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Artificial Lift SolnGasDriveRsvr

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VOL. 2, NO.

5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217

ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


Theoretical Design Consideration of Artificial Lift and Tubing String for

Solution Gas Drive
B. O. Bimpong, 2 E. Broni-Bediako
Tullow Ghana Limited
Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Mines and Technology, Ghana

Solution gas drive reservoirs are characterized by rapid and continuous decline of reservoir pressure. The rapid and
continuous decline of reservoir pressure causes direct decline of reservoir performance at the early stages of the life of the
reservoir. The principal source of energy is the liberation of gas from the crude oil and the subsequent expansion of the
solution gas as the reservoir pressure is reduced are mostly inadequate to produce such reservoirs to their full capacities.
Ultimate oil recovery from natural flow of a solution-gas drive reservoir makes it one of the least efficient primary
recovery mechanisms. This leaves a substantial amount of remaining oil residing in the reservoir which must be produced.
Artificial lift technologies such as continuous gas lift, gas lift with velocity strings and positive displacement pumping are
therefore employed at later phases of the reservoirs life to increase the ultimate recovery which is what this research sorts
to do. Data based on material balance for a solution-gas drive reservoir is analysed to predict its primary oil recovery based
on which gas lifting, velocity strings technology and positive displacement pumping are suggested to be employed with
respect to time at different stages of reservoirs life.

Keywords: Flowrate, recovery, reservoir, tubing string

1. INTRODUCTION strings should be replaced as a function of cumulative

production is also indispensable.
Solution gas drive also known as Dissolved gas
drive or Internal gas drive reservoirs are characterised by 2. SOLUTIONGAS DRIVE RESERVOIR
a rapid and continuous decline of reservoir pressure.
This reservoir pressure behaviour is attributed to the fact
This driving form may also be referred to by the
that no extraneous fluids or gas caps are available to
following terms: Solution gas drive, Dissolved gas drive
provide replacement of the gas and oil withdrawals. The
or Internal gas drive. A solution gas drive reservoir is
rapid and continuous decline of reservoir pressure causes
one in which the principal drive mechanism is the
a direct decline of reservoir performance at the early
expansion of the oil and its originally dissolved gas. The
stages of the life of the reservoir. Moreover, the principal
increase in fluid volumes during the process is
source of energy which is gas liberation from the crude
equivalent to the production (Dake, 1978). A solution-
oil and the subsequent expansion of the solution gas as
gas drive reservoir is mostly closed from any outside
the reservoir pressure is reduced are inadequate to
source of energy, such as water encroachment. Its
produce such reservoirs to their full capacities. Ultimate
pressure is most of the time initially above bubble-point
oil recovery from natural flow of a solution gas drive
pressure, and no free gas exists. The only source of
reservoir (less than 5% to about 30%) makes it one of
material to replace the produced fluids is the expansion
the least efficient primary recovery mechanisms (Tarek,
of the fluids remaining in the reservoir (Beggs, 2003).
2001). The low recovery from this type of reservoir
Some small but usually negligible expansion of the
suggests that large quantities of oil remain in the
connate water and rock may also occur. When the
reservoir. Therefore, solution gas drive reservoirs are
reservoir falls below the saturation pressure, gas is
considered the best candidates for secondary recovery
liberated from the hydrocarbon liquid phase. Expansion
of the gas phase contributes to the displacement of the
residual liquid phase. Initially the liberated gas will
Artificial lift technologies such as continuous gas
expand but not flow, until its saturation reaches a
lift, gas lift with velocity strings and positive
threshold value, called critical gas saturation. Typical
displacement pumping method is therefore employed at
values of the critical saturation ranges between 2 and
later phases of the reservoir to increase the ultimate
10%. When this value is reached, gas starts to flow with
recovery. The main challenge is to know when to change
a velocity proportional to its saturation. The more the
the existing production mechanism to a new one for
pressure drops, the faster the gas is liberated and
optimum recovery. A production design has therefore
produced, thus lowering further the pressure, in a sort of
been made in an attempt to solve this problem with
chain reaction that quickly leads to the depletion of the
respect to constraints such as maximum production rate,
reservoir (Cosentino, 2001).
maximum drawdown, and available gas for lifting. The
flowing bottom-hole pressure required to lift the fluids At the surface, the solution gas drive reservoirs
up to the surface may be influenced by the size of the are characterised in general by rapidly increasing Gas-
tubing string and for that matter the time when tubing Oil Ratios (GORs) and decreasing oil rates. Generally,
no or little water is produced. The ideal behaviour of a

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


field under solution gas drive depletion is illustrated in Other relevant information includes:
Fig. 1. The GOR curve has a peculiar shape, in that it Initial Reservoir Pressure (pi = pb) = 2500 psi
tends to remain constant and equal to the initial gas Initial Reservoir Temperature = 180oF
solubility (Rsi) while the reservoir pressure is below the Initial Oil in Place (N) = 56 MM STB
bubble point, then it tends to decline slightly until the Initial Water Saturation (Swi) = 0.2
critical gas saturation is reached. This decline Initial Oil Saturation (Soi) = 0.8
corresponds to the existence of some gas in the reservoir
that cannot be mobilized (Cosentino, 2001). After the Table 1: Relative Permeability Data for the Reservoir
critical saturation is reached, the GOR increases rapidly
and finally declines towards the end of the fields life Gas Relative
Gas Saturation(Sg)
when the reservoir approaches the depletion pressure. Permeability(krg)
0.00985 0.00014
0.01617 0.00032
0.02056 0.00048
0.02468 0.00068
0.03016 0.00099
0.03454 0.00126
0.03920 0.00164
0.04440 0.00208
0.04933 0.00255
0.05508 0.00320
0.05973 0.00375
0.06466 0.00439
0.06959 0.00503
0.07506 0.00583
0.08026 0.00652
Fig. 1: Ideal Production Behaviour of a Solution Gas 0.08710 0.00755
Drive Reservoir 0.09612 0.00915
0.10543 0.01097
Gas Saturation(Sg)
Several methods for predicting the performance Permeability(kro)
of solution-gas behaviour relating pressure decline to 0 0.506895
gas-oil ratio and oil recovery have appeared in literature. 0.109091 0.156436
These methods include Tracy's method, Tarner's method
and Muskat's method. The following assumptions are The Results of the Muskat Primary Prediction for the
generally made: uniformity of the reservoir at all times Reservoir is presented in Appendix 2.
regarding porosity, fluid saturations, relative
permeabilities; uniform pressure throughout the reservoir 5. DESIGN OF ARTIFICIAL LIFT AND
in both the gas and oil zones (which means the gas and
oil volume factors, the gas and oil viscosities, and the TUBING STRINGS
solution gas will be the same throughout the reservoir);
negligible gravity segregation forces; equilibrium at all This section seeks to design artificial lift and select
times between the gas and the oil phases; a gas liberation tubing string for the reservoirs optimum production.
mechanism which is the same as that used to determine
the fluid properties, and no water encroachment and 5.1 Design Data/Parameters
negligible water production. The approach by Muskat is
The following data is available for the oil well:
employed in this prediction.
Average reservoir pressure = 2500 psi
METHOD IN PREDICTING OIL Initial gas Liquid ratio (GLRi) = 721 scf/stb
RECOVERY Productivity index, J* = 1.5
Gravity = 25o API
4.1 Data and Results Specific gravity to gas = 0.7
Consider a volumetric depletion drive reservoir Average temperature = 180 oF
that exists at its bubble point pressure of 2500 psi with Reservoir depth = 7500 ft
relevant reservoir data provided in Table 1. Also, Wellhead pressure = 150 psi
detailed fluid property data are provided in Appendix 1.

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


Inclination angle with horizontal = 90o (vertical well). 5.3 Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)
Nominal tubing sizes of 1/2", 1", 1 1/2", 2 3/8", or 3 "
is employed in the design of the gas lift. Since the reservoir originally exists at its bubble
point pressure, fluid flowing in the reservoir goes to
multiphase conditions immediately at the start of
5.2 Determining Feasibility of Gas Lift production when the pressure is lower than the bubble
Design point. This means the linear IPR will not be valid (since
Fig. 2 is a graph of average reservoir pressure as a saturated). As the pressure inside the reservoir goes
function of cumulative oil production. The continuous below the bubble point value, gas comes out of solution
pressure drop results in faster liberation and production reducing the oil saturation and relative permeability, and
of gas, thus lowering further the pressure, in a sort of increasing oil viscosity. Also the formation volume
chain reaction that quickly leads to the depletion of the factor is always greater than one due to the gas in
reservoir as shown in Fig. 2 (Cosentino, 2001). From solution. The oil productivity is reduced since now the
Fig. 3, it is observed that a recovery of only about 13% driving force for fluid movement is spent moving the
of Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place (STOIIP) could be liquid and the gas phases (Prado, 2008). The constant
obtained at a depletion pressure of 100 psi (abandonment productivity index (PI) concept is no longer valid. Since
pressure) when the reservoir is naturally depleted. Such IPR under multiphase flow conditions cannot be easily
low recovery prompts the use of artificial lift design (gas calculated, Fetkovichs empirical correlation is
lift design) for the reservoir to optimize production and employed to estimate the IPR.
maximize the return on investment.
5.3.1 Fetkovichs Correlation
In addition, since the reservoir exists originally at
its bubble point, critical gas saturation may be reached Fetkovichs correlation is usually the one that is
very early which may result in the production of always more conservative under predicting flow capacity
appreciable quantities of gas at an early stage of in comparison to the other IPR equations (Prado, 2008).
depletion. This gas can be made available to gas lift the Fetkovich is also a simpler equation which in some cases
well. Hence, the need for gas lifts design. can simplify some of the calculations. Even being the
most conservative of the IPRs, because it is not a model
and just a correlation, it can over predict flow capacities
for some reservoirs that are severely affected by the
presence of free gas in the porous media. Fetkovichs
correlation is given by equation 1 as:
Pwf (1)
1 b 1 b Pwf
q max

b =0
qmax = Maximum oil flowrate
q = Flowrate
Pwf = bottom-hole flowing pressure, psi
Fig. 2: Average Reservoir Pressure as a
Function of Cumulative Oil Production
At the bubble point pressure (that is Pb = Pavg),
the corresponding bubble point flowrate is given by
equation 2 as:

qb J * P Pb (2)

qb 1.52500 2500 0

qb = Bubble point flowrate

J* = Starting productivity index

P =Average reservoir pressure
Fig. 3: Average Reservoir Pressure Decline as a
Function of Recovery

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


The absolute open flow (AOF) or the maximum Fig. 5 shows saturated future IPR curves at
flowrate, qmax, is given by equation 3 as: selected depletion pressures.

J * Pb
q max qb (3)

1.5 2500
qmax 0 1875 bpd

Fig. 4 shows the present IPR curve for the

reservoir at its initial conditions using Fetkovich

Fig. 5: Saturated Future IPRs using Eickmeier Method


The size (diameter) of the production tubing can
play an important role in the effectiveness with which
the well can produce liquid (Lea et al., 2008). There is
an optimum tubing size for any well system (Beggs,
2003). Smaller tubing sizes have higher frictional losses
and higher gas velocities which provide better transport
Fig. 4: Present IPR of Reservoir at Initial Conditions for the produced liquids. Larger tubing sizes, on the
other hand, tend to have lower frictional pressure drops
5.4 Saturated Future IPR due to lower gas velocities and in turn lower the liquid
carrying capacity (Lea et al., 2008). Too large tubings
The prediction of the future IPR is very important
will cause a well to load up with liquids and die (Beggs,
to forecast future well production. There are many
approximate methods to simulate the effects of depletion
on productivity index for saturated conditions. Usually,
In designing tubing string, it then becomes
those methods provide equations relating changes in the
important to balance these effects over the life of the
productivity index, J*, as a function of reservoir average
field (Lea et al., 2008). Figs. 6a and 6b are plots of the
pressure. The methods for future reservoir prediction
outflow performance (OPR) of the various tubing sizes
express changes in J* as a function of changes in average
superimposed on the IPR curves. It is observed that the
reservoir pressure. One of such methods is the Eickmeier
smaller size tubings (0.5", 1" and 1.5") have excessive
method which is used in this case study (Prado, 2008).
frictional losses with low production rates thereby
restricting production. For this reason, only the three
5.4.1 Eickmeier Method larger size tubings (2 3/8", 2 7/8" and 3.5") are
The Eickmeier method is given by equation 4 as: considered to be the better candidates to start producing
the well. However, the 3.5" tubing exhibits the lowest
* 2 frictional loss which might cause the well to load up
J P P2 (4) with liquids and die too early. The 2 7/8" tubing gives a
* P much more reasonable frictional loss as compared to that
1 1
of 3.5" and 2 3/8" tubings with an equilibrium
production rate of about 1350 bpd and an equivalent
The effect of changes in average reservoir bottomhole flowing pressure of about 1350 psi (see Fig.
pressure over the absolute open flow is also determined 7).
using equation 5 as:

P2 3
q max P2 (5)

P1 P
q max

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


Fig. 6a: Plot of IPRs and OPRs for the various Tubing
Fig. 7: Performance of 2 7/8" Tubing

6.1 Larger Tubings with Gas Lift

The performances of the 2 7/8" and 2 3/8" tubings

are investigated with increase in the GOR. Varying
GORs of 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 and 2,500 scf/stb are
analysed and plotted as shown in Figs. 8 and 9.

Fig. 6b: Plot of IPRs and OPRs for the various Tubing

The flow capacities for the various tubing sizes

are read from the intersections of the inflow and outflow
curves. These are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2: Equivalent Flow Capacities of Larger Tubing

Tubing Size, inches Producing Capacity, (bpd)

2 3/8 1,100 Fig. 8: Performance of 2 7/8 Tubing with varying

2 7/8 1,350
3.5 1,480

Since the effect of gravity (dominant at lower

flowrate areas) is observed at almost a common
bottomhole flowing pressure point, that is Pwf of about
1,000 psi for the three different tubing sizes, it suggests
that the effect of gravity is almost the same irrespective
of the tubing size selected. However, this is not the case
for the frictional loss effect (dominant at higher flowrate
areas). Therefore, the 2 7/8" tubing is chosen to produce
the reservoir from an average pressure of 2,500 psi at a
GOR of 721 scf/stb up to a pressure of about 1,700 psi as
shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 9: Performance of 2 3/8 Tubing

with varying GORs

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


From Fig. 8, it is observed that GLRs of 2,000 6.2 Use of Velocity Strings
and 2,500 virtually give almost the same flow capacities
of 500 bpd and equivalent bottomhole flowing pressure Figs. 10 to 12 show the performances of the
of 650 psi. This may be as a result of the gas saturation velocity strings (tubing sizes of 1.5", 1" and 0.5") under
reaching its critical point. In addition, higher frictional gas lift operations. The investigation is done with GORs
loss is observed at higher flowrates for the two GORs. of 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 and 2,500 scf/stb. Fig. 10 shows
GLR of 1,500 exhibits reasonable frictional loss with an that the 1.5" tubing can produce the reservoir from a
equivalent flowrate of about 500 bpd (same with 2,000 pressure of 1,350 psi to 900 psi at a GOR of 1,500.
and 2,500 GORs) and an equivalent bottomhole flowing Comparing the frictional losses of 2,000 and 2,500
pressure of 700 psi. GLR of 1,000 shows frictional loss GORs to that of 1,500, it is observed that 2,000 and
same as that of 1,500 GOR but can only produce the 2,500 give higher frictional losses although the same
reservoir to a pressure of 1,500 psi (p = 200). equivalent flow capacities of about 140 bpd and
equivalent bottomhole flowing pressure of 950 psi.
Also from Fig. 9, it is observed that the GLRs of
2,000 and 2,500 give almost the same flow capacities of
450 bpd and equivalent bottomhole flowing pressure of
850 psi. In addition, higher frictional losses are observed
at higher flowrates for the two GORs. GLR of 1,500
exhibits reasonable frictional loss with an equivalent
flowrate of about 450 bpd (same with 2,000 and 2,500
GORs) and an equivalent bottomhole flowing pressure
of 900 psi. GLR of 1,000 shows frictional loss lower
than that of 1,500 GOR but cannot produce the reservoir
to a pressure of 1,500 psi (p = 200 psi). Tables 3a and
3b summarise observations in the foregoing analysis.
From the foregoing arguments, a gas lift operation with a
GOR of 1,500 scf/stb on the 2 7/8" tubing proves to be Fig. 10: Performance of 1.5 Tubing under varying
the better choice. GORs

Table 3a: Summary of Equivalent Flow Capacity and

Bottomhole Flowing Pressures
Producing Capacity, bpd
GOR, scf/stb 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

Tubing, inches
2 3/8 400 450 450 450
2 7/8 450 500 500 500

Table 3b: Summary of Equivalent Flow Capacity and

Bottomhole Flowing Pressures
Bottomhole Pressure, psi Fig. 11: Performance of 1 Tubing under varying GORs
GOR, scf/stb 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

Tubing, inches
2 3/8 950 900 850 850
2 7/8 800 700 650 650

The 2 3/8" tubing does not perform any better than the 2
7/8" tubing and removing the already installed 2 7/8" for
the 2 3/8" tubing causes time and money to be lost.
Therefore, the reservoir is produced using the 2 7/8"
tubing with a GOR of 1,500 scf/stb from an average
reservoir pressure of 1,700 psi to 1,300 psi. Producing at
lower pressures below 1,350 psi with a 2 7/8" or 2 3/8"
tubing may not be profitable even with gas lifts as shown
in Figs. 8 and 9. At this later stage in the life of the Fig. 12: Performance of 0.5 Tubing under varying
reservoir, velocity strings (smaller size tubings) are GORs

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


The 1,000 GOR has less frictional loss compared

to the other GORs but it can only produce the well from
1,350 psi up to a pressure of 1,100 psi where it has to be
changed. Fig. 11 shows all the GORs with high frictional
losses with equivalent flow capacity of about 60 bpd.
The frictional effect seems to impede the flow through
this tubing. The frictional effect is even worse for the
0.5" tubing with an equivalent flow capacity of about 20
bpd. Based on the observations, the reservoir is produced
with the 1.5" tubing from average reservoir pressure of
1,350 psi to 900 psi at a GOR of 1,500 scf/stb. At
pressures below 900 psi, the frictional losses in the
velocity strings may not permit optimal flow capacity
and therefore pumping may be the option to consider. Fig. 14: GOR Development as a Function of Cumulative
Oil Produced
TIME Fig. 15 gives the equivalent flow capacities of the
various tubing sizes used and the respective average
Analysis to estimate at what value of average reservoir pressures.
reservoir pressure the producing capacity or
deliverability will have declined to is of utmost
importance. This type of information needs to be known
as a function of time to facilitate development planning
or to make economic evaluations. The time to place the
well on gas lift and time to install pump or compressors
when certain producing capacities can no longer be met
is very necessary (Beggs, 2003).

7. 1 Results and Analysis

Figs. 13 and 14 show average reservoir pressure
and GOR as functions of cumulative oil produced Np.

Fig. 15: Oil Producing Capacity as a Function of

Reservoir Pressure

Table 4: Incremental Oil Production at various

Reservoir Pressures
Pavg Np
2500 1.31E+006
2300 1.45E+006
2100 1.09E+006
1900 6.60E+005
1700 3.83E+005
1500 3.03E+005
Fig. 13: Average Reservoir Pressure as a Function of
Cumulative Oil Production 1300 2.38E+005
1100 2.02E+005
900 1.87E+005
700 1.56E+005
500 3.28E+005

From Table 4, selecting an increment of

production of 100,000 stb, the average values of
reservoir pressure, Pavg that exist during this producing
interval is determined from Fig. 13. Using the value of

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


Pavg determined, its corresponding Qo(avg) is determined Table 5: Summary of Reservoir Production Performance
from Fig. 15. The time increment required to produce the as a Function Time
cumulative production increment is calculated as: Start time End time of Total Time
of Operation of
N p (6) Operation (days) Operation
t (days) (days)
Qo ( avg )
2 7/8" @ GOR From
6,000 6,000
of 721 scf/stb beginning
from which the total time is given by:
2 7/8" @ GOR
t t (7) 6,000 9,000 3,000
of 1500 scf/stb
The total cumulative production is given by:
1.5" @ GOR of
N p N p (8) 1500 scf/stb
9,000 17,500 8,500

The results of the foregoing discussions are summarised Pumping 17,500 to end -
in Appendix 3. Fig. 16 is a graph of performance versus
time. From Fig. 16 the time taken for the oil flowing
capacity to reach 50 bpd (that is when pumping will
start) is about 17,500 days. Fig. 17 also shows the
average pressure decline as a function of time.
From the analysis in this paper it can be concluded that:
Solution-gas drive reservoirs are best candidates
for secondary recovery applications due to their
low ultimate recovery (about 13% STOIIP).

For a particular quantity of injected gas for a

specific tubing size, no significant oil recovery
was obtained. There is always an optimal quantity
of gas to be injected for a specific tubing size.

Velocity strings are associated with high frictional

losses which impede oil flow at lower reservoir
pressures. As a result, positive displacement
pumping was the better option of producing the
reservoir at such pressures.
Fig. 16: Performance versus Time
[1] Beggs, D. 2003. Production Optimization Using
Nodal Analysis. Second Edition, OGCI and
Petroskills Publications, Tulsa, Oklahoma. 150 -

[2] Cosentino, L. 2001. Integrated Reservoir Studies,

Technip Editions, Paris. 182 187.

[3] Craft, B. C., and Hawkins, M. 1991. Applied

Petroleum Reservoir Engineering. Second
Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey. 370

[4] Dake, L. P. 1978. Fundamentals of Reservoir

Fig. 17: Average Reservoir Pressure as a Function of Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The
Time Netherlands. 78.

7.2 Summary of Production Performance [5] Lea, J. F., Nickens, H. V., and Mike, R. 2008. Gas
with Time Well Deliquification. Second Edition, Gulf
Professional Publishing, 30 Corporate Drive,
Table 5 is a summary of the reservoir production Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA. 588.
performace with respect to time.

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


[6] Prado, M. 2009. Two Phase Flow and Nodal [7] Tarek, A. 2001. Reservoir Engineering
Analysis. MSc Lecture Material. African Handbook. Second Edition, Gulf Professional
University of Science and Technology, Abuja. 1 - Publishing, Houston, Texas. 719

Appendix 1: Fluid Property Data

Pressure Bo Rso Bg Uo Ug
(psia) bbl/STB SCF/STB bbl/SCF cp cp
2500 1.498 721 0.001048 0.488 0.0170
2300 1.463 669 0.001155 0.539 0.0166
2100 1.429 617 0.001280 0.595 0.0162
1900 1.395 565 0.001440 0.658 0.0158
1700 1.361 513 0.001634 0.726 0.0154
1500 1.327 461 0.001884 0.802 0.0150
1300 1.292 409 0.002206 0.887 0.0146
1100 1.258 357 0.002654 0.982 0.0142
900 1.224 305 0.003300 1.085 0.0138
700 1.190 253 0.004315 1.199 0.0134
500 1.156 201 0.006163 1.324 0.0130
300 1.121 149 0.010469 1.464 0.0126
100 1.087 97 0.032032 1.617 0.0122

Appendix 2: Results of the Muskat Primary Prediction Method for the Reservoir

Pressure Np GOR Gp Np/N Recovery

(psia) (STB) (scf/STB) (scf) (% STOIIP)
2500 721 0.0000 0
2300 8.85E+005 775.8450591 6.62E+008 0.0158 1.580
2100 2.19E+006 739.7453027 1.65E+009 0.0391 3.915
1900 3.64E+006 1311.755505 3.14E+009 0.0651 6.506
1700 4.73E+006 2974.617372 5.48E+009 0.0846 8.455
1500 5.40E+006 5874.083304 8.40E+009 0.0963 9.634
1300 5.78E+006 9624.532692 1.14E+010 0.1032 10.318
1100 6.08E+006 13958.2386 1.49E+010 0.1086 10.859
900 6.32E+006 18547.31895 1.88E+010 0.1128 11.285
700 6.52E+006 22682.3057 2.30E+010 0.1165 11.645
500 6.71E+006 24818.28543 2.74E+010 0.1198 11.979
300 6.86E+006 22504.40129 3.11E+010 0.1226 12.257
100 7.19E+006 11264.60316 3.66E+010 0.1284 12.843

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


Appendix 3: Result of Performance as a Function of Time

Np 103 Np 103 Pavg Qo(avg) t t Tubing GLR Injected

(STB) (STB) (psi) (bpd) (days) (days) String (scf/stb)
100 100 2480 1330 75.19 75.19 2 7/8" 721
100 200 2450 1310 76.34 151.52 2 7/8" 721
100 300 2410 1240 80.65 232.17 2 7/8" 721
100 400 2400 1190 84.03 316.20 2 7/8" 721
100 500 2380 1160 86.21 402.41 2 7/8" 721
100 600 2350 1130 88.50 490.91 2 7/8" 721
100 700 2320 1080 92.59 583.50 2 7/8" 721
100 800 2300 1050 95.24 678.74 2 7/8" 721
100 900 2290 1020 98.04 776.77 2 7/8" 721
100 1000 2260 1000 100.00 876.77 2 7/8" 721
100 1100 2240 970 103.09 979.87 2 7/8" 721
100 1200 2230 960 104.17 1084.03 2 7/8" 721
100 1300 2210 940 106.38 1190.42 2 7/8" 721
100 1400 2200 930 107.53 1297.94 2 7/8" 721
100 1500 2180 900 111.11 1409.06 2 7/8" 721
100 1600 2170 890 112.36 1521.41 2 7/8" 721
100 1700 2160 875 114.29 1635.70 2 7/8" 721
100 1800 2150 860 116.28 1751.98 2 7/8" 721
100 1900 2120 850 117.65 1869.63 2 7/8" 721
100 2000 2105 810 123.46 1993.08 2 7/8" 721
100 2100 2102 805 124.22 2117.31 2 7/8" 721
100 2200 2100 800 125.00 2242.31 2 7/8" 721
100 2300 2090 790 126.58 2368.89 2 7/8" 721
100 2400 2070 760 131.58 2500.47 2 7/8" 721
100 2500 2050 740 135.14 2635.60 2 7/8" 721
100 2600 2035 720 138.89 2774.49 2 7/8" 721
100 2700 2015 690 144.93 2919.42 2 7/8" 721
100 2800 2000 660 151.52 3070.94 2 7/8" 721
100 2900 1990 640 156.25 3227.19 2 7/8" 721
100 3000 1980 620 161.29 3388.48 2 7/8" 721
100 3100 1960 600 166.67 3555.14 2 7/8" 721
100 3200 1950 590 169.49 3724.63 2 7/8" 721
100 3300 1935 580 172.41 3897.05 2 7/8" 721

VOL. 2, NO. 5, June 2012 ISSN 2225-7217
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology
2011-2012. All rights reserved.


Appendix 3: Result of Performance as a Function of Time Continued

Np 103 Np 103 Pavg Qo(avg) t t Tubing GLR Injected

(STB) (STB) (psi) (bpd) (days) (days) String (in) (scf/stb)
100 3400 1920 575 173.91 4070.96 2 7/8 721
100 3500 1910 560 178.57 4249.53 2 7/8 721
100 3600 1900 540 185.19 4434.72 2 7/8 721
100 3700 1890 530 188.68 4623.40 2 7/8 721
100 3800 1860 520 192.31 4815.70 2 7/8 721
100 3900 1840 515 194.17 5009.88 2 7/8 721
100 4000 1820 510 196.08 5205.96 2 7/8 721
100 4100 1805 505 198.02 5403.98 2 7/8 721
100 4200 1800 500 200.00 5603.98 2 7/8 721
100 4300 1780 490 204.08 5808.06 2 7/8 721
100 4400 1770 488 204.92 6012.98 2 7/8 1500
100 4500 1750 485 206.19 6219.16 2 7/8 1500
100 4600 1720 482 207.47 6426.63 2 7/8 1500
100 4700 1700 480 208.33 6634.96 2 7/8 1500
100 4800 1685 470 212.77 6847.73 2 7/8 1500
100 4900 1670 450 222.22 7069.95 2 7/8 1500
100 5000 1620 440 227.27 7297.23 2 7/8 1500
100 5100 1600 430 232.56 7529.78 2 7/8 1500
100 5200 1550 400 250.00 7779.78 2 7/8 1500
100 5300 1510 360 277.78 8057.56 2 7/8 1500
100 5400 1490 340 294.12 8351.68 2 7/8 1500
100 5500 1420 290 344.83 8696.51 2 7/8 1500
100 5600 1390 230 434.78 9131.29 1.5 1500
100 5700 1300 140 714.29 9845.57 1.5 1500
100 5800 1250 120 833.33 10678.91 1.5 1500
100 5900 1200 110 909.09 11588.00 1.5 1500
100 6000 1150 100 1000.00 12588.00 1.5 1500
100 6100 1100 80 1250.00 13838.00 1.5 1500
100 6200 1000 60 1666.67 15504.67 1.5 1500
100 6300 900 50 2000.00 17504.67 1.5 1500


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