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Supercritical Solutions of The Stationary Positive Forced KDV Equation

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2015

Supercritical Solutions of the Stationary Positive

Forced KdV Equation
Abdelaziz Hamad, Mohamed Hassen Elzubair
x 2 x xxx f x ( x) x (3)
Abstract In this paper we consider stationary Forced KdV
equation with positive Forcing term. The supercritical solitary
wave solutions of the stationary Forced KdV equation are Equation (3) was first derived by Shen (1993). The solutions
obtained. In order to obtain the solutions the domain of the of equation (3) are categorized according to the value of
problem has been divided in to three parts; the left, the middle (Upstream flow velocity) as follows (Shen, 1993).
and the right parts. The solution on the left and the right parts
are obtained by an analytical method. The solution on the
middle part is expressed in the terms of Weierstarss elliptic (i) Supercritical stationary waves. They occur only when is
function. We have designed computer programs using positive and sufficiently large.
Mathematica to produce the solutions. The complete solution (ii) Subcritical stationary waves. They occur only when is
was found by matching the solutions of all the three parts. We negative and sufficiently small.
have found out that there are four different solutions according
to the values of the phase shift. Only one solution is positive.
(iii) Unsteady periodic soliton radiation. This solution
Further research can be carried out for negative forcing terms. appears when is small. Such a solution is called the

Index Terms Stationary Forced KdV Equation;

transcritical solution.
Supercritical solution;. positive Forcin

I. INTRODUCTION In this paper we study supercritical solitary wave solutions of

The forced KdV equation is a first order approximation of a equation (3) with positive forcing terms in the rectangular
long nonlinear surface wave in a channel flow of an in viscid bump. In this work we shall take the value of equal to 3
fluid of constant density over a bump or a dent. This equation and the length of rectangular bump equals 2 in order to
is normally written in the form (Gong and Shen, 1994) compare with the previous results.
Solitary waves refer to any surface wave profile that dies out
t x 2 x xxx f x x x t 0 (1) at infinity which means that the free surface elevation has
the property
where 0, 0 and 0 are constant and f(x) is a
given function called the forcing term which is differentiable
0, x 0 and xx 0 as x (4)
and has a compact support i.e. it is nonzero only in a closed
bounded set. Equation (1) was first derived by Akylas (1984) Integrating equation (3) once with respect to the independent
and in an asymptotically reduced result from Euler equations variable from - to x, we have
of fluid motion and the corresponding boundary conditions.
The unknown x, t represents the first order elevation of 2 xx f ( x), x , 0 (5)
the free surface of the fluid from it is equilibrium level. The
forcing function f(x) is due to the bottom topography of the with 0, and x 0 as x
fluid domain (such as a bump or dent) or due to an external
pressure on the free surface such as the wind stress on the
In this paper we shall study equation (5) and (6) with the
surface of an ocean. In the absence of the forcing function
following conditions
term i.e. f(x) = 0 equation (1) becomes the familiar Korteweg
deVries(KdV) equation
3 1
(i) 0, and 3.
t x 2 x xxx 0 x t 0 (2) 4 6
when t 0 equation (1) becomes the equation of our
a a
concern, the stationary forced (sfKdV) equation, 1, x
(ii) f ( x) 2 2

0 otherwise
Manuscript received February 10, 2015.
Abdelaziz Hamad, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and where a is positive constant representing the length of a
Science, Raniah Branch, Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Hassen Elzubair, Department of Mathematics, College of
rectangular bump.
Arts and Science, Raniah Branch, Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Supercritical Solutions of the Stationary Positive Forced KdV Equation

In order to obtain the solution of equation (5) and (6) the III. LEFT-SIDE SOLUTION
domain of the problem has been divided in three parts. The
left (x -a/2), the middle (-a/2 < x < a/2) and the right parts (x In this Section we need to solve equations (5) and (6) in the
a/2). The complete solution was found by matching the region of zero forcing term by using analytical method.
solutions of all parts. Section 3 and Section 4 describes the Meanwhile, the solution in the region of non zero forcing term
method of finding solution on the left and the right part will be discussed later in Section 5.
respectively. Section 5 describes the solution in the middle
part. In Section 6 we determine the phase shift Lo which Outside the region of the forcing term, equation (5) and (6)
depends on the forcing terms and the continuity conditions becomes
between each adjacent part. In Section 7 we combine the
solutions obtained in Section 4 and Section 5. The
conclusions of this paper are summarized in Section 8.

a a
2 xx 0 x , 0 (7 )
2 2
0, and x 0 0 as x (8)

We need to find the solution in the negative region (x -a/2) outside the rectangular bump. In this region
equations (7) and (8) are written as
2 // 0 , 0 (9)
0, and x 0 0 as x (10)
where equation (10) is the half negative solitary wave conditions. We start by rearranging equation (9) in
the form

// 2 x , 0 (11)



The procedure we adopt here in order to integrate equation (11) is that we write // as
d /
// / (12)

Substituting equation (12) into equation (11) we obtain

/ d / 2 d (13)

Equation (13) is simply a first order separable equation which can be integrated easily to get

/ 2
2 3 C
2 3

Multiplying both sides of equation(14) by we then obtain

3 / 3
2 3 C


where is positive constant and C is the integration constant.

By the half negative solitary wave conditions (10), equation (15) has a real double root, ro and ro is
smaller than the third real root r. Then equation (15) can be written as
3 /
r ro , ro r (16)

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2015

If we now let

ro x,

then equation (16) can be written as

1 d
2 s1 , where s1 r ro 0. (17)
3 d

Equation (17) can be integrated to yield

s1 sec h 2 (18)
Hence, the actual solution on the left side is

x sec h 2 x Lo , (19)
2 4

where Lo is the phase shift to be determined in Section 6.

The graphs shown in Figure 1 are the solution of the sfKdV
All graphs of these solutions are shown in Figure 1. In
equation on the left side when = 3 and a = 2. The values of
Section 6 we shall show how to calculate Lo . For the purpose
Lo used for this purpose are -0.20752, -0.797065, -1.792481
of illustration we now use the values of Lo obtained in and -2.248243 for graph (a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively.
Section 6 to produce the appropriate solution of the sfKdV on
the left side.

Figure 1: Left-Side Solution


In this section we determine the solution on the right side ( x ) that out side the rectangular bump. In
this region equations (7) and (8) become

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Supercritical Solutions of the Stationary Positive Forced KdV Equation

2 // 0, x , 0 (20)
0, x 0 as x (21)
where equation (21) in normally termed as the positive half solitary wave conditions.

The different between the left and the right region is simply on the solitary wave conditions. The same
procedure as used for the left side can be applied to find the solution in the right and we thus obtain
x sec h 2 x L1 , (22)
2 4
where the phase shift L1 Lo . All graphs of this solution are shown in Figure 2.

The graphs shown in Figure 2 are the solution of the sfKdV equation on the right side when = 3 and a =
2. The values of L1 used for this purpose are 0.20752, 0.797065, 1.792481 and 2.248243 for graph (a),
(b), (c) and (d) respectively.

Figure 2: Right-Side Solution

find the solutions in the middle. This means that we need to

V. THE MIDDLE SOLUTION solve equations (5) and (6) in the region of the forcing terms.
We will show that the solution in this region can expressed in
At this stage, we have obtained the solutions at both sides terms of Weierstrass elliptic functions. The solutions we
outside the region of the forcing terms discussed in Section 3 obtained in Section 3, 4, and 5 will be combined to give the
and Section 4, respectively. What is left now is to full solutions. This will be presented in Section 7.

In this region, x , the solution must satisfy

2 xx 1, 0 (23)

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2015

We shall be dealing with equation (23). In order to solve this equation we need to deduce some conditions.
a a
These conditions come from continuity of and / at x and x .
2 2

Now at x , we have

a a
o and / 1 (24)
2 2


o sec h 2 x Lo , (25)
2 4

1 o tanh Lo , (26)
4 2

At x we have

a a
2 2
a a a a
/ / or / / (26*)
2 2 2 2

Integrating equation (23) from a/2 to x (< a/2), we find

/ 2
2 3 o
2 3

Equation (27) can be written as

/ 2
b1 3 b2 2 b3 b4 (28)


2 2
b1 , b2 , b3 and b4 b3 o

By making the transformation

c1u c2

Equation (28) is converted into

c1 u / b1 (c1u c2 ) 3 b2 (c1u c2 ) 2 b3 (c1u c2 ) b4

Dividing both sides of equation (29) by c1 2 we obtain

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Supercritical Solutions of the Stationary Positive Forced KdV Equation

b b2 b
u b c u
/ 2
1 1
3b1 2 b2 u 2 3b1 2 2

2b2 2 b3 u
3b1 9b1 3b1
b c
1 2
b2 c 2
b3 c 2 b4 1

Equation (30) is now written in the a simplified form as

u / 4u 3 g 2 u g 3 (31)


4 b b c b3
, c2 2 , g 2 2 2 and g3
b c
1 2
b3 c2 b4
b1 3b1 c1 c1

In equation (31), g 2 is constant and g 3 is a function of Lo for given , , and a. The general
solution of equation (31) can be expressed in term of Weierstrass elliptic function (Gong, 1994)

u( x) ( x T , g 2 , g 3 )

where T is a constant.

Thus, in the region of the non-zero forcing term ( x ) the supercritical solitary wave solution can be
written as

( x) c1( x T , g 2 , g 3 ) c2 (32)

Equations (25) and (26) are now respectively reduced to

o c1( T , g 2 , g 3 ) c 2 (33)
1 c1/ ( T , g 2 , g 3 ) (34)
From Gong and Shen (1993), we find the identity

1 / ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) / (T , g 2 , g 3 )
(x T , g 2 , g3 ) ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) (T , g 2 , g 3 ) (35)
4 ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) (T , g 2 , g 3 )

Substituting equations (33) and (34) into equation (35), we then obtain


/ ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) 1
1 c1 c2
(x T , g2 , g3 ) ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) 0 (36)
4 c2 c1
( x, g 2 , g 3 ) ( o )

107 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2015
We now observe that in equation (36), the right hand side is independent of constant T. We then have

1 c / ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) 1 0 c2
(x T , g 2 , g3 ) 1 ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) (37)
4 ( x, g 2 , g 3 ) o c2 c1

Using Mathematica program Substituting equation(37) into equation (32), we get the solution on the
middle side. All graphs of these solutions are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 shows the solutions of the sfKdV in the middle, when = 3 and a = 2. The values of Lo are
-0.20752, -0.792481, -1.792481 and -2.248243 for graph (a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively.

Figure 3: The Middle Solution


In this section we shall determine the phase shift Lo which depends on the forcing terms and the continuity
conditions between each adjacent part.

Substituting x = a/2 and x = -a/2 into equation (32) we get

a a a
c1 T , g 2 , g 3 c2 and T , g 2 g 3 c2 .
2 2 2

Substituting the above expression in equation (26*) we obtain

a a
T , g 2 , g 3 T , g 2 g 3 0 (38)
2 2

From equations (33), (34), (37) and (38) we can obtain

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Supercritical Solutions of the Stationary Positive Forced KdV Equation

c c / (a, g 2 , g 3 ) 1
B , Lo 1 1 c1(a, g 2 , g 3 ) 2c2 2 o 0 (39)
4 c1(a, g 2 , g 3 ) o c2

Equation (39) determines the phase shift Lo .

Equation (39) have a solitary wave solution only when B( , Lo ) 0 (Gong,1994).

Hence, B( , Lo ) 0 is the condition used to calculate the phase shift Lo . By using Mathematica
program the function B( , Lo ) was plotted versus trial Lo . The intersection point with Lo -axis was
found as the values of Lo .(see Figure 4)

Lo -axis, i.e. B( , Lo ) has four zero, L0 0.20752 ,

This curve has four intersection point with
0.797065,1.792481 and 2.248243 that means we have four supercritical solitary wave

Figure 4: The Curve of B( , L0 ) versus L0

solutions of the sfKdV equation. This means that we need to

VII. COMPLETE SOLUTIONS combine the solutions in both side with the middle ones.

We have obtained the solutions of the sfKdV equation at both We rewrite the solutions outlined in Section 3 as
sides and also in the middle as discussed in Section 3, 4, and
5, respectively. In this Section we shall give the complete

x sec h 2 x Lo , (40)
2 4
for the left side, and
x sec h 2 x L1 , (41)
2 4
for the right side.

109 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2015
The solution in the middle parts

( x) c1( x T , g 2 , g 3 ) c2 (42).

By matching equations (40), (41) and (42) we get

3 a
sec h 2 ( x Lo ), x ;
2 4 2
a a
( x) c1( x T , g 2 , g 3 ) c 2 x ; (43)
2 2
3 a
sec h 2 ( x L1 ), x .
2 4 2

Equation (43) is the complete solution of sfKdV equation.

The graphs shown in Figure 5 are the complete solutions of the sKdV equation when = 3 and a = 2. The
values of Lo are -0.20752, -0.797065, -1.792481 and -2.248243 for graph (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Figure 5: The Complete Solution

four different solutions according to the value of the phase
VIII. CONCLUSION shift Lo . Only one solution is positive the three others
In this paper we have studied the solutions of the stationary solutions have positive and negative values.. Further research
Korteweg-deVries (sfKdV) equation. In order to obtain the can be carried out for negative forcing terms
solution of the sfKdV equation, the domain of the problem
has been divided into three parts, the left, the middle and the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
right parts. The solutions on the left and right parts were
The authors would like to thanks University of
obtained in Section 3 and Section 4 by using analytical
Taif, kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their financial support
method. The solution on the middle were obtained in Section
grant No. 1/435/3132.
5. In both cases we have constructed two computer programs
by using Mathematica to produce the final solutions. The
complete solution of the sfKdv equation is given in Section 7,
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