2008 Physicstoday RW
2008 Physicstoday RW
2008 Physicstoday RW
of storm surges
Donald T. Resio and Joannes J. Westerink
Don Resio is a senior scientist at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Joannes
Westerink is a professor in the department of civil engineering and geological sciences and concurrent professor of mathematics at
the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana.
Eight of the ten largest cities in the world are lo- gis often transcend the limits of local calibrations. Moreover,
cated on the coast and 44% of the worlds population lives reliance on such calibrations precludes using models to an-
within 150 km of the ocean.1 Unfortunately, coastal regions swer important questions related to variations in the system
are often low-lying and thus susceptible to an increase in sea- itself or meteorological forcing mechanisms. An important
surface elevation. example concerns the role of wetlands in coastal protection,
A storm surge is a potentially devastating rise in the sea which is difficult to assess if the predictive model is specifi-
surface caused by extratropical cyclones or by tropical cy- cally tuned to work for the existing wetland configuration
clones such as hurricanes and typhoons. Surges can lead to and for a select set of storms. Empirical rules of thumb based
large loss of human life, destruction of homes and civil in-
frastructure, and disruption of trade, fisheries, and industry.
Since tropical cyclones have lower interior pressures and Vulnerable New Orleans
higher wind speeds than extratropical cyclones, they typi-
cally produce significantly higher surges than extratropical It has long been recognized that hurricanes represent a par-
cyclones do. Their effects extend across the western Atlantic ticularly grave threat to New Orleans, Louisiana. In a 1929
Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the western Pacific and In- article for the Engineering News-Record, Arthur M. Shaw
dian oceans. Hurricane Katrina, the 2005 storm that struck noted that the recorded hurricanes of the early 20th century
southern Louisiana and Mississippi in the US, and Cyclone had approached New Orleans along southwesterly tracks.8
Nargis, which made landfall in Myanmar in 2008, provide In addition, he recognized the considerable vulnerability due
ample evidence of the ruinous effects of storm surges. to hurricane protection levees that were too low or poorly
As in most scientific fields, the early foundation of surge maintained and due to drainage canals that, as an editorial
prediction relied heavily on observational data and on rela-
sidebar to the article pointed out, like sword thrusts extend
tionships that were suggested by those data. Surge events,
to the very heart of the city. The sidebar also observed that
however, are rare, and the associated historical data are lim-
New Orleans is wide open to inundation should [a] storm
ited. As described in the box at right, such limitations are one
reason planners did not effectively act on warnings that New come from another or eastern direction.
Orleans is vulnerable to hurricanes. Furthermore, the forces In retrospect, the concerns expressed in the article were
that drive surges are different from one storm to another, and insightful. By and large, however, they have not been
a storms characteristics evolve. For all those reasons, direct heeded in southern Louisiana, for several reasons. First, most
deductions about the regional and local impacts are of lim- of the emphasis on flood protection in the region has been
ited use. on the much more prevalent threat from the Mississippi River.
The advent of digital computers in the 1960s led to dis- Second, at least prior to Hurricane Katrina, the infrequency
crete computational solutions of the governing equations, a of major hurricane surges made it difficult for planners to
significant advance over earlier empirical methods. But maintain a consistent focus on coastal hazards in the region.
those early calculations were limited by the scope and scales Third, analytical results obtained in previous studies were not
of the modeled physics, the modest size of the regions over taken at face value by many planners, perhaps justifiably so.
which the computations were performed, and the lack of Many of the dire warnings of impending flooding in the New
spatial resolution of critical phenomena influencing the so- Orleans area came from models predicting that the major
lutions. As a result, they required extensive case- and region- threat was from overtopping of the Lake Pontchartrain levees
specific calibration or tuning of the boundary forcing and on the north side of the city. As it turns out, that threat was
model parameters. Indeed, those early codes were at the
highly overrated. On the other hand, the more serious
crossroads of physics simulators, which rely on fundamen-
threats to the levees in Saint Bernard and Plaquemines
tal underlying physics, and tuned interpolators, which rely
parishes and potential problems in the canals were not fully
on observational data.
Unfortunately, extreme storms such as Katrina and Nar- appreciated.
useful piece of information. deltas, barrier islands, and
The estimate could be dan- bays, down to detailed fea-
gerous, however, if it is false 1 turescoastal rivers and
and used to estimate risk re- streams, distributary chan-
ductions in coastal areas be- nels in wetlands, and cuts
hind wetlands. 29 through reefed areas, for ex-
In this article we de- 0 amplethat affect flows in
scribe some important con- 90 89 coastal areas. Manmade fea-
cepts for storm-surge predic- LONGITUDE tures include extensive lev-
tion and examine how the ees and raised highways that
modeling communitys un- Figure 1. Water speed depends on geographic features. block flows, and canals, un-
derstanding of the relevant In this simulation, maximum speeds during Hurricane derpasses, and culverts that
processes is evolving from Katrina got as high as 2.5 m/s through inlets, through allow flows to pass through
one based on empirical data constrictions, and over barrier islands and approached them. In addition, the scales
to one based on fundamental 12 m/s over broad swaths of the continental shelf. of such forcing processes as
physics. That fundamental are associated with wind and
physics includes forcing wave fields can range from
mechanisms, all of which meters in complex shallow
must be properly specified, and dissipation mechanisms that areas to hundreds of kilometers in large deep basins. Geo-
act on the flows and must be properly defined. Accurate metric complexity thus produces a richness of interacting
modeling also requires an adequate specification of the sys- scales of motion that must be resolved correctly in modeling
tem geometry to ensure appropriate hydrodynamic response applications.
to the forcing, including computational resolution of all en- Some idea of the types and scales of features in a hurri-
ergetic scales of motion.3 We also explore the interrelation- cane surge can be seen in figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the
ship between the physics and computational models and simulated maximum water velocities during Hurricane
offer our perspective on future directions in forecasting and Katrina. The velocity response functions and the high spatial
risk assessment. gradients of the system, forcing functions, and surface eleva-
tion must all be sufficiently locally resolved if the physics of
Geometry has a profound effect the water movement is to be properly simulated.
More than two centuries ago, in 1775, Pierre Simon Laplace Figure 2 shows three snapshots from a model simulation
published the basic form of the equations that largely de- of surge height and wind velocity during Katrina. Together
scribe tides and storm-surge propagation in the coastal ocean they cover a five-hour period. Note, though, that hurricane
and adjacent floodplain. The physics behind the equations in- wind speeds are not uniquely defined. Wind speeds obtained
volves the conservation of both water volume and momen- from aircraft excursions into hurricanes are often reported in
tum. The momentum balance involves various processes in- newscasts as a hurricanes maximum wind speed. Those
cluding acceleration, wind stress, momentum transfer from measurements represent the fastest one-minute-duration
wind-generated surface waves, atmospheric pressure, wind speeds encountered by the aircraft at its flight level.
EarthMoon gravitational effects, frictional drag at the sea Ocean-response models use winds averaged over 1030 min-
bottom, and lateral mixing. The online version of this article utes, at a reference height of 10 m. Theoretical and observa-
includes the shallow-water equations, a generalization of tional evidence shows that the wind speeds at the reference
Laplaces tidal equations, and gives physical interpretations level are only about 6575% of speeds at flight level. Also, for
of their individual terms. a given height, wind speeds averaged over 1030 minutes
Storm surges are strongly influenced by the geometry of will typically be about 80% of the maximum 1-minute wind
the basin and continental shelf leading up to the coastal speeds. All told, the hurricane speeds used in ocean-response
floodplain. As a first approximation, however, one can em- modeling are typically only in the range of 3060 m/s.
ploy a simple, linear, steady-state equation to understand the
influence of water depth and shelf width on wind-driven Dont neglect wave momentum
surges: Coastal surges are driven primarily by momentum transmit-
ted to the water column in situ by winds and by momentum
(s/gh)W. (1) that enters the water column after being transported over a
Here is the surge height at the coast, s is the wind stress distance by waves. Early surge models neglected the wave
at the airsea interface, and g is the gravitational accelera- input and attempted to use local model calibration to com-
tion. The two cross-shelf geometric factors are h, the depth pensate for that omission. The wind contribution to rate of
of the water, and W, the shelf width. Admittedly, the physics gain of momentum per unit surface area in a water column
becomes much more complex when one considers that can be written as
depths are variable and that the surge itself dramatically af-
s = cd a w2, (2)
fects depth. Still, it is easy to see that shelves with a large
shallow-water area will produce larger surges than those where cd is the coefficient of drag, a is the air density, and w
8 8
7 7
30 6 30 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
29 0 29 0
1 1
90 89 90 89
30 4
2 2
1 1
0 0
1 1
94 93 92 91 90 89
wind-structure changes as hurricanes approach landfall. Fur- been mainly a response to previous floods. Consider, for ex-
thermore, they will require better quantification of the ample, southern Louisiana. In response to frequent riverine
physics of airsea momentum transfer, including the effects and less frequent hurricane floods, levee systems there have
of water depth and wave conditions. Missing in todays for- been built higher and longer, often along the banks of exist-
mulations are the effects of wind, wave, and current flows ing rivers and bayous. That is not necessarily a good strategy
through partially or fully submerged vegetation and inte- for hurricane protection, particularly in the protruding Mis-
grated frictional effects of a wetlands complex subgrid-scale sissippi deltalong, continuous, high levees dam the flow,
channels and distributary systems. which results in increased surge levels. Furthermore, long
Rainfall runoff should be considered as an integral part continuous levees stop the natural sedimentation processes
of flooding computations. It has traditionally been neglected necessary to build up the delta and maintain wetlands.
in coastal hurricane flood modeling, but runoff becomes im- Simulations suggest that it is possible to design localized
portant in many contexts, including inland areas, partially ring levee systems that, in coastal areas, more effectively pro-
or fully sheltered embayments, and leveed areas. Models tect against floods and manage sediment. It is our hope that
will have to address the vigorous geomorphic changes as- todays and tomorrows models will be used for a rethinking
sociated with hurricanes, including deepening of channels; of flood protection that rejects the traditional reactionary
degradation and breaching of barrier islands, coastal dunes, short-term approach and looks far into the future.
and levees during the storm; and deposition of sediment
during the floodwater recession. All of those can affect the Both authors were supported in part by the System-Wide Water
details of a flood. Resources Program of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The chief of
Given the existing observation base, we believe that the engineers has granted permission for publication of the contents of this
new generation of surge models can provide valuable infor- article. One of us (Westerink) was also supported in part by NSF,
mation for most US coastal areas. Being more firmly based under grant OCI-0746232.
in the physics of the processes and less linked to local cali-
bration, those models should also provide useful estimates
of surges in a future that is likely to include sea-level rise, 1. United Nations Atlas of the Oceans, Human Settlements on the
Coast, http://www.oceansatlas.org/id/1877.
new flood-protection structures, variation in upland
2. Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineer District, New Orleans,
drainage patterns, and possible loss of wetlands. It is essen- Interim Survey Report, Morgan City, Louisiana and Vicinity, serial no.
tial, however, for surge modelers to further refine the effects 63, US Army Engineer District, New Orleans, LA (November
of the many processes that contribute to storm surge by dis- 1963).
tinctly accounting for each process and by using microscale 3. J. J. Westerink et al., Mon. Weather Rev. 136, 833 (2008).
observation to improve the parameters that estimate sub- 4. M. D. Powell, P. J. Vickery, T. A. Reinhold, Nature 422, 279 (2003).
grid-scale effects. 5. J. Norman, Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS), 12 February 2006, p. A1.
We who model surges want decision makers to have con- 6. J. L. Irish, D. T. Resio, J. J. Ratcliff, J. Phys. Oceanogr. (in press).
7. Corps of Engineers, US Army Engineer District, New Orleans,
fidence in our models and to trust them to provide vital in-
Flood Insurance Study: Southeastern Parishes, LouisianaDraft Inter-
formation. But that will only happen if our predictive tools mediate Submission 2: Offshore Water Levels and Waves (rep. prepared
realistically represent all important surge processes. Accu- for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 6), US
rate simulation methods will help those in charge to avoid Army Engineer District, New Orleans, LA (January 2008).
repeating the historical pattern in which flood protection has 8. A. M. Shaw, Eng. News-Rec. 102, 698 (1929).