Software Defined Networks: A Survey: Shruthi S Manvachar
Software Defined Networks: A Survey: Shruthi S Manvachar
Software Defined Networks: A Survey: Shruthi S Manvachar
Abstract Internet has led to the creation of a digital society, SDN programs, which can be written by them as programs do
where everything is connected and is accessible from anywhere. not depend on proprietary software.
However, despite their widespread usage, traditional IP Open standards and vendor-neutral: Implemented through
networks are complex and very hard to manage. It is both open standards, SDN simplifies network design and
difficult to configure the network according to defined policies,
operations as instructions are provided by SDN controllers
and to reconfigure it to respond to faults, loads and changes. To
make matters even more difficult, current networks are also
instead of multiple vendor-specific devices and protocols [2].
vertically integrated i.e. the control and data planes are
combined. With the increasing demand, usage of bandwidth and
frequency spectrum resources is beyond expectations. The
frequency spectrum and network information have considerable
relevance. Thus the spectrum utilization and channel flow
interactions should be simultaneously considered. Software
Defined Networking (SDN) has evolved to change this state of
affairs, by breaking this vertical integration.
Software defined networking SDN is gaining a lot of
attention in recent years as it addresses the lack of
programmability in existing networking architectures by
enabling easier and faster network innovation. SDN separates
the data plane from the control plane and facilitates software
implementations of complex networking applications on top.
It supports for less specific and cheaper hardware that can be
controlled by software applications through standardized
interfaces. There is an expectation for more flexibility by
dynamically adding new features to the network in the form of
networking applications. This is a known concept from
mobile phone operating systems, such as Apples iOS and A three-layer Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
Googles Android, where apps can dynamically be added to Architecture [6]
the system [6].
The control and data planes are decoupled.
According to the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), Network intelligence and state are logically
the SDN is: centralized
Directly programmable: Network control is directly
The underlying network infrastructure is abstracted
programmable because it is decoupled from forwarding
from the applications. [1]
Agile: Control is abstracted from forwarding which lets
SDN consists of four key features:
administrators dynamically adjust network-wide traffic flow
It separates the control plane from the data plane.
to meet changing needs.
A centralized controller and view of the network.
Centrally managed: Network intelligence is centralized
(logically) in software based SDN controllers that maintain a Open interfaces between the devices in the
global view of the network which appears to applications and control plane (controllers) and those in the
policy engines as a single logical switch. data plane.
Programmatically configured: SDN allows network Programmability of the network by external
managers to manage, configure, secure, and optimize the applications [1].
network resources very quickly through dynamic, automated
The networks that employ programmable routers to
facilitate the routing mechanism are known as
Manuscript received January 03, 2015. Software-Defined Networks.
Shruthi S Manvachar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Software Defined Networks: A Survey
The SDN framework consists of three layers. The E. Code Verification and Debugging
bottom layer is the infrastructure layer which is also Verification and debugging tools are vital resources for
called as the data plane. It consists of forwarding SDN also as for traditional software development. For
network elements. The tasks of the forwarding plane portable network apps to be successful, network behaviour
are mainly data forwarding, monitoring local must be thoroughly tested and verified.
information and gathering statistics [6].
NICE is an automated testing tool used to uncover bugs in
The middle is the control layer also called as the OpenFlow programs through model checking and symbolic
control plane. It is responsible for programming and execution.
management of the forwarding plane. It makes use of Anteater checks network invariants that exist in the data
the information provided by the forwarding plane plane such as connectivity or consistency .It is
and defines network operations and routing. It protocol-agnostic and also catches errors that result from
consists of one or more software controllers that faulty switch firmware or inconsistencies with the control
communicate with the forwarding network elements plane communication.
through standardized interfaces. OpenFlow mainly VeriFlow proposes a real-time verification tool that
considers switches, while other SDN approaches resides between the controller and the forwarding elements.
consider other network elements such as routers. [6] This adds the potential benefit of being able to halt rules that
will cause anomalous behaviour before they reach the
The application layer contains network applications network [4].
that can introduce new network features, such as
security and manageability, forwarding schemes or
assists the control layer in the network configuration. IV. OPEN FLOW
The OpenFlow protocol has been accepted as the interface
The application layer can receive an abstracted and between the control and data planes. OpenFlow provides per
global view of the network from the controllers and flow statistics collection primitives at the controller. The
use that information to provide appropriate guidance controller can poll a switch to collect statistics on the active
to the control layer. The interface between the flows. It can request a switch to push flow statistics (upon
application layer and the control layer is referred to flow timeout) at a specific frequency. The controller has a
as the northbound interface. For the latter, no global view of the network. An effective monitoring solution
standardized API exists today, and in practice, the can be developed using these capabilities of an OpenFlow
control software provides its own API to Controller. A network management application for SDN
applications. [6][23] would be a part of the control plane, rather than being
independent of it. This is due to the heterogeneity in the
controller technologies, and the absence of a uniform abstract
III. SDN DEVELOPMENT TOOLS view of the network resources [10].
A. Emulation and Simulation Tools
OpenFlow switches runs embedded software needed to
Mininet is one which allows an entire OpenFlow network to process control messages sent by the controller and
be emulated on a single machine thus simplifying the initial configures flow tables accordingly. This software needs to be
development and deployment process. The ns-3 network compliant with the OpenFlow specification. The
simulator supports OpenFlow switches within its specifications may be ambiguous and may have several
environment, though the current version only implements interpretations, which may give implementation freedom to
OpenFlow v0.89 vendors which lead to implementations that exhibit
compatibility and interoperability. In SDN deployment
B. Available Software Switch Platforms scenarios, the infrastructure is constituted of OpenFlow
There are currently several SDN software switches switches from multiple vendors. Thus, this kind of problems
available that can be used to run an SDN testbed or when can easily occur at the forwarding infrastructure level.
developing services over SDN. For example Open vSwitch, Systematic OpenFlow Testing (SOFT) is an exhaustive
Indigo. approach and tool for automated switch interoperability
testing using symbolic execution and the constraint solver
C. Native SDN Switches
(having as input formulas over the theory of bitvectors and
Commercial switches available are NetIron CES 2000 arrays that captures most expressions from languages like C,
Series, RackSwitch G8264 etc. C++, Java, Verilog etc). This approach allows leverage
multiple OpenFlow implementations at the development
D. Available Contoller Platforms stage.
Flowvisor is a transparent proxy between OpenFlow [11][24][25][26][27]
switches and multiple OpenFlow controllers. It creates
network slices and can delegate control of each slice to a OpenFlow controllers
different controller, also promoting isolation between slices. 1) Maestro: Maestro is a multi-threaded OpenFlow
RouteFlow is an open source project that provides a
controller. OpenFlow packets are received from the sockets
virtualized IP routing over OpenFlow capable hardware.
by the main thread and put in the shared raw-packet queue.
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015
Packet batching is used but the number of bytes to be read is
not static and depends on the present workload. Maestro is the Palette: Distributing Tables
only publicly available controller which uses task batching so Palette is a framework which decomposes and distributes
that worker threads pulls a batch of tasks to process multiple SDN tables across the network. Palette is important as switch
flow-requests in a single execution. Output batching table sizes can become a bottleneck in scaling SDNs. It
technique is used to send packets out in which packets facilitates handling the heterogeneity of switches in the
belonging to the same destination are grouped together and network and the changes of equipment [1].
sent using a single socket system call [12].
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