Mini Depo of John Dubois (8 4 16)
Mini Depo of John Dubois (8 4 16)
Mini Depo of John Dubois (8 4 16)
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, by and CASE NO.: 12-37012 CA 24
5 Through the Regulatory and
Economic Resources Department,
10 ____________________________________/
20 Whereupon, the deposition was taken at
Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street,
21 Courtroom 3-2, Miami, Florida,
Commencing at 10:30 a.m., and adjourning at 4:30 p.m.,
22 Taken on Thursday, August 4, 2016
23 Taken before Teresa H. Miranda,
Court Reporter for the State of Florida,
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1 Q This is not a test of endurance. If, at any point in 1 to form." If you hear objection to form, you still have to
2 time, you need to use the restroom, you want to take a break, 2 answer the question. The only time you do not answer a
3 you want water, you want to talk to your lawyer, all those 3 question, is if your lawyer specifically directs you not to
4 things can be accommodated. 4 answer that question.
5 A Okay. 5 A Okay.
6 Q Just let us know. 6 Q Okay?
7 A All right. 7 A Yep.
8 Q The only thing that we ask is that if there is a 8 Q All right. Where were you born?
9 question pending that you answer the question before we take the 9 A Do you mean what city or hospital?
10 break. 10 Q What city?
11 A Okay. 11 A New York City.
12 Q Given our schedule, I know we started a little late 12 Q When did you move to Miami?
13 because of traffic and some confusion. So, it's 10:33 now. If 13 A Roughly 2001.
14 it's agreeable to everyone in the room, my thought is that we 14 Q Where did you live prior to moving to Miami?
15 break at 1:00 for lunch. We'll take a short lunch and then we 15 A Northern Virginia, Reston.
16 can reconvene. 16 Q I'm sorry?
17 A How long did you want this to continue until? 17 A Reston.
18 Q This deposition will continue until my questions are 18 Q How long had you lived in Reston?
19 finished, which I hope will not be longer than today. 19 A I lived there since 1986.
20 Do you have a time issue this afternoon? 20 Q What did you do for a living in Reston?
21 A Yeah. Yeah, I don't mind working through lunch and 21 A I was an engineer for GTE.
22 skipping lunch, or having it brought in, or whatever, to get 22 Q How long were you with that company?
23 through the questions. 23 A I worked there from '86 to about '89.
24 Q What time do you need to be out by today? 24 Q Why did you leave the company?
25 A Five. 25 A My boss went to a defense contractor and brought me
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1 Q All right. No matter what, we'll conclude at 5. I do 1 with him over there.
2 have to usually feed the other people in the courtroom, though, 2 Q Okay. When you say defense contractor, it was a
3 so we will still break for lunch at 1:00 but we'll limit it to 3 private company?
4 30 minutes. There's restaurants right across the street -- 4 A Yes.
5 A Okay. 5 Q What was the name of that private company?
6 Q -- that are really close and you can usually get 6 A SRA.
7 something and come back. 7 Q How long did you work for SRA?
8 The next thing is I know you are an intelligent man. I 8 A One year.
9 know that you will be able to anticipate my questions as I ask 9 Q And then did you continue to --
10 them. However, Madam Reporter cannot take down both of us at 10 A I'm sorry.
11 once, so therefore I'm going to have to ask you to wait for me 11 Q Oh!
12 to completely finish asking my question before you answer, and I 12 A Yeah, I think it was a little over a year, yeah.
13 will until your answer is completely finished before I ask you 13 Q That was contract work, correct?
14 the next question. 14 A Yes.
15 A Okay. 15 Q Were you working with a company that just continued to
16 THE WITNESS: (To Mr. Leary) Can you grab my 16 do contract work up to 2001 when you moved to Miami?
17 binder, please. 17 A No, I had various other jobs.
18 MR. LEARY: Yeah. 18 Q So, after you did the contract for a little over a year
19 THE WITNESS: Thanks, the one on the right there, 19 with SRA, what did you do?
20 the binder there. 20 A I went to -- so, what happened is when I was finishing
21 (Whereupon Mr. Leary complies.) 21 up at GTE I was an engineer. I applied for a job in sales with
22 THE WITNESS: Yeah, thanks. 22 a company based in Fort Lauderdale. They had a hiring freeze,
23 BY MR. ANGEL: 23 so they told me they would get back to me. So then I took my
24 Q The other thing is that, from time to time, your lawyer 24 job with my former manager at SRA, went there. And then a year
25 may object. Oftentimes, what you're going to hear is "objection 25 later they called me and said they had an opening, and my job
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1 offer was ready. So then I went, and I think it was in 1990, to 1 A Netrail, yeah.
2 work for Telematics, which is based out of Fort Lauderdale. 2 Q Were all of these sort of IT-related jobs?
3 Q How long did you work for Telematics? 3 A Yeah, they were all telecommunications, yes. Well
4 A I worked there until 1996 maybe. 4 check that. Yeah, they were all more or less
5 Q What you did you do for them? 5 telecommunications. Leave it at that.
6 A I was sales engineer, manager and director. 6 Q And for all of these jobs that we've discussed so far
7 Q At the time that you worked for Telematics did you work 7 up to Netrail, were all of these voluntary departures by you
8 for any other company? 8 from those positions?
9 A No. 9 A Yeah, I mean, Netrail was four months, but I was hired
10 Q So, no outside employment? 10 to sell the company, and I sold it in four and a half months.
11 A No. 11 Q And so, about what year did you stop working for
12 Q When your time at Telematics ended, who did you go work 12 Netrail then?
13 for? 13 A Also '97.
14 A Let me clarify the last statement. 14 Q Then who did you go work for?
15 Q Sure. 15 A I started with Redback Networks.
16 A I held a real estate license, but I don't know if you 16 Q What did they do?
17 consider that part-time or just... 17 A 1997. I didn't exactly know when they hired me, but
18 Q Were you actively engaged in the sale of real estate? 18 they were in telecommunications, also. They were a startup
19 A For part of the period while I was at GTE, yeah. And I 19 company, and they were some super bright people. And I figured
20 don't remember when I stopped being active in real estate, but I 20 it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with that level
21 held the license probably for 15 years. 21 of people. So I joined them in November, also in
22 Q Do you currently still have a license? 22 telecommunications. And, ultimately, we made technology that
23 A No. 23 enabled broadband services. We didn't create the SL but we
24 Q When did the license lapse? 24 enabled the wide scale to play in with DSL technology back in
25 A I believe it lapsed -- well, there are different states 25 1997.
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1 that the license goes in, depending on your activity level. So, 1 Q Where they based in Fort Lauderdale as well?
2 I still had a license up until I left Virginia...I believe it 2 A Sorry?
3 was just inactive...and that would have been around 2001. 3 Q Was that company based in Fort Lauderdale?
4 Q Okay. So, you left the sales manager job in '96. 4 A No, they were headquartered out of San Jose.
5 Where did you go work then? 5 Q Did you actually live in San Jose, at that time?
6 A So, I worked -- I was hired by one of my customers as 6 A No, I stayed in Virginia.
7 their CEO. It's called Netrail. 7 Q Okay.
8 Q What did they do? 8 A I ran sales for part of the United States for them.
9 A They were a national backbone internet provider. 9 Q So, when that job you had applied for back at...let me
10 Q How long did you work for them? 10 see if I get it right...Telematics, that was in Fort Lauderdale?
11 A I worked for them for maybe four or five months. 11 A Yes.
12 Q And the job before that, the job before Netrail? 12 Q When that came open, did you actually move to Fort
13 A I'm sorry. I skipped -- sorry. I skipped something. 13 Lauderdale, or stay in Virginia?
14 Q Okay. 14 A No, same thing. As sales engineer and manager you have
15 A So, let me go back to this. Telematics would have been 15 people all over the world, and you just fly wherever you need
16 maybe 1990 through '95. 16 to.
17 Q Okay. 17 Q So, your base of residence was still Virginia?
18 A And then after that, there was a company called 18 A Right, and offices were there, local satellite offices
19 Cascade, and I was there for a couple of years, probably '96 and 19 were there.
20 part of '97. And I moved from sales engineering management 20 Q So, the first time you actually moved to Florida was in
21 directly into sales for Cascade during that period. And they 21 2001?
22 were acquired by Ascend, and then my Cascade customer hired me 22 A Yes.
23 as their CEO in 1997 at Netrail. 23 Q And between living in Virginia, in Reston, and living
24 Q So, Telematics to Cascade, which became Ascend, then 24 in Florida, did you live anywhere else in between those two
25 from Ascend to Netrail? 25 locations?
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1 A No. 1 Q Does it have any nickname that people know it bu?
2 Q So, go ahead and walk me through your employment from 2 A No.
3 where we left off. 3 Q Is that area that you developed in unincorporated Dade,
4 A From Redback in 1997? 4 or is it in a municipality?
5 Q Uh-huh (affirmative expression). 5 A Palmetto Bay was incorporated in 2002. I bought the
6 A So, I was there from 1997 to January of 2001. One of 6 property before that, but when I developed it, it was part of
7 the former presidents of Atlantic was a mentor of mine, and he 7 Palmetto Bay.
8 hired me as the CEO of a company called NX Networks. That was 8 Q No, I understand that you bought that property.
9 January of 2001. So that's when I left Redback. Same thing, 9 There was one structure on that property when you
10 telecommunications equipment company. 10 purchased it, is that correct?
11 Q Was that job actually based here in Miami? 11 A Yes.
12 A No. That was also in Virginia, right near where I 12 Q And you lived in that structure?
13 lived. 13 A Yes.
14 Q How long did you work for them? 14 Q How long did you live in that structure?
15 A That was about one year, a little over a year. 15 A Basically from 2001, when I moved down here, until July
16 Q Who did you work for next? 16 of 2003 when I moved into Coconut Grove.
17 A So then, I kind of retired and moved down here. 17 Q What was the address for that home that you lived in
18 Q So, when you moved here it was retirement, at that 18 from 2001 to 2003?
19 point? 19 A I don't recall.
20 A Yeah. 20 Q I probably wouldn't recall mine either from 2001.
21 Q So, you didn't move here for a different career 21 A It was 179 something, two more digits after that,
22 opportunity or different job than when you initially came? 22 Southwest 82nd Avenue.
23 A No, I mean, I did some real estate development, 23 Q When you moved here in 2001 and lived in the home that
24 residential real estate development as kind of a hobby. And I 24 was on Southwest 82nd Avenue, did anybody reside with you in
25 found the property that I now live at. I bought a property 25 that home?
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1 nearby to stay at, about a mile away, right next to Palmer 1 A No.
2 Trinity School, while my house was under construction. And 2 Q When you lived in the Grove, from 2003 to 2007, did
3 then, I ended up developing that, because it was a little over 3 anybody reside with you in that home?
4 five acres with an old house on it. So, when I developed that, 4 A No.
5 I temporarily moved into Coconut Grove while the construction 5 Q Do you still own the home in the Grove?
6 was going on. And I stayed there -- I was there I think from 6 A Yes.
7 July of 2003 until probably the summer of 2007 when I moved into 7 Q Does anybody currently reside there?
8 my residence where I am now. 8 A Yes.
9 Q So, when you say you stayed there, you're referring to 9 Q Is it a tenant?
10 the place in the Grove from 2003 to '07? 10 A Yes.
11 A Yeah. 11 Q When did you start leasing out that address?
12 Q And the other place that you purchased, that you then 12 A When I moved out in July, or in the summer of 2007.
13 developed, that you said was about five acres, where was that 13 Q Have you had the same tenant since 2007?
14 located? 14 A No.
15 A Between 179 and 180th, Southwest 179th and 180th, 15 Q How many tenants have you had in the Grove address
16 between 80th Avenue and 82nd Avenue, basically right next to 16 since 2007?
17 Palmer Trinity School. 17 A I'd say, on average, probably one tenant every two
18 Q Okay. 18 years, two and a half years.
19 A On the west side. 19 Q Did you ever know any of the tenants personally before
20 Q When you said you developed that area, did you develop 20 they moved in as residents in the Coconut Grove address?
21 into other single-family homes? 21 MR. LEARY: I'm going to object to the relevance of
22 A Yeah. We took the single old home on a little over 22 these of questions. You can answer.
23 five acres and built 10 single-family homes. 23 THE WITNESS: No.
24 Q Does that neighborhood have any official name to it? 24 BY MR. ANGELL:
25 A No. 25 Q The home that you owned in 2001, or the home you lived
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1 in from 2001 to 2003, which I understand you then developed that 1 Q And just to be clear, the Coconut Grove address, what
2 property, when you developed that property where that home was 2 is that address?
3 located, did you take that home down, or did it remain standing? 3 A 3471 Main Highway. It's The Cloisters in Coconut
4 A You mean is it still there today? 4 Grove.
5 Q Yeah. Is it still there today? 5 Q What is your current address?
6 A No. 6 A 17575 Old Cutler Road and 17505 Old Cutler Road.
7 Q When you demolished that home in order to build -- or 7 Q The landholding corporation, I understand that you said
8 the project demolishing it, did you ever have any residents or 8 you don't know if the landholding corporation or the
9 tenants live in that home other than you? 9 construction corporation that you had did any work on 17575 Old
10 A No. 10 Cutler Road address, is that correct?
11 Q The property that you developed, do you currently own 11 MR. LEARY: I'm going to object to the form of that
12 any of the houses that are located on that property? 12 question.
13 A No. 13 THE WITNESS: Can you state the question again?
14 Q You said you didn't -- well, let me rephrase that. 14 BY MR. ANGELL:
15 The real estate development that you did, we talked 15 Q Sure. The Del Mar corporation that you had, did that
16 about that, that one place now. Did you develop any other 16 do any actual work on the 17575 Cutler Road address, or the
17 areas? 17 adjoining property?
18 A No. 18 A The corporation existed at the time 17575 Old Cutler
19 Q Did you do it by yourself as an individual, or through 19 Road and 17505 were being developed. Is it possible that there
20 a corporation? 20 were some contractors that did work on the other property by
21 A Through a corporation. 21 Mardel Development or Del Mar that were used at my property?
22 Q Is it a corporation you set up and established, or was 22 Yes, of course, I used the same contractors. Did they invoice
23 it somebody else's corporation that you joined? 23 under the new house, or the old name of the entity? There were
24 A Well, it's not a straightforward answer. There were 24 thousands of invoices. So, the answer is I'm sure there was. I
25 two corporations involved. There was a landholding corporation, 25 just couldn't tell you how many, or who invoiced. But to answer
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1 and then there's a construction corporation. There were two 1 your question, which I think you're getting at, all of the
2 different corporations. 2 construction at my current residence was done, and intended to
3 Q Are they both your corporations? 3 be done, in my own name.
4 A They were both my corporations when they existed, yes. 4 Q As a private individual?
5 Q When did they cease to exist? 5 A All the procurements. Yeah.
6 A I don't remember. 6 Q And just for ease, the 17575 and the 17505 addresses,
7 Q Did you establish both those corporations upon arriving 7 those are the correct addresses, right?
8 in Florida? 8 A Yes.
9 A I honestly don't recall. I know the land development 9 Q For the purposes of this deposition we're going to
10 corporation was established well before the construction. 10 refer to it as the "subject property."
11 Q Do you recall the names of either of those 11 A Right.
12 corporations? 12 Q That's way it's easier for Madam Reporter with the
13 A Yes, Del Mar Development and Mardel Development. 13 numbers.
14 Q Did you have partners in these corporations? 14 A Good plan.
15 A No. 15 Q Ill have to remember it.
16 Q So, you were the primary -- well, you were the 16 The businesses Mardel and Del Mar, I understand that
17 principal I should say? 17 you've already testified that they no longer exist.
18 A Yes. 18 Do you still retain records from those companies?
19 Q You would have been the president of both those 19 A I probably have tax returns, probably at least the last
20 corporations as well? 20 tax returns I filed on those, yes.
21 A President, sole director, managing partner, whatever 21 Q Other than tax returns, any invoices from the
22 they're called, yeah. 22 construction of the subject property, that were made under
23 Q Did either of those corporations participate in the 23 either of those two companies, Del Mar or Mardel, would you
24 development of your current address? 24 still have those invoices?
25 A Not sure. 25 A So, typically not. I only usually keep records for up
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1 to seven years. Those entities, I believe, ceased to exist 1 Q And your campaign people, if they have a Twitter, if
2 before 2010, so I probably don't. There might be some floating 2 they have a Facebook...just so I'm clear...if they have any of
3 around, but I couldn't tell you with conviction that I have a 3 that, you rely upon your campaign people to use their judgment
4 significant amount of records of original invoices. 4 on your behalf?
5 Q Where were those companies based out of? I mean where 5 A I can tell you I have never logged onto any of that
6 were the offices? 6 stuff, and I have never had access to any of that stuff, unless
7 A I don't recall what the listed principal addresses 7 people just forward me little snippets, but I don't know where
8 were. Those were incorporated so many years ago. 8 it comes from.
9 Q Did they share an address, or do you know if they were 9 Q And you, personally, other than the Facebook account
10 two separate addresses? 10 that you've never used, you don't have any social media,
11 A I don't recall. I really don't recall. 11 correct?
12 Q Other than yourself, did you have any staff that worked 12 A Correct, unless you call e-mail social media.
13 for either of those two companies? 13 Q Well, as public officials it can be.
14 A No. 14 Do you have a blog at all associated with your e-mail?
15 Q So, you were it? 15 A No.
16 A Yeah. 16 Q I know the answer to this question is going to be no,
17 Q We're going to talk more about the property on this a 17 but we ask it of everybody.
18 little later. I want to go back to some background information. 18 Have you ever been arrested?
19 A I figured we'd get to that sooner or later. 19 A No.
20 Q We got a little sidetracked. I'm going to get back to 20 Q Has your driver's license ever been suspended?
21 these configurations. 21 A I believe on multiple occasions.
22 Social media, do you have a Facebook? 22 Q Okay. Do you know when?
23 A I don't personally, no. I mean, I signed up for one 23 A I can tell you the last time I believe it was. I mean,
24 many years ago. I haven't logged onto my account because I lost 24 I'd have to check right now to see if it is now.
25 my password probably, three or four years. 25 I filed a police report for an incident, a vandalism
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1 Q I know some people have accounts other people monitor 1 incident. And, for whatever reason the cops, the police...
2 for them -- 2 because they're Palmetto Bay...and I'm an elected official, I
3 A Correct. 3 guess, decided it would be smart, and they decided on their own
4 Q -- especially people like in your public position. 4 to run my driver's license, which they did. And they called me
5 A Yeah, there's a campaign Facebook thing. 5 back, like a day or two later and said: By the way, we ran it.
6 Q All right. 6 Your license is suspended. Just a heads-up.
7 A I've never even logged onto it. I have no idea what 7 So, I went online, checked it, and sure enough it was
8 gets posted on that thing. 8 suspended. It was an administrative screw-up on their part. I
9 Q So, someone does that for you? 9 think Jeff has also done the same. When there was a problem I
10 A It's managed by my campaign. 10 think he's found some administrative screw-ups were tickets that
11 Q That's solely for campaign purposes? 11 were paid, but weren't processed properly by the state or
12 A Uh-huh (affirmative response). 12 whatever.
13 Q So, the private Facebook that you had at some point in 13 Q When was the last time that you were aware that your
14 time, that you don't use and you don't remember, no one monitors 14 license was suspended? What year was that?
15 that for you? 15 A I don't remember.
16 A Absolutely not. 16 Q Do you know how many times your license has been
17 Q Do you have a Twitter? 17 suspended by the State?
18 A No. 18 A I really don't.
19 Q Instagram? 19 Q You mentioned there was a vandalism incident in which
20 A No. 20 the police came out, and you did a report?
21 Q Any other form of social media? 21 A Yeah.
22 A I can't tell you what my campaign people do. If they 22 Q When was that?
23 have one in my name under my campaign, I don't know about it. 23 A I think this was...which would have coincided with the
24 Q Okay. 24 suspension...probably maybe a year and a half ago.
25 A But they do all of that stuff for me. 25 Q Was that on the subject property?
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1 A No. 1 is Eyecast...E-Y-E-C-A-S-T.
2 Q Unrelated? 2 Q You generally refer to it as Eyecast?
3 A Yeah. 3 A Right.
4 Q I know. I went over your work history with you. I did 4 Q When did you found Eyecast?
5 not go over your educational background. 5 A Eyecast was founded in -- it was incorporated in
6 What is that, sir? 6 October of 2008.
7 A I went to American -- you want from college on? 7 Q What does Eyecast do?
8 Q Yes. 8 A We provide technology and -- we build technology and
9 A American University in Washington, D.C. I was high 9 provide service to the public, principally commercially, for
10 school class of 1980, so I started there at that time. Finished 10 cloud-based video surveillance.
11 in -- I think I graduated January of 1985. I had two majors, 11 Q What does that mean "cloud-based video surveillance"?
12 economics and business administration. I graduated with a BS, 12 A If you know what a DVR is, for people who record their
13 and then I got a Masters in technology management, also at 13 video surveillance cameras, basically in a computer device.
14 American University, Technology of Management is what it was 14 MR. LEARY: TiVo.
15 called. 15 THE WITNESS: Yeah, we basically eliminate the need
16 Q Masters of -- 16 for that. We put our devices in, and it's stored on our
17 A Of Science. 17 servers in the cloud.
18 Q Okay. And after that, any additional higher education 18 BY MR. ANGELL:
19 after that? 19 Q So, the physical equipment for any surveillance is
20 A No. 20 still located at the individual's home, but everything is
21 Q Do you hold any professional licenses or certificates? 21 uploaded to the cloud?
22 A Yeah. 22 A The cameras and the technology that we developed are on
23 Q What do you hold? 23 premise, yes.
24 A Professional licenses or certificates? Well, it 24 Q Homeowner premise?
25 wouldn't be a professional license. 25 A Well, it's commercial. It's not residential.
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1 Q Well, I know an arborist, so we'll talk about that 1 Q Okay. Maybe that was a bad question on my part, which
2 later, but... 2 is why it didn't make sense.
3 A Yeah, I don't know if it classifies as either of those. 3 I understand that what you developed for the cloud
4 Q I don't know either, but anything else that come to 4 purpose, as I'll call it, where the surveillance footage is
5 your mind? I know you were licensed in real estate. 5 uploaded to, is your on premises, correct?
6 A Right. 6 A No.
7 Q Anything else? 7 Q No? Well, explain.
8 A Nothing comes to mind right now. 8 A Say that again. Sorry.
9 Q What did you do, or look at in order to prepare for 9 Q No, my question may be bad. I'm just trying to
10 this deposition today? And I want to make it clear that I don't 10 understand the business.
11 want to know about any communications or anything that was 11 I understand that it's a cloud-based business.
12 verbally said between you and your lawyer. 12 A Right.
13 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 13 Q So, my understanding of that is that it's based on
14 THE WITNESS: I could include that, too, and say 14 surveillance, correct?
15 nothing really. 15 A Video surveillance.
16 BY MR. ANGELL: 16 Q Is it homeowners' video surveillance?
17 Q Did you review any documents in order to prepare for 17 A No, commercial.
18 this deposition? 18 Q Oh, commercial?
19 A No. 19 A Businesses. We do some residential as a courtesy to
20 Q Any photographs? 20 the owners that own the businesses, that are customers. And we
21 A No. 21 do it for investors. We do it for employees. But we do not
22 Q We went over your past employment. What is your 22 actively sell, and we turn down, residential customers
23 current employment? 23 generally.
24 A Currently, I'm the CEO of a technology company called 24 Q So, for your business customers, the cameras that would
25 Optical Crime Prevention, I think is the legal name. The d/b/a 25 do the recording footage are located at those specific
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1 businesses? 1 subject property in 2008, other than yourself?
2 A Yes, the cameras are located or the premises for 2 A Well, first of all, in 2008 and 2009 it wasn't called
3 whatever is being surveilled. 3 Eyecast; it didn't have its d/b/a back then.
4 Q But the actual server that would hold your cloud would 4 Q Okay.
5 be located at your business? 5 A It was Optical Crime Prevention, Inc. So, at the time,
6 A That holds the video is -- no, it's not located at our 6 my cofounder, we would meet generally at my house to discuss
7 businesses. It's located in hosting facilities and/or our 7 corporate company matters, strategy, hiring, that sort of thing.
8 facilities. 8 Q Who was your cofounder?
9 Q Where is your business located, your physical office? 9 A Suhail Nanji.
10 A 8360 West Oakland Park Boulevard in Sunrise. 10 Q Is there any way you can spell that for Madam Reporter?
11 Q Are you the principal of that business? 11 A The last name, or the first name, or both?
12 A I'm the Chief Executive Officer of the company. 12 Q All of it.
13 Q Do you have any partners in that business? 13 A All right. First name Suhail is S-U-H-A-I-L. The last
14 A Yes, a lot. 14 name is Nanji...N-A-N-J-I.
15 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance of these 15 Q Thank you. Would anybody else meet with you about the
16 questions. 16 development of the company in 2008 on the property?
17 BY MR. ANGELL: 17 A I would say no.
18 Q Are you the president of that business as well. 18 Q Then come 2009 is that when the company really started
19 A I am listed as the Chief Executive Officer. Under 19 to perform its work?
20 corporate filings in certain states...and we file both in 20 A Yes.
21 Delaware and in Florida as a foreign are 21 Q Do you recall which staff you had working out of the
22 required to have officer/director designations for a president, 22 subject property in 2009?
23 for a secretary. Those are the two main ones. I am designated 23 A Yeah, but you're not going to get me to spell these for
24 as President through the corporate filings, but that's not my 24 you.
25 title at the company. 25 Q That's okay. If you can't spell them, I understand.
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1 Q Okay. How many employees do you have? 1 A Karuna Carsacala Bachtala (phonetic) was one. We had
2 A We have probably -- I mean, it depends what you include 2 --
3 as employees, but probably eight or nine, something like that. 3 Q Madam reporter is like...huh.
4 Q How many partners do you have? 4 A We had Huashan Lu. Those are the ones that I can
5 A I'm going to assume that by "partners" you mean 5 recall. We had others, that I don't remember their names, that
6 investors -- 6 were just as confusing and, you know, that are no longer with
7 Q Yes. 7 the company.
8 A -- that are my partners that way? 8 Q Okay.
9 Q Yes, sir. 9 A But, yeah.
10 A I would say probably close to 30. 10 Q Are the two names you gave me still at the company?
11 Q Has this business ever operated out of the subject 11 A No.
12 residence? 12 Q Do you retain employment records?
13 A Yes. 13 A Yeah.
14 Q In what years did it operate out of the subject 14 Q Do you still have the employment records of the
15 residence? 15 employees that worked out of the subject property in 2009?
16 A When we first incorporated. I'm not sure we used that 16 A I don't, but I imagine our office manager probably
17 as the principal address, but for all intents and purposes 17 would.
18 that's where would he met. 18 Q How long did the business function out of the subject
19 Q So, that would have been in 2008? 19 property?
20 A Yes. 20 A I don't recall.
21 Q When the business was operating out of the subject 21 Q Was it more than a year?
22 property, did the employees actually work at the subject 22 A It could have been around that time.
23 property? 23 Q So, approximately a year?
24 A Some did during 2009. 24 A It may have been, yeah. I mean, it wasn't years. I
25 Q Did any employees actually work for Eyecast on the 25 could tell you that.
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1 Q And after you stopped -- let me rephrase that. 1 A I don't really know how to answer that question because
2 A We moved to Sunrise after that. 2 we do, and can get involved, with inquiries regarding incidents
3 Q Thank you. That was exactly what my question was going 3 that occur for video that we stored. And sometimes those
4 to be. 4 incidents include incidents in our own building that own and we
5 Where did you go? 5 monitor ourselves. So, you could conceivably say that in those
6 A It was a previous address. 6 instances we're involved with investigative services.
7 Q The previous address you gave me on Sunrise? 7 Q Have you ever used your business Eyecast to investigate
8 A No, it was previous to that address. It was a 8 anything relating to this case?
9 different Sunrise address. 9 A Not that I recall.
10 Q How long were you at the prior Sunrise address? 10 Q Have you ever used Eyecast, or any of its employees, to
11 A I don't remember that. 11 investigate a county employee?
12 Q How long have you been at the current Sunrise address? 12 A Not that I recall.
13 Do you remember that? 13 Q Have you ever been married?
14 A I would guess we bought the building out there probably 14 A No. That one I recall.
15 four years ago maybe. You can find that in the public records 15 Q Do you have any children?
16 under that address. We actually -- our company has a 16 A No.
17 wholly-owned subsidiary that owns the building which is called 17 Q I should have asked you this far earlier. I'm sure the
18 OCP8360 Property, LLC. If you look that up, you will find an 18 answer is going to be no, but I assume your hearing is fine, and
19 actual date. 19 you're hearing me okay during the course of this deposition?
20 Q Okay. Have you been the CEO since the company's 20 A Actually, I have somewhat diminished hearing.
21 inception? 21 Q Okay. Do you need me to speak louder, to speak slower?
22 A Yes. 22 A If I don't hear you, I will tell you.
23 Q What are your duties as CEO? 23 Q Thank you. I should have asked you this earlier as
24 A Really? You want to ask that question? 24 well.
25 Q I'm going to ask you that question. 25 Is there any medicine that you take on a daily basis
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1 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance of that 1 that would interfere with your ability to participate in this
2 question. 2 deposition today?
3 THE WITNESS: I mean, the same as the CEO of any 3 A Not that I know of.
4 small startup company. You really want me to go through 4 Q Just checking.
5 that with you? 5 At any point in time, did you ever get a chance to read
6 BY MR. ANGELL: 6 the deposition of Steve Carney?
7 Q Yes, because I don't know what that entails. 7 A No.
8 A So, you run day-to-day, and you run strategy planning, 8 Q Have you ever read the deposition of John Ricisak?
9 process methodologies. You report to your investors, to the 9 A No.
10 Board, and that's pretty much it. 10 Q Have you ever read the deposition of Ed Swakon?
11 Q How often do you actually work out of the physical 11 A No.
12 location where Eyecast is based? 12 Q Have you ever read the deposition of Rainer Schael?
13 A It depends on the week, month and year. Sometimes it's 13 A No, but I can help you with this. That's why I hired
14 as many as -- it has been as many as four, five days a week in 14 him (indicating).
15 Sunrise, to as little as maybe one day a week, one day every two 15 Q Referring to Mr. Leary?
16 weeks. It just depends on how much is needed, how many customer 16 A Yes.
17 meetings I have, how many supplier meetings, you know, whatever. 17 Q Have you ever read the EQCB transcript?
18 It just depends on the schedule. 18 A No.
19 Q I understand that your business, from what you've told 19 Q Have you ever read your prior testimony before the
20 me, stores video surveillance. 20 EQCB?
21 A Correct. 21 A No.
22 Q Does it ever function as a private investigating 22 Q Have you ever read any court proceedings, any
23 agency? 23 transcripts of court proceedings from this case?
24 A As a private investigating agency? 24 A Probably. Hold on. Hold on.
25 Q Yes. 25 Q Sorry. By transcripts I'm referring to -- transcripts
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1 would be like deposition transcripts where the court reporter 1 Q How long have you been the Vice-Mayor of Palmetto Bay?
2 writes down what the Judge says and what the parties say. 2 A Three and a half years.
3 A Right. 3 Q How long is your term?
4 Q Not pleadings and documents that are filed in cases. 4 A Four years.
5 A I read what my attorney puts in front of me, so you'd 5 Q When were you first elected to the position?
6 have to ask him. 6 A Three and a half years ago.
7 Q Okay. Fair enough. 7 Q Do you recall a specific date?
8 A And I don't read a lot, if I don't have to. 8 A It was the November elections of 2012. It was a
9 Q You told me that you own the subject property and that 9 runoff, so it was two weeks after election day that year. And
10 you own the property in Coconut Grove. 10 then, technically you become Vice-Mayor when you're sworn in,
11 Do you currently own -- well, that your business owns 11 which is the first Monday of December during a Council meeting
12 the property in Fort Lauderdale. 12 that same year.
13 Do you personally own any other businesses? I mean, do 13 Q Briefly what are your duties as Vice-Mayor?
14 you personally own any other properties? I'm sorry. 14 A Briefly, to represent the interests of the community.
15 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 15 Q Does the Village of Palmetto Bay also have
16 THE WITNESS: Any other properties? 16 commissioners?
17 BY MR. ANGELL: 17 A They're called council members.
18 Q That was a bad question. 18 Q The council members of the Village of Palmetto Bay, how
19 A No. 19 is their job different than yours?
20 Q No? 20 A The only one that has a different job that I do is the
21 A No. 21 Mayor. He has a slightly broader scale of duties than the other
22 Q You understand what I meant. Do you own any other real 22 four council members. He's generally the one -- well, by
23 estate in the State of Florida as an individual? 23 charter his duties expand through both increased salary and
24 A No. 24 appearance -- he's the designated face of the village, if you
25 Q Are you currently a member of any Miami-Dade County 25 will. So, for public appearances he's usually the one, or he or
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1 boards? 1 she is usually the one that would make appearances and speak on
2 A No. 2 behalf of the Village for ceremonial purposes. Otherwise, all
3 Q Are you currently a member of any Miami-Dade County 3 five council members, being a strong manager counsel government
4 committees? 4 forum, have equal responsibility in voting and bringing forth
5 A No. 5 legislation.
6 Q You used to be a member of a Miami-Dade County 6 Q I'm just curious, because I don't know, so hopefully
7 committee? 7 you can educate me.
8 A Yes, you sat on one with me once. 8 If all of the council members have the same
9 Q Twice I think actually. I had to sit in for the other 9 responsibilities as the Vice-Mayor, why the different titles?
10 lawyer. 10 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance and the form.
11 What committee was that? 11 THE WITNESS: Yeah, I mean, this is way outside the
12 A It was the ITC, International Trade Consortium, that 12 scope here but...
13 had some other name before that. 13 BY MR. ANGELL:
14 Q When did you stop serving on that committee? 14 Q I understand.
15 A That would have been I guess 2014 when there was a 15 A But the Vice-Mayor, one of the duties of the Vice-Mayor
16 change in commissioners for the district and a reappointment. 16 is to step in for the Mayor in case the Mayor can no longer
17 Q Originally were you appointed by Linda Bell? 17 perform his duties. So, it's just like with the Vice-President
18 A Correct. 18 of the United States, and Lieutenant Governor of a state, their
19 Q What about Commissioner Cava? 19 principal duty is to be there just in case. In my situation, I
20 A Someone else. 20 am basically just an equal council member that also shares a
21 Q And you currently hold a political position as well, 21 duty to step in, in the event that the Mayor...
22 correct? 22 The other difference is that we don't have what's
23 A I am an elected official, yes. 23 called single-member districts, which means you can only vote
24 Q What is your official title as elected official? 24 for people if you're in the district you are running for. We
25 A Vice-Mayor of Palmetto Bay. 25 don't have that form of government. Everybody votes for
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1 everybody. However, Districts 1, 2 and 3, which are the other 1 Q What was your relationship with Ms. Weis?
2 seats, you actually have to reside in those districts in order 2 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance of that question.
3 to run for those districts. So, Vice-Mayor is an enlarged 3 THE WITNESS: She was -- we were engaged.
4 position just like the Mayor. 4 BY MR. ANGELL:
5 Q Your term then is up soon, correct? 5 Q Where does she currently reside?
6 A Yes, this year. 6 A I don't know.
7 Q So, you're running for reelection currently? 7 Q Do you know if she still resides in Florida?
8 A Yes. 8 A I believe she does not.
9 Q Are you a member of any Village boards? 9 Q There was an individual, maybe a year ago, who stayed
10 A There are various legal entities that we are 10 with you for a short period of time, who had a pending criminal
11 effectively members of board of directors of parallel entities. 11 matter.
12 It's just as a matter of legal form, that really have no 12 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance.
13 significance other than rubber-stamping certain things that have13 BY MR. ANGELL:
14 to be done legislatively and legally. 14 Q What was that person's name?
15 Q Are any of those boards environmental in nature? 15 A It was Stanley Kowlessar, Jr.
16 A No. 16 THE COURT REPORTER: Last name?
17 Q When did you first to run as Vice-Mayor? 17 THE WITNESS: K-O-W-L-E-S-S-A-R.
18 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance. 18 BY MR. ANGELL:
19 THE WITNESS: Are you referring to -- 19 Q What years did he live with you -- or let me rephrase
20 BY MR. ANGELL: 20 that.
21 Q The first time? 21 During what time period did he live with you?
22 A -- the first time? 22 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance.
23 Q Yes. 23 THE WITNESS: I was the court-appointed guardian,
24 A Probably -- I would guess probably maybe November of 24 and he stayed at the house during that appointment, from I
25 2011, November or December, probably, or close to it. 25 think it was April of 2015 to June of 2015 maybe, or
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1 Q The subject property, what date did you acquire it? 1 thereabouts.
2 A This would have been I think July 24th of 2000. 2 BY MR. ANGELL:
3 Q You said that you had moved into that property after 3 Q Did you have any other individuals who stayed on your
4 the construction of the house in 2000 -- 4 property for a short period of time, not years, but like Mr.
5 A '07. 5 Kowlessar, for months?
6 Q -- '07? Do you currently reside on the subject 6 A Not that I know of.
7 property full-time? 7 Q So, no long-term visitors? No family that came into
8 A Yes, when I'm in town, yes. 8 town to stay?
9 Q You say when you're in town. When you're not town is 9 A Not long-term, no.
10 it for travel, also, or do you have another residence, also? 10 Q So, has anybody other than Mr. Kowlessar lived at your
11 A No, I don't have a residence anywhere else. 11 -- let me rephrase.
12 Q Since you constructed the house in 2007 to present has 12 Has anybody, other than Mr. Kowlessar and Ms. Weis,
13 anybody lived in that property with you? 13 lived on your property for more than a month at a time?
14 A Yes. 14 A No.
15 Q Who? 15 Q Did you know Mr. Kowlessar before you were appointed as
16 A Her name is Monica Weis. 16 his representative?
17 Q Can you spell the last name for me? 17 A Of course.
18 A W-E-I-S. 18 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance.
19 Q How long -- I should rephrase. 19 BY MR. ANGELL:
20 When did Ms. Weis reside in that property? 20 Q How long have you known him?
21 A Pretty much from the middle of 2007 to some time in 21 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance.
22 2008, as I recall. 22 THE WITNESS: Many years.
23 Q Other than Ms. Weis, has anybody else lived on that 23 BY MR. ANGELL:
24 property? 24 Q When you say "many years," I don't know what that
25 A No. 25 means.
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1 A I mean, you're going to have to specify on what you 1 Q Did you ever speak to Ms. Weis about the landscaping of
2 mean by "known him." 2 the property?
3 Q Well -- 3 A I don't recall. It's entirely possible.
4 A What does that mean? 4 Q Do you know if Ms. Weis was ever on the subject
5 Q At some point in time you met Mr. Kowlessar, correct? 5 property when any work was being done on the subject property?
6 A Yes. 6 A I don't recall.
7 Q When did you meet him first? 7 Q What did Ms. Weis do for a living?
8 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance. I'm going to 8 A She worked in the pharmaceutical industry.
9 have a standing objection to all questions regarding Mr. 9 Q Do you know for what company?
10 Kowlessar. 10 A No, I don't recall.
11 THE WITNESS: Well, I was friends with his father, 11 Q Do you know her date of birth?
12 and he -- and I was over at the Kowlessar's home all the 12 A No. I mean...
13 time while Stanley, Jr., lived there. So, every time there 13 Q Do you know if she ever had a valid Florida Driver's
14 was a party there, or at my house, or whatever, he was -- I 14 license.
15 would probably say it's possible it's 40 or 50 times prior 15 A I've never seen it. And actually, I never asked, but I
16 to the court-appointed guardianship. 16 assume the answer is yes. I might be wrong. I don't know.
17 BY MR. ANGELL: 17 Q Did Ms. Weis ever have any children that stayed with
18 Q Prior to the construction of your house, did you know 18 you on the property?
19 him? 19 A No.
20 A Prior to the construction of the house? Prior to the 20 Q Other than Ms. Weis, are there any friends or
21 beginning of the construction of the house, no. 21 individuals, that were not in your employment, who you recall
22 Q So, while the construction was -- let me rephrase that. 22 having been on the property during the construction of your
23 During the course of the construction of the house did 23 home?
24 you come to know him? 24 A Say that again, please.
25 A Yes. 25 Q Sure. Other than Ms. Weis, were there any friends or
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1 Q Had he or his family ever been on your property during 1 acquaintances that you can recall who were not in your employ,
2 the construction of the home? 2 who had been on the subject property during the construction of
3 A I don't recall. 3 the home?
4 Q How long were you in a relationship with Ms. Weis? 4 A Yeah, for sure.
5 MR. LEARY: Completely object to the relevancy of 5 Q Do you recall who those people were?
6 this question. 6 A I can tell you there were a lot. The ones I could tell
7 THE WITNESS: A long time. 7 you for sure that were there would have been Alan and Ann
8 BY MR. ANGELL: 8 Zabelinski.
9 Q Had Ms. Weis -- 9 You said during the construction, right?
10 A To answer your question, I knew her before, well before 10 Q Yes.
11 that period where she moved in. 11 A Certainly them. There were a lot of people that were
12 Q Had Ms. Weis ever been to the property, the subject 12 there. I just don't recall who it was.
13 property, prior to the construction of the house? 13 Q No one else comes to mind?
14 A To be honest, I don't know. I don't recall. It's 14 A They were there probably, by far, the most, because
15 possible. 15 they lived across the street. They were my very close friends
16 Q Do you know if Ms. Weis ever had been on the property 16 for a long period of time.
17 during the construction of the house? 17 Q Do they still reside across the street?
18 A It's possible. I don't recall specifically. 18 A More or less, yeah. I mean, it's not across the
19 Q When the house was being built, did you ever consult 19 street. It's walking distance. It's 169th, right off Old
20 with Ms. Weis about the location of the house? 20 Cutler.
21 A No. 21 Q During the construction of the home, to your knowledge,
22 Q Did you ever consult with Ms. Weis about landscaping on 22 was April Burch or her father, Elliot Burch, on your property?
23 the property? 23 A Say the question again.
24 A Actually, I'm going to have to rephrase that. I don't 24 Q During the construction of your home, to your
25 recall. It's entirely possible. 25 knowledge, was April Burch, or her father, Elliott Burch, on the
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1 subject property? 1 important.
2 A Probably. 2 Q Okay. Well, I didn't know if you silenced it, sir.
3 Q Do you actually recall seeing them on the property? 3 Do you know how long the property had been on the
4 A I recall seeing them on the property. I don't 4 market prior to you purchasing it?
5 actually -- and I recall speaking to them for hours out in the 5 A The subject property?
6 yard. I don't actually recall whether that was before, or 6 Q Yes, the subject property.
7 during construction. 7 A How long had it been on the market? I know it had been
8 Q How about Clifford Kunde? Do you recall if he had ever 8 on the market for a very long period of time, because they had
9 been on the property during the construction of the home? 9 some, I think, construction plans associated with it prior to me
10 A I would give the same answer there. Certainly before 10 looking at it, in an earlier period where there was supposed to
11 construction. After construction maybe, or maybe not during. I 11 be a seven-home development, or something on there. And they
12 don't recall. 12 were trying to sell it to developers, so it was kind of in a
13 Q Is there anybody else that you can recall that was on 13 different category. And it was on the market for a long period
14 the property during the construction of the home, or potentially 14 of time because they tried to sell it that way, and then they
15 on the property during the construction of the home, that was 15 tried to sell it afterwards as a single-family home, and they
16 not in your employ, other than the Burches, Clifford Kunde, and 16 kept lowering the price...bla, bla, bla.
17 the neighbors a few ways up, the Zebeilinskis? 17 Q It was on the market for a couple of years, right?
18 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question. 18 A At least, yeah.
19 THE WITNESS: I mean, there were a ton of people on 19 Q Do you know if it was on the market for more than five
20 my property during construction. Obviously, a gazillion 20 years?
21 construction people, contractors, people that were making 21 A I don't know.
22 introductions -- people that knew me that were making 22 Q Did you ever actually meet the Walbergs?
23 introductions to contractors and subcontractors, or 23 A No, I didn't.
24 whatever. I just don't recall. It was a very long list of 24 Q Do you know if the Walbergs are still alive?
25 people. It was in the thousands. 25 A I would really doubt it, but I'd have no way of
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1 BY MR. ANGELL: 1 knowing, though.
2 Q Had Linda Bell ever been on your property during the 2 Q Did you ever hear, or were you ever told if the
3 construction? 3 Walbergs had any children?
4 A Not to my knowledge, no, at least not while I was 4 A I never asked, and I don't recall anybody ever
5 there. 5 mentioning it to me.
6 Q When you purchased the subject property, was your real 6 Q Was your purchase of the property directly with the
7 estate license still valid? 7 Walbergs? I mean, were they the people selling it, or was it
8 A In Virginia? 8 the estate? Do you recall?
9 Q Did you ever have a Florida real estate license? 9 A I believe it was directly with them.
10 A No. 10 Q When you first went to look at the property, other than
11 Q Never mind then. 11 the realtor, did anybody else go with you to tour the property?
12 When you purchased the subject property, did you use a 12 A Not that I recall. You mean with the real estate
13 realtor? 13 agent?
14 A Yes. 14 Q Yeah, other than the real estate agent.
15 Q What company did you use? 15 A At the same time the real estate agent was there? Is
16 A It was EWM, yeah. 16 that what you're asking?
17 Q EWM? 17 Q No, no. I understand that when you went to go see the
18 A EWM I think it was. 18 property the real estate agent was most likely with you.
19 Q Do you know who specifically from that company you 19 A Right.
20 used? 20 Q Other than yourself and the real estate agent, was
21 A God! She was an old lady. I really don't remember her 21 there anybody else with you when you first viewed the subject
22 name. 22 property?
23 Q Do you need to get that, or if you need to take a break 23 A Before I bought it?
24 if that was you? 24 Q Before you bought it.
25 A No. If it only rings for a split second it's not that 25 A I don't recall.
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1 Q During the time period that you were considering 1 the house, had it been repaired at all since Hurricane Andrew?
2 purchasing the subject property, did you ever bring anybody with 2 A No, my understanding -- excuse me. My understanding,
3 you, other than the real estate agent, to look at the property? 3 as the story went, is that the Walbergs were actually occupied
4 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question. 4 in the house during the hurricane. And then, they were so
5 THE WITNESS: I don't really recall. I mean, we're 5 tormented by what happened that they moved downtown to a
6 talking about, you know, over 15 years ago. 6 high-rise, and never came back to the property, never put a blue
7 BY MR. ANGELL: 7 tarp on it, never did anything to try to preserve or protect it.
8 Q When you were considering buying the property were you 8 So, it sat unattended, unrepaired, and exposed to the elements
9 still in a relationship with Ms. Weis? 9 from August of '92 until I bought it to in 200, severely
10 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 10 damaged.
11 THE WITNESS: I don't recall the timing of the 11 Q I've heard differing things about how soon after Andrew
12 relationship, of the periods of the relationship so I can't 12 that the Walbergs departed the property. Although, I'm sure it
13 answer that question. 13 was all shortly after Andrew.
14 BY MR. ANGELL: 14 What is your understanding as to when they abandoned
15 Q Do you know if Ms. Weis ever viewed the property prior 15 the property?
16 to the construction of the house beginning? 16 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question.
17 A Yes. 17 THE WITNESS: Like I told you, that was my
18 Q Do you know if she ever viewed the property prior to 18 understanding through thirdhand information.
19 your purchase of the subject property? 19 BY MR. ANGELL:
20 A I would say no, because I didn't live in Florida at the 20 Q Who was that thirdhand information from?
21 time. 21 A I believe it was from the real estate agent at the
22 Q Do you know when the Certificate of Occupancy was 22 time. She was also the listing agent of the property, so she
23 issued for the house? 23 knew the Walbergs.
24 A December of 2006. 24 Q Was there any other real estate agent involved in the
25 Q Other than Eyecast, which I know had a different name 25 transaction?
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1 originally, was there any other business run out of your home? 1 A No, I don't think so. I mean, other than her
2 A Not that I recall. 2 associates that would help me with the transaction.
3 Q When you first went and viewed the property with the 3 Q I understand that.
4 real estate agent -- well, let me ask it this way. The first 4 If I understand correctly, the real estate agent told
5 time you went on that property were you with the real estate 5 you that the Walbergs moved off the property and didn't want
6 agent? 6 anything to do with the house, so to speak, is that correct?
7 A Yes. 7 A Right.
8 Q Have you ever been on that property, prior to its 8 Q Did she express to you if the Walbergs had ever come
9 purchase, alone without the real estate agent? 9 back to the property for any other purpose?
10 A No. 10 A No.
11 Q At the time that you first saw the subject property 11 Q Do you currently employ a landscaper?
12 with the real estate agent, was there any structure on the 12 A Yeah.
13 property? 13 Q And who is that?
14 A Yes. 14 A Patrick Deary. They're called Trimscape.
15 Q What was that structure? 15 Q How long have you had Trimscape in your employ?
16 A That was the original house built in 1926. 16 A I would say maybe two years.
17 Q Where was the original house located? 17 Q Did you have a landscaping company prior to them.
18 A It was probably within 100 feet off of Old Cutler Road. 18 A No, I had a bunch of lawn mowers.
19 Q What state was the house in? 19 Q Before the landscaping company, so two years, 2014
20 A Well, I actually worked with the architects. We tried 20 roughly?
21 to put some plans together for selective demolition so we could 21 A I think so.
22 keep it as kind of a guest house or historical property, but 22 Q So, from 2007 to 2014, who was doing your lawn
23 that didn't work out. The amount of damage after Hurricane 23 maintenance?
24 Andrew was too significant. 24 A I did a lot of it myself, and I would have -- it was
25 Q Had the house been repaired at all? From your view of 25 mostly me. There were some workers I had periodically over the
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1 years that would do it, as well. 1 Q I understand you never contracted anybody else but, to
2 Q The workers that you had periodically over the years 2 your knowledge, did anybody else, other than him and yourself,
3 that would assist with lawn maintenance, were they with any 3 trim mangroves on your property?
4 specific company? 4 A Yeah, I'm sure there have been. I mean, a lot of my
5 A No. 5 workers that I've directed to trim like the circular hedge
6 Q Do you recall the names of any of those workers? 6 around the basin there, have trimmed. There's a guy from
7 A Yeah, one was Salvador Halpin. One was Rainier 7 Vermont named Tinker, he was one of my property -- he worked on
8 Santana. One was David Ruiz. Let me think. There was Joe 8 my property during construction. He used to do trimming back
9 Mora, Joseph Mora. Those are the ones that come to mind. I 9 then. So, yeah, I mean, various people would help.
10 mean, I'm sure there were a lot more. 10 MR. LEARY: To clarify, are you talking about
11 Q And all four of these people were not affiliated with a 11 voluntarily, or are these still workers?
12 company, to your knowledge? 12 MR. ANGELL: I'm sorry?
13 A Correct. 13 MR. LEARY: Your question where you're talking
14 Q How did you find them? 14 about people who were -- sorry.
15 A Just through referrals, just people that needed work. 15 MR. ANGELL: I'll rephrase the question. If you're
16 Q Do you keep records of the work that they did for you 16 you don't understand I'll rephrase it.
17 on the property? 17 BY MR. ANGELL:
18 A Not really. 18 Q I'm asking from 2007, after the house is built, is
19 Q Did you keep records of payment of these people? 19 there anybody --
20 A Not really. A lot of it was cash. 20 A Say the years.
21 Q Did you ever have any contracts with any of these 21 Q From 2007 to 2014?
22 people for work on the property? 22 A Right.
23 A No. 23 Q From 2007 to 2014, other than the people that you've
24 Q Do you currently have a contract with Trimscape for 24 mentioned, who was yourself, is there anybody else other than
25 work on the property? 25 you, to your knowledge --
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1 A No, there's no contracts. 1 A No.
2 Q Does Trimscape currently engage in the maintenance of 2 Q -- has trimmed mangroves on the property?
3 mangroves on your property? 3 A Like I said, the only people that would assist me, I
4 A No. 4 was always there during trimming. I'd do the trimming myself,
5 Q To your knowledge, has Trimscape has ever trimmed or 5 for the most part, and I'd have helpers that would put the stuff
6 altered any mangroves on your property? 6 -- collect it and put the trimmings on the truck, and that sort
7 A Not to my knowledge, but... 7 of thing.
8 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question. 8 Q Now, before the house construction, after the purchase
9 THE WITNESS: I mean, obviously I'm not there when 9 of the property, you had James Robinson do some trimming on the
10 they're there. So, I mean, I can't say 100%. 10 property, correct?
11 BY MR. ANGELL: 11 A After purchase, yes.
12 Q The other four individuals that you listed, who were in 12 Q What year did he do work on your property?
13 your employ some time between 2007 to 2014, to do some form of 13 A I believe -- I can tell you when he started. I don't
14 the lawn maintenance, did any of these four individuals, to your 14 recall -- And, again, he was a PMT.
15 knowledge, ever trim mangroves on your property? 15 Q Yeah.
16 A I would say all of them probably assisted with, you 16 A -- with Dade County, so he was the licensed PMT, but he
17 know, taking trimmings and putting them on the trucks and taking 17 didn't do any trimming, himself, I don't think. I think he
18 them to the dump, that sort of thing, but I always did the 18 subcontracts to, or did, to a tree company, and they actually
19 cutting, or trimming. 19 would do the trimming.
20 Q I know that you, at some point, had a gentlemen named 20 Q Do you know when you retained him?
21 Mr. Robinson, James Robinson, do trimming on your property. 21 A Yeah. Like I said, the beginning of it was...and this
22 A Correct. 22 is all in the documents you guys have. It was either 2003,
23 Q Other than him and yourself, have you ever had anyone 23 2002, somewhere in there.
24 else do trimming on your property of mangroves? 24 Q Do you know who he subcontracted with to do the
25 A No, I never contracted anyone else. 25 trimming?
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1 A I don't recall. 1 not trying to give you a hard time. I'm just trying to
2 Q Do you know how many times he conducted trimming on 2 understand the period of times that Mr. Robinson was working on
3 your property? 3 the property.
4 A I don't recall. I was -- actually, I'm wrong. He 4 My understanding is that his work on the property was
5 probably started before 2002, because I think I was still out of 5 done pre-construction of the home.
6 town. So, he was on the property sometimes when I was out of 6 Is that your recollection?
7 town in Virginia. So, it might have even been before 2002. 7 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
8 Q Did you know him prior to retaining his services? 8 THE WITNESS: For the most part, yeah, yeah.
9 A No. 9 BY MR. ANGELL:
10 Q Do you know for how many -- well, I understand you said 10 Q And if I understand you correctly, you're uncertain
11 you don't know how many times James Robinson, or his 11 whether or not he may have been doing some trimming on the
12 subcontractors -- 12 property, or his subcontractors may have been doing some
13 A Yeah. 13 trimming on the property?
14 Q -- did trimming on your property? 14 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question.
15 A Yeah. I wasn't there for a large portion of it. In 15 THE WITNESS: I'd have to go back to the paperwork
16 fact, I'm not sure I was ever there when his people would do the 16 and check if I can even find it. I just don't recall.
17 trimming. 17 BY MR. ANGELL:
18 Q But your understanding is that he did trimming on your 18 Q I know you said that he has at least trimmed more than
19 property on more than one occasion? 19 once on the property.
20 A Yeah. 20 A Yes.
21 Q Did he send you a bill for each time he trimmed? 21 Q Do you know if it was more than five times?
22 A I honestly don't recall. I mean, like I said, there 22 A I don't recall. Like I said, I wasn't there, I don't
23 were thousands of invoices and stuff going on during that 23 think, ever during his trimmings.
24 period. 24 Q Do you know if it was over a period of more than a
25 Q Did you have a contract with him? 25 year?
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1 A Yes. 1 A I don't recall.
2 Q Do you still have that contract? 2 Q How did you come to choose Mr. Robinson as the person
3 A I think it has been -- I think -- actually, let me 3 for the PMT?
4 rephrase that. I'm not sure I have a contract with him. I 4 A He, and I think one other, like I think him and David
5 believe there was a contract. I provided, through my attorney, 5 Ettman were the two that were recommended by Cliff Kunde as
6 all the paperwork during discovery on that. So, if I had it, I 6 former DERM employees and PMT's.
7 would have given it to you. I just don't recall. 7 Q Did you ever have David Ettman on your property?
8 I mean, I do recall that there was an agreement I had 8 A Yes.
9 with him. I don't recall whether I had the paperwork at the 9 Q And when was he on your property?
10 time you did the discovery, and whether it was turned over to 10 A I know he was on the property before Cliff Kunde's
11 you guys, or not, if it did exist. 11 father died next door, because he was the one that actually made
12 Q Did Mr. Robinson remain in your employment during the 12 the introduction, now that I think about it.
13 construction of the home? 13 Q Cliff Kunde's father died in 2006.
14 A I'd have to go back and check, because I don't recall 14 A I'm impressed.
15 exactly if it was 2003. The construction started in 2003, so 15 Q We just took his depo last week. That's the only
16 the answer would be yes. I just don't recall the years. 16 reason we know.
17 Q Do you recall if anyone was employed by you to do 17 MR. LEARY: We just took his deposition.
18 mangrove trimming during the actual construction period of the 18 BY MR. ANGELL:
19 home? 19 Q That's the only reason I know, and then his mother died
20 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 20 in 2010.
21 THE WITNESS: No, not that I recall, other than -- 21 A Yeah, so before 2006 Cliff Kunde's father introduced me
22 as I said, if there was any, it would have been helpers for 22 to David Ettman. That was the first time I met him on my
23 the most part. I don't recall. I really don't. I just -- 23 property, in the back looking at the mangroves, actually.
24 BY MR. ANGELL: 24 Q Do you know when you first met David -- is it Ettman?
25 Q I'm just trying to understand the periods of time. I'm 25 A Ettman...E-T-T-M-A-N...or something like that.
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1 MR. LEARY: Yes. 1 Q Once you retained Mr. Robinson, did you have him deal
2 BY MR. ANGELL: 2 with your general contractor directly?
3 Q When you first met David Ettman, had construction 3 A No.
4 already begun on your home? 4 Q To your knowledge, prior to the construction of the
5 A I don't recall. 5 home, did anyone do a wetland delineation on that property?
6 Q Did you ever interview David Ettman to do work on your 6 A Oh, and there was another one, Swakon also did work for
7 property? 7 me. And I didn't even remember that he did, other than I had
8 A Yes. 8 issued some checks to him. Like I said, I just don't get
9 Q Do you recall if you met with David Ettman before you 9 involved. There was so much paper flying around. It wasn't
10 met with James Robinson? 10 just the general contractor. We had the architects that were
11 A I can't say with 100% certainty, but I'd say probably 11 involved with making sure that the plans were getting approved
12 not. It was probably afterwards. 12 to get my permits. So, every time -- and DERM was the Agency
13 Q Do you recall if you met with David Ettman after you 13 that extended the time period for getting approval. Every other
14 had hired James Robinson? 14 -- I believe every other part of Dade County had approved the
15 A Well, definitely after. I met with him. 15 plans for permitting within three or four months. DERM took 362
16 Q On your contract with James Robinson what services was 16 days. So, there was a lot of back and forth with DERM.
17 he supposed to perform for you? 17 At that time, it wouldn't have been through the general
18 A Mangrove trimming. 18 contractor because construction hadn't started. That would have
19 Q On what parts of your property? 19 been through the architects and engineers. So, those are the
20 A I'd have to go back to the same paperwork that you'd be 20 people that would have recommended Swakon and Carney and those
21 going back to. I don't know how to describe it, and I don't 21 other people, not my general contractor.
22 recall the details without looking at the paperwork. 22 Q I'm sorry. You said who would have recommended Swakon?
23 Q Okay. We will show you some pictures later on. 23 A My architects and engineers.
24 A All right. 24 Q And who was your architectural firm?
25 Q Do you recall when the last time was that James 25 A It was Portuondo Perotti.
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1 Robinson was on your property himself? 1 Q So, prior to the construction of your home beginning,
2 A The attorney or the mangrove trimmer? 2 do you know if anyone did a wetland delineation on your
3 Q The mangrove trimmer. 3 property?
4 A James Robinson. 4 A Like I said, I know Carney did some work. I know
5 Q The attorney is Tom Robertson. 5 Robinson did some work. I just recalled Swakon did some work.
6 So, Mr. Robinson, do you recall when James Robinson was 6 There were some other engineering firms also that did work
7 last on your property? 7 related to the grounds of the property. I just don't really
8 A No. Like I said, I wasn't there when he did the 8 recall.
9 trimming every time. 9 Q So, you don't recall if any of these people that you
10 Q So, we're clear, Mr. Robinson was never hired to do any 10 mentioned did an actual --
11 form of wetland delineation on your property, correct? 11 A I didn't know --
12 A I don't recall. I mean, there was -- during 12 Q She can't take us both down.
13 construction I know Steve Carney was hired as a recommended 13 You don't recall if any of these people on the property
14 consultant back then. Robinson was hired on the mangroves 14 ever told you, or if you were ever informed that any of these
15 trimming. I had, you know, my general contractor and other 15 people did a wetland delineation prior to the start of
16 people were managing paperwork back and forth. I really don't 16 construction?
17 remember. I mean, I was not that hands-on. I was not that 17 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question.
18 involved. 18 THE WITNESS: I can tell you at that time that
19 Q Did you have someone managing that aspect for you of 19 you're referring to I didn't know what a wetland delineation
20 the construction? 20 was. So, it would have gone just way over my head, and it
21 A The general contractor. 21 wouldn't have sunk in. So, I have no recollection of it.
22 Q Okay. Understood. You hired a general contractor. 22 BY MR. ANGELL:
23 Was there anybody else that you had in your employment 23 Q You told me about the architect that you recall being
24 to oversee the general contractor? 24 in your employ for the property. What engineers?
25 A No. I did. 25 A There were a bunch. There were a whole lot.
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1 Q Do you remember what companies? 1 take his name down and depose him.
2 A I couldn't even tell you the first one, because the way 2 Q That's my next question: What's his name?
3 it works in construction is you contract with the architect, 3 A His name is William Real. I call him Willie, Willie
4 let's say X dollars per foot. That includes architectural 4 Real.
5 services, and all the engineering services. Some of the 5 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 5 minutes.
6 architectural firms have inhouse engineers. Some of them 6 MR. ANGELL: Oh, we need to take a break in five
7 subcontract. 7 because the tape's going to run out.
8 Portuondo Perotti, for the most part, outsourced most 8 THE WITNESS: Civic Construction...C-I-V-I-C.
9 of the engineering because they weren't a big enough firm to 9 Civic Construction is the name of the firm.
10 have engineering in-house. And anything that the engineers were 10 BY MR. ANGELL:
11 to communicate with the general contractor or the property 11 Q Had you known William Real prior to retaining his
12 owner, me, would have been through the architect. So, I had 12 services?
13 very little direct interaction with any of the engineering 13 A So, if you're implying to the subject property, yes.
14 companies other than paying bills. 14 Q Yes. I'm referring to the subject property.
15 Q Do you recall any of the names of any of those 15 A Okay. So, there was another property, the one that I
16 companies? 16 lived at between 82nd and 80th Avenue where he was also the
17 A I really don't. 17 general contractor for that construction, which occurred before
18 Q When you would pay the companies for their work, did 18 the construction of my home, and before -- I believe it was
19 you pay them directly, or through the general contractor or the 19 before I selected him as the general contractor because of his
20 architect? 20 experience.
21 A Both. 21 Q So, the 10 houses that were built in the development,
22 Q I assume those would be check payments, because I would 22 William Real in the construction did that work as the general
23 imagine they're too large for cash payments. 23 contractor?
24 A (Laughter) Actually, I wouldn't say they would be too 24 A They were the general contractor, yes.
25 large for cash payments in all cases, but... 25 MR. ANGELL: I think we can take that break if you
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1 MR. LEARY: This is Miami-Dade County after all. 1 want to switch tapes.
2 THE WITNESS: But I would say: Yes, they would 2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We're off the record. The time
3 have been checks. And if they would have been through the 3 is 12:00 p.m.
4 architect -- I'm sorry, through the general contractor, or 4 (Whereupon, a short recess was taken from 12:00
5 potentially through the architect, they could be aggregated 5 noon until 12:11 p.m.)
6 payments for a month, where I'd just write one check, and 6 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: One second. We're back on the
7 then they did all the disbursements. 7 record. The time is 12:11 p.m.
9 Q How did you pick your general contractor? 9 Q Okay. We left off talking about the general contractor
10 A I think they had Yellow Pages back then. I'm just 10 and the architect, William Real. And you had said that William
11 kidding. That was a joke. Hello? A joke. 11 Real was the general contractor for the other project.
12 Q You smiled. It's on film. 12 A For Mardel Development, yes.
13 A Somebody -- the general contractor, that's a good 13 Q Do you have a social relationship with William Real?
14 question. I do not recall how he was referred to me. 14 A I would chat on the phone a little bit, but not much
15 Q Do you recall if he had been on the property prior to 15 beyond that.
16 accepting the job? 16 Q Has he ever been to your house for non-work-related
17 A Well, of course, he would have had to have been. 17 reasons?
18 Q Do you recall how many times he had been on the 18 A I have invited him, but I don't believe he's shown up
19 property prior to accepting the job? 19 at any parties. He may have. I don't recall.
20 A I couldn't tell you because that would have been over 20 Q Do you consider William Real a friend?
21 15 years ago. 21 A Yeah, I would say so.
22 Q When he came onto the property before accepting the 22 Q When did the construction finish on your property?
23 job, for the initial inspection or any subsequent inspections, 23 A Well, the plumbers are still there today.
24 do you know if he took any photographs of the property? 24 Q Okay. I'll rephrase.
25 A I couldn't tell you that either. You're welcome to 25 The initial construction of the house, when did that
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1 finish? 1 Q And through whom is the test given?
2 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 2 A The person that applies, and I did apply.
3 THE WITNESS: Well, that's also a difficult one to 3 Q You applied for the test. Who administers the test?
4 answer. I mean, I could tell you the dates that the CO was 4 A Right. The ISA, I think, or a contractor for them.
5 given. 5 Q Other than take a test, is there anything else that you
6 BY MR. ANGELL: 6 had to do to become an arborist?
7 Q And that you've already given me. 7 A You'd have to ask them. I don't recall.
8 When was the work done by William Real concluded? 8 Q So, you don't recall if you did anything other than
9 A I don't recall. 9 take a test --
10 Q Do you know if you had William Real do any additional 10 A I don't recall.
11 work for you after the CO was issued? 11 Q -- in order to become an arborist? You don't recall?
12 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 12 A I mean, you have to take -- initially, I took a test.
13 THE WITNESS: I do not believe so. 13 I think you can get something called CEU credits, and you have
14 BY MR. ANGELL: 14 to get like 30 of them to get certification or recertification,
15 Q Do you have any staff that regularly works at your 15 or whatever it is.
16 home? 16 Q Do you have to do any continuing education?
17 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 17 A Yeah.
18 THE WITNESS: I do not have staff that regularly 18 Q How often do you have to do continuing education?
19 works in my home. 19 A I think it's every three years you need a grand total
20 BY MR. ANGELL: 20 of 30 CEU's which are like educational unit credits, or
21 Q Do you have -- 21 something like this.
22 A Well, is that like cleaning ladies and stuff? 22 Q Are you current on the CEU's that you are required to
23 Q You know what? Let me rephrase. 23 do to maintain your certification?
24 Do you have any staff that works there everyday of the 24 A Actually, I'm on an extension. I'm currently still
25 week? 25 technically certified under their program. My deadline was June
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1 A No. 1 of this year, and I'm behind on my certification. So, they give
2 Q Do you have any staff that comes at least once a week? 2 me till -- I think they automatically extend till the end of
3 A The cleaning lady. 3 August, and then you ask for an extension after that, if you
4 Q And she'd never been on your property prior to the 4 need it. But, yeah, I'm behind.
5 construction of your home, I assume? 5 Q I just want to remind you unfortunately --
6 A It's hard to clean when there's nothing there to clean. 6 A Sorry.
7 Q So, I'm assuming the answer is: She's never been there 7 Q Unfortunately, we both have to wait until the other one
8 prior? 8 is finished speaking before we can respond to one another. We
9 A Correct. 9 started talking over each other, and she's making me aware in
10 Q We mentioned earlier that you are an arborist, correct? 10 nonverbal eye communications.
11 A Yes. 11 A You need the red Staples button or air horn.
12 Q When did you become an arborist? 12 Q Do you recall at all the documents you had to submit in
13 A If I recall, it was maybe -- oh, wait a minute. I 13 order to become an arborist?
14 think my first expiration was '06, so it probably would have 14 A I don't recall.
15 been three years before that. I really don't recall. 15 Q Do you recall if there is anything you had to do, other
16 Q So, approximately 2003? 16 than to take a test, in order to demonstrate your expertise?
17 A Might have been 2003. Might have been 2006. I really 17 A I don't recall.
18 don't recall. 18 Q Can you tell me about your experience as an arborist.
19 Q Is there a certification that goes with being an 19 A I do tree trimming and planting and maintaining of
20 arborist? 20 trees.
21 A What do you mean? 21 Q Do you do that just on your property, or for anybody
22 Q How do you become an arborist? I'll ask it that way. 22 else?
23 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 23 A My property, and I've done it on some other properties
24 THE WITNESS: You basically take a test. 24 as well.
25 BY MR. ANGELL: 25 Q What other properties have you worked as an arborist
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1 on? 1 mangrove statute that was placed in front of Village Hall.
2 A Well, I wouldn't say that I've worked on as an 2 Q Have you ever trimmed mangroves on anybody else's
3 arborist. I've been called by the City of Palmetto Bay to 3 property other than your own?
4 evaluate the health of some oak trees, a long time ago before 4 A No.
5 they had a certified arborist. That was before I was elected, 5 Q What is your experience in trimming mangroves? What
6 because I was on the tree board then. I was the certified 6 does it consist of?
7 arborist on the tree board for Palmetto Bay. 7 A What does it consist of?
8 And then, when I got elected, you can't be on any 8 Q Yes.
9 boards or committees after that, so I didn't do anything for the 9 A The same thing as it would trimming any other trees.
10 City after that. 10 You take a pair of clippers, you clip off a little leaf, and do
11 I did some landscape-related stuff on the Del Mar 11 it in a way that keeps the tree healthy and happy.
12 development property. And I've been called to give opinions and 12 Q Do you still do mangrove trimming on your property?
13 do letters and evaluate the health of trees, and that sort of 13 A I try to, when I have the time.
14 thing, just periodically. I don't remember the details of them. 14 Q I'm sorry?
15 Q That work where you've been called to evaluate the 15 A When I have time, yeah.
16 health, that's not for the City, correct? 16 Q How often do you do it?
17 A Correct. In addition to, yeah, right. 17 A As often as I can.
18 Q Have you ever done any work for the Burch property? 18 Q I don't know what that means.
19 A No. 19 Is that once a year? Twice a year? Once a week?
20 Q Have you ever done any work for Mr. Kunde, back when 20 A No. I mean, I would like to do it everyday, but
21 his family owned your neighboring property? 21 realistically there are some weeks where maybe it's one or two
22 A No. 22 days, and there's some months where it's zero. So, it just
23 Q Have you ever done any work for any of your neighbors 23 depends how much free time I have.
24 with regard to trimming? 24 Q Are there portions of your property that have mangroves
25 A No. 25 that you do not trim?
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1 Q How long were you on the tree board? 1 A Oh, yeah.
2 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question. 2 Q Do you know how many species of mangroves there are?
3 THE WITNESS: Two, three, four years. I don't 3 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
4 recall, to be honest with you. 4 BY MR. ANGELL:
5 BY MR. ANGELL: 5 Q I'm asking in general, not on your property.
6 Q I know it was before you were elected. 6 A Well, if you don't consider green buttonwood a
7 Do you know what years? 7 mangrove...which I don't, Dade County might, the State DEP does
8 A Gene Flinn appointed me, so it was when he was Mayor 8 not...that would be three species.
9 the first time, which would have been '02 through 2010, so it 9 Q What are they?
10 would have been prior to 2010. 10 A Red, whites and blacks.
11 Q What does the tree board do? 11 Q Can you tell me the distinguishing characteristics
12 A The City established a tree board in order to take the 12 between the three types?
13 City through a Tree City USA status, which is -- you know, you 13 A Yeah.
14 get to say you're Tree City USA certified. It entitles you to, 14 Q Please do.
15 I guess, some grant money, or additional funding sources for 15 A So, the white and the black mangroves are typically
16 landscaping, and that sort of thing. 16 found in upland areas. The red mangroves are typically more
17 They needed -- in order to get the Tree City USA status 17 coastal, deeper wetland trees. The red mangroves have the
18 they required an ISA certified arborist. Instead of hiring 18 octopus-looking grid system look to them. They have kind of
19 somebody or paying somebody, I did it as a volunteer. 19 greener long leaves with a consistent color throughout. The
20 Q Did the tree board have anything at all to do with 20 white mangroves have kind of a rounded green on both sides of
21 mangroves? 21 the leaves. And blacks have green on one side, white on the
22 A Not while I was there. 22 other side, with typically more vertical balanced trunks on them
23 Q Have you ever trimmed mangroves -- go ahead. 23 than the whites or the reds.
24 A Let me rephrase that. I believe they actually endorsed 24 Q You already stated, to some degree in your testimony,
25 or selected, in conjunction with Art in Public Places, the 25 that you are aware that mangroves are regulated by both the
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1 county government, by the state government and, to some degree, 1 Q So, do you consider yourself to be an expert in the
2 by the federal government, correct? 2 application of the Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act?
3 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of that question. 3 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of the question and
4 THE WITNESS: I was never aware that they were 4 to the relevance.
5 regulated by the federal government. 5 THE WITNESS: That's an unclear characterization.
7 Q Are you aware that they're regulated by the state 7 Q I'm unclear of your distinction, so can you explain to
8 government? 8 me what you mean by: You believe that you have more expertise
9 A Uh-huh (affirmative response.) 9 than anybody on County staff, as far as --
10 Q Are you aware that they're regulated by Miami-Dade 10 A Well, a distinction in terms of understanding of the
11 County? 11 Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act, the people in the County
12 A I have read many times the Mangrove Trimming and 12 may have more knowledge of every line, and be able to cite the
13 Protection Act of 1996. 13 chapter and verse better than I can, because I've only read them
14 Q Are you aware that dead mangroves are regulated under 14 a few times, but in terms of the experience with the mangroves,
15 state statute? 15 not even close. I have far more experience than anybody who
16 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 16 works for the County, I would venture to say.
17 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure necessarily I agree with 17 Q You've read the act, correct?
18 that interpretation. 18 A Yes.
19 BY MR. ANGELL: 19 Q How many times would you say you've read the act?
20 Q Okay. Do you agree that dead mangroves are regulated 20 A If you're talking about the state, probably -- well,
21 under the state statute? 21 probably, cover-to-cover in one reading, one sitting, probably
22 A I don't necessarily agree. 22 once, but sections of it many times over.
23 MR. LEARY: That calls for a legal conclusion. I 23 Q When is the last time that you read the Mangrove
24 object to the form of all of these questions. 24 Trimming and Preservation Act in its entirety?
25 BY MR. ANGELL: 25 A Probably four years ago...I don't know...five years
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1 Q And why not? 1 ago.
2 A Because I've read the statutes, and I don't think that 2 Q When was the last time that you've reviewed a section
3 was the legislative intent, nor the letter of the law. 3 of the act?
4 Q Your lawyer made an objection that it calls for a legal 4 A Probably in the last year or so.
5 conclusion. 5 Q Have you read the Miami-Dade County code as it pertains
6 And so we're clear, you haven't had any legal training, 6 to mangroves?
7 correct? 7 A Yes.
8 A Correct. 8 Q When was the last time you reviewed the code?
9 Q Are you aware that dead mangroves are regulated under 9 A I would group that together with my last statement. I
10 the Miami-Dade County Code? 10 can't really distinguish whether it was state or county, or
11 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 11 separately, or both.
12 THE WITNESS: I have the same disagreement on that.12 Q Do you believe you have an expertise in how the
13 BY MR. ANGELL: 13 Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act should be applied to the
14 Q What is the basis of that disagreement? 14 actual infield handling of mangroves?
15 A The same as the one with the state that I just 15 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
16 articulated. 16 THE WITNESS: I wouldn't say on how it should be,
17 Q Which is you don't believe it specifically says that? 17 or expertise in that. What I would say instead is that I
18 A I don't believe that was the legislative intent, nor do 18 have probably even more knowledge than any of the PMT's in
19 I believe that that is the letter of the law, in my 19 Dade County on the effects and experience. Because, if you
20 unprofessional opinion as a lawyer. 20 think about it, a professional mangrove trimmer that goes
21 Q Do you consider yourself an expert in the Mangrove 21 out and trims for a living, he goes to a site, he trims, and
22 Trimming and Preservation Act? 22 then he leaves the site. And probably a year later, or six
23 A Not in the Act, itself, but in terms of experience with 23 months later, but typically a year later or more, he will
24 mangroves, probably more so than anybody on the staff in the 24 come back, or she will come back and trim the mangroves
25 County. 25 after having done dozens of other properties. And they
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1 don't typically put study books together of: Oh, this is 1 county law I assume it's the same, with the exception that you
2 what it looked like last year. Let me look at the pictures 2 have to pay a fee each year, which I have never paid. I have
3 and compare it to see the health. I, on the other hand, 3 tried to pay, and it was rejected by the county improperly. And
4 live on the property where I do the trimming, so I can see 4 so, you are better suited to answer that question as to whether
5 day-to-day the effects of trimming on the different species 5 I'm a PMT than I am.
6 and how they react. 6 Q Do you know if there's any other additional requirement
7 So, I would say I'm probably more capable of 7 by the county, other than the State -- let me rephrase that.
8 trimming mangroves, to keep them healthier, certainly more 8 That was a bad question.
9 than anybody in the county, and probably more than any PMT 9 Do you know if there are any other additional
10 in Dade County. 10 requirements of Miami-Dade County for you to be a PMT, other
11 BY MR. ANGELL: 11 than what's already set forth by the state?
12 Q You mention study books. Have you, yourself, ever put 12 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
13 together a study book of the mangroves on your property? 13 THE WITNESS: What I will tell you is what the
14 A Of comparison, no. The county has done a good job of 14 agency director told me in a meeting at the South Dade
15 that for me, though. 15 Government Center face-to-face in front of Lisa Spadafina.
16 Q So, you don't keep regular photographs? 16 He told her...and I think Barbara Brown was go
17 A No, I don't mean a study book. I mean a record of the 17 ahead and issue me my Dade County PMT, as long as I pay the
18 macro view of the mangroves is done by the county on a regular 18 $500. So she said: Just give it to him. So, I would
19 basis. 19 assume the answer is no. It would just be an issue of the
20 Q Do you keep any photographs of the sections of trees 20 payment. I refused to make the payment so they didn't issue
21 that you have trimmed over the years to see its growth and 21 it at the time.
22 development over time? 22 Later, I did apply for status with the county and
23 A No need to, because I'm the one doing it each time, so 23 they rejected it improperly.
24 I can tell without it. 24 BY MR. ANGELL:
25 Q Do you consider yourself to have expertise in the 25 Q When you say the director, we've had a few. Which
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1 Miami-Dade County code in how it applies to mangroves? 1 director?
2 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 2 A Lee Hefty.
3 THE WITNESS: I wouldn't say I have expertise in 3 Q Which one? I'm sorry.
4 the Miami-Dade County code. I've read it cover-to-cover, 4 A Lee Hefty.
5 and I've read sections of it periodically. 5 Q Do you have to register with the state to be a PMT?
6 BY MR. ANGELL: 6 A No.
7 Q Does the village have its own regulations concerning 7 Q Do you have to register with the county to be a PMT?
8 mangroves? 8 A You have to send them $500, and then you become
9 A No. 9 registered, as far as I know. And I guess you fill out a form
10 Q And so we're clear, are you a PMT? 10 that asks to be listed.
11 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 11 Q You said that you were improperly denied your PMT
12 THE WITNESS: It depends what you mean by a PMT. 12 registration, I guess by the county?
13 BY MR. ANGELL: 13 A Right.
14 Q Okay. Well, what is a PMT? 14 Q Did they give you a reason for the denial?
15 A Well, I could tell you what PMT stands for. It stands 15 A On the material that they sent back to me by mail, I
16 for professional mangrove trimmer. Do I make my living trimming 16 don't recall.
17 mangroves? No, I don't. So, am I a professional? If you 17 Q At the time that you applied to be a registered PMT
18 consider, you know, somebody that makes a living trimming 18 with the county, did the county already have an enforcement
19 mangroves, then no, I am not. 19 action against you where the county alleged that you had engaged
20 Q Do you consider yourself to be qualified to be a PMT? 20 in improper trimming of mangroves?
21 A I don't know whether I'm qualified. The ISA will have 21 A Yes. They've had the enforcement action against me for
22 to tell you that, if you ask them. 22 about four years now.
23 I will tell you -- well, first of all, a PMT is not an 23 Q Do you recall if that was the reason for the rejection?
24 ISA issue. A PMT is a State of Florida issue, and a Dade County 24 A I believe that was the reason. I don't recall whether
25 issue. Under state law I am a PMT, under state law. Under 25 it was put in writing that way or not, but I believe that was
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1 the reason. 1 experience with identification is working and spending time
2 MR. LEARY: Stated reason. 2 with other environmental people that have -- you know, when
3 BY MR. ANGELL: 3 I see tree species that I don't recognize, I ask, and I
4 Q Other than the work you did to become an arborist, do 4 learn that way. And I typically do a lot of that.
5 you have any other background or experience in the 5 BY MR. ANGELL:
6 identification of plants? 6 Q You mentioned Ed Swakon. We talked about James
7 A Repeat the question. 7 Robinson.
8 Q Let me rephrase that. 8 Are there any other environmental people that you've
9 To become an arborist, did you take any classes? Did 9 worked with on your property? Oh, and Steve Carney.
10 you study any materials formally? 10 A Swakon.
11 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 11 Q Swakon, Carney, Robinson. Any other people in addition
12 THE WITNESS: Yeah. 12 to those three?
13 BY MR. ANGELL: 13 MR. LEARY: Are you including Ettman in that list?
14 Q Other than that training, did you get any additional 14 MR. ANGELL: No.
15 training in the identification of plants? 15 THE WITNESS: Having more qualifications --
16 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 16 BY MR. ANGELL:
17 THE WITNESS: Other than what training? 17 Q I'm asking: Have you consulted with any others?
18 BY MR. ANGELL: 18 A Any others what, though?
19 Q Other than the training you did yourself in order to 19 Q Any other people that you would consider to be
20 become an arborist. 20 environmental experts?
21 A No, I went to classes before I got my certification. 21 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
22 Q Okay. And after your certification, though, you did 22 THE WITNESS: Well, my opinion of an environmental
23 the continuing education? 23 expert may be different than yours. And, having said that,
24 A I did the continuing education, yes. 24 I would say: Yes, there are other people. I mean, I
25 Q Anything in addition to the continuing educational 25 actually considered Cliff Kunde an environmental expert.
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1 courses? 1 BY MR. ANGELL:
2 A Give me a hint on what you're looking for. 2 Q Okay.
3 Q No, I'm just asking: Is there any additional training? 3 A Oh! We forgot Rainer.
4 Some people go become plant biologists and go to 4 Q That's Rainer Schael?
5 college and study classes in biology. 5 A Right. Rainer Schael, Cliff Kunde, Henry Clifford.
6 A I go to conferences sometimes. 6 There's one who was in my head that just popped out. Yeah, you
7 Q What type? Are they arborist conferences? 7 said David Ettman. He's been on the property and I've consulted
8 A Yes, yes. 8 him. There have been others. I just, off the top of my head, I
9 Q What's the last one you went to? 9 just can't pull them out.
10 A I think the last one I went to was one that they held 10 Q Can you tell me, in your own words, why mangroves are
11 in Key West, back in -- oof! It was either '06 or '09. I don't 11 important?
12 recall. 12 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of that question.
13 Q Other than training, is all of your experience in 13 THE WITNESS: I never said they were important.
14 identification -- let me rephrase that. 14 BY MR. ANGELL:
15 Is all of your hands-on experience in the 15 Q Do you think mangroves are important?
16 identification of plants primarily from your experience on your 16 A Important for what, and for whom?
17 property? 17 Q Do you think mangroves are important for the
18 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 18 environment?
19 THE WITNESS: Say that one more time. Sorry. 19 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
20 BY MR. ANGELL: 20 THE WITNESS: I think they're part of the
21 Q Sure. Your actual experience in identifying different 21 environment. I'm not an expert biologist to tell you, you
22 types of plant species, is that experience that you gained from 22 know, where they fit in the food chain, and whether
23 doing work on your property? 23 particular types of fish could do without them, and eat off
24 MR. LEARY: Objection to the form of the question. 24 of whatever else is growing, like buttonwoods or whatever,
25 THE WITNESS: No. I would say most of my 25 so I couldn't answer that question.
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1 BY MR. ANGELL: 1 A We pass local ordinances and other things, yes.
2 Q Do you know any of the ecological functions that 2 Q Are your ordinances considered laws in the Village?
3 mangroves perform? 3 A They are.
4 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of that question. 4 Q And it's the executive that's charged with enforcing
5 THE WITNESS: Do I know? I have read about some of 5 those laws, correct?
6 them that I could probably regurgitate to you and -- yeah. 6 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance of all these
7 BY MR. ANGELL: 7 structure-of-government questions, a standing objection.
8 Q What do you recall? 8 THE WITNESS: Yes, to the extent that they don't
9 A Well, they provide food to some of the hierarchy of 9 violate constitutional rights and get challenged and get
10 fish, and they clean certain impurities out of the water, as do 10 shut down, yes.
11 other plants, as plants do to air, in general, non-species 11 BY MR. ANGELL:
12 specific, and they provide erosion protection. 12 Q So, if the legislature was to pass a law that contained
13 And one of the biggest objections I have to the 13 specific language, it is the executive job to interpret that
14 statutes surrounding the mangroves is clearly the people that 14 language and to enforce that language.
15 wrote them had an intent to be pro-environmental when they wrote 15 MR. LEARY: Object to the form, object to the
16 them. And that is the legislative intent. The way they're 16 relevance.
17 enforced has an opposite effect on the environment. What the 17 THE WITNESS: To a degree, yes.
18 people that don't understand...and the environmental agencies 18 BY MR. ANGELL:
19 and the legislators have no way of knowing it, when they passed 19 Q Unless there's a challenge. Then, of course, the
20 the certainly that white and black mangroves do 20 judiciary gets to --
21 not perform the stated beneficial environmental function of 21 A Well, not only that. There's policy issues by the
22 erosion protection, as they grow to be very tall trees. 22 legislators that are in office. They give policy direction to
23 They have quite the opposite effect. They smother out 23 the executive branch. We have -- and our city attorney in
24 growth of smaller ones, and the healthiest mangroves for erosion 24 Palmetto Bay, Dexter Lehtinen, gives great examples.
25 protection are ones that are allowed to grow up and be cut with 25 We have legislation, including in the United States
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1 thicker trunks so that they can provide more stability, both 1 Constitution, that is extremely discriminatory, that has never
2 more stability for the soils for erosion protection, and allows 2 been removed and is still on the books, but is not enforced, and
3 more seedlings to grow and get a much denser, thicker mangrove 3 cannot possibly be enforced by anybody today because it's just
4 fringe. 4 wrong.
5 So, there's a major disconnect in the community, as 5 So, I don't agree entirely with your statement for that
6 there is on many other issues like sea level rise versus filling 6 reason.
7 of coastal wetlands, and all the rest of the stuff. 7 Q Well, that would be a decision of either the judiciary
8 And so, yeah, how much time do you want to spend 8 that it's unenforceable, correct, or --
9 talking about this? 9 A Or the executive branch --
10 Q Unfortunately, we'll spend a little bit more. 10 Q Or the decision of the executive not to enforce it?
11 A Okay. 11 MR. LEARY: Objection to form. Object to
12 Q But I want to go back to something you said earlier. 12 relevance.
13 The village is a strong manager type of government, 13 THE WITNESS: Or policy of the elected officials to
14 correct? 14 direct the executive branch not to enforce it, yes.
15 A Right. 15 BY MR. ANGELL:
16 Q So, as vice-mayor, unlike Miami-Dade County you have a 16 Q Well, can the councilmen direct the executive to do
17 strong mayor, and therefore the Mayor is the executive. And as 17 something, or not do something?
18 Vice-Mayor of the Village, you're part of the legislative, 18 MR. LEARY: Objection to form and relevance.
19 correct? 19 THE WITNESS: In a strong manager architecture,
20 MR. LEARY: Object to the relevance. 20 which is what we are in Palmetto Bay...and I'm assuming
21 THE WITNESS: I am. 21 that's what you're referring to...the answer is: No, that's
22 BY MR. ANGELL: 22 a violation of the charter because legislative, or direction
23 Q And as with the state legislation and the county 23 by council or elected officials has to be by resolution, or
24 legislation, the Board of County Commissioners, as part of the 24 a vote in aggregate. It cannot be by individuals.
25 Village legislation, part of what you do is pass laws, correct? 25 BY MR. ANGELL:
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1 Q What agency has the state delegated authority to 1 you'd classify that as part of the exemption or not. I
2 regulate mangrove trimming to in Miami-Dade County? 2 mean, there's a bunch of things that could give you the
3 MR. LEARY: Object to the form of that question. 3 right to cut without a permit, a Class 1 permit, if that's
4 THE WITNESS: I would have to consult with my 4 what you're after.
5 attorney to be able to answer that question accurately, 5 BY MR. ANGELL:
6 because I really don't know the extent and -- in fact, I do 6 Q Yes. I'm asking: Are there any others that you recall
7 know there's a delegation agreement in place. I don't know 7 as you sit here, without having to look at the act?
8 the legality of it, whether it's -- the breadth and scope 8 A I think those would be the ones that apply to me, so
9 that it applies to. 9 those are the ones I've focused on.
10 BY MR. ANGELL: 10 Q Can you explain under what circumstances a permit must
11 Q Have you ever read that delegation of authority? 11 be obtained in order to trim or alter mangroves?
12 A No. 12 MR. LEARY: I object to the form of that question.
13 Q Do you know what agency issued that delegation of 13 THE WITNESS: Not really.
14 authority? 14 BY MR. ANGELL:
15 MR. LEARY: Object to relevance. Object to form. 15 Q Do you believe there are any circumstances that exist
16 THE WITNESS: Well, I assume it's DEP's authority 16 on your property with your mangroves that you could not trim
17 that's been delegated. In terms of who actually executed 17 without having a permit?
18 the delegation, and who had the authority to execute it, I 18 MR. LEARY: Object to the form.
19 couldn't tell you. 19 THE WITNESS: Yeah, the ones that I don't touch,
20 BY MR. ANGELL: 20 that are over 24 feet, definitely.
21 Q Other than any communication with your lawyer that you 21
22 may have had, excluding that, did you have any independent 22 BY MR. ANGELL:
23 understanding of what the delegation of authority was? 23 Q I'm just trying to avoid pulling out pictures before
24 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. Object to 24 1:00, but I guess I'm not going to get there.
25 relevance. 25 MR. ANGELL: We're the Plaintiff.
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1 A Okay. 1 A I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The western portion of B.
2 Q There are areas on Exhibit 1 labeled A, B, C, D and E. 2 Q On Exhibit 1, he's referring to an area with an end or
3 A Right. 3 start point just above the letter "B" on the diagram.
4 Q Can you tell me which areas you believe you are allowed 4 Is that accurate?
5 to trim mangroves in without a Class 1 permit? 5 A Yeah, yeah. The western half to two-thirds of the
6 MR. LEARY: Object to the form. 6 section above B, correct.
7 THE WITNESS: Can I -- these are prescription 7 Q Okay. So that the eastern part of that spit that goes
8 glasses. I'm very farsighted. Is it okay if I put those 8 out into the water is the part that you believe that you cannot
9 on? 9 trim without a Class 1 permit, correct?
10 BY MR. ANGELL: 10 A Correct.
11 Q Of course. If you need them to read, yes. 11 Q We can't talk over each other. Sorry. We're getting
12 A Okay. Yeah, D we mutually agree on. C, I think, is 12 in the habit of speaking over each other. We can't do that.
13 part of your settlement agreement offer. You said no problem 13 A Okay.
14 trimming those. So I assume you're good with those. 14 Q And what other areas besides that part of B, D and C?
15 Q Well, actually C you know is part of an enforcement 15 A There's also a section of A, also the very westerly end
16 action, isn't it? 16 of A.
17 A You tell me. 17 Q Can you point to it for me?
18 Q Well, the settlement agreement is separate from the 18 A Yeah, something like from here over (indicating).
19 enforcement action. And, in fact, just so you're aware -- 19 Q So, indicating sort of below the A, and then heading
20 A I'm not an attorney. 20 west on the diagram.
21 Q I know, but so you know I'll help here. 21 A Correct. And then, I would also add that under the
22 Negotiations and things discussed during settlement 22 historical trimming stuff, some of the lateral growth to areas
23 agreement we actually can't use in other proceedings, just so 23 outside of that are also subject to trimming entitlement.
24 you know. 24 Q I'm not understanding what you're saying.
25 A Oh! So, I'm not supposed to talk about that here. 25 Are you saying outside of the area --
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1 Q Because, you know, we can agree to all sorts of things 1 A Outside of the -- sorry.
2 in settlement agreements. 2 Q You said outside the area labeled as A?
3 A Okay. 3 A Outside of the areas that I just identified that I
4 Q But, to your understanding, is Area C a part of the 4 believe are subject to exemption, or other permissible trimmings
5 enforcement action currently against you? 5 without a Class 1 permit, there are other areas that also fall
6 A It is part of the enforcement action against me; 6 under that. Including, for example, the deep water channel on
7 however, in my opinion, it is clearly covered as exempt, not 7 either side of it. Infringement into that area is also covered
8 requiring permitting. 8 under historical trimming rights, because it's been maintained
9 Q Okay. So, you think D and C. 9 that way for extended periods of time and it interferes with
10 A Yeah. 10 navigable waterways.
11 Q What other areas do you believe -- 11 Q The parts of A that you identified, the parts of B that
12 A And I would say part of B, probably half to two-thirds 12 you identified, D and C, do you believe that's all subject to
13 of B also apply. 13 exempt trimming?
14 Q Can you show me which half to two-thirds of B you're 14 A Yes. Hold on.
15 talking about? 15 Q I'm sorry. I meant historical trimming.
16 A Well, the easterly half or two-thirds. 16 A Rephrase the question, please.
17 MR. LEARY: Is there a compass on this? 17 Q Yeah. My question is: You said that you believe that
18 THE WITNESS: I don't -- I mean, I'd have to go out 18 you could trim parts of A, parts of B, D and C without a Class 1
19 to the property, walk it off and then show you on here. But 19 permit.
20 somewhere in here is probably the edge of -- from here to 20 Is the exemption that you believe that that trimming is
21 here (indicating). 21 allowed, is it the historical exemption?
22 BY MR. ANGELL: 22 A It's a combination, but let me also clarify. I
23 Q So, you're indicating on -- 23 wouldn't necessarily say all of C, is what I was referring to,
24 A The eastern portion of B. 24 because the little thing to the left of the C kind of includes
25 Q -- on Exhibit -- 25 an area that I think is untouchable.
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102:2 103:12,13,14
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103:24 104:1,3,6
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108:2 110:14,17
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131:15,17 176:2,3
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66:20,21 67:14,16
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78:20 85:24,24
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189:10,22 191:1 153:9 159:9,13,13
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ceu 76:13 choose 65:2 169:17 155:9 17:20 20:1,3 38:10
ceu's 76:20,22 chris 4:19 209:13 clear 20:1 24:2 code 83:10 85:5,8
chain 93:22 167:7 christian 2:13 27:10 67:10 83:6 87:1,4 168:17
167:21 168:3,3 christopher 2:3 87:10 108:22 214:12
213:4 chunks 176:9,22 128:21 154:8 codes 181:6
challenge 96:19 circle 122:24 176:2 182:23 194:24 cofounder 32:6,8
challenged 96:9 circuit 1:2,2 196:2 209:13 coincided 25:23
chance 37:5 circular 60:5 clearing 158:5 collect 61:6
change 39:16 circumstances 99:9 clearly 94:14 103:7 college 26:7 91:5
188:16 208:1 100:10,15 122:11,18 132:5 color 81:19
channel 105:6 cite 84:12 154:10 165:22 colored 176:22,22
117:8,9 citizens 208:21,25 176:9 181:12 190:5 combination
chapman 172:3,5 208:25 210:3,14,19 client 196:24 105:22
198:11,18 199:3,7 210:25 cliff 65:5,10,13,21 combined 107:23
chapman's 171:24 city 8:9,10,11 78:3 92:25 93:5 110:10 come 7:7 27:4
chapter 84:13 78:10,16 79:12,13 110:11,16 130:9 32:18 46:24 57:8
characteristics 79:13,14,17 96:23 132:11 58:9 65:2 85:24,24
81:11 civic 72:8,9 158:3,9 clifford 50:8,16 109:25 117:3,6,7
characterization 158:18,21,24 159:2 93:5 128:8 132:8 120:22 127:7 146:6
84:5 205:16 159:8,11,17 160:8 clingerman 119:15 146:18 161:3,6
charged 96:4 163:16,19,20,24 119:18 120:11 167:25 168:10,22
141:17 164:3,10 157:20 169:2 173:18
charging 142:10 claim 218:23 clingerman's 176:20 182:4 188:6
charter 40:23 219:11 220:9,10 121:10 123:7 124:8 201:21 214:14
97:22 claimed 201:2 124:10,19 comes 24:8 27:8
chat 73:14 217:19,24 clip 80:10 49:13 75:2 149:8
cheap 167:21 168:3 clarify 10:14 60:10 clippers 80:10 149:13
check 12:4 24:24 105:22 clogged 129:12 coming 120:21
63:14 64:16 70:22 class 26:10 100:3 cloisters 20:3 167:20
71:6 149:10 102:5 104:9 105:5 close 7:6 31:10 commenced 221:10
checked 25:7 105:18 106:4,7,18 42:25 49:15 84:15 commencing 1:21
checking 37:4 121:1 127:24 128:1 161:19 comment 136:12
checks 68:8 71:3 128:6 152:15 cloud 28:10,11,17 142:22 171:15
cheese 159:22 classes 90:9,21 91:5 28:21 29:3,11 30:4 175:13
161:5 classifies 27:3 clues 134:22 comments 197:14
chief 30:12,19 classify 100:1 coastal 81:17 95:7 commercial 28:25
child 110:20 clean 75:6,6 94:10 99:17,18 107:25 29:17,18
children 36:15 218:16 coastline 154:11,12 commercially 28:9
48:17 53:3 cleaned 117:3 coauthored 205:14 commission 140:2
205:17 140:4 221:23,23
customer 11:22 date 3:6 4:2 34:19 defendant 1:9 2:7 denial 89:14
35:16 40:7 43:1 48:11 3:3 4:18 denied 89:11
customers 11:6 170:21 184:19 defense 8:25 9:2 129:19
29:20,22,24 216:6,10 142:20 denoted 184:7
cut 94:25 100:3 dated 130:20 define 186:2 193:18
127:19 130:3,3 184:22 defined 127:12 denser 95:3
154:17 213:9 216:6 dates 74:4 177:12 definitely 66:15 deny 123:4 130:2
cutler 2:9 20:6,6,10 185:16 211:12 100:20 147:23 dep 81:7
20:16,18 49:20 216:2 179:17 dep's 98:16
55:18 david 58:8 65:4,7 defoliation 127:21 departed 56:12
cutting 59:19 118:7 65:22,24 66:3,6,9 degree 81:24 82:1 department 1:5
157:18 66:13 93:7 135:8,9 96:17 134:25 144:19
d 147:4 202:20 203:6 departures 12:7
day 25:5 35:8,8,15 del 19:13 20:15,21 depending 11:1
d 2:15 27:25 32:3
35:15 40:9 86:5,5 21:16,23 78:11 116:19
102:2,12 103:9
119:20,23 120:2 delaware 30:21 depends 31:2 35:13
104:14 105:12,18
136:24,24 152:3 delay 130:1 35:16,18 80:23
155:24,24 157:8,8 delegated 98:1,17 87:12 117:1 127:6
107:1 108:2 111:3
157:8 166:2 207:13 149:7 129:4 133:25 142:3
117:6 118:16,17,19
207:13 209:7,7,17 delegation 98:7,11 depict 154:7
123:12 131:4,14,14
209:17 221:16 98:13,18,23 99:2 depicted 216:16
d's 131:10
days 35:14 68:16 deliberation 191:9 217:8
d.c. 26:9
80:22 114:13 delineation 67:11 depicting 212:11
dade 1:2,4,20 2:3
119:24,25 181:4,7 68:5 69:2,15,19 depiction 131:22
3:12 4:20 16:3
181:23 184:17,18 120:25 171:9,12 depicts 131:9
38:25 39:3,6 61:16
184:23 177:17,20 180:14 depo 65:15
68:14 71:1 81:7
dead 82:14,20 83:9 183:16,21 187:25 depose 72:1
82:10 83:10 85:5
deadline 76:25 190:4 200:11 207:1 deposition 1:18,20
85:19 86:10 87:1,4
deal 68:1 181:3 delivered 163:14 3:16 4:4,7 6:18
87:24 88:10,14,17
deary 57:14 delivery 159:3 21:9 27:10,18
95:16 98:2 109:7
decades 106:10 demarcation 36:19 37:2,6,8,10
139:13 160:3
108:4 164:19,23 37:12 38:1 65:17
165:16,21 172:20
decay 169:25 demarked 130:19 101:3 108:24 130:6
208:23,25,25 210:2
december 40:11 demolished 18:7 159:13 175:19
210:14,19,25 221:3
42:25 54:24 159:25 174:17 181:15,15,17
daily 36:25
decide 109:9 demolishing 18:8 212:14 215:19
damage 55:23
decided 25:3,3 demolition 55:21 220:17 221:7,8,9
127:20 154:7,14
decision 97:7,10 165:10,17 166:6 221:10
damaged 56:10
deep 105:6 117:7 176:10 depositions 159:15
137:17 154:4,17,20
deeper 81:17 demonstrate 77:16 depth 184:10,11
derm 65:6 68:12,15 developers 52:12 183:8 187:24 210:5 dispute 189:6
68:16 107:5 119:12 developing 15:3 219:19 221:15 distance 49:19
120:22 121:16 development 14:23 directed 60:5 153:3 distinction 84:7,10
123:21 128:4 14:24 18:15 19:9 177:19 182:9 distinguish 85:10
129:18,20 135:14 19:13,13,24 20:21 213:19 distinguishing
135:16,20,23,24,25 32:16 52:11 72:21 directing 214:22 81:11
136:4,6,8,14 137:3 73:12 78:12 86:22 direction 96:22 district 39:16 41:24
137:20 138:19,22 161:17,22 164:13 97:22 182:7,7 138:21 139:20,23
139:15,20,22 144:6 device 28:13 212:6 221:15 146:6,16
146:4 157:17 devices 28:16 directly 11:21 53:6 districts 41:23 42:1
164:16 171:7,10,12 dexter 96:24 53:9 68:2 70:19 42:2,3
172:21 177:25 diagram 104:3,20 151:12 155:13 dixie 2:8
181:3,24 182:16 187:6 213:14 215:8 156:11 157:1,5 dock 152:17 169:5
184:24,25 188:7 diagrams 131:20 director 10:6 19:21 169:6,9,23 170:1,4
191:24 192:4 202:2 died 65:11,13,19 30:22 88:14,25 170:5,7,10
204:25 114:14 89:1 136:17 docked 117:4,7
derm's 129:25 difference 41:22 directors 42:11 docking 117:10
describe 66:21 127:11 200:14,15 directs 8:3 document 2:21
127:11 differences 127:16 disagree 195:25 101:2 130:5,21
designated 30:23 different 10:25 196:1 132:2 135:17 175:2
40:24 131:6 132:19 14:21,22 19:2 34:9 disagreed 194:18 175:18 181:16,19
designations 30:22 40:19,20 41:9 disagreement 181:21,22 183:11
designed 114:23 52:13 54:25 86:5 83:12,14 183:14 212:13
178:19 91:21 92:23 126:3 disappointed 215:18 216:13
despite 172:22 126:4,4 127:23 193:12 218:14,16,21,22
destroyed 168:2 152:7 156:18,19 disbelieve 132:4 219:1,9,10,11,12
details 66:22 78:14 163:5,7 180:1,2,8 disbursements documentation
107:22 142:14,16 205:15 71:7 154:6 220:8
142:22 149:6 differently 126:5 disconnect 95:5 documented
151:10 209:25 differing 56:11 discovered 174:8 150:16
determine 134:24 difficult 74:3 discovery 63:6,10 documents 27:17
163:21,24 172:23 discriminatory 38:4 61:22 77:12
determining dig 176:25 188:2 97:1 151:4 197:13 206:9
126:25 digging 171:16 discuss 32:6 201:24 doing 57:22 64:11
develop 15:20 174:15 175:4,9 discussed 12:6 64:12 86:23 91:23
18:16 digits 16:21 102:22 190:19 112:11 118:20
developed 15:4,13 diminished 36:20 194:14 127:20 139:11
15:20 16:3,6 18:1,2 direct 2:16 3:8 discussion 99:3 147:6 160:15
18:11 20:19 28:22 70:13 97:14,16 213:7 161:19 170:25
29:3 126:14 163:17 displeased 192:8 171:8 179:16
172:13 174:14 193:7 187:10 190:6 193:8
exist 19:5 21:17 exposed 56:8 factually 111:23 130:1 139:5 213:8
22:1 63:11 100:15 express 57:8 208:14 213:9,10
152:2 202:21 203:7 expression 14:5 fail 194:13 fell 193:13
existed 19:4 20:18 130:12 156:12 failure 194:11 felony 141:17
exists 167:10 extend 77:2 fair 38:7 162:6 felt 176:23
expand 40:23 extended 68:13 fall 105:5 107:23 ferguson 164:17
expect 123:24 105:9 familiar 101:8,11 181:10
124:9,18 extension 76:24 130:17 180:10 fernandez 138:24
expedite 181:25 77:3 212:20 215:21,22 140:13,15,16,17
expenses 136:21 extent 96:8 98:6 family 15:21,23 141:6 142:17,25
expensive 198:24 112:18 128:18 45:7 47:1 52:15 143:2,4,22 144:12
experience 72:20 134:25 202:21 78:21 138:24 145:2 146:1 210:24
77:18 80:5 83:23 203:6 140:13 fernandez's 142:13
84:14,15 85:19 external 136:4 far 12:6 36:17 fernando 140:23
90:5 91:13,15,16 extremely 97:1 49:14 84:9,15 89:9 fiberoptics 177:4
91:21,22 92:1 eye 77:10 109:7 114:16 124:7 field 153:12 200:10
expert 83:21 84:1 eyeball 181:9 139:8 144:9 146:22 200:25
92:23,25 93:21 eyeballed 183:25 176:12 205:5,7 fifth 154:8
144:20 160:19 eyecast 28:1,2,4,5,7 206:12 figure 120:10 155:4
186:1 194:16 31:25 32:3 35:12 farsighted 102:8 158:14 164:16
195:18,18 200:6,8 36:7,10 54:25 fast 182:2 205:18 178:23 180:20
200:10,12,13 201:1 161:15 208:19 205:21,22 figured 12:19
201:3,5,7,7,12,12 f father 46:11 49:22 22:19
201:13 202:8,13 49:25 65:11,13,21 figures 200:16
face 40:24 88:15,15
204:17,17,20,23 198:7 199:23 file 30:20
facebook 22:22
205:10 206:18,20 fdep 146:18,18 filed 21:20 24:25
23:5,13 24:2,9
207:21 217:12 147:2 157:24 38:4 220:9
facilities 30:7,8
expertise 77:16 february 184:22 filing 209:12
fact 62:16 98:6
84:8 85:12,17 federal 82:2,5 filings 30:20,24
102:19 113:9
86:25 87:3 fee 88:2 208:2
119:15 121:4
experts 92:20 feed 7:2 fill 89:9 137:12,13
123:23 128:9
182:1 feel 5:16 141:24 158:25 159:3,6,9
132:13 136:16
expiration 75:14 fees 136:22 137:9 163:9,11,13,18,21
138:17 142:22
expire 181:4 137:16 163:22,25 164:3,5
154:5 172:22
184:18,24 feet 55:18 99:18,19 164:9 174:9 176:23
175:10 182:19
expired 181:23 100:20 106:9 177:6,10 179:1,8,8
183:21 193:11
expires 221:23 122:10,23 123:2,13 191:5,8,10,13
explain 5:12,16 123:13,17,19,24,25 193:19 195:24
facts 206:25
29:7 84:7 99:9 124:11,18,20,24 196:1
factual 205:18,21
100:10 196:6 125:1,4,4,6,8,12,12 filled 121:3 217:21
125:23,23 126:9 217:21,25 218:12
known 45:20 46:2 lapse 10:24 learn 92:4 128:17 146:7,21 147:19
72:11 172:5 lapsed 10:25 learned 121:4 148:6,22 150:1,2
kowlessar 44:15 large 62:15 70:23 leary 2:8 4:14,17 150:13,19,23
45:5,10,12,15 46:5 70:25 176:2 221:6 4:17 7:16,18,21 151:19 152:4 153:1
46:10 late 6:12 164:15 17:21 20:11 27:13 154:22 158:6,11
kowlessar's 46:12 lateral 104:22 28:14 30:15 35:1 162:11 166:15,23
kunde 50:8,16 65:5 lauderdale 9:22 37:15 38:15 41:10 167:3 169:2 170:22
78:20 92:25 93:5 10:2 13:1,3,10,13 42:18 44:2,12,22 178:9,18 180:18
110:10,11,16 111:7 38:12 45:18,21 46:8 47:5 182:21 183:22
112:4 126:7 128:6 laughter 70:24 50:18 54:4,10 185:7 186:4,14,25
128:8,8 132:9,10 launch 113:4 115:8 56:16 59:8 60:10 187:12,19 189:9,21
132:11 152:19 115:15 60:13 63:20 64:7 190:17,24 191:6,14
153:6 217:20 launched 112:21 64:14 65:17 66:1 192:14,20 193:2,25
218:11 113:9 114:1,4,8,15 69:17 71:1 74:2,12 194:7 195:12,15
kunde's 65:10,13 114:17,19 116:18 74:17 75:23 79:2 196:14,18,22 201:9
65:21 116:20 81:3 82:3,16,23 201:18 202:25
kundes 123:17,20 launching 112:10 83:11 84:3 85:15 203:2,10,15,25
l 114:11,25 87:2,11 88:12 90:2 204:7 207:25
laurie 145:21,22 90:11,16 91:18,24 208:18 209:3 210:4
l 32:13 44:17 173:3
law 3:22 83:3,19 92:13,21 93:12,19 211:2,9 212:2,17
label 183:8,9
87:25,25 88:1 94:4 95:20 96:6,15 212:19,22 214:2
labeled 102:2 105:2
96:12 129:25 97:11,18 98:3,15 215:10,12,14 218:1
122:25 124:17
201:11 206:10 98:24 99:11,22 218:6 219:5,19
183:4,4,7 189:8
217:19,24 100:12,18 102:6 220:3
lawn 57:18,22 58:3 103:17 106:22 leasing 17:11
laborer 157:8
59:14 107:9,20 108:8,13 leave 8:24 12:5
ladies 74:22
laws 95:25 96:2,5 109:3,16 110:18 154:25
lady 51:21 75:3
lawsuits 210:21 111:22 112:8,22 leaves 81:19,21
lawyer 6:3 7:24 8:3 117:14 118:6 85:22
land 19:9 115:20
27:12 39:10 83:4 120:13 122:1 led 110:4,5 187:6
115:22,23 116:1,22
83:20 98:21 135:18 123:15 124:1,12,21 lee 89:2,4 136:17
144:6 147:16 125:2,13,18,24 leery 207:10
landed 116:24
151:12 198:8 126:17,22 127:2,14 left 11:2,4 14:3,9
landholding 18:25
203:21,21 205:18 128:3,16 130:9,11 73:9 105:24 119:9
208:19 131:8,25 133:3,7 184:20 188:14
landscape 78:11
lawyer's 204:3 133:21 134:10,16 215:5 216:5
landscaper 57:11
lawyers 5:17 138:3,16 139:11 legal 27:25 42:10
landscaping 47:22
leaf 80:10 140:19,24 141:3,7 42:12 82:23 83:4,6
48:1 57:17,19
league 172:2,24 141:9,21 142:4,11 143:15,16 192:11
173:2,3,5,7 142:12 143:5,10,17 193:13 194:21
language 96:13,14
143:24 145:1,8,10 208:2,20,22,24
96:14 109:8 202:18
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[legal - lucky] Page 244
180:1 182:12 185:8 members 40:17,18 mine 14:7 16:20 month's 122:19
187:1,20,23,23 40:22 41:3,8 42:11 130:25 157:12 months 11:11 12:9
193:21 195:17 191:9 minimize 214:24 12:10 45:5 68:15
203:17 205:22 memorandum minute 75:13 80:22 85:23 137:4
214:17 216:22 195:11 164:15 181:3 165:24
217:2,3,7,12 220:1 memory 123:6 184:25 mora 58:9,9 155:12
meander 216:16,18 129:12 161:6 minutes 7:4 72:5 156:3 157:13 199:9
216:20 175:13 153:22 184:20 199:9,19,20
meaning 206:24 mention 86:12 188:14 morning 3:10,11
means 41:23 45:25 mentioned 25:19 miranda 1:23 2:14 182:4 208:8
80:18 131:4 134:11 60:24 69:10 75:10 221:5,22 mother 65:19
139:10 142:9 92:6 110:11,11 misdirecting motion 136:13
213:12 221:14 120:24 122:15 204:14 motivation 128:14
meant 38:22 131:20 136:8,16 mislabeled 182:24 move 8:12 13:12
105:15 106:17 176:8 191:2 misrepresentation 14:21 197:17
181:12 mentioning 53:5 195:10 moved 9:16 11:20
measure 147:22 mentor 14:7 missing 138:6 13:20 14:17,18
measured 123:2 merged 136:20 173:1 204:13 15:5,7 16:15,16,23
124:22 met 31:18 46:5 mission 139:9 17:12,20 34:2 43:3
measurement 65:22,24 66:3,9,10 missions 139:23 47:11 56:5 57:5
123:2 66:13,15 115:4 misunderstand 109:24 111:19
measurements 145:7 172:7 198:12 206:3 161:16
121:13,23 123:7,24 198:15,16,16,23 mitigation 212:11 moving 8:14
124:8,10,19 147:22 metal 170:5 mockup 2:22 mowers 57:18
153:18 methodologies 35:9 212:10 213:7 multiple 24:21
mechanical 162:25 miami 1:2,4,21 2:3 modification 141:17 162:2
167:10 2:4 3:12 4:20 8:12 218:13,21 219:14 168:20 173:12
mechanism 168:9 8:14 9:16 14:11 219:16 192:22 195:3
media 22:22 23:21 38:25 39:3,6 71:1 modified 216:3 215:16
24:10,12 82:10 83:10 85:5 218:23 219:1,11 municipality 16:4
medicine 36:25 87:1,4 88:10 95:16 moment 129:13 mutually 102:12
meet 32:6,15 46:7 98:2 162:25 208:21 138:1 n
52:22 144:22 208:23,25,25 210:2 monday 40:11
n 2:15 32:14,14
meeting 40:11 210:14,19,25 221:3 money 79:15
88:14 138:18 2:5 monica 43:16
name 3:14 9:5
139:19 140:2,4,11 middle 43:21 monitor 23:1 36:5
15:24 20:23 21:3
170:12 199:6 mike 174:20 198:3 monitors 23:14
23:23 27:25 32:11
meetings 35:17,17 199:22 month 35:13 45:13
32:11,13,14 39:13
member 38:25 39:3 mile 15:1 161:18 71:6 137:15 153:23
43:16,17 44:14,16
39:6 41:20,23 42:9 mind 6:21 27:5,8 165:19,20
51:22 54:25 72:1,2
49:13 51:11 58:9
72:3,9 120:6
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[name - objection] Page 247
person 65:2 76:2 picked 174:16 planning 35:8 police 24:25 25:1
120:8 145:15,24 picky 127:7 plans 52:9 55:21 25:20 144:19
160:21 177:23 picture 2:19,20,20 68:11,15 181:5 145:14
205:1 206:16 171:17,19,21 209:9 183:13 policy 96:21,22
person's 44:14 217:15 plant 91:4,22 97:13
personal 137:21 pictures 66:23 86:2 planting 77:19 political 39:21
156:5 208:20 100:23 120:9 plants 90:6,15 pontoons 115:21
personally 17:19 130:18 151:7,8 91:16 94:11,11 116:2,17
22:23 24:9 38:13 171:2,5 174:24 133:24 134:2,3,3 pool 163:4 165:11
38:14 110:12 144:1 piece 111:24 play 12:24 166:8 179:14
171:6 210:15 123:10 137:11 played 129:15 pools 163:5 174:17
personnel 119:12 169:20,20 191:17 plea 141:12,19 176:10
pertains 85:5 192:1 142:20 pop 162:21 168:15
peruses 197:13 pieces 169:21 pleadings 38:4 popped 93:6
pharmaceutical pile 179:3,4,5 please 3:14 7:17 214:13
48:8 piling 178:3 48:24 81:14 105:16 portion 62:15
philly 129:12 pilings 177:14 143:14 211:12 103:24 104:1 106:3
159:22 178:12,13,22 plumbers 73:23 107:16 110:14
phone 2:5,9 73:14 179:11,12,13,16 162:24 111:6 112:16 118:1
168:11,13,16 180:9 plumbing 162:24 118:4 174:10
170:20 171:22,22 pits 175:5 187:7 pmb 2:8 195:25 197:7
171:23 183:5 place 15:10,12 pmt 61:14,16 65:3 portions 80:24
199:22 18:16 98:7 164:16 86:9 87:10,12,14 106:15
phonetic 33:1 184:8,10 221:10 87:15,20,23,24,25 portuondo 68:25
photo 131:3 placed 80:1 163:9 88:5,10,17 89:5,7 70:8
photograph 132:18 174:10 176:23 89:11,17 129:18,19 position 23:4 39:21
132:19 170:18,19 177:7,10 178:11 129:23 40:5 42:4 109:8
photographed 179:7 190:15,22 pmt's 65:6 85:18 137:20 189:7
144:10 placement 163:17 point 6:1 14:19 194:23
photographs 27:20 places 79:25 23:13 37:5 46:5 positioned 5:1
71:24 86:16,20 placing 159:9 59:20 104:3,17 positions 12:8
122:19 123:21 plaintiff 1:6 2:2 112:10 118:22 positive 133:6,12
144:5 151:9 154:6 100:25 119:12 120:19 133:19
154:9,13,14 155:3 plaintiff's 2:18 121:16 123:10 possible 20:19
158:25 175:5,7,8 101:2 130:5 175:18 126:1 127:19 130:1 46:15 47:15,18,25
phrased 189:15 181:16 212:13 167:8,9 169:18 48:3 151:3 182:2
physical 28:19 30:9 215:18 173:11 176:11 185:1 213:2
35:11 plan 21:14 177:15 179:11 possibly 97:3
physically 143:22 plane 113:25 204:13 147:14 184:9
pick 71:9 174:14 114:15,19 poles 178:11 post 155:6
set 18:22 88:11 signature 221:21 slower 36:21 soon 42:5 56:11
221:10,10,16 signed 22:23 small 35:4 129:17 sooner 22:19
settlement 102:13 207:18 smaller 94:24 sorry 4:16 8:16
102:18,22 103:2 significance 42:13 smart 25:3 9:10 11:13,13 13:2
seven 22:1 52:11 significant 22:4 smiled 71:12 29:8 37:25 38:14
severely 56:9 55:24 154:11 174:9 smother 94:23 60:12,14 68:22
shake 139:6 silenced 52:2 snapped 154:11 71:4 77:6 80:14
shakes 5:8 silt 164:18 184:3 snippets 24:7 89:3 91:19 104:1,1
shaking 138:25 silver 133:13 social 22:22 23:21 104:11 105:1,15
share 22:9 similar 137:19 24:10,12 73:13 106:17 116:10
shares 41:20 141:25 sod 190:22,25 130:14 138:4 142:8
she'd 75:4 single 15:21,22,23 191:2,5,8,9,13,17 145:10 148:1
shoot 140:17,20 41:23 52:15 190:19 191:21 192:1 161:11 164:22
shop 161:9 sir 3:25 4:9 26:6 193:18 195:23 166:24 173:1
shoreline 99:18 31:9 52:2 139:15 196:1 191:20 195:13
short 6:15 44:10 173:16 sodded 192:1 203:4 204:2 216:10
45:4 73:4 181:23 sit 39:9 100:7 131:6 soil 110:14,19 sort 12:2 32:7
shorthand 221:8 155:22 202:23 164:18 179:15,17 59:18 61:6 78:13
shortly 56:13 205:10 179:19 180:3 191:3 79:16 104:19
show 66:23 101:5 site 85:21,22 211:8 204:5 137:12 156:25
103:14,19 113:9 211:17 soils 95:2 132:15 169:15,16 183:18
123:3,11 130:4 sits 179:8 200:15 134:15 180:1 183:25 213:18
132:22 152:10 sitting 84:21 137:5 sold 12:10 sorts 103:1
155:17 158:25 138:25 139:5 sole 19:21 sound 180:10
175:15,21 196:5 situation 41:19 solely 23:11 107:2 sources 79:15
217:14 159:22 107:6,10 south 2:8 88:14
showed 176:21 six 85:22 106:9 solis 2:13 106:2,3 138:20
showing 123:21 109:21 123:2,13,13 somebody 18:23 139:19,22 146:5,16
130:8 123:17,19,23,25 71:13 79:19,19 174:10 184:6,12
shown 73:18 125:8 124:11,18,19,24 87:18 119:24 120:1 southern 189:7
151:7 216:13 125:1,4,4,5,8 137:11 142:10 197:23 217:22
217:10 165:24 148:14 149:9 218:4
shows 131:15,16 size 176:13 155:19 156:17 southwest 15:15
shubin 136:1 sketch 121:15,16 160:19 183:12 16:22,24
shut 96:10 121:18 122:21 191:8 194:15 spadafina 88:15
sic 211:5 123:3 195:19 speak 5:9 36:21,21
side 15:19 81:21,22 skipped 11:13,13 somewhat 36:20 41:1 48:1 57:6
105:7 203:22,22 skipping 6:22 151:16 151:15 152:21,24
sides 81:20 189:14 sl 12:23 son 197:25 198:3 175:10 186:7 198:6
sidetracked 22:20 slightly 40:21 son's 200:3 speaking 50:5 77:8
104:12 218:22
species 81:2,8 86:5 83:24 84:9 120:5,6 165:14 195:3 217:1 stipulation 137:2
91:22 92:3 94:11 157:21 statement 10:14 stop 12:11 39:14
126:4 127:22,23 stage 147:13 85:9 97:5 126:18 184:3
133:8,11,18 stamping 42:13 126:23 190:20 stopped 10:20 34:1
specific 29:25 40:7 standing 18:3 46:9 192:4 203:1 stopping 137:17
58:4 94:12 96:13 96:7 176:19 211:2 statements 141:1 stored 28:16 36:3
126:1 132:18 stands 87:15,15 states 10:25 13:8 117:2
150:11 185:16 stanley 44:15 46:13 30:20 41:18 96:25 stores 35:20
190:20 200:20 staples 77:11 149:22 153:12 stories 137:24
202:11 start 4:11 17:11 211:5 138:24
specifically 8:3 69:15 104:3 116:12 stating 112:19 storm 172:21,25
47:18 51:19 83:17 138:6 169:25 station 117:10 story 56:3 137:18
122:2 135:24 164:2 174:15 181:5,6 status 79:13,17 137:19 139:1
180:3 205:3,3 197:1,4 88:22 straightforward
specify 46:1 started 6:12 12:15 statute 80:1 82:15 18:24
spectacle 140:3 26:10 32:18 61:13 82:21 strategy 32:7 35:8
speed 116:3 149:10 62:5 63:15 68:18 statutes 83:2 94:14 street 1:20 2:4 7:4
spell 32:10,23,25 77:9 140:1 156:21 108:22 109:6 49:15,17,19
43:17 160:25 161:15 170:11 129:21 string 201:16
spend 95:8,10 179:18 185:21 stay 13:13 15:1 strip 190:13
162:17 209:13 190:6 197:4 45:8 strong 41:3 95:13
spending 92:1 starting 179:25 stayed 13:6 15:6,9 95:17 97:19
spends 206:6 starts 116:13 44:9,24 45:3 48:17 stronger 216:9
spent 138:13,14 169:25 196:17 stays 155:19 structure 16:9,12
spit 104:7 startup 12:18 35:4 steak 129:12 16:14 55:12,15
split 51:25 state 1:23 3:14 159:22 161:5 96:7 158:4,10
spoke 110:10 135:9 20:13 25:11,17 steel 168:1 169:12 177:14
189:23 38:23 41:18 55:19 stenotype 221:7 208:5,5,13,13
spoken 153:19 81:7 82:1,7,15,21 step 41:16,21 study 86:1,12,13,17
198:4 202:1 83:15 84:20 85:10 160:12 90:10 91:5 128:18
spots 174:14,15 87:24,25,25 88:7 steve 37:6 67:13 stuff 23:25 24:6,6
spray 181:9 182:5 88:11 89:5 95:23 92:9 164:15 173:9 61:5 62:23 74:22
sprayed 180:16 98:1 99:20 109:8 173:10,21 174:6 78:11 95:7 101:14
182:3,19 184:1 141:7,14,20 142:9 175:1,4 176:20 104:22 113:5
spreading 164:8 142:19 143:10,13 180:14,24 181:8 132:16 142:21,22
sprouts 127:7,9 143:19 148:22 182:3,7,12,12 155:22 176:18
square 213:8,9,10 206:9 217:16,19,24 183:15,17 184:7 194:9 200:16
sra 9:6,7,19,24 218:10,15 220:9 185:4 189:19 213:20 215:4,7
stability 95:1,2 221:3,6 192:21 197:23 suarez 173:6
staff 22:12 32:21 stated 4:19 81:24 200:4,19,19,21 subcontract 70:7
74:15,18,24 75:2 90:2 94:21 120:19 201:7,15,21 202:1
tapes 73:1 telling 142:8 193:6 193:7,12 195:23,24 71:10 72:25 75:14
targets 205:6 208:10 195:25 196:4,7 76:4,13,19 77:2
tarp 56:7 temp 157:8 197:5 201:1,3 83:2 85:20 88:16
task 166:10 182:4 temporarily 15:5 texas 199:16 91:10 93:15,17,20
183:6,7 ten 214:9,11 thank 3:25 32:15 100:8 102:12 103:9
tasked 164:3 tenant 17:9,13,17 34:3 36:23 161:2 105:25 106:12
187:10 tenants 17:15,19 173:4 183:20 107:19 108:5 109:9
tax 21:19,20,21 18:9 197:21 213:24 109:17 118:22
teaching 115:10 tend 160:5 thanks 7:19,22 120:5 125:1,14,19
team 163:1 203:21 tennis 129:16 184:24 133:4 138:20 143:3
tear 155:21 tens 136:23 172:23 thereabouts 45:1 143:4 145:15,19,19
technically 40:10 teresa 1:23 2:14 thicker 95:1,3 146:10,12 147:15
76:25 115:17,20 221:5,22 thing 6:8 7:8,24 151:2 153:17 157:7
technology 12:22 term 40:3 42:5 45:7 13:14 14:9 23:5,8 159:23,23 161:6
12:24 26:13,14 45:9 182:17 32:7 59:18 61:7 162:24 163:2
27:24 28:8,8,22 terms 83:23 84:10 78:14 79:16 80:9 165:15 166:8,16
209:14,16 84:14 98:17 127:23 105:24 116:3 122:2 172:12 173:8
telecommunicati... 139:12 151:13 126:2 130:20 139:4 179:21 180:9
12:3,5,18,22 14:10 201:6 204:3,3 164:14 166:4 183:10,10 186:22
telematics 10:2,3,7 test 6:1 75:24 76:1 169:16,16,18 179:4 188:8 191:24 192:5
10:12 11:15,24 76:3,3,5,9,12 77:16 181:7 184:19 188:3 192:7 193:20
13:10 175:5 177:22,24,25 189:25 190:2 191:7 197:11 198:16,23
tell 20:25 22:3 178:2 187:7 188:2 191:10 195:11 199:16 204:12
23:22 24:5,23 197:22 202:18 213:18 209:21 211:24
33:25 36:22 49:6,6 testified 3:4 21:17 things 6:4 42:13 212:8 214:12
61:13 69:18 70:2 123:12 126:7,14,20 56:11 96:1 100:2 third 213:15
71:20,25 74:4 145:6 148:17 189:6 102:22 103:1 113:5 thirdhand 56:18,20
77:18 81:11 86:24 190:12,25 191:20 139:17 142:1 thirds 103:12,14,16
87:15,22,23 88:13 192:25 194:19 155:14 156:6 160:5 104:5 131:17
93:10,21 98:19 203:20,21 204:2,5 160:9 170:5 174:8 thought 6:14 99:2
101:17,18 102:4,17 217:20 206:9 207:13 208:6 119:24,25 121:2
110:25 111:3,6 testify 194:15 209:22 210:1 129:5 141:11 207:2
112:11 123:9 124:2 200:7 202:5,8 216:18 thousands 20:24
129:11,22 130:19 210:9 221:7 think 5:18 9:12 50:25 62:23 136:24
131:24 132:1,12,23 testifying 189:12 10:1 15:6 21:1 25:9 138:13 172:23
138:1 148:8 150:9 190:22 200:17 25:10,23 26:11 threaten 140:20
152:14 158:13 testimony 3:21 27:25 39:9 43:2 threatened 140:17
182:13 189:24 37:19 81:24 154:1 44:25 51:18 52:9 three 22:25 40:2,6
190:19 193:21 183:3 186:8 187:21 57:1,21 58:8 61:17 68:15 75:15 76:19
196:20 202:18 189:18,19 190:16 61:17 62:5 63:3,3 79:3 81:8,12 92:12
212:20 191:5,12,23 192:8 64:23 65:4,4,12 129:16 145:13
trim 59:15 60:3,5 trimmings 59:17 104:5 115:9 119:24 understand 5:20
80:25 85:24 99:16 61:6 64:23 105:4 119:25 127:3 16:8 18:1 20:7
100:11,16 102:5 trims 85:21,21 131:17,19 137:4 21:16 29:3,10,11
104:9 105:18 trimscape 57:14,15 150:4,6 155:14 32:25 35:19 38:22
106:18 107:3,4,5,7 58:24 59:2,5 169:16 179:2 41:14 53:17 57:3,4
109:1 113:17 121:5 trinity 15:2,17 188:14 195:1 60:1,16 62:10
126:12,14,20 127:6 161:18 199:11 212:11 63:25 64:2,10
127:8 128:12,15 tripped 189:13 213:7 217:10,16 94:18 106:23
129:19,22 131:7 192:10 194:20 type 91:7 95:13 115:19 137:20
trimmable 106:4 195:2,4,19 139:7 141:25 142:8 176:23
trimmed 59:5 60:6 truck 61:6 137:12 types 81:12 91:22 194:17 195:8
61:2 62:21 64:18 163:15 93:23 180:1 202:23 204:12
79:23 80:2 86:21 truckloads 137:14 typical 129:20 209:23 215:2
99:10 106:7 108:18 trucks 59:17 137:18 206:12 understanding
111:25 117:13,21 167:25 typically 21:25 29:13 56:2,2,14,18
118:1,4 122:22 true 107:11 139:22 81:15,16,22 85:23 62:18 64:4 84:10
125:4 129:18 147:21 190:9 193:4 86:1 92:4 98:23 103:4 104:24
trimmer 67:2,3 195:5,5,5,6 201:16 typographical 108:11,25 113:2
85:20 87:16 215:15 221:8 208:1 120:17 139:19
trimming 59:19,21 trunks 81:22 95:1 u 154:19 181:2 203:8
59:24 60:8 61:4,4,9 truth 195:20 221:7 205:19,21,23 220:5
u 32:13 173:3
61:17,19,25 62:2 try 56:7 80:13 understood 5:24
uh 14:5 23:12 82:9
62:14,17,18 63:18 214:24,25 67:22
130:12 156:12
64:11,13 66:18 trying 29:9 52:12 unenforceable 97:8
ultimately 12:22
67:9,15 77:19 63:25 64:1,1 uneven 127:8
141:18 169:20
78:24 80:5,9,12 100:23 129:17 unfortunately 77:5
ultralight 112:10
82:12 83:22 84:2 196:7 198:15 215:5 77:7 95:10 108:23
112:20 113:4,25
84:11,24 85:13 215:6 196:24
114:14,23 116:5,12
86:4,5,8 87:16,18 turn 29:22 unincorporated
89:20 98:2 102:14 turned 63:10 164:6 16:3
ultralights 113:21
104:22,23 105:8,13 tv 114:13 unit 76:20
114:4,8,11 115:1
105:15,20 106:8 twice 39:9 80:19 united 13:8 41:18
unable 201:16
107:1,6,17,18 twitter 23:17 24:1 96:25
unacceptable 164:6
109:2,13 112:12 two 4:22,24 5:2 university 26:9,14
unattended 56:8
113:18,22 117:12 13:24 16:21 17:17 unprofessional
uncertain 64:10
117:20 118:19 17:18 18:25 19:1 83:20
unclear 84:5,7
120:21 127:11,13 21:23 22:10,13 unrelated 4:5,8
127:25 128:2,22,25 25:5 26:11 30:23 26:2 187:20,23
176:22 177:4
129:3 132:16 33:10 35:15 40:9 unrepaired 56:8
underneath 179:10
158:19 57:16,19 65:5 79:3 unstable 178:21
179:11,13 191:3
80:21 103:12,14,16
Rule 1.310
rule 1.330(d)(4).