Necronomicon Gnosis
Necronomicon Gnosis
Necronomicon Gnosis
A Practical
What do we know of the world and the universe about us? Our means of
receiving impressions are absurdly few, and our notions of surrounding
objects infinitely narrow. We see things only as we are constructed to see
them, and can gain no idea of their absolute nature.
- H.P. Lovecraft, From
Beyond -
This book was written and compiled as an answer to these
questions. It contains texts and practical workings designed
both through my individual practice and gnosis shared with
my friends, students and ritual partners who assisted me in
this work throughout all these years.
This was that cult, and the prisoners said it had always existed and
always would exist, hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the
world until the time when the great priest Cthulhu, from his dark house in
the mighty city of Rlyeh under the waters, should rise and bring the earth
again beneath his sway. Some day he would call, when the stars were
ready, and the secret cult would always be waiting to liberate him.
The best places to call the forces of the Outer Void are usually
outdoor solitary locations - old woods, peaks of mountains or
areas near water: a lonely beach by the sea, lake-shore, or
desolate spot near a forgotten pond. Places where no one
lives, abandoned even by animals. This kind of magic is wild,
performed at night, at the time of stormy weather or strong
wind, among thunders and lightning - only then can we
experience this primal savageness of nature and catch a
glimpse of the primeval element of the Great Old Ones that
manifests out there in the wild, far from man-made
civilization. In such places and in the atmosphere of fear and
anxiety we can leave our rational thinking behind and
experience the energies of the Other Side - the primordiality of
the Irrational.
We can also gaze into the Other Side with the help of Daoloth,
the Render of the Veils. He might be called by drawing his
image and evoking him into the circle called the pentacle of
planes. Then he will appear and reveal secrets of the hidden
side of the universe. Further in the book I will present a
working with Daoloth which will lift the veil between the
mundane and the Other Side and allow for communication
with this fascinating entity.
Evocations are not the best method of practical work with the
Necronomicon entities. These beings are too intangible and
too alien to human perception to evoke them into a concrete
form. Of course, we can try to do it, but then we will either
limit their multiple nature to a single aspect manifested in the
circle or the situation will appear too difficult for us to control
and the whole operation will bring completely unexpected
results. In the best scenario, we will not observe any
results at all. In the worst, we will be overwhelmed by the
force and will have to face a powerful ancient being
manifesting with multiple forms and powers, completely
beyond our control. Traditional methods of evocation, such as
summoning a spirit into a circle, triangle, crystal, etc., to
perform a certain task or function for us, seldom make any
sense while working with the Necronomicon Gnosis.
One of the very few Necronomicon deities who appear in
visible and concrete form is Nyarlathotep, the messenger of
the Great Old Ones. There are texts that attempt to classify
his masks and avatars according to their functions - and
these classification can be used in rites of evocation. Such
list is provided in Grimoirium Imperium, mentioning twenty-
one names (or faces) of Nyarlathotep that can be
summoned in their special hours. Each name is given
together with a sign that should also be used in the ritual.
...And all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and
freedom. Meanwhile the cult, by appropriate rites, must keep
alive the memory of those ancient ways and shadow forth the
prophecy of their return.
- H.P. Lovecraft: The Call of
Cthulhu -
In present times we no longer need e.g. agricultural or fertility
deities, like our ancient ancestors, because these areas have
been covered by science and technology, while the invention
of modern lore, to which the Great Old Ones belong,
matches the needs of the modern practitioner far better than
worship of old god-forms that no longer reflect the human
desire of transcendence. Hence, we are now faced with
alien beings of intangible nature, hybrid manifestations with
destructive powers, possessing enormous evolutionary
potential that seems to be a response to the fast development
of science, quantum physics, experiments with the DNA code,
etc. In this sense, the Lovecraftian entities are perfect
representatives of what this scientific progress brings forth
into the world. From all sides we are swamped with
manifestations of the rapid and fast development of science
and technology, its potential and possibilities that are both
fascinating and threatening, as the greater part of all these
phenomena still remains unexplored, while the basic instinct
underlying human nature is to be afraid of the unexpected
and the unknown. It is a universal feature of all human race.
Perhaps this is the main reason why this lore has gained such
enormous popularity in contemporary literature, art and
In this chapter you will find out how to begin the work with
the Necronomicon current and how to use the Lovecraftian
grimoires which at first glance seem too complicated or
useless to the modern practitioner. Necronomicon Gnosis can
be viewed as a set of tools and techniques which allow for a
better understanding of the cosmic and evolutionary concepts
represented by the Great Old Ones and other Lovecraftian
entities. As there exists no single genuine version of The
Necronomicon, there is also no single approach to this kind of
magic, and the intelligent adept is free to invent ones own
methods of work, limited only by ones own creativity and
imagination. We must remember that as a magical system,
The Necronomicon is genuine enough for those who are able
to grasp its intangibility and establish contact with forces that
transcend the boundaries of human reason and perception.
Self-Initiation at the Ritual and
Ceremonial Level
Build Your
You can also go a step further and prepare special ritual tools
that will be used only in the work with the Lovecraftian magic.
Here we have a wide variety of choice, depending on which
Lovecraftian grimoire we will choose for reference. Among
tools that you can actually fashion, more or less following the
instructions, we can mention the Sword of Barzai (a specially
consecrated ritual blade), the Incense of Zkauba (used for
ceremonies and rituals), the Vessel of Balon (a kind of a
scrying vessel), the Ring of Hypnos (used for dream work),
and many others. Even though they come from the popular
Necronomicon hoaxes, if you believe in their power and put
enough effort in making them, there is no reason why they
would not work in your ritual practice.
But then again, we can also look at the whole operation from a
completely different point of view and instead of taking the
instructions literally, we may use them as a metaphor of an
inner rite of passage. The temple in which the sorcerer is to be
born, can be constructed as a thought- form on the astral level
and we can also transform the ritual itself into an initiatory
working. The incantations used to attract the demon can be
used to attract the same entities - but in this case, it is done
for the purpose of invocation and the merging of ones
consciousness with these forces. Instead of creating a child
by means of these forces, we use them to re-create
ourselves and arise as new-born beings, equipped with the
consciousness that allows for further work within this ritual
system. And finally, the Ritual of the Tablet, which opens the
gateways and validates the pact, can be performed to
conclude the self-initiatory working. The grimoire also provides
other instructions to follow and sigils and diagrams to draw,
but they can be easily incorporated into this kind of operation.
However, if you would like to try this working, you should be
aware that the entities described in De Vermis Misteriis are
highly vampiric in their nature and demand a lot of energy
to manifest. Blood magic can be useful in this work, but the
sacrifice might also be substituted for something else -
the offering is always personal and it depends mostly on the
practitioners imagination.
The Voice of
I call you, Dark Initiator, from your Onyx Throne
among the Stars!
I summon you, Spider Queen of Space from the dark
Vaults of Zin!
And I open the eight stellar portals to cosmic
I seek to experience communion with the energy of
the Great Old
Ones who dwell in the Outer
Void. May the Star Gates open
at my calling!
Face West and light the candle representing the first gate.
At this point you may also anoint the sigil of the gate with
blood and burn it. Then speak the following words, pointing
your ritual blade in the chosen direction:
From the macrocosmic perspective, Cthulhu is presented as
a deity who rests dormant in the ocean and awaits the
time when he will rise and rule the earth again - or, from
the stellar point of view, as an alien force from the Outer
Void who waits for the right time to invade the planet. The
waters of Cthulhu are not to be understood in the
mundane sense. These are cosmic waters existing outside
the structures of the manifested world. In the microcosmic
sense, Cthulhu seems to be the voice of the unconscious,
the dark impulse hidden in the depths of psyche,
manifesting to chosen priests. Therefore, the Call of
Cthulhu is most often received through dreams. It reaches
sensitive individuals as a chaotic sensation, a vague
impression which human mind transforms into sounds and
images in attempt to interpret its meaning. Visions of dark,
slime-covered temples or monoliths and cyclopean
underwater cities are typical examples of such
transmissions. A dream like this is described by Lovecraft in
his famous story The Call of Cthulhu, when the protagonist,
Henry Wilcox, dreams about huge cyclopean cities of Titan
blocks and sky-flung monoliths, all dripping with green ooze,
and hieroglyphics covering the walls and pillars, while from
an undetermined point below comes a voice that is not a
voice. The chaotic tones of this voice seem to form an
incantation: Cthulhu fhtagn. It was during this dream that
Wilcox made a sculpture depicting Cthulhu. The dreams
continued each night for about a month, during which
Wilcox fell into delirium. Then the symptoms were gone. As
we learn further from the story, it was the time when Rlyeh
rose from the waters and the call of its master was sent to
sensitive persons. Thus, the author writes that Wilcox was
not the only person who experienced such dreams -
Cthulhus message also reached other people, many of
them lost their sanity or even died of fear. At that time, also
the dark blasphemous cult became more active with their
rituals and ceremonies, and asylums reported numerous
troubles with their patients.
The cult of the Great Old Ones has never disappeared but lies
in waiting for the right time to re-emerge - for the moment
when the stars are right, just like aeons ago, when the
ancient deities came to Earth and brought their stellar
knowledge with them. Now Cthulhu lies dead but dreaming
in the telluric dimensions, or in the vast ocean of the
unconscious, but he will awaken and rise. The fire of stellar
knowledge will burn again, and humanity will become one with
their extraterrestrial potential.
Cthulhu Dreamworking
* You may also use certain objects to help you trigger the
conscious dreaming. One of suggestions is to put a small
stone on your forehead, in the place of the Third Eye (an
amethyst is recommended). Another method is to obtain a
stone from the sea and use it in each magical practice with
Cthulhu. For instance, you can hold it in your hand while
sleeping. The magically charged object can influence a
desired dream. You can also use a particular incense for
Cthulhu workings which your mind will associate specifically
with this entity. When you fall asleep in a room filled with the
chosen incense, your mind will respond and your intent will
take shape in the dreams. Many practitioners also find the
dark Lovecraftian ambient music useful in this kind of work.
Ia, Ia
Then begin the meditation: gaze into the sigil and chant the
mantra Phnglui mglwnafh Cthulhu Rlyeh wgahnagl
fhtagn. Visualize that the seal becomes a gate through
which energies float freely. Feel how the atmosphere in the
room becomes dense. Send your message to Cthulhu through
the gate, and when you receive the answer, finish the
meditation and lie down on your back, prepared to enter a
The Dream
When you build this image in your mind, project the sigil
onto the door - see it shining with golden stellar energy,
activating the door as a portal to the Dreamlands. Then
visualize that the door opens and you are free to enter the
Gates of Sleep. At this point focus on the intent of the practice
- this could be a meeting with a spirit or a deity, a journey to a
specific place, or a symbol/concept to explore. There are as
many possibilities as you can think of.
Both methods are effective and can be used with the Dream
Sigil. Again, remember that the work with lucid dreaming and
dream gnosis takes time to develop properly. Do not get
discouraged and practise dream exercises whenever you have
a chance.
Dream Journey to
Nemus Dacos
Cabid Leebo
When you feel their energies flowing through the sigils
and you sense that the contact has been made,
continue the practice by reciting the following
Cthulhu Rlyeh
Make the Sign of Kish and for a moment remain in
meditation, adjusting your consciousness to the current of
the Western Portal and the energies of the four Guardians
flowing into the room through their sigils. When you feel
ready to continue the working, lie down or sit in a
comfortable position and proceed to the meditation.
You are now standing on the shores of the River Skai. There
are green meadows and bright forests around, and you walk
along the river until you see the outskirts of Ulthar - little
green cottages and neatly fenced farms. You will also
recognize the town by a great number of cats. Walk into the
centre of the town. Feel the atmosphere of the surroundings -
look at the old peaked roofs, overhanging upper stories,
numberless chimney-pots, and narrow hill streets where cats
walk freely. Among them you will see a small black kitten that
seems to be attached to you in a special way. The animal is
friendly and it wants to guide you through the town. Follow the
cat and do not lose your way through the winding narrow
Keep chanting the name of the entity and focus on how the
smoke gathers and thickens within the seal, forming into
shapes. Daoloth may reveal to you many visions and
images. Focus on the ones you want to see. Keep the
focus until you have achieved the desired result of the
working or until the images cease to appear. If you are an
experienced astral traveler, you may enter the circle/sigil in
your astral body, pass through the gateway and travel
through interstellar dimensions with Daoloth as a guide.
Nyarlathotep is one of the few Necronomicon deities who
appear in human form. He is usually depicted as a black, thin
figure, with ghastly pale skin, dressed in black, often wearing
a long black robe and a hat. We can find his description in
Lovecrafts story Dreams in the Witch House, where he
manifests before the main protagonist, Walter Gilman:
A tall, lean man of dead black colouration but without the slightest
sign of negroid features: wholly devoid of either hair or beard, and
wearing as his only garment a shapeless robe of some heavy black
fabric. His feet were indistinguishable because of the table and
bench, but he must have been shod, since there was a clicking
whenever he changed position. The man did not speak, and bore no
trace of expression on his small, regular features.
On the third day, on the eighteenth hour of that day, the screaming
call stopped and standing in front of me was a man. The man was
completely black, both in face and clothing, and he greeted me in
my tongue and with my name. The man told me his name and his
name was Ebonor and he was a demon.
(Shout these words of greeting seven
Anoint the ritual blade with your own blood. Then thrust the
blade fiercely into the ground (or burn the blood in the
candle flame if you perform the ritual indoors.)
In result, the sea (which has always been associated with the
feminine lunar principle) becomes impregnated with the solar
force and gives birth to her offspring. In the alchemical sense,
the sea becomes the Divine Water (Hudor Theion), or in Latin:
Aqua Igne Sacra Inflammata (water inflamed by the sacred
fire). The salt in the waters of Tiamat is the spark of the
Anima Mundi dissolved in the depths of the dark sea, the
creative spark of life residing in Prima Materia.
There, in the gray beginning of Earth, the formless mass that was
Ubbo-Sathla reposed amid the slime and the vapors. Headless,
without organs or members, it sloughed off from its oozy sides, in a
slow, ceaseless wave, the amoebic forms that were the archetypes
of earthly life.
According to the mythical Book of Eibon that belongs to the
Necronomicon lore, all earthly life shall eventually return
through the great cycle of time to Ubbo-Sathla. Abhoth is
described as a dark grey, horrid protean mass, the source of
impurity, miscreation and abomination. His offspring are
obscene monsters constantly forming from his grey mass,
amorphous blobs, deformed humanoids, or monstrous
mutants. Once they are born, they are grabbed by Abhoth
and devoured. It is said that Abhoth can communicate
telepathically, but he has a wicked and cynical mind.
Such is the legend told in Al Azif. The places where they reside
are located outside the cosmic structure. They are focal points
for the forces of the Great Old Ones - the standpoints of the
Abyss. Such places are e.g. the black planet Yuggoth and
Kadath in the Cold Waste. Sometimes, however, Yuggoth and
Kadath are viewed as synonymous. Grant places them both at
the level of Kether. Kadath is the land of everlasting snow and
cold. It is located on the vast and empty Plateau of Leng.
Kadath is empty of any life (although sometimes it is said that
one can find there the black castle of Great Old Ones - the
abode of Azathoth and his messenger, Nyarlathotep).
According to Grant, it is the ultimate snow, the place of
dissolution, total annihilation that can be reached through the
place of the Crossing - Daath or the gate of Yog-Sothoth. In
Aeon of Cthulhu Rising by Frater Tenebrous XIII, we read:
The gateway to the Outer Void is the Sigil of the Gate. If you
performed the self-initiatory Ritual of the Nine Stellar
Gateways and received a personal sigil allowing you to enter
the realms of the Great Old Ones, you can use it as a focal
point of this meditation. Otherwise, use the sigil provided
below, representing the Universal Gate to the Outer Void.
The Sigil of the
If you wish, anoint the sigil with your own blood to open and
empower the gateway, or simply focus on the image and
envision it as a portal to the realms Outside, calling forth
Nyarlathotep to guide you on the journey or to provide you
with allies that will guard and assist you in your travels.
You will now see the Mi-Go, crustacean beings covered with
white fungoid fur and with large wings growing from their
backs. Only their hands and faces are bare and not covered
with this strange fur. Let them carry you up into the Outer
Void, through the stellar space, towards the planet Yuggoth.
You will recognize it by a huge dark purple moon existing close
to the planet.
The Mi-Go will carry you to the entrance into a black cavern
leading somewhere underground. The whole planet contains
myriads of caves and underground tunnels and corridors, lit by
dim red light. You can now start your own journey through the
Yuggothian Underworld, explore its hidden shrines and ancient
space, and how is it possible that he is a symbol of eternal
contraction and not dispersion?
How can a creator and ruler of the universe be the antithesis
of creation at the same time? Well, as we will see in this
chapter, there is a method in this madness.
And the Old Ones hold foul and formless Azathoth for Their
Master and
Abide with Him in the black cavern at the centre of all infinity,
where he gnaws ravenously in ultimate chaos amid the mad
beating of hidden drums, the tuneless piping of hideous flutes
and the ceaseless bellowing of blind idiot gods that shamble and
gesture aimlessly for ever.
- Al Azif
Flutes of
Wisdom of Insane
But this does not answer the question what kind of wisdom it
is and what it can bring to the practitioner. However, there is
one more ruler called blind in certain contexts, namely
Samael, the prince of hell. In the apocrypha of John, found in
the library of Nag Hammadi, Samael is the third name of the
evil demiurge, the other names being Yaltabaoth and Saklas.
In this context, Samael means the blind god, representing
the motif of blindness popular among the Gnostics. Samael
was born from the mistake of Sophia who wanted to have her
own offspring without the Spirit. This interpretation does not
answer our question, either, but it tempts us to take a closer
look at the third Qlipha on the Tree of Night, the sphere called
It is connected with questioning and reversing Gods
Creation and confronting doubts and hesitations. But how
and where should we seek answers to this intriguing
issue? The solution is just within the reach. Wisdom is
pure insanity, resulting in absolute freedom, laughter,
energy, courage, and ability to look behind the veil of
illusion that covers the true reality. How is it possible? Let us
ponder for a while on the nature of insanity. In the deepest
positive meaning, it is the ability to exist and act outside
laws and patterns of perception imposed by society and
upbringing. In this case I do not mean any mental disorders
or psychopathic behavior, although sometimes the border
between these kinds of insanity seems quite thin. When we
start to question the surrounding reality and begin the long
journey on the antinomian path, we cannot make anyone
else responsible for our actions, find excuses for our
weaknesses, or expect our problems to be solved by any
deity or spirits. In our mundane lives, we all are continuously
programmed to perform certain roles, fulfill certain patterns
of behavior, or even think in a controlled way. This leads to
stagnation and limitation of individuality and eliminates
alternative possibilities of individual development, apart
from the ones promoted by mass culture. Therefore, one of
the basic skills of a left hand path adept is to break free
from the socially imposed conventions and boundaries and
to re-program oneself, or in other terms - to re-create
oneself according to ones Will. It is possible only when we
manage to question the surrounding reality, deconstruct it
and build everything anew. This lays foundations for all
evolution and progress - in order to create something new
we must leave the old behind. The wisdom of insanity allows
us to step beyond mundane boundaries and limitations and
also beyond normal states of consciousness. It shifts our
minds onto levels inaccessible to mundane perception,
allowing for individual transgression. It is not without a
reason that we often speak about creative chaos or brain-
storming. We often realize that the best results are
sometimes achieved if we look at an issue from another
perspective. Have you noticed how often your best ideas
come from a sudden and weird inspiration which seems to
rise from nowhere and manifests before feelings are even
put into words?
Do you realize how often you pursue an apparently important
goal that after a certain amount of time turns out to be a mere
Return to
During the working you will probably lose the sense of time,
so end the operation when you feel it should be finished.
Ground yourself by performing mundane activities that you
abandoned for the last few days: cleaning, washing up, etc.
Stop fasting, have a decent meal and get a good, long sleep.
Take a bath or shower, and when you feel refreshed, close the
whole operation. You can do it e.g. by speaking words of
closing or burning the sigil used throughout the work.
At first, it might be difficult to switch to mundane reality,
but after a while you will adapt yourself again. Spend the
next few days on analyzing everything that happened
during the operation and write down your conclusions about
the nature and wisdom of insanity.
The Sigil of
Dagon - Lord of Watery
Then suddenly I saw it. With only a slight churning to mark its
rise to the surface, the thing slid into view above the dark waters.
Vast, Polyphemus- like, and loathsome, it darted like a
stupendous monster of nightmares
to the monolith, about which it flung its gigantic scaly arms, the
while it
bowed its hideous head and gave vent to certain measured
- H.P. Lovecraft,
Dagon -
In the stories of H. P. Lovecraft we encounter Dagon in two
aspects: he is a terrifying fish-god in the story Dagon, and he
is also mentioned as the father and leader of the Deep
Ones. These beings lived on Earth before mankind even
appeared. They resemble humanoid fish, i.e. creatures of
human shape but with characteristic features of fish. Their
appearance is described in detail in Lovecrafts story Shadow
over Innsmouth, where citizens of this small seaside town are
presented as an offspring of relationships between humans
and the Deep Ones. They have characteristic fish eyes and the
body covered with scales, and also a specific smell of fish.
They view Dagon as the one who gave rise to the Deep Ones -
the ancient race endowed with an enormous intelligence that
built cities under the waters of seas and oceans. In the town,
there is even a cult devoted to Dagon, a sect named the
Esoteric Order of Dagon, worshipping Father Dagon and
Mother Hydra - two major deities of this ancient cult.
Children born of relationships with the Deep Ones, who live in
Innsmouth, do not die. When they are ready, they join their
families living in the underwater city of Yha-nthlei, where they
lose their human weaknesses and become as their ancestors:
strong, intelligent and immortal. Worshippers of Dagon
believe that one day he will rise and the race of his children
will rule upon the earth.
The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have
become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good
and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting
and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would
teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy
themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of
ecstasy and freedom.
The Magical
Stage 1:
This stage of the ritual takes three days. Dedicate these days
to preparations, collecting items needed for the ritual and
adjusting your mind to the energies flowing through the
magical mirror that is used as a focal point of this part of the
operation. On the day you decide to perform the working,
start preparing the temple/room for the ritual. Decorate your
altar with objects connected with the sea: shells, stones, sea
water in the chalice, a blue piece of cloth, etc. The altar
should be oriented to the West, so while facing the altar, you
also face this cardinal direction. Prepare a mirror, large
enough for you to gaze into - you will use it as a gate through
which you will communicate with the deity. Another item
needed for the working is the Tarot ATU XVII, The Moon. The
deck is your individual choice. I suggest you use the card
from the deck you work with most often and with which you
have a good and natural contact. Place the mirror in vertical
position and put the card in such a way that it is reflected in
the mirror. You should see the cards reflection comfortably
and without any strain while gazing into the mirror. The sigil
of Dagon should be drawn or painted on paper or stone -
preferably with sea colors - blue and green, combined with
black and gold - feel free to follow your intuition.
Once all tools and props are prepared, proceed to the scrying
meditation. Light two black candles and place them on the
altar, on both sides of the mirror. If two candles are not
enough, you can use more. Sit in a comfortable position and
start gazing into the mirror, seeing the reflection of the Tarot
card. Make the sign of Kish and start chanting the words of
opening Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas.
Feel and see how the mirror becomes a gate through which
the energies from the realm of Dagon are flowing towards
you. Meditate on the card and its reflection and open your
mind to impulses flowing through the gate and visions
manifesting in the mirror. Whisper the name Dagon and
send the deity a message inviting him into your temple
and your consciousness. If you do not feel comfortable with
this scrying practice, simply close your eyes, bring the
image of the card to your inner sight, and open yourself to
whatever may come now. Enter the landscape of the card
and explore it. Let the visions flow freely and do not force
anything. Feel Dagons presence around and perhaps you
will also meet him in your vision. Let it happen, and when
the vision is over, thank him for his presence and close
the working for the day. Repeat the same meditation for the
three consecutive days of preparation.
Stage 3: The
For this ritual, light nine black candles and burn suitable
incense (e.g. lotus or a chosen sea fragrance). The altar
should contain all prepared decorations, including the chalice
with salty water, the tools you usually employ in your rituals,
and the sigil of Dagon.
The Sigil of
Begin to gaze at the sigil and try to feel its energies,
visualizing it as a gateway to the watery current of Dagon.
Start chanting the mantra Dagon Yha-nthlei Fhtagn
while gazing at the image until you feel that the gate is
opened and energies are flowing into the room and back, to
the Outer Void. When you feel ready and the atmosphere in
the room is charged with the energies of the current, begin
the ritual.
I summon
He who stirs waters and reveals mysteries of
the depths!
Let me sink into your salty waters - the source of
primal power and forgotten wisdom!
I seek the ancient knowledge of
Reveal to me secrets of power and give me treasures
of wisdom! Transform me into your child and grant
me the power over the sea of the unconscious!
I wish to be reborn in the womb of
Primal Ocean!
Hear me as I call your
Dagon! Dagan! Be-dingir-dingir! Bekalam! Ti-lu ma-
tim! Beka-na- na! Oannes! Odacon! Lord of Bulanu,
Lord of Tuttul, Lord of Irim, Lord of Ma-Ne, Lord of
Zarad, Lord of Uguash, Lord of Siwad, Lord of Sipishu!
Envision now that you cut your hand and your blood flows
into the chalice with salty seawater as an offering. You can
actually do it if you choose to, but it is not necessary.
Our Father
Awaken and
Let your kingdom on earth flourish like it was in
the old times!
Lord of Yha-
Master of primeval instincts, unconscious impulses,
dark shadows of my soul!
Come forth at my
Ia Dagon! (3
Stage 4:
When you wish to close the whole operation, destroy the sigil
that was used in the ritual, clean the temple and ritual tools.
You may also choose to perform a banishing. If you would like
to continue the working in dreams and experience
manifestations of Dagon through dreaming visions, let
yourself fall asleep during the meditation and leave the
cleaning for the following day. Write down all visions, thoughts
and observations related to the ritual and keep them for your
records and for the further work with the god.
Necromancy in the Cthulhu
Where in times past the Old Ones have stained the earth with
Their curse, the dead shall know not the peace of the grave.
- The Rlyeh Text
His ship, however, never reaches its destination and crashes
in the waters of what is called the Black River near the
Isle of Naat, the land of necromancers. The mysterious
island is inhabited only by necromancers and the dead
who are raised and controlled by their sorcery. The
catastrophe of the ship was caused by the same
necromancers, as they could also control weather and the
sea waters by means of their spells. Their chanting led the
ship to crash at the shores of the Isle of Naat. Clark Ashton
Smith describes the ritual of raising the dead in the
following way:
One might ask why to work with the god of death. Let us not
forget that death is a part of life and is intertwined with life
like two threads of the DNA code. One cannot exist without
the other: there is no death without life and no life without
death. A ritual based on death energies may serve several
purposes: we may attempt a death invocation as a rite of
entropy and destruction or a curse cast on a chosen victim, or
we may invoke death god-forms for the sake of knowledge and
understanding of dying and afterlife. In the second case, we
invoke symbols and concepts associated with death in order to
get at ease with dying and transform fear and anxiety that is
usually related with it into creative life-force. Here I will
present a ritual of Mordiggian, the purpose of which is to gain
knowledge about death and its aspects personified by the
Charnel God.
Necromancy in
Do not bury the corpse! Even if a person is dead, you can still
use the body for magical purposes - for instance, you can
leave it as an offering to feed entities from the Outer Void.
These forces, as The Rlyeh Text explains, have lost their flesh,
but their desire for the essence of matter remains and long
unremembered lusts burn with ravenous ferocity. Therefore,
to feed them, one has to prepare the cadaver: recite an
incantation to summon the Yoth fly that will enter the dead
body and dwell there for one hundred and ninety days. From
its decay shall rise the nine worms of Iscuxcar that shall gnaw
until only the essence remains. This essence can serve as an
offering to dark entities. From the ashes of the cadaver one
can also make the Powder of Desiccation, a magical substance
that causes mummification when sprinkled on any corporeal
The magician can also summon a dead god. This ritual has
to be performed in a secret place, without windows, or with
only one window in the northern wall, and there should only
be one lamp lit on the altar. The Simon Necronomicon
provides a long formula to be recited in the ritual. It must be
spoken only once. And if the deity does not appear, it is a
sign that it is somewhere else and the ritual must be
finished quietly.
Priests of
Fill yourself with corruption and from it you shall be reborn, even
as the fungi arise and glow with radiance on the faces of the dead
who have rested in their tombs a span of years. Emulate the
beetles and worms, and learn their teachings. Eat of the dead, lest
you be consumed by the emptiness. The living cannot teach the
dead, but the dead can instruct the living.
The Charnel
The Sigil of
Focus on the sigil, anoint it with your blood to attract and
feed the vampiric forces of the Charnel God, and envision that
the image becomes a gateway for the death current of
Mordiggian. When you feel ready to start the ceremony, recite
the following incantation:
Pour some red wine into the chalice placed on the altar and
envision that you are pouring your own blood. You may also
add a few drops of blood if you wish. Then continue the
So it is
Drink the wine and lay down in a coffin position. Feel how
the black fire of Mordiggian consumes your body and
envision that your mortal part is dying and being devoured
by the god of death. Meditate upon the nature of death and
new rebirth. When you finish the meditation, rise and blow
out the black candles. Light a white candle and burn the
sigil in its flame to celebrate the transformation that
occurred in your consciousness through the communion with
Death. You may also cleanse the room and your aura by a
chosen banishing.
Vampires and the Art of
My lips are moist, and I know the art of losing in a deep bed
the antiquated conscience. All tears are dried upon my
triumphant breasts, and I cause the old to laugh with the
laughter of children. For those who see naked and without veils,
I replace the sun, the moon, the stars and the heavens. I
display so profound a knowledge of pleasure, such subtle
erudition, when I stifle men in my velvet arms, or abandon to
bites and kisses my shy, lascivious, frail and robust bosom, that
even the impotent angels would damn themselves for me on
my swooning mattresses
- C.A. Smith: The Metamorphoses of the
Vampire -
A significant symbol in her iconography was also a snake.
Unlike most of demons, who acted on the behalf of gods, she
preyed on her victims out of sheer pleasure. She was believed
to enter the womb of a pregnant woman and touch the foetus
seven times. This reputedly killed the unborn children. She
also stole newborn infants away from their mothers. Women
protected themselves against Lamashtu by wearing amulets
with the image of Pazuzu, another demon of the
Mesopotamian lore. It was believed that Pazuzu was able to
force Lamashtu back into the Underworld. On clay tablets we
find many spells against Lamashtu. One of them is as follows:
Lamashtu has her own sacred animal (donkey) and her own
boat in which she travels through the rivers of the
Underworld. Sometimes she is identified with Dimme, another
demon who preys on children. Her predatory qualities and
depictions allow for her classification as a vampiric entity. In
the Simon Necronomicon she is called the Queen of Sickness
and Misery.
A creature of similar kind is Lalartu, another vampiric
demon who also tends to slay mothers at birth. It is
believed that Lalartu was a living being before she
turned into an undead shadow entity.
She is caught between the worlds, in the dimension
between the realm of the dead and the living, continuously
seeking entrance into either of them. Another entity
mentioned in the Simon Necronomicon is Lalassu, a female
demon of the same kind and similar qualities. She haunts
places inhabited by human beings and feeds on madness
and fear. Both Lalassu and Lalartu seem to be aspects
of Lilith, and it is even said that both are simply two of
numerous names of this dark goddess. The same concerns
Xastur, a foul demoness who slays men in their sleep and
devours that which she will. The Necronomicon provides
her seal only, with no description. It is also vaguely
mentioned that the worhippers of Tiamat know Xastur very
well as she is the beloved of the Ancient Ones.
Vampires are created of those who linger here to drink, for they too
easily become addicted to the pleasures of the pursuance of their
dark desires. Draining life to sustain their energy and life beyond its
ordinary span, they acquire the power of bewitchment, casting
strange enchantments to lure fresh victims to their astral touch.
Among authors of the Cthulhu Mythos fiction who wrote
about vampires we may find many followers of H.P.
Lovecraft. Brian Lumleys A Coven of Vampires shows a vast
spectrum of vampiric spirits. In the story Kiss of the Lamia
we encounter another mythical figure associated with the
concept of vampirism. The lamia was traditionally
pictured as a monster with the lower half of the body in
the shape of a serpent and the head and breasts of a
woman. The lamiae preyed on humans and sucked the blood
of children, hence they were considered vampires. Similar
characters are described in a few of Clark Ashton Smiths
stories, such as The Youngest Vampire, Morthylla, or The
End of the Story. The word Lamia was originally a name
and her myth derives from the Greek lore. Lamia was a
beautiful queen, daughter of king Belo and mistress of
Zeus. She bore him a few children, but all of them were
killed by the jealous goddess Hera. Out of grief and wrath,
Lamia became a blood-thirsty monster. She wandered in the
darkness of the night, devouring children of others and
sucking their blood. Another legend has it that Lamia was
a demon appearing near Parnassus, waiting for young men
to come and sing or play the flute. She usually came for
sexual reasons and in case of refusal, she killed the
unfortunate men.
Draw the sigil of Akhkharu and place it on the altar. Light only
one black candle and burn large amounts of strong incense
(such as e.g. Dragons Blood). The room in which you perform
the rite should be thick of smoke. Recite the incantation and
then assume a comfortable position for the meditation, or
simply lie down.
The Sigil of
Focus for a while on the sigil, trying to feel the energies of
flowing through the image. Then begin the
So it is
Human sexuality underwent a similar process. The divine act
of union between the male and the female was originally an
expression of the highest sacrum, the godly principle
manifested in the material world. But sex was also always
associated with power and the control of sexuality was the key
to the rule over society. In all cultures worldwide we encounter
various patterns of sexual behavior - some of them enjoying
social approval, other being severely punished. But what is
more important, sex gives us power over ourselves because it
is the ultimate expression of life. This results in the conviction,
characteristic of all monotheistic religions, that sex is sin, as
all mastery of life is reserved to God and man is not allowed to
aspire to such divine powers. The purpose of this chapter is to
explore the role and meaning of Shub-Niggurath, the
goddess who embodies sexual aspects of the Necronomicon
current, endowing her worshippers with all abundance and
guiding them through mysteries of immortality.
It was in a fusion of solar and lunar energies that the secret of life
and regeneration lay. The blood is the life, but the brew of the
Sabbatic Rites was not the red blood of animal life as it flowed
through the veins of the living body, but the essential prana or
ojas stored in the secret centres of energy which welled forth at
certain specific seasons. The Rite of the Sabbat entailed a
knowledge of these seasons as well as of the centres wherein the
primal Bindu abode prior to its massing in the form of flesh. It was
in order to turn this blood or essence back upon itself, so that it
might form itself into non- material bodies, that the vinum sabati
was prepared and imbibed. It was in fact the matrix of all spiritual
creation or - better still - creation in the spirit form; a magical
rather than a religious process.
Now, let us briefly discuss the role and meaning of the well-
known horned deities of fertility associated with the goddess.
The most interesting of them are the cults of the goat,
deriving from the Egyptian town of Mendes and assimilated
into the mysteries of the Greek god Pan and the worship of
Baphomet. These two archetypal gods constitute the universal
symbol uniting all opposites: the head of a goat, the wings of
a bird, the hooves, the feminine upper part of the body, and
the burning torch on the head, between the horns. Due to
such attributes as the hooves (which point at his contact with
the earth element), or the thick fur (universal symbol of
vitality and fertility), Pan/Baphomet represents the fertility of
the earth - which is also expressed by his horns, reminding us
of mythological sacred cows holding the earth between their
horns. Similar symbolism is found in the image of the Greek
goat Amalthea, which in our culture is usually associated with
abundance. Thus, Baphomet is a universal archetype,
representing the balance between the masculine sexual
energy and all other elements. Symbolically, this includes
intellect and intuition, wisdom and knowledge. He is the image
of the human and the divine elements (or man and beast)
conjoined in union - forming together the powerful emblem of
awakened godhood. As Peter J. Carroll writes in Liber Null &
The ritual starts with the Priestess lying on the altar and
chanting Ia, Ia Shub-Niggurath. While the Priest recites
the incantation, the Priestess must concentrate on becoming
possessed by the invoked force. She should envision the
Goddess with all her attributes and fully identify with her, so
that the consciousness of the entity and the Priestess become
one. She should also arouse her sexual energy of the Kundalini
Serpent and enflame herself until she feels the primal
insatiable lust embodied by Shub-Nigguraths sexual current.
I am the Primal
I am the black womb of the
universe, I dwell among the
And in obscenity of dreams that arise from desires
of pleasure.
I am the mistress of
For I transform the flesh into
Drink from my cup of fornication!
Receive the kiss of death from my
thousand lips! Taste my insatiable lust!
And delve into the mouth of
For I am putrefaction and
Then she arouses the Priest and the sexual congress begins in
which she mounts him until she reaches the state of complete
possession. At this point she is the living manifestation of the
Goddess, the embodiment of lust and obscenity, incarnation of
the primal sexual current.
Another deity called the wind walker is Ithaqua, a being
worshipped in the far North, according to the Cthulhu
Mythos. He is described as a cloud of fog or snow in human
shape and he has characteristic blazing red eyes. He is
related to old Native American legends of the Wendigo, a
demonic half-beast half-man who feeds on human flesh.
Ithaquas cult also involves human sacrifices, and the dead
frozen bodies of his victims are sometimes found buried in
snow drifts. He has the ability to control the weather and he
is called to create storms and blizzards.
Pazuzu was believed to be the son of the god Hanbi and the
ruler of evil winds. However, he also had a protective function
- he was thought to protect pregnant women from Lamashtu,
a female demon slaying children at birth. But his malevolent
qualities were more recognizable. He was thought to spread
diseases with his dry fiery breath, cause starvation and
plagues. This relates him to Typhon, the embodiment of
primordial evil, or Set, the desert god of heat and
destructive fire.
The Binding
Focus on the elemental forces flowing from the four cardinal
directions, surrounding you and conjoining in the center of the
ritual space through the binding sigil. Feel the breath of the
four winds on your skin, let them carry you and lead you
through astral paths and dimensions.
Journey to
As you look around, you notice that you are now in a bleak
and desolate expanse of plain, covered with sere grass
which rustles moved by a weird unearthly wind. Protruded at
long intervals above it, there are strangely shaped rocks in
unusual colors. You also notice a few solitary blasted trees.
The sun is invisible but it is quite bright. Lead-colored clouds
hang low in the sky and the atmosphere is filled with evil
and menace. There are no birds, insects, or other living
creatures around, and the whole landscape seems devoid of
The wind that moves the grass lifts you up and you float
towards the gate of the castle. Its inhabitants, creatures
resembling ghouls or spectres, open the gate and invite you
in. You enter a chamber with black stone walls where you
notice countless doors to other chambers. Explore the castle.
Let your vision and imagination guide you through its corridors
and chambers. Perhaps you will even meet Hastur himself.
When you feel that your journey is ending, let the swirling
vortex carry you again to your temple, and return to normal
The Serpent God Yig and the
Power of
That was why the tom-toms in the Pawnee, Wichita, and Caddo
country pounded ceaselessly week in and week out in August,
September, and October; and why the medicine-men made
strange noises with rattles and whistles curiously like those of the
Aztecs and Mayas.
Sorcerers bring Him a pure and innocent female, whose life force
absorbed by the right side makes material things changeable and
submissive in the hands of the Sorcerer. So that the sorcerer can
turn substances of the material world to other things. That is why
the title of this Guard is Master of the Serpents, for in His embrace
all hard things leave their skins and present uncovered before
The Ash and Cypress, the Nightshade, the Elm, and the Yew, are
the trees of darkness in whose shadows the tunnel disappears
into the deepest cells of the earth. Yet this tunnel has affinities with
the ocean of space through its association with Set, the child of the
Goddess of the Seven Stars whose planetary vehicle is Saturn.
The description of the Yig ritual from Tysons book very much
resembles ecstatic practices performed by priestesses of
African sorcery, the pythonesses acting as oracles in the
mysteries of the Serpent, about which Kenneth Grant writes in
Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God. The serpent power, the
Kundalini, is aroused as sexual impulse that produces ecstasy
and trance. This is a modern metaphorical interpretation. But
in ancient African rites, real snakes were used to induce
abnormal condition in sensitive women who became
possessed and insane by contact with the serpents: through
fascination with their look, fear of their touch, or the use of
their tongues. These priestesses fell into a trance called the
Stupor of the Serpent in which they revealed such skills as
clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. They acted as oracles and
prophets through which divine powers manifested to
celebrants gathered around.
The Ophidian
Serpentine Ecstasy - A Ritual of
The Sigil of
Envision yourself standing on a rocky peak of a mountain. It
is dark and the sun has already set. The atmosphere is
gloomy and there are black heavy clouds hanging low in
the sky. A lightning bolt strikes in the distance, but there is
no rain. You can also hear a sound of thunder and you
realize that a storm is approaching. After a short while, the
wind becomes fierce and lightning strikes all around you.
Feel how your Third Eye opens and the crown chakra becomes
a gateway through which your consciousness ascends above
the physical body. Visualize how your astral body assumes the
form of a winged serpent. A black hole opens above your head
and you float up into the black vacuum, where strange angles
and hidden dimensions constitute an enormous labyrinth of
stars, galaxies and worlds, through which you can glide
smoothly in your serpent-dragon form.
You float through limitless abysses of inexplicably colored
twilight and bafflingly disordered sound, crowded with
indescribably angled masses of alien-hued substance
resembling prisms, labyrinths, Cyclopean buildings, and
other oddities unknown to human perception.
This meditation is a visual journey to the Black Tower,
known also as the Tower of Koth, representing the concept
of a gateway from the world of waking to the world of
dreaming. In the Necronomicon Gnosis, the Tower of Koth
stands sentinel at the threshold of the Outer Void, the meeting
point of worlds and dimensions, at the crossroads of
Manifestation and Non-Being. It exists on the borderland of
dreaming and waking, channeling primal currents of the Outer
Void and empowering the evolution of human consciousness.
It is the Eye of the Dreamer and the portal to knowledge
and power of primordial gods, the gate of transition from the
slumber of ignorance to awakened consciousness. In the
Lovecraftian lore, it is also thought to be a residence of
Nyarlathotep from which he watches the world, sending out
transmissions from the Outer Void to all parts of the universe.
This pylon of primal force is represented on the mundane
plane by the artifact known in the Cthulhu Mythos as the
Shining Trapezohedron, the Black Stone of Nyarlathotep,
which is a window on all space and time and a portal through
which any being from Outside can be summoned and enter
the world of man. The Black Tower itself stands in-between
or beyond the realms of manifestation and the unmanifested,
neither within dreaming nor waking dimensions of reality,
typifying the state of dreamless sleep, having no existence,
yet never ceasing to be. The view from the Tower extends
over all directions of Infinity and from there the traveler can
explore places and locations mentioned in the Cthulhu Mythos
and many more, worlds not yet discovered or described in any
book or by any author. It is the realm of limitless possibilities.
Sit in a comfortable position and put The Key to the Black
Tower in front of you - it is recommended to paint it in gold
or silver on black background. If you wish, anoint the sigil
with your blood and see how the lines become charged and
activated with your life substance, or simply visualize it
glowing and flashing with gold and silver light, surrounded
by blackness that is also pouring inside the room and
enveloping around you. Use only one or two candles for this
- to have enough light to see the sigil. The meditation itself
should be performed in complete darkness.
hotep, Keeper
of the Gate,
Guardian of the Black Tower,
Meet me at the Threshold of
the Void, Open the Doors,
Reveal to me the secrets of
the Night!
Keep gazing at the sigil until you can easily memorize and
visualize its shape. Then, blow out the candles, close your
eyes and recall the image in your inner mind. Focus your
inner sight on the shape of the sigil, see it forming in front of
you, in the black space, shining with silver and golden light.
The Key to the Black Tower
You walk towards the tower, and with each step you can feel
that you are leaving the mundane world of waking and
entering the realm of dreaming. The tower beckons you and
the pulsating blood-red light seems hypnotizing. As you
approach the entrance, the door opens by itself and you are
engulfed by the blackness inside the tower that seems to be
Inside the building, the only thing you can see is a spiral
stairway which leads somewhere upwards, to the top of the
tower. The walls are black, carved in strange stone, and you
notice hundreds of mirrors hanging everywhere around. Yet,
the picture in them is not the regular reflection but
everything is distorted and reversed, as if the mirrors were
showing the hidden side of reality, unseen to normal human
Finally, you reach the top of the stairs and you stand inside
the Eye that you saw from down below. Now you gaze into
Infinity and you can see all directions of Time and Space
intersecting here, in the centre of the wheel of Chaos. Here,
all currents, all interstellar transmissions meet as if in a
giant spider web of the goddess Arachne, shedding their
rays onto the earth, the waking world, mutating human
consciousness and initiating all evolution. It is the Eye of
Chaos from which you can travel to any dimension if your
Will is strong and focused. Whisper the name
Nyarlathotep. Your consciousness will sink into the
blackness of the Void for a moment, but after a while your
inner eyes will open and you will notice a dark human-like
figure emerging from the living darkness that dwells in the
tower. The man is tall and pale, wearing a long black robe.
His face is demonic and his eyes are empty. When your eyes
meets his gaze, you feel drawn into his body and you leave
yours. You are Nyarlathotep - He who walks the spaces
beyond the stars. Your vision shifts and you can now see the
surrounding scenery that has also changed.
You are now in a stellar temple in the center of cosmic space.
It resembles a gothic cathedral but there are no doors or
windows and it is built from a very light black substance
that you cannot identify. The interior is lit by an odd strange
light that seems to radiate from the walls themselves. The
construction drifts through time and space, among stars and
galaxies, floating into a huge black hole in the shape of a
spiraling vortex pulsating with purple light. And when the
temple is drawn inside the vortex, you can hear a strange
cacophony of sounds.
After a while, you realize that you are in the very center of the
Outer Void. It is completely black. There are no stars visible
anywhere and the sounds start to resemble some kind of
music but it has no rhythm or pattern and is purely chaotic. At
this moment, the whole construction stops at one point and
begins to rotate.
The rotation becomes faster and faster and at the same time
you can feel that your consciousness expands and merges
with the limitless Infinity until you completely lose the sense
of identity and feel a strange unity with the Void that
surrounds you Meditate on this feeling and let the stellar
currents that originate in the center of the Void carry you
towards the unknown. Open yourself for whatever may come
and when the vision is over, return to your normal
consciousness and close the working.
The Shining Trapezohedron
The size of the object does not really matter but it should be
big enough to function as a scrying tool into which you will
be able to gaze comfortably.
When the gateway is not used, cover the crystal with a piece
of black cloth. The gate itself will remain open - it is a
permanent pylon of the primal current of the Outer Void - but
it will not be active until you awaken it with your blood again.
The Art of Sacrifice and Blood
The contents of this chapter were originally published in 2007
in Clavicula Nox: Issue III Azathoth by Ixaxaar. I decided to
include it in the present edition of this book as a curiosity, as
the subject of sacrifice is a specific aspect of the
Necronomicon Gnosis that adds a unique flavor to the entire
Cthulhu Mythos. It is certainly not meant to encourage anyone
to apply these methods and rituals in practice. Human and
animal sacrifice tends to be a popular subject these days,
which is sad and disturbing, as these methods are completely
unnecessary in self- initiatory magic of the Left Hand Path,
and promoting such practices as magical tools only
encourages violent urges and disrespect for life. The only
sacrifice that has to be made by the Initiate is the sacrifice
of the lower Self to the higher Self, as it is illustrated by a
number of myths and legendary rites of passage, such as
e.g. the Sumerian story of Inannas descent into the
Underworld. The only blood we can offer is our own, as this is
a symbolic sacrifice of a part of ourselves, and therefore it has
the initiatory and transforming value. The killing of an animal
or a human being is not only illegal but also senseless, as their
lives do not belong to us, and we cannot sacrifice what we do
not own, as this would contradict the very concept of the
sacrifice. I strongly encourage the reader to have that in
mind before delving into practical aspects of blood magic.
Listen and obey, you, born from the mothers wombs. Revere the
creatures of the angles and crossroads, let the warm blood of your
children feed them, and let their progeny be fed on it and grown
for the sake or release of Those Who Sleep in the pitch pits
- De Vermis
Misteriis -
The power of blood has been a subject of belief since time
immemorial. It was the most valuable fluid, often ascribed
mystical powers as a container of powerful, transforming
energy. Ancient mythologies and historical accounts abound
in examples of human sacrifice, ceremonial bloodletting and
ingestion of blood - both of humans and animals. Blood
sacrifice was used for beneficial purposes: healing,
cleansing and empowerment, as well as in destructive
witchcraft and malefic magic - to contact and
communicate with dark forces, in rites of possession and
for cursing. Blood was regarded as the most valuable
offering. All liquids, which served as offerings (milk, mead,
wine), were merely substitutes for blood, the greatest gift of
all. The sacrificer had an exceptional status in the
community - as the intermediary between the world of
man and the divine sphere, he was outside the law of
common mortals. In magic, blood has a special role and
serves several purposes, which will be discussed in this
chapter on the example of the Cthulhu Mythos stories and
chosen Necronomicon-related grimoires. In the
Necronomicon Gnosis blood is a special fluid. It is the seat of
psychic powers, the token of worship, the key to the Other
Side and the emblem of demonic powers inherent in the
unconscious. But let us proceed to the description of its
main functions.
A Token of
He is the Lurker at the Threshold who opens the way to all that
exists outside the world known to man and allows the human
mind to transcend its illusory limitations. To open these
gateways to spaces between dimensions, one needs blood -
the key to the Other Side. This is implied or openly stated in
many texts, stories and grimoires that constitute the lore of
the Necronomicon Gnosis. In The Testimony of the Mad Arab,
we read about three cults of the Ancient Ones: the Cult of
the Dog, the Cult of the Dragon and the Cult of the Goat, all of
them continuously trying to open the gate with blood
sacrifices and striving to let the dark forces enter the physical
world. They are said to rejoice in the slow spilling of blood,
whereby they derive power and strength in their ceremonies.
The sacrifice of blood, both of animals and humans, is a basic
element of their dark rites. From The Wanderings of Alhazred
we learn about blood sacrifices in the temple of stone
monoliths, the most powerful of them being the circle in
Albion - the place corresponding to Stonehenge. Here the
sorcerer can open outward gateways to all dimensions of
space, the main gates and the lesser ones, which are
countless in number. The rounded shape of the temple is
supposed to reflect the shape of Yog-Sothoth, who is usually
seen as a conflux of spheres or circles of many colors. The
location of this and other temples was chosen because of
power emanating from these places. These are the sites
where barriers between worlds are thin, the so-called power-
spots. They are located in intersections of power lines that run
through the whole planet - the concept reminding us of the
Dragon-lines or Ley- lines - the sources of earth energy known
as Vril or the Dragon Pulse. In The Wanderings of Alhazred, it
is explained that these lines are awakened by energy
contained in blood.
Therefore many blood sacrifices are made in the temple of
monoliths: the vital force of the life-fluid activates and
harmonizes energies of the lines. The gateways are
unlocked and communication between inhabitants of this
and the other worlds becomes possible.
A Word of
To the
Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat with a Thousand Young,
come forth to this circle, guard and witness this ritual,
and let your power fill this temple!
To the
Cthulhu, Lord of Rlyeh who lies dead but dreaming,
awaiting your glorious return and watching over your
worshippers, come forth to this circle, guard and
witness this ritual, and let your power fill this temple!
To the
Yog-Sothoth, the Gate and the Key to the worlds
Outside, come forth to this circle, guard and witness
this ritual, and let your power fill this temple!
The Operator
The Operator and the participants make the sign of Kish and
visualize the four elemental forces around the circle. When the
atmosphere is dense enough, the Operator continues the
Ia Yog-
Ia Daoloth!
s: Ia
Ia Cthulhu!
Communion with the Invoked
The Operator
So it is
The Operator blows out the candles and rings the bell to
end the ceremony. Everyone makes the Sign of Koth.
If they wish, a chosen banishing may be performed to
close the ritual.
Thirteen Gates of the Spider
The Vaults of
Then her face shifts into the head of a woman, but she still
has the body of the spider. She has black hair and emerald
eyes. Greet her and ask her to guide you through her realm.
The Third
She is playful and eager to talk to you. She asks you to lie
down on a black obsidian altar carved in rock with the sigil of
the Gate glowing on its surface. Let her initiate you into her
gnosis and guide you through the mysteries of this lunar
The Fourth
Her eyes are emerald green. Snakes are coiling around a black
obsidian altar that is near the throne - it is small, shaped like a
jewel, and the only thing it contains is a chalice. The snakes
drip venom to the chalice. The venom is no longer black - it
is now shining with all colors and can be used in many
different ways. Explore the realm, communicate with the
Goddess and receive her guidance through the mysteries of
the Underworld.
The Ninth
You cannot see her feet because the whole ground is cloaked
in thick black smoke. There is a ring of red fire around her,
just like the one above. She speaks to you and her voice is like
thunder. Greet her and ask her to be your guide through the
mysteries of this realm.
The Thirteenth
The last Gate binds the powers and aspects of all twelve. It
represents the principle of the Chalice in which All is united
into One. The sigil of the Gate is the focal point of the
operation and the allegory of the whole process - by
successively absorbing the powers of the twelve Gates, the
Initiate becomes the Thirteenth Gate oneself, the living
vessel and manifestation of the current of the Spider
Goddess. It is the Gnosis of Arachne channeled and earthed
in flesh. There is no guided meditation for this work, as the
Thirteenth Gate is symbolic of the Initiate and the
experience of this realm is personal and depends on a
practitioner. It is recommended to meditate on the sigil
itself, analyzing the experience of all Gates - separately and
together, binding their powers into one powerful stream of
force earthed within the temple of flesh. Feel free to make
this meditation personal and meaningful to you alone.
Invocation of
While reading the Simon Necronomicon, we encounter a
dramatic warning: There are no effective banishings for
the forces invoked in The Necronomicon itself. Further in
the text, the author explains that since the Sumerian
religion (which is supposedly the source of the book) was
lunar-oriented, all kinds of solar-based rituals function as
banishings and can be used to weaken the power of the
Ancient Ones or close the gates to their dimensions. Then
we are presented with a series of incantations in The Book
Maklu of the Burning of Evil Spirits, which presumably
work as banishings. Among occultists who have ever
worked with these incantations, opinions about their
effectiveness are varied. They are generally supposed to
function as either protective charms or exorcisms that
banish unwanted forces. But the nature and purpose of a
banishing is much more complex.
workings and all magical actions are performed in the room
that is normally used for everyday activities.
Banishings are therefore used as an opening of magical
operations or as a closing element - to clean the ritual space
and banish the energies that were invoked during the ritual.
This does not mean that banishings are not effective at all. We
might rather say that they are not always suitable for the work
with the Great Old Ones.
For instance, we can use a formal banishing to open a
particular ritual and clean the magical space, as well as at
the closing stage - which is also recommended for the
practices presented in this book. But the work with the
Necronomicon Gnosis is rarely formally structured and
ritualized. It operates on the immediate presence of
energies and all we have to do is attune our minds to their
vibrations: naturally or by means of techniques mentioned
here. Instead of performing a formal ritual, we can work
with the Lovecraftian entities through reading the stories,
dreaming, visualizing, or simply walking out to desolate
places to sense their presence. If there is no ritualized
context, a formal banishing will not be of much use, either.
Instead, we can achieve the shift of consciousness by
employing simple techniques, such as ringing the bell,
burning incense, lighting candles or other kinds of light that
we do not normally use in our mundane activities, or playing
a special kind of music. All this may shift our minds into the
sphere of sacrum and whatever we do from this point, will
be a magical action.
For he who passes the gateways always wins a shadow, and never
again can he be alone.
- H.P. Lovecraft, The
Book -
Bibliography & Further
H.P. Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror; Gates of the Silver Key;
The Call of Cthulhu; Dagon; The Tomb; In the Vault;
Reanimator; The Lurker at the Threshold; The Thing on the
Doorstep; Dreams in the Witch House; From Beyond; and
other stories.
De Vermis
Temple of Ascending Flame: