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GUI Controlled Aerial Drone: Kartik Panicker, Vaibhav Murkute, Deepak Padhi, Akash Narkhede

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015

GUI Controlled Aerial Drone

Kartik Panicker, Vaibhav Murkute, Deepak Padhi, Akash Narkhede

remarkable achievements in the field of robotics dedicated for

Abstract The aim of this project is to create a flying defense forces which ensure the tactile strength of the forces
machine that is capable of obeying users commands through a also reinforcing the military might. DARPA has been one
dedicated and customized environment that user uses to such institution. Hence it has been our endeavor being
simulate and control the flying machine. It also empowers the
engineering graduates to build an aerial drone that is capable
user to guide the machine through difficult terrains and
altitudes and perform reconnaissance and ambush operations.
of reinforcing the military might of the very country, many
Basically a robust framed flying engine that possess high end folds. So we are developing this drone to make it agile,
futuristic adaptations to the existing frame to strengthen the stealthy good enough for leading an ambush operation on
militarys tactile stance on enemies. To develop an aerial drone enemy targets, where casualty of the INDIAN ARMY has to
capable of performing advanced flight tactics and wireless be kept minimum and reaching difficult terrains and altitudes
control through an interface made in MATLAB GUI. The to take tactile decisions towards enemys stances. This is the
project shall be known for its user customized control main aim, to make the opponent feel our presence as
environment and remote data surveillance similar to formidable. A prebuilt model of similar structure was being
reconnaissance operations led by the military forces.
made, but it implemented open loop system wherein the user
Index Terms Closed loop system, Graphical User Interface
cannot control the flying drone, rather he/she can make it
(GUI), Hardware programming, Microcontrollers, Quadcopter trigger to an oncoming target. This was a very crucial step
sensors. where we are planning to give it a closed loop system in
MATLAB GUI such that every motion of the drone rests with
The project concerns about development of an aerial drone
capable of being controlled with the help of a Graphical User
Interface provided as a side packet installment in MATLAB Hardware components used in this project are as following:
software as well as using LABVIEW which is a visual
programming language that controls the data stream flow. A. ARDUINO UNO
This ensures creation of a dedicated, user customized
software for flying the drone by sitting remotely and operating The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the
in a standalone PC or laptop. The main body of aerial drone ATmega328.It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6
has a microcontroller which is responsible for generating can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
control signals according to the user desired flight position ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
information provided by the GUI. The body also possess header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to
wireless control system and a controller unit to manage power support the microcontroller.
supply and generation of three phase current signals for the
rotors. A closed loop system has also been employed to
ensure robustness and stability of the drone at high altitude
and unpredictable and unforbidable circumstances which
ensures sturdy and certain flight position. Moreover future
adaptations also concerns about development of a wireless
camera whose live streaming can be witnessed by the user on
a remote laptop by the concept of virtual terminal.


US Defense forces have a research and development wing
named as DARPA. In recent years world has witnessed

Manuscript received April 10, 2015.

Kartik S. Panicker,Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Figure 1. Arduino Microcontroller Board
SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra,
India, +91-9220392225.
Vaibhav A. Murkute, Department: Electronics and Telecommunication,
SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, 1. .Electronic Speed Control Units (ESC)
India, +91-9594593648. It is an intermediator circuit responsible for driving high
Deepak Padhi, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, RPM BLDC motors. It takes PWM input from the
SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra,
India, +91-9768717670. microcontroller and replicates the same at the other end with
Akash P. Narkhede, Department: Electronics and Telecommunication, distorted phases in 120 degrees so as to empower a three
SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, phase BLDC motor. Meanwhile it changes the frequency
India, +91-9561540350.

109 www.erpublication.org
GUI Controlled Aerial Drone

from 500Hz to 3-5KHz.It also has an inbuilt battery

eliminator circuit to supply onboard components.

Figure 3. IMU GY-80 Board

Figure 2. Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) IV. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION

2. Brushless DC Motors (BLDC)

Brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motors) also known as
electronically commutated motors (ECMs, EC motors) are
synchronous motors that are powered by a DC electric source
via an integrated inverter/switching power supply, which
produces an AC electric signal to drive the motor.

3. Li-Po Battery
The Lithium polymer battery is responsible for powering up
the 13000RPM BLDC motors with 5A current and 11.1 V

4. XBEE 2.4GHz Wireless Modem

XBEE is a wireless modem by DIGI, under ZIGBEE 802.15.4
protocol to communicate between two wireless radios. It
works on 2.4 GHz carrier frequency. It adopts Frequency
Hopping Spread Spectrum technique (FHSS).

Figure 3. XBee Modules

5. USB Adapter for ZigBee

These are USB to FTDI convertor boards with Headers for
ZigBees basement. It also has pins fabricated for Breadboard
mounting purposes.
Figure 4. Flow chart of Quadcopter design.
6. IMU GY-80
We can use IMU-GY80 multi-sensor board in place of
It is a multi-sensor board. It has: FY-90Q controller for gathering stability related sensor-data
-Gyroscope for a quadcopter and flight-control stabilization.
- Accelerometer
- Barometer Flight-Control procedure for a quadcopter can be well
- Magnetometer understood by the following flow diagram:
- Temperature Sensor

110 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015

Figure 6. PID control system

We have implemented a quadcopter that can be distantly
controlled by a User Interface interactive program. The
intention is to build a GUI and give command signals to the
Arduino that will be in command of the quadcopter. A PS2
Figure 5. Flight control procedure controller (Gamepad) can also be used to implement the
control feature to directly maneuver the quadcopter. The on
Various Sensors in IMU GY-80 board read the current status screen measure is directly translated into values that refer to
of quadcopters position and alignment in air and those sensor angle information. Any sort of disturbances are tackled in the
values are operated for quadcopters stability by the PID PID to smoothen the movement and stay adamant to external
controller. disturbances. This way any remote user can log into the PC
and run the code in the host and run the quadcopter to
V. SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION different places. Of course a visual feedback will be provided
MATLAB stands for mathematical laboratory which is to have direct sight. FPV 5.8GHz is used for the same.
powerful tool for making GUIs and doing calculations.
Every BLDC motor is connected to an ESC. AN ESC stands ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
for electronic speed control unit that gives 3 phase PWM We acknowledge Dr. Atul Kemkar, HOD under department
signals to the BLDC motors to control the rotation of the of electronics and telecommunication and our project guide
motor. Mrs. Preeti Hemnani, for their constant guidance and support
This output PWM can be controlled using 50Hz pulse signal. that led us to work efficiently and complete this project in
It expects 5 to 10% duty cycles that dictates output throttle stipulated time without much hassle.
from the min to max. Input throttle thus must be having TON of
100usec and 200usec marks the maximum throttle. Thus a REFERENCES
GUI is made in a MATLAB and Arduino is linked with
MATLAB as a software controlled slave. Thus, any action [1] A. ZulAzfar and D. Hazry (2011). Simple GUI Design for Monitoring
performed in MATLAB can be completely replicated in of a Remotely Operated Quadcopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 2011 IEEE
7th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications.
Arduino. And this entire procedure is made wireless. Now, [2] Atheer L. Salih, M. Moghavvemil, Haider A. F. Mohamed and
the GUI is responsible for initializing the BLDC value and KhalafSallom Gaeid (2010). Flight PID controller design for a UAV
linking them to the Arduino board. Also, after this, there are 4 Quadcopter. Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(23), pp. 3660-3667,
scroll bar that may values between 1000 to 2000. Thus each 2010.
[3] Ashfaq Ahmad Mian, Wang Daobo (2007). Nonlinear Flight Control
motor is allocated a scroll bar. Apart from this individual push
Strategy for an UnderactuatedQuadrotor Aerial Robot 2007 IEEE Journal
button switches are employed to manipulate thrusts in each [4] Jun Li, YunTang Li (2011). Dynamic Analysis and PID Control for a
motor distinctly. In Arduinos server program, the program Quadrotor 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and
checks for input values (command signals from the user) if Automation.
available, the action is taken accordingly. Also, then each
Kartik Panicker, Student at SIES Graduate School of Tech., Mumbai,
angle value from the user is tallied with the sensor. Thus, a Winner of Inter-collegiate Paper Presentation on Bionic Arm, Chairman of
closed loop PID control system has been established that SIES Robotics Club.
governs the positioning of the motor in 3-D space. Also, PID Vaibhav Murkute, Student at SIES Graduate School of Tech., Mumbai,
is responsible for manipulating and alerting the quadcopters Winner of Inter-collegiate Paper Presentation on Bionic Arm, Technical
Support Dept. of SIES Robotics Club.
stances against any unwanted external disturbances. Deepak Padhi, Student at SIES Graduate School of Tech., Mumbai,
Winner of Inter-collegiate Paper Presentation on Bionic Arm, Technical
Thrust = Kp*(error) + Ki (integral error) Kd (diff. error). Support Dept. of SIES Robotics Club.
Akash Narkehde, Student at SIES Graduate School of Tech., Mumbai.

111 www.erpublication.org

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