EBP Puspa
EBP Puspa
EBP Puspa
This study aims to investigate preschool childrens family functions. To fulfill this
aim, mothers viewpoints and characteristics (e.g., educational level, age, number of
children, time spent in Istanbul, relations with spouse, employment status, relatives
living in the same house, and perceived economic level) have been considered. The
study sample consists of the mothers (n = 897) of 416 girls and 481 boys aged 5 ye-
ars old (60-72 months) attending 16 preschools in Istanbul. The findings show that
less healthy family functions are displayed by young mothers than older ones; pri-
mary school graduate mothers than more educated ones; mothers with three children
than those with fewer children; mothers who have lived in Istanbul for 20-29 years
than those who have lived longer; mothers who have other relatives living with them
than those who do not; non-working mothers than working ones; and mothers who
stated that they were satisfied and moderately satisfied with their jobs than those
who stated they were very satisfied. Other noteworthy findings are that the better
the mother perceives her relations with her spouse and the better the economic si-
tuation, the healthier the family. The results also reveal that as the number of rela-
tives living with the family increases, family functions become less healthy.
Key Words
Functional structure of family, mother, preschool children
The study sample comprises mothers (n = 897) of 5 year-olds (60-
72 months) attending 16 preschools (primary schools, independent
preschools) in 6 different districts on the European side of Istanbul,
whose parents were both alive and not divorced. The majority of
the mothers (42.5%) were between 28-33 years old, high school gra-
duates (37.2%) with two children (52.7%). The majority (% 61.2)
perceive the economic condition of their family as moderate. Only
33.4% of the mothers in the sample were working and 60.3% of the-
se said they were satisfied with their jobs.
Data collection tools used in the study were a personal information
form and the Family Assessment Device.
When mothers sub-dimension scores on the FAD are examined, it
can be seen that the mean score for affective involvement is 1.88
constituting the greatest value in all sub-dimensions (the most un-
healthy function dimension). On the other hand, the mean score for
general functions is 1.43 constituting the lowest value (the healthi-
est function).
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on mothers age groups
showed significant differences between the mean scores on the af-
fective responsiveness (F = 3.41; p<.05) and involvement (F = 3.87;
p<.01) sub-dimensions. The analyses revealed that, when compa-
red to mothers aged 3439 years old, mothers aged 2227 years old
scored higher on the affective responsiveness dimension, showing a
more unhealthy structure as regards family functioning. In the di-
mension of affective involvement, 2227 year old mothers were re-
vealed to have a more unhealthy structure than 2833 year old mot-
hers. Differences between other age groups were not found to be
statistically significant (p >.05). Scores pertaining to Problem Sol-
ving, Communication, Family Roles, Behavior Control and General
Functions sub-dimensions did not vary with respect to the variable
of mothers age (p>.05).
A significant difference was found between groups with respect to
education level in the following sub-dimensions: Communication
(F = 6.73; p<.001), Family Roles (F = 4.09; p<.01), Affective Respon-
siveness (F = 19.60; p<.001), Affective Involvement (F = 16.74;
p<.001), Behavior Control (F = 4.19; p<.01) and General Functions
(F = 8.50; p<.001). The findings show that primary school graduate
mothers have more unhealthy family functioning when compared
to high school and college graduate mothers as regards Communi-
cation and General Functions dimensions. In Family Roles, too, a
difference was found between primary and high school graduate
mothers, revealing that the former have more unhealthy family
functioning. In the dimensions of Affective Responsiveness and Af-
fective Involvement, primary school graduate mothers were found to
have more unhealthy family functioning than high school or colle-
ge/university graduate mothers; and similarly secondary school gra-
duate mothers were found to have more unhealthy family functio-
ning than college/university graduate mothers. It was also found
IIK, GVEN / An investigation of Preschool Childrens Family Functions: A General... 1293
and very adequate, slightly adequate and very adequate, not ade-
quate and very adequate, and slightly adequate and adequate (in fa-
vor of the former). In the dimensions of Affective Responsiveness and
Affective Involvement, significant differences were between ade-
quate and very adequate, slightly adequate and very adequate, not
adequate and very adequate, and not adequate and adequate. In
the Behavior Control dimension the only difference was found bet-
ween slightly adequate and very adequate, and slightly adequate
and adequate, in favor of the former. Finally, in the General Func-
tions dimension, in almost all groups, significant differences were
found in favor of the former levels. Differences between other gro-
ups were not statistically significant (p>.05). As can be seen, the
more adequate the mother perceives her relationship with her
spouse, the healthier the family.
Mothers who live with family members were found to have more
unhealthy family functioning in the dimensions of Communication,
Affective Responsiveness and General Functions when compared to
those who do not live with other relatives. No significant differen-
ce was found in the dimensions of Problem Solving, Family Roles,
Affective Involvement and Behavior Control (p>.05). When the
number of relatives living with the family was considered, the dif-
ference between the mean ranks of groups were found to be signi-
ficant in the dimensions of Affective Responsiveness [2(3) = 15.47;
p<.01] and General Functions [2(3) = 7.99; p<.05]. As a result of the
analyses, it can be said that a bigger number of relatives living with
a family indicates less healthy family functioning in Affective Res-
ponsiveness and General Functions. No such difference was found in
the dimensions of Problem Solving, Communication, Family Roles,
Affective Involvement and Behavior Control (p>.05).
With respect to the work status of mothers, a statistically significant
difference was found between the mean scores of the groups (t = -
3.75; p<.001) in favor of non-working mothers. This shows that non-
working mothers scored higher in the Affective Involvement dimen-
sion than working mothers, indicating a less healthy structure with
respect to family functioning. When other sub-dimensions are con-
sidered, no statistically significant difference was found (p>.05). No
sub-dimension of the FAD revealed a statistically significant diffe-
rence with respect to the variable of mothers job (p>.05).
IIK, GVEN / An investigation of Preschool Childrens Family Functions: A General... 1295
As for the variable of mothers satisfaction level of her job, the dif-
ference between the mean ranks of groups was found to be signifi-
cant in the dimension of Affective Involvement [2(2) = 7.88; p<.05].
It was observed that mothers who were satisfied and slightly satis-
fied by their jobs scored higher than mothers who were very satis-
fied in the Affective Involvement dimension, showing unhealthier
family functioning. No statistically significant difference was found
in other sub-dimensions (p>.05).
Mothers were also asked their perceptions of their economic condi-
tion to see if a difference existed between these levels and FAD
sub-dimensions. The analyses showed significant differences in the
dimensions of Family Roles [2(4) = 13.62; p<.01], Affective Respon-
siveness [2(4) = 11.94; p<.05] and General Functions [2(4) = 13.57;
p<.01]. It can be seen that better economic conditions indicate he-
althier family functioning. No statistically significant difference was
found in other sub-dimensions (p>.05).
As a result of the analyses conducted to ascertain whether family
functioning differs with respect to mothers education level, it was
found that in the Affective Responsiveness and General Functions di-
mensions, primary school graduate mothers had more unhealthy fa-
mily functioning than secondary-high school and college/university
graduate mothers, whereas in the Affective Involvement dimension,
primary school graduate mothers scored higher than university gra-
duate mothers, thus indicating an unhealthy structure. In a study by
Kil (1994), primary school graduate mothers were shown to have
more unhealthy evaluation of their family structure than secondary
and high school and university graduate mothers. Similarly, Bulut
(2000) found that the educational level of mothers led to a signifi-
cant difference in social and general adaptation. This difference is
largely in favor of graduate mothers. In the same way, ener and
Terziolu (2002) and Renne (1970) concluded that as the educati-
on level of spouses rises, so does the satisfaction they derive from
their marriage. This may have been due to high educational level
supporting an open communication between spouses.
The analyses conducted to show whether family functioning varies
dies have also shown that as the total income level rises, so does har-
mony in marriage and the health of family structure (ener & Ter-
ziolu, 2002; ener & Terziolu, 2002; Kil,1994; Filsinger & Wil-
son,1984). Holden (1997) and Berns (1993) found a relationship bet-
ween fathers losing their job and battering of wives or child abuse
(qtd. in Sertelin, 2003). akc (2006) too claimed in his study that
socio-economic level is a determining factor for family functioning.
With respect to mothers evaluation of their relationship with their
spouses, significant differences were found on the dimensions of
Problem Solving, Family Roles, Affective Responsiveness, and General
Functions. The more satisfied the mothers about their relations with
their spouses, the healthier the family. In a study by Bulut (2000), it
was found that healthier family structure was found among those
who reported to have good relationships with their spouses. A he-
althy family is one where members have positive affective ties and
communication (zgven, 2001). It can be said that mothers who do
not view their relationships as very satisfactory may fail to fulfill the-
ir functions. ener and Terziolu (2002) similarly found that both
womens and mens marriage adaptation scores rose significantly as
the sharing of emotions and thoughts increased between spouses.
With respect to the variable of the number of children, a significant
difference was only found in the Affective Involvement dimension.
Parents with two or more children scored higher than parents of
single children, indicating a more unhealthy structure. The reasons
behind this may be the difficulty of bettering life conditions in big
urban centers and the stress and unhealthy structure caused by this.
Despite the studies showing the negative effects of having too many
children on the family (ener & Terziolu, 2002; Kil, 1994), other
studies have concluded that the number of children do not cause a
difference with respect to family functioning (akc, 2006).
While the family shapes children with its social aspects, its functio-
nal side (i.e., factors such as healthy versus unhealthy, sharing of fa-
mily roles, communication in the family, and problem solving
skills) affects childrens social-emotional adaptation either positi-
vely or negatively. Children may acquire negative social skills, ha-
ve difficulty in interpersonal relationships throughout a lifetime,
and face problems in academic studies and affective-behavioral are-
as due to negative family environments. Therefore, it is important
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