qualify, you fa2@yahoo.com
tablets, $229. 1-800-607- 231 Thain Rd, Lewiston. 208- 5 FOLD-UP BLEACHERS. will receive study medica-
tion & study related medical TRULY GREAT THINGS
2519. Open every day. 746-6148. Best offer. For info, 208-843- COULD HAPPEN IF Corporate
2620, Spalding. care at no cost. For more
KITCHEN REMODEL. 1996 HOT SPRINGS 8-per- information, please contact: law was changed to mandate
Kitchens blah to wow, $7500, son spa, has cover and stairs, KAYAK: JACKSON KARMA, Principle Research Solutions, responsibility toward society
price varies with size, materi- redwood siding, 2 main blow- rock garden, whitewater, 820 S. McClellan, Suite 414, and the earth, rather than just
als, labor. Enjoy challenges. ers, $1800, $300 of which coastal surf, rear compart- Spokane WA 99204. (Sacred profit. This & more at: www.
208-413-2400. will apply towards having it ment, good multi-day down Heart McClellan Physicians safergrid.net
OCEAN CARGO STORAGE moved and set up. 208-413- river, $800. Call/ text 208- Building). Call or text, 509-
3044, Lewiston. POLYUREA EPOXY garage
Containers. NEW: Container 553-3553, Lewiston. 435-3379 http://study4as- floors, custom garage orga-
Offices. Various sizes, secure THE MONEYSAVER GARDEN GATE STAMPS thma.com/ nization systems and cabine-
storage, on ground deliv- PRINTSHOP offers FREE Retirement Sale, 644 6th try, factory trained authorized
ery. We sell, rent, buy and DELIVERY for our customers St Ste F, Clarkston. Special dealers. Call Chris at Ultimate
move containers. Insta Stor, in the LC Valley. 208-298- 2-day sale, May 26th-27th. Garage, 208-413-2950.
Inc. 509-765-1376. www. 0161, www.msprintshop. First 30 customers receive www.facebook.com/ultimat-
InstaStor.net com. a free stamp. 50% or more egarageandmurphybed
100% GUARANTEED CREDIT off everything: Stamps, craft
APPROVAL! Friendly Auto BUSINESS CARD SPECIAL. supplies, display racks.
Sales, 157 Thain Road, Order 500 or more full AMERICAN LEGION POST 13
Lewiston, Idaho. 208-743- color business cards and Memorial Day Breakfast, May
9747. get the second side printed 29th, 6am-9am, 1127 8th
for FREE! MONEYSAVER Avenue, Lewiston. Cost $6.
starting at 2 each. Come 0161, www.msprintshop.
by the Moneysaver Printshop com. FREE STUFF!
today. 208-298-0161. The Moneysaver LOVES
free stuff! Are you giv-
ing something away for
free? Well run your
ad for free! See our
FREE category in the SLOT MACHINES Buying in
Marketplace section of any condition, also parts.
this weeks Moneysaver! Complete repairs or restora-
208-746-0483 tion service too. Private party,
ads@lcmoneysaver.com 509-922-2454 Spokane
from the old camas railroad new & used, wind, water, TOP QUALITY 100% HEMP
bridge, $10 each, 208-924- rodent proof, 8x20 & 8x40. seed oil, suitable for all pur-
5873, Winchester. Why rent a storage unit when poses. Pharmaceutical grade,
you can own one on your no psychoactive properties.
ADVERTISE with the own property? Free delivery Sleep, skin/ hair treatment,
Moneysaver and get results. to select areas near Spokane/ inflammation, circulation,
Its the fastest way to sell Deer Park. 509-993-1166 lower cholesterol, immune
your stuff. 208-746-0483. system, and arthritis, $19.95
WORLEY MOVING SALE. bottle plus shipping. 719-
THE MONEYSAVER prints Pellet stove, ice machine, 469-6254, Thompson Falls,
41,500 papers each week. large mirrors, queen beds, MT
Its free and home delivered. tools, air conditioner, misc.
Advertise with us 208- tables, 1964 Buick with mon-
746-0483. ster motor. 208-676-6846 Announcements
& Notices
Saturday, June 10th, Starting
at 12pm. HORSESHOE
TOURNAMENT starting at
11am. 50 Cent Hot Dogs
and Free Pepsi and much
1200 Snake River Avenue,
Lewiston, ID

everything. Orange tag
sale starts May 18th.
Furniture, appliances,
tools, and much, much
more. Shop here first!
Open Tuesday- Saturday,
9am-5:30pm. 1633 G St,
Lewiston. 208-743-1300.

DID YOU KNOW that the

has three talented design-
ers that can design logos,
posters, brochures, business
cards and much more? Stop
in and see us at 626 Thain
Rd., Lewiston, or visit our
website at www.msprintshop.
DID YOU KNOW that the
has three talented design-
ers that can design logos,
posters, brochures, business
cards and much more? Stop
in and see us at 626 Thain
Rd., Lewiston, or visit our
website at www.msprintshop.
ducting a demo meeting on
Tuesday, May 30th, at the
Lewis-Clark State College
campus, 6pm-7:30pm.
Contact Mark Havens, 208-
improve public speaking
skills. Join Toastmasters!
Weekly meetings in Lewiston.
Call 208-746-7116.
Memorial Day Breakfast, May
29th, 6am-9am, 1127 8th
Avenue, Lewiston. Cost $6.

Financial &
Trucks, Long Haul, Public
Transportation. You name it
with have it. Check us out
for a free quote. Perhaps
you are paying too much.
We may have an idea or
two that will provide you
with broader coverage at a
lower premium. Idaho and
Washington. Call 208-791-
4780. Available seven days
a week, 7am-9pm.
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 3
Building Household Household Miscellaneous
Materials Merchandise Merchandise Wanted
the largest inventory and best side pillow top mattress, BUSINESS CARD
selection of blued pine. My excellent condition, medium SPECIAL. Order 500
popular tongue and groove soft, $450; includes some or more full color busi-
and siding in several spe- linen. 208-816-3191, ness cards and get the
cies. Also Black Walnut and Lewiston. second side printed for
VG lumber, slabs for firewood
and sawdust for horse stalls. WALNUT CASE, FREE
PRINTSHOP, 208-298-
FREE Items
STANDING grandfather 0161, www.msprintshop.
208-790-3004. FREE, SMALL ROLL of used
clock, Howard Miller, exc com.
WE WILL BE OPEN this cond, $600. 208-305-3556, Cyclone fencing, 43 tall.
holiday weekend, Friday, Clarkston. 208-798-4605.
Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday
12pm-4pm and Monday ADVERTISE with
Moneysaver. 41,500 cop-
the Musical
8am-5pm. We still have some
Precast steps and stepping ies each week. Unbeatable instruments Firearms
stones on sale up to 50%
off. Double metal sink and ATTEND THE ANNUAL
drain board unit, lots of stone MIELE MODEL S8390
Kona canister vacuum, Genesee Community
veneer, fire pits and rusty Day Trap Shoot, June
art. Large door selection, includes Hepa filer, 33
WHIRLPOOL 29 CU.FT. cleaning radius, electro 10, 2017 at the Genesee
newer vinyl windows, misc Football Field. Shooting
French door refrigerator/ brush with 5 level height
cabinet selection, 2x starts immediately after
freezer, white, ice maker, adjustment for carpeting
oak flooring, steam boiler the Community Day
208-743-3482, Lewiston. and smooth floors, new
and radiators, blue pine 1x6 Parade. Enter the Les
t/g, rough cut lumber and $929, asking $495, excel-
lent condition. Can deliver, Schwab Challenge. Shoot
live edge slabs/ boards from the largest Annie Oakley
U of I Shattuck arboretum 208-875-0710, Potlatch.
in America. Lunch will be
trees. Many new items daily, available. Sponsored by
208-883-4362. WASANKARI FURNITURE: ANTIQUE Genesee Trap and Skeet.
CONSTRUCTION, mile BEDROOM set and coffee/
South of Moscow, ID. side tables, kitchen table.
Like new full mattress, large REMINGTON MODEL 4
CEDAR SHAKES, hand split felt lined jewelry box and .32 rimfire short rolling-
cedar rail, post fencing and other misc. items. For pric- block, rifling great with 1
mulch. 208-935-2566, es contact, 208-790-3294, boxes copper-case rounds.
Kamiah. Lewiston. Appraised $500-$600.
Computers Asking $400. 208-843-2338.
Business Health & and drive it to a shop? We HK45 T.B. $999.95, Walther
Opportunities Fitness make FREE House Calls. OD Green P22 with thread
Repairs start at $10. Call Bill adapter $269.95, Winchester
$500 Plus Days giving away REPAIR for a FREE Estimate. Edition, 22LR Federal
free website. No telling, sell- 208-791-4575. AutoMatch 325bx / $14.99
ing, or talking. We do it all! HIDE-A-BED WITH no limit. Silencers, optics,
Totally automated, paid daily. MATCHING stool, $275. accessories arriving daily.
www.BestEasyProfits.com Large coffee table with draw- FREE Items Family owned and operated.
ers, $40. Small rocking swiv- Weaponsmart, 1343 G Street.
el chair, $30, 208-798-3489. 208-413-9090. Follow us on
FREE STUFF! Facebook for weekly give-
Firewood & STUFF? Well run your ad
aways and specials.
Heating Fuel for free in this category!
MOBILE FIREWOOD ads@lcmoneysaver.com
SPLITTING available, also
cords of firewood for sale
with delivery available. Call FREE HAMMOND SPINET
208-791-6079. organ model L-100, good
condition. You haul. 509-758-
2937, Clarkston.
Edge outdoor wood furnace. FREE BRITANNICA
Heat more with less wood. Miscellaneous 2201.
Call Independent Energy
Systems today. 208-946- Wanted FREE WOOD PALLETS. Hahn
5550 Supply. 2101 Main Street,
33s, Old rock, jazz, KISS, Lewiston.
Boston, Elvis, etc. 509-758-
Household 9705, call before 8pm.
GIBSON 21 CU.FT. upright
freezer, white, you haul $290.


works well, $300 for both.
Dresser and armoire, older,
$200 for both. 208-305-
4048, Lewiston.
Page 4 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
Firearms NOTICE: Certain laws and
restrictions, as well as reg-
KEL TEC PMR30 22 mag
pistol and SUB 2000 9mm
gun collections, call Ken,
istration requirements apply fold up carbines. Remington open 9am-4pm, Monday- Paving
BUYING ANTLERS, all types: to the sale of firearms. For 870 Police Magnum 12 ga Friday, ORCHARDS PAWN
Bear, cougar, wolf, and bob- more information contact shotguns starting at less than & GUNS, 615 THAIN RD,
cat hides. Claws, skulls, elk the Seattle Field Division of $295 out the door, tax includ- LEWISTON ID, 208-746- CONCRETE WORK:
teeth. Hair on tanning. Skull the Department of Alcohol, ed, customized models with 1521.
cleaning. LINE OF BULL Basement foundations,
Tobacco and Firearms at desirable upgrades available. sidewalks, garage walls
ANTLER & HIDE. 208-877- 1-206-204-3205. This field Rimfire silencers start at only BUYING ANTLERS in
1127, Deary. Orofino at Barneys and floors, patios, slabs,
division is responsible for $99, 300 WinMag rated start- small excavation, dump
RIGHTS RESTORATION and Washington, Idaho, Oregon, ing at only $249. Integrally Harvest Foods, Thursday,
Alaska and Hawaii. You may suppressed AR uppers in June 1st, 12pm-4pm. truck service, small con-
EXPUNGEMENT Background struction jobs. Over 20
check delay/ denial due to also go to www.atf.gov for 556, 300BLK and 22LR. 208-628-3553.
Idaho or Washington issues? frequently asked questions Armalite AR180 with origi- years experience. Call
Call attorney Alan Baker of and information. nal scope, vintage original Bill/ Tony, Cell 208-400-
Bushmaster pistol, qualtity ANTLERS WANTED. Call 0873, home 208-486-
Risley & Baker, PLLC at 208- SNAKE RIVER SADDLERY. 208-628-3553, Lucile.
743-5338. AR15 rifles starting at $498. 6303. Email
Custom gun leather. 1909
Main, Lewiston. 208-553- Glock stocking LE dealer. NFA navansterling@aol.com.
weapons, launchers, cool DPMS LR-308 AR-10 .308
5380. stuff. 208-GUNPECK, 208- caliber. Includes carbine
486-7325. upper and long range heavy
LOLO SPORTING GOODS, barrel upper. Seven 20 round Construction
your local source for NFA magazines. Enhanced trigger.
items. Quality items, best Light use, excellent condition.
prices. We will walk you $1275 cash. Kamiah, 208- J.W. CONSTRUCTION
through the paperwork. 208- 935-7598. COMPANY is experienced
in creating quality work
Open Friday, Saturday and in all types of general
S-W 57-1 41 mag, Llama landscaping, construc-
Minimax 45a, Casull Arms 22, Sunday. Hours 9am-4pm.
Browning Challenger III 22, 208-843-2987, www. tion from start to finish,
Arsenal AK-47, Remington lcwildlife.org building custom fencing
81 300 Savage, Mossberg and 15 years experience
835 Camo 12 ga. We buy in decking and retain-
guns. STEVES PAWN SHOP, NOW BUYING FIREARM ing walls. Please give a
231 Thain Rd, Lewiston. 208- ESTATES & GUN call for a quote today,
746-6148. COLLECTIONS Dont wait 509-336-5867. WA LIC#
on an auction house, make
BUYING: ANTLERS, Idaho more money & get paid JWCONC*831DU.
black bear/ cougar hides, today! Legal, safe & secure.
claws, skulls, elk ivories. Sharp Shooting Indoor EXPERIENCED CARPENTER,
Kamiah, Stites, Kooskia area. Range & Gunshop, Spokane. INTERIOR/ exterior, free esti-
Chuck Hall. 208-926-8810. 509-535-4444 visit www. mates. 208-413-2400.
DO YOU NEED a building?
Accessories On Sale! Ruger Tools where customers become
Precision 6.5 $1150, POF friends. Pole buildings. Garco
P-308 $2000, Bushmaster LINCOLN ARC WELDER, steel buildings. Designed
556 $599, Ruger 556 $599, Cub Cadet lawn mower, specifically for you. 208-882-
FNH 12ga SLP Blue $1200, Milwaukee Roto Hammer, 4040, 208-743-3370.
Mossberg 12ga 930 JM Stihl chain saws. Huge selec- www.baldwinbuilding.com
Pro $600. DIAMONDBACK tion of quality hand and power
798-7468. 231 Thain Rd, Lewiston. 208- GENERAL CONTRACTOR,
746-6148. LLC. 32 years experience pro-
viding Quality Workmanship.
MACS CYCLE CARRIES Let us help you with your
HONDA GENERATORS. project... Remodel, Roof,
ALL ON SALE. CALL FOR Garage, Deck, etc. Call to see
DETAILS. MACS CYCLE, how our experience and skills
700 Bridge, Clarkston, 509- can meet your needs. 509-
758-5343. 254-4292, Clarkston. FAITH.

KITCHEN REMODEL. Decks, Fences &
Kitchens blah to wow, $7500,
price varies with size, materi-
als, labor. Enjoy challenges.
208-413-2400. FENCING, WOOD,
chain link, and stock
fence. FATHER & SONS
Cleaning CONTRACTORS. Insured,
WANT HELP SPRING clean- reasonable, experienced,
ing? I would be happy to 509-758-5522.
help you. References, 208-
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 5
Handyman/ Landscaping BILL DORN EXCAVATION.
Specializing in road build-
Forest & Land Improvement,
Handywoman ing, land clearing, rock walls, top quality and utilization
KC LAWN & LANDSCAPE ponds, road grading, lowboy- since 1999. 208-660-9684
HANDYMAN, ALL HOME ing, dump trucking, logging,
jobs. Call about what you Services, now accepting
new customers. For every- belly dumping, and all types
need. 208-413-2400. of excavation. 208-651-6951
thing from gutters to the
HONEY- DOS TO REMODELS, ground. Irrigation turn-ons Rototilling/
25 years experience. Idaho and turns-offs, $25 each. model 5th wheel, travel Mowing
Contractor RCT30919. Free estimates. Call Ken,
Call Dell at 208-816-6448, 208-305-8238, or Cindy
trailer, or motor home. Must KEVINS CUSTOM LAWN Rototilling/ HAPPY BEAR YARD CARE will
cut your grass. Inexpensive BUSINESS CARD SPECIAL.
be nice. Will trade work: Bill
Lewiston. 509-552-3764. Dorn Excavation. Specializing
Care and More. 208-798-
1887 or 509-522-0300,
Mowing and dependable. Call Troy, Order 500 or more full
color business cards and
in road building, land clearing, 208-305-6880.
Lewiston. get the second side printed
Landscaping rock walls, ponds, road grad- SMALL TRACTOR for hire, THE YWCA is yet another for FREE! MONEYSAVER
Painting & ing, lowboying, dump truck-
ing, logging, belly dumping,
Service, reasonable rates.
material spreading and
removal, rototilling and field
convenient location to find a PRINTSHOP, 208-298-
J.W. CONSTRUCTION Papering and all types of excavation. Free estimates. 208-791- mowing, 208-790-7566,
copy of the MONEYSAVER
if you do not receive one on
0161, www.msprintshop.
COMPANY is experienced 208-651-6951 8092. Lewiston.
in creating quality work RICKS INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR Thursday.
in all types of general Painting. Meticulous Work!
landscaping projects, 208-843-5626, Lewiston.
construction from start
to finish, building cus- E N D I C O T T S
tom fencing and 15 years CONSTRUCTION
experience in decking and PAINTING and Carpentry
retaining walls. Please service. Guaranteed quali-
give a call for a quote ty competitive pricing. Free
today, 509-336-5867. WA quotes, 509-780-7288,
LIC# JWCONC*831DU. ececonst@live.com.
DANS Hauling & Helping
Hand, LLC. Yard work,
landscaping, rain gutters,
miscellaneous hauling and Tree Services
cleanup. 208-746-4343,
trimmed or removed. Stumps
STUMP GRINDING, $35 each ground. 208-413-6680.
and up. Free estimates. 208-
WILSONS STUMP Miscellaneous
REMOVAL, free estimates, Services
licensed, bonded and
insured. All I do is stumps. LAMP REPAIR
208-305-8840 Fast free pick-up and deliv-
WA-WILSOSR833D1 ery. 208-790-2448.
Page 6 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
Homes for Sale Acreage & Lots NAIL AND SONS WELL
DRILLING LLC. Water well
Houses for
BY OWNER: BEAUTIFUL drilling and geothermal. 208- Rent
2,500 ACRE RANCH on the 983-2129.
LET US DO all the work!
Clearwater river; 300 tillable www.only500down.com Let us manage your rental
acres, hunting second to Rural homesites up to 12 property for you. CENTURY
none - trophy deer, elk, tur- acres near Grangvillie 21 PRICE RIGHT PROPERTY
key, pheasants, etc. Live year (Harpster) $39,900- MANAGEMENT. 208-298-
round creek with fish, several $44,900. Terms, trade? 208- 1288, always open at
fishing ponds, over 12 mil. 476-3186. www.PriceRightProper ty
Homes for Sale 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 11 ACRES AND home with
b.ft. of commercial timber,
several homesteads, 40 miles NORTH IDAHO LAND, 193 Management.com
brick home in LaCrosse, large living room, kitchen, of roads and trails. Rated for ACRES Farm & grass produc-
THE MONEYSAVER WA, excellent condition, CL ARKSTON: 3
PRINTSHOP offers FREE dining room area, 3 bed- 200 cow-calf pair raising. tion, good grazing property
$99,000. 509-475-8698. rooms and bath on main Asking $5.575 mil. which is with a creek flowing trough BEDROOM, 2 bath,
DELIVERY for our customers remodeled, washer/ dryer,
in the LC Valley. 208-298- floor, full basement with estimated value of standing the bottom land. Property
1 ACRE, DUPLEX, 24x42 one finished bedroom, timber alone. Call for more fronts on HWY 95 & coun- refrigerator, stove, $1200/
0161, www.msprintshop. month plus deposit. No
com. shop, animal rights, 4 outbuildings and cor- information 208-476-4093 ty road on the south side.
$252,000, 1411 Burrell Ave. rals, all fenced, $189,000. Five acre rock quarry pro- pets. 509-780-3117.
208-792-7610. Kendrick, Idaho. duces road & base material.
Weekdays, 208-553- Productive clay loam soils LEWISTON CUTE 4
5380. Evenings and week- with 25 inches of rain fall. BEDROOM, 1 bath, $1100/
ends, 208-289-5349. REDUCED $50,000! Located 30 miles north of month, $500 deposit. Pets
Absolutely the lowest priced Moscow in the foot hill of the with approval. 208-790-
buildable lots on Hayden Rocky Mountains, has great 4485.
CASH FOR REAL ESTATE Lake. Drain fields installed, views for homes. Priced at
CONTRACTS Convert your each lot approved for 3 bed- $475,000, view at www.
notes & contract payments room home. Owner financ- Selling208.com, or call Jerry Duplexes/
Johnson, Pacific RE&Inv.
into cash, private buyer-
lender, brokers welcome,
ing, priced for quick sale,
$140,000 and $145,000. Call 208-661-3586 Multiplexes
R. Gunning & Associates, or email for pictures, 714- NEW ONE LEVEL, 1200
LLC. 509-998-5208, 401-7748, mickvanb@gmail. sq.ft. triplex at 3531 12th
BobGunning@hotmail.com com St, Lewiston Orchards. Two
bedroom, large double sink
CASH AND CARRY, 305 bath, gas heat, central air,
Main St., Cottonwood is yet kitchen island, washer and
another convenient loca- dryer included. $995/ month,
tion where you can find the $700 deposit. No smoking,
MONEYSAVER. pets negotiable. 208-746-
1.72 acre Asotin lot is ready
for your manufactured home, 3294 to see.
dream shop, and your ani- LEWISTON LARGE 3 bed-
mals. City utilities available. room, 2 bath duplex. Washer,
This bargain wont last. Call dryer. No pets/ smoking.
for map and details. Cindy $875 plus deposit. 208-791-
Perttu REMAX River Cities, 8656.
208-743-6575, 509-758-
8500. TWO BEDROOMS, 1 bath, no
pets, $750. 316 16th Ave
(upper), Lewiston. 208-791-
on real estate (no residen-
tial). $25,000- $150,000. ACRE FARM FOR SALE With CLARKSTON 2 BEDROOM,
Land for sale near Orofino 30 acre timber, locatend 1 bath duplex units both
and Riggins, ID. Edward in Benewah county, Idaho. available now, washer/ dryer
Anderson, Broker. 509- Tensed area, 4 miles West hookup, off street parking,
Commercial 994-2557. See of Hwy 95 on county road, water/ sewer/ garbage paid.
Property www.1177id.com good soils & very private No pets/ no smoking. Upper
spoefa2@yahoo.com and scenic. Providing excel- unit $795. Lower unit $695,
NORTH LEWISTON lent home building sites or plus deposit. 509-780-6059.
COMMERCIAL land for sale. use as recreational retreat.
Approximately 2 acres, locat- REAL ESTATE- Northwest
Montana- Company Owned. Great wildlife habitat due to
ed at 29th Street N and 7th
Small and large acre parcels. being next to McCroskey Apartments
Avenue N. 509-254-3313.
Private. Trees and meadows. state park. The surrounding
mountains & open farm land
for Rent
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! National Forest boundaries.
LAND FOR SALE 4 acres for 406-293-3714. provide a scenic setting for JULIAETTA: LARGE 1
sale Stevens County. Parcel Tungstenholdings.com this North Idaho ranch. Price BEDROOM apartments, free
#5269890. 4100 Maple St $220,000 cash. Call for infor- utilities, newly remodeled,
Loon Lake WA. This is a 5, 10, 15 ACRE land parcels, mation Jerry Johnson, Pacific new owner/ manager. Pets
corner piece with Highway Emida area, Idaho, 509-758- RE&Inv. 208-661-3586 OK on approval. No smoking.
395 frontage. Zoned R5, great 3450, 509-295-1290 or 208- www.selling208.com $500 plus/ month. 509-945-
place to put your business. 790-3047. 7357.
Access to 3 Phase power on 19 ACRES IN Waha with cabin with septic and well on CLARKSTON 2 BEDROOM,
North end & access to City house, fenced for livestock, 76.65 treed acres North of 1 bath apartment in clean
water on South end. $75,000. overlooks the Prairie with Republic, WA. Pristine and and quiet fourplex. Ground
Call Ed 509-991-6017 fantastic views, $250,000. surrounded by public land. level, energy efficient, car-
Jason Brown, Coldwell Just miles off of dirt roads port, AC, no charge common
Banker Tomlinson, 208-413-
Acreage & Lots 3381.
for 4-wheeling or horses & washer/ dryer. $725/ month.
snowmobile trails in winter; Water/ sewer/ garbage paid.
CLARKSTON LOT, 937 5th KAMIAH LO T: $299,900. Tom 361-688- No pets/ smoking. Available
Street, 60X127, tempo- APPROXIMATELY 1/4 acre. 6352 now. 208-790-0168.
rary power, construction All underground utilities in
22 ACRES, Freeman School OROFINO 1 BEDROOM apart-
fence, access to water and place, septic approved, city
District, 20 minutes south of ment, $375/ month, plus
sewer, near downtown, close water. Covenants in place.
CdA and Spokane. $95,900. deposit. No pets/ smoking.
to schools and shopping, Close to town and schools,
208-818-1397 208-476-3877.
$49,000. 253-590-3963. $25,000. 208-935-0221.
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 7

for Rent
1 bath, washer/ dryer hook-
ups, off street parking, water/
sewer/ garbage paid, No
pets; no smoking. $695 plus
deposit. 509-780-6059.
2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, clean, Business/
no smoking, no pets, $700 Commercial
month, plus deposit. Please
call to see, 208-791-5863. Rentals
VARIOUS 2 BEDROOM 1 bath 6000 SQ.FT. building at 3600
apartments, $475-$550, 6 E Main St, Lewiston. Also
month lease. All Valley 2800 sq.ft. shop at 2828
Property Management Inc, Hatwai Rd, Lewiston. 208-
509-758-9747. 746-3481.
FREE STUFF! Bryden, stop light, 1500
The Moneysaver LOVES sq.ft+/-, large reception, 3
free stuff! Are you giv- offices, conference and break
ing something away for room, storage space, 208-
free? Well run your 746-6184.
ad for free! See our
FREE category in the
Marketplace section of PICK UP A copy of the
this weeks Moneysaver! Moneysaver at MC
208-746-0483 CONCEPTS, 11250 Hwy
ads@lcmoneysaver.com 12, Orofino.

RV Space
Manufactured Rentals
Homes for Rent MOBILE HOME and RV lots in
RENTALS IN Clarkston or quiet Clarkston park. No pets.
Lewiston court, Section 8 From $250. 509-758-3013.
welcome. $485 and up. 509-
PULLMAN; 3 BEDROOM, 1 Order 500 or more full
bath, washer/ dryer hookups, color business cards and
2 storage areas, pellet stove, get the second side printed
carport. First, last, security for FREE! MONEYSAVER
deposit. 509-595-4480. PRINTSHOP, 208-298-
IF YOU LIVE in the area of 0161, www.msprintshop.
2414 Main St. and dont com.
receive a MONEYSAVER
on Thursday, you can find
a copy at LARRYS FOODS. Storage Space
Tuesday at 2pm.
Rooms to Rent two convenient Grangeville
locations. No deposit, month-
ROOM TO RENT, $390. $250 ly billings, MasterCard/ Visa.
deposit. Includes all utili- 208-983-0452.
ties, wireless internet and ALTIMA STORAGE units
TV. Close to LCSC. 208-798- for rent. 509-758-2450,
3396. Clarkston.
GOLDEN OAK INN. Rooms 14X40 AND 14X36 Storage
for rent: 1 or 2 beds. Weekly Units located in Port of
rates or discounted rate for Clarkston. Fenced, secure.
4 weeks. Call for rates. 208- 509-758-1543.
Page 8 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
4-Wheel Drives Sport Utility

1995 CHEVY S-10, auto-

matic, 4x4, leather, en-
gine and body good con-
dition, new battery, $750/
offer. 208-892-4196,


AWD, looks and runs great,
$950/ offer. 208-935-8204.
V6, 4WD, 3rd row seat-
ing, $3495. 2006 Chevy
CLEARWATER MARKET in Trailblazer, 129,000 miles, STITES GROCERY in Stites
Kamiah is yet another conve- like new, inline 6 cylinder, has a copy of this weeks
nient location to find a copy 4WD, $3975. ORCHARDS MONEYSAVER.
of the MONEYSAVER. AUTO SALES, 423 Thain Rd.
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 9
Pickups & 2008 CHEVROLET Silverado
K1500 pickup, extended
GLX 2.8 V6,, AT, AC, PW, PL,
$1200. 1997 Firebird, T-tops, FREE STUFF!
Trucks cab, rear fold-up bench black, $2,295. VALLEY CAR $2700. 2003 VW Passat, The Moneysaver LOVES
seat, 4x4, auto transmis- 2013 MAZDA 6 Grand SALES, 1801 Main Street, $3800. 2000 Hyundai free stuff! Are you giv-
sion, 5.3 V8, AC, tilt-wheel, Touring, 4 door, 4 cylinder Lewiston, Idaho 208-743- Elantra, $2300. 2011 Fusion ing something away for
1989 CHEVY 3500 1 ton cruise control, stereo, fac- 9371. SE, $6700. 2007 Nissan free? Well run your
automatic, power sunroof,
dually, 454 motor, 124,000 tory tow package, very good Versa, 98,000 miles, $4700. ad for free! See our
plus lots more, like new, IF YOU LIVE in the area of
miles, $2400. 208-289- condition, only 94K miles, 2012 Chevy Sonic, 85,000 FREE category in the
$5995. 2005 Honda Civic, 4 2414 Main St. and dont
4167, 208-301-8887. $16,275. Call 208-667- miles, $6800. CHOICE AUTO Marketplace section of
door, 4 cylinder, automatic, receive a MONEYSAVER on
1993 F250 TURBO 7.3 5 6543 lot of options, 139,000 miles, SALES, 1525 Idaho Street, this weeks Moneysaver!
Thursday, you can find a copy 208-746-0483
speed, 4 WD, flatbed, runs DIESEL & AUTO REPAIR: $3995. ORCHARDS AUTO at LARRYS FOODS. 208-798-3380.
good, $2250/ offer. 1993 SALES, 423 Thain Rd. 208- ads@lcmoneysaver.com
Ford, Chevy and Dodge. Full ADVERTISE with the
Chevy project 1 ton dually, service auto repair all makes 743-5741. MOTION AUTO SUPPLY. Moneysaver and get results.
crew cab, 5 speed, $1800/ and models. HOT BODZ & Open Saturdays 8am- Its the fastest way to sell DISCOUNT AUTO SALES
2000 KIA SEPHIA, $1500/
offer. 208-935-8204. CUSTOM RODS, 311 Thain 3pm. 1907 19th Avenue, your stuff. 208-746-0483. has a large selection of pre-
offer. 208-476-4371.
1988 FORD 2WD, still run- Road. 208-746-2022. Lewiston. 208-746-1202. owned vehicles at afford-
ning, original motor. Asking able prices! 1426 Bridge St.
$800. 208-843-5111, Arrow Clarkston. 509-758-5300.


enough to care; experi-
enced enough to do the
job right. 1430 Maple
Street, Clarkston. 509-

2013 F-150 FORD

4x4 Pickup. Heated leather,
139,000 highway miles. Car
Fax shows one owner, clean
title. Everything works like it
should, US truck. Located
in North Spokane, $17,900.
More autos for sale at www.
V8AutoSales.com or 509-
981-9567. Low down financ-
ing available
2007 DODGE 3500 4x4,
extended cab, low mileage,
great truck! $28,000. 509-
724-7613 Deer Park
2004 GMC SAVANA Right
hand drive cargo van with
window package, auto trans-
mission, only one owner,
106,000 miles, $4,000. 509-
539-5597 Kennewick
2005 FORD F-150 4x4,
V8 motor with only 132k
miles, automatic, tires have
good rubber, AC. This is
the work truck package,
manual windows & locks.
Clean CarFax with most all
maintenance records, clean
title, one owner, call for
price. More autos for sale at
www.V8AutoSales.com or
509-981-9567. Low down
financing available
E-350 Ford with 51,000
miles, excellent body,
interior, & lift mechanism,
safety inspected, new bat-
tery, cold AC, van has 2
receiver & setup for towing,
private party Carfax avail-
able, $17,500. 509-630-
7886 Spokane Valley
Page 10 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 11
Page 12 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
Heated leather, V6 motor with
Classic Vehicle Auto Parts &
164,000 miles, power seats, Accessories
windows & locks. Front 1951 CHEVY 2-DOOR, fast
1987 HONDA, NEEDS wheel drive, newer tires, runs back, needs work, $1500.
shocks, runs good, & drives great, clean title, 2003 AUTOMATIC transmis-
1951 Chevy 2-door coupe,
$1500, Best offer. Leave clean no accident CarFax, sion for 7.3 engine with elec-
needs work, $800. 208-582-
message, 509-758-8099, $4,700. More autos for sale tric overdrive, 2WD, nearly
Clarkston. at www.V8AutoSales.com or brand new, new cost $3200,
509-981-9567. Low down $800/ offer. 208-935-8204.
2005 TOYOTA COROLLA financing available Auto Parts &
Remote entry, aftermarket
alarm, power door locks, fuel Classic Vehicle ENGINES
Honda Civic, Toyota
efficient 4 cylinder motor, 4 TIRES MOUNTED on truck, Nissan truck, 4
146,000 miles, new tires, 1973 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 6-hole magnesium wheels and 6 cylinder, 1980-
gas sipper, clean title, no Town Car, 208-924-6247, with air pressure monitors, 2010. Warranted. All
accident CarFax, some ser- Reubens. P225/60R16, $200. 509- new replacement parts.
vice history, car is super 758-6776, Clarkston. Installation available.
clean inside & out, $5,200. 1974 FORD MUSTANG II V6, $1050- $1800. New
More autos for sale at 70,000 original miles, origi- AFFORDABLE NEW AND
used tires. J&L AUTO, 2828 Weber carburetors, $325
www.V8AutoSales.com or nal interior, crank sunroof, ($450 installed).
509-981-9567. Low down $5000. Leave message, 208- Frontage Rd. Lewiston, 208-
717-3875. 208-476-9766, Orofino.
financing available 746-4473, Lewiston.
3.9 V6, automatic, AC, PW, VOLKSWAGEN! Camper, CENTRAL GRADE
PL, power mirrors and seats, transporter, bus, pickup, AUTO PARTS Auto Services
only 64K miles, very good Beetle, Ghia, older Porsches. Used auto and truck parts.
condition, $10,100. Call 208- Any condition, running or not, Monday- Friday, 9am-
667-6543 crashed or not. Please dont 5pm. 208-743-9505. HANK GOSNELLS AUTO &
scrap me! Call 509-979-1001 26195 Central Grade TRANSMISSION. Your one-
2005 LINCOLN TOWNCAR, stop repair shop for cars,
4.6 V8, fully equipped, only 1964 DODGE DART 4 door, Road, Lewiston.
trucks. 35 years in business.
74K miles, very good condi- restore or parts; Polled 225 1011 D Street, downtown
tion, $8175. Call, 208-667- Slant 6, 3 speed tranny, Lewiston. 208-746-1515.
6543 doors wood & trunk for 63 or MOTION AUTO SUPPLY.
64 Darts. Driveshaft, wheels. Open Saturdays 8am-
Priced right. Chuck, 509-332- 3pm. 1907 19th Avenue,
5038 during the day. Pullman Lewiston. 208-746-1202.
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 13
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Shipping. Save Now. Call WANTED OLD JAPANESE Geeks On Site! 24/7 service. find out more about how you
Today 1-888-410-0514. MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Friendly repair experts. Macs can help our service mem-
Become a published author! Z1-900 (1972-75), KZ900, and PCs. Call for FREE diag- bers, veterans and their fami-
Publications sold at all KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, nosis! 1-800-971-0605 lies in their time of need, visit
major secular and specialty KZ 1000MK2 (1979,80), the Fisher House website at
Christian bookstores. CALL W1-650, H1-500 (1969- www.fisherhouse.org
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1251. GS400, GT380, HONDA- $483.55pp, including taxes tax deductible, free towing, all
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XARELTO USERS: have and port fees. $150pp paperwork taken care of. Call
CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!!
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FREE Streaming. $39.99/
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www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 15
work Help Wanted
from home
Timber Protective
Association (C-PTPA) is
BECOME a published author! seeking an Equipment
International distribution, Operator. This is a 7-month
print and digital formats, fully benefited position.
books sold at major retailers. Duties include operating a
Contact Page Publishing for variety of heavy equipment IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! STOP BY PHILS FOOD CITY
your free author submission for prescribed burning, fire MONEYSAVER IS Start as soon as YOU can! on Main in Kendrick to pick
kit! Call 1-800-381-3420. suppression and other natu- LOOKING for carriers and Local security company up your MONEYSAVER.
ral resource related projects; substitute carriers. Open looking to hire. Competitive
Become a published author! NEED A JOB? WHY NOT
maintaining and repairing routes are available. Call wages. Family first. Team
Publications sold at all WORK FROM HOME? 28 year
equipment; and preparing for details, 208-746- environment. Part time flex-
major secular and specialty old International company in
equipment, shop and job 0483. ible hours, work as many or
Christian bookstores. CALL good standing with the BBB.
records. Benefits include as few shifts as you want!
Christian Faith Publishing for 18 years & older, will train.
PERSI Retirement, medical Must be able to success-
your FREE author submission Great for business minded
and dental insurance, life HEAVY HIGHWAY fully pass pre- employment
kit. 1-800-615-1251. people, who enjoy talking to
insurance, paid holidays, CONSTRUCTION DRIVERS drug testing, state and federal people. Call for information,
vacation and sick leave. Go NEEDED Teamsters Local background checks, and have Jana, 509-202-8532 leave a
690 is recruiting quali- own transportation. Full time
Sales/Customer to Idahoworks.gov or call
208-476-5612 for ques- fied drivers to join our hours available immediately message.
Service tions. Construction Hire Hall. Our
employers have several
for the right person! 208-305-
7584. Text for appointment.
INCREASE your sales.
Moneysaver prints 41,500
upcoming construction proj- papers each week. Call your
NOW HIRING CUSTOMER ects in Eastern and Central WANTED 3-5 LABORERS 18 advertising representative
RV DETAILER- RnR RV Washington and Northern years and older. No expe- today. 208-746-0483.
service and sales positions Center is looking for

for downtown Lewiston Idaho. This is an opportunity rience necessary and start
RV Detailers to join our to join Teamsters Local 690 immediately. Assist with IN KAMIAH AREA youll find
business. Full time. Retail team in Lewiston, ID.
customer service and/or and enjoy a highly competi- all phases of carpentry. a copy of the Moneysaver at
Candidates must have tive union wage and benefit Come ready to learn and be DALES CASH & CARRY, Rt.
sales experience required. some relevant experience
Email: trevordowdy100@ package. Qualified applicants ready to work. Based out of 1, Highway 12.
in detailing RVs, cars or must possess a Current and Cottonwood, Idaho. Phone
gmail.com boats to be considered. valid Class A CDL and medi- 208-962-3903.
Must be a team player cal card, be willing and able
and able to work with a to travel for work and have
large group of people.
Help Wanted Looking for exterior detail-
experience operating the fol-
lowing heavy highway equip-
ers to wash and detail all ment: End-dumps, Truck &
sizes of RVs. Training will Pup, Belly-dumps, Super
HIRING EXPERIENCED SHOP be provided for the right
builders. Call Cleveland Dumps, Water trucks, etc.
candidate. Please submit Please contact Teamsters
Construction at 208-743- all resumes by email to
3609. Local 690 and request a Hire
dfritz@rnrrv.com. Hall packet at 509-455-9410
EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS. or 800-841-0630, or email
Needed now for 2-3 full time info@teamsterslocal690.org
positions. Passion for qual- WE ARE LOOKING for a team . Registration on the hire hall
ity workmanship with skills in oriented, friendly person to does not guarantee dispatch,
general carpentry, siding, roof- fill medical insurance/ bill- as that is dependent upon
ing, framing, windows, finish ing/ accounts payable posi- qualifications and employer
work, and concrete. Have your tion. Must have experience demand. The Hire Hall fee
own tools. Email in medical insurance billing is $20 per month. If you are
abcinc@arnzenconstr uc- and coding (we use Athena dispatched to an employer
tion.com, phone 208-962- Health). Send resume to 1207 you will be required to join
3903, or stop by Arnzen Evergreen Court, Clarkston, the Union.
Construction, Cottonwood, WA 99403
Idaho for a job application and
setup an interview.
Page 16 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
Travel Trailers NEW KEYSTONE Hideout
19FLBWE Trailer. Save $9500.
5TH WHEEL 3 slides, genera-
2013 WIND RIVER 27, Now $14,990 or a payment tor, washer/ dryer, king bed,
power jacks, tongue and of $129.86/ month. Full Bed 50 amp service, $18,995. All
awning, 2 slides, fireplace, with overhead bunk, sleeps 5, Around Auto, 509-953-1636
walk-around bed, $24,250; Air, awing, Microwave, oven.
Call 844-362-0393. Dealer 2012 ARTIC FOX 22H
will negotiate. 208-791- TRAVEL TRAILER Rear bath
5886, Lewiston. #6006. VIN:203198. $1500
Down plus tax, license. with low step shower, loads
2004 ARCTIC Fox 5th wheel Add Doc Fee $389. Total of of storage, lots of upgrades.
Campers & Motorhomes 32 CLASS A MOTORHOME
2005 32 Dolphin LX, excel-
27-5L, 4-Season, goose-
neck, hitch, 2 slides, kitchen,
Payments $18,699. Amount Non-smoker, no pets, like
new & ready to go. Must see!
Canopies 2005 26 ASPECT B+, newer lent condition, 2 slides, full bath, sofa sleeper table,
to finance $14,815.74. Term:
144 months at 3.99 APR, on $17,500. 509-328-2229 or
Michelin tires and batteries, 1 56,724 miles, Vortec 390 queen bed, AC/ furnace, approved credit. 509-550-2143 Spokane
2004 FLEETWOOD hp engine, Allison transmis- awning, am-fm-cd, tv-dvd,
slide, generator, fancy rims, ARROLIGHT 21 TRAVEL
PROWLER, 25, 8 power sion, workhorse chassis with extras, $15,000. 509-488- 2002 CARDINAL 5TH
56,000 miles, $35,000/ offer. TRAILER Towed with Toyota
slide out, new mattress, hydraulic levelers, 7 kW gen- 5546. WHEEL, 32, 3 slides, every-
208-476-5282, Lathams, Highlander & Toyota Tacoma,
never slept on, used very erator, satellite dish, Corian, thing works, nice inside
Orofino. Before you buy, call cosmetics good, appliances
little, $8500/ offer. 208-827- tile & new carpeting. No pets and out, $12,500/ offer. For
6250, Orofino. 2001 DAMON INTRUDER BROADMOOR RV, 1-888- details call/ text, 208-827- excellent, $3500 Chuck,
or smokers. Call 509-499- AS IS RV in Hayden, Idaho, 509-332-5038 during day.
Class A, 36 motorhome, 6112 for list of upgrades & 903-6042. 2583, Clarkston.
THE TIMBERLINE CAFE in will be joining RV FEST 2017 Pullman
top of the line, always under lots of pictures. CHECK OUT OUR used
Weippe is a great place to at Greyhound Park, Post
cover, 26,056 miles, 2 slides. inventory. BROADMOOR RV, 1996 FLEETWOOD ELKHORN
stop for a bite to eat and to Falls, ID. May 26th-June 4th.
$22,500 firm. 208-746- 1-888-903-6042. 9.5 feet, queen bed, excellent
pick up a current issue of the Free Parking and Admission.
2157, Lewiston. condition, must see to appre-
MONEYSAVER. Handy Man Specials, for the
Do it Yourself RVers. We have ciate. Used very little, $5,400
over 60 RVs priced at bar- cash. Call 8am-8pm, 509-
gain prices. AS IS Come 414-3229 North Spokane
and see our selection OR visit INCREASE your sales.
us online at as-isrv.com. Call Moneysaver prints 41,500
(844) 427-4778 RV FEST papers each week. Call your
located at 5100 W Riverbend advertising representative
Ave, Post Falls, ID 83854. today. 208-746-0483.
Take Exit 1 South Side of I90.
WHEEL RV, Augusta 32RL. getting a TRUE 4-Season
Extras like built in vac, solar off-road trailer: 1) An
panel, etc $24,950. 509- enclosed underbelly alone
758-1286, Clarkston. does not make a trailer
a True 4-Season. 2) 15
2001 22 WANDERER Glide tires alone does not make
Lite by Thor, super slide, an off-road trailer. Ask
fresh batteries, great camp- our experts what a True
er, $6200. 208-743-5164, 4-Season off-road trailer
Lewiston. consists of so you can
make the best informed
2017 Black Stone ORVM, RV, 3306 Hatwai Road,
27, 3 slides, 2 TVs, bed- Lewiston, ID, 208-746-
room swingout, sleeps 4, 8632.
4000 watt Honda generator, www.LewistonRVCenter.
$49,000 new; Your gain is com
my loss. Asking $42,000.
You must see this. 951-234-
Utility Trailers
2011 TRITON 7x14 Cargo,
$6499. 2000 16 Pace
Cargo trailer, $4500. 2013
NEW STARCRAFT AR-ONE Continental cargo triple axle,
14RB Travel Trailer, NOW 31, loaded, $16,995. New
$9990 was $13,823. You enclosed trailers, Pace,
Save $3800 Stock #202465. Charmac and Trails West, in
Equipped with: Side mounted stock. 2, 3 and 4 place ATV
air, awning, two burner stove, trailers. GUYS OUTDOOR,
spare tire, dinette bed, micro- 304 Thain Road, Lewiston.
wave, ready to camp. Call 208-746-0381.
Today: 844-362-0393. VIN:
RV-FEST 2017 at the Boats & Motors
Greyhound Event Center, May WORLES BOAT REPAIR,
26th- June 4th Free Admission 509-758-8019.
and Parking. Over 400 New
and Used RVs. New RVs start-
ing at $9990, #28U5159. HUDSON BOATS-
Motor Homes and Towables, 21 SELF CONTAINED tandem Aluminum repair, welding,
Toy axle camp trailer, brand new fabrication, jet conver-
Haulers. Big Discounts. tires, $2600/ offer. 208-476- sions, tanks, consign-
Special Financing and manu- 4371. ments. Gary 208-746-
facture reps on hand. RV-FEST 5736, Ryan 208-790-
located at 5100 W Riverbend PROTECT YOURSELF 1527.
Ave, Post Falls, ID 83854. before you buy.
Take Exit 1 South Side of I-90. Broadmoor RV is your one
Call us at 844-362-0393, stop dealership for over WE ARE A Thunder Jet
Dealer #6006. 170 new and used name dealer. Sales and service.
brand RVs. Check out our 1993 Customweld 17
web site at Broadmoor-rv. jet boat, $13,995. GUYS
com for all of our product OUTDOOR, 304 Thain
models and then call toll Road, Lewiston. 208-
free 888-343-8800, local 746-0381.
509-545-4776, or e-mail
our internet department 1999 CUSTOM WELD Storm
at sales@broadmoor- 21, 362 hr, stick steer, 5.7L
rv.com. Remember at 350 Vortec, American tur-
BROADMOOR RV We bine pump, high deck, 65
Flat Sell em For Less. gal fuel tank, Lowrance fish
Also check out our con- finder plus more, $34,000.
signment and rental 208-507-1299, Grangeville.
departments, I-182 Exit 7,
Series, 20, fiberglass,
$19,500. 208-790-1374,
1993 ALJO SKYLINE 19 5th Lewiston.
wheel, clean, excellent condi-
tion, $5000. 208-743-0722,
Motor Home and Trailer Coleman 262BHWE Bunk
Consignments. Call 888-514- Travel Trailer, Save $9500.
0279, ask for Matt Ferguson Now $16,990 or a payment
or visit of $136.19/ month. Bunks,
www.BroadmoorRV.com Large Slide, AC, Stereo,
2004 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Microwave, full bed, double
PRESIDENTIAL 36 5TH sink #202114. Call 844-
WHEEL 3 slides, washer/ 362-0393 Dealer #6006.
dryer hookups, central vac, VIN: 931614, $5000 down,
large refridgerator with ice plus tax, license and add
maker, remote control fan- doc fee $389. Total of pay-
tastic fans, dual ac, non- ments $16,342.80. Amount
smoker, no pets. Very nice, to finance $13,435.74. Term
clean coach. $15,500, 509- of 120 months at 3.99% APR,
328-2229 or 509-550-2143 on approved credit.
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 17
Boats & Motors Motorcycles ATVs 2011 POLARIS RANGER 500,
4x4, 2200 miles, runs excel-
WE BUILD and repair boat lent, extras, $6000. 208-791-
tops and upholstery. VALLEY SALES: Tire sales service, 730 miles, $9999. 2009
BOAT, 419 Snake River Ave., FOR THE MONTH of May, all
ATV, Dirt and Street. 208- Yamaha Grizzly 550,
Lewiston. 208-743-2528. Honda Pioneer 500s are on
743-7294, 1024 Airway, $4799. 2014 Polaris RZR
Lewiston, Idaho. 20 years 570 LE, $7299. 2011 RZR sale for $9495. INCLUDING
serving the Northwest. XP900 EPS, $11,499. a $500 accessory credit.
2015 Can-Am Maverick ONLY at MACS CYCLE,
BMW R1150RT 2004, royal Clarkston. 509-758-5343 or
blue, with bags and trunk, Turbo, $16,000. 2008
Suzuki Kingquad 400 Toll Free 1-866-835-0532.
33,000 miles, great touring
bike, $4800/ offer. 509-295- with plow, $4000. 2006
Yamaha Wolverine, $2999.
8224, Clarkston.
GUYS OUTDOOR, 304 Snowmobiles
Thain Road, Lewiston. WANTED: SNOWMOBILES
208-746-0381. (2000 and up), ATVs, Jet
Skis, Motorcycles, and Dirt
Bikes. Running or not. Will
LEWISTON RV CENTER pick up and pay cash. 509-
is now a New UTV/ATV 332-6512, Pullman.
4-wheeler dealer. New
Hisun, Strike Sport, Sector
and HS Series. Call for Dogs
pricing. LEWISTON RV
CENTER, 208-746-8632, WEIMARANER PUPS, Blue
1969 24 SEAWORTHY www.LewistonRvCenter. and Silver graze, parents
TOLLYCRAFT, See at Valley com on site. Great hunting lines.
Boat, Lewiston, Idaho. 208- Excellent temperament, ranch
743-2528, 509-758-9464. 1999 SPORTSMAN 500 4x4, raised and love kids. $400
hand and thumb warmers, each. 541-562-5970 Please
15x6 SMOKER CRAFT drift homemade utility trailer, leave message.
boat, oars, MinnKota elec- $2500 for pair, best offer.
tric trolling motor, anchor, life MALE YORKIE born 3/11,
208-790-3225, Lewiston. $450, parents bought 2 years
vests, new deep cycle bat-
tery, pole holder, nice trailer, 2015 POLARIS 570 Touring apart. Papers for viewing.
$4500 or trade for travel trail- 2003 BMW K1200LT, EPS, $5795. 2015 Kawasaki 208-827-1034, Orofino.
er. 208-301-0454, Lewiston. $4999. 2011 Can-Am Brute Force 750, with power
Spyder Limited, $14,999. steering, $6195. 2006 BARK AVENUE PET
ARE YOU HAVING trouble 2008 Victory Kingpin Tour, Rancher 350, 4x4, $3195. Grooming, Salon and
locating a MONEYSAVER? $8499. 2015 Slingshot 2012 Suzuki Kindquad Boarding LLC, We room
Stop by VALLEY FOODS in SL LE, $19,999. 2007 750, $5495. 2009 Can-Am and groom. Specializing
Lapwai. Yamaha Stratoliner S, Outlander 800XT, $4995. in difficult pets. Give us
ALUMINUM WATERCRAFT/ $5999. 2015 Victory MACS CYCLE, Clarkston. a call for your grooming
JET SKI TRAILERS Lightweight, Cross Country Tour (new), 509-758-5343 or Toll Free and boarding needs. 208-
easy to move around, non rust- $18,999. 2015 Slingshot 1-866-835-0532. 476-5150.
ing, no painting ever required, SL, $17,999. 2006
LED lighting, adjustable bunks, Schwinn 150 Scooter, WE HAVE NEW Polaris RZR
5 year warranty. Single place, $1295. GUYS OUTDOOR, COLOR
570s for under $10,000
$1,050 or two place, $1,795. 304 Thain Road, during the month of May. BACKGROUNDS
Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Lewiston. 208-746-0381. GUYS OUTDOOR, 304
Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 509- Thain Road, Lewiston. NOW AVAILABLE!
535-2154 208-746-0381. Get eyes on your ad
HANSON GARAGE KTM immediately! Upgrade
Blowout!! Come up and your classified to include
2008 BAYLINER I/O, see us at Hanson Garage
$10,950. 19 Reinell, 350 USED SIDE BY Sides: yellow background! Sold
for your KTM motorcycle with a black line border for
Merc Cruiser, trailer, ski needs. We are offering 2016 Kawasaki Teryx
tower, $10,995. 1981 800, $9995. MACS only $6! Ask for it when
great deals on all KTM you place your next ad!
16 Beachcraft 120 OMC motorcycles for the month CYCLE, Clarkston, 509-
I/O, and trailer, $2595. 758-5343 or toll free 866- Call The Moneysaver at
of May. We are selling our 208-746-0483.
16 Fiberform, 65 HP KTM motorcycles at the 835-0532.
Mercury and trailer, best prices ever. Hurry in
$2795. Used trailers. to Hanson Garage to get 1994 YAMAHA KODIAK with AKC JACK RUSSELL
VALLEY BOAT, 419 Snake the motorcycle you have winch, $1400/ offer, 208- PUPPIES, parsons 12-15
River Ave, Lewiston. 208- always wanted at the low- 476-4371. adult size, $600 for pets.
743-2528. est price. Dont wait bikes 208-792-7811, Lewiston.
are limited!! Give Tracy a HANSON GARAGE WE WILL BE at Petco with
call at 800-632-1121. SPRING Sale!! We are some of our dogs, 10am-
Motorcycles getting ready for the sun- 2pm on Saturday. Red,
TOP QUALITY ALUMA shine with our Spring sale. 11 year longhaired Doxie;
7210 ATV/UTV TRAILER We have all our Suzuki Dandee and Fino, 12
BRAND NEW 2017 ATVS and Motorcycle at or
Kawasaki KX450F, now Lightweight aluminum, year male Chihuahuas.
Torsion Axle, 13 wheels, below cost for the month HELPING HANDS RESCUE,
only $7850! Macs Cycle! of May. You can have your
509-758-5343 or toll LED lighting, 5 year warranty, 208-743-3157.
rear drop down ramp. MSRP choice of rebates up to
free 1-866-835-0532, $1000 or financing as low
Clarkston, WA. Like us $2,377, sale price $1,995. FREE STUFF!
Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E as 0% for 36 months on all
on Facebook! ATVS. We are also offering The Moneysaver LOVES
www.macscycle.com Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 509- free stuff! Are you giv-
535-2154 rebates up to $2000 on
Suzuki RMZ motorcycles. ing something away for
2008 KAWASAKI VULCAN Dont miss out the great free? Well run your
CLOSE-OUTS ON NOMAD Great 1600 cc bike. deals we are offering for ad for free! See our
VICTORY clothes and 26,300 miles, excellent con- the month of May. It is to FREE category in the
accessories. Up to 50% dition, $5,250 USD. Call/Text good to pass up. Come Marketplace section of
off on select motor- 509-671-5442 see us at Hanson Garage this weeks Moneysaver!
cycle helmets. GUYS ASAP!! Give Tracy a call at 208-746-0483
OUTDOOR, 304 Thain 800-632-1121. ads@lcmoneysaver.com
Road, Lewiston. 208-


classic, 1600cc, Vance Hines
exhaust with updated power
package for engine, $5000.
1996 Yamaha Virago, 750cc,
$2100. Both in good condi-
tion. 208-413-0100.
K1600 GT, $14,499. 2003
BMW K1200LT Custom,
$4795. 2013 Yamaha
FZ8 $6495. 2004 BMW
K1200RS, $4995. 2009
Honda DN-01, $8495.
509-758-5343 or toll free Grangeville has a copy of this
866-835-0532. Like us on weeks MONEYSAVER.
Page 18 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
AKC, ready for homes June
VENDORS wanted for 24th. 3 boys, $850 each. cream, black & white, males Beautiful AKC silver lab pup-
Outdoor sale June 10th, 208-661-3305; www.bass- & females, $600. Great dis- pies born 4/18. $1,000 lim-
9:30am-4pm. Primeland ethound haydenid.com positions. Approved breeder. ited registration, $1,200 full
Country Store, 1200 Snake Linda, 509-276-9633, www. registration. Males & females
River Avenue, Lewiston, ID. PartiPoodlePuppy.com available, $200 deposit. Text
50% Husky, ready to go June
Ask for Dave. or call for more info & pic-
4th. $750, $200 non-refund- AKC DOGUE DE BORDEAUX tures. 509-758-5568
ADORABLE SHIH TZU pup- able deposit. 406-293-7175, PUPPIES $900 or best offer,
pies, first shots. For more 406-291-3509 ready now, 2 males & 3 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD
information, call 208-743- females, up to date on shots, HEELER MIX Black female
5001, 208-790-4490, dewormed, health checked with natural bob, asking $400
tered, now taking deposits. 3
Lewiston. from our vet; have both par- firm, 509-550-7015 Newport
females, $800 each; 2 males, ents; pedigree. Call or text
$600 each. $200 non-refund- HYBRID SHEPHERD PUPS
509-217-3891 Spokane
able deposit, ready July 1. Mom is hybrid/ German
Any questions, call anytime, AKC AUSTRALIAN Shepherd, dad is full German
208-217-1749 SHEPHERD PUPPIES 6 Shepherd. 4 males & 3
Australian Shepherd puppies: females, 7 weeks old, first
TWO YEAR OLD MALE 4 males; (2) red tri & (2) red shots & worming, $350. 509-
English Mastiff, brindle, merles & 2 females; (1) red 768-5529
$1200 OBO. Plummer, ID, tri & (1) red merle. Tails &
dew claws removed by our PUPPIES For information call
OPERATION DOG TAG A non- vet, first vet check. They will 509-322-1356
profit organization dedicated come with registration appli-
to training dogs for combat cation to AKC. First shots & STANDARD POODLES
vets. Then in turn training worming, ready to go June Apricot, 4 months old, $600.
those Vets to train other dogs 28, $600. 509-322-1622 509-560-9920
has been proven to help with 3rd generation, excellent lin- black female, $750, 2 black
rehabilitation & many Veterans eage, beautiful wavy coat. males $650, ready to go. First
in our area are in desperate Little to no shedding, colors shots, wormed, dew claws
need. For more information range from white to golden removed. Kathy 509-675-
and ways you can help please
SPRING OUTDOOR SALE red. Extremely smart, easily 0386 Cusick
call Joe 509-276-4364; 509-
AND DACHSHUND RACES, trained pups. Home raised, 8
995-4517 Thank you. AKC POMERANIANS Cutest
Saturday, June 10th, Starting weeks, shots to date; females little puppy poms that you will
1pm. DOGGY PARADE HAPPY, HEALTHY, QUALITY, $1,100 & males $1,000. Call find! 2 girls & 2 boys, have
at 12pm. HORSESHOE SMALL PUPPIES For sale. 509-308-1222 for pictures. had first shots & wormed,
TOURNAMENT starting at Raised by Grandma Doris. $500 REWARD, NO very friendly & playful, $400.
11am. 50 Cent Hot Dogs Health guaranteed. Parvo QUESTIONS ASKED For the 509-808-1999 Ford
and Free Pepsi and much immune, view pictures at return of our family dog,
more!! CHS PRIMELAND, www.YorkyPups.com or AKC STANDARD POODLE
Yorkiepoo mix. Last seen
1200 Snake River Avenue, www.SmallPuppiesByDoris. PUPPIES! Red, cream &
April 30th, Lynden Rd, Otis
Lewiston, ID com or call 509-887-0300 apricot male & female avail-
Orchards. Lost during neigh- able. Health-tested parents,
ADORABLE 6 WEEK OLD YELLOW LAB STUD bors yard sale. 509-928- 2-year guarantee, ready for
Border Collies. 208-791- SERVICE, LAB PUPPIES 6833 new homes now. Older puppy
3045, Lewiston. Retriever Training. GMHR GERMAN ROTTWEILERS 5 available now. See online at
North Countrys Tater
BLUE HEELERS, purebred, females, tails docked, dew- www.OurPoeticPoodles.com
Chip or WR-HR North
registered, must sell. One clawed, dewormed, first or call 509-582-6027
Countrys Tater Tot. EIC
male, $400; one female, shots, UKC registered, born
$500. 14 weeks old, great March 29, $800. Call or text
NorthCountryRetrievers.com Silvers & blues, home-raised,
disposition, champion herder 509-655-0822 Deer Park nice heads, great tempera-
bloodline. 208-512-2714 REGISTERED SCHNOODLE AKC WORKING GERMAN ments, nice family dogs &/
PUPPIES Taking deposits SHEPHERD PUPPIES or hunting dogs, tails docked,
to hold the puppy of your Champion imported blood- dewclaws removed, first
choice. Non-shedding & lines. Beautiful, intelligent, shots & deworming, vet-
hypoallergenic. For pictures loyal, protective family checked, $800-$1000. 509-
& info call 509-722-4721 dogs. 509-684-8449, www. 553-2185
$1000 to $1200 Hunters echoridgek9.com GERMAN SHORTHAIR
Dark red, 1 handsome boy, PUPPIES Champion sire, papered, tails docked, dew-
$600, limited AKC. Both par- born 4/07/17, 3 females & 4 claws removed, shots, 6
ents are dark red & gorgeous. males, $800 - $1000. Ready males, 1 female, 4 solid liver,
Shots, dewclaws & wormed. to go home June 2. 509-954- 3 white with ticking, $550.
Family raised, ready to go. 1466 Spokane Call 208-304-8898 Athol
FRENCH ENGLISH BULLDOG TERRIERS 2 females & 1 PUPPIES Lots of colors, $800
CROSS PUPPIES In cream male puppy ready to go at to $2000. 509-944-6390 or
& liver brindles, $1400 to any time, $800. With limited 509-276-3001 Clayton
$2000. 509-944-6390 or registration. Call 509-684-
509-276-3001 Clayton 6699
www.lcmoneysaver.com MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017- Page 19
Cats Poultry Livestock & Farm Equipment BOX TRUCK $6500 1999 GMC
box truck, good tires & body,
New, used, rebuilt, local
Hay, Straw, Feed
HELPING HANDS RESCUE & rAbbits Supplies & Supplies newer brakes, low miles. 509- warehouses, order online TIMOTHY, ALFALFA, MIXED,
will be at Petco Saturday, 251-0753 Otis Orchards at www.DraperTractor. small square and big
10am-2pm. We have many FORD 4000 TRACTOR With round, and straw. 30093
BULL Baldridge Waylon son DYE boom, 2 guy backs, 350 Tractor Parts
cats/ kittens. 208-743-3157. loader, manual transmission, Rozenkrantz, Tammany. 208-
out of SS Objective daugh- Cummins, 6 speed Allison,
8 forward & two reverse. One 743-6164.
ter. Excellent carcass merit. 1500 capacity, comes with
Horses & Tack Growth bull not calving ease. extra rebuilt 6 speed Allison remote in rear 8 snowplow, Hay, Straw, Feed GOOD QUALITY ROUND bale
Semen, BVD, Trich tested, & Maki carriage with one 7 back blade, chains, $7,950 grass hay, June cut, barn
cash. Call 8am-8pm 509- CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE is
TACK AND SADDLE repair. $3,000 or best offer. 509- season on carriage rebuild, Tuesday at 2pm. stored. 208-926-0023,
Chaps, chinks, holster, 280-8700 $60,000. No solicitor calls or 414-3229 North Spokane Kooskia.
sheaths, belts built or repaired. offers over the phone. 509-
COW/ CALF 5 year dun reg-
Jacket and chap zippers 319-4190 Spokane
istered Murray Grey with
replaced. 208-843-2338. black, purebred, April Heifer 2000 HYUNDAI 210LC
JASON SCHAPER COLT calf, ready to breed, very good PROCESSOR 6BT Cummins,
COMPANY. Breeding, Sales, disposition & confirmation Kawasaki pumps, 2007
Training. 509-552-1079, $2000. 509-684-8460 Colville Waratah 622B, 11,500 hours
Clarkston. on 210 and 5,500 hours on
schapercuttinghorses.com Waratah, $40,000. No solicitor
proven, registered two year calls or offers over the phone.
HORSE PEN CLEANING and old Dun Dexter bull. Athol, ID, 509-319-4190 Spokane
manure removal. 208-790- 406-587-0318
7566, Lewiston. CLASS 8 TRUCKS Give us
HORSE SHOEING AND trim- Boarding, Farm Equipment a call if you need to buy
or sell your truck or trail-
ming. 33 years experience. Pasture, & Supplies er, box vans too. Inventory
$75 shod; $40 trims. Frank
and Mike. 208-924-6460. Stables changes frequently, call 509-
534-9088 Spokane. www.
trailer, 14x6 dual axle, rub- small cattle herd. Willing to 2003 TIGERCAT LX830
ber mat floor, man door, fix fence and develop water BUNCHER 24 360 Quadco,
$2500/ best offer. 208-790- for the right arrangement. new Funk drive, 80% under-
3225, Lewiston. All options considered. 208- carriage, $110,000. No
816-0950, 208-827-6410. solicitor calls or offers over
14.2 hands, has training in the phone, 509-319-4190
barrels and neck reining. Livestock & Spokane
Famous bloodlines. Asking
$3000. 208-790-8411.
Supplies 2004 CAT 320CPROCESSOR
With Waratah HTH620 recent
HORSES NEEDED: I buy all WANTED: SUMMER pumps, 80% undercarriage,
classes of horses. I also have PASTURE for 45 pairs of tight bearing, updated touch
for sale: ranch, pleasure, 4-H, well-dispositioned cows, screen computer, machine
hunting and rope horses. June 20th- October 20th. is in excellent condition,
If you want to buy, sell or 208-791-3501. $55,000. No solicitor calls or
trade any type of horse, call RANGE READY ANGUS Bulls offers over the phone. 509-
Frank Dillon, 208-743-8366, for sale. Great disposition, 319-4190 Spokane
TWO 300-GALLON fuel tanks
Lewiston. Luke Lowe 208-924-5106, with stands, $200 each.
HORSE SHOEING- DUSTIN Reubens. 208-289-7921, Kendrick.
Combs, Jerry Combs. FOR SALE CROSS Bred 2007 JOHN DEERE 748Glll
Cellular, 208-790-0503; range cows with March/ April SKIDDER 30.5x32 tires, one
home 208-791-1058. calves at side, Wayne James, set of chains, Fresh Reman
31 PERFORMANCE HORSE Grangeville, 208-983-1905. engine, nice machine.
Training, Sarah Flerchinger.. ONE BLACK ANGUS steer, $60,000. No solicitor calls or
509-751-8855, 208-790- ready last August- early Sept, offers over the phone. 509-
0724, Clarkston. $2.50/ lb hanging weight plus 319-4190 Spokane
butchering cost. 208-476- 2017 GREAT NORTHERN
T W IN RIVER 5943, Orofino. 7x18 CAR HAULER
Horsemens Annual Fun sale, seven cows with March/ stowable rear ramps, 15
Ride, Saturday June 3rd, April calves at side, $11,000. tires, EZ Lube Hubs. Cobalt
2017 Kruze Meadows in Call 208-836-5437, no Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent
Waha Lewiston, ID. Sign answer, leave message Ave, Spokane, WA 509-535-
up 9am-11am $10/ hand, 2154
17 and under $5/ hand.
Concessions available.
Bring your horse, enjoy
the scenery. For more
information, contact Betty
Barnes, 208-305-3714.


round pen: like new condi-
tion, priced to sell. For more
information contact Bob
Hodnefield, 541-938-0118,
in really good shape, sound
excellent deck, $2700. 208-
512-2714, leave message
requires I sell my horses, two
experienced competition trail
horses, never shod, hooves
of steel; one Polish Arabian,
18 years; one Basque
Arabian, 16 years; $1300
each, each with Aussie
Drover saddle. One APHA
registered Medicine Horse
paint, $1800 with Drover
saddle, was a show horse,
great ride. One 2 year old
quarter horse gelding, hand
reared, some ground work,
big sweetheart, $800. St.
Maries, 208-512-2714, leave
Page 20 - MONEYSAVER - May 25, 2017 www.lcmoneysaver.com
Hay, Straw, Feed Garden & Lawn Antiques & Sales -
4x4 and 4x5, triple net wrap. Free gardening advice by SELL YOUR OLD STUFF 1416 LINDEN AVENUE,
208-486-7561 or 208-827- WSU Asotin County Master TO DANS. Buying old cos- Saturday only, 7am-2pm,
1705, Peck. Gardeners. Every Wednesday, tume jewelry, old fishing Neighborhood sale, freezer,
May 10- September 27,
OATS AND BARLEY for sale. stuff, rhinestone jewelry, dressers, lots of stuff!
10am-2pm. Asotin County
Bulk or sacked, chopped or furniture, military items,
Courthouse Basement. 509- 3527 15TH STREET E, off
whole. Reubens, 208-924- metal signs, license plates,
243-2009. Grelle. Saturday, 7am-5pm.
5106. crocks, old cast iron cook- Lawn mowers, rototiller, fish-
CRAFTSMAN 5 HP 17 roto- ware, and much more. 618 ing stuff, tools, steel shot gun
ALFALFA/ GRASS MIX, tiller, $250. 208-746-6078. Bridge Street, Clarkston. shells and misc.
3x4 bales and round bales. Monday- Saturday, 10am-
Delivered or you pick up. 5pm. On Facebook: Dans 3622 12TH ST, Sunday, May
Tomato plants now $3, veg-
Good price. 208-791- Antiques, Secondhand and 28th, 8am-3pm. 3-family
etables & flowers. Hours are
2263, Lapwai. Collectables. P.S. Be careful yard sale. Lots and lots of
Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm; what you throw away! Call stuff. Antique clawfoot bath-
Saturday, 10-5pm. Closed DANS ANTIQUES! 509-758- tub.
TOP QUALITY ALFALFA and Sunday 822 N University, 6223. After hours cell: 208-
Timothy, both in small square Spokane Valley. 509-928- 3704 17TH ST, Friday 5pm-
bales, or large square bales. 3342 visit www.thetomato- 7pm, Saturday, 7am-?, sew-
Competitive pricing. Call, lady.com ing machine, trailer hitches,
Frank Dillon, 208-750-6500, FIND YOUR NEXT treasure Break buddy, car covers,
LIGHT WEIGHT ALUMINUM at Mollys Bargain Hunter
Lewiston. household misc, Fostoria
TRAILER With 24 side kit. Mall. Coins, gems, jewelry, glassware.
PREMIUM GRASS HAY, Small Model Aluma 548, includes Wilton baking products,
square and round bales. No torsion axle, 13 tires, LED pictures, memorabilia, hot
rain, Barn stored. 208-435- lighting & 5 year warranty. 1918 ALDER AVE.
wheels, doll house minia-
4160, Weippe. MSRP $2,395, sale price Saturday, garage doors
tures, vintage toys, knives,
$1,995. Cobalt Trailer Sales, open at 7am. Firearms.
CROSSBRED PAIRS FOR cameras, antique lamps &
4620 E Trent Ave, Spokane, Baby girls clothes, toys,
sale, seven cows with March/ furniture, old crocks, hood
WA 509-535-2154 walker, toddler booster
April calves at side, $11,000. ornaments, books, Big chair, new stuffed ani-
Call 208-836-5437, no FAST GROWING TREES! Dipper Wax products and mals, set of 3 occasional
answer, leave message Windbreaks, shade, privacy more. 1209 Main Street, tables, pictures, picture
screens, 6-10 first year, Lewiston. Mon-Sat, 10am- frames, paperback books,
roots dont spread. Noise, 6pm. 208-750-1910. Precious Moments fig-
Food, Meat, dust, snow abatement & ero- ures, Cherished Teddies,
Produce sion control. No sap! Over 50
year life. Serving the Inland Now located in the Mall Dept. 56 Christmas vil-
Clucking Hen and Friends lage houses, XL womens
BARBECUE SEASON IS here, Northwest. Contact Aussie name brand clothing,
Tree Farms, 425-879-6336. and Visions of Joy Gems.
butcher beef for sale, 208- much more. Everything
www.AussieWillow.com Musical instruments,
301-3428. priced cheap to sell! Dont
used furniture, Hoosier,
APPLES, NEW CROP: Granny signed Star Trek memo- want to pack it back up!
Smith, Fuji, Galas, Goldens, Estate Sales rabilia, Vinyl records,
Pink Ladies, Braeburns. rocks, gems, crystals, 3324 11TH ST C, May 27th,
HAGENS ORCHARDS, 3717 LAPWAI RD, Lew- Idaho Star Garnets, mili- 6am-2pm. Kids clothes, toys,
Closed Sunday. 509-758- iston, Saturday, May 27, taria collectibles, McCall tools, ammunition, new toilet/
3450, 509-295-1290. 2017, 7am-4pm. No early candles. We are now car- sink and doors, furniture, col-
birds or late bird sales. rying American paint: clay, lectibles, exercise bike, and
FARM FRESH EGGS, free more.
Cash only. Misc. hand chalk, mineral based. THE
range, $3/ dozen. 208-790-
tools, large chest freezer, HANGAR ANTIQUE MALL, HELPING HAND RESCUE
3294, Lewiston.
various lawn chemicals, 935 Port Way, Clarkston. volunteers would like to
Flowtron leaf mulcher, 509-758-0604. 10am- thank all of you that donated
Garden & Lawn misc paint equipment, 5pm Monday- Saturday; to and came to and bought
sausage grinder, Werner 11am-4pm Sunday, from our yearly Yard/ Plant
BROWN BAG 12,000 sq.ft. of wonderful
LUNCH SERIES 6 aluminum ladder, vari- sale. It is only because of
ous coolers, hip waders, memories. Come in and people like you that have
Join the WSU Asotin County check us out.
Master Gardeners to dis- lawn and garden hand so strongly supported us
cuss garden- related top- tools, large roaster oven, that we are able to help as
ics. Wednesdays in May, various wood and wicker LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES IN many animals as we do.
12:10pm-12:45pm. May baskets (sizes and colors), SPOKANE? Make sure you All of you make it possible.
31st they will discuss 8 aluminum meat hooks, see our new website, www. Many thanks from all of our
composting. Lions Gazebo various size folding step HillyardAntiqueMall.com volunteers.
at Beachview Park in ladders, misc hardware,
metal cabinet, various 635 STEWART AVE,
Clarkston. 509-243-2009.
plastic (pesticide) spray- Sales - Saturday, 7am. Clothing,
kitchen items, truck parts,
Outdoor sale June 10th,
ers, 6 cubic foot wheel Clarkston much more. Donuts and cof-
barrel, bread machine,
9:30am-4pm. Primeland queen size bed and frame, 2444 12TH AVE, Starting fee available.
Country Store, 1200 Snake 2 complete dishware Thursday call, 509-758- 3231 6TH ST D, Friday,
River Avenue, Lewiston, ID. sets, several sets of good 3901, furniture, and other Saturday, Sunday, 7am-
Ask for Dave. glassware, hunting and odds and ends. 6pm. Moving into a 5th
WILSONS STUMP gun equipment, over 400 14TH & BRIDGE ST at Discount wheel. Everything has to go.
REMOVAL, free estimates, books, 2 sets of pots and Mini storage, Saturday, 8am- Everything from A to Z.
licensed, bonded and pans, several glass and 4pm, huge sale, lots of stuff.
wooden interior decora- 937A STEWART AVE,
insured. All I do is stumps. Dont miss out! Friday- Saturday, 6am-3pm.
208-305-8840 tive pieces, misc, cooking
utensils, several yellow 1031 BOSTON ST, Friday, Antiques, glassware, furni-
WA-WILSOSR833D1 ture, collectibles, art.
Labrador statues and plate Saturday, Sunday, 8am-6pm.
collection with certificates Antiques, crocks, collectibles,
MOWER SERVICE 3327 8TH ST. E. Friday-
and wall holder, misc of- light fixtures, Lane hope
SPECIAL. $79.95 (push), Saturday, 7am-3pm.
fice equipment, 2 printers, chest, flat screen TVs, glass
$109.95 (riders). Parts Moving sale, 20 years
Acer computer monitor, door, garden pots, concrete
and additional services of accumulation. Lawn/
Dell tower, several com- benches, swinging benches,
extra. GUYS OUTDOOR, garden, home decor,
puter mice, misc electrical old bed frame, doghouse,
304 Thain Road, glassware, kitchen, office,
kitchen appliances, com- hand trucks, fishing, hunt-
Lewiston. 208-746-0381. Holiday, Electra Cruiser
puter desk, large metal ing and camping equipment,
filing cabinet, large metal Stihl chainsaw, gas long pull bicycle, vintage and so
DISCOUNT LAWN SERVICE, desk with 2 locking draw- hedger, Stihl weedeater, Delta much more!
complete lawn care, accept- ers, many prize trophies toolbox, new clothing, so
ing new accounts. 208-503- from Jim and Lorraine much more. You dont want to
8537. miss this sale.
Ravarys Taxidermys per-
sonal showroom, special
Sales - Other
8N FORD TRACTOR, 3 point 2662 CASCADE ST, Saturday,
blade, chains, $3000. 208- made all glassed-in cof- 9am-1pm. Basketball Hoop, CITY OF CULDESAC 24th
926-4157, Kooskia. fee table with 2 male and total gym, recumbent exer- Annual City-Wide Yard Sale,
one female pheasants in cise bike, clothes, Free TVs, June 3rd, 7am-4pm. Maps
ROTOTILLER, REAR TINE, snow (one of a kind), vari- available at City Hall and all
counter rotating, 5 hp, runs misc. Great Prices!
ous blankets, sheets, and yard sale locations.
well, $275. 509-295-8224, afghans, coffee table and 1028 9TH ST, Friday,
Clarkston. sideboard table (wood Saturday, 7am-?. Multi Family ADVERTISE with the
and leaded glass) plus Yard sale. Moneysaver and get results.
GRAPE PLANTS $7 gallon pot. Its the fastest way to sell
Quantity discounts. 18 table one matching all wood
your stuff. 208-746-0483.
grape varieties, mostly seed- end table, Hoover canister
vacuum with lots of ex-
Sales -
less. 208-746-3016, Lewiston. LARGE MULTI-FAMILY
tras that go with it, metal Lewiston GARAGE SALE Friday &
LT133 JOHN DEERE riding shelf, one floor lamp, one Saturday, May 26 & 27, 8am
lawmower, with new battery, table lamp, several smaller 918 15TH AVE, Saturday
and Sunday, 9am-2pm, new to 8pm; household items,
$850/ offer. 208-935-8204. desk lamps, lots of puzzle childrens clothes, Christmas,
mounting boards, several jewelry some marked .925,
new Foster Grant sunglasses, camping, riding lawnmower,
professional wall pictures, etc. 13310 S Clear Lake Rd.
many picture frames all large air hockey table, misc.
Medical Lake
sizes, several puzzles 1621 PROSPECT AVE,
completed and shellacked Moving sale! Come by any- HOME DECOR & OUTDOOR
ready for mounting, sev- time, 9am-6pm, furniture and ACCESSORIES, Kitchen
eral dog leashes and misc, misc. items, gift ideas, much more.
two bookcases, three TVs See www.AlsBigGiftshop.
of various sizes (all work- 703 8TH AVE, Saturday,
Sunday, 9am-4pm, lots of com
everything. 30 TABLES YARD & FLOWER
1319 14TH ST, Saturday, SALE Friday through Sunday,
7am-1pm. 4-poster bed, 10am to 5pm. Riding mower/
Antiques & hand push lawnmower, snow blower, discount
tables, 8 items for $5. 4120
household goods, clothing,
Collectibles books, miscellaneous items. W. Wellesley
1982 RAINIER NEON beer 131 WEST 19TH AVE, Friday, $500 REWARD, NO
sign, never used, in box, Saturday, 8am-5pm, Sunday QUESTIONS ASKED For the
$500/ offer. 509-758-9208, 8am-12pm, nice womens return of our family dog,
Clarkston. clothing and scrubs, camp- Yorkiepoo mix. Last seen
ing items, household misc, April 30th, Lynden Rd, Otis
solid oak dresser, some other Orchards. Lost during neigh-
furniture items. bors yard sale. 509-928-
Learn about new changes!
Call 208-762-6887. Learn
More. Larry Waters, NMLS
#400451. Resolute Bank,
NMLS #531629, member
FDIC equal housing lender.
Serving local area; Idaho &
HUNTERS! Track down
the best deals in the
MONEYSAVER for all your
hunting and camping needs.

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